Live ABC 33/40 Tornado Coverage - March 25, 2021

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and we have a new tornado warning that has been issued that includes portions of green and hale counties this is going to last until 12 30 p.m we've got james band in the studio as well and we're going to be watching this circulation here that's located very close to bulgy and it's going to continue moving northeastward right along 11 there and this will be crossing it's really staying just to the south riding parallel to i-20 here and i'm going to pull a storm track on this this is moving northeastward at 45 miles per hour so we're going to pull that storm track there give you an idea of some of the cities included in this tornado warning here utah you are included in this it also includes akron and stewart and here's a list of some of those cities in times when you can expect this center of circulation to arrive in your location so moving towards wedgeworth at 11 57 a.m evansville at 11 59 and eventually akron close to 12 p.m so everybody included in this polygon you need to be getting into your safe place we are looking at a pretty strong indication here of rotation showing up on the radar this is going to be very very close to bulgy okay so i'm gonna zoom down we're working on getting james's mic ready to go and we will have him uh update us here in just a second but i wanted to zoom down and give us a closer look at what's going on here so this rotation right here near bulgy just to the north of high cut very close to uh lizzy vol and moving towards alice in here so as i circle this this is what we're looking at is the differentiation here of these colors so we've got red and greens coming in very close contact which indicate a pretty strong signal of rotation here riding right along bulgy street so if you live in and around bulgy street this rotation is moving very very close to you i'm going to use this marker here to draw the general motion of this thunderstorm here james do we have your mic ready to go at this point yes we do so what i want to do right now is kind of talk about who is in and who is out all right so let's expand out the polygon here just a little bit taylor and we're going to be in weather coverage probably for a long time this could go on for probably through the evening hours so just kind of sit back and we'll take every storm today one at a time this is the concern right here let me kind of get your bearing straight this is utah utah's the county seat of greene county we have a possible tornado pretty much on u.s highway 11. very close to bowleggy a little northeast of bology and it's going to be rolling right down us 11 into uh into utah uh here in greene county so again if you are in utah you're in the polygon let me kind of go through some of the cities in the polygon right now in hale county you've got mountainville havana junction wedgeworth sawyerville if you're in any of these places we call out you need to be in a safe place right now go through your tornado precautions this does not include any part of tuscaloosa county so again a possible tornado is currently down just about five miles southwest of utah moving northeast right toward downtown utah and we have a camera that is live in utah so we can take that live and today we'll be doing some double boxing i know that some of you don't necessarily like that because you want either the radar full screen or this full screen but we we know we know from social side studies that if people can actually see a tornado they will do something they'll react they react better than what we have on radar so again we'll try and get the boxes squared away where maybe uh we can make my box a little bigger so we can see the radar a little better we can flip that so let's go to me full screen what i'd like to do is have me in the bigger box the live video from utah coming in the smaller box but again we've got a camera in utah so we'll be watching this possible tornado coming right up into the core of uh greene county again bology is right here this is your possible tornado about halfway between bulgey and utah so again the clear message here if you're in the community of utah in greene county now is the time to go to a safe place that's a small room lowest floor near the center no windows everybody with a helmet on you cannot be in a car you cannot be in a mobile home the tornado is close enough to interstate 5920 we advise that you do not travel along either interstate 5920 or u.s highway 11 or u.s 43 or alabama 14. all of those major roads intersect in the city of utah the last place you want to be is a car and today we're going to have multiple situations just like this there's going to be a day where we could have some strong violent tornadoes and though everybody needs to be very attentive today and listen very carefully watch these polygons and you respect the polygons if you're in it and if you're not in it that's okay watch the weather carefully so again we've got a live camera that is in utah and this uh possible tornado is coming right up on that particular location right here we have multiple spotters out in the field and what's going to happen once it exits utah it'll be crossing the warrior river which is right here that's the boundary between green and hale counties and from there it's going to cross over into hale county akron is right here havana junction is right here this is alabama highway 14 coming back over towards sawyerville and wedgeworth and again obviously all of this area is in that flashing red polygon this is the only tornado warning in the state so we'll be focusing exclusively on this storm we have a lot of flooding issues in north alabama that happened earlier today that's going to be going on for a while but again the focus we are going to have during our coverage this afternoon and tonight storms that are life-threatening and this is the first one of the day with a possible tornado so again you can see that possible tornado coming right up in the direction of utah here in greene county and if we could put the tracks back on there real quick taylor we're going to you know give you some approximate arrival times and again as you see these etas understand don't take it down to the second we want you to if you're in the polygon you should be sheltered right now so again these are the approximate arrival times you can see utah at 11 49 it's currently 11 43 meaning you've got six minutes but again don't wait do not wait but this will give you an idea when the tornadic circulation should be close to you you want to be sheltered right now and the other approximate arrival times akron and hale county which is right here about noon stewart which is up here near havana junction that would be at 1203 knoxville which is right here more than likely the circulation is going to pass south of knoxville that's on interstate 5920 at 1204. the tornado warning does not include again any part of tuscaloosa county this is exclusively for green and hail counties in the western part of the state this is the first tornado warning of the day for the state we think we'll have multiple warnings and again we have a pds watch we'll show you that just a minute a particularly dangerous situation tornado watch in effect for much of north central and west alabama until 8 o'clock this evening we have the high and we have the moderate risk and again we believe conditions today favor the potential for some violent long-track tornadoes and we want to thank our radio partners in tuscaloosa we'll be on various radio stations when tornadoes are close to the cities in tuscaloosa we're on 92.9 101.7 95.3 the bear the town square media stations town square media company stations in tuscaloosa so again thanks them to for them for airing our coverage today but again uh we've got a tornado coming right up on utah and the the other video that you're seeing next to me that's a live camera that is in utah looking back into this storm and these storms are going to be pretty much rain wrapped today you know there are some days we can show you clear evidence of a tornado but in this case it's going to be tough to do that so you can see we're seeing a lot of gray sky remember if you don't see a tornado in that video in that other box i'm not telling you that it's not there it is there most likely you just can't see it because of the hills the trees and the fact that it's all wrapped in rain any debris taylor i saw you put on the cc there just a second ago kind of hard to pick out anything at this point a little bit noisy uh seeing a little bit of a lowering in the cc but at this point nothing that strongly indicates debris being lofted at this moment okay uh so again we're going to be watching that product this is the debris tracker this is a product with dual polarization radar we can see the differentiation between hydrometeors and something that's coming being lofted like boards and bricks and glass nails tree limbs and things like that right now we're not seeing that but we'll keep a close eye on that so let's go back to the velocity this is the best way of looking at this and again that possible tornadic circulation is basically right up into utah and again we're watching a live camera from utah on the other box in here and again today we'll be doing a lot of double boxing and we're going to show you actual images of these storms we cannot show you every tornado we physically can't do that because we don't have cameras in every spot in the state but we've got a lot of them out today and you'll be seeing that so again we're watching live video coming from utah and a possible tornado about to come right through the heart of town right here again to get your bearings straight this is u.s highway 11 right here u.s 11 runs from tuscaloosa down to sumter county this alabama highway 14. aliceville is up that way greensboro is down this way and of course going south out of utah this is u.s highway 43 that goes down toward demopolis and forklift but again that tornadic circulation very close to the town of utah and greene county moving northeast after passing through utah the circulation is going to cross the black warrior river and cross over into the northern part of hale county and again let's stress that this tornado warning polygon does not include greensboro the county seat of hale county it's alabama 14 right here this is wedgeworth sawyer bill's down here and really sawyerville is not in this polygon wedgeworth is and again that circulation will be affecting places like akron which is right here this is the split right here at havana junction highway 60 goes down to akron and wedgworth highway 69 goes south down to greensboro and that circulation is going to be coming through utah's coming through utah right now and again we're watching that live camera to see what happens at that particular vantage point do we know an exact spot where they're located if one of the producers can tell me in my ear all right and again we've got i've got their location right here james uh they're actually located this is right off of 20 there okay they're at the loves truck stop and uh uh brian white is on our skywatcher chat this is coming from bill castle's camera and uh byron khalil is with him and they are uh in utah and again uh bill it will be safe well that's the next question is he safe bill bill has been at so many spotter training classes i can't tell you how many he knows how to stay safe safety is always the first concern for people out in the field but again this is coming from bill castle's camera in greene county in utah right off interstate 59-20 this is most likely the alabama highway 14 exit which is located right here so again that is your possible tornado right here moving northeast that'll be coming very close to downtown utah again the camera taylor's got it circled which is right here so you can see the circulation is going to be passing south of their location what's going to happen once the circulation moves northeast of utah they'll have a better chance of seeing the back side of this thing at this point it's just all rain they're not going to see much of anything but again once we get the circulation a little northeast of utah the camera crew here should be able to look back into it if there's anything down we can see that and it is crucial that we have the storm spotters and the folks out in the field like this because keep in mind that radar beam is several thousand feet off the ground coming from birmingham the radar beam goes in a straight line the earth curves so the beam is higher and higher so we know there's circulation several thousand feet off the ground is there circulation down at the surface the only way to know that it's trained spotters or eyes or cameras things like that and that's why the training program is so critical the skywarn program the storm spotters we often talk about so again bill castle is located right here the possible tornadic circulation is coming right through the middle of utah right now we do not know at this point if it's down but we have to assume that it's down and that's the reason the weather service has posted the tornado warning so if you're just joining us we have one tornado warning for the entire state and this is it we're not going to have to bounce back and forth between storms we have a possible tornado that is located near the town of utah in greene county this is about 28 miles southwest of tuscaloosa the tornado moving towards the northeast and on the trajectory it's going to stay south of the city of tuscaloosa and mostly in northern hale county this possible tornado will be crossing over the warrior river crossing into hale county and again you've got akron here stewart havana junction moundville is included in this moundville of course was hit by that ef-1 last wednesday we do have a skycam at moundville and again once that gets closer we can't see anything from that camera right now once it gets closer we'll be establishing that and take a look at it as it passes to the south of there but this is going to be a day where these circulations could last a long time and i often tell the younger people that work in this business typically the first storm of the day will talk to you it's going to tell you a story and this is really our first tornadic storm of the day and we'll see how this thing behaves uh but again that circulation is now just a little east of utah it's come through the town of utah within the past five minutes and we're watching very carefully to see if we have any reports and so far taylor i have not seen any damage from this particular tornado as we look at the various reports on social media here and again utah is the population center of hale county and bill and byron once this thing clears they can go down to see if we have any damage but again bill and byron are located at this exit right here again you can see their location here looking back into this that's the camera angle that you're seeing and right now it's rain wrap but once it moves a little farther northeast we'll have a better chance of looking back into this on the back side of this so again tornado warning for northern green this does not include forkland if you're down there in the southern end of the county down toward the green county steam plant you're you're not involved here this will not affect you other storms might later in the day but again this is going to be moving up in this direction this is the hail tuscaloosa county line this is mound bill right here this again this town was hit by an ef-1 last wednesday causing a lot of damage and that tornado ultimately came up into southern tuscaloosa county and we'll see understand if this continues to stay down it could cross over into southern tuscaloosa county and a warning could be required for the southern part of tuscaloosa county this will probably not affect the city of tuscaloosa it will pass south of the city of tuscaloosa but again we'll just see how long the signature stays there let's check the correlation coefficient again this is the product where we might see debris being lofted and again we're seeing it it's it's noisy that is not a well-defined tds or a tornado debris signature we'll watch for the trends here uh but again at this point we have to assume that the tornado is is down and by the way we should mention there are some strong storms in other parts of the state as well but we're noticing now that we're starting to see better visibility on bill's camera back at uh utah on on the interstate and we're going to show the other story i do want to show the other storms in just a second but before we do that again if you're just joining us the important message we have a possible tornado that is now located just east southeast of the town of utah that's moving to the northeast and this might be moving a little to the right of the mean flow here it could be one of these that's turning we'll see it looks like it's taking more of an eastward progression but the general idea is this going to move northeast up into northern hale county and again this is havana junction right here that's the split highway 69 is here going down to greensboro highway 60 here is going down toward wedgworth the town of akron is right here akron isn't the path to this stewart havana junction ultimately mountville could be so if you're in any of these places that we're calling out we want you to be in a safe place a good safe place and hopefully you've worked out your plan i think alabamians did an incredible incredible job of being prepared last wednesday we had no loss of life we had no serious injuries despite the fact we had 25 tornadoes and that level of preparedness needs to be in place today and i think it is but again we don't want anybody driving unless first off given all clear to interstate 5920 up here interstate 5920 in greene county will give you an all clear you can travel on that road it's very clear now that this tornado is going to stay south of there for at least the next 45 minutes now we might have to look at it again maybe closer to birmingham but again for now interstate 5920 travel is okay travel on us 11 and u.s 43 is okay we'll give an all clear again u.s 11 and u.s 43 are co-signed here and then 43 splits off going down toward demopolis but now the tornado is sitting on the river uh it is sitting on the black warrior river there's a tornado down this is going to be a water spout for a few moments as it crosses the river but that circulation is sitting on the black warrior river and in a matter of seconds it's going to be over here into hale county so very shortly we can clear greene county out of this warning and focus on northern hail and of course if the circulation continues then we're going to have to look at southern tuscaloosa county but this is a pretty sparsely populated part of our state if you're watching this from outside the state uh but again it doesn't matter to me i mean if there's one person there we'll go on television every single life is precious whether you live in a city or live out in the country doesn't matter but in terms of getting reports back in through here it's a fairly spot sparsely populated part of the state got some hunting camps on the river down here and again that's going to be coming right up toward akron which is right here and then they'll be crossing highway 60 up toward the havana havana junction probably passing a little to the south of mountville but still you're in the polygon you're in the polygon you respect the polygon you're going to be in a safe place this will be crossing highway 69 again highway 60 is right here akron is located right here pretty close to the river so again this is pretty very close to the town of akron and hale county and again these are some approximate arrival times you're seeing over here on your screen we've got akron at 12 noon it's currently 11 55. it's basically right up on the town of akron and hale county let me just say this as you look at those etas let's give it all clear to greene county so if you're watching us in greene county we're going to get all clear the concern now it's northern hail so we'll take off greene county when the super we've got the grant thank you it's hale county northern hale county for this tornado that seems to be with a very strong rotational signature here still there coming right up on akron stewart havana junction quickly i want to go to a wide view taylor and talk about the other storms we have some severe thunderstorm warnings in effect some of you are getting small hail and strong winds and i just wanted to point that out it's this cluster of storms right here want to focus on very quickly these are this storm is considered severe and by severe the definition is 58 mile per hour winds or greater or one inch hail in diameter or larger and you can see that severe thunderstorm complex now from northeast to birmingham this out here toward fultondale and pinson approaching clay chalkville and argo up into blount county aniana highland lake right here all good is right here that thunderstorm complex is going to be moving out of blunt in saint clair counties and or blunt in jefferson counties into saint clair county places like asheville and oatenville and branchville and within this storm you'll probably have some small hail and strong gusty winds so there's no tornado warning in effect for this storm this is a severe thunderstorm warning and on top of that the rain is tremendous we've had major flooding problems this morning i-65 is closed up in coleman at u.s 278 because of flooding from earlier heavy rains and there could be some flooding very easily from this and let's expand it out really let me show you a big picture while we got the the whole state full screen here these are flash flood warnings up here parts of cullman county marshall jackson and dekalb this is where we've had some major flooding this morning this is the severe thunderstorm complex coming out of the northeast part of birmingham that will be coming over toward anniston and gadsden again no tornado warning here that's a severe thunderstorm warning the reason we are here it's that so let's go back to northern hale county again you can see tuscaloosa in relation to this this is going to be moving about like that and it might clip the southern part of tuscaloosa county but the city of tuscaloosa most likely will not be affected the university of alabama most likely will not be affected by this so let's put the velocity display back on that's a very very tight tornadic circulation it looks like it's down to me so again it's it's urgent that if you're in akron or havana junction or stuart or cypress or even mountainville we want you in a safe place okay and we're going to watch this camera really carefully like a hawk uh in the one thing we're going to ask you to do today is to be part of what we do we want you to be an extension of what we do if you know anybody that lives in any polygon we call out today or tonight we want you to call them text them if it's a friend a family member a relative get in touch with them and tell them to turn on the tv uh you know james spann's got his jacket off you know he's up there in his suspenders and he's got polygons flying you've got to pay attention uh because a lot of people on days like today perhaps they you know they're off work and they just go home and they watch a streaming service they will have no idea this is happening so if you can help us today that would be a great great benefit and you could literally save somebody's life and you can be a hero in this process so if you know anybody in this polygon mountville havana junction stuart akron call them and get in touch with them it's possible tornado again is awfully close to akron and it's moving northeast about like that and again this is the split this is mountville this is highway 69 the football field the high school football stadium hale county high school sits right here the split is here this is highway 69 going south to mountville that's alabama highway 60 going down toward akron and wedgeworth and let's just say that wedgeworth you are okay now earlier you were in the polygon right now you were not the polygons continue to be defined as the storm moves along and let's also stress that you will not have any issues if you're located in greensboro okay or if you are in the southern end of the county down toward galleon this will not affect you at all this is the northern end of hale county only and again wedgeworth at sawyerville you are okay from this storm we'll give you an all clear as this will be passing well to the north of you the concern will be akron stewart hamana junction and again if you're in mountainville you want to be in a safe place taylor what you see on that skycam uh looking on the skycam now we're seeing a kind of just some heavy rain at this point and we're seeing what looks like some some darker clouds off in the distance i'm actually going to try to swing this around the other way and see if we can get a more clear picture from some of these other angles here but at this point heavy rain looks fairly calm the wind doesn't appear to be that strong right now in moundville but we've got a tornadic signature on the way so if you are in mount bull you are included in that polygon and you should be heading to your safe place if you're not already there but you should already be there at this point and just so you'll know this tower is in downtown mountainville and it's a camera that the city of moundville has we thank them for letting us tap into that daniel fowler and his crew down there do a great job and we thank them for access to this camera so let's just kind of leave that on the moundville camera and again obviously we're looking back into this let's put the uh reflectivity back on real quick and i'll kind of show you what we're looking through here so this is your camera and we're looking through all of this to try and see this and obviously that's not going to work but again once this moves northeast we'll get that back view on the back side of this so once it departs that area we'll have a much better view of that to see this should have to be you know down here at the south toward wedgeworth or sawyerville looking back to the north and again this is a fairly sparsely populated part of the state but just understand there's a very strong likelihood there's a tornado down so let's go back to the velocity which i think tells the story maybe better than anything else at this point and again your possible tornadic circulation maybe it's just north of uh akron the old school building in akron is probably about maybe a mile or so north of there but remember i want to point this out like in a case like this when your radar beam is several thousand feet off the ground the storm can be tilted and the tornado down at the ground might not be at the exact location where you see the velocity couplet on radar in fact sometimes the radar beam can be 8 000 feet off the ground and if the storm is tilted that tornado is not going to be in that exact spot but it gives you a pretty good idea still anybody in this polygon you've got to be in your safe place so possible tornadic circulation near mountainville this is the town of stuart again you've got havana junction right here the home of the legendary jb elliott my mentor who was such an important figure in my life he worked for the national weather service in birmingham for 32 years and had me under his wings jb passed away several years ago we miss him greatly but he's from havana junction when jb and i have been down through there so many times over the years but that will keep on moving northeast that will be crossing highway 69 most likely a little north of the junction right here between the junction and moundville but clearly anybody in moundville should be sheltered anybody in havana in stuart in akron you should have been sheltered 30 minutes ago when the warning was issued and again that will keep on moving to the northeast and we're watching the sky cam at mountville this is what you see in the other box and again i just want to address the way we do the video people say why you know you don't see a tornado on the sky cam why do you leave it up well number one we might see something at any time over there number two people just react better the the one thing we've learned over the years what we do is not enough physical science that's my background that's taylor's background we don't know much about human behavior we don't know much about social science but social scientists have worked with us we have to have this interdisciplinary approach with fiscal and social science to help us and they said you you show them they said lightning flash that was pretty wicked on the sky in the camera there but you can show them the storm that it's really there they they do something about it so that's one of the reasons we do that and again we're going to be here probably for a long time this could be a situation where we're going to stay on television maybe for 8 9 10 hours between now and the time it all ends later tonight so just everybody kind of strap in and i i want to also talk with you for just a second if you have a anxiety about this day uh maybe a phobia about what's happening some people do maybe you've experienced a horrible tornado in the past remember even on a big day like this will probably be the odds of your house being hit are really low very low but still you've got to listen to the warnings and you've got to respond if you become in a polygon later today and just go about it we're going to get through this day together just fine last wednesday we had 25 tornadoes no no loss of life no serious injuries and that's our goal for today but again you can help us and if you know anybody in these polygons please let us know we've got a new severe thunderstorm warning for blunt parts of blunt calhoun etowah jefferson sinclair talladega counties let's go back to the other storm very quickly we're focusing on the tornadic storm in west alabama but we should mention we have a cluster of strong storms that could produce strong straight-line winds and large hail so this is your new polygon this does include the city of anniston and again it does include the city of gadsden so this is a cluster of severe storms from near trussville chalkville argo back up towards springville straight mountain all good aniana highland lake and that's going to be coming into saint claire county affecting asheville odinville moving over toward raglan into calhoun county ultimately affecting places like jacksonville sacks weaver and aniston and with this storm complex on the eastern side of the state here you could see hail and strong maybe damaging straight-line winds and that's the concern here so the severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 1 15 for these counties in east alabama for parts of blunt calhoun etowah jefferson saint claire and talladega counties until 115 as this moves on to the east and again this does include aniston and gadsden so you could see strong straight-line winds and hail wanted to be sure you were aware of that let's go back to our hail county storm we're going to stay mostly focused on this one because this is the one storm in the entire state that is producing a tornado or most likely producing a tornado at this point this is a radar indicated tornado and again you can clearly see the notch in the hook in the back of the storm that's passing through northern hale county and again here's the edge the northern edge of the polygon which is pretty close to mountainville but that still shows pretty violent circulation let's go to the correlation coefficient real quick and we'll see if we can see a lowering which would represent debris and really we don't it's noisy down through there so hopefully it's a strong circulation of law but forget the fact that we don't see anything here you still got to be sheltered so back to our velocity that'll tell the best story and again taylor's working the camera in mountville which is right here and we're obviously looking back down into this rain is going to be a problem today you know if you watch some tornado coverage you might see these beautiful shots of you know tornadoes from miles away well that's where there are no hills and no trees they're high based and they're not these lp supercells or hp not the hps like we have but the lp the light precipitation we have the heavy precipitation supercells and it's really tough to see this stuff but still we're going to do our best to get cameras on here today and again bill castle and byron khalil they're going down into utah to check and see if we have any damage down through there hale county ema brian white in our newsroom is reporting no damage or injuries so far they have talked with hale county ema but again the tornado has been going through a fairly sparsely populated part of northwestern hale county but at this moment we have no reports of damage or injuries from this segment of the storm in hale county a couple of other notes we've got again flash flood warnings continue in effect up in parts of north alabama for coleman marshall morgan if you're up in that part of the state in cullman county you know the flooding has been rough interstate 65 is probably still shut down from flooding right at u.s 278 so if you're trying to drive up through there it's going to be a rough ride in fact today i'm not so sure i'd want to drive around a lot a car is the worst possible place to be during a tornado but if you do have to drive today be very weather aware and if your phone goes off if you're driving you hear that loud wear tone that wireless emergency alert tone pull off at the next exit the next gas station convenience store fast food restaurant and take shelter in there because the last place you want to be today is a car or a mobile home so again we've got strong evidence of what could be a tornado that is now east of the warrior river and again it's cleared greene county greene county you have no danger from this storm that tornadic circulation is about crossover highway 69 just north of havana junction just north of there between mountainville and the junction and again the junction i'm talking about is right here that's highway 60 that goes down toward akron this is highway 69 that goes down toward greensboro we can give an all clear to the town of akron if you're in akron you can come out of your tornado safe place the tornado is now north and east of you moving away from you and the weather service will probably have to consider a tornado warning here for southern tuscaloosa county shortly again you can see taylorville right up here englewood maxwell's crossroads the community of hall that's highway 69 going up toward tuscaloosa this is us-82 uh duncanville is located right here uh if you were affected by that mountainville tornado this probably will go south of you by a little bit but just heads up watch this thing really carefully for example if you live on rossa road in southern tuscaloosa county if you had damage last wednesday it's going to be close it might pass a little south of you but it's going to be close and we'll see if the weather service issues a warning for this storm and again just watching some of the reports coming in from the weather service taylor i've not seen any damage have you i have not yet i've been monitoring those different uh chat sites that i have not seen i mean i also am still monitoring the cc here on one of my other devices and i haven't seen a lowering yet but certainly seeing that strengthening right now of that that uh velocity signature right it's very intense i mean it is very intense and nobody should be letting their guard down and i'm afraid we're going to see a lot of these today and i mean a lot and quite frankly this might be the easiest storm of the day for us to work because we have just one on a day like today we'll probably have multiple torn storms like this but again we're watching the moundville sky cam which is looking down into this and all you can see is rain to have a chance of seeing a tornado it's going to be when the tornadic circulation moves up here near the tuscaloosa county line and we can look back to the east into this and ultimately look back from this direction but we're not quite in that position yet but we're going to watch that camera in mountville very carefully again this is a skycam that's on the communications tower in downtown mountainville the city of mountville but that's your couplet right here the couplets only about 15 miles due south of downtown tuscaloosa but again if you're in the city of tuscaloosa this will not affect you at all just to give you some level of comfort the same thing for the university of alabama campus for the parents all over the world that watch this they have kids at the university there's no issue here but again this is the first of many storms coming during the course of the day today and again much of the state much of north central west alabama under a tornado watch until 8 o'clock tonight and this is not your ordinary watch this is a pds watch and that means this is a particularly dangerous situation based on the atmospheric profile today we think we could see a few strong violent tornadoes with a chance that they could stay on the ground for a long time the long track type tornadoes that might be down for 30 40 50 miles or longer and by strong violent tornadoes we're talking ef 345 these upper end tornadoes that can be so destructive but all tornadoes are dangerous understand that but those are the ones we really really have to focus on so we've got evidence of a tornado right now that's crossing highway 69 between the junction here havana junction in downtown mountainville and again we've got intense rain that is falling in mountainville let's pop the reflectivity back on here real quick and i'll show you they are just an extremely extremely heavy rain there could be some small hail falling in mountainville and that's the reason on the skycam over here you're just not going to see that much but again this is the inflow notch and again your possible tornado is right here about to cross over highway 69 mountville here we're looking south in the skycam that's your possible tornado so we'll go back to the velocity and that's always going to give a better view uh goodness i think back on the days we didn't have velocity before doppler processing the old wsr57s and 74s and these old radars how far we have come and now with dual polarization it's amazing the products we have here's your new tornado warning okay this is going to be in effect for southern and eastern tuscaloosa county in northern bibb county so let me tell you who's in and who's out and if you're in the polygon respect the polygon you're going to do something about it you're going to go to a safe place you're going to be off these roads so first off this does not include tuscaloosa let's make that perfectly clear the tornado warning for southern and eastern tuscaloosa county does include duncanville it does include areas up to about taylorville it includes vance it includes coaling it includes the southern part of the town of brookwood it includes lake view in the far eastern part of tuscaloosa county in bibb county brent and centerville are not in the polygon areas to the north are so again this would include us 82 yo line back over toward west blockton you're in the polygon this is highway 5. this is us-82 nobody should be driving now along us-82 from tuscaloosa to brent just stop right now do not be on that road because this tornado and most likely it is is going to be crossing u.s 82 down here near duncanville very close so again nobody traveling along u.s 82 between tuscaloosa and brent and then it's going to be crossing highway 5 maybe up here near the u.s 11 junction in north bib or bibville near woodstock but again woodstock all these towns we're calling out you're in the polygon west blockton you've got to be sheltered now again if you're in brent or centerville technically down here you are not in this okay this is brent this is centerville right here the county seat sits right here this is your tornadic circulation that's going like that tuscaloosa is not in this this is splitting tuscaloosa and brent okay but again us-82 is your major corridor through here and we want no travel this tornado is probably about three miles due south of mountainville and taylor we're going to watch that camera you might even though it's pouring rain you might want to adjust the camera just a little bit see if we can see something on the sky cam again it is just totally pouring rain right here but again you saw that polygon so southern and eastern tuscaloosa county northern bibb county no travel on u.s 82 between tuscaloosa and brent no travel on alabama highway 5 between woodstock and brent okay those are the two major highways in there we don't want anybody in a vehicle and you know it's it's tough taylor goodness you got visibility i mean you can barely see your hand in front of your face if you stick it out there it's raining so hard in mountainville and again the camera is here tornadic circulation is here the tornadic circulation is now east of alabama highway 69 so it's only about maybe two miles south southeast of that camera location once we get that rain cleared out and this in the storm moves more to the northeast we have a better chance of seeing something on the backside of this thing uh but again we're working this one tornadic storm this is the only one in the state there are other storms i understand that but please allow us to focus on this because this is a life-threatening storm the warning for parts of northern bib eastern and southern tuscaloosa counties the tornado warning in effect until 1 15 this afternoon and the weather service will stay with us and so far we have heard of no reports of any damage from this particular thunderstorm mostly i'm seeing a lot of hail coming from the storm over on the eastern side of the state but again us-82 is right here this is duncanville right here this is taylorville right up here and again you can see the edge of the polygon is here and again i stress if you're just joining us tuscaloosa is not involved in this some of the legacy systems sound the alarm state are countywide and if you're in tuscaloosa northport university of alabama if you're hearing some type of alarm this does not include you you don't need to do anything but just watch this carefully this does include everybody south of tuscaloosa down u.s 82 down from taylorville down through duncanville into northern bibb county to just north of centerville and brent and it's also going to include that highway 5 corridor from brent up to west blockton and woodstock and north bib but that's your circulation so now we can give it all clear to moundville if you're in the city of mountainville all clear highway 69 all clear from mountville down to havana junction these tornadic circulation is now east of there and that's going to continue moving in the direction of us-82 so let's expand this out a little bit taylor let me kind of focus on what's to come but again mountainville all clear you dodged it this time you didn't last week uh but again i if you can go back a little bit i can't quite see the couplet there in the box thank you so again this is your couplet right here and you can see the tornadic circulation moving right up through here centerville and brent are right here this is us-82 this is u.s highway 11. let me just say this the mercedes plant is in the polygon and they are very good at at dealing with this they have systems a systemic way of dealing with tornadoes in terms of getting people to safety but the mercedes plant advance is in this polygon more than likely the tornadic circulation will be passing south of the plant but again you've got to follow these polygons because that defines the difference between being in danger and being safe and these flashing red lines this is the in the middle of brookwood right here the elementary school the high school you're just out of the polygon but just across the line here on the interstate you are and again this will affect interstate 5920 and again i think the circulation stays south of the interstate but you're in the polygon so we advise no travel along interstate 5920 from the abernat bucksville exit down to the cottondale exit for about the next 20 25 30 minutes what you're going to do is pull off at an exit uh preferably but with this gas station a convenience store things like that maybe not the mercedes exit because they don't have much there but you go down here toward the brookwood exit there's a number of gas stations right here same thing up here for the abernet-bucksville exit so just be in a safe place and do not be driving we don't want anybody in a mobile home we don't want anybody in a vehicle okay during a tornado and so if you're listening to us by radio and again thanks to our radio partners for their uh fine work in helping us and again just so you'll know in tuscaloosa we are currently live on the town square media stations on alt 1017 953 the bear 92.9 wtg and 105.1 the block all the stations in tuscaloosa we're live and that's how you can hear us if you're in your car we have radio partners in other parts of the state as well but we think our friends in tuscaloosa for airing this coverage it is a crucial lifeline here so we've got a very strong indication of a tornado now that's located southeast of mountville and taylor we're getting out of the rain and we're going to have a pretty good view and so taylor is going to work that camera if you see anything you scream at me and by the way if taylor ever cuts me off we we do that on purpose we want to interrupt each other we have to do that if i see something if she sees something we've got to just say stop time out i've got to go to what i'm looking at here so taylor is going to be working the sky cam in mountainville because if we're going to see it taylor we're going to see this thing here in a few minutes but that's a very very tight circulation and then next up we've got the us 82 which is here this is the county line tuscaloosa county here bibb county here so in terms of travel nobody on us 82 between taylorville and brent for about the next 30 minutes we want you to and again i know there's not a lot on that stretch you don't have a lot of gas stations or opportunities but we want you to get off as soon as you can and get into a safe place same thing for alabama highway five from woodstock down to brent we don't nobody traveling along that road and on interstate 59 20 we advise no travel from let's say the cottondale exit back up toward the abernat-bucksville exit on interstate 59-20 until this storm gets out of the territory this is in a fairly remotely remote part of the talladega national forest and there are two segments of the talladega national forest one in east alabama this is the one in west alabama and again we're watching multiple sources and again as you look at this a reminder that we do have a severe thunderstorm warning on the eastern side of the state until 115 for parts of blunt calhoun etowah sinclair talladega counties that's that storm that's coming out of the northeast part of the birmingham metro that's going to be for hail and strong winds but we've got to stay focused on this one storm because again we've got a very strong indication of a tornado so let's quickly put on the cc product here and we'll see if we see debris being lofted in this area right here and we do all right so now we have a tds a tornado debris signature here so we have a tight velocity couplet and we can call this a confirmed tornado that is located in the talladega national forest about eight miles or maybe seven or eight miles southeast of the town of moundville and again taylor if you see something on that skycam you just holler at me because i'm focused on the radar you're focusing on the sky camera watching the basin here we might be able to see this and this thing might be big it's going to be a day where we're going to have some very large tornadoes i'm afraid and again sometimes they're so large they're still wrapped in rain and you can't really identify them that well but this tornado will be crossing u.s highway 82 most likely in southern tuscaloosa county clearly if you're anywhere around duncanville rossa road you want to be in a safe place haggler this community right here and then back up toward cottondale and colin this is all south of the city of tuscaloosa and then ultimately that will be coming out into northern bib county and understand it this thing carries on if this thing keeps on trucking and it might we're gonna have some long track 20 look at that thing now look at the debris signature right here wow that's a new volume scan so we have debris that is being lofted and again that's going to be crossing out of hale county in the tuscaloosa county pretty soon here so again there's an urgent message here and again our ask today if you know anybody in any of these places we've called out call them or text them and don't scare them but just tell them that you're under a tornado warning and this is a very dangerous weather situation today you need to join us on the television side and watch what's going on here and just let them know because we can't do that we can't change the channel for people we can't alert people that don't have a weather radio and their smartphone doesn't have all the apps and everything but you can help us by calling them that is a major major part of what i want to see happen today i don't think we've utilized you enough in the past we want to do that today so again west blockton in the polygon woodstock north bib bivville lake view in tuscaloosa county colin hagler duncanville on us-82 any of these communities anybody you know down there give them a call and let them know that there's a strong indication of a tornado that is down right now this will not affect the city of tuscaloosa some people say you keep repeating yourself all the time well people come and go here in severe weather coverage and some of you will sit down and watch this for entertainment value even if you're 100 miles away for this or a thousand miles or 2 000 miles away from this but remember people are coming and going and we have to be sure that they're hearing the most urgent part of our message and sometimes that means being repetitive so that's the reason we often stop and repeat ourselves and do these resets so if you're just joining us now it is 12 23 on thursday march 25th 2021 i'm james spann we have taylor serrallo here and uh we're in the process of working a tornado event that is just underway this is the genesis this is the beginning and we're expecting a number of tornadoes today including the potential for violent long-track tornadoes and our first tornado of the day is in the far north eastern corner of hale county this is about eight miles east of the town of mountainville near the hail tuscaloosa county line this is about to cross over into southern tuscaloosa county this is really going to affect a small part of tuscaloosa county in terms of geography tuscaloosa county is big if you're in samantha if you live at lake tuscaloosa this is not close to you okay this is way down in the southern end of the county if you're in the city of tuscaloosa this will not affect you if you're in cottondale alberta city if you're at the university of alabama campus this will not affect you this is all down to the south but understand if you're planning on driving from tuscaloosa down to brent don't do that don't you got to stop and you i don't care what it is it might be the most urgent deal of the day for you but it's not worth your life uh risking it getting out here on us 82 to go from tuscaloosa down to centerville today just don't do that there'll be a time where you can but just not right now and again you can see that well-defined lowering in the cc right tail or anything not yet no i'm not seeing anything yet okay and again we're going to keep scanning through that storm we're watching the camera we're watching it all together and i'm focused on the radar taylor's focused on the on the camera and again i'm telling you we're going to have situations later today with multiple tornadoes and it's going to get pretty complex right now we just have one which makes it awfully easy to cover so again that's your negative cc drop right there that's debris being lofted and again what the radar is doing it radar works like this it's like throwing a basketball against a brick wall what's it going to do it's going to bounce back to you well these are beams of electromagnetic energy pulses and they bounce off raindrops or anything else that's out there and the beams come back a little differently depending on what the bounce is coming from and these are moving targets as well raindrops but it can determine if there's something different about the returned energy and it correlates everything and if there's something just different you get this big negative value in the correlation coefficient product and that's what this is and so that means this is not a raindrop not a snowflake not a hailstone not an ice pellet this is something from the ground being taken up this could be part of a building most likely in this case because of where it's located mostly trees tree limbs and debris from the forest and again it's clearly down so we've got a tornado that is down a confirmed tornado and that's the way we work it now this is an amazing product we didn't have this 10 years ago we got a confirmed tornado that's going to be crossing over us 82 near duncanville in about the next oh goodness maybe five minutes you don't have a lot of time so we want everybody to take this extremely seriously and understand that this is a situation where uh we think it is down and taylor's watching some spots on the radar looking for uh locations from that moundville sky cam where we might be able to see that and so far we haven't this tough guys and again i know a lot of you that watch us from kansas and nebraska and oklahoma you're thinking goodness well they you know they do all this and this well we can't do that's a different world down here in in the deep south our tornadoes are wrapped in rain we have hills we have trees we have just terrain issues it's tough we can't do that like you can out in the great plains they're just different so but again even though you can't see it on that camera this is a well-defined confirmed tornado and again it's sitting on the hale tuscaloosa county line and this is going to be crossing over into southern tuscaloosa county here in just a matter of minutes and again watching all the reports on the social side looks like most of what i'm seeing over here it's flooding and that's important i understand we've had some major major flooding through parts of north alabama this morning through parts of cullman county back up toward marshall and dekalb counties they've probably seen in excess of four inches of rain just this morning alone interstate 65 was shut down at last word at coleman at u.s 278 but again we're focusing on this right now i understand it and when it comes to the flooding just don't be a bonehead you know just listen turn around and don't drown it's really not that hard don't ever get into water that's running across the road it doesn't matter what you might think it's not that deep you don't know you don't know if the road's been washed out so just be very careful on the flooding side and use your common sense while we focus on these tornadoes here today so again tuscaloosa county hale county bibb county this is almost where the counties come together that triple point right here that tornado is in a matter of minutes it's going to be up on u.s 82 again very very close to duncanville and again probably the you know i guess the biggest landmark might be the the middle school their beautiful school uh but if you're anywhere near the school the post office in duncanville you've got to be in a safe place this is going to pass clearly well to the north of centerville and brent centerville you've never been in the polygon never brent not with this storm no this does not affect you so again tuscaloosa no you're not the polygon brent no centerville no it's everybody in the middle here between those two cities between tuscaloosa and brent and again we're getting evidence of debris that is being lofted a very well-defined tds a tornado debris signature and that tds is and let me just say that the weather service is up their verbiage uh they're not calling this a confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado which i think it is too it's going to be that kind of day so again we have a confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado that is sitting at the point where hale bib and tuscaloosa counties all come together this is about 15 miles south of downtown tuscaloosa and it's moving northeast we do a storm track on this taylor put some of the communities in the path that want to give some etas and again forget the eta and you see a time no we want you sheltered now right now if you're in the polygon don't wait but this is just a convenience for you and again these are some of the communities out here in eastern tuscaloosa county and in northern bibb county we've got vance at 12 49 there's a good chance the tornado is going to pass south of mercedes but i can't confirm that it might be close and you've been in the polygon mercedes needs to implement their tornado plan now and hopefully they did that about 10 minutes ago when the warning was issued but again right now we've got vance at 12 49 it's currently 12 30 and it might be sooner than that these are approximate arrival times bidville this is up in the northern part of bibb county where five comes into 11 at 12 53 so just be aware that these are communities up in through here this is in northern bib and south and eastern tuscaloosa counties the mercedes plant sits about right here just to give you kind of a point of reference uh in advance the town advance the school advances here the mercedes plan is right here between us 11 and interstate 5920 and that's clearly the biggest landmark that the biggest place with a lot of people in this track but again a lot of folks live and through here so if you're in this polygon you've got to stay sheltered but again we can give an all clear right now to hale county all right so hale county you're all clear from this tornado hale county all clear the warning continues in effect for the far southern and eastern part of tuscaloosa county in the northern part of bibb county you can see the polygon boundary by these flashes by the flashing red boundaries here and again that's your tornado debris signature right here moving like this and again uh you can see vance here uh bib bill is right here north bib woodstock uh green pond these are communities all in the in the in the polygon and that's going to keep on moving and i want to expand this out taylor we're dealing with long track tornadoes probably today so let's keep expanding this out i want to show the birmingham metro so again this is your possible tornado right here it keeps on moving on this track and what's going to happen it's going to come through the southern part of the birmingham metro so just a heads up if you are in places like hoover bessemer shannon pelham helena alabaster vestavia just a heads up there's no warning right now uh and this includes the tv station here and the way we're going to do this if we have to abandon the studio and abandon the control rooms what we're going to do is go live on a live view we'll take my laptop into a stairwell on the other side of the building and broadcast live from there we drill for this this is what we do we keep everybody here safe but again if we do have to abandon the control room in the studio we're going to be broadcasting live you'll still see the radar see all these cool graphics we'll still have control of that we have remote control of that but we might have to broadcast from a stairwell over here we're located in river chase in the southern part of the city of hoover uh just off valley dale road just so you'll know we're not on red mountain with the other tv stations but that's way down the road again i'm just trying to give you a heads up for those of you in these densely populated southern suburbs of birmingham okay so got a violent tornado moving like this all right again this could wind up going right through these northern shelby county or southern jefferson county suburbs right in through here so this is a situation where you've got you know an hour to get ready for it hopefully you've been getting ready for this day for days we've talked about this day for days we talked about it last night night before last don't wait until you see a tornado coming at you on the radar you do it when the sun is out like yesterday that's when you do your preps on this so again the confirmation is coming from birmingham it's off the uh the tds obviously the tornado debris signature that you're seeing here and i know we've got a lot of flooding going on here but please allow us to focus on this life-threatening storm and that's the way we're gonna have to work it today we're gonna have to prioritize the storms and the first priority is gonna be dealing with these large tornadoes so uh taylor let's take this off and let's go back closer in here we'll take a look at the looks like the uh lowering is not as intense as it was so let's go from the debris tracker back over to the velocity display let's see what that looks like and yeah i think this thing is probably cycling hopefully it's lifting that'd be the greatest thing so the signature is greatly diminished on radar and and i'll say this the other thing about this we're getting closer to the radar we're using which is at the shelby county airport getting a pretty good low level slice into this so there is a chance this thing is lifted in fact i would suggest it probably has but again do not assume that you're safe if you're in this polygon right now because this thing could easily ramp back up again but this has been down from greene county near bologi this came right over utah to my knowledge we've had no reports of any damage in utah bill castle and byron khalil are there and i've seen no reports from them we've got them all together on the skywarn chat here um and i do want to thank our sky watchers it is absolutely uh critical that uh what they do on a day like today these are trained spotters that we've trained over the years and we're all together on slack and uh it's having this is outstanding ginger zee of abc news she's in the area today we have all of our news folks that we have a lot of folks out in the field and you saw bill castle and byron khalil they were on this storm in utah uh and again we've not been able to see it so far i think we had it down but we couldn't see it from the utah camera that bill had and from the moundville sky cam but again so far taylor that looks a lot better doesn't it certainly does looks like at least for the moment a a better indication that maybe this is either cycling or has lifted or has broadened out a bit in the last couple of minutes here or so so we'll keep monitoring just in case this does tighten back up so here's a report from lauren walsh lauren is with us over in the newsroom she has been in talks with the hale county ema and they have reports of damage on hale county road 58 miles south of mountainville in the talladega national forest trees are down and blocking roads that makes perfect sense that's exactly where the tornado came through so again we've got reports of damage on hale county road 50 eight miles south of mountville right where that thing went through there that's in the national forest uh trees down and roads are blocked and also uh i do know from that the mercedes plan they are in sheltering condition now and they have been and again they do a very good job of taking care of their people in situations like this mercedes sits right here between interstate 59 and u.s highway 11 and they're in the polygon uh but again this could cycle right back up we don't want anybody thinking that the danger is over here i think at the moment the tornado was lifted it could come back down at any time uh but again the spot to watch is going to be right back here let's go to uh the reflectivity display and this is going to be you know what you're used to seeing on radar and again you can see it's got a lot the structure does not look as good it is clearly not as healthy in terms of structure as it was 5 10 15 minutes ago but again this could rant right back up on a day like today and understand we've got a high risk of moderate risk day going on here and this thing could come right back so we're going to watch this and the way the weather service will do it they'll keep keep an eye on this for a while and if it ultimately uh continues to show signs of dissipation they'll let the tornado warning laps they'll cancel that they have not done that yet you have to watch for several volume scans to see what happens here and that's what they're doing right now so at the moment it looks like we had a large tornado down through northern hale county in a relatively rural part of the county through the talladega national forest we have confirmed reports of trees down and now it looks like that tornado is lifted in southern tuscaloosa county uh near the bibb county line uh duncanville is over here hagler is right here and that tornado is going to be crossing through northern bib i say the tornado that segment of the storm with the mesocyclone is going to be coming through northern bib and again this is no direct impact to centerville or brent might be raining where you are but i'm talking the chance of a tornado that's the threat we're going to be looking at most of the day today and again there's clearly a mesocyclone going on here mid-level circulation but the question is is anything down let's go back to the correlation coefficient product the cc and again we've still got a lowering down here but that's become pretty noisy it's not that intense deep blue that we saw earlier so again there's still evidence that there's still some debris that was being picked up but the signature not looking as healthy as it did 5 15 minutes ago and again we've got reports of damage from this on hale county road 50 eight miles south of mountville now in the talladega national forest so again everybody in the polygon you got to be in a safe place i know you've been there for a while but we want you to stay there for a while and everybody's going to have a what on in your safe place helmet remember as we talk about helmets today there's a great story on our newscast last night from a friend of mine who works at children's of alabama uh in talking about the medical perspective on this but it really really really mitigates the chance of being seriously injured or losing your life with a cheap bicycle helmet that's all it takes and this is not just for kids if you're 80 years old your life is precious too everybody's going to have one of these things on as it is if you're in a tornado warning polygon today so again if you're in this polygon you're going to be sheltered in your safe place with a helmet on and if you live in a mobile home you're not going to be there because you left when the warning was issued you were in a local community shelter or you've gone to a business that's open 24 hours a day seven days a week that will let you in most will a gas station convenience store fast food joint something like that anything like that but you can't stay in a mobile home today during these tornadoes we we hope that you've been thinking about this and again the response last week was tremendous statewide and people heard the messaging they they responded they were prepared they heard the warnings they did the right thing and we've got to make that work today we have to make that work today the goal of getting through this day no loss of life no serious injuries and part of that is having that helmet on in your safe place so this alabama highway 5 and again we've got broad circulation back here near us 82 that's down below duncanville duncanville will give you an all clear if you're anywhere near duncanville the school all clear for you the the circulation is passed to the east and southeast of you and again it's crossing over into northern bib and again still vance up here you're in the polygon hopefully we can give you an all clear the weather service will redefine the polygon as the system continues to move northeast uh but those in the polygon would include woodstock green pond lake view in tuscaloosa county bidville north bib uh town of west blockton which is right here the town of vance and again we stress this does not include centerville or brent and if by chance this regenerates and keeps on moving it's going to wind up in northern shelby county here that's why we gave you a heads up and hopefully this continues this weakening trend will continue again just watching some other reports from the weather service they're going to leave the warning up for now for northern hail excuse me for northern bib hail you're all clear and in terms of tuscaloosa county there's the city of tuscaloosa right here and i know it's raining i know it's pouring rain but this does not involve this storm this is the storm that is producing this possible tornado or has been and that's about to cross out of tuscaloosa county coming into northern bib all right so the birmingham metro is right here this is the city of birmingham and again this is going to be coming up into northern shelby county you've got helena pelham alabaster hoover which of course is in part of both counties southern jefferson northern shelby so if you're in any of these communities in the southern part of the birmingham metro keep an eye on this all right that's the thing about it you know a lot of times people say well this is out in the middle of nowhere i don't care about it well you better care about it because a tornado in this trajectory is coming right for those populated suburbs of birmingham and that's why we want to give you as much advanced notice as we can on this so let's go back to our velocity tailor and uh looks like let's see what this scan looks like looks a lot better doesn't it certainly does yeah i'm having a hard time picking up on really any strong indication of rotation at this point but we are still showing on cc this just could be still lofted from when we had that tornado on the ground earlier but still seeing a lowering in the cc right and again that that's probably from the earlier tornado circulation and again notice how just it's fading away uh with time is that debris falls back down to the ground we begin to lose the lowered cc is which is what we're doing right now and that's there's no evidence of a tornado at this moment but again remember this could be cyclic uh we might have had an occlusion process where it choked itself off and it might come back and uh but again if this continues the weather service could cancel this warning and we certainly hope that they do that because we don't want to see something like this coming up on the birmingham metro and you know the thing about last week last wednesday we had 25 tornadoes and i've heard this over and over for people well nothing happened well maybe it didn't happen where you live but what about those people that lost their home that had horrible property damage i mean just horrible you know situations uh you should be thankful that it didn't happen where you live and we didn't have any of the major population centers hit last wednesday on st patrick's day these tornadoes were out in the country and again so what every life is important whether you live out in the country or in the city i'm from rural south alabama i mean i grew up as a boy in greenville alabama taylor you ever seen forest gump uh-huh green bow alabama i'm from greenville and uh i appreciate people that live in rural areas that's where i'm from and i'll always take care of them and every life is important and that's the way we do it here uh and again i know that some people would be watching television at this point i apologize for cutting off the programs but that's again that's just the way it's going to have to be today so we've got very broad circulation in a storm that is disorganized now moving out of tuscaloosa county into northern bib we don't have evidence of a tornado on radar at this point and uh we're going to wait to see if the weather service decides to uh uh they're going to keep it yeah they're going to keep it what they've done they've taken off the tag of a large confirmed destructive tornado and they've kind of downgraded everything in their messaging here but they're going to keep it you know that's not a bad thing to do on a day like today and like i said at the beginning the first storm of the day will talk to you if you listen if you listen carefully and watch these things it's going to tell you a story about the state of the atmosphere and what might happen so many times over the years i can tell you i learned much about the day ahead by storm number one and this is storm number one of the day today i am very thankful that this thing apparently is lifted because your great concern that first tornado gets down and stays down for 50 60 miles that's not happened but remember it could come right back down and look some of the most destructive tornadoes in this state have done that you look back at that tuscaloosa birmingham tornado april 27 2011. you know it lifted north of downtown birmingham at fultondale it lifted then it got back down and went through webster's chapel uh so it can come back down but while we got a break let's look at the big picture here taylor and if what i want to do is go to a full image of me now we can take away the double box here for just a second and we don't have a camera nearby so if we can just take me full thank you let's do a reset so here we go all the blue polygons these are flash flood warnings up here for north alabama horrible flooding this morning i mean you know it was like a you know cow going to the bathroom on a flat rock it was coming down so hard and we had major flooding involving roads in parts of cullman county including the city of cullman and we have flashlight warnings in effect now for marshall jackson and dekalb counties up here in northeast alabama from earlier rains this is our tornado warning here we've got a severe thunderstorm warning for east alabama let's look at this one taylor this is uh on the eastern side of the state and again we have no sign of any tornado circulation here but the storm system that's been coming through gadsden uh is capable of producing some small hail i've seen a lot of images of small hail strong winds and these are severe thunderstorm warnings in effect for parts of etowah county and calhoun county the core of this thunderstorm complex is now through eastern etowah county ball play hoax bluff glenn co places like that and then curving right down the river down toward ohachi and lake neely henry around the lake neely henry dam between raglan and ohachi right here and that'll be moving on to the east now the polygon does not include the city of anniston does not include the city of oxford here this thunderstorm complex will pass north of anniston north of oxford it's going to come right through jacksonville going to come right through alexandria kind of clipping weaver sachs lindlock again this is the split right here that's 431 going up toward gadsden this is highway 21 jacksonville back up to piedmont piedmont since right here but just be aware that this could produce hail and strong winds it'll be coming into cherokee county at the moment we don't have a warning for cherokee or for heft or cleburne county here but again we'll keep an eye on that so let's go back to our big picture again and we're at 12 46 on a day where we've got potential for some real problems we're watching those storms off to the west as well the reason we are here it's this storm okay this is a severe storm that is coming into northern bibb county uh everything else in the state right now except for this and this it is sub-severe uh so let's go back to our storm that has prompted this tornado warning and we'll take a look at the structure of this and we are watching storms back to the west and i'm afraid as the uh day progresses the air will become more unstable and volatile we've seen some breaks in the cloud cover and again it could be in a pretty rough afternoon here we think it will be but again for the moment that still looks fairly disorganized we've got really no evidence of a tornado just a mesocyclone a broad circulation that will be crossing highway five and clearly if you're in west blockton please stay sheltered the one thing i worry about when you get on television and say well the structure is not as good we don't see evidence of a tornado it doesn't matter because it might come right back you stay as long as you're in the polygon you stay sheltered now that polygon goes away fine but if you're in that polygon you stay sheltered and again for if you're in west blockton we have broad circulation coming right in your direction right here so just be aware of that in the highway 5 i wouldn't be traveling on highway 5 from near woodstock right down to brent now us-82 will give you an all clear us-82 all clear you can drive now from tuscaloosa to brent centerville if you need to do that go for it but if you need to drive from green pond bible north bib wet wet stock down to brent centerville don't do that right now along highway 5 just wait until the circulation passes it's not going to take much longer for that to happen this is shelby county right here by the way this is shelby this is jefferson and this is the birmingham metro back up in through here biggest population center in the states so we'll be watching this very anxiously and i think what the weather service is doing knowing this is up the road here they're just going to keep the warning in effect and see if it cycles again i do want to mention we have a new flash flood warning in effect for cherokee and etowah county so if we can go over to that part of the state want to show quickly that new polygon this is a flash flood warning in effect for parts of cherokee and etowah counties and you can see it right here this includes the city of gadsden this is for the tremendous amounts of rain coming down from this thunderstorm complex that came through the county earlier so again we have a flash flood warning in effect for cherokee etowah counties until 4 45 this afternoon the blue polygons that's your flash flood warning in effect here and again that big cluster of storms coming up on leesburg center cedar bluff galesville and weiss lake uh maybe producing some hail and strong gusty winds there's no severe thunderstorm warning for cherokee but there is that flash flood warning so just wanted to show that again the new flash flood warning for cherokee and etowah so let's go back to our storm that prompted the tornado warning we're going to spend most of our time here one of our sky watchers is in the vance woodstock area and he is watching this and he's in the middle of a heavy thunderstorm incredible lightning but no sign of rotation right now and of course uh by that he's up in this area right in through here kind of looking down into it but again you can still see the inflow notch and potential for some trouble right in through here that's highway 5 west blockton right here and it's broad it's not really tight i would not if if you looked at this you would probably not issue a tornado warning john de black at the weather service john the wcm down there the warning coordination meteorologist he said it's probably uh not severe criteria now but he's got the warning right for now i think that um was for that severe thunderstorm warning that you're right okay yeah you're you're thank you taylor um this the weather service has a severe thunderstorm warning for calhoun and etowah that's what he's talking about here it's not severe by classic definition that's 58 mile per hour winds or one inch diameter hail but he's going to let it ride now because of the wet soil won't take much to down bring down trees and that's certainly true today and i should mention what's interesting uh taylor the weather service is in shelby county all right so that's this tornadic or again a broad circulation the weather service office is located uh right here at the shelby county airport where my finger is and they're in the process of getting ready to shelter and they're in the process of potentially transferring control to the weather service in atlanta peachtree city um if they have to shelter and that's the right that's what i just told you a few minutes ago we have to go into a stairwell we'll broadcast live from a spot we have picked out over there and what the weather service does in birmingham if they have to shelter they transfer control and the warnings come out of the national weather service in this case out of peachtree city near atlanta but hopefully for all of us in through here and again the tv station we are in riverchase which is right here uh the weather service is right here you can kind of see we're all in the path of this thing and if we uh you know have to shelter we again with safety first say it doesn't matter if we work in a tv station everybody here is important and we take the same precautions that you have to take if we ever have a tornado approaching our particular tv station here and the same thing for the national weather service so uh they are anxiously watching to see if this thing ramps up again but it's it's a mesocyclone that the storm is rotating but there's no evidence of really tight circulation right now but forget that again if you're in this flashing red polygon you stay sheltered and that includes west block and that's the biggest population center that's near this particular location here the tornado warning is in effect for a northern bibb county until 1 15 and i can give an all clear to tuscaloosa county all right so uh vance mercedes from this storm you're all clear it is now well to the east of you it's in exclusively in bibb county so colling vance lakeview will give you an all clear the concern now it's exclusively northern bib northern bibb county against centerville and brent are down here this is well to the north of you you've never been in this polygon this is for northern bibb county and that broad circulation is going to come right over west blockton so even though i don't have a really tight circulation to show i don't have a tornado debris signature to show i still want you to be sheltered today that's the course of least regret you don't want any regrets on a day like today life is a series of decisions sometimes you make good ones sometimes you make bad ones we've all made bad ones but on a day like today you don't want to make a bad decision when it comes to sheltering and uh you know all these crazy things i say you know the respect the polygon it's important messaging because if you're in it then you stay sheltered and if you're not it's okay you don't have to be sheltered it's we try and make it really easy and since these storm-based warnings came out over 10 years ago it's really helped us focus on small parts of these counties where these tornadoes are located back in the old days the whole county was warned if this was 20 years ago people in centerville and brent would be in a shelter where they don't need to be tornadoes are small counties are big the storm-based warnings that was a great advancement in the warning process so northern bib that's the focus right now for this broad circulation that's about to cross highway five near the town of west block and that'll be coming up into uh jefferson and shelby counties which is right here we just got that new tornado warning and we're seeing a little bit of evidence here it's going to pop on here in a second yeah a little bit of evidence of that tightening up all right so here we go we're going to hear all these go right you're going to hear what you're hearing right now this is wear this is what it sounds like okay it's loud this is not our app this is wireless emergency alerts all right so a lot of people in the birmingham metro just got this wireless emergency alert for a tornado warning there's an effect for the southern part of jefferson and much of shelby county so again let me just kind of explain who's in right now because this is pretty important this is a lot of population right here we have a potential tornado near west blockton in bibb county that is moving northeast just like this so to get your bearing straight this interstate 459 all of interstate 459 is in this polygon so if you're near interstate 459 you're in that runs from bessemer mccalla through hoover back up here to trussville uh interstate 65 and us 31 basically from homewood south all the way down to calera you're in the polygons so calera alabaster pelham helena hoover vestavia shannon bessemer mountain brook down the 280 corridor you got chelsea which is located right here the columbiana is not in the polygon wilsonville is not harpersville yes westover yes mount laurel yes inverness yes greystone yes anything i've called out here you're in this polygon and you need to be sheltered right now so let me just kind of talk you through this what we want you to do is to go into a small interior room on the lowest floor of your house that could be a closet hall bathroom if you have one floor house you're fine but just don't go up if you have a multiple floor house and in that small room we want you to hopefully have helmets for everybody we want you to put those helmets on and uh if you have a portable air horn we've talked about these just stick it in your pocket in case you need help if there is a tornado hit and if you have hard sold shoes put those on if you if you have to walk over a tornado debris field your feet can be injured so those are the three things we want people to do right now so we want you to put on a helmet portable air horn if you've got that and hard soul shoes and understand the tornado will not affect everybody in this polygon it will affect a small part of that polygon but understand it will all right so these are the approximate arrival times of some of the communities in the path of this and please don't take that to the bank uh we want you sheltered right now some people see those times and they wait no we want you to go to your safe place if you can watch us on your phone you if you're watching us on your big tv screen right now and you need to leave that go to your shelter you can watch us on the abc 3340 facebook page you can watch us on facebook watch if you have a roku apple tv fire stick chromecast you can go to the abc3340 app all of these are ways you can watch us on your phone in your safe place you can just take us with you and that's what we advise people to do this tornado is beginning to show more evidence of increasing wind velocity and it looks like we might have another debris signature coming down again near west blockton right here you see that lowering in the correlation coefficient product right there that could easily breeze and be some debris that is being lofted from this tornado uh and so it's back so uh the weather service is after seeing this and boy look at the circulation it is back like i say we worried about this that's why you don't let the tornado warnings go you leave them up so the tornado is back now and it's down very close to west block then maybe just north of the school the high school the elementary school is right here at my fingertip that tornado circulation just north of there and that's going to be crossing over into shelby county so initially this is cherokee beach off county road 52 right here in shelby county and where's the other video coming from guys on the other side just so i'll know that will help me okay this is uh shelby county and okay near helena so again this is a crew in the field that will be looking at this and again we've got a pretty good skycam location from galleria tower we can look into this but right now it's just north of west blockton and again it's going to be crossing over out of bibb into shelby counties so let's uh expand this out a little bit more taylor and again i just want to explain for everybody in the path of this what you need to do and this would include pelham helena alabaster hoover vestavia hills bessemer shannon chelsea inverness this would include mountain brook and ultimately this includes places like irondale the town of donovan is right here any of these communities we've called out now is the time to shelter don't walk outside and look for it you understand the tornado is located near west blockton we're giving you plenty of lead time this is a case today where we're going to have these large tornadoes and the lead time might be 20 or 30 minutes and i think that's going to be the situation here so just understand that we've got that circulation let's take the circle off taylor we've got a new volume scan and you can see that very well-defined circulation right here is going to be moving right up toward interstate 65. in terms of travel and by the way for those that want to hear us on radio in the birmingham metro uh our radio partners the summit media stations wzzk 104.7 is one of them you can listen to us on the radio there and again that's i know you see a lot of noise in here this is coming from the radar forget all this stuff that one blue dot i'm looking for is right there that's debris that is being lofted a tornado debris signature that's located right here we don't want anybody traveling along interstate 459 nobody on interstate 459 right now what you're going to do hear us in the radio if you're listening to us in one of the summit media stations pull off at the next exit get into a gas station convenience store fast food restaurant stay there until we give you an all clear we don't want anybody driving on us 31 or interstate 65 from downtown birmingham to calera in the next 30 minutes because this tornado if it stays down will be crossing interstate 65 and u.s 31 somewhere probably in northern shelby county whether it's the southern part of hoover whether it's pelham helena alabaster maybe in southern jefferson county up toward vestavia we don't know that yet but the the key messaging here is this flashing red line you see right here so that's your polygon and if you're in it you've got to respect the polygon by going to your safe place now and it's a time not to just be calm we've had tornadoes before we'll have them again this is nothing we're alabamians we know how to deal with this but in a case like today some of these tornadoes could be large and destructive tornadoes and we don't want anybody being hurt today and that's the reason we're asking you to do this i don't ask you to do much but today i'm going to ask you if you're in these polygons you've got to be in a safe place so again from mccalla and bessemer all the way up to hoover vestavia hills shannon bluff park mountain brook back up to irondale that interstate 459 corridor you be sheltered down the i-65 u.s 31 corridor all of the city of hoover the city of pelham helena alabaster anybody close to these locations you stay sheltered down the 280 corridor same thing we want everybody in places like mountain brook people in inverness people in chelsea people in greystone people in mount laurel donovan to be sheltered until this passes so this is the time to go into your safe place right now we do not want anybody in a car we don't want anybody in a mobile home those are the two worst possible places to be if you're listening to us by radio just pull off right now if you're in the polygon and get into a safe place again this can be any site built structure the gas station anything like that and again people say well you got somebody driving here they've been trained in storm spot and you probably haven't there's a big difference here they know how to stay safe so that's the object is to get everybody in this densely populated southern part of the birmingham metro off the roads uh for those that are in mobile homes you've got to go to your shelter now and if you don't have a community shelter some people don't that's okay your plan should be to go to a a business a gas station anything like that but again the weather service is calling this now a confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado near west blockton in bibb county moving northeast at 45 miles an hour that's your circulation right here and this is bibb county and this is shelby county and this is jefferson so that's the clear messaging right here and again once we get a little closer we're going to have the uh galleria tower skycam looking back into this it's got an amazing view of storms back in the northeastern part of bibb county uh we have seen that over and over over the years so tornadic circulation here coming out of bibb county coming up into shelby county and again you can see these communities that are in the path of this so if we can draw another one taylor another a track on this uh it is 102. this is the only tornado warning in the state right now the only storm that is tornadic so we're not bouncing back and forth between storms for that reason we have some flooding issues yes but we have to work the tornadic storms we have to prioritize things today and that's what we're going to do so again this will give you some approximate arrival times of the tornadic circulation and don't take this to the bank we want you sheltered right now this is just a convenience thing for you more than anything else but these are communities in northern shelby county and you can see these arrival times places like maylene will be between 1 15 and 1 20 this afternoon currently it's 103. so you've got a little time but not much and that we the one thing i do think we're going to be able to provide today these long lead times on a day like today where you do have strong violent long-track tornadoes we can often give you a 30-minute maybe a 40-minute lead time uh and and we often debate that in the weather enterprise is that too much time because nothing happens and you're sitting in a shelter but just please understand we want you to hear the messaging and kind of respond what we're asking you to do today and you might have to sit there for a little bit but we'd rather you be safe than sorry and again it is a course of least regret that you stay sheltered and here's the other thing that i'm going to ask a lot of people right now in this part of the birmingham metro are sitting back watching netflix and they're watching something on hulu amazon prime they have no earthly idea that they're under a tornado warning these sirens you might hear one but most people don't in their home so we want you to call a friend or a relative or a neighbor that you know in the polygon this again there's a large large area here in this polygon in terms of population density and let them know that there's a perhaps a violent tornado coming out of bibb county coming right up into shelby county call them now and text them and let them know that they need to turn on the television and watch what's going on here and be sheltered it's very important you can help us and be a hero in this process by calling and texting people in the path of this right now because there are many many people that have no idea this is happening in the southern part of the birmingham metro so this is your flashing by the way there's your tornado debris signature very very very deep lowering of the correlation coefficient product and the the other thing we're looking at i think most of the schools many of them are on spring break and some have dismissed early today but if by chance we have a school or a private school that is in session you've got to go through your plan as well but i think most schools are offer on spring break this week so hopefully all the kids are home with their parents and you can kind of do this as a family but here we go this is going to be crossing right out of bib into this very densely populated part of shelby county initially coming into places like maylene and helena right here and remember tornadoes are small even within a polygon they're fairly small the polygons are drawn like this to account for room for error in the track of a storm because sometimes you might have a storm that veers to the left or the right of the main flow and that's the reason for the polygons that fan out like this but understand all of these places right in through here are in danger of what could be a large destructive tornado and the weather service in birmingham is discussing the possibility of posting a tornado emergency for this they've not done that yet a tornado emergency is when there's a large destructive tornado that is known and it's moving into a big population corridor and that just kind of ramps everything up but forget that it's not that important you've got a tornado warning you've got to do something about it and again the best possible thing is that this thing dissipates and we get away with nothing that could happen but remember on a day like today in years past with events like this we have had these long track violent tornadoes that have been down and you have to assume that this is going to stay down you just can't assume this goes away that's not the way to do it and let me just say hope is not a plan hope is not a plan you plan for this and you implement that plan that's what you have to do right now hoping it goes away is fine but you do that in your safe place in your shelter because we have to assume that this thing is going to stay down so we have a tornado warning in effect now for southern jefferson northern shelby county it's moving out of bib this is the bibb county line right here this is bibb county and this is shelby county and in terms of travel again many people are listening to us right now on the birmingham summit media radio stations and thank you so much for airing this we don't want anybody in a car what i'm going to ask you to do is stop somewhere if you're driving in southern jefferson northern shelby vestavia mountain brook pelham helena alabaster calira mccalla bessemer chelsea inverness any of these places i want you to stop and go into a restaurant go into a grocery store go into a walmart a target someplace like that and and seek shelter in those places instead of a car if this is a large destructive tornado that car can be thrown like a toy and many people that lose their life in the state they lose their life in vehicles and mobile homes so no cars please stop and get into any business and they'll let you in and you go shelter in those businesses and if you know somebody that's driving you call them and text them and tell them the same thing let them know what i just said if they're driving through any of these places in southern jefferson northern shelby counties i want you off the road and get into any kind of a store a site built facility and just ride this thing out it's not going to last long it's going to be gone before you know it uh but you've got to stay sheltered and off the road and the other thing when it comes to mobile homes there are a lot of folks that do live in manufactured housing especially out here we've got some in the oxmoor valley area and in shannon in in that part of the county you can't stay in a trailer you've got to be out of there and we want you in your shelter again same thing go to a business go to a gas station anything like that same thing for a car but you can't be in a mobile home as this thing passes by the tds is not as intense as it was a few minutes ago so they've taken that emergency off the table for the moment the tornado emergency but again we got a tornado warning here understand that the velocity signature is not quite as intense on this volume scan as it was a few minutes ago but this is cycled once and it could be cycling again goes through an occlusion process chokes itself off redevelops but again the best possible scenario here is this thing dissipates and we have no problem that could happen that's what everybody prays that happened but we just can't assume that's going to stay the case so again we've got a possible tornado on the bib uh jefferson county line south of tannehill state park that's going to be coming right up toward helena pelham maylene alabaster southern part of hoover all right and again we're watching the gallery of tower sky cam and taylor it's obviously got pouring rain here we're not going to see much uh the storms today i think will be rain wrapped we've had other days where we've had higher based storms and we could see them i don't think we're going to see a lot of them today we've got dash cams all over the place we've got these tower cams just don't expect to see a lot you're going to have to rely on us to talk you through radar we know that research has shown that when a lot of people see this they see a bucket of spill paint you know we can be in here you know saying whatever and they just don't believe you but just you're going to have to trust us today if we say there's a dangerous storm you like to trust us you'll have to get ready to go to a safe place uh so again we're kind of looking west from the top of galleria tower we'll be watching those cloud bases back in the back to see if we see anything that the camera is uh right here looking back in that direction but there's no doubt we've still probably got a tornado here that's now into shelby county so let's give it all clear to bib if you are in northern bibb county we'll give you an all clear west blockton woodstock north bib bibville all clear for you the the main concern is northern shelby and i know that we still have jefferson and the polygon southern this is extreme southern jefferson uh if you are in downtown birmingham or points north you're fine from this storm okay that might be raining and there's thunder and lightning and creepy clouds or something but in terms of a tornado threat from this one storm you're okay downtown birmingham is located right here uh the polygon edge begins about homewood in vestavia hills and runs all the way down to calera just give you kind of a point of reference here this is interstate 65 this is u.s highway 31 and again this thing has been in a fairly sparsely populated part of the world but it's about to get into a really densely populated part of the world coming up through southern shelby county so sorry northern shelby county so again everybody in pelham helena alabaster down to calera up to hoover and vestavia hills we want you sheltered bessemer you're now out of the polygon so bessemer will give you an all clear this is going to pass south of you uh mccalla right here is going to pass south of you we can give you an all clear so of bessemer initially you were in the polygon you were now not in that polygon because it's going to stay south of there so mccalla all clear bessemer all clear again the concern it's going to be these communities on the i-65 us-31 corridor but it's beginning to cycle again the last couple of volume scans the intensities have gone up a little bit and uh let's see what school is that if y'all can tell me what uh i'm under the exact location of this camera back here that's helena oh that's in calera oh helena okay yeah that that if that's on county road 50 is that helena intermediate uh okay so again uh this is one of our uh dash cam locations that is in uh northern shelby county at helena will be watching that and again i go but if you've just joined us the reason we double box is that we've learned that if you see a storm with a live video stream you do something about it you perform a little better in the warning process and that's the reason we've got that up there uh so far these things have been rain wrapped today we're going to bounce back between the helena camera we have in the galleria tower camera we have but once again there's your circulation right here that is exclusively into shelby county so again bibb county will give you an all clear uh this is for shelby county coming up into the birmingham metro the southern part of the birmingham metro pelham helena alabaster hoover uh this is kind of the core concern we'll see how this thing behaves now i know there's a lot of people on the 280 corridor watching this inverness greystone chelsea highland lakes mount laurel you're watching this and you're probably sheltered it's going to take a little longer to get to you but i want you to stay sheltered okay that's very important that's alabama highway 119 by the way that goes up toward leeds this is 280 right here this is chelsea this is inverness that's that 280 corridor the summit sits right here we've got a camera this on top of grandview medical center that's going to give us a great shot looking south into this when it gets closer it's not quite there yet but again we'll start with our galleria camera looking back down into this but you can see circulation right here and again it's going to be coming up on these communities right along interstate 65 and u.s highway 31 we're going to be watching these cameras very carefully the weather service in birmingham is not going to transfer control to atlanta because the signature is going to clearly stay north of their office this the the weather service in birmingham is at the shelby county airport uh so the weather service in birmingham is going to maintain control here and they are concerned about downtown helena the oak mountain amphitheater pelham high school these are some of the places right in the path of this and again i certainly concur with that this is u.s alabama highway 19 right here and this tornado just looks like it wants to come right up through here and again that will take it through and goodness there's so many new neighborhoods out here in the western part of helena but you've got to stay sheltered if you're in helena if your kids go to school in helena uh and uh again this will be coming right up towards again the oak mountain amphitheater pelham high school helena high school old town helena these places like that and this thing we hope it just goes away but it won't it is hanging in there like a hair and a biscuit and it tried to dissipate over northern bib and it just didn't it maintained that mesocyclone another tornado drop we have the tds let's go to correlation coefficient real quick we'll take a look at this spot here and see if we see uh lowered cc and we see a little bit this is not an intense type signature that we've seen before so again you know that's the it's clearly cycling right now so we'll go back to our velocity display if you're just joining us here it's 1 15. i know we have other locations in the state where we have uh flooding going on and some hail but we have to focus on this storm that is uh particularly dangerous that is coming through the western part of shelby county we're watching multiple cameras uh that we have some bonehead getting in the shot come on guys don't do that serious business so again right in through here tornadic circulation coming right up in through here so helena pelham this is going to be north of maylene i called out maylene earlier i think it's pretty clear the circulation is going to be north of maylene and most likely north of alabaster the shelby medical center sits about right here there's your circulation and again it's clearly ramped down again but it could ramp right back up we hope that it stays ramped down that's what we want uh but again this this could pop at any time so that's the thing you might hear me say that it's ramped down but that really doesn't matter and what you do as long as you're in this polygon you're going to stay sheltered and the good thing is the fact that we're working just one storm right here we've got one storm that we're working and this is the one coming through shelby county uh so we don't have to bounce back and forth between storms so we've got one camera that you see on your screen that is in helena we've got another camera that's on top of galleria tower looking back into this and a lot of this is rain wrapped this is the location of the camera right that is the the uh dash cam oh yeah the dash cam camera so again thank you taylor again and again if we need to get them moved we will do that at this moment we have lost our tds i want to show you what this thing has done let me pull up slack and i'm going to fellas i'm going to ask for wx05 here in just a second um so um yeah if you guys can take uh wex 05 for just a minute please uh i want to show you what this did i believe that's wex 07. we're looking for wexo 5. i want to show you the damage in west blockton some of the damage in west blockton from this uh and if we can't that's okay okay it is i'm showing that we are connected on wex05 and you should be able to see that back there maybe we'll get somebody an engine there we go thank you so this is uh what this tornado tornado was done we take the banner down for just a second please just wanted to show you apparently what this tornado was done here this is in west blockton on county road 27 in the 6000 block and let me show you one more image here this is near the bib shelby county line and again the evidence there could be a tornado down there's no doubt we've had a tornado down it's just awfully hard to see so let's go back to the radar we'll do the triple box here behind me uh again we've got a tornado warning in effect for northern shelby county and uh we're watching a dangerous storm coming up toward helena and pelham and alabaster right now especially helena and pelham alabaster probably going to stay north of you by the way the dash cam is in front of the riverwood subdivision in helena just to give you a reference for those that are watching and again the the problem today all of these things are wrapped in really really really heavy rain uh okay so here's and just so you and again people all these trolls get on here for those asking about the crew in the shelby county car here the crew is sheltered okay the crew is sheltered the live cam is in a locked car uh it is unmanned and that's the way we do it here we don't take risks we're not going to put anybody in danger so that particular camera coming from helena is uh unmanned and if a tornado happens to come through there and that car is hit we'll see it but there's nobody in there the crew is sheltered and the other camera on top of galleria tower that is an unmanned camera that's one of our sky cams so we got a tightening up it's starting to tighten up again which we don't like to see let's go a little closer i want to go in pretty close on this this time and kind of show you some reference points we're going to zoom in closer and go a little closer all right so old town helena sits right here where you see the word helena this is your possible tornado that's located right here this is cherokee beach coming off county road 52 county road 52 comes down here into helena we got a tds again oh great let me say that bibb county sheriff right now they're reporting no injuries so far from this but again yeah this is the uh debris signature on radar we have debris that is being lofted so again this is an urgent call for everybody in helena and pelham to be sheltered right now everybody in the polygons got to be sheltered i mean everybody in the polygon but if you're specifically in helena or pelham any part of those two cities municipalities you've got to be sheltered right now and again we're going to watch the camera again the camera in helena is unmanned the crew is sheltered right now um and uh watching some other reports coming in we've got we've got some damage from this i'll put it that way and again a lot of the damage is related to trees because it's been out in the middle of open country but this tornado is about to come into a very very densely populated part of the world this is u.s highway 31 right here this is old town helena this is alabama highway 261 that runs up and becomes valley dale road up in through here and uh that is going to be passing a little to the south of the st let's zoom this out just a little bit because we have to consider what we're going to do here at the tv station zoom out a little bit more please a little more all right so we are located right up here and this tornado is going to be moving about like that what i'm going to do at this point is ask everybody in the news department to go into the stairwell on the other side and if we have to abandon the studio we'll go live from the live view coming off this laptop here so again everybody on the news department side of our building if you would go ahead and go to your tornado safe place your tornado plans right now again we're located right here this is a possible tornado and it's going to be doing this it's probably going to pass south of the tv station but again we've just got to be sure that they're sheltered over there if we need to do that we'll do that too but again old town helena is right here and we're going to watch that camera which is unmanned uh we can't move it around because there's nobody in there it's a car that is running that is unmanned it's locked and again this is going to be cutting right through the middle of the old town helena then cutting right through highway 31 again pelham is located right here pretty close to county road 52 is coming off the interstate the tank farm exit if you will which is located right here the pelham city hall municipal complex is right here first baptist church of pelham's it's right here and again we've got debris that is being lofted so this is a tornado that is down and we've had damage with this the tornado is coming up into old town helena uh it is going to be passing through the northern part of pelham and then coming out toward in the general direction of the oak mountain amphitheater alabama 119 and u.s 31 which is just south of the tv station here and then that's going to keep on moving in that general direction down highway 119 over toward briarwood high school and then u.s 280 and then we'll see if it keeps on moving in that path so tay let's go back to our velocity display real quick all right so this is your possible tornado that's located right here and again it's old town helena sits right here you've got alabama highway 261 that comes right down through here you've got the buck creek the falls right here helena is here possible tornado here about to cross over old town helena that will be crossing over the northern part of pelham us 31 and i-65 all right and then from there it's going to move over across interstate 65. clearly nobody should be driving along u.s highway 31 or interstate 65 south of valley dale road or north of calera all right that's the call right here so again you can see old town helena here we're watching these cameras and again uh taylor well we've got rain on the galleria tower cam right yeah that's all we got this is going to cross very very close to that that uh dash cam we've got though right about to say it is going to be really close to the camera that you see and again this isn't a locked car there's nobody in there uh this is a situation where we've got the crew and that they're sheltered crossing it right now with that latest radar scan yeah and you can see it right here and again that will be moving northeast and it's awfully close to old town helena the good news that the velocities have come down a smidgen not much but again helena if you live anywhere in helena you've got to be sheltered right now you should have been sheltered 30 minutes ago when the warning was first issued but again you've got to be sheltered again do not worry about these colors back here this is your tornado debris signature right here old town helena is right here and again forget all these colors this is the one you're concerned about that drop let's go back to the velocity display which probably going to tell a better story at this point look at that camera on that dash cam there yeah and again this is a vehicle that is unmanned and uh the tornado is passing very close to that camera location right now which is out uh county road 52 out toward the intermediate school in in helena uh so after it comes through the core of helena in old town it's going to be crossing over interstate 65 and u.s 31 initially u.s highway 31 north of the pella municipal complex north of the tank farm exit this thing's going to be crossing i-65 most likely between alabama highway 119 and county road 52 down here the tank farm exit and alabama highway 119. same thing for us 31 same thing for i-65 these are very densely populated corridors and these are major travel highways right now nobody should be in a vehicle and i mean nobody you've got to be off the road pull over into a gas station convenience store something like that and stay safe until this passes and we'll give you an all clear as we can we again looking at all of these sources right now i'm seeing a lot of tree damage from this storm over in bibb county it's been coming through a fairly sparsely populated part of the county the the velocity intensities are not as high as they were earlier but this has been cyclic we've seen cycling going on here we've seen uh this ramp up and ramp down and we don't know exactly when it's going to be at an up peak or a down peak here you just have to be in a safe place so again it's urgent that you be sheltered if you're in helene and obviously the circulation is right on top of old town helena buck creek park right here uh then coming right over interstate or u.s 31 initially in the northern part of the city of pelham that's going to be a little south of the old valley elementary school maybe close to first baptist church of pelham then crossing u.s 31 right here that's alabama highway 119. all right we've lost our live shot by the way from that unmanned car in helena which is not a good sign but this is uh the alabama 119 exit the oak mountain amphitheater sits right here this is amphitheater road that's alabama highway 119. again we are located right up here the tv station this tornadic circulation is going to pass south of the tv station i still think it's the right call for our news department to be sheltered for about 10 15 more minutes i'm confident enough that this will be passing south of us that we are not in danger here but again just as of course at least regret the best thing to do is to stay sheltered on the other side of the building for about 15 minutes we're going to stay on the air from the studio this will be crossing again north of us 31 or north of downtown pelham north of the home depot the municipal complex again out here around the first baptist church then cutting across i-65 between the tank farm exit and alabama highway 119 and from there it's going to cut over into shelby county near indian springs the indian spring school if you're anywhere near these places we've talked about we want you to be sheltered and again if you're in the polygon want you to be sheltered new volume scan has come in the rotation is located right here uh so the circulation is about to cross over us highway 31. uh again it's alabama 119 is is right here the oak mount amphitheater is right here just to get your bearings straight on what you're looking at alabama 119 that's 31 that's 65 the amphitheater is here that's a possible tornado that's about to cross over 31 and 65. this is awfully close to the old valley elementary it's of course valley's not been in existence for a while they're re making that into an uh entertainment type complex i think but after it crosses over 31 it's going to come over interstate 65 pretty close to 119. obviously all of these businesses should be sheltered right now at alabama 119 u.s 31 interstate 65 a lot of fast food restaurants a lot of restaurants here again the amphitheaters right here that's amphitheater road that's alabama highway 119 indian springs the school is right here this indian springs village on highway 119 and again that's your possible tornado still nothing on the galleria camera right all rain i do want to mention that we do have a new tornado warning that does include pickens county as well okay and this is for a storm coming out of mississippi so we'll go to that in just a moment we're gonna uh and i'll just kind of read you the tornado warning for pickens county while we look at this tornado warning for pickens county we have a possible tornado 17 miles southwest of aliceville moving northeast at 40. so if you're in aliceville and pickens county you need to be sheltered right now i'll show you the full look at that in just a second we've got to focus on this for just a few more moments so a pickens county tornado warning until 2 30 a possible tornado was 17 miles southwest of aliceville moving northeast at 40. so if you're in pickens county in that polygon be sheltered right now so we got the camera back and again it looks like our car made it the unmanned car it's still there and we have live video back again which is a good thing we lost it briefly when the possible tornado came right through there but understand we're getting a good low level slice that the radar is just right down the road the shelby county airport radar is only about seven miles south of this location here so it's a good low level look into this and that circulation again is about to cross over us 31 interstate 65 there's your tds right there tornado debris signature and that's going to be crossing over very close to the oak mountain amphitheater so it's coming through really close to where pelham high school is located maybe just a smidgen north of there some of you might remember on march 27 1994 we had a tornado that came down highway 119 very similar track here that was the palm sunday event most people recall the disaster at the goshen united methodist church but we had a smaller tornado that day in this same general area and it looks like it's going to want to ride down highway 119 so from the oak mountain amphitheater uh and it's gonna come right down 119 and again the clear message is that if you're anywhere close to alabama 119 and this is in northern shelby county you've got to be sheltered new volume scan here and again you can see the circulation is pretty much on u.s highway 31 near the oak mountain amphitheater amphitheater road is right here that's alabama highway 119. chick-fil-a whataburger mcdonald's captain d's uh these restaurants are right here uh again the amphitheater is here and that's your tornadic circulation and it's crossing over 31 it's about to cross over 65 and it's going to pretty much want to ride down alabama highway 119 you've got our tv station is right here that's your tornado circulation so the tornadic circulation is passing about a mile and a half to two miles south of abc 3340 in riverchase this is riverchase right here that's your possible tornado circulation and again that's going to be coming over i-65 into northern shelby continuing through northern shelby county coming down alabama highway 119. down 119 you're going to come into our lady of the valley church down through there you've got briarwood high school down through there and then ultimately you come out on highway 280 and then from there at 119 goes to leeds this might want to ride right down highway 119 but obviously the other big plot of land out here is oak mountain state park this entire plot of land is the state park beautiful beautiful state park and it's uh that circulation is coming right through oak mountain state park it's just crossed over the amphitheater and again it's going to be awfully close to highway 119. the circulation center passing about two miles south of river chase where we are uh and again you can see that that's going to keep on moving to the northeast right down close to highway 119. so this is a very very densely populated corridor here the good news that camera in the box that says shelby county uh that's in helena that we can give you an all clear helena all clear alabaster all clear calera all clear hoover all clear let me take that back hoover is a very large city and there's going to be a part of hoover that might be affected by this on the 280 side so let me take that back but for pelham uh this thing is now moving out of there this is the state park road that's amphitheater road that's alabama 119 and there's your tds your tornado debris signature is this out of is that birmingham radar that's birmingham radar they just ramped up again didn't it uh so based on the fact that it's ramped up again the weather service is now considering this a confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado over the oak mountain amphitheater moving northeast at 45 miles an hour again river chase here tornado here oak mountain amphitheater here alabama highway 119 runs right up through here so anybody anybody close really valley dale 119 either one of those two roads valley dale road alabama highway 119 you've got to be in a safe place don't don't fool around here this is a dangerous storm very dangerous and this is life-threatening again the weather service in birmingham calling this a large and extremely dangerous tornado that's going to be going right down so let me let's expand this out taylor want to expand it out go back to the velocity we'll take out some of this noise here and i want to show the 280 corridor all right so again there's your circulation right here it's near indian spring school approximately and when i call out these locations these are approximate locations i'm just giving you some reference points possible tornado circulation near indian spring school coming right down highway 119. obviously anybody and this is the oak mountain property right in through here oak mountain state park uh oak mountain lakes it's right here but it's going to want to go down 119 it might hop over toward valley dale this is valley dale road right up in through here and that's going to come out toward u.s 280. so you've got brook highland over here uh and most likely brook highland could be pretty close to this thing so again if you are located near brook highland inverness any place close to that you've got to be sheltered i still want anybody in the polygon has got to be short but i'm being really specific here because this is moving through a densely populated part of the world where we can really kind of narrow this down but clearly the call to action on 280 this is the hill right here the old joe's crab shack used to sit right here you've got the brook highland shopping center which is right here there's a lowe's here this is the brook highlands subdivision the residential community the tennis club is up in through here any of these places it's coming right at you and you've got to be sheltered small room lowest floor near the center no windows and if you know anybody please help us today if you know anybody in any of these places help us call them spain park meadowbrook inverness and tell them there's a significant tornado that's about to move right through there if they missed the warning we hope they heard the warning 30 minutes ago oak mountain high school spain park high school oak mountain intermediate school berry middle school brook highland and inverness all of these places uh it's where we have potential for a significant tornado about to come through uh this is 280 right here all right possible tornado here moving like that and then from there it's going to keep on moving out into the northeastern part of shelby county we'll talk about that in just a moment but clearly this thing is coming right up on the 280 corridor and the next camera you know if if we can't see anything here taylor you might want to try the grandview medical center skycam which is on the 280 side is going to be probably looking through a lot of rain into this really the galleria tower should be the best one but at this point again it looks like it's just rain wrap we're having a really hard time today defining these things but again understand this is a very dangerous situation and the weather service in birmingham is now calling this a tornado emergency the national weather service in birmingham is issuing a tornado emergency so again inverness we still have a pretty well-defined tds with this yeah brook highland oak mountain spain park lee branch greystone any of these communities that we're calling out if you're anywhere close to these places you've got to be sheltered right now this uh is a very serious situation let me just read the latest damage or tornado warning from the weather service in birmingham we have a tornado warning for northern shelby county in extreme southern jefferson the tornado damage threat is catastrophic we have a large confirmed destructive tornado over indian springs village moving northeast at 45 miles an hour this is a tornado emergency so and again this is riding right up 119 riding right up valley dale road in that general vicinity we don't know how large this is because we're having a really hard time getting a camera on this thing and seeing it it is rain wrap do not and i mean do not go look out your window or walk out in the front yard that's a horrible mistake you don't want to make if you're near this thing you've got to trust me when i tell you that this could be a large destructive tornado that is coming through northern shelby county right now it's coming down highway 119 it's passed over the oak mountains amphitheater vicinity it's been passing over some of the property at oak mountain state park and again that's going to be coming over here toward u.s highway 280 and this is highway 119. this is uh up on the ridge you've got uh valley dale road which is right over here this is inverness this is brook highland you've got lee branch you've got greystone over here all of these neighborhoods you got to be sheltered right now and again what you can do is help us if you know anybody that lives in these places we've called out i want you to call or text them now and tell them you've got to turn on the television or forget that you've got to be in a safe place you can turn on the tv on your phone if you want to and again the danger is ended in shelby county so again our camera there is moving again uh it passed over their location and we'll see if we can find any damage but at this point the urgent message is that we have what potentially a large destructive tornado that is down coming up on brook highland on inverness inverness is located right here uh meadow brook at residential subdivision just off highway 280 spain park oak mountain high school oak mountain intermediate school oak mountain elementary and middle school spain park high school barry middle school uh again back over toward inverness in brook highland greystone lee branch all these places we're calling out we want you to be really really really sheltered and again taylor is highlighting where that tornado is currently located and it's coming right up on highway 280 right over in through here again this is the brook highland shopping center which is right down here again you've got a lowe's here this is 280 coming up on the hill the old joe's crab shack used to sit up in through here and then that's 280 going back into uh birmingham through here but that's about to cross over 280 in minutes we are getting reports now helena fire department responding to a partial collapse of a structure uh in helena we're getting reports of damage in helena on cunningham drive from this tornado this is when it came through helena so we're now getting reports of confirmed damage in helena from this um and again let me just say what some people are asking that doesn't really look like a tornado the one issue we have the 0.5 degree beam coming into this is probably being attenuated by oak mountain some terrain features in through here believe it or not we have hills and mountains in alabama if you're watching from other parts of the country country the bottom line is forget what it looks like understand this could be very significant so let's put the tds back on there taylor we can the tf tornado debris signature it's in the noise right now it's just in this noise and we're not going to be able to see that but again brook highland inverness greystone lee branch any place like that we're calling out you've got to be sheltered uh nobody should be on driving on 280. we'll give you an all clear right now for i-65 and us-31 this is way past you all clear i-65 and us-31 nobody should be on u.s 280 between interstate 459 and uh we'll say lee branch right now nobody on 280 between 459 and lee branch until this thing crosses most likely the tornado is crossing over right now we're looking at it live on that grandview medical center sky cam we're looking right into it okay and again that's doug baker boulevard at 280 that's the top camera we are now getting pelham police responding to multiple calls for assistance pelham fire pelham fire department they're responding to multiple calls for assistance in the city of pelham which is a sign that perhaps a large tornado has come through a very densely populated area this is a life-threatening situation and you've got to take this really seriously we hoped everybody was sheltered all up and down the path of this thing this originated way back in you know goodness green county it's this is going to be a long track supercell type storm a long track tornado and it's crossing over highway 280 right now out here around brook highland the brook highland shopping center and that's going to keep on moving northeast what i want to do is expand this out again taylor let's talk about who's next it's coming right over 280 right now and let's keep going and expand it out some more all right so there's your tornado right here and that's going to be coming out into this part of shelby county east of u.s highway 280 and out here it's not as densely populated we have lake purdy out here we have the little cahava but again that is clearly going to be coming right at this is done at valley road right here that's uh county road 41. uh everybody in mount laurel needs to be sheltered shoal creek greystone crest greystone farms the cove at greystone you need to be sheltered all right let's take the camera live which which camera do okay goodness gracious which camera is this oh boy this is 119 and 280 this is a large violent tornado that is down this is at uh alabama highway 119 and uh us-280 this is one of the traffic cams you saw the power flashes this is a large destructive violent tornado that is down mount laurel shoal creek greystone uh you've got to be sheltered right now this is urgent uh this is an urgent situation this is a tornado emergency for the neighborhoods that we've called out what i'm doing is texting my wife to be sure she's in the shelter uh so again if we can go back to that camera this is um again we're getting a little blockage on the beam on the radar and if we can go back to that camera but clearly okay so this is done valley road uh right here this is graystone crest that thing is coming through goodness passing a little south of brook highland uh it's coming through some of the graystone neighborhoods again the crest is right here on top of the mountain uh this is done valley road right here you've got shoal creek which is right here greystone cove which is right here greystone farms which is right here this thing is dangerous extremely dangerous all right don't fool with this and it's going to keep on rolling down shelby county 41 or alabama highway 119 in that general area we've got the couplet showing up near the crest this is hugh daniel drive which kind of goes over the mountain right here again dunamis valley road is right here but from here it's going to keep on moving northeast this is dunamis along alabama highway 25 this is shelby county 43 coming back over to van diver and again we've got now we can see some fire units and we're getting okay this is from old town helena we have damage with power lines on the road and polls broken trees down cahaba valley road that's 119 at summer circle um uh we got multiple multiple calls for assistance here this is a again a tornado emergency for northern shelby county that this possible tornado which is located again near the greystone farms greystone cove the crested graystone the main graystone neighborhoods that's moving northeast and that'll be coming right out toward the highway 119 or staying along 119 or maybe county road 41. the main roads here are county road 41 that's done at valley road and highway 119 that goes up the leads over here and again uh you can see the possible tornado right here with what could be a debris ball and again we've got a lot of damage here and if you guys note any more uh damage and let me say one more thing we've got a confirmed tornado near aliceville i don't want to leave you out if you're in alice field you've got to be sheltered pickens county there's a tornado warning there you've got to be sheltered please be sheltered in pickens county north shelby fire reporting multiple houses hit on parkside drive helena road and bearden road being shut down by pelham fire on helena request we have possible damage at the pelham civic complex which is by the oak mountain amphitheater uh pelham fire reporting power lines and trees down helena fire asking for mutual aid from pelham so again this this is a very high impact major tornado emergency and you can see the tornado warning extends now into sinclair county so we got a possible tornado here in shelby county and again this is located uh in the vicinity of greystone mount laurel brook highland uh moving northeast and that's going to cross over into shelby and st claire county so in sinclair county the cities involved would be ashfield on highway 231 to pell city this is time to be sheltered we've got moody right here all of these communities you've got to be sheltered obviously leads the community of donovan on alabama highway 25. so a tornado warning in effect now for shelby county i'm sorry sinclair county now this is the new tornado warning that is currently in effect and that will be in effect until 2 30 this afternoon and it also includes parts of talladega county as well so again we've got a possible tornado near greystone mount laurel in shelby county right here it's going to be coming up into sinclair county and this is going to be going down either highway 119 or county road 41. uh one of the two over here toward alabama highway 25. uh again shoal creek you want to be sheltered brock's gap the brock property on highway 41 you want to be sheltered and that will continue moving right in the direction of highway 25 everybody along highway 25 right here should be sheltered the danger is now past highway 280 we can give it all clear to u.s 280. an all cleared u.s highway 280 uh from this uh and again we watched we're watching that grand view medical center skycam and uh we're watching all of these things are rain wrapped today it's going to be so hard to see these things but we have multiple agencies involved here and let me just say one more thing the high risk has been expanded east and now includes tuscaloosa birmingham and gadsden not that that's that important at this point but we have a level five out of five high risk that now includes birmingham tuscaloosa and gadsden all right so again we've got a tornado that is approaching highway 25. uh donovan here vandover here this is starrit leeds is up here looks like the tornado is going to be passing south of leeds and ultimately this thing could cross interstate 20. pell city is right here cropwell is right here that's 231 going down north toward the town of vincent and harpersville a possible tornado coming up on vandiver in donovan again it looks like this thing kind of went down county road 41. but i want to go to pickens county real quick we're getting reports of a confirmed tornado on the ground at aliceville and again let me just show you who's in the polygon over here very dangerous storm aliceville is right here tornado right here along alabama highway 14 pickensville here aliceville here tornado between aliceville and pickensville moving northeast toward carrollton this is your polygon it's not quite up to us-82 this is reform this is gordo but everybody in carrollton aliceville sapps you've got to be sheltered is this very dangerous storm apparently is dropping a tornado that is on the ground in pickens county this is in west alabama about 40 miles west of tuscaloosa so a tornado warning continues in effect for pickens county that is in effect until 2 30 this afternoon and again we're getting some reports of law enforcement from law enforcement of a confirmed tornado down near atlasfield with that storm let's go back to our storm that's south of birmingham and again we've got the camera at bald rock i don't know if that one is up it might not be today we got a camera this on top of bald rock mountain we give us pretty good view of this thing let's look at the debris product if we can it's probably going to be noisy the correlation coefficient and again i don't want to point out a tds at this point because of the noise let's go back to the velocity display one more time and again clearly the concern is going to be right here that's county road 41. yeah there's your hook there's your tornado and that's coming right up on vandiver and donovan right in through here this is shelby county 43 looks like the tornadoes come right down county road 41 donovan valley road and that will be coming up on donovan vandover you've got to be sheltered along highway 25 nobody driving on highway 25 south of leeds down to vincent i just would stay off highway 25 for the next 15 minutes again we're giving an all clear to us 280. all clear to highway 280 and all clear to interstate 65 and u.s 31. there's our tds yeah okay thank you taylor it's clearly down clearly down and where you see uh greystone crest there carnoustie that shoal creek and i'll let you take it for just a second let me check on some folks here real quick okay all right so uh what i've circled there is the indication of lofted debris this is going to continue moving as james has mentioned towards done event winburn vandiver it's moving very close to wahapa lake circle county road 101 and it's going to be on its way towards sand ridge road here coming up pretty soon it's likely going to cross very close to oak crossing as well this is moving very close to done event here i'm thinking within the next radar scan it's going to be moving closer to donovan it's right north here of county road 43 it's in between county road 41 and county road 43 it's going to keep moving northeast towards dunn event here pretty soon so if you are in pass on a few reports real quick i'm sorry taylor we've got apparently some entrapment now in eagle point uh which is right off highway 280 near lee branch um and uh we've got reports of people trapped in pelham right now we're getting reports of major damage in helena this is apparently a major tornado that's come through here and again uh that tornado is located right here and it's about to cross over highway 25 very very very dangerous situation here this is a tornado emergency for the northeastern part of shelby county and again that's going to continue to carry out up in the sink or saint claire county which is right here this is wolf creek this is interstate 20 right here that's u.s highway 78 pell city is right here so everybody in saint clair county in this thing you've got to be sheltered right now and again what we're doing here working at tornado emergency i'm james spann with taylor cerallo and this is a an extremely dangerous situation today um and we're starting to let's go to wx05 if we can real quick um so this is some of the damage that we're getting right now and uh this is from uh i want to say this is by the oak mountain football stadium on highway 119. and that's an example of some of the damage we're getting from that particular point um that's a look at what could be that uh this the tornado going that's over pelham so let's go back to the radar and again we're going to stay with this uh if you're just joining us uh this is james spann with taylor cerrallo mainly checking on my wife we've got she's she's okay and she's in the tornado shelter uh okay go ahead taylor i'm sorry no no you're yeah we're we're glad to hear that uh your wife is okay we've got trees uprooted pelham high school we're getting a lot of damage reports in here and we've still got that tds showing up very strong moving towards vandoor right so again the main concern it's going to be highway 25 alabama highway 25 vandiver starrit really up toward leeds that's highway 25 right there got a major tornado right here about to cross over highway 25 that's going to come out of shelby county coming into saint clair county and again interstate 20 nobody should be along interstate 20 between leeds and let's just say the coosa river right now nobody along interstate 20 between leeds and the coosa river nobody along u.s 78 same stretch everybody in pell city should be sheltered everybody in asheville should be sheltered everybody in wolf creek should be sheltered right now is this possible that's a possible that is a very large destructive tornado is coming up into sinclair again interstate 20 right here u.s highway 78 right here and again that will continue moving into saint claire and keep in mind as we show you this we've got a tornado warning in effect for pickens county in west alabama as well if you're in carrollton aliceville you've got to be sheltered we're focusing on multiple tornadoes today understand that okay and what we're going to do right real quick is change my battery taylor so we're going to go back to you for a second i'll be right back okay so what i'm going to do here is i we haven't pulled a storm track in a while on the circulation so that's what i am going to do and i want to remind you that if you are in this polygon you need to be in that safe place and stay there but i'm going to try to give you some approximate arrival times for when this circulation could arrive in your location so i'm going to pull this to the northeast here at about 45-50 miles per hour and this is an approximate arrival time here but uh moving up on donovan here at 1 59 p.m so that's in like three minutes so if you're in done event you you should be hunkered down in your safe place it's gonna be loud out there but make sure you've got that helmet on stay where you are stay put if you're in a safe place you're going to be okay stewart's crossroad coming up at 206 brompton at 208 and we've just got this newest radar scan here this will be moving into chula vista at 2 14 p.m and then eventually towards hunting ridge at 217. so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to uh as i'm going to continue circling here this this this tds here moving right through the vandiver area and i want to zoom you down because i want to give you that street view here of what exactly streets this is moving along so this is going to be moving along county road 43 on high road here pretty soon county road 480 county road 50 coming up on stewart's crossroads here in the next few minutes and so we are still seeing that indication that we have a tornado on the ground what i want to do here is switch over to the velocity and see if we can pick out where that rotation is at the moment so based on this velocity here it's moving very close to the community of vandover and we are it's a confirmed tornado so that's what the national weather service is updating there and it's moving towards the stewart crossroads area eventually it's going to end up near prescott and it's going to also end up and what you're seeing here in that box that video footage is going to be live footage from helena so this is the same storm that moved through the helena area just a few moments ago and it's going to continue moving towards wolf creek stuart's crossroads here pretty soon moving towards in the general direction of pell city in between moody and pell city here pretty soon so this is going to be crossing over into saint claire county in the next few minutes or so so if you live in prescott chula vista moody pell city coal city odin bowl make sure you're in that safe place stay there put your helmets on make sure you've got your shoes on and you are remaining in that safe place in the next few minutes here as we continue to track this circulation so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to put back on the correlation coefficient the debris tracker and this is giving us an idea of the different uh different types of things that might be in the atmosphere so if we're picking up boards and pieces of homes or pieces of trees this is going to give us a better idea of if there's any debris kind of noisy at this point but based on what we have seen this is where i'm indicating the most likely tornado debris signature very close to van diver as that circulation has been moving through vandever moving near the stair community so stewards crossroads you are going to be coming up next here so stay in that safe place hang tight there sequoia road if you live near as i zoom down near morris road near 78 state route 4 along i-20 so at this point if you are on i-20 you need to be pulling off and you need to be headed to a gas station a sturdy structure you do not want to be in your car if you live near chula vista or if you're driving near chula vista on i-20 in saint clair county you want to pull off the highway at this point i do see that we have some crews on i-20 here that that circulation is going to pass to the east of them so at this point they are okay this is where our crews are located right here very close to leeds this circulation is likely going to cross to the east of leeds so if you're in leeds the circulation is moving uh to the east of you so you are okay and you are not actually technically included in this warning polygon so i'm going to try to put back on this store melodic velocity here and i'm going to circle where the most likely rotation is has moved through the vandiver area and i'm going to draw this arrow here it's going to be heading north eastward towards prescott community towards stewart crossroads and towards chula vista so this is headed towards i-20 here pretty soon and this is where we are showing uh some of the roads here that are in uh the path of this so mill ridge lane shawl road morris road state route 4 rock ridge road and rock ridge road where it connects to i-20 if you live in this area this this circulation is headed your way here pretty soon okay so i'm getting word from the national weather service that they have dropped the tornado emergency tag but this is still has the potential uh to to drop back down on the ground at this point we're not seeing super strong indications in this correlation coefficient but but you uh still need to be uh treating this as a tornado on the ground because what we've been seeing with this we've been tracking this all the way from greene county and this storm has been cycling this is a long track supercell thunderstorm on the bottom right of your screen you are seeing the pelham civic complex on the top is a live shot from helena in a shelby county as this the storm did move through that area not too long ago i'm going to circle where this rotation could be it's going to be passing pretty close to prescott in wolf creek here in the next few minutes and i'm going to pull another storm track here because these storms are moving pretty quickly today to the northeast at about 45 miles per hour so if this continues on the same track this is going to put it pretty close here to lake view at 211 walkerton at 212 glen city at 213 and then stewart's at 2 13. so we are tracking this this uh circulation here headed towards the community of coal city as well and this will likely be crossing over i-20 so i've said it once but i'll say it again if you are in between moody or lincoln on i-20 you need to be pulling off here especially if you're very close to chula vista you need to be pulling off the interstate you should not be driving on the interstate at this point find a gas station find a sturdy structure we don't want you in your car driving along i-20 at this point looking at the correlation coefficient i'm going to kind of just bounce between different radar products to try to find at the most likely location of this circulation at this point but our better indications are showing up here on this storm relative velocity so once again i'm going to draw this arrow in the direction that the storm is moving it's going to be moving very close to the chula vista community so so if you live in the chula vista community or prescott this is moving very close to you so i want to take you down to the street level so if you live on any of these streets or live near these streets you need to hang tight hang in that safe place i know it's going to be loud out there you're going to hear the rain you're going to hear the wind but if you're in that safe place you've got your helmet on you're going to be okay so we're going to track this circulation here it's moving towards morris road jennigan's road chula vista mountain road cook springs road moving towards the community of tanyard here pretty soon state route 174 state route 4 and then crossing over i-20 here i'd say in the next couple of minutes so once again if you are listening to us on the radio and you can hear me and you are on i-20 you need to get off at the nearest exit and uh if you're in between moody and the chula vista area you need to get off at the nearest exit and make sure you are getting to a sturdy location we do not want you in your car at this point i'm checking with the national weather service here not hearing any updated information on this exact circulation uh we are getting reports of more damage coming from helena so that would be this same circulation here um and we are getting also reports that that circulation that we've been tracking in pickens county has broadened a bit but if you are still in that warning polygon in pickens county we want you to remain in that safe place until that tornado warning is dropped and expired for you at this point it still is in effect so we want you to stay in that safe place with this latest radar scan here seeing a little bit of an indication of a broadening of the circulation so that could indicate that this is cycling a bit uh so let me put on this reflectivity might be easier to pick out where that rotation is and at this point the storm structure not quite as organized as it was a little bit farther back in time but as we've seen with this system it's been cycling so this could be going through recycling and it could tighten right back up here pretty soon but if you live in prescott chula vista stewart's coal city now is the time you want to stay in that safe place and this will be crossing over towards i-20 here pretty soon also on 78 if you live on 78 this is going to be crossing very close to you so let me uh look here at some of the the chat we're getting more damage reports from highway 280 when the circulation crossed over highway 280 and putting on this this velocity here at this point not showing a super tight couplet a tornado velocity signature but this is where i would assume the strongest rotation would be at this point um and as i've mentioned this could be cycling so we're going to keep a very close eye on the storm if you're in this polygon stay in that safe place pell city you are included in this polygon this is likely going to cross just to the northwest of your location if you're in pell city crossing in between moody and pell city very close to the chula vista community moving towards watsonville and odin bowl here pretty soon and it will eventually be okay so we are showing on your screen now some damage on 280. and what you're looking at is you're seeing traffic has been stopped and if you look really carefully that you can see there what looks to be a bunch of trees that have just been snapped off um their trunks snapped off and you can also tell there are power lines down this is going to be on 280 where where is this on 280 do you guys know in the back douglas baker okay so this is uh um 280 and douglas baker and you can see their indication of what was like that's doug baker boulevard yeah um you got people trapped in houses in eagle point over there um it's it's not a good situation and um the reason i had to step out we've had major damage in my house i'd be sure my wife is okay but the tornado came right through there and it's not good it's bad uh it's it's bad we've got a lot of uh let's go to wex05 real quick and again this is not the worst of it i'll just show you some of these images this is coming from indian springs and highway 119. this is right after it came through the amphitheater area and looking at some more of the damage this is graystone farms again you can see it looks like some pretty serious structural damage this is just off hugh daniel drive near county road 41. this is going to be a pretty big tornado that's caused all this damage out through here this is eagle point in northern shelby county and again this is not too far from lee branch and again you can see major major damage um they're shutting down a part of 119 at 280 do the power lines down let's go back to the radar and again i want to we got to stay focused on what's to come we'll look at the damage here in just a second but uh the helena's got major damage all phone lines the helena police are down uh please stay out of the area of old town but let's look at the tornado just look at the tds the tornado debris signature here real quick if we can taylor just kind of get you updated on this and taylor helped me out i've been out in the hall trying to be sure my family's okay uh where where are we on the is this the tds over here now uh uh that does that is not the tv i'm pretty sure that's not it no um i'm having a hard time picking it up here i assume it is next to uh near stewart's is where i'm thinking it's pretty noisy but i'm thinking this is going to be that tornado debris signature let me co locate it here no that's probably not it it might be farther down here towards a wolf creek still i'm having a hard time picking out the tds on the correlation coefficient product here but this could be at near wolf creek we might be able to get a better picture here looking at reflectivity let's go back to our xo5 real quick show some more of the images of what's happened here this is a obviously a major tornado coming through shelby county it's not a plane very densely populated part of the birmingham metro and uh again this is what's caused so much damage and it's gonna it's it's we've got damage in so many places so let's go back to the radar again we try and focus on what's to come and that we still have life-threatening weather so again saint clair county uh you need to be in a safe place uh pell city uh asheville wattsville coal city ragland you are all in the polygon riverside if you're in this polygon be sure that you're in a safe place and stay there until it passes we again this storm has had a history of producing major major damage the the storm in sinclair is probably in air that is not quite as conducive as the air that was in the birmingham metro the air is a little less unstable and hopefully that will help to let this thing spin down a bit but again and we don't have the bald rock camera do we taylor uh we do not i tried to pull it up but okay the tornado warning for pickens county is not going to be extended so again the tornado warning for pickens not extended so the one tornado that we have is this tornado warning for saint clair county so pickens is being canceled right now so if you're in pickens county the tornado warning for pickens county in west alabama has been canceled all right so now we have a tornado warning in effect for saint clair county again this is pele city and even though the rotation is not as intense as it was earlier you've still got to be sheltered as long as you're in this polygon some of the places in the polygon would include asheville raglan uh wattsville pell city the storm is on by wolf creek and chula vista bald rock but this the broad circulation coming obviously right up on pell city i think it's going to stay pretty far south of asheville but again as long as you're in that polygon you want to stay sheltered uh again broad circulation coming up on pell city but it still could be down so please take this seriously we've had major damage uh in parts of the birmingham metro in northern shelby county from this storm major damage with injuries we don't know how many injuries we don't know much beyond that and again the uh the newsroom will help us as we get the video in and we find out more about that uh but again this is your tornado circulation that's very close to pell city pell city here crop well here riverside is right here this is the coosa lake logan martin and that will continue moving to the northeast and we'll see if the weather service decides to extend that warning over into calhoun county so i want to go back to just a big picture really quickly taylor we want to do a reset here it's 2 12. we've had a major tornado come to the birmingham metro the tornado warning for pickens county has been canceled we have flash flood warnings in effect now for many counties including the birmingham metro we have one active tornado warning and it's this one so let's go back to saint clair county this is the storm that came through northern shelby and uh produced some very uh significant damage all right let's roll it we got some video of this let's go ahead and take that again this this is this is off the traffic camera and uh this is at uh uh around lee branch in us highway 280 119 and again that's the cvs you see the power going off and on there but that's that's just horrifying that's coming through eagle point that is the tornado coming through eagle point that subdivision where we have people trapped and it has went down shelby county highway 41 down in the vicinity of some of the greystone neighborhoods graystone farms down toward greystone cove shoal creek and then up ultimately down toward the town of dunavant and then from there it is moved into sinclair county and it's produced major damage and that's probably the best view we've had of that thing today coming off that traffic cam and that thunderstorm is what we're watching right now and it might be ramping up again very close to pell city so again everybody in pell city you should have been sheltered about 30 minutes ago the lead times today have been very extensive uh which is a good thing but that's bad and that we know that these could be long track violent tornadoes and again we're getting evidence that this thing is ramping up again let's look at the cc the correlation coefficient product if we can uh and again you can see that uh there's a bit of a lowering right there so it might be getting down again so we'll go back to the velocity and again we've got a lot of damage in um helena and pelham and north shelby county crossover i-20 as well right and obviously nobody should be along interstate 20 right now and again the traffic you're seeing in that video that's u.s 280 that's been blocked off with a tornado came through near lee branch earlier but a possible tornado near pell city so again pell city uh riverside uh and we'll see if the weather service extends the warning they they could very well do that over into talladega or calhoun counties northern talladega based on the damage that this thing has caused and again hoover police they've got several officers going over toward gravestone uh there's a lot of damage in helena and pelham and just a lot of things going on here so again this is a tornado warning for saint clair county in parts of talladega county in effect until 2 45 this afternoon and again you can see the polygon right here and this is your possible tornado and it's pretty much wow yeah looks like it's ramping up again right here you've got the home depot which is right here golden rule barbecue which is right here what could be a destructive tornado is down again that's just north of pell city and again that's going to be moving a little south of wattsville crossing the coosa and that's going to be moving over into uh calhoun county this is ohachi right here calhoun county you've got coal boiling springs which right here boiling springs road runs down from alabama or 144 down to highway 77 but again that's a tornado that is right here looks like it's ramping up once again crossing over highway 231 just north of downtown pell city downtown pell city is right here old u.s 78 is right here that's interstate 20. this is u.s 231 going north back up to asheville wattsville is right here and again uh that that's there's a lot of retail shops and restaurants right here hotels just right off the interstate and that's about where that tornado is right now that's going to keep on moving to the northeast and again that will be crossing the coosa river and then moving over into calhoun county so the next county of concern after sinclair will be calhoun let's expand this out just a little bit let me show some of the bigger cities that might be in the path of this thing to give people some lead time on this we've talked about lead times today so if we can expand the view out a little bit taylor uh make it a little wider and again we're watching some of the damage video coming in kind of together let's expand it out a little more please thank you right there so this is moving northeast and just to give you an idea what might be this is the one that caused all of this damage in the birmingham metro the southern part of the birmingham metro northern shelby next up for this thing it's going to be coming out into calhoun and most likely it's going to be crossing north of anniston north of oxford again some places like alexandria sits right here weaver sits right here jacksonville sits right here the greatest potential in calhoun it's going to be these communities north of anniston so at the moment there's not a tornado warning in effect but okay so the bottom box we're seeing by the way is old town helena the tornado came through old town helena uh and again this is uh what it looks like now and again you can see that at that particular point we've got some damage we we've got reports of injuries we have reports of entrapment but we do not at this point uh have a count we just don't know we're in this phase where we're trying to just determine what has happened who's been hit who's trapped doing search and rescue at this point and uh it's been obviously a very large tornado so let's go back to uh what we've got here again we've got a tornado that apparently is down a tds in sinclair a new tornado has most likely come back down just north of pell city and this is moving got a tornado debris signature right here and again that's going to be around the hotels up there the home depot golden rule barbecue we'll be crossing the coosa over into calhoun county this is calhoun county this is ohachi right here and uh in a matter of minutes i'm sure the weather service will be posting a warning for calhoun county so uh here here we are at uh 219 we have a tornado warning in effect for saint claire county for the possible in fact we have a tornado that is down currently along highway 231 that's moving northeast that's going to be crossing the coosa and again ohachi is here boiling springs here boiling springs road goes back over toward the mammary baptist church which sits right here and all of this is moving in that general direction so again if you're in ohachi even though there's no formal warning for a calhoun i'd go ahead and go to a safe place the warning should be coming out in a matter of minutes so again if you're in ohachi anywhere near ohatchee just be in a safe place you've got the lake neely henry dam highway 144 is right here this is lake neely henry this is logan martin down here below that and that possible tornado is going to be very close to ragland as well so ragland ohachi anybody close to these places you've got to be in a safe place if this possible tornado is now north of pell city ramping up again let's go to the correlation coefficient product and again we'll take a look at the possibility of debris that's being lofted and you can see a little negative spike right there that would be the potential for debris moving like this and again these blue lines these are flash flood warning polygons the ones i want you to focus on today are the red lines okay the red lines of the tornado warning polygons here so uh again and we will do our best in fact let me show you let's go to x05 real quick um again i can get a lot of images uh this was taken uh from jim and nick's on us-280 that's a double oak mountain i'm sorry let me go back to this uh and again you can see that we've got uh probably some pretty serious damage i got all kind of video of this thing but the way we do it here i'm not going to focus on the video of this tornado we've got to focus on what's happening right now so let's go back to the radar but i wanted to show you that because that's probably what this thing looks like right now what could be a significant tornado is now northeast of pele city it's crossed over highway 231 in about five minutes we'll give 231 and all clear moving northeast and again that's coming up in the vicinity of ragland and ohachi so those are our next communities in the path of this thing so if you're in raglan ohatchee don't fool around with this please it's been rough it's been very rough we know that many people have been hurt we've got a lot of damage and this is a very serious situation so once again uh the call to action is for everybody in calhoun and sinclair to be in a safe place the warning is coming in minutes here for calhoun uh that'll be up on the board in just a second and uh again we'll try and handle the damage in the double boxes again we've got a lot of reporters and a lot of video to show but we've got to focus on this we've got to protect life that's the main reason that we're here is to protect life and we have to focus on the storms that are in progress now and not necessarily the damage that has occurred we'll show you that in the double boxes we'll do the best we can to do that and i know there's a lot of neighborhoods hit we've got people that are trapped in parts of northern shelby county it's been a really really rough ride here but again tornadic circulation here this is alabama highway 144 right there my finger that goes up to raglan alabama highway 144 then it goes over to uh the dam this is the lake neely henry dam highway 144 that's alabama highway 77 this is ohachi and again you can see evidence of very very very tight rotation right in through here that'll be crossing the river obviously nobody should be out there in this water on the river right now but if you've got a raglan mailing address anywhere close to raglan you've got to be sheltered right now and again helmets for everybody and what you can do today like we've talked about before is please help us by calling or texting somebody in these polygons is we call out the the communities the neighborhoods they might be watching something on netflix or hulu or amazon prime and they're not watching the weather we want you to help us by calling them and texting them today you can be a big part of this warning process so again what could be a large destructive tornado is about to be crossing the coosa back to the river is located right there this is raglan and coming right up toward ohachi and from there it's going to keep on moving through northern calhoun county this will not be affecting anniston for those of you in anniston and oxford this will not be affecting you it's going to be affecting areas north of anniston the northern part of calhoun county there's your new tornado warning tornado warning in effect now for calhoun county in effect until 3 30 this afternoon you can see the southern edge of the polygon kind of clipping aniston but the greatest concern is going to be areas up here like alexandria duke weaver sachs lindlock the mcclellan property jacksonville piedmont is in the polygon this is highway 431 going up toward glencloth this is alabama highway 21 going up to jacksonville and piedmont so a very dangerous situation for the northern part of calhoun county this this storm is a long track storm this thing got down in greene county before 12 noon it was about 11 45 today and it's been maintaining itself mostly the entire time we've had a couple of frames where it gets up but it comes right back down and it's just wanting to stay down so again forget the quality of the air mass over here it's wanting to stay down once again so it could be a large tornado is about to cross the coosa right here that's the river right here and then it's going to come over here into a calhoun county so again if you're close to raglan close to ohatchee we want you sheltered if you're over here in alexandria we want you sheltered same thing for jacksonville weaver sachs any of these communities north of anniston you've got to be sheltered this could be a very significant tornado it has been a significant tornado that has been coming through shelby county and again i've got just gobs and gobs of video and images i will show you as we go along but we've got to keep our eyes on the prize here we've got to stay focused and be sure that people are safe and once we get people through this we'll be able to go back and look at some of these amazing videos and images that we're seeing coming in from some of the damage and i'll show a little bit tail in fact let me kick it back over to you and i'll show just a little bit in a minute to remind people how serious this is so taylor back over to you sounds good so we are tracking that circulation that is very close to embry bend moving over the coosa river headed in the general direction of sulphur springs in boiling springs here pretty soon this is also going to be passing very close to ragland and ohachi so what we haven't done here in a little while which i'm going to do is pull one of those storm tracks for you and remember if you were in that polygon you should be in your safe place at this point anyway but this is going to kind of give you an idea of when that circulation could be close passing close to your location here so looking at the storm track here i'm going to pull it at about uh between 45 and 50 miles per hour this is going to put this this center of circulation here where we're seeing the indication of circulation towards boiling springs at 237 10 islands at 241 ohachi at 241 in middleton at 2 42. and at this point all indications are pointing towards a very strong circulation here moving over the coosa river so what i want to do here is i'm going to switch us back to the correlation coefficient and see if we can find any indications of a debris signature not showing that at the moment but based on what we're seeing in velocity here it is very possible that we have a tornado that is on the ground at this point moving over the coosa river so i'm going to name off some of these roads that are in this the direct path of the circulation here woods bend road valley road this is going to be moving very very close to the city of raglan so if you're in ragland hang tight in that safe place make sure you've got those shoes on your helmet on as the circulation passes pretty close to you here pretty soon it's also going to be crossing very close to the city of macon and boiling springs here river road county road 73 if you live near mitchellville road that's going to be a crossing near you here pretty soon state route 144 eventually the circulation is headed in the general direction of ohachi and i'm going to draw an arrow here to kind of give you an idea of where this circulation is headed so headed in this general direction so this is a general direction here of where we're expecting the circulation to continue moving so once again that's going to move near ragland near sulphur springs boiling springs reagan chapel ottering and ohachi here in the next few minutes i want to check here and see if we have we do have confirmation of an observed tornado so we do have once again a confirmation that this tornado is on the ground and this has had that history of spinning up spinning down at this point it does appear as if the circulation has once again tightened back up and we are looking at uh a uh a indication that this tornado could be on the ground so i'm going to change back over the correlation coefficient product here at this point not seeing that show up on tds but this circulation is moving very very close to woods bend road it'll be crossing near valley road here pretty soon state route 144 lock three road macon river road county road 73 likely some very strong winds at this point near embry bend and this this the indication here of this rotation is moving uh right over the coosa river at this point so in the coming minutes we are expecting the circulation to get closer to the boiling springs area ragland ohachi and then if this continues on it's going to be moving near alexandria it might pass a little bit north of you but you're in that polygon so that means you're in the safe place you are listening to what's going on you've got that uh you've got your helmet on if we could take that banner down yeah thank you because that was covering the circulation there um and i want to draw an arrow here this is the general direction and it's going to be moving from saint clair county here into calhoun county pretty soon and at this point let's see if we can find a tds and at this point looking at some of the different radar products i'm having a hard time finding that on any of our other radar products but just based on that velocity signature alone likely we are dealing here with a tornado that is on the ground and this is that one same storm that we have been tracking all the way back from greene county it has dropped multiple tornadoes it has caused major damage in portions of chilton county excuse me not chilton county shelby county and back into portions of bibb county this this tornado has caused major damage in northern shelby county so this this has had a history of producing major damage we have multiple homes that have been destroyed at this point so if you are in this warning area take this very very seriously once again there's that very clear indication of rotation where you see those bright greens coming in contact with those bright reds those show us very very fast winds going in different directions so that kind of tells us where that rotation is going to be passing south of the city of ragland right now and it's going to be moving in the general direction of reagan chapel and boiling springs passing likely very close to in between ragland and boiling springs so valley road once again if you are in and around that area the circulation is moving your way pretty soon here and then eventually we'll be crossing towards ottery boiling springs ohachi so ahachi you are in the path of what is likely a tornado that is on the ground here moving in the general direction of river road valley road reagan chapel ohachi greyton so zuma's down and we'll get a look at some of these roads just so you guys can get a feel for where exactly this rotation is at this point we talked about woods bend road in this circulation is likely right over wood bins woods bend road at this point um moving towards kirksy's bend so if you live in and around kirksy's bend if you live on that road or even just near that road if that road sounds familiar to you then you need to hang tight hang in your safe place it's going to be loud if you've got your helmet on you're in your safe place you're going to be okay so just hang tight we'll stay here with you through this warning cherokee drive mockingbird drive and we're getting that latest radar scanning and that's why you're seeing that circulation jump a bit but likely moving very close to kirksy's bend it's going to be traveling down valley road and cherokee drive also mockingbird drive here in the coming minutes uh moving in the general direction once again of ohatchee so if you can hear me and you're in ohachi and you're not in that safe place yet now is the time that you need to head to that safe place boiling springs this is moving very close to you this is likely going to pass just to the east here of raglan but raglan i want you to still stay in that safe place but the center of circulation likely going to be crossing county highway 26 state route 144 just to the east of you moving very close to valley road lock 3 road and then eventually moving on towards ottery so i do want to zoom you out if you are just tuning in and we'll kind of give you an idea of who is in this polygon who is not in this polygon if you live in asheville you are not included in this polygon if you live in the city of ohatchee you are in this polygon mooresville melrose post oaks sulphur springs weaver you are included in this polygon uh let me pick it up real quick if you don't mind taylor uh again thank you it's uh 232 and i just wanted to kind of brief everybody we've got some really major damage and some entrapment and with some injuries and as soon as uh we get more facts from the news department we'll pass that on but i wanted to mention the reason we're here we've got to focus on these storms that are life-threatening we'll go back and and do the coverage as soon as we can but if we can pop me back in the key wall real quick uh dennis or whoever's back there please thank you all right so it's 2 33 and uh let's kind of focus on what we've got very dangerous storm now is passing just south of raglan it's about to cross over highway 77 right here this alabama highway 77 that's alabama highway 144 jacks sits right there coming right up on ohachi the ohachi high school elementary school complex sits about right here and again this is a very very dangerous storm this is a long track supercell cyclic it's produced multiple tornadoes along the track producing major damage in many counties and it's probably been producing major damage in saint clair county at this point we'll know much more about that in a second but it's across the river now and it's about to cross over alabama highway 77 this is north of lincoln lincoln is here interstate 20 is right down there and again that's going to be moving to the northeast that's most likely going to be crossing over highway 144 maybe close to the intersection of u.s highway 431 alexandria sits right here the elementary school sits right there at my finger and everybody in alexandria and duke all these communities along 431 north in northern calhoun county you've got to be sheltered right now is that violent tornado is about to cross over highway 77 no travel along highway 77 right now between southside and lincoln for about the next 10 minutes we can give it all clear to us 231 you're clear from this but again nobody should be along highway 77 right now between south side and lincoln as this violent tornado is about to cross over and again that's going to be crossing over and ultimately affecting the town of ohachi and highway 144. you've got sulphur springs which is right here boiling springs road runs right through here uh the mammary baptist church sits right here and that's coming right up in this general vicinity so if you're listening to me and you hear the name of your town please be sheltered and if you know someone that lives in these places you call them or text them right now because we have had major major major damage and uh and injuries with this storm this same parent storm when it initiated back in in green county and again this is the only tornado warning in the entire state right now so again it's coming right up toward the 431 corridor and obviously nobody should be along highway 431 from glencoe down to downtown anniston really we'll just say saks nobody on 431 from sacks up to glencoe nobody on highway 77 south side down to lincoln the circulation pretty much is right on highway 77 right now near the intersection of boiling springs road and highway 77 and that is a violent looking circulation let's put the uh correlation coefficient product on here if we can uh and let's take a look at the debris that's being lofted and so far we don't see a lot which is a good sign but look it's going to take a couple of volume scans for that debris to be lofted to the radar beam height so again we're not saying there's no tornado there i think there's firmly a what could be a violent tornado there so let's go back to our velocity display and again you're going to see that circulation pretty much right on top of highway 77 again ohatchee ohachi high school is right here jack's it's right here you've got the park by the river which is right here this is lake neely henry this is the lake neely henry dam the hydroelectric dam that's operated by alabama power company and again that is just a really violent looking circulation the same kind of thing that came through northern shelby county has produced all this damage and it is still extremely dangerous so we will again what i'm going to do is stay with this and we're going to go back and it's very tempting to show all the damage and all of the current situation but again as long as we have a life-threatening storm we have to stay with this and we'll stay with it and as soon as we can get this out of our state into georgia or it dissipates hopefully at some point then we will start bringing in some of the damage reports because there are a lot of them through parts of green hail bib shelby and probably sinclair counties right now this has been a long track cyclic supercell thunderstorm again boiling springs road is right here that goes up to alabama highway 144 which is right here uh that's highway 77 the schools it's right here ohatchee high school elementary school right here tornadic circulation is probably on highway 77 right now and as we get farther away from the radar keep in mind the radar beam is going to be pretty high up several thousand feet off the ground sometimes storms can be tilted because of strong winds aloft and the circulation might not be at this exact point where you see that couplet it might be five six miles in one way or the other but it's pretty close to that and obviously the concern is that you've got to be sheltered right now can we do it we'll do a quick storm track and some of the etas on this uh taylor we sure can we're at 237 right now i want to report too we've had a damage reported in uh pell city area so that was not too long ago with this same circulation right um and i'm going to pull that here to the northeast at about somewhere between 45 and 50 miles per hour and this will give you those uh times there let's look at though what's so funny those are the first off the times you can see the approximate arrival times on your screen you can pick out your community and see if your your approximate eta but again this does not affect sheltering you need to be sheltered now if you're in the polygon let's take 05 real quick if we can uh this is going to be uh what this thing looks like from north of lincoln looking back up into it it's kind of hard to see the tornado from that vantage point but i think it's probably down let's go back to wexo 5 real quick now yeah i'm sorry let's go back to the radar real quick and uh uh yeah there it is there's our uh debris signature of debris that is being lofted uh right now let's go to a wxo5 real quick if we can this is what we've got uh taylor this is not good this is eagle point these are well-constructed homes and uh again i just i don't know about injuries or anything else at this point uh the first responders are trying to figure out what we've got but that's what it looks like in the path of this tornado and i just show you that quickly to let you know you got to take this thing seriously okay so let's go back to the radar and we're working a tornado that is down on highway 77 again this is highway 144 that's the dam the lake neely henry dam and this is moving northeast and again taylor's got that thing coming right over the school here high school elementary schools it's right here boiling springs road runs right over here uh so again everybody in ohatchee's got to be sheltered needless to say hopefully you've been sheltered for a while we've been able to give some long lead times today but if you know somebody that lives in any of these places we're talking about please get in touch with them and remember you can't be in a mobile home you've got to be in a shelter or some type of business a site-built structure you can't stay in a mobile home so once again uh debris being lofted by a violent tornado that's along highway 77 it's just across the coosa river this is the coosa right here again that's the dam up here this is lake neely henry this is logan martin down here debris being lofted coming right up toward highway 144. and again next in line is going to be u.s 431 which is this highway right here alexandria here i'd say most likely the tornado is going to be passing north of alexandria again this is wellington road right here this is the angel community a pleasant valley school is out here if you're in any of these places once again you've got to be sheltered and again i know that this is not particularly you know the most enthralling thing is showing you this stuff because there's so much damage but i've got to do this y'all just please bear with us as we've got a violent tornado that's most likely down at ohachi in calhoun county this is in the western part of calhoun county and please understand that if you are in anniston or oxford this will not affect you this is passing well to the north of you okay so we've got uh tornadoes about to cross through uh highway 144 near the school uh complex in ohachi uh and from there it's going to keep on moving northeast up toward 431 the better chance of the passage along 431 is going to be north of alexandria south of glencoe glencoe is up in calhoun county so again nobody should be traveling along u.s 431 between glencoe and sachs i'll just make that whole stretch here and then once it crosses highway 431 it's going to cross over highway 21 and that thing might be coming pretty close to piedmont and there are some other storms that are that are showing broad rotation right now that might require a warning at this point we only have this one storm with the tornado warning and this is the storm that is in calhoun county and that's the reason we're focusing on this uh but again let's expand this out a little more let me kind of show jacksonville and piedmont relation to this so again jacksonville is here piedmont is right there piedmont here jacksonville here tornado is moving like that and obviously the next concern it's going to be the angel community and again the area right around pleasant valley school in calhoun county if you live in that area or anywhere close to that area be sheltered jacksonville you should be sheltered everybody in the polygons got to be sheltered here that's why we say respect the polygon but again that's going to be passing probably a little north of jacksonville coming up in the general direction of piedmont which is right here roy webb road runs here back over to highway 278 which is up here uh if you're along roy webb road you should be sheltered but again aniston is down here you're not in the polygon oxford not in the polygon this is for the northern part of calhoun county uh that tornado is right on top of ohachi right now it's not a good look right there that's a very dangerous storm that is likely producing some very significant damage okay we're getting some good news about your jacksonville state is on spring break which is you know the case when they had the big tornado three years ago they were on spring break so uh the jacksonville state is on is on spring break um see here again trying to bounce from source to source uh this is a day where there's so much information coming in in terms of damage uh it takes a little bit of time to process everything uh let's take a look at uh one image off wixo five if we can quickly i just wanted to show this is again north of lincoln looking back into that storm that's the wall cloud there's probably a tornado down you can't see it because of the hills and trees in through there but again that's what that thing is looking like so let's go back to the radar 243. i'm james spann with taylor serrallo it's going to be a very rough day today we have had multiple problems here with this storm major damage major damage in multiple counties this is a long track supercell that's cyclic the tornado has been down it lifts it goes back down again but it's the same parent storm and now we've got a tornado down at ohatchee this is in western calhoun county raglan all of saint clair county will give you an all clear saint clair county all clear from this tornado it is now sitting on top of oahachi it's moving northeast it'll be crossing highway 431 north of alexandria most likely but again if you're in alexandria same thing you've got to be in your safe place be sheltered until we give you an all clear but nobody should be traveling along needless to say alabama highway 144 right here uh 144 goes from ohachi back over to highway 431 nobody should be traveling along u.s 431 from glencoe down to sacks because we've got what could be a major tornado about to cross that highway and the last possible place you want to be is a vehicle the tornado warning for calhoun county will run until 3 30 this afternoon it's currently 2 44 and again this is the only tornado warning in the state at this point so this is 431 the next highway is alabama highway 21 which is right here and again this will be crossing over highway 431 then highway 21 and then moving ultimately into either southern cherokee or northern cleburne counties and we'll see how this thing if it maintains its life and it probably will this is a long-lived supercell yes ma'am james i want to point out we do have a new tornado warning now that does include portions of tuscaloosa walker and fayette county this is going to be a northern tuscaloosa county that does not include the city of tuscaloosa okay let's take a look at that one so again uh it is uh we we've got now two tornado warning polygons this is the second one this is going to include jasper yeah this is the tornadic circulation of concern this is in the far far far northern part of tuscaloosa county this is going to be about five miles south of the town of barrie barry is in fayette county so a tornado warning in effect for parts of extreme eastern fayette county this does not include the city of fayette bowley springs is right here bowling springs got hit by a horrible tornado april 27 2011 and this tornado is going to be moving northeast clipping this southeastern corner corner of fayette county so again people around bowley springs this is highway 69 do we have the windham springs camera up just tried it we do not okay it's down uh so we don't have that camera we'd have a great look at that otherwise but that's okay again we just you learn in these tornadic situations things go down that's when stuff happens like that but again a tornado is coming up into walker county from its current location some of the communities in the in the polygon in walker county would include parish goods springs pumpkin center oakman jasper cordova dora summerton sipsi boldo these are all communities in walker county in the path of this circulation so again we have a tornadic circulation now that is in far north tuscaloosa county far far north of the city of tuscaloosa this does not include the city of tuscaloosa the city of north port of the university of alabama this is about 28 miles north of there and that will be clipping the southeastern corner of fayette county around bowley springs if you're in bowling springs you got to be sheltered right now you know the routine no mobile homes no cars small room lowest floor near the center away from windows and same thing up here into walker county you got oakman and parish and then ultimately jasper and cordova of course which is right here that's interstate 22. we want nobody on interstate 22 right now in walker county we'll just say between west jefferson and carbon hill nobody should be on interstate 22 between west jefferson and carbon hill you need to pull off at a gas station convenience store and just sit this thing out again it's not worth making that risk is this you got some time here but not a lot of time let's do a quick track on this we'll go back to the calhoun county storm and again in this case we're going to be bouncing back between the two different tornadic storms this is the one that is in far north tuscaloosa county and you can see the approximate arrival times on your screen uh oakman for example in walker county a three o'clock eta it's 2 48 that's 12 minutes that's a lot not a lot of time so if you're in any of these communities up here in walker county be sheltered right now for a tornado that is in extreme north tuscaloosa county and again it's going to pass pretty close maybe just south of bowley springs if you're close to bowling springs and fayette county you need to be sheltered oakman parish cordova many of these places are familiar with tornadoes you've dealt with them before you might deal with one again today this is kind of in the genesis phase kind of in the beginning phase we'll see how this thing either ramps up or ramps down so tornado warning in effect for parts of walker extreme southeastern fayette extreme northern tuscaloosa counties and let's go back to our calhoun county storm we're going to be bouncing back and forth between these today so again we watched tuscaloosa county carefully the fayette walker county warning this is the tornadic supercell that's coming up on 431. it's basically on 431 right now you see the circulation on radar might be a little west of there but that circulation pretty much is on the highway right now 431 maybe about five miles north of alexandria uh if you're in the community of duke and again uh everybody out here in the community of angel and uh pleasant valley school if you're close to any of the landmarks i'm calling out you need to be sheltered and again please do us a favor today if you know of anyone in any of these communities that we're calling out we want you to help us and you call them or you text them because for a lot of folks they go home and they're not watching the weather and it's urgent that they are sheltered uh wellington duke angel any of these communities uh out here on highway 431 it's urgent that you are sheltered from this storm that has produced extensive damage in parts of in parts of northern shelby county it has been a really really uh rough day with the damage we've seen so far i'm afraid the day is still young that's the problem we've got a long way to go here uh it's coming up on uh 2 50. uh i'm james spann with taylor cerrallo back in the weather center uh and it's been quite a day so far and we've got a long way to go here but this we've got two tornado warnings that we're working we've got the one that you see here possible tornado in fact it looks like we have a confirmed tornado based on that tds coming up on highway 431 which is located north of alexandria by about maybe five miles and then we've also got the other one in tuscaloosa county let's go back to our northern tuscaloosa county storm and we're going to bounce back and forth between these two storms today and we are certainly just wanting everybody to stay safe that's the main goal of this so here we go this is the northern tuscaloosa county circulation right here does not affect the city of tuscaloosa not at all going to be coming up through southeastern fayette county not too far from bowling springs and then coming up into walker county if you're in oakland parish cordova dora summit and sipsy jasper you've got to be sheltered as this circulation is coming right up into the extreme southeastern corner of fayette county again near bowley springs and then curving up into walker county so anybody in these places up here you've got to be sheltered right now uh so far we've heard of no damage from this but again this is just a developing storm we'll see how this thing handle uh behaves does it ramp up does it ramp down we'll find out the other ones today have mostly ramped up unfortunately so let's go back to calhoun county and we've got two tornado warning polygons uh one on each side of the state so we'll go to number two and that's gwx we'll go back to bmx and again you can clearly see that circulation which is uh located uh uh right here and uh yeah that's uh i'm almost seeing two tds signatures sure looks like this yeah but again that's alabama highway 204 i should mention 204 runs from 431 down through the community of angel back over to jacksonville so if you're on obviously nobody should be traveling on u.s 431 nobody should be along alabama highway 204 if you're near pleasant valley school if you're new to the town of jacksonville you've got to be sheltered and again possibly two tornadoes involved here with two tds tornado debris signatures here so we'll see one way or the other to dangerous storm so this is northern calhoun county this does not affect aniston or oxford this is for the northern part of the county in that dominant circulation that main tds is coming right over highway 431 right now uh in the community near uh wellington duke and again moving toward the community of angel along highway 204. so be sheltered from that this is a storm that might ultimately affect piedmont jacksonville's here and again you're in the polygon you should be sheltered again we're calling out some really specific places but the key message here if you're in that flashing red polygon i don't care where you are you've got to be sheltered i might call out some specific locations in the path of this thing and yes this might be passing north of jacksonville but understand sometimes they've taken a little right turn they veered a little bit to the right of the mean flow today so just understand if you're in the polygon you've got to be sheltered and again that could ultimately affect the town of piedmont which is located right up in through here so this is the very dangerous storm in calhoun county that is north of alexandria crossing highway 431 right now let's go back to the western side of the state and again on the western side of the state we've got the the tornadic thunderstorm that is in the process of moving out of northern tuscaloosa county through extreme southeastern fayette county in fact the circulation is in southeastern fayette county near bowley springs so really i think we give an all clear for tuscaloosa county at this point that tornadic circulation again is near bowley springs in fayette county crossing over into walker county and again you've got some of the larger communities would be oakman parish cordova dora summerton and jasper and sipsy and a lot of these communities have been familiar with tornadoes for a long time and where's this camera from exactly okay so this is from brian peters and evan chivera two of our meteorologists and they are going to intercept this storm uh taylor is drawing their location they're right here and again uh for those that don't know brian of course has been with us for almost 20 years i think now but brian for many years was the warning coordination meteorologist at the national weather service in birmingham and he's probably trained at least 15 000 storm spotters in his day and these guys know how to stay safe safety is very important to us but we'll do our best to be intercepting this storm as it crosses interstate 22 and again that circulation is going to be coming up through walker county right up in the direction of i-22 which runs right through here that's interstate 22 cordova sits right here so again oakland parish cordova dora summerton sipsi jasper everybody here needs to be sheltered let's go back to the other storm we're going to leave that walker county video going but we're going to bounce back between the two storms working radar today and i do i'm very cognizant we have had major damage and major issues and i promise we'll show the damage and show some of these videos when i can but we have to focus on these life-threatening storms we can't get off of this we have to stay with it so again a very dangerous storm that's coming right up on highway 204 right here it's crossed over us 431 and again this is the community of angel pleasant valley schools it's right here uh so again if you are close to the school complex there near in the angel community please be sheltered and obviously that's probably going to come across the northern part of jacksonville the polygon's been adjusted now and you can see jacksonville is sitting on the southern edge of the polygon most likely the tornado here is going to be crossing highway 21 a little north of jacksonville but still if you're in jacksonville i'd be sheltered the good news the the college is on spring break uh this week uh which is great news but again this is going to be coming right up here toward alabama highway 21. it's about to cross over alabama highway 204 that's the main route that people cut here from 431 back over to jacksonville and again you can clearly see debris being lofted so again in the other box understand that is brian peters and evan cigbera those are our two meteorologists that are on the storm in walker county there's a tornado warning in effect there we're showing you on radar a tornado debris signature a tds that is coming up near pleasant valley school and then ultimately out here across highway 21 north of jacksonville we don't want anybody driving on alabama highway 204 which is this road right here nobody along alabama highway 21 between jacksonville and piedmont for about the next 30 minutes until we give you an all clear we can now give an all clear to u.s highway 431 we can all clear us for 431 from glencoe down to alexandria that segment this tornado was passed over 431 and next up is going to be coming up on highway 21. so again angel pleasant valley school anybody north of jacksonville nobody traveling on highway 21 nobody traveling on roy webb road nobody traveling on alabama highway 204. that's our calhoun county storm let's go back to our storm that is coming up into walker county right now and again now we've got evan and brian on interstate 22 that is on that storm as you can see and again this is a possible tornadic circulation that is in the process of moving out of extreme southeastern fayette county again bully springs is here and this is not it doesn't show you know taylor this doesn't look as good as some of the other signatures we've seen but we know these things are cyclic today yes absolutely so just because right now maybe it's a little bit more broad that doesn't mean five minutes from now it's not going to tighten right back up so that means everybody that is in walker county needs to stay sheltered in that safe place if i'm going to go ahead and circle where the most likely area of rotation is it's going to be right here and what i'm going to do also is flip between some of our different radar sites so i'm going to flip between the gwx and see if we can find a better indication here of rotation hard to pick out uh but doesn't mean that we won't see this circulation tighten right back up and you can actually see where evan and brian are right now they've uh they're on their way to corinth and cordova here i'm gonna circle where their location is so they're going to get a pretty good view here of this storm as it continues moving their direction in the next few minutes i'm going to check on some different products here and it does look like at this point the circulation is fairly broad but make sure you're in that safe place if you are included in this warning polygon which does include the city of jasper corinth cordova parish oakman good springs dora sipsi boldo i do want to take us back to uh the other storm we've been tracking because there is a new tornado warning that has been issued that lasts until 4 pm for cherokee and etowah counties for this circulation that we've been tracking all the way from greene county so of course the national weather service has extended this warning into portions of etowah county and also into cherokee county i want to point out in etowah county this morning does not include the city of gadsden or the city of hoax bluff this includes the city of reeves it does not include the city of ball play here but it's going to be really just clipping etowah county near reeves along 74 and then headed into cherokee county in cherokee county this does not include the city of center but it does include sanford springs ellisville alexis and fourny here so we're going to track this circulation i will do a storm track on this moving to the northeast at let me check the chat here it's moving to the northeast at 45 miles per hour so i'll pull a storm track here and we can get a estimate on some of the locations and once again this is going to be an approximate estimation of when it arrives with the circulation in your area but if you are in that new warning polygon you need to be getting to that safe place right now so here's that center of circulation very clear near crystal springs and angel it's going to be moving towards couch at 308 piedmont springs at 312 ball flat at 3 15 and once again piedmont at 3 16. so this is moving in the general direction of cherokee county as it moves out of calhoun county it could clip the corner here of etowah county once again this does not include the city of gadsden it does not include hoax bluff but it will include the city of reeves moving towards frog mountain in cherokee county and also the city of ball flat pine grove beaumar and uh it's going to be moving into cherokee county here pretty soon i want to point out this this this storm has uh has had multiple instances where it drops tornadoes and every indication at this point is that this tornado is still very strong looking at the correlation coefficient there to give us an idea of any tornado debris signature it looks like we're still picking up on a tornado debris signature at this point it's not quite as defined as what we've seen during this storm's history but this has been a cyclic long track supercell tornado thunderstorm that has moved all the way from greene county moved into portions of shelby county moved through saint clair county now it's in calhoun county on its way towards cherokee county here pretty soon so has moved very close to the city of angel and it's going to move towards roy webb here pretty soon i'm going to put back on the storm relative velocity because we're getting a really good indication of where that uh circulation is based on the storm relative velocity here i'm going to name off some of these roads so it's going to be moving up on mark green road here pretty soon so if you live in around mark green road and i should point out as james has been mentioning if you know anybody that lives in the southern half of cherokee county give them a call let them know they're in a tornado warning that's going to be south of the city of cedar bluff and south of the city of center so if you know anybody in cherokee county now is the time to give them a heads up give them a call or shoot them a text if you know anybody that lives in the city of reeves in extreme eastern etowah county go ahead and give them a call as well so i want to circle here all indications pointing that this that this uh circulation is still maintaining its strength as it moves towards roy webb here and it's moving near 21 but on its current trajectory will not cross over 21 and it does look like if it stays on this current trajectory here towards knighton's crossroads it should stay to the northwest of piedmont but piedmont remember you are still in that tornado polygon so we want you to stay sheltered but if this circulation here continues on its current trajectory it does look like it's going to cross over into cherokee county and should miss the the community of piedmont but stay in that safe place i don't want that to be in all clear for you this is not an all clear you're still in that tornado warning this can be moving near the community of couch uh dripping dripping rock road if you live on dripping rock road this is headed your way roy webb road uh it's gonna be moving pretty close to roy webb road here where it meets with a kimberly road if you live on kimberly road and then crossing over eventually into southern cherokee county near estes cross roads near ball flat and then if you live along 74 in etowah county from near the city of reeves you should be in that safe place as well and i do want to go back and let's take one more look too at that tuscaloosa or rather it's not in tuscaloosa anymore they've dropped tuscaloosa county from that that warning oh it looks like that whole warning has been dropped altogether so the warning that did include portions of walker in fayette county looks at this point like that warning has been dropped and i also look like i have dropped my chat room there okay we'll work on that in a second yeah i think nws chat is down again okay um which is just not good um so again if you're just joining us here it is uh 304 i'm james spann it's been a really rough day here we've had multiple tornadoes and obviously the concern right now it's it's what's happening over here in the eastern side of the state there is a tornado warning for northwest alabama but that's up in the huntsville television market and again as taylor has pointed out that warning for walker county has been canceled right now so again the tornado warning in effect for walker county has been canceled at this point so the only warning we have it's for this violent storm in east alabama right here and again we'll go a little bit closer and take a look at this thing it's passing north of jacksonville and again it's it's come right out through the area near pleasant valley school that's about to cross roy webb road and from there it's going to be coming up toward piedmont the town of piedmont sits right here this is piedmont more than likely that's going to be passing a little north of piedmont and coming north out of piedmont you've got alabama highway 9 which is right here this is the main north south highway and again that's going to be crossing over highway 9 maybe pretty close to the goshen united methodist church everybody's familiar with that story what happened there in 1994 so again this is what could be a violent tornado that is down right now we've had reports of major damage in ohachi uh and we have had reports of some injuries with this tornado in other parts of calhoun county and again i don't know the extent of those injuries uh at this point but yes the tornado again want to stress the tornado warning cancel for fayette and walker county so we've down to one storm with a tornado in the state and it's this one this is a possible strong violent tornado that is about to cross roy webb road this is knighton's crossroads on u.s highway 278 and there's your tornado it'll be coming out across roy webb road then crossing highway 278th and crossing alabama highway 9. so the main call to action here everybody in piedmont you've got to be in a safe place piedmont you stay sheltered we want everybody in southern cherokee county to stay sheltered this includes goshen and spring garden as this will be crossing out of northern calhoun back into parts of southern cherokee counties so again nobody on u.s highway 278 between the etowah county line and piedmont that would be really i could almost say back over let's just say hoax bluff that's easier hoax bluff to piedmont nobody should be on highway 278 nobody should be on alabama highway 9 from piedmont all the way up to the lake to weiss lake everybody stay off highway 9. we can give now jacksonville an all clear if you're in jacksonville this is clearly passing north of you there is no danger to the city of jacksonville uh this is passing a bit 10 miles north of the city and again it's crossing over roy webb road next up it'll be crossing highway 278 near or just east of knighton's crossroads then crossing highway 9 just north of piedmont and again if this thing takes a little jog to the right this might go right on top of piedmont these have been making some adjustment adjustments in their track today so again piedmont is right here what could be a violent tornado is right here so clearly everybody in the town of piedmont you've got to stay sheltered hopefully you've been sheltered for a while i know you've been there for a long time but again this is the time you've got to be sheltered and if you know anybody in piedmont all the way up highway 9 to goshen you've got to be in a shelter call them text them help us out with this over to spring garden in southern cherokee county any of these places we've called out please be sheltered as this is a very dangerous thunderstorm here and again there are other tornado warnings in effect up around the shoals up in the northwestern corner of the state but just be aware that this is the only one in our part of the state at this point right now um got a report from lauren walsh just passing along some damage reports very quickly while you look at this tornado behind me on the radar from the helena fire chief 16 homes damaged ranging from minor to significant treason power lines and no injuries that's the greatest word we can give you from helena no reports of any injuries they have done a preliminary a primary search in the process of a secondary search right now that is from the tornado that came through earlier and again it's been a rough ride here today again i i want to stay kind of focused on what we've got going on here i don't want to get there's so many video images and so many still images coming into this damage we're going to get to that as soon as we can but the people that live in piedmont and cherokee county they're just as important and we've got to stay on these tornadoes so again we've got what could be a violent tornado that's about to cross highway 278 near knighton's crossroads and uh i should mention that a pretty rough tornado came through knighton's crossroads april 27 2011. um it was pretty rough ride for them and this could be a pretty rough ride as well with this particular tornado uh a teenager angel stillwell she lost her life in that horrible tornado uh horrible story uh knighton's crossroads i mean this one is going to be cutting right across highway 278 near or just east of there and then moving up into southern cherokee county probably again piedmont is right here where my fist is located that's highway 9 going up toward goshen and weiss lake but this thing's going to be close to piedmont maybe just north of piedmont so everybody's still got to be sheltered in northern calhoun county and in southern cherokee county this is a very significant tornado most likely and this has had a long long long history of producing uh major damage here we there's people are getting some push alerts about a tornado warning in hoover area birmingham area there are no other warnings on the board for our area except for this warning that we're talking about on tv right now right that's old information that that was from it's the same storm but that was a long time earlier this afternoon we do know from stephen quinn that multiple people are being transported with injuries from homes in eagle point uh the extent of the injuries we just don't know and um multiple agencies are on the scene at eagle point a command center is being established at the clubhouse in the eagle point uh subdivision uh we do know that they've had to pull people that were trapped in their homes uh but again the extent of the injuries over there we just don't know but it's it's this is going to be an upper end tornado and again i i'm telling you this to let you know that you've got to take this thing seriously here this is what could be a violent tornado that's near knighton's crossroads on u.s highway 278 that's just a little to the west of the town of piedmont piedmont sits right there that's piedmont violent tornado moving northeast that will be crossing highway 278 right here in a matter of minutes then crossing highway 9 in southern cherokee county and then ultimately moving on out into the eastern part of cherokee county this is the community of rock run right here spring garden is over here and if you're in any of these places we called out again today the the ask is that you help us by calling people that might be in the in the path of these tornadoes that don't know that aren't watching television that don't know the current situation here so again this is the one warning we have the other warning that was issued earlier for walker in parts of southeastern fayette extreme northern tuscaloosa that was canceled as that has weakened a good bit and we have other storms in mississippi that are going to be moving up into alabama and we do note there's a tornado warning for sumter county this is in west alabama this is in the meridian mississippi television market so we're going to stay with this but i'm just passing this on for information these tornadoes are going to be coming up toward green and tuscaloosa counties if they stay on that same track or maybe parts of sumter county or pickens county i'm sorry so again for informational purposes we have a tornado warning in effect for parts of sumter county until four o'clock this afternoon uh a thunderstorm is going to be crossing the state line soon moving northeast at 45 miles an hour and again we'll take a look at that in just a second but again in our part of the state the television market i know a lot of you are watching on the digital side the social side we have to kind of focus on the tv market side the people that are that we have responsibility for and this is the one storm in our coverage area right here we have to focus on this is cherokee county this is calhoun county the town of piedmont is right here that's the largest town near this tornado but it's in the process of crossing highway 278 it's going to be crossing highway 9 near or north of piedmont and from there it goes over towards spring garden and rock run and from there it goes over into georgia so really quick taylor let's look at a big picture if we we're just going to do a reset here it's 3 13. james spann with taylor cerallo it's been a really really rough day today with some very violent tornadoes again this is the tornado warning for northeast alabama this is our new warning and again i just wanted to show you if this continues on that track you'll see that it could come up toward the general vicinity of tuscaloosa it's coming into the northern part of sumter county this is greene county this is hail so just a heads up this is crossing the state line right now and sumter county is in the meridian mississippi television market so they're going to handle that but the minute it crosses the tom bigby in the green that's when we start to handle that so just be aware that on the western side of the state tremendous amounts of rain falling in parts of the state parts of walker county tuscaloosa county there's a tornado warning up here around the shoals but again that's covered by the huntsville station so let's go right back to our storm that is over here on the eastern side of the state this has been a long track supercell or a long-lived supercell that's been cyclic we've had a number of significant tornadoes that have been down from time to time producing major damage and we could very well have one right now the possible tornadic circulation has crossed over highway 278 let me just say in this part of the state that beam height is probably 12 000 feet it is way off the ground this is birmingham or high top this is birmingham i'm going to switch here yeah let's look at high top real quick this is a uh yeah same type situation here again we're getting both radar showing that violet circulation way off the ground we don't know exactly what's happening down at ground level which is why the spotters are so critical that's why we do spotter training but again we've got that tornadic circulation we believe crossing 278 right now it's crossed over highway 278 near knighton's crossroads and next it's going to be crossing over highway 9. this is piedmont right here tornadic circulation here and again that'll be crossing into southern cherokee county north of piedmont probably up here toward goshen so anybody in these communities we've called out be aware that this is a very dangerous thunderstorm that is capable of producing very significant damage very significant damage and again what i'm going to do once we get everything calmed down and have a break i'll show you some of the video and some of the images but i know you know sitting here with radar behind me it's not the sexiest thing in the world on television in a case like this but it's the right thing to do uh we've got to take care of the people in the path of these dangerous storms and there's the new volume scan and again that's a very dangerous storm it's crossing the line here this is calhoun county this is cherokee county it's kind of hugging the county line and again you can clearly see it looks like it's going to be passing north of piedmont again piedmont is located right here that storm is going to be crossing highway 9. awfully awfully close to the goshen united methodist church these precious people that were affected so heavily so many years ago back in 1994 on on palm sunday if we can let's see let me kind of do a configuration here the one thing i do like to show it's a video of the current storms that we're working so let's take wex05 really quick if we can uh this is a video from the calhoun county storm uh this was 431 uh near interstate uh i'm sorry near alabama highway 144 you just can't see much it's going to be a day where it's going to be hard to see these things we'll have some videos where i can't show you tornadoes but it's just going to be tough most of these things are rain wrap we'll go back to the radar behind me i should mention that u.s 431 north is now closed to traffic at the alabama highway 144 intersection that is not too far from alexandria and apparently the tornado crossed right over highway 431 and that particular tornado right now is on the cherokee calhoun county line and it's about to cross over highway 9. so nobody and i mean nobody should be on alabama highway 9 from weiss lake i will say all the way down to jacksonville uh until this time we'll say piedmont from weiss lake down to piedmont piedmont is here weiss lake is up here tornado about to cross highway 9. the last possible place you want to be it's a car it's a mobile home you've got to get out of those you can't be driving in the path of a tornado a car can be tossed around like a toy a mobile home can go airborne so easily people in mobile homes need to be sheltered in a community shelter or just some type of business that's open uh but again clearly this is showing strong evidence of a tornado that could be very damaging this has had a history uh producing major major damage uh today uh in parts of parts of the state and again i should mention too that earlier the spc taylor expanded the high risk to include more of the state and again we don't want you to get hung up in the colors and the risk categories but just understand it's a really dangerous day so taylor you take it for a minute let me gather up some of these images here real quick all right so i am circling there where the most likely indication of that rotation is at this point uh so we are looking at this circulation here near estes crossroads it has just crossed over into southern cherokee county we're expecting the circulation to continue moving northeast so that's going to put it near ellisville frog mountain it's likely going to be crossing over state route 95 here pretty soon and it's going to continue on this northeastward track we haven't pulled storm track in a while so i'll go ahead and i'll do that i do want to uh clear this off of here and grab the storm track tool this is going to be moving to the northeast at about 45 miles per hour and i want to remind you that this is an approximate arrival time if you're in this polygon and you're in southern cherokee county you should already be in that safe place that's where we want you to be at any point when a tornado warning is issued taylor real quick let me show some images okay this is from brian m finger and this is what we're dealing with here uh it's pretty rough this is major damage uh that is to a church near ohachi uh and this is brian brian uh took this from a drone and you can see this is what this thing has been doing today and again we show this not to scare anybody but to let you know that the major tornado has been in association with this uh particular thunderstorm and again you can see the church steeple you can see the damage at this church this is severe damage near ohachi uh earlier today and some other structure out here i think brian says this is just southwest of hatchery so taylor backed you just wanted to show the extreme damage we've had out there okay so we are looking here at this this rotation once again and i'm going to pull that storm track here this is in cherokee county this is where we're seeing that indication of that rotation at this point moving in the general direction of frog mountain i want to pull this storm track here northeast about 45 miles per hour and that's going to put it near frog mountain at 3 24 near rock run at 3 30 sandy springs at 3 31 and 40 at 3 34. so if you live in southern cherokee county you should be in that safe place already but this is when we could see that circulation pass close to your area so stay in that safe place that's going to be lowest level and into your room and make sure you've got your shoes on you've got your helmet on and then just stay put if you're in that safe place with that helmet on you you're going to be okay just stay there i know it's going to be loud out there it's going to be a little scary for a moment but if you stay put the circulation will be crossing your way and then once it moves out you're going to get a moment of kind of a break there for a second but looking uh here i'm going to try to switch back to the birmingham radar and see if we can pick up any different this is kind of showing that circulation in a little bit of a different location at this point so the problem with both of these radars is we're looking very high up in the storm so we're looking at rotation very high up and it doesn't necessarily translate directly to the ground as james has said these storms can be tilted so based on the birmingham radar this this circulation here is starting to cross over near mcfrey crossroads very close to the city of piedmont but likely crossing just north of piedmont so basically at this point everybody in southern cherokee county should be sheltered that includes the city of ellisville frog mountain mcfrey crossroads if you live along cherokee county 29 if you live along county road 31 county road 8 if you live near adams crossroads near key you want to stay in that safe place because at this point we don't have a great picture of what exactly is going on at the surface so we could show you these different these different circulations higher up in the storm but we can't show you exactly on the ground what what that circulation is doing pretty soon here this is going to be completely out of a calhoun county so i suspect that when is this supposed to expire 3 30. so i suspect that that warning will be dropped here pretty soon for cherokee county but we've got this circulation here this is based off of the birmingham radar showing up very near mcfrey crossroads moving northeast it's going to be crossing pretty close to pleasant gap so if you live near pleasant gap we want you to be sheltered hang in there and if this continues on its current trajectory eventually this will likely cross near 411 as it does cross over into into georgia here in the uh coming coming minutes so i'm just checking out i've gotten back into chat which is good um so national weather service watching a couple different circulations at this point this is the only tornado warning for our area though southern cherokee county and portions of calhoun county is the only tornado warning in our area i wanted to kind of give you a reset here if you're just tuning in but there are other storms off to the west that we're watching so we're watching this circulation here in sumter county there is a tornado warning in sumter county if it holds together it could eventually cross over into greene county so we'll have to keep a very close eye on that storm because just based on the history of the storms we've seen today these have been cyclic supercell type thunderstorms that have produced multiple tornadoes so we're going to watch every storm very carefully but at this point the only tornado warning for our area is going to be this southern cherokee county storm moving out of calhoun county so let's zoom down closer here very heavy rainfall all across southern cherokee county so yes it's raining really hard it's likely windy out there could be some small hail involved as well but in terms of where that circulation is right now at least from the birmingham radar looking fairly broad but we're looking very high up in this storm and more of the same from the uh let's try the high top radar here height operator we're getting a much clearer picture here we go so we're looking at this circulation here we're getting a more clear picture but once again we're looking pretty high up in this storm but uh near frog mountain and this is going to continue moving northeastward eventually towards xc i apologize if i'm saying that community's name wrong xc this is likely going to be very close or just to the south of ellisville on its way towards adams crossroads and then eventually crossing 411. that thing is the goshen united methodist church i just hate that i hate that they were hit in 1994 and lost their building and i hope that it's okay this time i was the first guy to deliver a message in that new building so long ago uh but again uh spring garden rock run uh you know the drill it's gonna be in georgia soon but again southern cherokee we can clear calhoun i want to be sure we point that out taylor want to clear calhoun county um and uh so if you're in calhoun county all clear that includes piedmont uh the concern it is southern cherokee uh for this violent storm and again you saw some of the damage that it produced back at ohatchee we're getting reports that we've got some injuries at ohatchee i don't know how many i don't know the extent but it looks bad and this is something you've got to take seriously so again we have a violent tornado that is going to be moving through the far eastern part of cherokee county crossing over into georgia in about 10 12 minutes from now so once it crosses into georgia we'll start to focus on that new tornado warning back in west alabama in sumter county at this point we do not have any part of our viewing area in west alabama under a tornado warning when a warning is issued for green we'll start bouncing back and forth between the two but again now what could be a violent tornado has crossed over highway 9 and again in about a minute or so we can give it clear and all clear to highway nine and uh that's coming right over to the community of rock run run which is right here then it's going to be crossing over into georgia and uh it's just done a lot of damage it has not been a good situation through the entire state this storm the origination of this storm was in greene county in west alabama before noon it was like what 11 15 when we started this it's the same storm when we say long track this is what we mean it's been cyclic in terms of tornadoes there'd been times where the tornado lifted but it got right back down but it caused a lot of damage and a lot of misery and again this storm is still capable of producing a large violent tornado that's coming near the community of rock run in cherokee county this is the far eastern part of cherokee county and again everybody in spring garden rock run stay sheltered this is u.s 411 this is the main route from center back over into georgia and obviously this most likely this stays a little south of interstate 411 or u.s 411 here but that'll be moving over into georgia fairly soon so again that is a tornado warning for the far southeastern corner of cherokee county in the eastern part of alabama that is in effect for the next 10 to 15 minutes and again once this thing gets into georgia we'll we'll let our friends in atlanta worry about that one so please stay sheltered let's go to west alabama really quick taylor want to look at the storm that is currently in sumter county on the western side of the state and uh so here we go this is your new tornado warning in fact you can see multiple warnings over here so we're going to pop on the radar coming out of birmingham and take a closer look at this this is utah the storm that that's moving through cherokee county started here uh between 11 and noon today and again you can see evidence of circulation right here uh and again that's going to be crossing the tom bigby the tom bigby is this river right here that separates green and sumter counties in west alabama and then moving over into greene county so if you're in utah clinton union anybody over here in greene county just be aware that you've got a dangerous storm that will be crossing the tom bigby ultimately moving in here a warning could be required so that's the other one we're watching over here on the western side of the state is the tornado warning in effect for sumter county so uh in fact we've got john olshu up and uh he back in the back he says he's on server two channel eight and uh if if we can bring him up real quick maybe put him in a dub uh this uh this is john olshu and uh he is at epps on the uh the epps exit along interstate 59 again right here all right so this is old shoe's location and he's you know looking up into this thing and again these have been rain wrapped today these have been very hard to deal with in terms of visibility but john might have a chance of seeing this so i just wanted to show the setup here in west alabama let's go back to our east alabama storm we can leave john's camera up and then he's got a view into this thing we'll leave john shot up again this is john olshew that is currently down in sumter county at epps that's on the tom bigby but this is the uh dangerous storm this is this long-lived supercell that's been cyclic uh that is capable of still producing a tornado uh out here near rock rock run and spring garden in the far eastern part of cherokee county and again that's about to cross the state line into georgia but for the next five to ten minutes if you're in the far southeastern part of cherokee county this is way southeast of center southeast of weiss lake south of galesville cedar bluff all those places this doesn't affect you this is the far southeastern part of the state and that's highway 278 right down through here this is highway 411 right here uh tornado might clip u.s 411 about the time it hits the georgia state line here but any of these communities out here in the far southeastern part of cherokee county in northeast alabama we want you to stay sheltered again we can give it all clear to highway 9 which is right here from center down to piedmont the tornado was past highway 9. uh the other concern is mainly for u.s 411 near the georgia state line up here but right now the tornado is kind of between u.s 278 us411 and the southeastern corner of cherokee county spring garden rock run stay sheltered and we're going to stay with that for a few more moments but again this is an extremely dangerous storm that has caused really really significant damage along the way and they've just uh trimmed down that warning as james was just mentioning the highway 9 you are no longer included in that warning polygon so the national weather service is going to be trimming down this polygon as this this storm the circulation does continue uh to move north eastward toward towards uh towards georgia and it'll be crossing over eventually ending up there we go there's that new tornado warning from ffc or the atlanta national weather service so it's going to be heading towards the general direction of rome georgia in cedartown georgia here coming up pretty soon so that's our one tornado warning we have in our area i want to give us a zoomed out view of what's going on here because we do have that storm that we are still watching as well for portions of sumter county that if it holds together will likely be crossing over into greene county elsewhere we've got a lot of rain and thunder out there but we're focusing on the two storms that we have that have had tornado warnings associated with them so we've got that one that's moving through southern cherokee county and then another tornado warning that we're watching that if it holds together will likely cross over into greene county but it has not done so yet so we're going to keep focusing on that southern cherokee county storm once again does not include cedar bluff or center but you can see these bright colors here indicating very heavy rainfall i'm sure it's very loud but looking from the birmingham radar you can see that indication of this rotation ongoing and as we've been saying this is that same storm that we've been tracking all the way back from greene county from earlier in the afternoon that has had a history of producing multiple tornadoes i've been trying to kind of look at different radar products here and see if we can pick up we're not able to pick up a debris signature at this point but i think this we're kind of far away from the radar sites at this point anyway to get a clear picture of that but definitely still showing all indications that there is rotation going on and there could be a tornado still on the ground very close to rock run crossing over cherokee county 45 and it's headed in the general direction of 40 and 411 so you should not be driving in between uh beaumar and in the georgia alabama state line on 411. if you're on 411 at this point near the georgia alabama state line you need to be pulling off getting to a a structure if you can any kind of structure a gas station a store that will let you come in we don't want you to be in a car at this point because we've got this circulation that's just really held together it's held together all the way for hours at this point on and off dropping tornadoes at different times so we're going to talk about the cherokee county 45 area that's where that circulation is located right now county road 29 coming up on 411 here pretty soon so i you got a couple minutes but you should still be in your safe place at this point you're still included in that polygon and eventually here in a few minutes this will be crossing over into georgia uh but i want to give pleasant gap in all clear if you live in pleasant gap you are at this point this the circulation is to the north of you sorry for some reason our app is sending out a tornado warning for uh hoover please there's no tornado warning for the birmingham metro i just wanted to make that perfectly clear back to you okay yeah i got a notification as well so yeah that's probably from that earlier storm that we had going through but at this point we've got one tornado warning in our area as i zoom this out give us that dma view lots of thunderstorms elsewhere so we do have thunder lightning heavy rain some gusty winds in other locations but of course our focus today has been on those tornado-worn circulations as we're going to focus on those storms that are producing tornadoes right now we've got that one warning out for portions of cherokee county that it's it's headed towards the georgia border so it's going to be crossing over the georgia border here pretty soon i will head back down to that sumter county storm really quickly just to kind of get a check on this because this will be crossing over uh into greene county here pretty soon and we will see whether or not this warning is extended to include greene county there are indications of rotation moving in the general direction of gainesville if this storm holds together heads up if you're in greene county if you live near mount hebron if you live near clinton union you're not under a tornado warning yet but just keep focused at this point because a tornado warning could be coming for you here if this circulation does hold together so we'll keep watching that very carefully just trying to give you kind of a heads up if you live in northern greene county along i-20 and northward you could have a tornado warning issued here pretty soon but the one tornado warning that we do have for our area is going to be this cherokee county storm so i want to zoom us back down here and see what we're looking at in terms of that storm here so let's put on that reflectivity and we'll switch over here to the high top radar and that even though we're looking pretty high up in the storm that's still pretty strong indication of rotation there near adams crossroad getting very close here to 411. so if you're on 411 you need to be pulling off if you are anywhere near the georgia alabama border driving along 411 you need to get out of your car to a structure that means a gas station or any kind of store that'll let they'll let you in just get out of that car make sure you're not driving on that road at this point and then very soon here this circulation here i'm going to circle it we'll be crossing over into georgia and then if you live across the border there of course the atlanta market will be picking up that tornado warning for you and you'll be switching over to that channel to watch this warning as we kind of get back to some of the storms that are impacting okay here we go we've got that new green county warning so now we've got this one circulation here but as we were just talking about we're watching that other storm it's still located in sumter county but we now have a new tornado warning that does include greene county so we will go down to that storm and we will tell you who's in and who's out of that warning and it is for locations along and to the north of i-20 so utah you are included in this warning polygons that means you need to get to your safe place mount hebron clinton um allison you're right on the uh the border there bulgy you are uh right on the polygon there but it does look like if this storm stays on its current trajectory it's gonna stay to the north of you west green you are included in that union knoxville uh par parts of i-20 are included in that warning polygon as well but i want to zoom us down because uh mount hebron this will be moving up on you here pretty soon i'm going to pull up this velocity here we're looking from the birmingham radar let me check the columbus radar and see what we've got uh so here's that circulation we're looking at and i will pull storm track and give you a approximate arrival time worth noting that lewiston you are not included in this tornado warning polygon rosemont forkland you're not included in this tornado polygon it's going to be mount hebron clinton utah and let's pull that storm track let me check the motion here 45. um okay so here we go i grab that i'm going to pull this from the center of circulation so it might start raining at your house sooner than this and if you're in this polygon you're headed to that safe place now you're getting your family you're getting your pets you're heading to that safe place which is going to be the lowest level of your home interior room you got your helmet on you've got your shoes on and if you're in this warning polygon and you live in a mobile home you're headed to that shelter you're headed to a friend's house you're headed somewhere safe like a a store that'll let you in but you cannot stay in that mobile home so we're looking at the circulation here moving very close to the gainesville area about to cross over into greene county here in the coming minutes it's going to be arriving in the mount hebron area at 3 50 p.m the city of west green at 353 clinton at 3 57 utah 401 you're in this polygon you should be in that safe place but based on this current trajectory likely stays north of you but i i we got to be careful because these have been kind of turning a little bit to the right today so stay in that safe place that's where you need to be until this warning is canceled for you the city of union you are included in this polygon and then much of i-20 through northern greene county is included in this warning polygon as well so indications right now that yes we do still have that circulation continuing to move from sumter county into greene county so we've kind of gone over who is in that greene county warning so if you are in that polygon get to that safe place now i want to give us one more check on this cherokee county storm here as i do expect it's starting to cross over the border now into georgia and we can kind of just focus on that green county storm then yes at this point this storm is crossing right now as we speak over the border from from alabama into georgia so let's circle this here this is where we're seeing that rotation and this is going to be headed into uh floyd county in georgia here so still right on the border but 411 crossing over 411 right now and then eventually headed into georgia so if you live in rock run we can give you an all clear as this this storm starts to cross over into georgia so let's zoom out give us a dma view here a view of central alabama i'm going to switch radar sites back to the birmingham radar site and thunder in a lot of a lot of places worth noting here we've been talking a lot about northern green county that's where we just had that new tornado warning issued for but there is another storm here to the south of york in livingston that could eventually impact southern greene county so if you live in southern greene county you're not in a polygon yet but just be ready in case this storm does hold together and starts to cross over into southern greene county but right now the locations that are included in this northern green county storm are going to be utah union mount hebron knoxville crawford fork liz evol so right now the circulation is crossing very close to gainesville and it's going to be let me switch radar sites there yeah if we i was going to say if we got john old shoes live stream by any chance if we can maybe double box that okay i think john is uh not close to this storm olshew might have lost connectivity out there um okay yeah again i was mainly john is close to this circulation so uh if you can pop me back on here real quick let's kind of do a reset it's uh it's 3 41. we have a tornado warning in effect now for the northern part of greene county for this tornado near gainesville this is the tom bigby river that is the boundary between sumter and greene counties in west alabama and again this this is in a very favorable area for more tornado activity we have very unstable air we have very strong shear and again that's a very dangerous storm and let me expand this out kind of explain who's in and who's out for those that are watching us in in green county because green county is in our television market so let's expand this out a little bit and again you can see that uh this does include utah utah is down here in the southern edge of this kind of the town of bology is a bit south of the polygon but again utah is involved clinton union uh this is highway 14 going back up toward the aliceville mount hebron but the bottom line is anybody in northern greene county northern greene county need to be in a safe place right now this does not include forkland down in the southern part of the county this is the northern part of the county and while we were talking here let's say let's remind everybody that that our cherokee county storm is over in georgia so the storm that was over cherokee county has moved out of the state so now we can focus on the one tornado warning we have and it's this storm that is currently moving out of sumter into green counties and again this is a dangerous storm that could produce some significant damage now this is the city of tuscaloosa right here and on this track most likely this will be maybe clipping the southern part of tuscaloosa county maybe northern hale county again but it's going to be close to tuscaloosa but most likely it's going to pass a little to the south but it's we just don't know at this point but again the immediate concern it is for those people in greene county and let me see do we have our while we're looking at this do we have our shelby county representative on the phone uh okay uh we've got so much going on here again it's it's we've got so much damage and so many things that have happened but our emphasis here has to be on storms that are life-threatening and that's what we're going to do we're going to stay on the storms as they approach and as we can we'll go and show some of the damage pictures and some of the video but again the call to action right now is for people in the northern part of greene county this includes the city of utah you're in the polygon union clinton jenna the community of knoxville which is right here not knoxville tennessee knoxville alabama all in the polygons so that is the one tornado warning we currently have in effect at this point okay so let's take old shoe stream again so this is old shoe john is on interstate 5920 and he's in the process of trying to intercept this particular tornado and again we're going to watch this it's been a really tough day today with tornadoes that are rain wrapped that are very poor visibility it's been very hard to see these things and just understand it's going to be a situation where you might not be able to see a lot with our cameras and our dash cams and our sky cams it's just that kind of day today but while we had a very brief break here i thought i'd very quickly really quickly just go taylor go we do have a new tornado warning that includes northern jefferson and blount county okay that's going to last until uh 4 45 and uh you can see that circulation here moving very close to warrior okay so we have a new tornado warning that is in effect this is going to be for northern jefferson and again you can see that circulation is on interstate 65 and u.s 31 near warrior that's near the blunt county line and this will be moving up into blount county so this is a very dangerous storm that is near warrior this is an extreme north jefferson county this has nothing to do with the city of birmingham and that circulation is going to be moving up into blount county so we'll do a track on this and again you can see some of the approximate arrival times uh of these of the tornado uh the community of nectar at 357 locust fork at 357. uh easley that's uh between aniana and cleveland at 402 so if you are in any of these communities be aware that that's on the way let's take the track off let me again kind of describe the polygon for those people that are listening and just so you'll know a lot of people are listening by radio we get so many power outages on days like this we have to be pretty descriptive so in terms of blount county this includes a pretty good chunk of the county this includes aniana cleveland it includes hayden nectar locust fork susan moore snead and bluntsville for this tornado that is sitting near the jefferson blount county line and again that'll be probably passing near or just south of hayden that's alabama highway 160 that goes from the interstate 65 back up here toward cleveland but if you live if you have a hayden mailing address it could affect you hayden's a very populated community right now and that tornado is moving it might parallel alabama highway 160. hayden back up to nectar in cleveland and then from there it most likely goes a bit north of anayana antion is kind of on the edge of the polygon here but you've got to respect the polygon if you're in this and again if you see this and if you know somebody anywhere in this i want you to call them or text them and help us out let them know that you're in a tornado warning you need to go to a safe place kind of help them out on what to do and be sure that they're watching us because we're going to have a lot more of these dangerous storms the day is still young it's 3 46 we've been here since about 11 o'clock this morning but we've got a long way to go so again a dangerous storm with a possible tornado that's going to be paralleling alabama highway 160 near hayden near nectar coming up toward cleveland this is rosa rosa was hit last wednesday by an ef-1 in blount county this is aniana right here and that will keep on moving northeast up into the northern part of blount county this is almost out of jefferson county completely it's going to be in jefferson for only just a minute or two more so in just a second we can clear jefferson here and the concern will be exclusively in blount county and again that uh tornadic circulation is going to be riding very close to alabama highway 160. hayden nectar cleveland and back up towards sneed so that is our blunt county storm we have two active warnings now so we have to bounce back and forth let's go back to our tornado warning in greene county in west alabama and again we've got john olshew who is looking up into this and we're going to kind of watch john's camera together that's a pretty violent looking circulation right there very violent and that's going to be crossing highway 14. and if i had to guess john is at the intersection of alabama 14 and interstate 5920 uh and uh taylor you might okay he's in bowling i'm sorry john is actually in bology uh down here at this exit looking north so he's not at this exit he's at this exit looking right up into it uh so john thank you that appreciate the clarification and again that's the the base of the storm right there and again notice the trees and the hills and the rain wrap stuff we've been fighting this stuff all day which is normal down here in the deep south that's what we do in situations like this but again that's your tornadic circulation that is going to be crossing highway 14 north of utah i think it's pretty clear the greatest danger with this is going to be north of the city of utah but again then crossing out into the northern part of greene county not too far from union snotty knoxville jenna these communities up here in the northeastern part of the county but i do think this circulation is going to stay north of utah but still you're in the polygon if you're in the polygon you've got to respect it you've got to stay in your safe place and again all of these storms all of these storms today mean business this is serious stuff and again we're watching all of our spotter streams here see i sometimes wish people could put themselves in my shoes for one day the amount of information you're seeing is staggering coming in here it's marvelous we have this technology but it's almost like an air traffic controller but we're trying to get a grasp on damage reports and live streams and again it is a can we take john brown's live stream real quick i just want to show john is john is out in the field as well along with john olshew uh uh i'm trying to see john's location uh he he's trying to catch the blunt county storm he's on i-65 uh john is is was doing his best to get up there and catch that storm near warrior and again that's what we're dealing with that's what we're seeing today this is not oklahoma this is not kansas this is not north texas it is different we have hp supercells here not lp and again these guys are doing their best out there today but we'll go back to these streams in a minute but let's go back to the radar yeah john is in warrior right now and we got john brown is in warrior john olshu is uh near bology and again he's trying to get in position to see this one and again the next highway is alabama highway 14 right here so north greene county be sheltered that's a really dangerous storm let's go back to blount county you're going to see us bouncing back and forth today did you see that last message from old shoe uh slack i saw that he was a possible tornado crossing it bology okay uh if we got john's livestream back on it john is in the top box and again john is looking north into this again this is john's position here looking north into this circulation right here and john had a possible tornado and like the rest of us it's so hard to see these things today and this is why you're going to have to take our word for it that they're down these are dangerous by looking at these radar signatures but again we're going to leave both of these shots up in green county one live shot is from utah one is from bology our crew is in utah john olshews down in bology meteorologists so let's go back to our blunt county storm real quick we're going to leave those green county videos up but i want to bounce back and forth between these two storms that are equal so again this is our blunt county storm that's very close to hayden right there all right and alabama highway 160 is right here this thing is riding highway 160 just riding that highway and that's going to be coming up toward the community of nectar and then the community of cleveland which is right here so uh in terms of the highest probability of having a tornado in blount county it'll be pretty close to highway 160 alabama 160 in through here and but again as far south as locust workout still be sheltered most likely this tornado is going to pass north of you but sometimes they can veer to the right of the main flow they can do that we've had that happen today but there's the next volume scan and again this possible tornado is coming right up highway 160 in the vicinity of nectar and cleveland and from there it's going to probably go a little north of aniana and it looks like this tornado might pass a little farther to the west than the one we had last wednesday that hit rosa which is right here between cleveland and aniana on u.s highway 231 easley and rosa are right here this is cleveland this is bluntsville and all these communities are in the polygon aniana cleveland bluntsville locust fork and hayden obviously you've been in the polygon for a while but you can see how this thing is just going to be traveling right up alabama highway 160. so again if you are in blount county in any of these places we've talked about be sheltered uh i really really really want you to take these things seriously today it's been a rough day we've had injuries we've had major property damage we've not gone to a lot of our reporters where they're on the scene with all of this horrific damage yet because we've got to protect life that's why we're here we can get to that when we can and we will but as long as we have life-threatening weather we have to stay with this and we might have to stay with it for a while i know there's some cool videos and some amazing things here and some damage pictures and so many things i have to show but we just have to stick with the most urgent need of the day which is to warn people in the path of these storms to be in a safe place and again the urgent need for blunt county everybody from hayden nectar cleveland really up to sneed and susan moore those are my that's the main concern for these places right here more than likely this tornado is going to pass north of anayana most likely which is right here that's the county seat of blount county but again the possible tornado near hayden moving northeast so much of blount county under a tornado warning and if we can track this one real quick before we go back this one's moving very quickly you know and i i don't like what i'm seeing coming out of ohatchee this is the tornado that came through southern the southern part of the birmingham metro and ultimately came through places like ohatchee the ohachi damage is really bad we do know that there's a lot of entrapment we do know that there's a lot of injuries in ohatchee and we'll just kind of leave it at that but we it's it's a rough day it's been a very rough day and it's just really beginning so we don't want anybody to let down on their guard there are more storms to come through the evening hours and into maybe 9 10 o'clock tonight so it's going to be a long evening so please uh hang in there with us in fact taylor let me let you take it for just a second while i do a couple of quick report checks here okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take us back down to that green county store and we focused uh for a while on this blount county rotation so let's go back down to this tornado warning because we are seeing very very strong indications of what is likely a tornado on the ground in greene county let me check the uh correlation coefficient before i say that at this point we're not seeing a tds but just based on the history of the storms we've seen today this could very well be on the ground here pretty soon so i want to circle this very strong indication of circulation here moving in the general direction of the city of clinton so this will be moving towards clinton here pretty soon this is riding along alabama highway 39 it's going to be crossing over state route 14 here pretty soon and then it will be continuing along s.l spencer road eventually ending up close to the city of union and then snotty here pretty soon and as you can see with that latest radar scan all indications pointing to this is a tightening circulation and we are seeing indications that this rotation is strengthening so i want to pull a storm track on this and we can kind of give you an idea of the cities that are in the path of the circulation remember if you are in the polygon you need to be in that safe place that means you have your helmet on you've got your shoes on get your kids and your pets and head to that safe place now but this is an approximation of when we could see the circulation move into your community so we're looking at clinton pretty much now so if you're in the city of clinton hunker down i know it's going to be loud you're going to hear the wind if you're in your safe place and you've got your uh let's take back the radar on there there we go uh if we if you're uh in your safe place with your helmet on then you're gonna be okay just stay in that safe place uh it's gonna be moving towards union here at 405 snotty at 4 11 and notice we're starting to show some tuscaloosa cities on that storm track i want to point out that there is not a tornado warning at this at this time for tuscaloosa county but if the circulation holds together a warning may be necessary for cities like ralph and foster's here coming up in the next few minutes but at this point it is northern greene county that is included in this tornado warning this circulation right here very tight circulation moving through the city of clinton it's moving pretty parallel to i-20 but of course i-20 you're in that polygon so we do not suggest you driving along i-20 it's going to cross over 14 here pretty soon so moving towards clinton at this point each radar scan we're seeing that indication that this rotation here is holding its strength maintaining its strength as it keeps moving northeastward i'm going to circle it for you here and this is where we are looking at the strongest winds going in different directions pretty much right over the city of clinton at this point so i'm going to zoom you down and give you some road names pool road if you live on pool road the circulation has been crossing really close to you here pretty soon whispering pines road near the community of union the circulation is headed towards you here pretty soon johnny allen memorial road county road 191 county road 181 sl spencer road so these are all roads that are in the path of this circulation that could be producing a tornado i do want to check the correlation coefficient see if we can find a debris signature at this point which is good news that we we aren't seeing debris being lofted at this point but that doesn't mean that we don't have a tornado down so treat this as a tornado down just based on the history of all the different storms we've been tracking today this could very well drop a tornado very close to the clinton area heading into northern greene county let's go back to the blunt county storm and get a check on that because we do have multiple tornado warnings across our area at this point and you can see the circulation here is headed in the general direction of nectar so near passing very close to high rock riding right along state highway 160 i'm going to circle that area of rotation right here and this is going to be headed in the general direction of the community of cleveland as well so i'm naming off these cities you should already be in that safe place anyway because you are included in that morning polygon and if you do have family or friends that you know that live in cleveland or nectar make sure that they are in their safe place send them a tax give them a call make sure that they know that there is a possible tornado on the way for them if the circulation holds together it's going to be headed towards the community of royal and eventually we'll be crossing over 231 near that city of cleveland so really close to where 160 meets 231 here is where we're going to see that that circulation cross over in blunt county so what i'm going to do if you're just tuning in we've got two tornado warnings in our area so i went up we just got another tornado warning now that does include southern portions of green county and portions of hale county so i'm going to tell you all of these tornado warnings we've got one tornado warning here that's impacting portions of blount county another 20 warning here that's impacting northern greene county and then for this second circulation down here in sumter county we now have a new tornado warning for locations in green and hale counties so i want to show you who's in and who's out of that new warning this will include forklift this will include the city of greensboro demopolis you're right on that line but this includes 43 in southern portions of greene county bulgy you are right in between both of these tornado warning polygons in greene county but this will include millworld greensboro melton wedgeworth you're right on that line there but now two different tornado warnings for portions of green county and then much of hale county here included in a new tornado warning akron you are not included in the tornado warning greensboro you are included in that tornado warning so at this point we have two tornado warnings for greene county one for hale county and one for blount county let's get a quick check on this circulation here moving from sumter county near livingston towards southern green county it's headed very very close to the city of forkland here and i will do a storm track on this and then we will also go back to that northern green county circulation these are moving pretty quickly i'm going to pull this northeast at about 60 miles per hour um and this is going to be moving towards forkland here by 416 bird eye at 418 but remember if you're in that new polygon if your we alert went off or if you got that notification that there's a tornado need a warning out for you it's that time to get everybody ready him to head down to your safe place or if you live in a mobile home and you live in and around forklift if you live in around greensboro it's time to head to that storm shelter or head to a sturdy structure so at this point we have three tornado warnings that we are working across our area i'm afraid we'll have more before the day is over i think so so again let's kind of do a reset here it's 402. i'm james spann with taylor cerallo here's the big picture and we've got the tornado warning for blount county again this includes aniana this includes cleveland this includes bluntsville and again that's blount county we have the tornado warning for greene county we have the new tornado warning that's in effect for southern green and parts of hale counties so we're going to be working multiple storms today we have to bounce back and forth between these things it has been a rough day we've had major damage and again i don't want to start calling out places the damage has been so widespread i know that ohachi has really been hit hard uh we a lot of people are hurt there and it's not a good situation we've had injuries reported in other parts of the state and in the day is just beginning so everybody please just kind of strap in pay really close attention and help us by calling people that are in these polygons to be sure they know about it so let's go back to blount county we'll start and work our way back to the southwest so this is our blunt county storm this is a thunderstorm that is capable or maybe is producing a tornado right now so this is the reflectivity we're going to go to the velocity display we'll take a look at the couplet and again you can see it approaching cleveland right now this is u.s 231 cleveland is right here and uh again that's cleveland right there so again everybody in cleveland you need to be sheltered that will be passing north of anayana uh again ariana is basically out of the polygon clearly this tornado is going to be passing north of the town of aniana going to be coming through cleveland uh very close to the school uh the school is right there at my fingertip and then moving up in the direction of snead and susan moore so again if you're in snead susan moore be sheltered we can give you an all clear for hayden hayden locust for all clear in blunt county you have no danger from this storm the greatest concern this thing is coming right on top of cleveland right now and from there it goes right up into northern blount county in the vicinity of susan moore and snead on highway 278 up here so that's our blunt county store now let's go back to west alabama again we're going to have to work multiple tornadoes today so please be patient with us let's go back to the first storm the northernmost storm taylor which is the one in northern greene county and again you can see the evidence of circulation right here that's coming up into toward the southwestern part of tuscaloosa county pretty nasty looking signature right there this thing has just crossed highway 14. that's interstate 5920. this is u.s 11 and u.s 43 possible tornado that's going to be moving northeast just north of interstate 5920 and that's ultimately going to come up into southwestern tuscaloosa county this is ralph right here this is romulus so again if you are in northeastern greene county southwestern tuscaloosa county if you're close to ralph and romulus fosters i'd be in a safe place now just to be on the safe side these things have really produced major major problems today and we don't want to hear of any loss of life that's our goal no injuries no loss of life we know that we've had a lot of injuries today and about lost life i don't know that yet but we want to be sure that you're okay we can rebuild a house we can rebuild the church we can rebuild a school but we have to be sure that you're okay so again a tornado in northern greene county this is north of utah this is done include the city of utah coming up towards southwest tuscaloosa county let's go down to the one below it we have one in southern greene county and this is south of utah and this particular thunderstorm is coming out of sumter county and that's going to be moving up into southern green so in southern greene county there's the tornado right there coming up on the town of forkland this is u.s 43 right here and it's basically sitting on top of the river this is the tom bigby river that separates sumter from greene counties and again this is going to be coming up on forklift nobody should be on u.s 43 south of utah this will be crossing highway 43 near forkland maybe a smidgen north of there and then moving up into parts of hale county greensboro you're in the polygon wedgworth sawyerville you're in the polygon this is mainly for the southern central and southern part of greene county so again a possible tornado that will be crossing over highway 43 in southern greene county crossing the warrior coming up into hale county affecting possibly places like sawyerville maybe greensboro and again we'll have to watch that this thing could wind up in the birmingham metro again later this afternoon so again that's our third tornado circulation so three circulations on the board let's go back to blount county and again you're going to be popping these things uh very quickly and i'll tell you what if we can put see john which one of these is john's box in uh okay this is john o'shea on the top and john is getting uh he's on the interstate and he's trying to get in a position to see the tornado just to give you some reference and again we've got the camera that's in utah right now utah is not in any polygon uh tornadoes going north of utah and south of utah so the top camera is kind of the one to watch that's old shoes camera so again there's your tornadic circulation this is near cleveland right now in blount county not cleveland ohio uh this is u.s 231 aniana here cleveland bluntsville tornado circulation moving like this those folks in susan moore and sneed need to be sheltered royal right here in blunt county you need to be sheltered and this moves in this direction just like that uh this is clearly going to be passing north and west of the city of anayana aniana that downtown aniana is not in the polygon you might have an aniana mailing address and you are you can see how close it is there's the polygon line right there but again that's your tornado circulation right on top of cleveland uh and again that'll be moving out of cleveland and coming up towards susan moore and snead in the northern part of blount county so there's a tornado warning in effect for blount county and let's see that expiration put a quick cursor in there let's see the expiration time taylor that is going to be 4 45. okay 4 45 this afternoon all right so that's blount county we'll be back to blount county in just a minute let's go back down to greene county we've got two polygons in greene county not one but two polygons in greene county so let's look at our northernmost polygon which is this one right here again you can see tornadic circulation right here this is going to be awfully close to the knoxville exit on interstate 5920. this is u.s 11 and 43. this is interstate 5920. if you've ever driven that stretch down below tuscaloosa you know the knoxville exit well it's right here and that's going to be pretty close to that exit very close and then moving up into southwestern tuscaloosa county i would imagine in a matter of minutes we're going to get a tornado warning in effect for tuscaloosa county so be aware of that if you're in tuscaloosa county and again listen if you're in ralph foster's i'd be in a safe place right now the warning is about to come but that will give you more time to get into a safe place this is far as far southwest tuscaloosa county this is u.s 11 and 43 that's interstate 5920 right there tornadic circulation coming up into southwest tuscaloosa county so let's go down to the southern part of greene county we've got three tornadoes on the board right now we're working the southern part of greene county is featuring a tornadic circulation that's going to be coming up on forklift that thing is basically now into greene county this is the river right here that's the tom bigby the circulation has crossed over the tom bigby and again it's going to be crossing u.s 43 right here near or just north of forklift forklings the larger little community on 43 heads south out of utah going down toward demopolis so again everybody should not be traveling on highway 43 and once it crosses off of 43 moving on to the east this is the warrior so it's crossed the tom bigby it's going to cross the warrior and then move into hale county this is alabama highway 14. that runs from greensboro back over to wedgworth which is right here that's alabama highway 69 going up toward mountainville and this tornadic circulation might pass a little west and north of the city of greensboro but again if you're in places like sawyerville again greensboro you're in the polygon you respect the polygon you get into a safe place but nobody traveling along u.s 43 in greene county southern greene county south of utah nobody along highway 14 between the tom bigby and greensboro and nobody on highway 69 between greensboro and havana junction and if you live in a trailer out here you've got to get out you've got to go to a community shelter or just some gas station a fast food restaurant something that offers shelter so again that is a tornado warning in effect for southern green and parts of central and northern hale county let's go back to blount county and again warning has been canceled okay the blunt county okay good so blount county they you're right they just did uh so this is good news so let's go back to blount county real quick but the tornado warning has been canceled for blunt county so if you're in uh susan moore snead cleveland you can come out of your storm pit right now and you can see it's just noise up here right now there's very broad circulation that is not really a tornado signature so the weather service has canceled the tornado warning for blount county no warning here so blount county no warning so let's go back to west alabama we'll focus on the two tornadoes we have right now so the warning in effect for blount county has been canceled we have a tornado here's a new one for tuscaloosa county all right so here we go we have a tornadic circulation right here that is moving up out of greene county and if we can expand it out again i want to show the whole polygon taylor thank you it's located near the knoxville exit and that's going to be coming up through parts of southwest and central tuscaloosa county this one does include the city of tuscaloosa this includes the university of alabama campus this includes the city of northport this includes places like duncanville this includes cottondale alberta city coaling it includes ralph romulus elrod buell fosters any of these places i'm calling out you're in a tornado warning right now and again this includes the city of tuscaloosa this is going to be moving right up into town so what we're going to do is get that skycam on top of the courthouse the one we want to watch and again you can see a lowered cc value right there which means that we have debris being lofted that's a tds a tornado debris signature so we have debris that is being lofted the tornado warning for tuscaloosa county will be in effect until five o'clock i'm sorry 5 15 this afternoon uh so again this is a tornado that is northeast of utah that's about to move up into the southwestern part of tuscaloosa county right here all right so again you've got tuscaloosa northport involved in this you've got ralph romulus and i said buell and elrod let me make a correction buelan elrod you were not in this polygon that was my bad uh the line has been drawn right here so buell and elrod you are not in this polygon if you're in ralph and fosters you are romulus you are the city of tuscaloosa you are most of northport most of northport yes university of alabama campus yes taylorville duncanville hull inglewood kohling alberta city cottondale brookwood all of these places are in the tornado warning polygon and again we're going to be watching our various cameras it has been a day where it's been so hard uh let's look at old shoes camera real quick we can put john's camera okay okay john thinks he has a visual of this tornado okay there we go so this is john's camera and again uh it's on it's on the horizon it's on the horizon and if you look uh off in the distance okay this is not john okay this is right all right so let's go back to let's just go back to me on the radar if you guys see anything here let me know so possible tornado in fact i say possible whenever you see debris being lofted it is no possible it's there a tornado in the northeastern part of greene county coming up into tuscaloosa county again the initial point of entry is down here near ralph which sits right here again romulus sipsy valley high school and that school complex is in this polygon coker and buell and elrod no you're not you're not in the polygon coker buell elrod romulus down to ralph foster's yes you are tuscaloosa sitting right here of course downtown tuscaloosa so this is going to include the city and that's moving right up the chute and we'll see how this behaves it looks like it would mainly affect maybe the southern part of the city but it's really too early to call these have varied off the track a little bit and again the camera you see over here that is the camera on top of the tuscaloosa county courthouse looking back into this and on a day like today it is just so wet and these things are so wrapped up in rain it's really hard to see but again this is a situation that is uh everything we call out today is going to be serious we've had a lot of serious damage we've had major major damage we've had injuries it's been a really rough day we don't know how rough it is yet and again once we get past the weather event we can kind of hand it off the news and let them cover the aftermath of this but it's a really tough day today so every one of these things i want you to take seriously so again this is a tornado warning for tuscaloosa county let's go down to the southern storm we're not going to forget those of you to the south we have another tornado that is currently indicated we'll put the velocity back on and look at that thing that thing is spinning like a top uh it's passing interstate or u.s 43 just right at forklin right now this is a very very violent looking dangerous storm that is crossing u.s 43 near forklin maybe just north of fort clinton the forklift town hall sits right there where the word forkland is uh yelbert's in store sits right there and that'll be crossing highway 43 then crossing the black warrior then moving over here into thank you that's old shoe shot by the way that we're watching that'll be moving over here into hale county and again nobody should be along highway 14 from wedgworth back over to greensboro nobody should be along highway 69 from greensboro up to havana junction and again greensboro's in the polygon so greensboro you stay sheltered sawyerville you stay sheltered this is a very dangerous storm that's coming out of greene county near forkland that will be crossing the warriors a brief water spout and then coming right over into hale county so that's the tornado warning there so let's go up to the northern storm again we've got two storms that are parallel tracking each other if you will and old shoe the camera you're seeing here he is on the northern storm that is in the far northeastern corner of greene county right in through here and that storm is about to cross over into tuscaloosa county and john is on interstate 5920 and we're just going to kind of watch this and see if we can see anything in his particular shot but this is debris being lofted that is a tornado debris signature and john is probably coming up from the south which is the way you want to approach this and for those that don't know john is a meteorologist john has been a colleague of mine for a long long time he was here with us for many many years he's since retired but he always comes back to help on big days like today and we're thankful for john's service but this tornado is crossing over into tuscaloosa county right now and it's coming up on the community of ralph which is right here this is the southwestern most community in tuscaloosa county and that's going to keep on just trucking right up us 11 and 43 and interstate 20 right toward really the city of tuscaloosa so again we're going to kind of watch john's camera if you watched us back in 2011 john and ben greer they had the big tuscaloosa tornado down in greene county before it got into the city today the structure is a little different with these storms compared to that day in the these are our wetter storms they're rain wrapped we just can't see a lot today so again you're going to have to watch us on the radar and watch this stuff carefully while we do our best to get these things on camera so we've got a tornado that is moving up into southwestern tuscaloosa county and everybody in the city of tuscaloosa should be sheltered those on the campus of the university of alabama should be sheltered tuscaloosa university of alabama north port and point south all the way down to the hale county line those are the communities in the path of this this inglewood taylorville maxwell's crossing duncanville cottondale alberta city all of these places you're in the polygon including downtown tuscaloosa so just be aware of that and we're going to watch that camera really carefully as this thing comes up in here in other tornado situations you've seen this impressive view of the tornadoes and i caution you today we just are not going to be able to do a lot of that you're going to have to just take our word and stay sheltered there's been a lot of damage today we've had injuries these are very serious storms that you've got to take seriously if you've got a helmet put that thing on if you know somebody that maybe lives in here that's not paying attention call him send him a text and say flip on the television and go to your safe play forget flipping on the television just go to a safe place and uh and listen our radio partners in tuscaloosa the town square media stations we have alt 1017 953 the bear wtug 92.9 and their other group of fm stations are simulcasting us right now so you can hear us on a commercial radio station in tuscaloosa and we're so thankful for them doing that for us so a tornado warning in effect for tuscaloosa county for a tornado that is showing debris being lofted that is basically at ralph in the far southwestern part of tuscaloosa county and again john olshu's camera is trying to look up into this thing from the south he's coming up from the south and so far we've not seen much we're going to stay with that for just a second and let's go down to our southern storm we have two storms that are paralleling each other and we're going to kind of bounce back between the two the southern storm is coming across highway 43 just north of forklift and that's going to be crossing the warrior into hale county so again if you're over here at sawyerville greensboro we want you to be sheltered this is a very dangerous storm all of these today are very dangerous all of them so again southern greene county forklin curving back up into southern hale county in central hale county over toward greensboro greensboro you're in the polygon you've got to be in a safe place respect the polygon be in there and stay in there until this thing passes until we give you an all clear but that is a very violent circulation here in this storm that is in southern greene county just a little east of u.s 43. we can now give an all clear for us-43 if you need to travel from utah down to demopolis you can do that at this point is the circulation is now east of highway 43 about to cross the rivers a waterspout then coming over into hale county again this is greensboro right here you've got sawyerville havana junction is right here no traveling on highway 14 between greensboro and wedgeworth no traveling on highway 69 between greensboro and havana let's go to our northern storm and again now we're watching old shoe and it looks john says he thinks that's the tornado so we're kind of watching this together i do not know why that warning is not showing on our map right now but that warning is still in place right don't don't worry about that understand if you're in tuscaloosa county you're under a tornado warning and uh you know that might be it right there did he do they kill it um expires no i they might have but we're not have no tornado warning for tuscaloosa county is still uh still happening here um it says 420 bmx cancels tornado warning hail tuscaloosa wow i see that now so anyway let's just hold it right here because john has again i don't see a tornado in john shot so we'll make it official the weather service has canceled the tornado warning for tuscaloosa county they believe that evidence is off the board and uh john let's just leave that shot right there so again we're looking at what circulation i don't know if a tornado is there because of all those pine trees and john is along interstate 5920 near the southwestern corner of tuscaloosa county and again you can see we're watching that i've not seen a tornado john who's there you know we always like to have confirmation from people that are actually there john says that he believed that it was a tornado but the weather service believed that the storm structure is weakened to a point where they can cancel the warnings so it is true taylor got it right the tornado warning for tuscaloosa county has been canceled they canceled the tornado warning two two and a half minutes ago at 4 20 and they've let the warning for greene county expire so the the northern storm we do not have a tornado warning at this point but again we're still watching this thing because these have been very cyclic today but i believe the thinking is that the southern storm has become dominant and it's taken away the inflow from the northern storm which has reduced the danger to the city of tuscaloosa so if we can double box i want to keep john shot in here and again john is on the northern storm i want to make that perfectly clear that's the one coming into tuscaloosa county and again let's make it perfectly clear the warning has been canceled for tuscaloosa county so if you're in tuscaloosa northport the university of alabama you are not in a polygon anymore it's over uh the concern is this southern storm right here and again this is becoming the dominant storm uh this storm is crossing the black warrior river uh between green and hale county green and hale counties that serves as the border in that violent circulation next we'll be crossing highway 14 so again probably passing a little to the west and north of greensboro it'll be crossing highway 14 sawyerville be sheltered now again uh you've got to be sheltered right now and again greensboro i want to make it perfectly clear here greensboro is in the polygon so if you're in greensboro we want you to stay sheltered we firmly believe that the tornado is going to be passing north and west of greensboro but again i'd say my greatest concern is sawyerville it's a community on highway 14 right in the path of this thing sawyerville was hit by a really bad tornado april 27 2011. they know the pain of a tornado and uh i they're typically good at responding here uh so this is wedgeworth you're not the polygon sawyerville is so sawyerville uh be sheltered if you're anywhere just north and west of greensboro uh stay sheltered and understand this uh in fact let's expand this out let me kind of show you a big picture on this because uh understand this thing could wind up in the birmingham metro let's keep expanding i want us i want to see birmingham on here all right so uh keep on going keep on going there we go so if this stays down guess what's going to happen it's going to come right through the southern part of the birmingham metro again a place hit so hard by tornadoes earlier today one big tornado so uh again this particular tornado that is near sawyerville and hale county will likely traverse if it stays down and it could we've had these long track supercell storms today through parts of bib northern bib and then right up into northern shelby county much like the first one that we experienced and we got a lot of cleanup and rescue work underway so just be aware of that so again we've got potential for a violent tornado coming through hale county a little west and north of greensboro and if it stays down it could affect northern bib northern shelby maybe southern jefferson the birmingham metro and again this northern storm has diminished and the weather service has canceled that warning so at this point the tornado warning for tuscaloosa county has gone away i wanted to make that perfectly clear so we are now at and we have had a rough day today we've had a lot of damage in a lot of different parts of the state and uh tell you what let's go back into our stop we got the one tornado warning that's the one thing about it now we have just one in the state and i want to just very quickly show some of the things that have happened today in an effort to let you know that uh this has been a pretty serious uh situation so uh if we can let's take xo5 real quick uh this is what it looks like in a lot of neighborhoods these are well-constructed well-engineered homes uh this particular damage is from eagle point in uh in northern shelby county uh a news yes at five o'clock they are still doing a door-to-door searches hope to be finished by dark no serious injuries reported that's great that's the greatest thing i've heard all day there's no serious injuries from eagle point that's the tornado by the way you see right there that came through eagle point crossing over double oak mountain if you travel u.s highway 280 you can see the damage on 280 on the mountain up there and this is another reminder that listen guys tornadoes do happen on mountains and i'll shoot straight with you guys that's my backyard it's been a it's been a rough day a very rough day look at this goodness that's a two by four going right through a brick wall i want to say that home is in uh sorry dennis was a two by ten yeah thank you um this is some video this was from that same tornadic thunderstorm this was taken i want to say near lincoln and it's down you just can't see it it's down in its rain wrap but that's what's going on right now on the warrior river between forkland and uh sawyerville uh in west alabama this is some of the damage on highway 280 going up the mountain right here this is right on the slope of double oak mountain this is the tornado that came through eagle point came up on the mountain came down highway 41 hit some of the greystone neighborhoods and it's been a pretty a rough ride obviously for those folks and again that's some of the damage on u.s 280 looks like a car was damaged by perhaps a falling tree on highway 280 yes three confirmed dead in ohatchee [Music] you know i saw that and i didn't want to report it until you guys did we just got it confirmed uh goodness gracious um i hate to hear that pam thank you for that update so real quick we'll go through some more of these images and we'll get right back to it and again this shot this is eagle point right here this is what it looks like in that neighborhood near lee branch off u.s 280 and again this is some of the damage in pelham in a business in pelham and you can see this is damage to a church in ohatchee this is uh where we've had the loss of life today at least three people have been killed here and again now thanks to a brian m finger for us sending us these uh drone shots of the damage near ohatchi a very very tragic story and again the day is not over yet so let's get right back to it i i wish i could you know go report damage the whole time we've got to focus on this dangerous storm that is nasty this is right at sawyerville greensboro here sawyerville right here and once it crosses highway 14 it's going to be crossing highway 69 between havana junction and greensboro so the the danger for greene county is over from this storm so the tornado warning for greene county all of them have expired we have one tornado warning in the whole state right now one and it's what you're seeing right now this is in hale county in west alabama uh what could be a violent tornado is down let's look at the cc product real quick and we'll do a storm track too uh on this and that we just have one that's pretty noisy for such a violent velocity signature that we really don't see tornado debris being lofted so let's go back and do a storm track on this this is going to be the approximate arrival times of a tornado in your neighborhood and remember you should be sheltered this is this is not when you go to a shelter when you see these times on the screen this is when the tornado will likely arrive in your neighborhood the approximate arrival times here and again uh you can see places like harper hill at 441 phipps at 450. these are very small communities out here in rural northern hale county and from there this thing's going to be moving up into northern bib county but that is the one really big issue we have right now so let's take me full screen john is in and rain down in green county and that warning is expired so we'll just kind of stay full screen for the moment and again if you're just joining us the tornado warning for tuscaloosa county was canceled uh at this point and uh so we have one tornado warning that is currently in effect and that tornado warning is in effect for hale county a possible large tornado it could be down near sawyerville moving northeast and from sawyerville is going to be crossing highway 69 between havana junction and greensboro this tornado is going to be passing north of downtown greensboro again downtown greensboro obviously is right here that's highway 69 that's how you go to tuscaloosa from greensboro don't drive on highway 69 uh anytime soon and quite frankly i would not really want to be on highway 25 right now uh in that uh this is going to be crossing 69 for sure it might miss 25 maybe clipping 25 up and through here 25 runs from greensboro back over to pondville and brent back the old yeah there's your debris right there that's your tds your tornado debris signature tornado this debris being lofted several thousand feet the beam is way off the ground here this probably lofted 15 000 feet and that's going to be moving from sawyerville back over into the northern part of hale county and again when you get up in here in this part of hale county this is pretty sparsely populated this is the talladega national forest and i there's a east alabama side of the national forest the west alabama side this is in that west alabama side uh and again so there's not a lot of population density here we don't get a lot of reports out of here but we we've had one tornado come through here earlier today look at that thing goodness that's bad and we are getting multiple reports of tornado on the ground near sawyerville yeah it's uh that's not good that is not good so again um we've got a tornado that is clearly down at sawyerville in hale county that's about eight miles uh west of uh greensboro and you can certainly see by this signature this is not good that is a confirmed probably a large destructive tornado at this point and this will be moving across highway 69 and then probably touching highway 25 on the way to bibb county this is hale county tuscaloosa county bibb county and again a reminder if you joined us that warning for tuscaloosa county was canceled is this storm took away from the northern storm this became the dominant storm sometimes when you have a storm that's on the south side of another storm it winds it becomes the dominant storm so again this is a what could be a very large tornado that is down passing north of greensboro i want to go out to a big picture real quick taylor and just kind of expand this and just show the state or at least our end of the state and what's happening we've had some other issues today we've had some flooding problems and hail and everything else and notice there's a lot of rain in through here just a lot of rain falling and it's been pretty interesting you know the the the high resolution models really suggested the better tornado tracks up in through here but it sure looks like it's going to wind up being south of interstate 59 models or models the weather is going to do what it's going to do it doesn't look at updraft telicity it doesn't read blogs it's just going to do its thing and again it sure looks like the greatest concern it's going to be down here south of interstate 59 for now this is where the air is fairly ripe unstable not really contaminated uh and that's the one storm on the board it's raining in tuscaloosa you got thunder and lightning and it's pouring but there's no evidence of a tornado that's the reason the warning was canceled same thing if you're north of birmingham same thing in blount county at one point you had a tornado warning that tornado warning was canceled uh the storm over here that prompted the tornado warning in fact you know what that thing is that's the same one that brought the damage in the birmingham metro earlier today the same one now passing north of atlanta you talk about a long track storm so we can focus on that one storm as you can see that's a little north and west of the city of greensboro down here this is in hale county about 30 miles south of tuscaloosa so let's go back to our hale county storm and we are watching this together it is 4 34 on thursday march the 25th and yeah i'm seeing stephen quinn's report from the calhoun county sheriff three dead in ohatchee the death toll could go higher at least two injured lauren walsh from hale county ema has multiple reports of a tornado on the ground in sawyerville calhoun county ema against search and rescue underway they can confirm fatalities in ohatchee they cannot give a number but again the number we have is three from the calhoun county sheriff the death toll could go higher so again we've had tragic loss of life today and we we need to prevent that from any more fatalities from getting on the board here so please pay attention we have a new tornado warning for bibb county so the weather service in birmingham has expanded the tornado warning out of hail in deb in the northern part of perry county that's alabama highway five high burger sits right there this is brent this is marion the tornado warning this time does include centerville and brent earlier the tornado warning polygon for that first long track thunderstorm did not include centerville brent this one does so this one includes centerville brent pondville west blockton um so if you're in any of these communities down here towards six mile you want to be sheltered as this violent storm is about to cross out of hale county in about 10 minutes you're getting some lead time today and you know we've debated this in the weather enterprise are we giving too much lead time in some cases um you know i i i think the more lead time the better you know we i know that sitting in a shelter for 40 minutes can be uncomfortable but hey you know it's the right thing to do and remember for people in mobile homes they have to leave the mobile homes and they have to go to a shelter sometimes it takes them five or ten minutes to get there but the bottom line is if you're in these polygons and hail extreme northern perry and bibb counties what you want to do right now is be out of a car be out of a mobile home you want to be in a shelter in in your home if you're in a small closet or a bathroom put on a helmet if you are today in a mobile home you go to a community shelter and let's ride this thing out but let's all be safe and in terms of travel if you're listening to us by radio the major routes you want to avoid is highway 69 north of greensboro highway 25 north of greensboro you want to avoid u.s 82 alabama highway 5. and against centerville brent both of these communities they're side by side on either side of the cava you need to be sheltered as well and again if you carry this out it's going right up into shelby county this one will probably take a track a little to the south compared to the first one so with this if it stays down if this is another long track tornado this most likely will affect the southern part of shelby county down through here so again we're getting a very well-defined tornado debris signature right here that is a tds representing debris being lofted it's not rain it's not hail it's debris it's not a hydrometer and this is an amazing product here when do a polarization radar came online about seven eight years ago we had no idea this product would be this good but it's that good and we can confirm that tornado in through here but again i just want to stress that we've had loss of life today at least three people have died and we don't want any more fatalities on the board today so please take all of these warnings seriously this is likely a large wedge tornado coming through hale county debris is being lofted over 15 thousand feet the weather service just said that i mentioned that a few minutes ago based on the beam height that's it i mean this this is really being lofted and the tornado is basically going to be coming through the talladega national forest in through here there's not a lot of population density so you're not going to hear a lot about it but just understand that this is a large dangerous tornado that is destructive that will be crossing perhaps clipping the far northern part of perry county perry county it's marion highburger and let me just say that heiberger and marion are not in this polygon uh it is just a small part of northern perry but that will be coming up in deb and moving really in the direction of centerville and brent and old timers like me remember what happened in brent may 27 1973 horrible tornado that destroyed so much of the town it killed five people that sunday night i was a junior in high school and that might change my life and i'm not saying this will be the same situation i'm not this will probably take a different track it will probably be a different size but that's a reminder of what these things can do large destructive tornadoes that was an ef4 may 27th 1973. these are some of the approximate arrival times got hagler 501 and again that's a small community really in southeastern tuscaloosa county i don't think tuscaloosa county has anything to worry about here this is going to be an exclusive problem for bib and maybe northern perry if you're watching in tuscaloosa county i know it's raining thunder and lightning but this is all south of you and this has become the dominant storm uh so for the moment and we just have one tornado but we're working right now which is a good thing we were concerned we might have three going on at the same time or four which we did earlier today but we're down to one and again that is a really large debris signature and you can see these small communities up in bibb county in the approximate arrival times it's currently uh 4 39 but i want to stress this is not when you go to shelter this is you go to shelter now and that's just to give you an idea when it might come over your neighborhood so you can't miss that uh incredible debris signature on this uh what's probably a large destructive tornado in hale county north of greensboro crossing over highway 69 about seven miles north of downtown greensboro give us about five minutes we'll give you an all clear for highway 69. if i had to imagine that probably trees blocking highway 69 right now i wouldn't want to travel that road anyway but if you have to this tornado is going to be east of there pretty soon you can see highway 69 right here and again this is highway 25. highway 25 comes out of greensboro then comes back over to pondville the old weather service radar site used to sit here the wsr-57 that thing was a beacon for so long for the people of alabama i want to say it's a campground or something i drive by there from time to time the tower is there of course the radar is gone but again that's going to be moving right up through here this might pass a little north and west of brent centerville eoline is up here but listen everybody's got to be sheltered that's the screaming message today we call out these specific places but storms can vary a little bit they can be a right turning storm uh sometimes they can dissipate and reorganize in a different place if you're in a polygon you've got to respect that and be in a safe place just don't get too hung up in you know specific little spots that i'm calling out here you see the flashing red lines those are the boundaries and if you're in that flashing red line you've got to be in your safe place in a sheltered place today and that's urgent that we do that we we have had a really really really rough day so again large tornado is now east of interstate alabama highway 69. so let's give it all clear to alabama highway 69 all clear in terms of dangerous weather from this storm which is the road from mountville down to greensboro so all clear highway 69 at points west greensboro all clear for you if you're in greensboro if you're in sawyerville all clear for you the tornado is well north and east of there so highway 69 and points west all clear greensboro sawyerville all clear now we're out here in really close to highway 25 anybody anybody along highway 25 from greensboro back over to brent this thing's going to be riding the highway highway 25 and you do not want to be on alabama highway 25 you do not want to be on that highway this thing could probably toss a car just like a matchstick take trees down like matchsticks it's very easy for that to be the case and that will be coming up into bib and again the way it works here you got alabama highway 5 that's 219 coming down from highway 5 coming into centerville brent here centerville here the cahaba river runs right through here and uh that you got some time you've got some time and if you know anybody that lives in this polygon like we've talked about i know you get me tired of asking this but a lot of people join us in progress they don't stay with us for hours and hours and hours if you know somebody that lives in brent or centerville or any of these communities in bibb county call them now send them a text message and tell them to go get into a safe place these are serious storms they really are okay so please have them get into a safe place so taylor let me kick back over to you for a few minutes okay so we're of course focusing on this one what is the likely a violent tornado on the ground i'm going to circle that debris signature although i really probably don't need to because it oh there we go again it just updated but that is a very very very strong debris signature there headed towards hogelsville here and it's going to cross over into bibb county here pretty soon headed towards mertz this the the community of spencer harrisburg likely if it stays on its current trajectory we'll stay a little bit farther north than harrisburg but of course you're included in that polygon and we want everybody this is this is a tornado you need to take very seriously based on this debris signature that we're seeing this is likely a very very strong tornado on the ground and it has stayed on the ground for quite some time at this point so i'm going to pull another storm track here if you are in northern perry county or bibb county included in this polygon this is it you need to go to that safe place now we're not waiting until what this storm track tells you but this is a storm track based on the current rotation so i'm going to pull this here at about 59 miles per hour and this is moving towards water oak 4 48 pondville 457 harrisburg 502 spencer at 502 and uh goodson at 504. so if those communities sound familiar to you you need to be in that safe place get your family get your your pets head down to that safe place put the helmet on put your shoes on and you're going to ride this thing out in that safe place with this last scan here we're still showing that very strong indication of what is likely a large violent tornado on the ground as high as this is lofting debris this is likely a very strong violent tornado and i'm not saying that to scare you i'm saying that because i want you to take this seriously because this is a tornado on the ground moving towards bibb county this warning does include the city of brent so if you live in brent head to that that safe place now if you're not already there you should already be there uh if you live in eoline west blockton eventually if this holds together it'll be headed towards six mile and i want to zoom us out and kind of show us here the trajectory of this storm if it holds together like it is right now and moves into bibb county eventually another warning may be necessary for portions of shelby county so downstream from from this bibb county warning could be another warning that includes portions of northern chilton county and shelby county we're going to wait and see if this storm holds together but that's just a heads up for portions of shelby county if this storm does stay on it's it trajectory there could be a warning for shelby county coming up here um as this moves through bibb county so at this point we're still watching this circulation it's going to be in portions of northern portions of of hale county but this has just been showing this constant debris signature here with this latest radar scan the positive note at this point is that it is not as well defined but that is still a debris signature we're still seeing indications that this tornado is likely on the ground going to pass very close to water oak community and we are going to uh to have to watch this one very carefully because at this point this has been on the ground for quite some time and like we saw with that first supercell storm we watched that tornado track all the way from greene county all the way across into georgia we've still got warnings going on in georgia from that same cell so if you live in shelby county just keep an eye on this storm it's going to be crossing over into northern perry here pretty soon and then moving into bibb county but we could see this storm continue to track northeastward and really be cyclic like we've seen with the storm earlier x05 um if we can uh yeah that's our tornado in hale county oh my goodness this is a uh a shot of the tornado that is in hale county in west alabama this is from max olson and that's what is moving out of hale county into bibb county so understand this is a serious situation here so again i just wanted to show that to let you know that we've got a clear visual on this and that is in rural hale county moving up into bibb county it's on pretty much on the bibb county line so let's go back to the radar it's 4 47 james spann here we've got john brown is on highway 5 headed to brent and if we can check john's i don't know which one of these john is on but i want to kind of maybe double box john brown yeah let's double box me and john brown john is on highway 5 headed into brent to intercept this storm and again for those that ask uh john olshew and john brown these guys they're trained they know exactly what they're doing and uh they will be safe they're not gonna put themselves in harm's way here but we've got what the that you saw that large tornado uh that thing is again sitting on the line here this is hale county and this is the far northern part of perry county it's on the really the hale perry county line that's going to cross over into bibb county this is brent and this is centerville right here and again these storms today have had at times a tendency sometimes to veer to the right uh instead of this constant northeast motion sometimes they'll veer a little back to the right and just be aware of that so again we want ev that's why there's a polygon here there's room for error uh and again you might hear me calling out something but uh just whatever if you're in the polygon respect the polygon and be in a safe place uh and again uh john brown in the stream you're seeing over here is headed down to uh he's on alabama highway 5 headed down to brent from woodstock and north bib and he's coming in from west blockton so we'll see if john can intercept this thing john is basically coming down this highway right here and he's going to be in a position to intercept this storm which is located right here so again this is bibb county we have a tornado warning in effect and this is the only tornado warning in the entire state i just wanted to point that out uh seeing some more damage images coming in through here oh really okay let's get let's go new tornado warning for jefferson county all right this is going to include the city of birmingham this is and i've got our camera pointed that direction all right so uh we've got a tornado warning in effect now for jefferson county and again we've got goodness yeah there it is that's that rotation all right so this is out in the eastern part of the birmingham metro wow downtown birmingham is over here all right so this is trussville this located right here this quite frankly is out here not too far from the airport the airport property is right here so it's a little east of the airport so we have in fact if we can get that birmingham coca-cola camera that's going to be right there at it birmingham coca-cola is located right here this is the birmingham airport birmingham shuttlesworth international airport uh what looks to be just a violent circulation that popped up basically out of nowhere is located now just to the east of the airport and again that's going to be coming out uh toward trussville and the eastern part of birmingham out here toward roebuck uh so again if you are in roebuck uh center point is up here roebuck huffman any place around medical center east vincent st vincent's east you want to be in a safe place and that this thing is very close to you this interstate 459 right here and that goes of course down into shelby county so this is coming out near the birmingham race course the eastern part of birmingham north of irondale and that's going to keep on moving in the direction of trust bill right here so everybody in trussville you need to be sheltered right away and again we've got the double box going we've got our sky cam from the birmingham coca-cola looking back into this and naturally like everything else today it's been pretty much rain wrap but it looks like we've got a tornado that is down currently in the eastern part of the city of birmingham and there's a tornado debris signature so we've got debris that's being lofted now and again this is interstate 59 right here this is uh roebuck this is uh near w.j christian school let's try and throw some landmarks out here you want you might know what you've got and that'll be coming out across interstate 459 us 11 and coming right up into trussville so just you've got this target shopping center out here there's a target uh there's a best buy i want to say it's the promenade you know the name of if you live out there that shopping center but that's going to be coming right up into trussville so everybody in trussville has got to be sheltered everybody in trussville needs to be sheltered now small room lowest floor near the center away from windows is we have debris being lofted in the eastern part of birmingham again this is roebuck proper right here this is uh kind of south roebuck and again this out near wj christian school and that'll be crossing over interstate 459 soon the birmingham racecourse property is right out here that thing is going to want to travel right up u.s 11 right into the middle of downtown trussville which is right here the municipal complex is right here the interstate right here interstate 59 so we've got a tornado warning in effect now for the eastern part of jefferson county this does not include downtown birmingham this is east of downtown birmingham again out here in the far eastern part of the city and there's your debris signature right now it's very very close to saint vincent's east hospital it's near the intersection of 459 and interstate 59 up in the northeast part of birmingham and from there that's going to keep on going right up into trussville everybody in trussville has got to be sheltered now now don't wait on this we've got evidence that the tornado is down there's debris being lofted so again a tornado that's down near interstate 459 and u.s 11 very close to medical center east and that's going to keep on moving to the northeast there might be some jogs in the path let's expand this polygon really quick i want to show people that are in the polygon so here's your polygon this will include clay and let me just say back in here you're done with it you're done with the danger the concern it's from the debris signature on to the east this will include argo and trussville and clay and chock full those are the main concerns out here for areas near interstate 59 so again clay chalkville trussville argo clay is up here and it might pass south of there but if you're in the polygon please respect it and go to a safe place right now implement the plan that you've been working on for the past several days tornado warning for the eastern part of jefferson county a debris signature right now near 459 and 59 in the eastern part of birmingham that is moving northeast just like this okay so again this is a syria every every situation here today uh birmingham fire station 27 reporting they have trees down in roebuck from this storm so again we're getting reports now of trees down in roebuck from this and again it's clearly lofting debris no doubt about that and you can see that debris signature is along u.s 11 near the cemetery out here in the funeral home and again the the target that'll be coming right up highway 11 right into trussville uh you'll probably keep on going up u.s 11 up here toward payne elementary school bottom line is if you're in the city limits of trussville if you're in clay if you're in chalkville you've got to be in a safe place argo u.s 11 interstate 59 anywhere close to those highways in the eastern part of jefferson county that's your tornado signature moving like this it's going to cross into sinclair county soon so if you're living in some place like margaret or springville you might have to deal with it fairly soon so a tds a tornado debris signature that is in trussville right now right now okay so that is uh the the syst we have two tornado warnings on the board we've got the one in bibb county we have the one in jefferson we're going to bounce back and forth between the two i'm going to stay with this for just one more minute but the bottom line is if you are living in trussville anywhere near trussville anywhere in this polygon be sheltered small room lowest floor near the center away from windows have a helmet on if you if you have them put this is the time where you put these things on we've had four deaths today the death toll is up to four in ohatchee now we don't need any more of that this is the new warning new tornado warning for saint clair county so we've got the tornado located here in trussville moving northeast this will include springville odinville branchville margaret asheville shoal creek valley out here and raglan is in this as well so again asheville shoal creek valley raglan odinville branchville springville margaret if you're in any of these places or near them you're under a tornado warning um again watching more of the reports coming in here the tornado warning for saint clair county um will be in effect until i can put put that there we go six o'clock six o'clock all right and right now it's 4 56 and um the lightning has really increased in jefferson county that's representative of a increasing updraft and the debris is currently being lofted 8 000 feet in this storm so again sinclair county under a tornado warning for a tornado that's entrustable right here very close to downtown trussville camp coleman road u.s 11. deerfoot parkway out here payne elementary school these are just approximate landmarks and that tornado is crossing over into sinclair and again margaret is next in line here if you're anywhere near the school in margaret you need to be sheltered springville on the northern flank up here odinville and moody on the southern flank on 411 from springville down to odinville and moody and branchville everybody needs to be sheltered from this thing it might split the difference between interstate 59 and 411 but one way or the other if you're in that polygon be sheltered asheville you're in the polygon here's the split that's 231 going down to pell city that's 411 going back down to odenville and this particular circulation is going to come right up the chute right in through here shoal creek valley is right here uh steel is in the polygon steel is up on chandler mountain or part of steel is up on the mountain they're kind of on the northern fringe of this and of course if this continues a warning might be required for etowah county so just keep an eye on this and again today the storms we're dealing with they tend to be these violent long track tornadoes so again we have a tornado that is currently moving through uh argo and trussville moving both south of clay and it's about to cross over to sinclair county so let's go back down to our hail bibb county storm hale county you're clear now we can give hale county an all clear it's a problem for bibb county and again the great concern here it's going to be centerville and brent again uh that is a potential for violent circulation right here this is pondville ponville and again that thing is going to be just coming right up the chute toward brent it's getting really close you don't have any time left you don't if you're in brent if you're in centerville be sheltered now all right that's a small room lowest floor near the center you're going to have a helmet on and if you know anybody at the last minute here that's not paying attention that hasn't done anything please call them or text them help us get in touch with them and tell them they've got to be in a safe place we've seen images of this it is a large wedge tornado and that is a very very nasty debris signature this is a southern storm it's the dominant storm i don't think it's going to stop anytime soon it's probably going to come up into shelby county but again centerville and brent right through here this is brent this is centerville they're split by the cahaba river you've got to be in a safe place that is an urgent urgent request so please this is a very dangerous situation extremely dangerous situation for a tornado in bibb county coming up on brent and centerville so that's bibb county let's go back to our storm that is coming up into saint claire county moving out of trussville and let me just say the tornado warning that was issued for jefferson county that tornado was basically moving out of jefferson county moving into saint claire so this is the debris tracker let's go back to the velocity and i will say it's a little broader here but still there's no doubt this thing is spinning like a top the storm itself and that circulation is near argo argo sits on the sinclair jefferson county line and you need to be sheltered uh so again the call to action here it is a tornado warning including margaret springville branchville odenville asheville shoal creek valley saint clair springs be sheltered let's go back to bibb county we now have a tornado emergency for centerville and brent this is a tornado emergency for centerville and brent a violent tornado is approaching from the southwest it's coming right for both towns i don't mean to scare anybody by saying this i'm saying this to to get you to do something uh we need you sheltered you should have been sheltered 25 minutes ago and the warning was first issued but the national weather service in birmingham is calling this now a tornado emergency for brent and for centerville this is a very dangerous situation reminiscent of may 27 1973 that horrible horrible sunday night where so much of brent was destroyed i hope it dissipates maybe it will but we have reason to believe that it won't this is a day where we expect these long track violent tornadoes which is more than likely what this thing is right now and again you can see that uh debris signature that is just so clear that's alabama highway five by the way coming south out of brent right here and uh brent here centerville here we'll watch the volume scan and again the next volume scan you'll see it pop up and it's gonna move pretty quickly northeast uh this particular tornado is moving at a pretty good clip but let me just read the text of the national weather service warning the tornado damage threat is catastrophic a confirmed large destructive tornado is eight miles southwest of brent that blue spot right there moving east at 50 moving northeast at 50 miles an hour 50 miles an hour there's no red lights out here it's just going to keep on going and it's basically going to be right in town awfully soon here so again brent centerville two cities are side by side the cahaba kind of separates the two um and i just don't like the way this uh i don't like the way this is looking right here guys this is tough that's 25 right there the old sawmill restaurant sits right there violent tornado right here downtown brent here downtown centerville this is the big county courthouse is right here this is just really tough so uh let's let's take john brown's uh uh john is uh five miles north of brent and he's gonna wait right there uh is this john's camera okay thank you this is john brown he's near brent let's double box this one i want to leave john's camera and again you know for where he is it's going to be hard to see anything so we're going to double box and put me in the big box with a radar and john will be in the smaller box but i want to keep his camera up and uh if anything happens john is going to go into brent from his location again he's five miles north of brent he can't the ultimate goal is to get to where you look in here from the south he can't do that safely he's up here john is located about right here and he's doing the right thing he's going to let it pass and then he's going to get in there and maybe look at the back of this thing or see what kind of damage has occurred here but i wish i had the words the vocabulary of power to to to encourage you to to go in a safe place here um i'm an old country boy from butler county alabama and words don't come easily from me sometimes but this is urgent uh and again we don't say that to scare anybody but this is a very destructive violent tornado most likely we've seen images of this thing when it was in hale county and again you can see the uh debris being lofted here up to about fifteen thousand feet has a very very lowered cc what what that tree limbs and if we had any buildings hit parts of buildings boards bricks glass nails and things like that anything except a hydro meteor and again that's in the process of moving right into brent right now and keep in mind the way the volume scans work the radar has to do some work so it could be in brent right now it could very well be in brent now and then moving up through centerville so again john brown the stream you see john is up highway five he's probably about right here on the northern edge of the polygon looking down into this and again all you're going to see is a big rain mass that's pretty much all we've seen today but this is an extremely dangerous situation so let's very quickly go back to saint claire county again we're going to bounce back and forth i i hate to get away from this one but the saint claire signature is not as uh impressive but hey it's still a dangerous storm uh let's put the velocity display and again you can see the evidence of a tornado near margaret right here all right here and uh that's kind of moving and that's alabama highway 174 right here um that is located runs from odinville back up to springville um goodness well house if you're listening be sheltered um branchville odenville us-411 interstate 59 u.s 11 up here but nobody should be along alabama highway 174. it's a nasty nasty looking signature here coming right across highway 174 and that's going to be moving right up toward asheville uh if you're in this town of ashfield please be sheltered uh if you have an asheville mailing address this is whitney junction right here saint claire springs that's alabama 23 right here sinclair springs here the state prison is on highway 23. everybody in the path of this thing's got to be sheltered so again steel asheville shoal creek valley odinville branchville margaret it's right over margaret now springville sinclair springs please be sheltered let's go back to bibb county we're gonna go back and forth and again john's got the camera he's on highway five in bib county that's looking down to the south and again the the jefferson county tornado warning is over this storm is in sinclair just wanted to make that perfectly clear so again there's your velocity couplet let's go back to our correlation coefficient there's your tornado debris being lofted right pretty much into brent i was hoping this thing might go north or south of town but it's going to go right through town that's tough this is the new uh i call it the new u.s 82 over here crosses the cahava right here centerville here brent here and this is just looks bad this is a tornado emergency a tornado emergency for the cities of centerville and brent in bibb county in west alabama and again if this thing continues and there's our new warning right here just popped up for shelby and northern chilton okay so this is a new tornado warning this is going to be to the south of the first tornado that came through shelby county so here's your new tornado warning and again brent centerville be in your safe place this in in shelby county is going to be basically from the shelby county airport in columbiana south into northern chilton this includes jemison so in that broad zone from union grove jemison up to the shelby county airport this includes calera colombiana the town of shelby the town of wilton this includes montevallo uh if you're in any of these communities out here in southern shelby northern chilton be aware that that tornado is coming right up in your direction and uh this is uh right now a large destructive tornado and this is a tornado emergency that is in effect again the weather service calling this a confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado that's over brent that's moving east northeast at 50 miles an hour so that's your tornado that's going to be crossing over brent and then coming right up into southern shelby and into northern chilton counties of course it will not affect this entire area polygons are you got to have a little room for error here you can't make them too narrow but the bottom line is if you're in the polygon you've got to respect that and understand if you were hit by a tornado earlier today helena pelham you're not in this helena pelham greystone mount laurel grace shoal creek all these places hit so hard by tornadoes earlier today you're not in this you don't have to do anything alabaster you're not the polygon helena pelham hoover chelsea westover you are not involved in this again this is going to be for montevallo wilton calera colombiana the town of shelby jemison and everybody else in southern shelby and northern chilton counties so let's zoom back into the the tds that's coming into brent and uh you know i it's just horrifying you what you're watching here it's graphic violence i have no joy in watching these signatures like this but again it's right out here in the o sawmill restaurant and again this is main street in brent right there that's highway 5 main street and coming right up into town and again this is centerville right over here brent right here violent tornado coming right up into town john brown is again he's on the move now john is in this horrential rain john is john's position is on highway five he's coming down from the north and john will stop he's not going to get involved look nobody wants a part of this i mean this is extremely dangerous stuff john will stop when it's safe then he will go in and look and see what's happened for us down there in bibb county we hope and we pray that somehow you get through this with little damage but again we've seen this tornado it's a this is a tornado emergency the potential damage threat by the weather service the term they're using is catastrophic a confirmed large tornado right on top of brent moving northeast at 55 so again that is what's happening in bibb county right now let's go back to saint clair county really quick and we're going to leave bibb county's camera up with john brown let's go to sinclair county this is going to be the tornado that is between springville and odinville all right right here so uh again the circulation is a little broad but clearly there could be a tornado down this is springville this is odinville that's alabama highway 174 right there and that circulation is right on top of highway 174 moving northeast and next in line is going to be the town of asheville which is right here st clear county is an interesting county there are two county seats in saint clair county asheville and pell city back in the old days there's mountainous terrain in here was hard to get the horse and buggies over the mountains and they had two county seats and uh so you've got a courthouse for saint clair county in asheville and one down in pell city this one is headed for the northern courthouse for the town of asheville the school complex the high school the middle school the elementary school is right here on u.s highway 231 this is the split 411 going to odinville 231 going to pell city shoal creek valley sits right in through here so again just be aware if you're in asheville if you have an asheville mailing address if you're up here at whitney junction you've got to be in a safe place now like the bib county storm is this is violent probably not but hey a tornado is a tornado okay so be sheltered if you're in saint claire county for this storm let's go back to bibb county and again we're watching john brown's live stream we're all watching this together and again john is in torrential rain he's coming into the bib county storm from the north which is not the direction you want to come in but he's coming in safely he's not going to get close to this thing so let's take a look at the cc once again we'll have the lowered cc right there right in downtown brent this again this is main street the first baptist church was destroyed uh the building wow the first baptist church was destroyed may 27 1973 a man by the name of andrew mitchell was killed i remember it like it was yesterday it was a horrible horrible event and this thing is coming right up towards centerville if there's any difference in the track of this one in the 1973 tornado this one's a little farther to the south and this one's coming right up on centerville i mean right up on downtown centerville again this is main street and brent there's probably some damage here but instead of coming right down main street it's coming right up into centerville right here uh this says east town this is centerville all right so again this is a very very very dangerous storm you should be sheltered there's not much we can do at this point hopefully you sheltered when the warning was issued about 35 40 minutes ago but remember from here this is going up into southern shelby and northern chilton the weather service continues a tornado warning for both of those areas in that this is going to probably stay down this could be one of these violent long-track tornadoes and again we've got john brown's video here and john he's going to freeze up from time to time understand when you've got tornadoes and you've got the cell networks and the instability it can come and go but we're going to stay with that we're going to see if we have any john will let us know if there's any damage down there he's coming right up on this and he's going to once it's safe he'll either loop around on the south side or just check the damage out but this this thing is on top of centerville right now wow that's just uh horrifying there hasn't been a radar scan in a long time where there wasn't a debris signature right and again we have great concern this could cause catastrophic damage nothing is good about this nothing look at it now oh boy so again you know the only thing i can say it might have scooted a little south of downtown brent and maybe scooting a little south to downtown centerville but boy it's close uh it's crossing over us 82 right now and next it'll be crossing over highway 25 right here the community of six miles it's right here so let's expand this back out real quick and let's show shelby and northern chilton counties and uh evan and brian are actually at the shelby county airport okay north of it as well so we've got our two meteorologists at the shelby county airport which is right here and they're going to be north of this there's your violent tornado and again it's going to be coming out through the eastern part of bibb county like this and again this is alabama highway 139 that goes from wilton down to randolph and it'll be crossing highway 139 then crossing over into either northern chilton or southern shelby counties in through here so a tornado is over centerville it's going to be moving through the eastern part of bibb county this is a tornado that can cause great property damage and it can cause loss of life if you don't do anything you've got to do something and once it crosses out a bib it's going to cross over to northern chilton and parts of southern shelby counties and again in shelby county understand if you were hit earlier by a tornado a lot of people were places like helena and pelham lee branch some of the greystone neighborhoods shoal creek those kind of places this will not affect you this is south of you so you a lot of people are trying to clear clear up trees and uh homes have collapsed it's just a horrible situation there this does not affect the first damage path that came through shelby county this is south of there so again there's your tornado which is now just to the east of centerville it's moved out of centerville and brent and we're going to find out from john brown here in just a second what's going on let's see john has taken the back road to meet highway 25 um seeing john reports of injuries and entrapment in the eastern part of birmingham on willow drive off u.s 11. this is from the tornado that's in sinclair county right now numerous trees down and again this is the tornado that came through the eastern part of jefferson county eastern part of birmingham it's in sinclair county now so if we can just go back with me with radar just thank you uh so again tornado eastern bib southern shelby northern chilton be in a safe place that is a large destructive violent tornado let's go back to saint clair county real quick and we've got a sky watcher that is in margaret and he reports no damage in his immediate area in margaret a couple of minutes ago and this tornado went pretty close to margaret but at this point we we heard of no damage in saint clair county we have heard of damage in jefferson county the circulation looks pretty broad that's not really a classic tornadic circulation here but it's approaching the junction here where 411 and 231 split and it looks like the rotation is broad and it's going to really pass maybe a bit south of asheville uh down here toward the shoal creek valley so uh shoal creek valley just be aware you've got broad circulation and you're under a tornado warning that sucker could tighten back up at any minute okay it could tighten back up at any time so just be aware of that and you need to stay sheltered you can see the tornado warning polygon for saint clair county this does include ragland it includes steel shoal creek valley asheville whitney junction everybody in the polygon needs to stay sheltered this does not include pell city this is for the northern part of saint claire county again that circulation is broad but it could tighten back up so let's go back down to bibb county and again we've got uh brian peters and evan civvera they're on that storm that's coming up into southern shelby county you can see their uh live stream on the bottom there that's john brown stream on the top window he's trying to get up into this big county tornado in a safe way this is a this is extremely dangerous stuff extremely dangerous and don't you dare go out and try and shoot some youtube video to get you know 18 and 20 cents of google adsense money you could risk your your life doing that that makes no sense if you've not been trained in spotting you got no business being out there today and i've seen way too many people trying to do that but there's a large violent tornado which is just north of us 82 and that's going to be moving east northeast and again wow six mile is here this alabama highway 139 briarfield ashby i drove right down that road saturday a week ago so if you're anywhere close to these places we called out remember to help us call or text somebody that you know that might happen to live in these places and have them go to a safe place this is a very very violent tornado and that's coming right up in the general vicinity of briarfield and ashby the town of wilton sits right up here that's alabama highway 25 highway 139 goes down to the south down toward randolph and ultimately toward maplesville highway 139 there uh but that thing is going to be crossing highway 139 around briarfield or ashby uh wow so be sheltered here it's probably going to clip the far northern part of chilton county then come up on u.s 31 and i-65 this is u.s 31 from calera going down to jemison that's i-65 coming south out of calera down toward clanton and obviously the greatest concern now is the fact we don't want anybody driving along interstate 65 or u.s highway 31. nobody should be on either one of those highways right now south of say the tank farm exit in pelham and as far south as let's just say the thorsby exeter jemison thoresby so nobody on us 31 nobody on i-65 with a very dangerous tornado that is down this could be a long track tornado this thing could be down for a long time it's been down for a long time and again that's coming right out the community of six mile is right here that's alabama highway 25 that's alabama highway 139 coming south out of wilton briarfield ashby down toward randolph and from there it's going to cross over into northern chilton and extreme southern shelby counties so i wonder if the weather service in birmingham is going to uh abandon or go to their shelter here taylor i haven't seen that yet but i would not be surprised you know they're up here and they're really i think far enough north as to where they're going to be okay so i think they'll keep control if they have to abandon the station they'll give control to the national weather service in peachtree city georgia they're backing them up today and again this is the radar site right here on one side of i-65 they're on the other side of the shelby county airport but let's go back to the sinclair county storm that's our bibb county storm coming up toward chilton northern chilton and southern shelby we're working two tornado warnings right now two so let's go back to sinclair county and this is broad rotation it's broad but understand there still could be a tornado down at any time now the greatest chance of a tornado was just about maybe two miles south of the uh high school near the vocational schools it's right here right off uh 231 so it's near the vocational school if we have a tornado down that's an if we don't know at this point we don't see debris being lofted and that circulation is coming right over towards shoal creek valley north of raglan and from there it's going to cross over into calhoun and we'll just have to see how this thing behaves if the weather service extends the warning in a case like today it might not be a bad idea to do that it's just a course of least regret we really don't see the intense circulation here it's pretty broad and i would suggest that's not really a tornado signature here but still based on what's happened so far today and what the atmosphere has produced you you've got to take this thing seriously so again if you're in asheville if you're in shoal creek valley if you're in raglan you need to be sheltered until this thing gets out of the county so we'll give you an all clear as soon as we can do that we can give you an all clear for branchville odinville springville margaret so again for saint claire county if you live in springville branchville odinville margaret all clear for you the concern is to the east of there and again this circulation coming right on top of shoal creek valley south of asheville so be sheltered let's go back to our storm in bibb county and again we're watching john brown's live stream at the top john is trying to come back in a position so we can intercept this storm or at least see what type of damage that's been done down there and then we've got evan chicvera and brian peters our meteorologist in shelby county in a position to intercept this storm again they're going to be coming in from the north so there's your tornado right here and again this is a very large destructive tornado with debris that's being lofted it's just south of six mile that's alabama highway 25 right here and that's going to be crossing alabama highway 139 which is right here briarfield ashby down to randolph and from bibb county it's going to cross over into the extreme northwestern corner of chilton county and then back up into southern shelby county and again this is the location right of brian and evan yes okay so they are right here and we'll see again bro i don't worry about brian i mean brian has been doing this a long time and he's going to be safe and he understands the magnitude of this threat here but we're going to stay with his camera but again that's our tornado debris signature this is just as strong as it's been it has not wavered here in the last 15 to 30 minutes and we are as soon as we find out what's happened in brent we'll pass that along in centerville um best possible case is that perhaps the violent tornado pass may be just south of those two cities but boy it's a close call very close call and we got a lot of trees down from the sinclair county storm in the eastern part of birmingham i've seen a lot of reports of that uh but again the the focus right now it is this is shelby county right here this is chilton and this is bib and again you can see that tds right here and we can give an all clear to centerville and bryn the danger from this storm is ended for you we hope you got away with little damage but i'm afraid that's not going to be the case we'll find out here very shortly and again john brown will tell us much more he's down there in that area but nobody i mean nobody should be driving along alabama highway 139 that is the road from wilton down to randolph and down to maplesville and again you can see these communities out here briarfield and ashby and that thing is going to be crossing highway 139 in just a matter of minutes matter of minutes uh they're supposed to i think the new state prison is under consideration for this general area down here but it's going to cross over into northwestern chilton county and from northwestern chilton county it's going to cross over into southern shelby county pretty close to calera and again we've got evan chakvera and brian peters they'll be working this storm from southern shelby county you can see their their live stream on the bottom over there and john brown is in bibb county kind of going back into the centerville brent area to see what's happened down there so uh i'll let taylor you take it here for a few minutes i'm going to gather up some reports here real quick okay we are getting word from the national weather service that they are going to extend the warning as well for the that northern circulation into calhoun and etowah counties and that has just been issued so i am going to take us back up there and talk about that new warning that's just been issued of course we're watching this violent circulation that's about to cross over into northern chilton in southern shelby county but i do want to take us up so we can see where that new warning is going to be and i'm going to switch over here to the velocity so we can see the wind speeds and this is going to include everybody in etowah county south of the city of gadsden so that's going to be old harmony that's also going to include portions of 759 gadsden you are right on that line there so if you live in or around the city of gadsden i'd say you get to your safe place just because you're right on that line this warning does include the city of hoax bluff ball play pilgrims rest cobb city and then also in portions of calhoun county this is going to include crystal springs calwell colvin's gap and it does not include alexandria it is going to be right on the line of ohachi so uh those of you i know you just dealt with a tornado warning in ohatchee we had a lot of damage in ohachi and we've actually had some fatalities in ohachi today this circulation is likely going to stay to your north you are right on the line of that warning polygon there this will include glencoe pilgrim's rest old harmony markton hoax bluff gadsden is right on the line there and crystal springs and it's going to be northern portions of calhoun county which does not include the city of jacksonville it does not include alexandria and does not include sacs also aniston you are not included in that calhoun county warning so right now we're looking at this circulation here as past to the east of asheville at this point kind of broad circulation picking up here but it's moving in the general direction it's going to ride the calhoun and etowah county line there it's eventually going to be crossing over 77 and then eventually moving towards 431 so i want to draw this line here and kind of give you an idea of what we're looking at it's going to be moving towards oak level the markton area pilgrims rest and i will pull storm track we haven't done that yet so this circulation is moving to the north east at 55 miles per hour and if you are in that polygon if i just called your city out you need to be getting to that safe place now i don't want you to wait until this circulation gets to you so that means grab your family get your pets head down to that safe place make sure you've got that helmet on make sure you've got your shoes on and you are just staying in that safe place until we can give you the all clear but this is going to be moving into markton at 534 south side at 5 35 oak level 5 37 pine grove at 5 39 reeds mill at 5 40. so you can kind of see some of these locations here that this circulation is going to be moving towards i will check the correlation coefficient and i have to say we haven't really been picking up a debris signature but just based on what we've seen so far with the storms today we have to assume that this could be dropping a tornado at any moment or that we do have a tornado on the ground so based on this velocity here the national weather service has chosen to extend this warning polygon for portions of calhoun and etowah county so we just talked about that storm i want to go back down to the violent tornado we have ongoing inch in bibb county that's about to move into extreme northwestern chilton county so we can see it here it's moving through ashby and briarfield at this point i'm going to put on that correlation coefficient it's getting a little bit noisy just because we are pretty close to the radar site so i'm going to use the clearly it's showing that there is still debris being lofted but you can't get as clear of a picture as you can on this velocity here so this is moving right over the city of ashby at this point it's going to be moving across state route 139 here pretty soon and then it's going to be crossing over into northwestern portions of chilton county here moving to the city of wilton let me redraw this circle here near the city of wilton in southern shelby county here's that new circulation here it's passing just to the north of oakley and eventually if this continues on the same path it will be crossing over 31 and 65 this this current trajectory will take it over 31 and 65. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw a polygon or rather a storm track on this one as well it's going to be moving to the north east at i think 55 miles per hour these are approximate times so don't wait until the time shows up for you but clearer it'll be moving towards the clera area 540 shelby springs at 5 44 and the city of shelby at 5 49. so we have what has been a long track violent tornado on the ground from greene county that has traveled all the way through portions of bibb county and is now about to cross over into chilton and shelby county so i want to circle this circulation here has now just crossed through ashby it's right along county road 33. let's check this correlation coefficient and that is where that that lowering of the cc is this is that 28 degree signature right here but there is a lot of noise going on at this point so we're going to stay with the velocity to get a clear picture of where this circulation is and where it is headed so at this point nobody should be driving along i-65 or 31 at this point as this is a large violent tornado it's been on the ground for a long time we've been watching these long-tracked supercell tornadoes today this will be moving in the general direction of valley junction montevallo you're in this warning polygon stay in your safe place if this does continue on this this current track it does look like this storm will will move right south of your location but it could clip some southern portions of montevallo so i want you to stay in that safe place this is headed towards valley junction roberta and then eventually it's going to be moving on towards kalira here in the next few minutes and i want to circle where brian and evan are so we do have brian and evan they are along i-65 very close to clera here so they're going to try to intercept it looks like they actually are potentially on the move again uh right here is where they are located so they're going to try to give us a visual on uh and this this is their shot right now so that's what we're looking at at this point they're not going to probably be able to see that circulation but they will coming up here pretty soon likely get a get an image of it and with this latest radar scan we have seen that storm cross out of bibb county and it is now into northwestern chilton county so this is moving along county road 173 this is going to be moving along county road 54 state route 155 and i've circled there where that's where that tornado is at this point so it has crossed out of bibb county into northwestern chilton county and it's going to continue moving northwest here eventually crossing here pretty soon into southern shelby county so i want to put on that correlation coefficient again there is where we have that tornado debris signature showing up and i also want to take us back to the other circulation that we are tracking because we have two separate tornado warmed storms that we are watching very carefully at this point so let's move up here i'm going to put on the storm relative velocity and this is going to give us a look at what is it's hard to pick out an exact circulation on here there's circulation going on there's broad circulation here in this entire area and this could drop a tornado at any time so this is headed towards old harmony pilgrim's rest eventually headed in the direction of cobb city glencoe caldwell colvin's gap and headed towards the city of reeves and hoax bluff so if you are in this polygon which is really it's riding along the calhoun etowah county line stay in that safe place that means make sure you and your family and your pets are down in that safe place with your helmet on with your shoes on and we'll continue to watch this circulation as it moves towards towards towards the northeast at this point i haven't received any reports of damage from this circulation um but of course we're gonna take it very seriously like we are every storm today because we've been dealing with just violent storms all afternoon um with these tornadoes that have just been long track tornadoes we've had a lot of damage today we've already had some loss of life today in the ohachi area and we're hoping that we do not have any more loss of life but we are dealing with some very violent tornadoes and so we'll go back down to this this storm here and uh we'll look at this correlation coefficient here and this is going to show us that violent tornado right along county road 54 in northwestern chilton county now if you are in chilton county and you're in clinton you are not included in this this warning polygon this is well to the north of you this is to the north of jemisin this is to the north of thorsby this is moving in the general direction of calira and i'm going to circle where evan and brian are at this point they're right here they're on 31. so if they continue moving south on 31 they're gonna probably give us a pretty good pretty good picture pretty good visual of this this tornado that is on the ground moving through northwestern chilton county so let's zoom out i want to kind of give you a a picture of some of the cities in shelby county we have a columbiana included in this warning polygon shelby springs calira eventually this would be moving towards wilsonville this this circulation is getting pretty close to brian and evan do we have their shot pulled up can we take a look at that and see what they are what they are seeing at this point cause that circulation's gonna be coming up on them yeah evan and brian said so we're looking at their shot right now this circulation is getting pretty close to them they're gonna be on 31 right there and they're about to cross south of the storm which is where you want to be because they don't want to be in that rain so it looks like they're going to give us a pretty good angle here of this what has been a long track violent tornado at this point because we're so close to the radar site having a hard time pick out that debris signature but it's there we've had a debris signature with this storm for all the way since greene county so that this storm has been on the ground for a long time i want to point out that the tornado warning has been expired for bib this tornado is moving away from you so if you live in bibb county you can have an all clear now that includes ashby briarfield oakley this tornado is now in northern chilton county about to cross over into southern shelby county here coming up on calera here pretty soon so this is going to be moving towards the city of calera this is passing just to the south of montevallo stay in your safe place montevallo because you're still in that polygon but this is likely going to pass right to the south of you headed in the general direction of calira here pretty soon and then eventually into shelby springs and columbiana after that this will be crossing over i-65 here uh so we don't want anybody driving on i-65 we don't want anybody driving on 31 south of alabaster in shelby county uh is this this violent tornado is going to be crossing over the highway here pretty soon real quick if we can uh i'm having a hard time with the uh yeah with the ground returns yeah okay all right well let's go back to the velocity uh it is uh 5 37 now it's uh been a really rough day and again to get your bearing straight here we've got a uh tornado as you can see right here so this thing has crossed highway 139 and it's in the process of uh cross this alabama highway 155 by the way 155 runs from montevallo down to jemison uh it'll be sitting on the shelby chilton county line and uh again you can see unit 32 that's uh brian right brighton and evan okay so uh these guys are here and they're going to be careful again i trust brian to be in a safe place but this is coming right for calera so again if you live in calera anywhere in calir if you have a clear mailing address you got to be in a safe place right now so again we're watching the camera from evan which is on the lower right and again john brown is trying to come back on this storm from the from the west but this will be crossing u.s 31 near calera crossing interstate 65 near calera so we advise absolutely no traffic now on either us 31 or i-65 from alabaster down to jemison for about the next 15 minutes so again we have potential for a violent tornado that is located uh only maybe a mile or two west of us 31 and west of interstate 65 and that's going to be crossing these two major thoroughfares right here and we've got to can we get evan and brian can we talk with him yeah can we talk with these guys uh denise are they on the board anybody in the back if any ladies could check and see if there's anybody back um okay we're going to get them on here in just a second i want to talk to them and because they're looking at this monster i mean they've got a direct look at this thing and uh so again you guys back in the back the minute we can talk with him please let me know so you've got a violent tornado that's coming up on calera again this is when it says calera right here that's kind of old downtown calera this is 31 that's i-65 and more than likely this might pass near just south of here whatever if you're in the polygon you've got to be in a safe place the polygon stretches from the the southernmost alabaster exit the shelby county airport really shelby county airport exit down into about jemison so evan tell us let's take your shot full screen for a minute let's say what do you have there first off where are you exactly uh pretty scary we are uh 31 we're just past i mean we couldn't be like three miles south of the downtown little calira and we are looking towards right into the heart of this storm in fact i'm a little worried that here within the next couple of minutes we're going to have to bail and go further south because we're actually seeing upward motion on the other side of these trees it is eerily quiet within the last few minutes we went from kind of an overcast sky to this odd blue the wind is actually blowing away from us so our backs would be to the wind that is the suction coming as this storm approaches us here we've positioned ourselves as best we can there's a lot of trees down here so this is the best view we could get but i would not be surprised james if within the next few minutes we see something coming out from behind these trees because you can just feel the environment changing here we went from a temperature of about 66 to 68 most of the day we crossed here south into shelby county and into south of calera here and it has gotten very muggy it's very unsettled and again we according to radar we are smacking the path of this storm so we're going to stay here as long as we can what we may end up doing is backtracking 31 is directly behind me so if you're looking uh to the south and to the west uh 31 and 65 are behind me we may back up and follow this kind of uh in a more or less parallel form you can actually hear the winds picking up now very very eerie wow common uh is sound uh out here i don't know if you guys listen to anything you guys you guys gotta get in a safe place that's the main concern is getting a safe place all right um all right that's what we'll do we'll give you uh some some feed if we can okay we'll still a lot your video is going to stay up on the air again this is uh evan chick vera and brian peters two meteorologists that are uh on this uh storm that has produced violent damage uh back in parts of bibb county around centerville and brent and probably in other places too we don't even know about at this point but again we're really close to the radar side and that circulation this is what th this is what it looked like coming through shelby county earlier when it was a large violent tornado don't let the lack of a strong signature here fool you it's it's clearly down and again we're kind of watching their stream here uh brian and evan in fact if we still got them on the board if you guys can hear me i'd like to know kind of tell us what you're seeing and exactly where you are [Music] are they talking to us i don't know i am south we uh we're we're in something [Music] [Music] yeah we're headed 31 south uh winds really started to pick up you can actually see the swirling in the low levels if you look straight ahead you can see those winds coming in and rotating we're very close according to the radar in our location to the base of this storm where that tornado would likely be we could actually be seeing it here off to our south and west we're at the chilton county line at the moment um definitely seeing the lowering of the clouds too a little bit too far we're driving south okay if you're at the chilton county line and uh if you're at the chilton county line that circulation is going to be actually north of you you're going away from it which is a good thing and you're safe but you guys might want to turn around when you can and go back the other way so we can get a good look into this southern part of the state okay we'll do that in a second all right so thanks guys we're going to go back here okay so again uh these guys this is the county line right here and we want them looking back up in this direction and this tornado is crossing interstate 65 right now in extreme southern shelby county this is calera the downtown calera right here that's alabama highway 25 right there claire elementary school is right there the new high school is out here this thing is crossing i-65 just north of the chilton county line and that's going to continue moving on to the east and again it's so close to the radar we can't show that debris tracker uh let's go to john brown's live stream if we can i don't know if we can okay we lost his live stream so we're going to stay with evan and brian peters on their live stream here but uh the weather service in birmingham they're at the shelby county airport and they are far enough away where they didn't have to give control back over to the weather service in atlanta but again the weather service in birmingham indicating a large destructive tornado near clear moving east at 50 miles an hour okay this is john ulchu i think he's at mile marker 234 in interstate 65. this is old shoe coming up on it probably from the south and again you can see a lot of folks have pulled over this is old shoe on the same storm and it looks like john olshu might be coming in to clear on highway 25 he's got some flooding there and he's got some rotation but john is behind it he's in a safe place that there's no tornado near his location right there uh let's go back over to evan and uh brian peters live stream real quick all right uh we might want to do a triple box with all with both of their videos and we we've got these guys so close to this thing all of these today have been rain wrapped it has been a frustrating day trying to get these on camera but then again that's life down here in alabama this is just the way it works we're not going to be able to do that but again this is the uh debris tracker and uh you can see that well-defined tornado debris signature is this uh mxx or bmx this is bmx okay and the tornado is now east of i-65 so we can give an all-clear now to i-65 and us-31 so interstate 65 and u.s 31 you're okay to travel again the tornado let's see john john is at uh at the shelby county airport and he's coming into it from the north that's john's position john olshew but anyway this thing is going to keep on moving so let's expand this out let's talk about who's next in line for this thing let's talk about some of the other towns in southern shelby county this is a long track violent tornado and let's bring it out a little farther if we can thank you so that's your tornado right there this is colombiana that's highway 25 uh that comes out of colombiana going down toward calera but again the tornado is going to be tracking about like this this is alabama highway 145. this goes from wilsonville down to clanton and this could be pretty close to the town of shelby the town of shelby is down here south of columbiana and again there's your debris signature right there this is continuing to move to the east northeast so the next major north south highway is going to be alabama highway 145 nobody should be traveling along highway 145 and let me just say right now if you're on lay lake you've got to be in a safe place lay lake either side i don't care which side shelby talladega county side whatever side you're on you need to be in a safe place right now so again uh because this has produced so much damage and we've seen some of the images coming out of centerville and brent it's bad uh parts of bibb county this thing is going to continue to cross highway 145 and cross right over lay lake uh this is fayetteville in fayette uh in talladega county this is talladega springs right here so again if you have property on lay lake if you're there right now you need to be sheltered but again you need to be in a small room lowest floor near the center away from windows uh and you need to be in a position if you can wear a helmet and we don't want anybody in a trailer or a car uh we've tried to message that a lot today because those the worst possible places to be in a situation like this but again wilsonville highway 145 going down to clanton this thing's going to be crossing through the near the town of shelby there is a town of shelby in southern shelby county then crossing highway 145 this is lay lake and from there it's going to cross over into southern talladega county and again the town of fayetteville is right here i would imagine a warning is going to be required soon for parts of southern talladega county a couple of quick notes mayor gary waters of pelham he has declared a curfew which will be in effect for their city the curfew begins at 10 p.m and ends at 6 a.m every morning through monday so again there is a curfew in the city of pelham because of damage in pelham 10 o'clock p.m until 6 00 a.m uh each night through monday of of next week and uh thanks to a brian white over in the newsroom for uh for that um these damage reports are not looking good and again if you're and they're about to issue a new tornado warning for talladega county in just a second that'll be coming here shortly um but we've uh yeah uh let's see this is uh evan chikvera and brian peters and can we bring them in and tell us what you got there evan it looks like some damage what you got here evan yeah james where we were talking to you first where we were parked looking over that pond and over those trees we just drove back to it we went maybe a half mile south came back and there were oak and bradford paired trees completely uprooted i'm glad we moved it looks like the very southern edge of this uh of the meso part of the storm may have come through here because the damage is very hit and miss we were also in this neighborhood earlier we're checking it out because this is a little bit further north as we head back up 31 people were coming out looking at some of the damage houses seem okay but there was definitely a clear path of some larger trees that had come down it looks like this neighborhood fared okay as well of course you've got those trash cans that are down on the ground but besides that very happy to see that at least here 31 about three miles south of downtown calera we we are looking okay at least in this neighborhood what we're going to keep doing james and taylor is is kind of backtracking up towards the downtown calera area and then back towards 65 because i do believe looking back at the radar scan we were on the very southern edge of the circulation like i said we kind of kind of bailed south because we were a little too close for comfort there but it got uh you could you could certainly uh see those winds spinning and those clouds lowering as we got close but there was no way we were going to see this i think we were about as close as you could be and even looking around very close to the circulation it was just more or less kind of whiteout conditions but in the two neighborhoods in the two neighborhoods we have gone to the houses are okay some oak and bradford pear trees are down there are trees in the roadway and there's power lines down along us-31 as you head away from clear i don't know exactly how that will have any sort of electrical implications but we are now back on 31 and we are going to continue to head off to the north here towards downtown calera but again the storm has moved on eerily quiet here now and we'll keep keep our live view up and if we come across any sort of damage we've seen some metal roofing as well in the roadway but that's been kind of the extent of things here on the southern side okay and again that tornado produced major major damage in parts of hale county and bibb county very bad damage and again what we do here instead of breaking away and going to show what's happened in the past we have to look at what's happening in the future and warn people about the danger and that's what we're doing here so again we have our new tornado warning now for southern talladega county let me just kind of tell you who's in the polygon here and again this is for our tornado this is this large destructive tornado that has been producing so much damage it's going to be coming through southern shelby county crossing lay lake and again if you're on lay lake you've got to have a plan and you've got to implement that plan right now this is wilsonville that's highway 145 and again the steam plants it's right here that's going to cross over into talladega county this is u.s highway 280 childrensburg down to sylacauga and the bound and this does include a small part of shelby county as well it's kind of added a few spots in shelby county but the bottom line is it's mainly for southern talladega county this does include i really from silicon back up to childersburg and then back over to sycamore that's highway 21 that's alabama highway 76 and again there's your tornado right there and you can see it's going to be coming right in through here lay lake is here this is u.s highway 280 right here that's highway 21. so at this point understand a significant tornado could be crossing in a matter of minutes lay lake coming over into talladega county then crossing over u.s 280 and crossing over highway 21. this has shown no sign of warning to lift it has been a long track tornado so this new tornado warning is in effect for southern talladega county uh that is in effect until 6 30 this evening right now it's 5 53 and again the weather service in their text let me i'm just reading straight off their text for this tornado right here they're calling the potential for damage catastrophic they're calling this a confirmed large destructive tornado and again it's moving to the northeast at 50 miles an hour columbiana and again in the text of their warning sometimes with war and gin uh they'll say things that are kind of funky when it comes to location here columbiana's here you are in the polygon and again you should be sheltered there's no doubt about that but the greater probability of damage with this major tornado is going to be south of colombiana again it's pretty close to shelby springs right off alabama highway 25. highway 25 goes up to columbiana that's your tornado right there this is uh again the county seat of shelby county the better chance of any major major major damage is going to be a little south of columbiana still you'd be sheltered respect the polygon if you're in it you've got to do something about it and again colombian is here you can see that tornado moving northeast now we've seen some variations in movement today from time to time they kind of veer more to the right but in this case it looks like it's moving on to the northeast so again columbiana here possible large tornado destructive tornado right here and again that's going to be crossing alabama highway 145 which is right here near wilsonville wilsonville is in the polygon probably just south of there the gaston steam plant that wilsonville you should be implementing your tornado plan right now with alabama power company and all of their generating plants have very good safety procedures during a tornado so uh this is the only tornado warning in the whole state this one spot right taylor uh i did um uh let's be sure here in fact let's do this let's uh let me just say if you're in columbiana you've got to be in a safe place downtown columbiana's right here got to be in a safe place uh kingdom's crossroads the town of shelby is right here i think that's county road 47 that goes down to the town of shelby but that thing is going to be crossing just south of columbiana it's very dangerous uh any other tornado warnings we're going to stay on this if we don't have any uh okay good so we just have the one so at this point we have one tornado warning in the whole state and it's this one this is in effect for shelby county and again uh this is lay lake right here this is talladega county uh right over here southern talladega county and the warning basically runs from childrensburg down to silicon seaburg down to sylacauga that would include oak grove the oak grove this in talladega county if you're in any of those places be sheltered as uh this is going to be crossing first off alabama highway 145 which is right here then it's going to cross over lay lake which is right here and it's going to cross over u.s highway 280 which is here probably passing north of fayetteville but the bottom line is this is a really really really dangerous type storm here and again let me just say to our knowledge now the death toll in the state is uh five five people have been killed today beyond that i don't know the injury count i don't know much more about they've been many many places with damage many places with damage so again there's your tornado debris signature right here very close to columbiana let's zoom into this i want to show a little closer look at columbiana kind of get your bearings straight so you can see where this thing is this is really really close to columbiana it's kind of doing a more northward job yeah i mean there's no doubt it's not moving east it's moving north northeast at this point but again the shelby county courthouse is right there shelby county high school is right there elven hill elementary school is right here and again that is a really violent tornado passing through the southern part of the city of columbiana looks like it's passing just south of downtown columbiana and this will keep on moving to the east and ultimately cross highway 145 over here but uh hopefully everybody in colombiano you've been sheltered for the last 30 minutes that's the one thing we do have today long lead times in that we've got these large destructive long track tornadoes enabling us to do that we can't do that for the smaller tornadoes they come and they go uh but again this is a large destructive tornado that is very close to colombiana moving northeast at 50 miles an hour and again that signature is as good as it's been all day and this has caused major major damage in parts of bibb county so just be aware of that so again we'll be watching this really carefully as this keeps on cutting across that far east and southeastern part of shelby county wow yeah you know that thing is literally it's almost at the schools uh and i i hate that i mean it is almost right at shelby county high school elvin hill elementary school uh which is just southeast of columbiana maybe just a little south of there uh that's just uh horrifying so again this is a very very very dangerous tornado and it will keep on moving to the northeast so let's expand this back out and uh again uh we've got so many reports of damage and so much that's happened today i know that everybody wants to know what's going on here but we have to continue to provide this life-saving information we'll get to the damage reports as soon as we can so again to get your bearing straight wilsonville is here this is harpersville this is vincent this is alabama highway 25 right here this is alabama highway 149 right here and again that tornado is going to be crossing highway 149 25 cuts down to columbiana this is 149 right here 145 i should say alabama highway 145 and that'll be crossing right over 145 then cutting right across lay lake right here again this is fayetteville down here in talladega county this is talladega springs this is childrensburg that's u.s highway 280 right here and again this is the edge of the polygon over to alpine and sycamore so major tornado alabama highway 145 lay lake nobody should be on 145 south of wilsonville between wilsonville and the chilton county line nobody should be on u.s 231 u.s 280 right now between let's say harpersville and silica so again in terms of those listening on radio nobody and i mean nobody should be driving on alabama highway 145 from wilsonville to the chilton county line nobody should be on u.s 280 from harpersville to sylacauga wait until this thing passes this will flip a car and a heartbeat is flipped major 18 wheelers in these large vehicles today and now they are calling this a tornado emergency we now have a tornado emergency that has been issued for lay lake the far eastern part of shelby county uh this is wilsonville and listen you got to be sheltered right here uh this the motion on this has been somewhat erratic but uh if you're in wilsonville the gaston steam plan of alabama power company you implement your tornado safety plan you got to go through that right now uh this will be crossing the lake lay lake the coosa river over into shelby or into talladega county which is right here and again this is going to be u.s 280 right here and uh childersburg is right here so uh understand based on this current track it could be pretty close to wilsonville maybe pretty close to childrensburg uh you've got to stay sheltered and you can't be in a mobile home you cannot be in a car you've got to be in a sheltered location or a safe place that you have identified this is a fairly again i'm looking back at all of the damage this thing has caused and it's just brutal it's a bit brutal this has been on the ground basically since it got originally worn yeah right it hasn't lifted no this is a long track violent tornado and it's very chaotic down in bibb county uh with trees down in structural damage and just major problems here so just understand this has caused major major damage all right so this is a tornado emergency issued by the national weather service in birmingham for a large violent destructive tornado that is just east of the city of colombiana that is going to be crossing alabama highway 145 which is right here crossing the coosa the northern part of lay lake and be it's going to be very close to wilsonville very close to childersburg the gaston steam plants so again right in through here this is where we have to be really really really careful more than likely this is going to pass well to the north of the city of sylacauga the greater concern is for childrensburg here that's alabama highway 76 going out toward winterboro which is along highway 21 and of course this thing has showed no sign no sign of getting off the ground it's been down the whole time and it's still down and this is the dominant storm this is that southern storm and there's really nothing to the south to block the inflow and it's in a very favorable environment for this kind of thing to stay in place that's the reason we had concern over the past few days of these violent long track tornadoes so we've got a major tornado right here that's about to cross through wilsonville near the gaston steam plant coming across the coosa coming right up toward childrensburg which is right here on u.s highway 280 people childrensburg need to be sheltered right now that is the urgent call wilsonville childrensburg anybody close to that anybody in this polygon you've got to be sheltered but especially wilsonville and childrensburg and again this is the velocity display showing the tornado couplet which is right here it's been a day of violent tornadoes across the state we have at least five people that have been killed we have many people that have been hurt we've got damage in so many counties right now but the day isn't over yet that's the thing we have to focus on the current situation before we go to all the damage video and the tornado video and all this other stuff we have to focus on preventing more loss of life and that's the reason we're focusing on that and the minute we're done with this we'll turn it over to news and they can take care of reporting so much that has happened across the state today so again we have potential for a very dangerous tornado that is uh just south of alabama highway 25 about maybe four miles southwest of wilsonville moving northeast it's about to come right into wilsonville and it's going to go right through wilsonville it's going to be very close to the gaston steam plant and from there it's going to cross over highway 280 near childersburg so there's your tds a tornado debris signature wilsonville childersburg and you can see your polygon defined here so you've got to be uh sheltered until this thing passes we can give it all clear to colombiana this tornado is now well to the east northeast of columbia moving away from you so for columbiana we'll give you an all clear next in line is wilsonville right here that's uh alabama highway 25 going down to columbiana that's alabama highway 145 going down toward clanton so again wilsonville is right here the steam plan is right here and that thing is just coming right up through here you've got to be sheltered and again next in line it's going to be childrensburg right here so anybody with a mailing address that's wilsonville or childersburg please understand this is an extremely dangerous life-threatening situation and you have to be in a safe place have to be in a safe place the tornado warning continues but again for colombiana we can give an all clear this is the only tornado warning we have in the entire state at this point uh which is a very good thing okay this is the only tornado warning at the moment in the entire state but understand we're going to stay right with this and again at the minute we can get off get all of these storms out of here we'll go to news and we can see some of the horrific damage across the state today but again the damage has been widespread catastrophic it's been horrible we've had loss of life we've had injuries we will have much more on that as soon as we can so tornadoes coming right up on downtown wilsonville right here uh the school sits right there steam plant is right here uh the big you've seen those big stacks of you can see those from miles and miles away and from wilsonville that's going to be crossing over the river into talladega county it's going to be passing north of fayetteville north of talladega springs well to the north and then moving up right into childersburg which is located right here so obviously once this thing leaves wilsonville the next concern it's going to be childersburg i will tell you this is so much so much like the may 27th 1973 tornado it's remarkable you go back and study that one and you look at this the track it is so similar not quite the same but it is so similar and the 1973 was a long track you know where that thing finally lifted the slope of mount chee-haw and we'll see how long this one stays down but again wilsonville be sheltered shildersburg be sheltered we're repetitive here because people come and they go we have to repeat ourselves because not everybody watches the entire time like some people do and again you're watching abc 3340 in birmingham we typically have the six o'clock news on at this point we're not able to do that because of the tornado emergency we have in place and we're going to stay with this and we're probably going to be here for a while uh we hope we will be able to join our 10 o'clock news tonight but we're going to be here for a while until this one goes away and maybe this will be the last one i don't know i i can't guarantee that the whole thing should be over by midnight that's the good thing about it this event will be winding down by midnight tonight statewide but again that's your tornado basically right on top of wilsonville right now not a good look for the city of wilsonville this is the river steam plant right here and this is childersburg childrensburg comes next so you've had plenty of time plenty of time to get to a safe place and let me just also pass along one quick note from hale county all citizens are urged to stay off all roadways near sawyerville jerusalem mount hermon extensive tornado damage emergency services are trying to get the people trapped in their homes numerous trees and power lines are down so again people are asked to stay off the roads in hale county around sawyerville because that is a civil emergency message because of the damage from this tornado it is a very violent situation here and we'll see we're at 607 and in a minute i'm going to show you the whole state i promise we've got other storms we have other things happening but this is the one tornado that we currently have right now and we're just going to stay on this product and again this is called correlation coefficient where when you see a big negative value like this that means the radar that the returned energy is different there's something different about it it doesn't correlate with the other echoes that are raindrops and this is parts of buildings boards bricks glass nails tree limbs and in some cases the debris you know lofted the thousands of feet up in the air where depending on where the radar beam the radar beam height is but we've got a tornado over downtown wilsonville right now that is probably right here and from wilsonville it's headed right up toward childersburg and again this is u.s highway 280 so we do not want any any anybody driving on u.s 280 from let's say harpersville to silicon that that'll make it easy harpersville to silicon no travel on u.s 280. that's the last place you want to be right now and again a tornado like this can take a car and flip it and throw it in a heartbeat a car is no good a mobile home is no good you've got to get out of a mobile home and if you don't have a shelter go to a gas station a convenience store fast food restaurant someplace that offers a site built structure for you you can't stay in that mobile home the decisions you make in tornadoes like this are the difference between life and death this is serious business so tornado that's sitting over wilsonville coming right up toward childersburg a very steady state this is the coosa river this is lay lake right here a lot of folks have homes on lay lake it's beautiful the gaston steam plant the alabama generating plant is located on the river any notes from you taylor in terms of damage on this it's taking a little while for the damage to come in so of course you know as that tornado moves through uh there's a little bit of shock takes a little time for those first responders get there i did see a message earlier first responders are asking for people just to stay off the road so don't go drive to try to see the damage we want to give those emergency responders the roads so they're able to get in and help those folks that need their help right now that need maybe our trap that need to uh have those first responders able to reach them so don't go out and try to find storm damage to get pictures or videos that'll come later right now the first responders need those roads open uh so that they can get to those who need them the most right now okay so with 609 uh james spann taylor cerallo ginger z of abc news she was here at this time yesterday she's out in the field and again we're she has done a great job i've seen some of her work today but again we we're not going to report on what's happened so far we're sacrificing that for coverage of what is still to come because again our main point here is to mitigate loss of life and we have to stay on the air with this so again this is your tornado warning polygon you can see this stretches over to almost alpine on highway 21 over here and i should mention that this does not include silica the weather service continues to narrow down the polygons so if you're in silicon you are not in the polygon anymore so if you're in silicon all clear from this you're good the concern it's childrensburg right here and it seems like we're starting to see the storm becoming more disorganized taylor yeah it looks like in the last couple of scans here the rotation has decreased a little bit but you know we don't want to give you a false sense of security we've seen these these cyclic type storms all day today but at the moment looks like we we have that rotation and weakening and then within the correlation coefficient we're having a hard time uh finding that debris being lofted so as this storm moved over wilsonville it is possible that at this point that tornado has lifted but we don't want to give you a full sense of security if you live in childersburg make sure you're staying in that safe place because this could easily come back down and and touch down once again and start to cause damage so of course we're going to stay with this over the next couple radar scans here but for the moment um it does look like at least a positive trend this is the first time probably in so long this is the first time since we started tracking the storm that we have not had a constant debris signature and a constant tvs tornado velocity signature with this this exact storm okay and this is the you know again this event really did not unfold as the high resolution convection allowing models kind of portrayed it it's still a big deal horrible day but the placement's a little different most of the uh updraft felicity tracks were north of interstate 59 most of the damage is going to be south of interstate 59 again that's what we talked about whether weather doesn't understand models doesn't understand tv weather guys doesn't understand maps what people think or say it's going to do what it's going to do and the weather always wins we just try and keep up with it and again the tornado watch i think was issued very timely today this was a pds tornado watch issued by the storm prediction center and pds means particularly dangerous so again let's go to the reflectivity we haven't looked at that in a while and just maybe again it's disorganized that's good for childrensburg but please like taylor said these have been cyclic long lasting supercells they become disorganized they come right back just like a roach and understand forget the fact that it's disorganized if you're in this polygon you've got to stay sheltered that is an urgent message you've got to stay sheltered okay so let's show the state real quick i want to show the entire state we've got a lot of counties under flash flood warnings but we're not going to worry about those right now but notice there were no warnings anywhere in the state none no warnings at all except for that one right there the one we're talking about so you might have heavy rain at your place you might have thunder lightning but there's basically one tornado warning i'll be honest with you i'm really surprised which in a good way i thought we would have more than one at this hour this is when the event really is peaking but again it's not over yet we are going to have a surface cold front come in from the north and west and as that comes in we might see a long line of storms forming with potential for damaging straight-line winds that idea is certainly on the table that could happen so far we've not seen much of a linear type organization over here uh but we've still just got to watch this thing really carefully right here so let's go back into it just wanted to show the entire state there's nothing else going on in terms of warnings this is it we've got the one storm and the good news it has become much more disorganized the warning for shelby and talladega counties is set to extend until 6 30 and it's just dying on the vine check out the track length they just canceled it they just canceled the one oh my goodness there's nothing there i mean there's just nothing there so the weather service in birmingham has canceled the tornado warning for shelby and talladega counties and at this point we have no warnings so i don't know if you guys have are able to show some of the damage if we're ready to do that um right because again everybody now wants to see the damage and what's happened here today so let me just kind of run for about another minute and i'm going to let you guys i want to show some of the things that have happened today because so many people wanted to see some of the damage and again five at least five people have been killed here today this has been a tragic day in in state history and we really regret that but the good news at the moment we have no tornado warnings first time taylor since what 11 something a.m yeah we were in midday yeah it was like 11 30 or something this morning when this started so for the first time uh goodness in seven hours we don't have a tornado warning right now um but goodness i'm looking at so many of these pictures coming in from our sky watchers and some of these hard-hit areas and i know that in brent or from in centerville uh we're getting reports of major major damage homes leveled injuries uh it's very chaotic entrapment it's just a really bad situation that they're asking for help i see one of our sky watchers a friend is trapped inside a destroyed mobile home in brent they're trying to get him out right now uh many of the locations in bibb county are asking for extra help so anyway there might be some hail up in there yeah that looks kind of like a hail core this is northeast of the city of fayette uh in fayette county but there's no evidence of any storm rotation right in through here uh and again there are no severe thunderstorm warnings in effect which is pretty remarkable we have no tornado warnings no severe thunderstorm warnings so i think what we are going to do is go to chris and brenda and let them talk about what's happened and if anything breaks if anything changes we'll be right back so let's go over to chris and brenda at the news desk right now all right thank you james certainly a violent day of storms all across our viewing area five people are dead we want to show you some pictures from the eagle point neighborhood where many homes were absolutely destroyed as you look at some of these images coming in from the drone video here the eagle point neighborhood some important notes here that we have received no serious injuries to report there have been injuries but no serious injuries in the eagle point area as you continue to look at these images think of this according to the latest media briefing 32 homes were damaged 29 of those heavily damaged or destroyed according to the shelby county sheriff's office no serious injuries they are still conducting a second and third round of search and rescue efforts just to make sure everybody is accounted for also we want to tell you about the pelham area helena dozens and dozens of homes damaged there we don't have any major injuries reported in those areas but we do know that many many homes have sustained damage that particular tornado went from helena to pelham it basically went down valley dale road in 119 then hit the eagle point area and continued into the graystone area and highway 2a this is the pelham area that we were telling you about this is the cross creek area as a matter of fact as you look at these images i want to pass this along as well that the uh that there is now a curfew for the city of pelham a 10 p.m curfew put out by the mayor upwards of 50 homes have been damaged or destroyed across the pelham area again remarkable no injuries serious injuries to report when you look at these images coming in right now that is in the pelham area brenda you touched on helena as well our last report had 16 homes damaged in helena as well that does not account for the businesses obviously we're talking about homes in this particular situation and pelham police had reported earlier this afternoon about 30 homes were also damaged in that area as well and while tornadoes caused so much damage across the area there was also flooding on i-65 at exit 308 in cullman county and there were also some areas in cullman county that it looked like the roadways were actually swept away i also wanted to talk about the graystone area graystone took a big hit there's a lot of damage in the graystone area we do have our team of reporters spread out literally from state line to state line because there is just so much happening in the greystone area there are minor injuries there this is an image right here of highway 119. but as i mentioned the graystone area a lot of damage in that area no major injuries to report this is basically a scene that you're going to see throughout the really the entire state when james is pinpointing these long track tornadoes a lot of it is going to be tree damage and we're working right now to get you power outages across the state many many areas have trees down across these limbs across these lines and the alabama power crews are already out i've seen them out working trying to restore power but right now it is an absolutely huge undertaking to try to get some of these trees from across these roads it's really a big mess chris alabama power has access up to the split second to know the power outages but they're not passing those along to us the last time we got an update from alabama power was about 3 45 today and at that point 3 45 there were 14 000 customers without power and that was across the birmingham metro area did not account for the hale county the greene county and so many others brenda you started off by talking about five dead in calhoun county do you want to let you know that we have a crew heading to that location they're getting updated right now but our latest information is that uh of the five was a family of three that uh that died in this storm another one was another uh individual who lived in ohachi and then the fifth fatality in this is a woman who died in wellington and we also we also want to tell you that this is adamsville as we mentioned the the damage is widespread all across the state you can see a lot of water in the roadway the trees are down there many not just homes but churches have also been damaged and businesses as well some roadways are are not passable so tonight a lot of the police and the sheriff's departments are asking that you not be a curiosity seeker you can see the high water there many areas have flooded today some parts of roadways i know in the coleman county area in graysville high water there as well some roadways were actually washed away you can see in coleman county i-65 both north and southbound lanes were covered with water it was absolutely impassable a huge mess now that was earlier today that that happened and emergency crews had to turn the traffic around you can see what a big mess and again as james band always tells us turn around don't drown when you cannot see the roadway you see the water we often see people trying to pass through you don't really know how high that water is and you can get stuck and it can really quickly turn into a very deadly dangerous situation you mentioned the roads alabama law enforcement agency has been sending out updates pretty consistently regarding the heavily trafficked roads and there is a tremendously long list of roads that have been impacted alabama 119 west of i-65 that's going to be because of trees down that we've talked about that as well tree blocking the roadway also u.s 280 at eagle point area that is closed due to the eagle point damage that's in shelby county the graystone area of really i say hoover who city of hoover put out an update saying that there was no injury serious injuries in there but the city of hoover does have resources from the city that has now essentially swarmed the graystone area in an effort to clean up that area and also to assess the damage and we know that you want to help your neighbors that's what we do here in alabama but the important thing for tonight is to allow the emergency crews to to do their jobs right now we know that many people had to be pulled from the rumble of some of these homes so we need to allow the emergency crews to do their jobs and don't be a curiosity seeker we know you want to help but tonight is not that time we'll check in with james in a moment we promised our team coverage and you all said that we have stephen quinn who is on the ready right now stephen to be honest with you i don't know your location so if you'd go ahead and set the scene and explain what you're seeing there yeah sure we are in the roebuck portion of jefferson county we are just off of i-59 i can see the overpass but it's what's behind me is the story here this is part of that area with this storm that caused that warning in jefferson county a few hours ago you see the power lines and the trees that were down in this area emergency crews are here this is along willow drive and you're seeing people here out here now starting to begin the cleanup process now i spoke just briefly with firefighters who were here they say no one injured as of right now we're going to work to try to get our way through this area in just a little bit but this was part of that storm that that spun up and then strengthened very quickly just outside of downtown birmingham and made its way all the way through springville this is as i mentioned right near the interstate and it appears that the storm crossed the interstate i say that because as we were making our way trying to track it we saw at least two instances of cars ending up one a tractor trailer actually in the median you can imagine the winds that this was causing because you can see the damage here that was caused by it now as i mentioned you see crews are out here right now they do appear to be stationary i'm moving around to get a better vantage point we're about a block away from what appears to be the heart of it and while you cannot see it from your vantage point i can tell you that we do have trees that appear to be snapped just giving you a sense of how strong the winds were in this particular area obviously the power is out but this does appear to be somewhat isolated where we are right now we're hoping to get a better vantage point of it i can tell you as we followed this storm up into the saint clair county area following our storm watchers there it does appear that this tornado or storm tornado warned storm that caused this damage was also responsible for trees down along highway 11 in trussville as well as some other areas along there so certainly one of those storms that continued for a long time the concern was long track tornadoes this one spun up quickly but it did go quite a long way crews are out here the good news no reports of any significant injuries where we are right now we're going to try to get you some more information here in just a minute as we just arrived on the scene chris all right stephen we know you just arrived on the scene that was going to be my question we don't we want to know about injuries we hope there aren't any in that area but also how long do they have a time frame of when that road may be passable no time frame yet i will say so this is as i mentioned in roebuck good news the interstate which is literally 100 yards back from where i am is is open right now you do see that paramedics are out here right now but they don't look very busy and that's certainly a good point obviously you understand why they're out here out of a sense of caution i'm looking and we're starting to see some heavier equipment that comes presumably to help clear this area it's going to be a while brenda and the reason i'm saying that you look over here you still see the power poles in the street obviously the power is out but the power crews have to come in here and then they have to clear that out so i can't give you an exact time frame but certain to say that it's probably going to be a while as they work to clean up this area here christian brenda thank you stephen quinn reporting live right now and we also want to remind you as the sun starts to set and you won't have great visibility out there there are power lines down there are trees down there are also road with water covered roadways so coming around the corner you may not know what you're going to encounter so right now the best plan is to stay put and if we could take our sky cam very quickly i wanted to point something out that i know the skies look ominous james spann is getting updated right now he's sifting through some of the images that he's received as you look at these live images i wanted to pass along just as i mentioned it a few minutes ago our friends at alabama power just now sent out a new update regarding the outages the current outages are about 30 thousand customers statewide with about 16 500 in the metro birmingham area 30 thousand statewide and we certainly appreciate those alabama power crews that go to those neighborhoods and get to those areas to make those necessary repairs as quickly as possible had some more video coming in we're just talking about yeah let's uh take a look at this this is 119 area in the oak ridge neighborhood major trees down people are trying to assess the damage right now of course tomorrow will be the big day for clearing trees and working through some of this debris you can see people pulling some of the debris toward the street right now but it's a shocking thing to come home and see not just the trees down but some houses that have sustained some major damage and again the time to help neighbors in need will be tomorrow right now you can see this emergency crews there trying to assess trying to help trying to make sure that people are not trapped those trees are so heavy and when the wind and the rain and bring those trees down it can be a very deadly situation and sometimes chris those trees can even shift when people are trying to to move them so it's very important to make sure that you know what you're doing when you're you attack a tree like that it's my understanding our uh byron khalil and bill castle are heading to brent they're almost there when we get that we'll show that to you but watch the center of your screen the dead on center of your screen right there you're going to see a couple of flashes that's a tornado that james had pinpointed earlier this afternoon with taylor cerralo live in the studio here that's going to be from one of our many algo cameras and if you just keep an eye on the center of your screen it kind of starts to buffer right there but that's actually that tornado that went right across and into the eagle point area portions of 280 i'm told that there were cars on 280 that were damaged as that tornado was near them because of falling trees and may have tried to to make a quick maneuver to get away from the tornado and therefore crashed and had a little bit of damage but no serious injuries in that area which is uh which is really something else and then we do have the images coming in from east alabama where the fatalities occurred yeah we want to show you those images if we could right now and we want to remind you too that when james fahan and tara cerralo tell you to pull over they're not kidding around because this can happen so quickly in a matter of seconds you can see in cross creek that tree that has just uprooted and fallen on that house it's amazing that we don't have more reports of fatalities and also injuries you can see there's another tree this neighborhood is absolutely covered with damage and it's going to take some time to clean all of this up if we could can we go back to james is uh james is waving us on james you i know that you've been going through thousands of images and wanted to give you a quick breather so that you could digest some of those images go ahead right i just wanted many many many people are asking is the severe weather threat over a lot of weather questions i need to address that real quick and also too we've not seen video from the hardest hit areas we have not centerville is hit very hard ohachi hit very hard there's some places we we should be getting video from those locations soon and again the fatalities are all from calhoun county ohatchee back over to wellington ohachi down highway 144 back over to wellington again it's just really rough and we've not seen the video yet as soon as we get that we'll go to that but i wanted to show the big picture and again this is where we stand right now so we have showers and thunderstorms in progress across the state for now nothing is severe and the question is is it over yet so i want to show the tornado watch taylor if we can let's go to the tornado watch and this is in effect until eight o'clock tonight no counties have been cleared from this watch and you can see some flash flood warning polygons here but again no severe thunderstorm warnings we have no tornado warnings in effect and this is until eight o'clock tonight so until this watch is canceled it's not over there could be additional severe storms we'll make that perfectly clear so even though at the moment we have no active warnings in place we might have more later this evening the threat will be ending eight nine ten o'clock tonight from northwest to southeast but at the moment i cannot give anybody an all clear a tornado watch in effect until eight o'clock tonight for about the northern half of the state so let's go back to the radar and again we've got some spots with we got very heavy rain uh we maybe have some small hail falling but again at this point and i don't think we can go back to the radar or maybe we can if we can go back to the radar taylor thank you i want to show the current radar situation across the state that looks like this and we've got very heavy rain falling through parts of east alabama heavier showers and thunderstorms now through parts of clay and coosa counties heavy rain falling around logan martin lake northern talladiga county heavy rain falling in parts of eastern shelby county heavier rain falling on the walker winston county line but again right now there is nothing to suggest any issues with a tornado large hail damaging wind and at the moment we have no severe thunderstorm warnings no tornado warnings in effect i want to make that perfectly clear and again we have yet to see the images from the hardest hit areas you've seen some you know images from places hit by a tornado today but the really hardest hit areas we're going to be getting that back soon especially from bibb county some of the still images i'm seeing it's really really in bad shape in parts of bibb county around centerville the same thing for ohatchee and wellington over here in calhoun county so that's going to be what we'll be watching for and many many people are asking about their loved ones and their friends they can't get in touch with them there's just a lot i don't know right now and that's why we're going to go back over to chris and brenda here in just a second for the latest on what's happened so far today but again my message now even though it's quiet now it's not over yet a tornado watch until 8 o'clock eight o'clock tonight so let's go back over to chris and brendan all right thank you james and we know that helena got hit very very hard right now we want to go to one of our reporters out on the scene ashley gooden is there with the mayor ashley chris and brenda we are actually just getting to see this area for the first time this is the cunningham drive area lots of damage and i do have the mayor here with me he held a press conference earlier he was just kind of talking about what you all have seen kind of tell people what helena has seen it's obviously not something that is common correct yes so we were hit by the tornado uh this afternoon that came through so our residents did a great job of keeping themselves safe we have a lot of property damage around here especially around the old town at the amphitheater in this cunningham drive area so that's where our focus is going to be is now helping these residents out so we know that we've weathered the storm so far but we just want to continue to be alert and make sure that everything that we do we're giving back to our residents right and i know that you guys earlier talked about how many people came to the storm shelter and you and you were talking about how great it was kind of explain what that storm shelter was like today and what you guys are anticipating later in the evening yes so there were a lot of people at our main storm shelter which is at the high school but then there were several people about 20 or 25 people that couldn't make it there and actually came to city hall and we were able to house them in our actual jails because it was the safest place in city hall so people were getting out of the dangers and we were just doing everything that we could to make sure that we were protecting them and i know that you guys said around 16 homes uh five or six businesses what can you say for people who have not gotten a chance to see about the damage on old in the old town helena area yes so it's it's a lot of property damage trees downs uh the power lines were down were just got open 261 so people can travel the main road in and out of helena but the power crews the the gas crews are all still working to make sure all the utilities are up and running and that's our focus is to make sure that people have lights later on today so that we can start rebuilding tomorrow and um i know that this is not your first time driving up and down this street kind of tell me what you were thinking when you first saw some of this damage yes so well i came here right after the storm hit this was the first place that i came was cunningham drive and with the roads being blocked the way that it was it was just evacuating our cars and getting down here just to make sure all the residents were safe and it looked like a war zone so we wanted to make sure that everybody was safe thank you so so much for talking to me we're going to stay out here and see what we can see we'll send the video back to you guys as soon as we can again the good news here is no injuries and no deaths right here in helena for now live in helena ashley gooden abc 33 40 news astral i was monitoring your social media feeds and you put out some images from some of the damage around helena what stuck out to you and what were some of the areas in which uh that you came across that had the most damage i have to say uh the old town helena area seeing those gigantic trees just blown over and the gigantic roots out of the ground it's the area over there by the waterfall and so when we first arrived there there were people all over the place taking pictures because that was not something that people were used to seeing that area is normally really well kept and right now it just it it really is shocking to look at so that is one of the areas that we first stumbled upon i'd say another one we saw some pretty big trees behind the pelham high school football stadium that were down we did not see any damage to that building that is good news and i also believe um and we haven't seen all of the homes that were damaged again there were about 16 of them but there was one that we came across just a few minutes ago and it looked like the kind of the front porch area had collapsed over there but mostly what we have been seeing trees down uh lots of debris in the streets and and power lines down and that is the reason why majority of these streets have been blocked off because it is a safety issue when people come in one of these areas and there are power lines down all over the place actually you mentioned the water is there a problem with flooding in some areas i know there are some neighborhoods in that area that are prone to flood to my knowledge right now we have not had any flood reports mayor do you know of any flood reports at this time as of right now no we do not have any flooding in the area but as rain continues to hit upstream of bug creek in the cahaba we're expecting to see some flooding okay and what are some of the areas i guess that are especially flood prone do those people need to uh is there a way that those people can reach out to you guys if there's anything that needs to be reported yeah absolutely they can always reach out to city hall uh and we'll be able to address any of their concerns or needs so any person that has flood damage storm damage we can at least point them in the right direction for that assistance awesome and my last question just kind of about getting assistance for these businesses who are noticing the damage that that they've gotten throughout the storm day what what do they need to do what are the first steps that they need to take so we'll be working closely with the shelby county ema along with red cross so we'll be partnering with them to get aid here in the area both to the residents and the businesses thank you so much appreciate it chris and brenda all right thank you so much for that and yes flooding will be part of the issue as well this evening so again be careful it don't try to go out and see this for yourself yet we have images from all over the state we're going to show you from state line to state line what happened today this was a historic day because we had so many tornadoes one after another and so many counties involved chris some of the images wanted to share coming in from social media this is all on twitter you saw ashley gooden's photo there another one right there this is the eagle point damage that we've talked a lot that's in shelby county as well several different images and want to thank you all for helping us tell the story from your backyard because you are our eyes and ears in these types of situations another right there from shelby county keep in mind as you look at these images no serious injuries to report in the eagle point area and you can see some of the damage there was quite significant i also showed you some video just a short time ago from the cross creek area that's in shelby county in pelham i wanted to update you regarding the 10 p.m curfew that curfew is in effect for the impacted communities such as cross creek area and oak mountain circle if memory serves yeah cross creek area oak mountain circle that's going to be that that curfew that the mayor has now put into place for 10 p.m in pelham not city-wide it's for the impacted communities in that area also wanted to uh to bring in another member of the team has been here all day with james taylor cerrallo taylor bring us up to date on what you're seeing and this really wasn't a historic day yeah this was a really bad it's been a bad day so far for a lot of folks we've lost a lot of homes we've lost some lives today we had some violent tornadoes that have moved across the state at this point we do not have any severe thunderstorm warnings or tornado warnings in our part of the state there are some thunderstorms out there right now but nothing is severe at this point i do want to point out that we do have some more thunderstorms that are forming across parts of mississippi that we're going to need to watch as they move into our state and then eventually this evening we will have a front that's going to move in and likely a line of thunderstorms will form i wanted to show you that we do still have that tornado watch in effect for central and north alabama all of the counties in yellow here and this lasts until 8 p.m so that just kind of gives you an idea of we're not done necessarily with that threat for severe weather yet we're going to wait until this tornado watch is canceled for us to give an all clear on that severe weather and that's just not the case at this point all of those blue boxes you're seeing there are going to be flash flood warnings so those cover portions of shelby county there jefferson county blunt northern saint clair etowah and cherokee county so we are dealing with that ongoing flooding issue but at this point we are going to continue to watch these storms out to the west that are forming across portions of mississippi so we could have a few more thunderstorms here that could turn severe before the evening is over so i don't want you to let your guard down just yet but at the current moment we do not have any tornado warnings or severe thunderstorm warnings for central or north alabama all right thank you taylor and when we show you some of these images it's absolutely amazing there could be a house standing next door and the house next to it is completely down in into rubble and then there was a church i believe it was the whole ohachi area that it looked like the top of the roof was just sliced off so it's just how these winds hit at the time and these winds were absolutely very very strong it started in the northwestern part of the state this morning as james band told us it would and power out was out there was flooding in the northwestern part but then as the day went on some of these tornadoes just spread out throughout the state and you can see the area there where there's so much eagle point the widespread damage so many homes that are destroyed this is the sawyerville area you can see people cannot uh actually pass right now because they're trying to clear that roadway and there's so many roads chris that are impassable this evening and as the sun goes down as we talked about it's it's going to be quite dangerous i know people want to get out they're concerned about their loved ones they want maybe not be able to get a hold of them but that's partly due because the cell towers could be out these high winds also affect cell towers as they also do these trees when you look at some of those trees it's just fascinating to think about you know some of them just uh really just eliminated from the uh the nine foot mark and above and just stripped to their bark and of course you got the crews that race in there immediately trying to clear the roads and that's because they need those first responders to get into that area immediately i know that we have a lot of various live feeds coming in guys i'm looking at ram seven it looks like a crash or something there obviously that we also have cynthia gould is cynthia connected to us or are we centerville this is centerville highway 82. go ahead james uh hello this is us-82 just to the southeast of centerville that's where the tornado crossed that big truck had flipped it was on its side and it had blocked obviously one lane of us 82. this is near centerville and understand this is in the vicinity where some of the worst damage is in the state uh bibb county has got some severe damage uh for and again we really haven't seen the worst of this yet in terms of the video that we've been showing you we've got major tornado damage what you saw right here was located right here down in brent this long track supercell tornado it came through hale county you saw the damage in sawyerville that's east of west of greensboro it came through sawyerville cut right through centerville and brent then came up through shelby county caused some damage in calera wilsonville has hit hard a lot of reports out of wilsonville we've not seen any video out of there so far and again the loss of life was over here in ohatchee and wellington in calhoun county so there is so much going on here and we're going to stay with this through the evening we're not going to go back to programming tonight because of this and again at the moment the death toll is five but some of the hardest hit places you've yet to see centerville brent sawyerville we have crews in there now and as soon as we get the video back we'll be able to share that and of course over here on the eastern side of the state places like ohachi uh back over toward wellington where we had loss of life uh and again i want to stress that we're not through with this yet now people are asking you know is it all over no i hope it is but no the atmosphere is still supportive of severe weather for at least the next couple of hours it made the next hour so the tornado watch is in effect until eight o'clock the air has been worked over by these storms today so it hopefully we'll get away with nothing else but i can't promise that so there's a tornado watch in effect until eight o'clock tonight for about the northern half of the state and again this is a pds tornado watch particularly dangerous situation we have storms with heavy rain frequent thunder and lightning maybe some small hail parts of clay county ashland lineville down toward kellyton heavy rain falling from pell city back over to riverside east of boga and aniston heavier rain on the tuscaloosa bibb county line and a band of showers back down into parts of green and sumter counties but again the encouragement i have right now is the fact that despite all of this on the board we have nothing severe we have no warnings in effect but again the damage is pretty widespread and it's going to take a while to get cruised to all of these locations but i'm concerned about wilsonville i'm concerned about parts of columbiana i'm concerned about centerville and brent parts of bibb county concerned about calhoun county concerned about parts of hale county parts of greene county all of these counties had major destructive tornadoes going through there today and i'm afraid we don't know the extent of the injuries at this point i know that we've got crews from tuscaloosa coming down into bibb county to assist and what's going on down here they're doing search and rescue right now i mean there's a lot of things we just can't tell you right now because they're still going door to door to door to door checking on people to see if they're okay if they're trapped i know that there's still multiple entrapments that they're working in bibb county right now so it is a very chaotic scene but the first responders in our state are good at what they do they've done this before and they'll do it again and they're trying to get people the help that they need a lot of people are right now with trees down a lot of people have no damage at all and if you have no damage at all consider yourself blessed because it has been a rough day today so again that's the current radar uh multiple strong violent tornadoes today that have caused loss of life and injuries so again but for the moment i do not have any tornado warnings or severe thunderstorm warnings to show so let's go back over to chris and brenda at the news desk this isn't over yet we could still be seeing some more dangerous storms so staying home and allow us to be your eyes to show you the areas that have been hit hard we also right now have another crew that we want to take you out to see but just keep in mind that if you do try to go check on a loved one you can't get a hold of them you're going to be stuck in traffic i've covered these tornadoes i've been out on the scene and what happens is the first responders have to go into the area and they will not allow you to go in there so you need to stay safe and wait for now a lot of updates to provide right now but i want to get immediately to brent right now we have byron khalil he is in brent byron go ahead and paint a picture and take it away and explain what you're seeing and where you are exactly please well chris we're just outside of bran this is highway five and just behind me is what we've been seeing in this part of alabama you can see uh a man appears to be cutting these tree limbs trying to clear this road from what i can tell it appears that this there's only one person uh doing this right now or maybe a couple of people is very difficult to tell but i know that this road has been blocked for quite some time if you can't tell by the line of cars here we were just a few moments ago in sawyerville where we saw something very similar there were a number of downed trees crossing highway 14 i spoke with some of the first responders there and they were telling me that from what they understand there are no reported injuries in that area however of course they were spending much of that time clearing those roads we also ran into a crew of first responders that mentioned um hearing some reports about a person being trapped on pin pintail road that's in sawyerville we were watching them use chainsaws trying to clear that road so they could get to the other side to find out what the situation was but as far as what's going on right here it appears that none of these vehicles will be able to move um until they remove some of this debris back to you guys byron before we let you go i know that you've been uh really all over portions of west alabama today and even portions of slightly south alabama today you've been to utah i know you're now saying you've been to sawyerville you're also near brent i want you to explain the areas that you feel as though we're hit the hardest at least from what you could see from the roadway as you're driving through these areas all right that's correct we were in utah to start the day and what we saw there was pretty much just a lot of rainfall we didn't notice too much damage reports from that area i even spoke with the ema earlier who also told me that they had not heard of any reports it wasn't until we got to sawyerville where we really started to see the impact of this storm as i mentioned on highway 14 there were a number of trees blocking the roadway it took several crews and even some construction equipment to clear those roadways we saw a number of people who live on that road unfortunately they were not able to pass many of them seemingly frustrated by what was going on but i know that those first responders were working as fast as they could we also noticed some trees on top of power lines so we know that those areas are also most likely dealing with power outages at this moment um from leaving sawyerville we headed straight this way on our way to centerville rather and we came upon this road here we didn't know it was going to be blocked until we we got here but i'd say this has been the situation for at least the past maybe 25 minutes or so since we've since we've been in this area but we know that this has been an issue here for quite a long time all right byron khalil reporting live for us bye and we'll check back in with you shortly and right now we want to go to cynthia gould along highway 119 cynthia what can you tell us well brenda we are here in shelby county light rains the sky is getting very dark the winds though have died down we're here at the intersection with oak mountain presbyterian church you can see just behind us police sheriff's deputies they have this portion of 119 blocked off from here all the way to herdmont park they have power lines down we saw those earlier and some very large trees in the road they're having a lot of trouble moving those let's take a look at some of that video from the nearby neighborhoods over there where we saw a lot of damage several trees down no injuries fortunately to report in those neighborhoods much worse damage up around here on eagle point there we're told about 30 homes were heavily damaged all day long they have been going door to door looking for any survivors they told us fortunately only two very minor injuries so they're very thankful for that once the weather dies down again they were going to go back in and continue another assessment another sweep of the area to make sure they did not miss anyone on those first sweeps in there but again we're live here on 119. traffic very light if you're driving around shelby county not advisable but a lot of the roads you're going to find like this are blocked with trees down power lines down they're asking everyone to please stay inside and stay safe reporting live in shelby county cynthia gould abc 33 40 news thank you cynthia that's certainly the message tonight because i just got a text from a friend of jim and nick's in trussville there is a tree on power lines right in front of it the road is completely blocked by another tree so please be safe stay put also just got an email regarding damage at oak mountain state park i'm just going to go ahead and read it to the park suffered widespread tree damage in areas near alabama highway 119 where cynthia was just reporting from as well as damage to the parks campground cable skiing areas no injuries were reported the park is now closed because of downed trees and power lines as well that being said meteorologist evan chick vera is live right now evan hey chris and i believe i heard brenda just talk a little bit about some downed power lines trees on the lines that's pretty much the worst of what we're seeing just to give you an overview myself and brian we're in the uh 3340 storm chaser we intercepted that storm as it came near kalira in fact we believe now looking back at the previous radar scans and where we were we were actually inside at least the edge of an ef-0 here we are uh right near the chilton county and shelby county line we are um just to the north of that boundary and we're looking at this so there's a police officer here uh aldot was just here getting part of this tree out of the road we went up towards downtown calera there's power there i'm not exactly sure what these power lines are affecting there's a couple neighborhoods up here on the right-hand side that didn't sustain damage but they might have power from these lines on 31 going into those neighborhoods so this is kind of what we've been looking at again brian and myself kind of the damage we have of this it appeared to be ef 0 damage as it went through at least our stretch here we also did a a bit of a stint on i-65 to see the damage and the damage that is on either side of the interstate lines up with this damage we're seeing here once again it's structural damage it's trees down and we weren't able to get to that because off the edge of the interstate but this is we've seen several emergency vehicles also kind of in caravan moving through here they could be headed towards brent they could be headed towards other parts of uh say chilton or shelby counties but lots of emergency officials out here a bobcat actually just pulled up not too long ago and i think what they're going to start working on here over the next adventure to guess uh half hour so before it gets dark is maybe start looking to clear this tree away um to some of this damage but again it's very spotty here like i i think uh for the most part we look okay certainly when i saw this on radar me and brian were sitting here and we thought oh this this could be pretty bad this is the same storm that was producing some pretty damn damaging stuff uh just to the west of here so happy to see it's just a few trees uh here in the uh kalira area but again things are moving the crews were fantastic getting out here no sooner did we double back where trees were in the middle of the road we came back here and the trees were cleared so shout out to aldot and all these work after the storm have gotten out there can't say enough about them and of course law enforcement as well chris back to you guys all right evan shakthara thank you so much for updating us for the calera area been taking notes as we've done this round robin with all of our reporters in the field and i wanted to pass along so so far we have no injury reports coming in from birmingham pelham helena and sawyerville that's not to say that there aren't injuries elsewhere these are the the spots in which we've received reports of no injuries then we have minor injuries reported in hoover you touched on the graystone area as well as shelby county the eagle point area you touched on as well and then we have the five fatalities reported in calhoun county in east alabama yeah and right now as james had mentioned there are a lot of emergency crews going door to door to make sure people aren't trapped that make sure people are okay now the first dangerous situation of course is the heavy wind and the second dairy situation is the power lines that are down the water on the roadways the flooding and trying to get out there and if you go in an area then you try to pass it and your car gets stuck many insurance companies may or may not cover you so that's something else to keep in mind but the main concern is your safety and health and staying safe and if you see water on the roadway turn around don't drown it we say it time and time again but there's always one or two people that try it and it's not a good idea you can see the water on the roadway right there i know the coleman area had a lot of high water helena is expecting some flooding possibly tomorrow as more rain comes through and as the water starts to rise so these are things that you have to be concerned about and make sure that you stay in as we've said before you're going to get stuck in traffic if you're trying to check on someone in a certain area right now the first responders the the emergency responders are the ones that need to get in there the police of the ema right now let them do their job and a lot of you have been sending us images this is one of those shots right there this is uh this is pelham correct oh this is oak ridge okay this is uh this is uh in shelby county and i wanted to let you know that you can also share your images by sending them to share share at i was just looking at my phone at some of the emails coming in from so many viewers explaining and sharing what is happening in their backyard but so many portions of our viewing area have been impacted by this severe weather system that moved right through in these long track tornadoes but this is just off of highway 119 here and so many homes have been damaged of course the trees down you've heard and seen the uh the stories before i'm also looking at some of the live feeds coming in right now to our newsroom and we're able to to touch base on some of that i know that we have stephen quinn is he is is steven available because i wanted to ask him i know that he was going to get an update from a birmingham fire rescue stephen no injuries is that is that the case that is true so far the good news is no injuries and we're learning more about the scope of the damage 20 to 30 houses that were damaged here along this portion of roebuck and we're getting a better view now from last time we joined you of just the scope of the damage look at this trees that went right through the metal roof above the carport of this house i'm told in one of these houses here an 80-year-old woman was by herself she survived everyone here survived in fact firefighters have been going along door to door checking and assessing the damage this area is closed off to most people obviously the power is out but people are out here now trying to take store of what has happened here to clean up the damage as best they can it's not raining
Channel: ABC 33/40 Weather
Views: 69,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James, Spann, ABC, 3340, 33/40, Alabama, weather, ANCWX
Id: bnCwbKl-aqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 442min 52sec (26572 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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