Kung Pow: Enter the Fist - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by stamps.com why go to the store to get stamps when you can have them printed right at home for your convenience also brought to you by Robin Hood get the most for your retirement hey folks we're starting YouTube memberships if you want access to emojis polls behind the- scenes videos and other perks check out and see if you want to become a member or perks coming [Music] soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic guy remember so you don't have to so let me get this straight we like this now released in 2002 kungpow is the brainchild of Steve O K who I have to admit I have a strange introduction with as a teen I watched a strange movie called high strung where he just rans for an hour and a half and then Jim Cary as the Grim Reaper kills him because he's sick of his ranting it was very odd and I'm not sure if it qualifies as a good movie but this guy's always stayed with me since then I'm not going to lie whenever his name pops up whether it's in something I like or something I don't like I always got to perk up because whatever impression he makes he does stay with you I guess the same can be said for others as he's written and even started many things have gotten a decent following some very popular some very Niche and then some like kungpow which is in a category all its own for years this movie was seen by many as the lamest of the lame like you know how She-Hulk twerking or modok smiling is like the image of bad MCU material well for the longest time this dude fighting this cow was the image of bad satire material it had everything everyone hated about parody movies at the time bad CGI a goofy animal starzing The Matrix so like a lot lot of folks I stayed away from it h as far as I can tell it doesn't even have a Blu-ray release but somewhere along the line it got a crazy following like critics ripped this movie apart but most audiences came around to really enjoying it enough so that people won't stop bothering me about it for a long time I've been asked to give my thoughts on this flick and I never really had much interest because of all the original bad press it got but over 20 years later I have to ask is there something the majority of critics and viewers Miss back then well I'm finally going to sit down and see from myself this better be worth it is kungpow enter the fist the film opens by emitting a lot of the footage was taken from another flick as long as I live in a world where space Mutiny footage is all theirs I have no complaints who 1976 had some clear film quality now obviously this is some of the new footage as a family is being attacked by those vibrators the men in black ears as well as an evil martial artist yes sure wait for a kung fu movie the fights are pretty rushed the parents are killed and it looks like the baby is up next Master pain what do we do open the mouth all right so I'm playing the evil dog from upcard the dialogue doesn't have to be funny as long as the voice makes me laugh and I know it's childish but that voice makes me laugh all if he's dancing in a suit later I'm declaring this film a wash the baby puppet is pretty funny to watch almost making me overlook [Music] this you know that joke is coming yet it's still disappointing and they try Burning Down The House with the baby inside because he's too powerful it of course doesn't work as the baby escapes and in effect so bad they literally play it twice I think to show off how bad it is and a lady discovers him on the side of the road so cute bye-bye am I actually going to like this movie I know it's just the pre-edit sequence but I don't know I got some good laughs out of that the child had become a man cut years later as the baby has grown up into the chosen one played by Steve oerk traveling from town to town taking out baddies the fights are a little hit this I'm not even trying as when they tried to do more the Naked Gun UHF style I don't usually get that big a laugh but whenever they do something that kind of legit looks like a cheap effect out of a martial arts movie that gets me really good but those other jokes can work sometimes too also who would have thought the guy who create Jimmy Neutron would be kind of ripped okay look I'm liking this movie so far I'm not surprised critics didn't this has that similar renin stimmy Vibe where it relies a lot on The Surreal silly and unexpected which is a hard style to make universally funny because everyone's going to have different expectations and tolerance for certain jokes with that said I'm kind of having a ball with [Music] this like I know that's not universally funny but that's part of what makes it personally funny you know there's a smaller group of people that would laugh at something so stupid yet also imaginative so if you do chuckle you feel more of a connection to it because you know not everyone has the same taste as you as if it's taking a risk on a joke not as many people would like but man the ones that do they're going to love the hell out of it and never forget it there's a ton of jokes in The Simpsons I laugh at and acknowledge are better put together but I kind of forget them right after I see them I am never going to forget this goddamn thing I need gopher Chucks after using gopher Chucks and taking out everybody's eyes he literally busts a vein too much and we cut to the footage from the movie mentioned earlier I guess it's a good sign when I'm thinking to myself I was actually liking this okay even before the other film footage this is an old joke but using it with actual footage from a martial arts film does make it a little funnier hey who's he I don't know still better than most ADR in a lot of big budget movies today let me cram in a bunch of plot Exposition we forgot to put in two scenes earlier we he visits his master who says he's the chosen one mainly because he has a face on his tongue and I don't know it must me he's the chosen one I don't like him very much I must apologize for wimp low he is an idiot we have purposely trained him wrong as a joke sometimes the audio matching the video is so poorly done that's part of what's so funny like all that has to be done here is he has to grunt as he gets out of bed but we get [Music] this okay I'll ask it does this get bad at some point well they're not all winners his student Ling is assigned to assist him on his mission to defeat Master pain and she randomly flashes him hilarious also he talks about one of the students receiving the Fist of Fury you will now receive the Fist of Fury prepare the long rubber glove you can't just throw out a joke like that you need training from a true Master to figure out how that joke Works a student named wimp blo is jealous of the chosen one being the chosen one and hates that Ling might be attracted to him the chosen one is here to help us I like him I'm a Man Too you know I go peee standing up my voice hints strongly that I do too I like too whether it's intentional or not that the film not only Embraces bad 7s effects but it also Embraces bad early 2000s effects knock knock who's there your butt that's about to be kicked he looks like a chib jaab video though mine is two points for having Shadow on that text everybody knows it should be white and blurry like Madonna Master pain The Chosen One disguises himself that is to say this is the disguise for the white guy in the movie and approaches Master pain and I got to say nothing makes me want to see the original film this is taking footage from More Than This scene they call it the Kendall discipline well okay Miss joke opportunity he should have sounded like but did you feel funny voice in this movie would be out of place I love too that the young version of Master pain looks absolutely nothing like the older version of this guy but if oder can get by in the James Bond treat I think that's part of the joke speaking of the jokes what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord my ass what he went there the chosen one sees if he has the same abilities as Master pain which of course doesn't work and it's pretty easy to predict but I do like this one reaction like he was too embarrassed to say it actually hurts but he did think about it for a [Music] second you look like you have the line too bad you will die coming up I am W or maybe something else is coming up congrats to the one guy whose very specific fantasy has finally come true thank you to defeat Master pain refer to me by the name Betty oh sorry Betty what am I watching wo says he still has a lot to learn in the meadow you will find Betty's great protector Moon U avoid the meadow it's also where Disney partakes and practice Mufasa okay let me know if this is the best sponsorship of all time Taco Bell Taco Bell product placement with Taco Bell injury or is this did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement you can still have an IRA Robin Hood has the only IRA that gives you a 3% boost on 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stamps.com Nostalgia for a special offer that includes a 4-we free trial plus free postage and a free digital scale no long-term commitments or contracts just go to stamps.com Nostalgia ladies and gentlemen cabbage hey folks I'll be playing Final Fantasy 7 every Friday on Twitch I've never played a Final Fantasy game before so I'm excited to see what they're like hope to see you there the Taco Bell one was better Betty approaches The Chosen one's MTH Master while playing MC [Music] Hammer this even by cringe humor that's pretty weak but he's too sick to fight so he just lets him go I must fight you when I am stronger and when our song Choices are even more obvious perhaps Carl Douglas he finds Betty's protector in the meadow is of course the cow and okay let's see if this is funnier than in the [Music] trailer it's still pretty stupid there is an idea in here like maybe he's looking for a bit of time for the person in the meadow and it turns out to be the cow but just launching right into it doesn't give it much buildup and the joke goes on way too long I guess you could argue that's kind of the point but there just aren't that many laughs here the only thing that does get a chuckle out of me is when the cow legit moves like a real person doing Kung Fu just with a cow's body the more real and human it moves the more it makes me think about this thing taking years to learn the discipline of martial arts which does make me kind of laugh but I'm sorry the Matrix effects the silly Expressions on his face and the lame CGI just make it feel drawn out and boring I guess it serves as the main visual of the movie the same way the tap dancing did for Young Frankenstein but this feels less like an homage to Brooks and more like an homage to meet the Spartans it's just not my thing he defeats or I guess deflates the cow and he meets up with Master Betty revealing that he was the child he tried to kill off years ago you mustn't who are you Ling's father okay I know I gave that cow scene that no doubt took a lot of time to film a ton of flak and I'm laughing at but I'm sorry if you can't see the layers of Comedy to that neither can I but it made me laugh and that's enough they both get their asses kicked by Betty and they escape only to discover Ling's father is also the chosen once Master's Master yeah that wasn't hardart to say like I mentioned before not every joke's a winner no no please I have a wound there oh come on don't spoil everything the father ends up dying and in one of my favorite moments they can't think of what else to have Ling say so they literally just have her Quack and now he's dead except for his hair and nails dead sometimes I am embarrassed to like this movie they end up doing it I think I don't really know and wow I kind of called it with the practice muasa joke didn't I Simba I am musu FASA still looks more convincing than the cow earlier I am not Simba you must not be troubled Jo Simba one they do some l Kings joke that honestly have been done several times by this point this is CNN this is CNN but I'll admit just it appearing at all in this film without any buildup whatsoever and with just such bad effects is enough to get me to Snicker at it for me this is the cow scene done right or well enough there's also a charm to the fact that they create their own bad editing effects on purpose I am a great magician your clothes are red wow H I should try that Betty attacks The Chosen one's Master again it's time to Baby Got Back that just makes the first time he did even Lamer and Betty defeats him along with wiml can't play this scene without this music he's captured by a net that looks like plastic six-pack rings but he gets out of it by reversing the footage I I really like in sync my favorite member is Harpo I will write their next hit maybe okay you got like 25 minutes left movie don't botch the ending Betty also got Ling and his little dog too in fact they do so many death scenes it repeats so much of the footage that he goes around in a circle and it ends up bringing him back to life okay you're getting funny Again movie you scare me there for a minute he trains hard to get his revenge on Betty who is meeting up with the evil Council what you is that the temple thank you evil counil okay even for this movie that was a little weird robot Jim mat or whatever that was tells him where the chosen one is and it looks like he's out getting nuts I'll take a pound of nuts that's a lot of nuts ah Fred Armon returns in his finest role he goes to fight Betty as they use the song Joke again damn no seriously why do you think this is your turn it off an Onan joke but when he takes off one of his triangle symbols it summons the evil counil the evil Council are aliens okay it tracks and I didn't see it [Music] coming oh also they're French because it'd be weird if they weren't French let he uses his tongue to defeat the aliens because again it'd be weird if he did do that and he ends up stopping Betty as well thank you squirrel friend your soft cushy body helped absorb the force of his blow hell with the cow that should have been the symbol of the movie I would have seen a film with that on the poster Ling randomly flashes him again and we get a preview for the next [Music] adventure and that was kungpow and I don't know if I hit my head coming in this morning but I thought this was pretty damn funny again I can't pretend like I don't understand its negative reviews these jokes are very second grade and honestly I think there's maybe a third of them that don't work at all but that's still 2third of the jokes that do work and not only do they work but they're really surreal and imaginative combined with that same type of humor college kids have when they well redub a martial arts movie h L I feel like this film just came out at the wrong time I think it would have been right at home with the YouTube generation or even late 2000s internet there's a sporadic immaturity to it that's either going to make you laugh or it's not and I would understand either but if you've ever gotten a little high muted a kung fu movie and provide the dialogue with your friends then this movie is for you if you've never done that then I'm sorry that's just not living and it's sad that you wasted your life thank God the rest of us though have this ridiculous and very very funny wonderful waste of time I'm a Nostalgia Critic I remember so you don't have to that's a lot of nuts this month for cameos for charity we're doing the center for victims of torture I've done this charity a couple times and there's a reason I literally cannot think of anything worse we've used the word torture as a way to emphasize things we don't like to go through but these are people that have literally gone through the worst things you can imagine this Center heals victims of torture through Personal Care worldwide strengthens Partners who heal torture survivors and advocate for the protection and care of torture survivors heavy stuff I know but you can help out if you want a cameo of me saying happy birthday or good luck or whatever click on the link below and be giving to a good cause if you're like nah you suck consider checking out this charity anyway they're wonderful people doing wonderful work and you can play a big part in helping with the [Music] healing
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 241,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, kung pow, kung pow enter the fist, doug walker, nostalgia critic kung pow enter the fist, kung pow enter the fist movie, enter the fist, kung pow movie, kung pow movie review, kung pow enter the fist movie review, kung pow! enter the fist, kung pow enter the fist reaction, kung pow enter the fist funny scenes, first time watching, first time watching kung pow enter the fist, movie reaction, movie reviews, kung pow enter the fist cow
Id: 8BKoibpETa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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