The Boogie2988 And Frank Hassle Beef

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so dick i know you have probably because you seem to be more up on this than than we are the frank hassel and boogie thing oh man are you guys talking about the little a little bit on pka can you lay out the background maybe you'll do maybe you know about really well uh but real quick the pka highlights guy the second that story went out there put up a clip titled fps russia gives gun advice to boogie298 because of all the times you'd recommended and that guy's his eyes on the ball shout out to that guy and the clip channels but yeah fill us in dick we only kind of know the top layer i'm trying to find the message i sent to boogie the night before i said do not pull a gun on frank don't don't kill him i said oh yeah here's what i said don't kill him you'll go to jail but do whatever you want honestly people do that was the last bit of advice he said um oh god where is it he's oh yeah he said that he may be a comedian but i promise you if he shows up he won't be one anymore fact this [ __ ] ends today and i said what are you gonna do kill him lol i like that you've got your finger in all these pies somehow just do that see now you're gonna have to be called to testify if this goes any further you've got way too much evidence on that phone master star [Laughter] all right so so he knew he was coming the night before lay out the sequence of events here well here's i mean do you guys know who frank hassell is first like how what's your familiarity with frank castle it's between zero and uh he does like the go up to people in public style content with like the gopros and the ask and uncomfortable like that kind of stuff he hassles people yeah that's what he likes to do uh he's been he was he was arguing with boogie like saying that he was gonna [ __ ] hypnotize him uh he calls himself dr don wario the [ __ ] hypnotist and he was gonna hypnotize boogie into being his like [ __ ] sex slave um these are both large like fat bearded men so nothing about nothing about either of them yeah nothing lends itself to [ __ ] hypnosis but for some some reason boogie decided to pretend that this was a real threat and he like he went on the kill stream and and he went on the kill stream and like debated frank uh debated with frank for for an hour uh then he went on keemstar's show and possibly have to debate about i don't know i don't know like one of them thinks it's a joke and the other one thinks it's harassment i saw it and it's been a little while in my memory but it it was kind of along the lines of frank castle's like these are the reasons i don't like you and i remember right boogie was like that's valid that's not even true that's not a good reason type thing that's that's the yeah yeah and then um and then frank posted a picture frank was uh frank was going through arkansas to see a friend of his uh and he posted a picture where boogie the town that boogie lives in of a snake saying i'm i'm here you [ __ ] or something like that uh and boogie took this uh as i don't know as you might do i personally wouldn't take it like this because he's a comedian who hassles people he decided that that means frank drove three states over just to show up at his house and [ __ ] hypnotize him uh he he went on keemstar and ranted at frank for like a half hour telling him that you you did come to my property you [ __ ] you're never gonna do it and if you do i'll put you in a body bag like really over the top ultimate warrior kind of uh 80s wrestling it's hilarious he goes like during the interview he starts doing like an effeminate voice and daring frank to come to his house and knock on the door like in a uh like calling him a you know um uh calling him a [ __ ] if he doesn't so what do you know frank comes over to his house knocks on the door uh boogie comes out brandishing his friend's gun asking if it's locked and loaded and ready to shoot seemingly having no not even a basic understanding of how a firearm works exactly uh he comes out tells frank to [ __ ] off uh tells him that he's going to kill him um tells him to tell him it ends right now that he doesn't want to do this he doesn't want to have to put a bullet in him i mean kyle you're like you're well versed in guns and defense it just seems like there's no possible way anybody who's afraid for their life is walking outside like john wayne aiming a uh 44 aiming a pistol at somebody who's completely unarmed and recording it who you've invited do you've dared to come to your house i think so uh i wouldn't like that either i'd probably do pretty much the exact same thing if i were allowed to have guns well you would you get on a stream and dare him to come over oh absolutely not i'd get on a stream no the police would be waiting for him if he came you know yeah but my first option wouldn't be to walk outside with a gun certainly that's the last option yeah i also don't like the idea of somebody trespassing on my property being affirmative [ __ ] when they've been told not to come because they're absolutely but i think the first thing would be the police and the second thing will probably be something less lethal but then at some point like he needs to get shot i don't know here's the idea of somebody trespassing on my property and being a piece of [ __ ] yeah here's where it gets fun boogie decides instead of shooting frank hassell he's going to shoot his gun at 30 at the optimum alabama instead yes there's a church in the distance and a middle school i believe that boogie decides to uh shoot a uh 44 magnum round at as you know the most distance and the most lethality possible um which i don't know i don't think anyone i don't think some kid riding his tricycle around around the neighborhood if some kid died they would have reported on that like quick and they would have known but like something else that like when i was watching it like if that guy frank was gonna be scared it seemed like there wasn't any reason for him to be scared of being shot anymore once uh boogie said like that in 30 seconds i'm gonna give you a warning shot and it was like oh boogie why would you say that i don't know [ __ ] about using a gun in that situation i've never been in that situation but i certainly wouldn't don't think and kyle could you know give us more information kyle is it ever good to announce you're gonna fire a warning shot and then fire no no no like i know how to shoot a gun i don't know how to handle a a a [ __ ] scenario like this this is outrageous this is everything about something you have you get to be the expert on everything about it okay i'll make it i'll make it up as i go along then yeah um i don't know that warning shots are a good idea to begin with you know like i mean if i'm in a saloon and there's not a town that way taylor you didn't have to take a course on this and pass a test to get your concealed carry license uh we we did but it didn't cover warning shots and stuff yes like i know that's a bad idea you're not supposed to did it cover [ __ ] hypnotizing was that part of your training don't swallow the gun do not taste the gun legally there's no such thing as a warning shot that's just a missed shot and uh the move to make would have been to call the police and if he tries to enter the home right banging too harshly on the door you know like if you thought he was breaking down the door or breaking a window he could have opened fire what he did open the door go out front and warning shot that's sketchy legal ground i think boogie's going to get in low trouble and what they do say in every one of those gun classes is if you're ever in a situation like this shoot to kill don't be that guy who thinks you're gonna john wayne just whip him in the forearm real quick and ah neutralize the target like he's gonna wing it center mass and just do it like get it done he's gonna shoot the super chats out of his stream did they just like story time in your concealed carry course taylor there was a great one in mind it was more uh ours was like military guys who were like moonlighting doing some other job ours was a sheriff and uh he's telling this story this had happened in his county and like while he was a sheriff and uh this guy had taken his wife hostage and put a gun next to her head and he's telling his hurt the husband like hand over his wallet or something like this so the guy pulls out his little um uh 380 like acp and he's gonna plink this guy in the forehead right so he lines it up shoots it's his own wife you turn the shoulder it did diffuse the situation that is so funny yeah played it off he was like you see what i did to her i love her you don't get out of here right now yeah oh the ultimate like go schizo and be like and if dinner's ever late again it's like and i'll get to you in a minute sir like i just apparently she teases him about it every opportunity she gets she's always you know like it would you make coffee you know you did shoot me like you owe me and and she used it all the time that's there's no coming back from that you didn't shoot me i guess i will take other trash right exactly the boogie thing what's the next step in this like i'm sure that they're doing a little investigation on the the whole situation and the the gun firing do you know anything dude probably nothing like who cares about two fat idiots acting like morons together that i don't think that i think that d.a has bigger problems than some what i love the most about is that boogie chose to wore a free tomb raider shirt on what the day on the day that he was going to murder somebody my favorite part was when frank castle's outside the house calling boogie fat get out of here you fat piece of [ __ ] have you not met you why are you throwing that insult around but that guy like in the footage of like boogie's ring doorknob or whatever it was showing frank's doing like that totally off-kilter crazy person st like moving back and forth going you gonna kill me kill me kill what a [ __ ] maniac what a [ __ ] maniac he is a maniac boogie is the good guy in this situation boogie is the good guy let's not forget like like this thing is very funny um it's funny to make fun of both of them however in reality bookie's the good guy boogie's the guy at his home probably minding his own business god knows what he's doing in there if we're being honest but but you know i show up at someone's house that's a [ __ ] shot at school boogie shot into the air at a school the school part you made up right you're not going to i did see a photo of this and who knows if it was some meme or made up but it was like here's where the shot was fired from here's the direction of where it was fired and then there is a school zone but if anything it's like it's gonna go i think it was actually the church that he shot at look but he lives in arkansas there are schools and churches every [ __ ] where yeah where aren't there schools and churches all right you can't fire a gun without hitting someone at a school or a church and it was a black church we're being now told like come on authorities will now be looking into this much more seriously yeah he's the good guy he's a bad shot okay we'll give you that but bad shot good guy well i was talking like like just as far as you know he didn't handle the gun thing well but the the actual act of being i like that he has a gun because like i watched a little bit you mentioned that clip that guy uploaded of me giving boogie gun advice and it was going back like maybe three years or something four years even and uh and at the time he'd only shot a 22 pistol and he was like yeah i liked that but then i shot a nine millimeter you know one of those man killers and that that scared me and now i see him on video with a [ __ ] 44 revolver and i'm just like he grew up that knew he would single tear oh oh it's beautiful it's got the it's got the magnum out i uh i like that video a lot i've watched a bunch of times i've seen so many edits of it where like he fires the shot and then you know like a plane goes down or something like that i've seen the the image edited so that he's like benny from that scene i don't know if anybody knows this from fallout new vegas where benny's pointing the gun at your head and he's got the two goons on either side but now it's boogie in the center pointing the gun at you it's it's it's great for that stuff and it is funny to have a good time about but sticking with woody here boogie's a good guy here yeah he's the homeowner minding his own business at his residence he's being harassed at his house at the end of the day yeah oh you guys don't think the taunting has anything to do with why he got harassed at the end of the day the keemstar interview i think it's irrelevant i think that you should be able to taunt someone as much as you want and they shouldn't literally trespass on your property and come to your home i think that's that that's crossing a whole other line i mean i don't know somebody tells me to come knock and i'm a [ __ ] if i don't come knock i might go knock on their door like this is an entertainment business yeah oh yeah he said come knock come knock you [ __ ] come knock you can't drive four miles to come knock come visit me friend or you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] it was like 10 minutes of that can we pause on this i so i think boogie knew he had a gun at this point i know you mentioned it was his friend's gun but something about a gun can almost make you feel like well i can win every fight now right i've got this magic laser pistol i can't be beaten come at me you don't know i have a secret weapon it it's not the way you want to win a fight but i suspect that was in the back of his mind i all right i didn't know he said all that all right i'm gonna i'm gonna take at least one half step back from my original stance now because if you spend and you and you're saying a long time like 10 20 minutes repeatedly telling someone come at me bro come to my [ __ ] [ __ ] knock on the door [ __ ] yeah you might not be surprised when they do in fact come and literally knock on your door that may be true but even when i was listening to it like it seemed more of him like panicked like animal in a corner responding where it was like oh you come at me i'll go crazy like i'll corner me and see what happens like yeah it didn't seem like he genuinely what one of my favorite boogie moments and look i i neither like boogie nor dislike boogie um you know he's somewhere in the middle for me i don't know him in real life i've never had any interaction with him outside the show but i'll never forget when he was on the show and i wish i could quote him exactly because i don't like misquoting oh no i know i think he was talking about some kind of incident he had with a guy at a gas station and he was like i just i just got mad and he just looked at me and he saw how mad i was and he was scared he backed away because i'll just go crazy on you i'll just go crazy on you and he knew and i just i remember like me and woody exchanging this knowing look like did i i remember how mad or crazy that man ever gets um it's not going to matter fighting is an athletic endeavor right dick is a fighter like even current boogie is not going to be a great fighter you know and he's more athletic than he was two years ago that's a generous statement i remember after that episode with the gas station story right after it ended and it was all of us coming up with the titles you were like before we named the show can we talk about that gas station story what was that about like there's no way he was scaring people at a gas station like it just yeah i i and it it implied a great like i started making inferences about it in general like wow how far away from the truth is his sense of self right if he thinks he's mean mugging people at gas stations getting him to back down what else does he think about himself is he smarter than einstein he's already tougher than we all john jones well currently shut up you your anti-semitic ways i won't stand for it oh is that what i did no that's what taylor did going after einstein clearly an anti-semite i've been caught by my own petard yeah i i i don't know something about that one like something like how how unaware how let's how much can a man lack self-awareness if he thinks he's threatening at five yes and even if you do ever think those thoughts to say it in front of other people on a podcast maybe keep that maybe in the back of your head if you if you ever thought like kind of a badass kind of a man's man high tea kind of individual you wouldn't be like and i'm gonna go tell a whole bunch of people that i feel that way but maybe keep that one yourself maybe like i wish i hadn't thought of it a little i wish i thought of it at the time so i could be like dude that reminds me of a story that happened to me today actually i was at a gas station and two guys were giving me [ __ ] they were huge they were boogie how tall are you twice that big both of them enormous they take one look at me they go my god that guy's got his dick hanging out of his shorts what's he gonna do with it like just all your stories should be variants of the uh college game day parking story there were delivering justice there were six freshmen reserving a parking spot and i swept them aside swept them aside i threw one from the from the fifth floor i grabbed his feet and swung him and used him as a weapon amongst the others yeah have any of you guys wait let me make sure yeah but i i feel differently about the thing now knowing that boogie challenged this man to come to his house because i need to hear it i i i'm basing this on nothing dick are you telling the story straight and true down the middle in five minutes and we'll see who ends up on top is it possible frank castle was provoking boogie and boogie was kind of trying not to be a total puss on the call saying come at me like like um this has happened to me before what happened to boogie a a guy just being an [ __ ] has come to my house and a guy who i think is has schizophrenia has come to my house i handled them both by saying do not come to my house like do not come to my house do not come to my house uh i answered both with a loaded gun open the door shut the door because as far as i'm concerned like you can go knock on somebody's door and that's like that's legal in america uh i would never have handled it the way boogie does which is screaming like the ultimate warrior it was a mix of it was a mix of this [ __ ] ends or i will end it don't come to my house and you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] if you don't come to my house and get your reckoning because i will kill you it was like straight up premeditated murder on book it was like it was like the episode of the simpsons when homer tricks flanders into coming over so he can kill him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like wiggum and homer have that whole conversation wow they're in your house she can of course you can shoot them yeah they flanders i mean bringing the flanders over [Laughter] it doesn't work if y'all invite a man homer like ah get out of here flanders yeah that is different and like your text conversation with boogie i'm just thinking like why would you write that like don't you know that's going to end up being like some sort of evidence if you do shoot this youtuber what did you write again what did what did we write to you i'll see i'd love to hear like word for word because it was hilarious bring him on i'll read it with him it's it's preposterous like the first of all let's imagine a scenario where in fact boogie blew frank castle away all right and we're we're talking about the death of frank hassell right now yeah and and boogie's upcoming trial and the fact that dick here has been called as both a material and a character witness for both sides of the defense and the prosecution and his phone is exhibit a well twitter can't lock this account then um he's yeah he's got a castle doctrine says after he made a threat once he's on my property i literally cannot break any laws i mean i don't know if like [ __ ] rape is a threat but i really don't want to hurt him or anyone i so i really hope it doesn't come to that but i won't risk my roommate or dog getting hurt that's just not a thing that's allowed to happen i said this entire thing is [ __ ] [ __ ] he's a comedian who's making jokes uh open the door with a gun if you want um driving to someone's town and showing up at the front door isn't a joke man sorry i don't see it that way i said well don't kill him you'll go to jail it's not illegal what he's doing yeah you're the real good guy here and i did just i i knew there was a quote of what i think boogie said on keemstar's call and it and the guy frank hassell put it in his little like meme video and it says with the with the picture being boogie holding the gun the overlay is boogie's quote i'm going to [ __ ] kill you and take pleasure doing it and then he puts in quotes under that this quote is going to be really relevant later in court so i guess i'm going to [ __ ] kill you and take pleasure doing it isn't the ideal foray dude oh my god that would be the funniest defense claiming that he was under frank's hypnotic rule as he fired that this serious psychic was threatening me with mental control and when he arrived there was a force pulling me to the door i willed with every ounce of my being to roll back but i couldn't i had to come through can i just say that threatening someone with [ __ ] hypno might be the funniest thing i've ever heard in my life that is honestly [ __ ] hilarious and honestly the name dr don wario that's it's pretty [ __ ] funny it's what started all this because i watched a little bit of the clip on his channel where he's just like accosting some old man at a grocery store being like i'm dr don wario you haven't been taking your pills and the guy's like get away from me stop bothering me and the employees are coming up and he's like don't listen to this man he's crazy he hasn't taken his prescribed pills my name is dr pon wario and he's supposed to be transitioning into a woman sir take your pills take your state mandated like just yelling at him
Channel: undefined
Views: 93,284
Rating: 4.8489985 out of 5
Keywords: pka, boogie frank hassle, frank hassle, boogie2988, painkiller already, boogie2988 gun
Id: s1a2kzE-Twg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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