KSN warning of the Greensburg tornado

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um we'll go ahead and let everybody go to that local break and welcome back to the ksn weather lab as we continue our weather coverage here this evening a very dangerous situation unfolding in southwest Kansas for one of our counties we have a number of thunderstorms in west central Kansas the most serious of these is in the southwest part of the state and here we have a situation where we have a large tornado confirmed just to the south southwest of Greensburg again this is a large tornado that is on the ground and remaining on the ground right in this area right here high-resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar pinpointing that and it's moving to the north at about a little under 20 miles an hour so that's going to be moving up again along and just west of highway 183 continuing to move toward Greensburg so we urge you in the Kiowa County south of Greensburg and Greensburg itself we urge you to move to shelter this is an extremely dangerous situation stay with ksn we'll continue to keep you informed mics are dead you want severe thunderstorm warning Edwards Ford Hodgman huh can you reasonably new golf balls on those Steve I want to go back on Garden City and Great Bend after this Garden City in Great Bend yeah me too okay I'm switching our monitors to Great Bend okay one 804 kiowa re trans is that yet ooh watch my gosh right here yeah this is gonna hit them if they're just continue doing it kind of going north-northeast I think I've got a good track on it do you want let me see the let me see the velocities again see it's sloppy that's the problem how about s RVs okay yeah yeah just leave that just like that you can follow me with the pencil tool yeah just draw one arrow draw an arrow inbound and an arrow outbound severe for Northwestern Alice and trigo expires 9:30 no just one straight arrow right mouse no right mouse okay just one arrow ant one arrow like that okay right go ahead okay we are on Great Bend on our all of our monitors and we are back as we continue our coverage on our KS n Central and southwestern stations KS NC and Great Bend and KS n G and Garden City along with our live streaming on KSN comm we're going to continue to stay with you now for a few minutes because we have an extremely dangerous situation taking shape in part of our KS and viewing area here you can see we have a patchwork of severe thunderstorm warnings on this line of storms that extends from Nebraska down into the southern part of Kansas but by far and away the most serious situation is this bottom end storm where we have a large and dangerous tornado on the ground confirmed by National Weather Service spotters and by our high-resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar and as you look at this image it is quite a picture you can see here's Greensburg now and if you count off the city county lines with me of course these are County sections so one mile so there's one two three four five six seven this tornado is only seven miles southwest of Greensburg right now that's the leading edge of the place where that tornado could be at this moment so seven miles away and it is moving north northeast toward the town of Greensburg at this moment so again if we just take a look at this you can see we've got our warm air rushing into the tornado there you can see the wrapping around of the cold air by the circulation and that creates that hook echo that you see right there just west of highway 183 again about seven miles south of Greensburg so if we put a track on this most likely location for the tornado and we take it north at about 220 miles an hour we're now just knocking on the door of Greensburg in the next 20 minutes or so so again this is a very dangerous situation with a confirmed large tornado on the ground confirmed by the National Weather Service spotters and also by our high-resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar it is a very pronounced signature and it is about seven miles south of Greensburg and it is moving straight to the north so this is a serious situation now we have an updated image from our ksn high-resolution x-ray at Doppler radars again if we take the most likely location for this now and we move it to the north at about 20 miles an hour this will give us an updated arrival time again Greensburg is just really flirting with you at about 20 miles out 20 minutes distance I should say seven miles and in fact even closer than that if we go from Greensburg there's a one two three four five six about six miles south of Greensburg now we have a large tornado moving to the north-northeast directly toward Greensburg so I cannot emphasize enough at this point it is extremely important for everyone in the Greensburg area to move to shelter anywhere from Greensburg on south now let's take a little bit different view of this with our another version of our ksn neighborhood storm caster this is something that we would not normally put on television this is what we look at behind the scenes to help to diagnose these storms here's Greensburg right here and what we're looking at now is the Doppler part of Doppler radar looking at the winds so in the areas in green cool colors these are winds that are blowing toward the radar NEXRAD at Dodge City the pink colors the warm colors are blowing away from the radar and so there you see how we can pinpoint the circulation inside that storm even if it's wrapped in rain and even if it's at night time so we have an extremely pronounced signature here I just have to tell you I haven't seen one like this on a high resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar in a long time in fact the last time I saw one of these it looked this pronounced you have to go all the way back to May 3rd of 1999 and that of course was the Haysville tornado so again this is a very serious situation and if we look in this area where these two colors come together and then we count back north one two three four five six the most likely location for this large and powerful tornado now is about six miles to the south of Greensburg moving back to the north so back to our neighborhood storm caster here with the rain echoes this thing in fact may in fact be completely wrapped up in rain completely obscured by rain and so those of you in Greensburg don't expect to be able to look out the window and see this thing coming in fact what you'll likely get is increasing amounts of rain then some very large hail I wouldn't be surprised to see golf ball or larger maybe even up to tennis ball-sized hail with this thing and then right after that in all likelihood we have this large powerful tornado wrapped up coming right up Highway 183 now the tornado warning for Kiowa County has been extended Andrew was that until 10 o'clock till 10 o'clock tonight and again that is about six miles south of Greensburg moving to the north projected arrival time would be in about 15 minutes or so now from where we are right now again a large dangerous tornado confirmed on the ground at Greensburg and that's why we're staying with you here to make sure that everybody gets the word and has plenty of notice as I mentioned this is in fact part of a larger scenario here this evening let's go ahead and back out a little bit across Southwest Kansas you can see we have strong thunderstorms just going by a West of Great Bend we have strong thunderstorms just to the east and northeast of Dodge City then we have this strongest cell down here on the bottom and as I mentioned a couple of minutes ago if we even back up a little bit further you can see we have a patchwork of severe thunderstorm warnings that goes all the way back up to the kansas-nebraska line but without question the one that is the strongest the reason we're staying with you here on KSN and ksn calm is this very dangerous situation a large contain Juris tornado confirmed on the ground again very near the the city of Greensburg so we have a large population of friends and neighbors here that need to have all the latest information and be apprised of this danger approaching their town I hope that you will bear with us as we continue to track this storm for those who are in the path of it again this is a very large and dangerous tornado reported on the ground near Greensburg so it is right now looks like it is about five miles to the south of Greensburg still kind of going north northeast at about 20 miles an hour so right now we would project an arrival time of 953 so that would give you about two 19 minutes to get into your shelters what we will hope now is that this thing might just slip off just to the east of Greensburg but as I track it with the a speed and direction that it has been showing Greensburg still falls within that danger and again as we look at it from the point of view of the Doppler rotation we'll go back to our other version of the ksn neighborhood storm caster there's the center of circulation Green yeah just look at that in motion the greens are toward the radar the Reds are away from the radar and as you watch that and project it it is very near Greensburg it would be maybe a mile east of the center of Greensburg at the absolute most so those of you who are in Greensburg this is an extremely dangerous situation again a large dangerous tornado on the ground that we really urge you to go ahead and move to shelter and stay there for the next couple of minutes so we're going to go ahead and stay with you here on KSN for the next few minutes to make sure that everybody has all the warning that they need here across Kansas as we look at our central and Southwest Kansas right now we're down to two warnings at the current time make that three we have Kiowa County the tornado warning until 10:00 Barton County a severe thunderstorm warning until 10:15 and jool and Smith of course jewel not in the ksn viewing area but Smith and rooks all of those counties under severe thunderstorm warnings until 10:00 o'clock so Smith and rooks County severe thunderstorm warnings until 10:00 o'clock tonight so back to the major storm at hand here this evening and that's this one down here at the bottom of our screen with a large and dangerous tornado reported now confirmed on the ground near Greensburg and getting ready to just move right up into Greensburg and I will emphasize again that it is in all likelihood completely obscured by rain here and that makes it extremely difficult for anybody to see it and anticipate it as it is coming toward you so will again urge you in the Greensburg area to go ahead and remain in shelter for the next couple of minutes I'm going to go ahead and take a look at our again our other version of the neighborhood storm caster again here is the Greens indicating winds blowing toward the radar Dodge City the Pink's very strong winds outbound so that is the circulation right there and it remains about five miles to the south of Greensburg our ksn neighborhood storm caster with the rain echoes now we put the place the center of circulation right in this area right here with a north northeasterly track at about 20 miles an hour again that gives us an arrival time here in the next 15 to 20 minutes now friends we are coming up here in just a moment on a time when all of the ksn network will be joining us as we continue our coverage so let's step back out here and give everybody a wide view as they get ready to join us here this evening as we continue our coverage of these powerful thunderstorms which as we see stretch all the way from Nebraska down into southwest Kansas and now we welcome all of the rest of the ksn Network as we continue coverage of this very dangerous weather situation that has evolved tonight across west central Kansas we have been talking for some time here with our friends in southwest Kansas because we have a very dangerous situation a large dangerous tornado reported on the ground confirmed by National Weather Service spotters here at the bottom of your picture in Kiowa County it is very near Greensburg of course a fairly large town and again a large dangerous tornado confirmed on the ground and it has been on the ground for some time circulation in all likelihood about right there moving about north-northeast at 20 so the arrival time for Greensburg is 9 57 so that's why we have been staying with some of our friends and neighbors in central and Southwest Kansas for extended coverage here's because we want to give absolutely every possible warning we can for this situation because it is described as a large and dangerous tornado by the National Weather Service confirmed on the ground and heading right for a very good-sized town a pretty town of Greensburg again new image now just in from the National Weather Service high-resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar is the most likely location for this tornado now just a couple of miles to the south of Greensburg again we project an arrival time now of 948 so this is updated information looks like it is perhaps so rocked a little bit further to the north also bear in mind that as I do this I'm going to try to give you as much lead time as I can with the way that I'm looking at it let's go to another version of our neighborhood storm caster this is the wind part the Doppler part of high resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar greens winds blowing toward the radar in Dodge City pinks away so the center of circulation is right there and you can look and just count that's one two three four miles to the south of Greensburg so now if we go back here and we take a look at where we've tracted one two three four we're just about right on the money an arrival time of 948 so you got about eight or nine minutes Greensburg this is going to be an extremely close call and we urge you to go ahead and move to shelter and stay there if you are not already we'll continue to keep you updated I do want to give you a quick look at the other thunderstorms that we're talking about across the area here this evening a patchwork of severe thunderstorm warnings in the north-central and central parts of the state I'm going to just to tell you quickly that those are all capable of quarter to perhaps golf ball-sized tail along with 60 mile an hour winds so if you're in the in any of these areas that's what you can expect here this evening without question the most serious of these continues to be this bunch down on the bottom end of the picture you can see we have some over northeast of Dodge City some northwest of Great Bend but the friends again without any question at all this one that is south of Greensburg remains our chief concern at this time because it is so close to Greensburg and again we urge everyone there to be in their shelters over this next couple of minutes if you are also in other parts of the state and wondering how this will stack up for the rest of the night let me quickly tell you that we do have tornado watches in effect for much of the ksn viewing area and that includes North West Kansas Southwest Nebraska and northwest Oklahoma all of those watches are in effect until 2 o'clock this morning so it's going to be a long night and we'll continue to keep you updated as needed for those of you directly affected by that storm we're going to continue our coverage on Great Bend and garden city stations and ksn comm live streaming and for those of you who are staying with us here this evening we will continue our coverage here as we go back to our ksn neighborhood storm caster in the storm that is very near to Greensburg again if you are not in your shelter Greensburg you need to be there right now potential circulation Center is just about two to three miles to the south of Greensburg continuing to move to the north arrival time on this projection again I'm trying to be a conservative here to give you as much lead time as possible would be 951 so eight to nine minutes at its current course and speed would bring that storm right up overtop of Greensburg and again this is a situation where the National Weather Service has confirmed a large tornado on the ground so we really urge you to move to shelter you have a few minutes to get there it's nine forty two right now so we're projecting arrival time of somewhere between seven and ten minutes for you there in the Greensburg area let's go ahead and step back just a bit and show the rest of this area this cluster of thunderstorms this is the most serious those of you who are getting storms from Dodge City up to Great Bend these storms are hail producers a quarter-sized to perhaps golf ball sized hail possible with all of those storms and we're not seeing any sort of circulation know sort of tornado threat with these but this guy down here near Greensburg that's a whole different story and that's why we are emphasizing this storm here for the next few minutes because it is so close to bringing a major tornado into a town let's go ahead and switch back to our other version of our ksn neighborhood storm caster again green is toward the radar winds blowing toward the radar on our Doppler display the pinks away from the radar so this represents the center of circulation it is now as you can see moving so that it would be just east of Greensburg if in fact that's where it is on the ground there is some tilt involved with thunderstorms so we will always allow a little extra elbow room there but that's one two three miles to the south of Greensburg let's go to ksn meteorologist Andrew Kozak okay it looks like now a tornado emergency has been issued for Greensburg now they are tracking that large extremely dangerous tornado located about five miles just to the south of Greensburg Dave you were tracking that and showing us just now on there that is moving north at about 20 miles per hour so you really need to get in the center of your house or your storm shelters immediately again this is an emergency situation for Greensburg issued by the National Weather Service in Dodge City you know those are words that our friends at the National Weather Service office in Dodge City do not use lightly and they don't use them very often and that really points to the gravity of this situation so again a tornado emergency now has been declared for Greensburg and as you look at this friends there is the knotch where the air is rushing into that storm and here it wraps around so even though it's probably really wrapped in very heavy rain and very difficult to see we can as meteorologists still analyze this and see we are still seeing all of the warning signs most likely location is now since that statement was issued is even closer I would plague it about right there and with that north northeasterly movement at about 20 miles an hour the arrival time at Greensburg remains pretty consistent at 9:52 so you've got about 8 minutes to go ahead and finish your tornado precautions now here's what I want you to do maybe we have some kids that are home alone tonight with mom and dad enjoying dinner out or something like that want to be moving to your tornado shelter so here's what I want you to do I want you to turn the volume up on your TV so that you can still hear me I want you to go ahead and turn the volume up on the computer speakers if you are tracking our storms here live streaming on KSN comm leave the volume up so that you can hear us talking with you as we go through these next few minutes you want to move down to the basement and you want to go to the center of the basement that's underneath something sturdy like a workbench a work table or maybe the stairs down to the basement if they're in the center of the room center of the basement lowest level away from Windows if your house does not have a basement then you want to go ahead and move to a small room in the center of the house on the lowest level with no windows so that's again a small room center of the house lowest level no windows in most houses that's going to be a bathroom or a closet and you should go ahead and get into that room grab a blanket or a pillow or a mattress and pull it up over top of you now is the time Greensburg to take your tornado precautions you need to be in your shelters your arrival time is imminent the storm is knocking on your door a confirmed large dangerous tornado the National Weather Service a tornado emergency now in effect for Greensburg in Kiowa County and again I hope that those of you who are not affected will send a good thought your neighbors way here in Greensburg over these next couple of minutes as this very dangerous situation unfolds this is a large dangerous tornado confirmed on the ground near Greensburg moving directly toward the town let's go back to our wind apart the Doppler part of our neighborhood storm caster and here again you can see that circulation the green colors winds blowing toward the radar pink colors away center of circulation right here you count it off it's one to three miles to the south of Greensburg and the track continues to be kind of straight to the north so if you're in that Greensburg area we urge you to again move to shelter and get in your shelter and stay there a tornado emergency has been declared by the National Weather Service with Greensburg under the Gunn of a large and dangerous tornado so as this continues to unfold it looks like now we have an updated picture from our ksn high-resolution NEXRAD Doppler radar boy I sure hate to tell you this friends but it looks like that thing is right on top of Greensburg so your time is up you need to be in your shelter right now it is 947 and the arrival time at the very latest will be 950 so you should be in your shelter right now again you should be in your shelter in Greensburg large dangerous tornado confirmed by the National Weather Service the National Weather Service calling a tornado emergency for Greensburg in central Kiowa County and again we're staying with you because this is obviously a large large area large populated town right in the gun right under the gun here right in the middle of a tornado emergency with a confirmed tornado on the ground and headed your way let's go ahead and switch to our neighborhood storm caster again Andrew if you could update our wind arrows here because you can see the circulation again has shifted further to the north in fact let's go ahead and update our view Andrew and move Greensburg down into the center of the picture just a little bit this is a tornado emergency and those are words that the National Weather Service does not use very often this is a dangerous situation with a large confirmed dangerous tornado on the ground here's the green with the arrow the wind's blowing toward the radar Dodge City radar over here the reds the pinks indicating the winds blowing away so the center of circulation is now just about a mile south of Greensburg and that of course doesn't take into account the tilt that goes with thunderstorms so it's very possible that this thing is on top of Greensburg let's hope that it's a near miss but at this point it sure looks like it's going to be a very very close call for the city of Greensburg those of you who are just north of Greensburg now north of the highway this is now going to be your turn as we go through these next couple of minutes we are going to see that storm continuing to go to the north past the highway and it is imperative that you that are north the highway take shelter as well because it is again a situation where this storm will continue past the Greensburg area and into the northern parts of Kiowa County just to the north of Greensburg and Haviland so if you are just joining us we certainly hope that all of you who are not affected by the storm will understand how important it is to get folks in Greensburg moving into shelter there's the air rushing in to the storm the rare wrapping around behind with the circulation you can see that circulation is right smack dab over Greensburg and again we hope that anyone who is in Greensburg will go ahead and move to shelter immediately as this is an extraordinarily dangerous situation a tornado emergency in fact that's called by the National Weather Service I want to just take a moment and tell ksn master control that as we do get into the next opportunity to talk to all of the ksn Network just let us know here in the weather lab and we will welcome all of our other viewers back to us as we continue our coverage master control says in about five to seven minutes we're going to go ahead and be able to talk to everybody across the state but certainly our KS n C and K s ng stations we will continue to remain with you here for the next couple of minutes I'm going to go ahead and move review a little bit as it looks like we are now getting to the place where this tornado is just about to pass by Greensburg and continue on into the rural areas to the north of Greensburg when that happens when we get it passed the city will probably go ahead and take a quick breather regroup gather fresh information but I just want to stay with you until we are for sure that the threat has passed this area Kiowa County you remain under a tornado warning until 10 o'clock a tornado warning in effect until 10:00 so that's another 10 and here we have another tornado warning that is being issued so right now this potential tornado reported confirmed large dangerous tornado earlier now is right on top of Greensburg let's go back to meteorologist Andrew Kozak for the latest Andrew okay Dave now we were starting to get some reports out of that area looks like five miles south-southwest of Greensburg a wedge tornado as we were showing you as indicated by our Doppler radar wedge tornado with a satellite tornado and a rope tornado so this is not just a one tornado thunderstorm here tornado becoming rain-wrapped which is becoming a very dangerous situation and we've been talking about that let me stop you for just a minute Andrew what was the time on that report at that time was about 10 to 12 minutes ago so that is going to continue to move in that direction that's right so that that is a again a confirmation of that situation remaining very very dangerous and now we're going to expand that warning north of Kiowa County that's right south eastern Edwards County in south-central Kansas and northeastern Kiowa County a tornado warning for them until 10:30 tonight again we are tracking a confirmed large extremely dangerous tornado two miles south of Greensburg so actually Dave this latest report is putting that tornado now two miles to the south of Greensburg moving northeast at about 30 miles per hour so it is picking up speed again if you are in the Greensburg area and you're listening to this please get to your storm shelters and Center your houses or basements immediately as this is a dangerous dangerous situation and Andrew what was the timestamp on that one on that one that was exactly two minutes ago 9:50 ok so again that still indicates that this tornado was directly south of Greensburg and getting ready to pass right over top of the city so we hope that those of you who are in Greensburg will remain in your shelters a tornado emerge agency declared by the National Weather Service because of a large confirmed tornado and now as Andrew just reported there may in fact be multiple tornadoes smaller ones that are rotating around the outside of the large ones passing by very dangerous situation to say the least our ksn neighborhood storm caster in the Doppler mode again indicating a very dangerous situation because we have the circulation passing by just to the I mean just to the east of Greensburg the greens indicate winds blowing toward the radar the reds indicating the winds away from the radar so this is still a very turbulent area in the atmosphere still very much a possibility that we have a large tornado completely wrapped up and obscured by rain here this evening moving across central Kiowa County through Greensburg and we're going to stay with you for just a couple of more minutes and make sure that we get all of our friends and neighbors in Greensburg taken care of here this evening because of this very dangerous situation then as we turn our attention to the north we are seeing that the tornado warning now has been expanded into parts of Kiowa and Edwards County so we're anticipating the National Weather Service is anticipating that that storm will continue to move to the Northeast but for right now again we have a tornado emergency in effect for our friends in Greensburg because of this large dangerous tornado confirmed by the National Weather Service spotters and getting ready to move right across the city is moving across the city right now so again if you are in Greensburg police remain in shelter for a few more minutes make sure that the danger has passed before you come out those of you who are in the rural areas to the north and east of Greensburg we urge you to remain in shelter because this is still an extremely dangerous situation Andrew if you could update the warning times for Kiowa and Edwards that would help again the warning now the tornado warning has been expanded not only in Kiowa but also Edwards counties and that is until 10:45 10:00 4:30 5:30 10:30 thank you Andrew Kozak 10:30 here this evening as you're looking at this friends we still have an Excel indication right there on top of Greensburg of a potential for that tornado to still be happening as it is moving to the north now past the downtown of Greensburg and into northeastern parts of Kiowa County and southern Edwards County still a very dangerous situation the National Weather Service declaring a tornado emergency we're staying with you in hopes that we can do everything we can to get the last few people to move to shelter remember this tornado in all likelihood now is completely wrapped up in rain not visible not a good idea to take the camera and think you can go outside and get some pictures of this this is a situation where that thing might be completely wrapped up in rain and not really visible until it is too late so this storm is still extremely dangerous the National Weather Service is still recommending that everybody remain in shelter with the tornado emergency in effect for Kiowa County here this evening and again the warning now showing that the most likely location for the tornado would be just about on top of Greensburg and moving to the Northeast so those of you in the rural areas northeast of Greensburg north of havilland south of Truesdale now it's time for you to begin making your tornado precautions in this area going to go back to a fairly dramatic picture on the wind the doppler part of our ksn neighborhood storm caster there again green colors our wind's blowing toward the radar red colors away so now it would look like the circulation center has moved almost directly over Greensburg it is right on top of Greensburg right now I surely hope that we're wrong about this I surely hope that it's a close call but it's in the still an open field but it looks like it is an extremely close thing we go back to our neighborhood storm caster most likely location right there on top of Greensburg moving to the Northeast so friends again is a very very rough night as we continue to watch this cluster of thunderstorms moving across southwest Kansas numerous others severe thunderstorm warnings going on just a quick comment about all of those if you're in the path of any of those storms prepare for half dollar to golf ball-sized tails so far not seeing any other signs of rotation this one down here by Greensburg continues to be the one that has the a great tornado threat also might mention that I can notice in Andrew you can check this in our wind display the Doppler display it looks to me like about four miles west of Greensburg we may have a new circulation wrapping up there so that's something that those of you who are west of Greensburg that's a pretty suspicious little notch there and I would urge you right in that area right there so if you're west of Greensburg in this spot right here watch out looks like we could and I emphasize could because I'm seeing it like you're seeing it here and it does look like we could Andrew says go back to the neighborhood storm caster Andrew go ahead Andrew hang on for just a minute yes we are seeing an additional circulation wrapping up back by joy there in the southwest part of Kansas and we want to take just a moment now and welcome all of our ksn viewers across the state now as we continue our coverage of a tornado emergency in Kiowa County in southwest Kansas we continue to have a tornado reported by the National Weather Service is a large and dangerous tornado moving right across Greensburg in Kiowa County and moving to the Northeast the National Weather Service using extremely strong language calling this a dangerous large tornado and declaring a tornado emergency for Greensburg so we have had many reports of confirmed tornado here we have been on the air in southwest Kansas for quite some time tracking this moment-by-moment also on KSN calm to get everybody aware of this situation in Kiowa County and I just was calling attention here on the backside of this right here right out to the west of the Greensburg area it looks to me like we very well could have another circulation here that might be causing us some difficulty there just to the west of our area and we want to urge everyone there to go ahead and watch out for another circulation to potentially develop on the backside of this storm now we have in one sense accomplished our immediate mission here and that is that we have gotten the center of circulation just past Greensburg so now it's going to be moving into the open country the rural areas just to the north of Greensburg watch this backside it continues to be a concern in fact that that last there update from our ksn high-resolution x-ray at Doppler radar really kind of convinces me even more that we've got another potential circulation just to the west of Greensburg now stay tuned friends we are going to continue our team coverage of the storms here tonight as ksn news rolls on we'll continue tracking the highly dangerous thunderstorms in Kansas tonight coming up from the ksn weather lab okay Jen we got the the critical part is done we've got it past Greensburg although I'll tell you what I think this is another one back here did you see that do you agree I look at that yeah it's developing another one I think so that's another circulation developing back there yep there's a new circulation developing just west of Greensburg over the town of joy once we get past that it's Haviland that's where you just were we were still outbound on the web said anything yep I emailed the forecast to the radio okay obviously well thanks very much a Paul Anita it has been a very very busy and rough night here in the ksn weather lab let's start off on our neighborhood storm caster with a wide view of what's happening here this evening just to give you some idea these are probably false echoes just north of Wichita but all of these thunderstorms across central Kansas believe me are very real we have scattered patchwork of severe thunderstorm warnings from the Nebraska line all the way down to central Kansas fear in the path of any one of those storms be prepared for half-dollar to golf ball-sized hail if you're in the path of this one down on the bottom end be ready for a large dangerous tornado the National Weather Service just a few minutes ago declaring a tornado emergency in Greensburg with the report of a large tornado on the ground and headed directly toward it we believe that circulation has in fact passed overtop of Greensburg and that would be represented by this area right here if you look kind of closely you can see a notch right there look back here as I told you just a couple of minutes ago it looks like we could have a new circulation developing on the backside of this storm so I'm going to give us storm tracks for both of these first of all the main circulation now just to the north of Greensburg continues to move north at about 20 miles an hour so that's going to be going over open country north of Greensburg eventually reaching Truesdale havilland the this should pass just to the north and west of you now the second circulation that's developing is back here on the backside of this thing right there and it continues to look like it is not only developing but potentially wrapping back around and getting ready to go through Greensburg again so those of you in Greensburg we urge you to remain in your shelters this is a developing situation with a new circulation on the backside there that is getting ready to come out your way let me go ahead and reorient my view here so you can see that right on top of the storm track times again a new circulation wrapping up on the back side of this looks like it could also come across Greensburg so stay in your shelters in Greensburg arrival time for this in next one 10 11 those of you who are on the front side again remember this circulation still could mean business as well there could still be a large tornado wrapped up in this area north of Greensburg in the rain moving northeast eventually to effect Trousdale coming up there in a couple of minutes so again this is the bottom end of this line of thunderstorms but again anything north of there all the way up to the Nebraska line at that point we're talking about a half-dollar to golf ball-sized tail 60 mile an hour winds on any of those storms here this evening do want to just mention tornado watches remain in effect for much of the ksn viewing area until 2:00 so Paul and Anita we really could be just maybe halfway or less through this really tough stormy night go ahead tinkers update and i said another possible tornado moving toward the booth or area safe right I'm not seeing things am i there's definitely something going on back there any damaged or stolen horse just yet yeah I know okay Jennifer we will of course definitely definitely think we should get on before the end of the segment just to give people a status - and OH - why don't you call the news room ask Tommy that question and and ask him if you
Channel: KSN TV
Views: 132,559
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Keywords: local-news, kansas-news
Id: 9fEh1PWSvfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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