Kyle Explains WingsOfRedemption Trolls

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anything else you know you'd think oh the wings redemption news i forgot wait what oh are you familiar with liquor no but it sounds like a cool video game what's wings of redemption oh it does sound like a cool video game doesn't it see that's what he should have done forever ago he should have hated him what is what terrible new story you guys have lined up now so this will this will be hard to like get make you may not see you won't see why this is funny because you don't know the guy and know his incredibly long history and i just can't i just don't have the time to go into it and i'm sure the audience would hate it if i did he's he's a guy he's a guy that we know you can read about him there he's overweight he raises it he rages at video games um he he's kind of a silly person he says outrageous things but he's not because he's trying to be funny but because he's he's just a little little weird outrageous world view yeah okay real odd duck well anyway he gets trapped he looks like he looks like a his head is mr potato head's body he looks like the yellow m m yeah he does if you spray painted his head yellow yeah you're absolutely right all right so for for for those who really know the guy he gets trolled a lot on uh on his twitch streams and there are youtube channels that have sprouted up that upload the clips of him raging at video games and saying outrageous things and getting picked on and stuff and it's kind of shitty what they do to him because they people will join his video game with him and kill him even if they're on his team and worse than that and this really is shitty i'm not being like tongue-in-cheek like ho ho-ho like it really is shitty that people do this they will watch his stream and they will message the people he's playing with and they will offer them twenty dollars to kill him in the game what people are putting out real life bounties they don't get the money though they don't get the money fake bounties and and what they'll also do is they'll they'll tell the people to say things that are like triggers for him they'll tell the people that he's a pedophile which is absolutely untrue and again not tongue-in-cheek not a pedophile that's that's just silliness he i mean he plays video games with underage girls but but what grown man doesn't right yeah look it's 2018. yeah he's all-inclusive that's that would be bigoted not to exactly there you go hashtag me too and so hashtag time's up and so what what happened recently that one of the channels is sean ranklin that's the name of this guy's channel who uploads videos he's the best at it currently and uh so shout out to sean ranklin became kind of a meme because everybody's messaging his his teammates in the game to say shout out to sean ranklin because that's wrong and they seem clueless like they don't follow wings they're just playing the game and they'll be like why are people telling me to say shout out sean ranklin and he's like don't say that you know and it's a thing well oh my god well this week poor guy well this week in denver colorado at the pepsi because he's sitting in the center row holding up a sign that says shout out to sean ranklin and it's on live it's on [ __ ] national television and so it's just what is it wrestlemania or something like i don't know my wrestling thing like something like that i don't know either i don't i don't [ __ ] some wrestling thing yeah [ __ ] holding a shout out to sean ranklin sign and he's just like wearing like sunglasses and he's just like yeah i'm like rocking the sign and there's like clip after clip of it it's it's so ridiculous now it has been memed into reality this this whole thing it's absurd though i haven't seen his reaction to that if he or if he's going to give one or not but if you go to sean ranklin's channel and watch like the two-minute video not us but you know listeners yeah you'll get a real chuckle out of it because it's like a montage of people saying shout out shout out to sean ranklin uh and and then it's like is getting between like 50 and 150 000 views of video which is amazing because wings gets between like five and ten thousand views of video so this guy is you know ten times as big as wings it would seem and all he does is upload wings content yeah wings content pulls like mr medicare i'm not sure if you're familiar with him yeah i yep i know who that is did he do a thing on you well i was on a show with him once and he pulled up like a bunch of pictures of trans people and he was like look at these people they look hilarious their existence is is a joke that should be uh mocked i'm like what the hell show am i on is that this one if you know that showing that i'm feeling well what show am i on i'm going up like i put aside my thursday for this well uh well medicare he's been on our show he's a very funny guy and he made a video called wings of redemption like one of his like uh his you know documentary style videos and yeah it it has set over 700 000 views yeah just just on it's like a wings documentary i think it's probably his biggest video in recent memory but it like wings is a pull he's an interesting dude and kind of phrases it interestingly he's like wings is way bigger than his sub count or his video views would imply you know like he's part of the youtube ecosystem it's just unfortunately he doesn't really benefit from it he's he's just like there's a community of channels up there i like uploading wings highlights there there's like medic are getting 700 000 views and there's wings like oh thank you for the 1.50 uh during my livestream yeah it's just fourth the biggest video ever it's it's like there's being famous and then unfortunately there's being infamous and it sounds like wings might be infamous yeah correct or incorrect yeah he definitely is definitely infamous oh my goodness he's an og on this scene everybody knows who he is yeah is he gonna be an overnight success again at some point is he just like could black ops drop suddenly he like he said he's gonna play it what he's not even gonna play it was he like a professional back black ops player nah he was a no he's a pub stomper are you familiar with that term ah pubg guy no no so kyle do you want to go you look like you yeah all right so pups i don't know what a pup stuff is but i want to learn the deal is like seven years ago the hottest thing on youtube it seemed especially in the gaming community was call of duty commentary you uploaded video of you play in the game you talked over it explained either how you were doing so well or maybe you added some comedy and talked about something completely different wings was one of the very first to do that in the world and it was a very small group of people but a very big viewing audience so he he excelled at it he did fairly well at it and then a time came where thousands of people suddenly had all the equipment required to do it as the price of it dropped and the popularity of that scene grew and he slowly you know died died off and he also had a few like public outbursts where you know he called woody a [ __ ] and and and you know he he lost 1v1 to a he lost a 1v1 to a really famous guy and uh you know they tried to bribe that guy uh to lose to him in the rematch and then that guy was like hahaha i'm just gonna upload screenshots of you trying to bribe me to twitter and you know wow you know stuff like that happened yeah he's an interesting an interesting character you should watch the medicare video he he really is a fascinating human being i've been saying for years that he should have his own reality show and i mean it he's better than most of the reality that exists because he would dominate tlc as interesting as he is his family is equally interesting his grandma his brother his sister his mother they're all fascinating characters who are all odd ducks in their own right each of them i can tell you a whole story on whether it's cocaine abuse or or drug dealing grandmas with wallets full of cash or like fighting [ __ ] being raised in the backyard or you know these are all true things this guy sounds he's amazing this guy sounds [ __ ] crazy did you see him i mean yeah did you see his live stream guys where it was during hurricane florence and he showed his grandmother yeah yeah dude so she was like sleeping and she was scared and she was going in and out of it his affection for his grandmother is so wholesome and real that it's heartwarming to me their relationship is perfect like he he really cares about her and i like that about him am i the only one who sees it this way i guess so i i just when i see wings interact with her i i see a grandson who thinks his grandmother hung the moon and and i think that's pretty cool yeah i saw him wake her up and she looked like a i saw she was like asleep in a chair and he just like walks in the room and puts a [ __ ] camera in her face and she's like ah she looked like a [ __ ] mummy coming out of it i don't think i had a relationship like a playful relationship with my grandparents like that it's more cold you don't you don't tickle your grandparents like and have playful fun relationships with them what i did my tickling his grandma you guys don't you guys don't pin your grandparents down and tickle them oh i'm the weirdo i'm the weird one i guess it's a christmas tradition like wow you don't do that girl taylor i am so tired are you doing that you stop it you say merry christmas and i don't do like friendly tickling i do the kind where you keep your fingers rigid so it's a little painful yeah you've got your your knees on either bicep so she can't move oh my god gets in on it you tickle them and you go haha you better be right grandpa you're next that's what they drive you guys are going to tell me that you don't tickle each other's grandparents mine are all dead i tickle your your dead grandparents i'd rather they die before i tickle them so there oh not as much fun and the strange one i guess yeah i can't i'm trying to picture what it would look like if you genuinely went up and started tickling like your grandma or something like like what like what would they what could they possibly do in response like like it would be so uncomfortable i don't know i'll think about that tonight when i'm trying to go to bed yeah just the rest of the people in the room like socially berating you like taylor that's really inappropriate what do you know they'd like to they'd have to like laugh along for a second to try and relieve the uncomfortability but then you like wrestle them to the ground and they complain about oh my arthritis lost another disk
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 22,021
Rating: 4.8937197 out of 5
Keywords: PKA, painkiller already, pka wings, pka wingsoredemption, pka podcast wingsoredemption, wingsofredemption, wings, pka asterios, pka highlights, pka podcast, pka clips, SEAN RANKLIN, pka sean ranklin, pka wingsofredemption, wingsofredemption trolls, gulagkingpin, lummox a hired hoodlum, Pka asterios
Id: QzSd7AEWp6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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