How To Make Pastrami At Home

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welcome back to smoke your ribs I'm Russ Jones it was a week ago this morning that I took a 13 pound brisket prime brisket that I got from Matador prime estate company and I removed the deco or the point from this prime brisket I made burnt ends with that if you haven't seen that video please check it out I'll have a link at the end of this video and a card I card so anyway what I've done with the flat immediately after shooting that video is I made a brine and it's been brining for seven days I'm gonna walk you through the whole process we're gonna back up to last week we're gonna get started with it right after this [Music] [Music] first thing we got to do is make a pickling spice and I'm gonna start with two tablespoons of black peppercorns I'm putting these in this skillet because I've got to toast these here in a few minutes now I'm going down with two tablespoons of coriander seed now two tablespoons of mustard seed we take that and we're going to transfer that into a glass bowl into that I'm going down with two tablespoons of juniper berries two tablespoons of allspice berries two tablespoons of red chili flakes two tablespoons whole clove one teaspoon of ground ginger 1 teaspoon of mace I took one cinnamon stick and I bust it up now I'm going to cut it up into small pieces now I've got 20 bay leaves I'm gonna take a pair of scissors and we're just gonna cut this up now this won't take and mix this in a real well as I mentioned earlier this requires 1/4 cup of the pickling spice in its recipe so I'm just going to go ahead and remove 1/4 cups worth and it's looking like 1/4 cup now let me show you what I'm going to do with this pickling spice this is something that you can use on various recipes I'm going to show you a way to keep this nice and fresh alright so what I've done is I've taken a mason jar I took the remainder of this pickling spice no you won't do just lay your lid on here I've got it set to go so let's give it a try so there you go don't put a lid on it gonna store this in a nice cool dry place that's another beauty that I love about this vac master allows you to do things like this now it's time to put this brine together this brine holds two gallons of water so I'm starting with four cups because this is what I'm gonna put all the brine ingredients into we're gonna heat this up so I'm starting with four cups two gallons is thirty two cups so I'm using my first four now all right we already know we need 1/4 cup of the pickling spice going in going in with one and a half cups of kosher salt adding one cup of white sugar going to add in 6 teaspoons of the pink salt or sodium nitrate and before you ask yes you have to have this you want these to be level teaspoons there's one and as you can see I've already got the pot simmering that's just to dissolve your sugars and your salts gonna add in about 1/4 cup of honey it's gonna eyeball this that should be pretty close now 1/2 cup dark brown sugar all right turn my heat back up a little everything is dissolved all my sugars all my salt so I'm gonna go ahead and kill the power on this the only ingredient I lack is about 10 cloves of garlic I'm gonna go ahead and add that it's still putting hot and I'm just gonna let this cool down naturally I've added 28 cups of water 4 cups went into the brine such a total of 32 cups which equals 2 gallons of water so I'm going in with my bran give it a good stir all right we're nice and cool we're going in with the brisket we're gonna walk this down to make sure it stays underwater just like so gonna place our lid on it that is it this is going outside in the garage I have a full-size refrigerator out there we're going to place it in the refrigerator we're gonna let it hang out for about seven days we'll see in seven days let's take a look seven days later and so what we got here oh that brown smells really good there we go now from this bucket we're going straight into just pot this is just fresh water we're just gonna let that hang out for about an hour hour and a half that is going to leach out any excess salt actually this is corned beef at this stage you could take this and boil it you can do your cabbage your potatoes and you would have a st. Patrick's Day mill but we're going to take it to the next level getting ready to make a rub for this it's gonna come out like sitting about an hour and a half after it has time to leach the salt out we're going to dry it off we're gonna put mustard we're gonna put black pepper and coriander and from there it's going through the smoker I removed the brisket flat from the water that it was soaking in soap for roughly hour and a half like I said it would I took paper towels and blotted this as dry as I could it's still very wet this thing has been soaking in a brine for seven days so I'm sure it's through and through so I've got some yellow mustard here and we're going to have to have a bonder on this so therefore yellow mustard is my favorite binder and the reason why you need a binder normally you know you can take a rub and put on meat and the salt will make it sweat make it hair keep in mind there is no salt in this rub all the salt is already in the meat actually all the flavors already in the meat all the all the stuff you see me add is through and through in this meat a brine is kind of a funny thing weird thing it's got all the salt which actually pulls the moisture out of the brisket and then it resorbs it and with it it takes all the flavor of that Brian now we're going to apply this black pepper and coriander coarsely ground and so you know I've got 1/4 cup black pepper 1/4 cup coriander seed so we're just going to press this in I'm gonna flip it over and do the exact same thing now if you'll notice I didn't show this on video but after the first day I got to think I'm like you know I really need to put some crosshatch marks throughout this fat right here so that's what I did I pulled it out and I just scored the fat you can see it here they just helped that Brian get into the meat that much better [Music] [Applause] all right we got our brisket in place we'll put another thermometer to monitor the internal temperature just like that all right we are good to go in case you're wondering I am burning cherry wood for smoke I've been going a little over four hours almost four and a half hours and earlier I took and flipped a brisket to the fat side cap up just to get some color on that and I'm at 155 degrees internal temp I've got the color I want got plenty of smoke so we're gonna go ahead and open this Quemado up I've got two layers of foil here I'm going to remove this and we're going to lay it in this foil we're going to close our motto back up so like most pits anytime you open this lid you want to take care of business quick otherwise you're gonna raise the temperature in it so I'm just going to take and I'll you want to do this very tightly if you have a loose fall packet then you're going to create a lot of steam this is going to affect that crust that we've developed so get this just as tight as you can all right I'm going back on a pit and we're gonna wrap this thing up to around 300 degrees to where we can expedite this cook and have it done and a lot shorter time we're going to place it right here I've got my meat probe we're gonna go about Center and I'm looking for somewhere around 200 degrees normally you know I would start probing around 200 so between 195 and 200 I'll start probing till then we're just gonna let it rock I am running 203 degrees internal temp I just had this open so it's dropped off I've been running around 300 degrees it's tough to set in one bit climbing back up what I'm gonna do now is go ahead and take and probe this meat I probed is it 195 and at 200 and now it's showing about 204 so let's just probe and see what we're probing like that's probing pretty good I'm running a 208 on this thermometer it's 206 2:07 alright this is ready to come off I'm gonna pull this cable here I'm going to remove this we're gonna take it inside we're just gonna let it rest and hang out for 30-40 minutes been resting this pressed Rami for around 45 minutes and I'm only taking them on pull back the foil I kind of opened it a little bit just to let some that heat out you want the moisture to redistribute back into the meat and it really can't do that until it cools down something that's still hot it's still hot on the bottom especially now I'm going to remove this off to the side because I want to retain this juice and I'm gonna take I'm gonna grab this pastrami and lay it right there all right some our grain is running this way kind of diagonal and I'm gonna mmm just took a little piece oh that's good we're just gonna slice this really thin oh oh god that's good so the object is to get this really thin that's somewhere on the eighth of an inch and what I'm probably gonna do is once I get enough for everyone to eat tonight I'm gonna chill this down and I will probably finish it in my meat slicer and get it even thinner for like deli slices you know like Delhi Delhi thin but this is looking beautiful look at that wall-to-wall pink and for all of you that don't know about pastrami it's supposed to be paint that don't mean it's raw believe me this is 210 degrees it's anything but raw so hey I'm stoked of the results of this that is absolutely fantastic I had that one little tidbit we're gonna go a little bit New York tradition here we're gonna do a rye and pressed Romney sandwich out of this and like I said I'm gonna chill the rest of this and tomorrow I will put it on my meat slicer and get some real good thin deli type slices I really could have done that now I figured this brisket was just gonna fall apart on me I try to run to a slicer but I actually could right now but that's what I'm gonna do it's gonna slice it up and we'll store this in the refrigerator for however long it lasts now to reheat this what I would suggest is take a pot with it boiling you know water in it and get the water boiling take your steamer basket that fits your pot and just restate it to reheat it that's what I'll be doing with the leftovers unless you want cold pastrami all right so like I said we're going kind of traditional New York I'm using some spicy brown mustard gonna ply this to some raw bread this is a Jewish rye bread taking a layer that all nice now we're just going to apply the pastrami I think that's gonna be enough don't put our cap on it alright so there we go there's a lot of things you can do with this sandwich other than just their traditional mustard pastrami and Robert you could toast the bread you could melt Swiss cheese on top of this or any cheese of your liking you could do a new numerous things with it actually but like I said I'm gonna keep it more traditional I'm gonna take and we're going to cut this just take a look at that so I'm gonna take this half right here look at that man a beautiful color that is that salt cured pastrami look turned out fantastic mm-hmm very happy with the way that turned out god it's my first time ever doing this post romney but i guarantee you it will not be my last I'm thinking about getting our around and doing like you know where you can slice it in a deli slices and have more of the round look and from what I've gathered from doing a little research on this the navel section of the cow which is the belly section is what they originally made pastrami with but brisket works great but I'll be trying different things as I go along I hope you enjoyed this video until next time smoke your ribs
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 174,934
Rating: 4.9313798 out of 5
Keywords: how to make pastrami at home, homemade pastrami recipe, brisket pastrami recipe, pastrami brine recipe, smoked pastrami, making pastrami, from scratch pastrami, corned beef, smoked corned beef brisket, pastrami sandwich, smoked brisket pastrami, pastrami brine, smoked pastrami recipe, pastrami brisket, how to make pastrami from scratch, pastrami recipe smoker, pastrami recipe from corned beef, corned beef recipe, beef, brisket, brine, pastrami at home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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