LIVE Eastern Iowa Tornado OUTBREAK (July 14, 2021) KGAN-TV

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another closer look at the storm we'll go ahead and zoom in more street level kind of see what's happening with this storm again this tornado warning does continue for butler county until five o'clock tonight we'll do a zoom in we'll get real tight with this storm again here is that hook echo just south of jumont that is the concern right here right now just south of highway three but if you are inside this polygon you do need to treat it with respect this storm is very dangerous all the storms today have a history of producing tornadoes off to the west this one may as well also i'm not sure if we give a producer in the booth yet but if we can make sure we get this on facebook live that would be much appreciated right now again allison will be the path of this storm parkersburg is off to the south you might be hearing the sirens in parkersburg you weren't out of the warning with this storm for the time being all right so the main threat with this storm again is kind of more central portions of butler county generally along the highway three corridor through the central part of the county dumont is of concern allison will be the next step with this storm what i want to do now is pop on the velocity view with this storm again what we can see is the rotation the raindrop spinning with this storm and that is stronger that's a very strong indication of rotation popping up with the storm we'll put a quarry on there 78 miles an hour that is a strong indication of rotation so this storm may have a tornado currently on progress we just don't have it confirmed yet either way this storm is very very dangerous it is spinning very rapidly in the middle level the atmosphere and that is the potential for producing a tornado again this just south of highway 3 butler county this does continue until five o'clock tonight i want to pop up the debris tracker here just out of curiosity nothing showing so right now we have no signs of debris being lofted in the storm that's a good sign but what is concerning is that hook echo that's that supercell shape the updraft the storm is right here and this is the rotation so this tornado if it's on the ground will be very close just to the southeast of jumont again allison will be in play with the storm as well i want to move the camera just a little bit applicton parkersburg new hartford you are not in the warning all right so you guys might be hearing the sirens you might be getting alerts on your phone but again applington parkersburg and new hartford you are not in the warning the warning threat is off to the north more central portions of butler county again this does continue until five o'clock tonight let's go ahead and pop up have a wider view i want to show everybody what's happening kind of across eastern iowa at the moment again at any given point if nathan has a good shot feel free to double box us we got a live picture we might as well use it feel free to do that any given moment again for eastern iowa for the time being the only storm we're watching is that storm in butler county but you can see there's a plethora of tornado warnings there in the north central part of iowa and many of those do have confirmed tornadoes in progress that's the reason that we're concerned again they're on the right side of your screen that's what the first meteorologist nathan sanchez domingo he's watching the storm right now he's on this tornado warren storm so we're gonna keep a close eye on that picture and again if nathan has something to mention just feel free to chime in here we'll toss it out to him but for now we'll just leave the live picture up i'll say many on your screen for the time being the live picture is kind of the most important thing what i do want to show is kind of zooming off we'll kind of zoom in kind of for portions of central iowa again this is where we do have confirmed tornadoes in progress i do want to show kind of some of the reports that we do have and then that's kind of the point of concern because there is some potential that these storms may produce tornadoes at any given point just because um again there are confirmed tornadoes here in iowa so again we do have multiple warnings here in north central iowa the highway 20 corridor will be a point of concern today but for now the main threat is off to the north here in butler county so let's go ahead we'll do a quick reset we'll show everybody that maybe just tuning in 4 39 on this wednesday i'm meteorologist nick stewart we're watching the potential for severe weather today we do have a lone tornado warning right now again this is butler county this does continue until five o'clock tonight we'll do a zoom in on this storm let's go ahead and take a radar full again we'll kind of do kind of a street level view of exactly what's happening with the storm we'll talk about the cities that will be impacting all of that thank you very much guys again here's that tornado warning does continue for butler county until five o'clock right now passing just likely to the southeast of dumont but again you want to make sure you're in your tornado safe place as well lowest level of a house if you're in a mobile home it's a much better idea to get into a stronger structure or something like that because that'll probably be a better place to go also allison that's the next destination for this uh rotation in the storm as it continues to move off to the east here what i do want to do now pop up the velocity view again we do see the spin in the storm that's that rotation right here just southwest of allison we'll do another measurement of the storm here the wind speeds rotating at 66 miles an hour storm does continue to rotate here uh if we can go out i don't know if uh meteorologist nathan centromegal is monitoring but if he can maybe just talk about exactly what he's seeing right now what the storm looks like where he is i'm gonna go grab some information from the weather service nathan hey nick uh perfect timing here we uh just got that alert on our phone turning that off here real quick uh we are making our way to the north on highway 14. we're about to take a left turn here towards kesley uh and this should give us a pretty good vantage point we do have some trees that we're kind of contending with here so we'll hopefully get you some of those live pictures of this storm i can't confirm it really quick i couldn't really confirm it did seem that there was at least a lowering with this storm just out to our west and we should get a pretty good picture of it here out on this road so we're looking pretty much right into the general direction of where that rotation is that meteorologist nick stewart is mentioning uh on the radar picture and here we are we just took that left turn here i'll get you a street name here in just a second this street is let me see if i can get it to pop up on my map here at t service out here is a little bit rough at times i will be honest with you folks uh but again right now we're approaching this supercell tornado worn supercell the rotation is just off to the right of your screen starting to get into the precipitation here just a little bit on this cell but that should be pretty short-lived we should be able to get into the dry slot of this storm here really quickly a lot of dry air or a lot of rain free air i should say just to the south of that velocity couplet so we're hoping that once we're able to kind of push through this uh we should be able to get you guys a a cleaner view and see if there is in fact a tornado in progress so stand by on that uh we'll of course have this feet up here nick right now we'll send it back for the latest radar uh radar picture go ahead right on it again if you guys want to leave this double box for now we have a live picture of this tornado warning that's the best thing we can ask for so we might as well leave it up again i can kind of explain the radar situation here is that supercell right here that hook echo right now just north of kesley just south of dumont it is approaching allison allison will be the next stop with the storm as well as butler creek this storm does continue to slowly move off to the east again as you saw with nathan's live shot there there's a definite lowering with this storm that's a pretty good indication that this storm is capable of producing a tornado at any given point what i also do want to pull up here is the velocity view again this is the spin in the atmosphere of this storm pretty good couplet here showing up again this is north of kesley this is going to be kind of approaching butler center butler setter allison those are the next two areas that we really need to keep an eye on that circulation crossing basically right over hickory avenue right now this is south of highway 3. so highway 3 great shot there you can see that if you want to take that full that's that wall cloud in the storm that's where that rotation may be again that is the potential tornado area we have a live view of it it doesn't appear it's on the ground right now but again live video is more important than anything else that we can bring you right now if you are just joining with us this is the lone tornado warning in play for the time being this is butler county this does continue until five o'clock tonight main areas impacted will be areas like dumont allison butler center and kesley for the time being we don't have any reports of this tornado actually on the ground but looking at that live image i've been storm chasing for more than a decade that is a very ominous picture right there that appears to be a pretty good wall cloud by good i mean strong wall cloud that may produce a tornado at any given point again to reiterate this does not include the cities of applington parkersburg or new hartford that area is not under the gun here however we are looking at areas like allison over to butler center that is where the storm is heading right now great shot there you can see the big wall cloud there but notice it's not connected to the ground doesn't appear to be a tornado in progress there but that is very very concerning what i do want to pop up here is the gate to gate sheer again this is the rotation in the storm right now 86 miles an hour so it's strengthening again so again this could produce a tornado at any given point and if it does we have eyes on the storm but we can tell you that as soon as it does we're watching it very very closely here again we'll take a look at the radar view again wow okay so this is a significant supercell that's really starting to take shape here a big hook echo here here's the updraft of the storm and on the right side of your screen you were looking at the wall cloud attributed with that storm again that's your hook echo right here you may have heavy rain and hail falling over towards butler center and allison but the tornado threat right now just south of highway 3 crossing about hickory avenue right now again there's a live picture from the road warrior doesn't appear to be on the ground at the moment but that is a very concerning picture there that's at least appears to be a rotating wall cloud we're getting a nice uh live shot there nathan if you're listening if you can chime in to kind of just talk about what you're seeing right now and if you can get us a better location of where you are i think you're probably around hickory avenue would be my guess yeah that's uh that's about where we are uh hickory avenue we're on 270th and again cell phone service out here can sometimes be a little bit spotty we've pulled over here to try and get you know it's kind of sometimes hard to pick out when you're moving uh what exactly the details are uh on the on the cloud here and again this is looking off to the northwest we're on 270th and it appears to be uh just past j avenue so we're between j avenue if i can get the other street name so 270th and j avenue here in butler county about where we are and uh this thing it does appear to have some rotation to it definitely i mean you can tell this thing is hugging the ground this is very close i would not be surprised if maybe we get a funnel here or even this could produce a tornado hence why we do have the tornado warning here and again thankfully this is in a remote area for the time being the rotation looks to be strongest just to the north of kesley kind of along uh maine's mains creek and just between maine's creek and kesley here and just to the north of again 270th street here we might have we might have an attempt here a little bit of a funnel let's see what this can do here uh nick if you want to if you want to leave this uh leave this up and uh leave this while you have your um radar up i'm going to take a step outside here really quick just so i can get my own eyes on this to kind of see what it's doing nick go ahead and throw it back to you all right we'll leave the double box up we want to keep the live picture up there again what you're looking at there is a live view of this tornado warning this tornado winning for butler county which does continue until five o'clock tonight i also am a bit wider there's a bunch of tornado warnings just to the west and southwest of our area as well and many of these tornado warnings have a history of producing tornadoes you can see all the little tornado icons there multiple tornadoes have been reported already this storm up in butler county is in the same environment so there's really no reason why this storm may not produce a tornado so what we're going to do here we're going to pop up and just get a little bit closer to the storm right now we're going to dance around just a little bit and step off the screen think my key is not working here we're going to kind of keep an eye on this storm as we go forward again we are watching the potential for the storm to produce a tornado as of now we don't have any confirmed reports with it but things do look menacing we now also have weather first meteorologist sarah flynn in studio if we need a modern national weather service chat right now what's kind of the latest there yeah as of right now no confirmed reports that one in hamilton county though that's the one that we do know you saw that turn pink just a few moments ago i can kind of show you what's going on with that one but that's the one that we know is on the ground right now near sherman are headed that way as we speak not quite in our area but will be as it continues to push eastward the one that we are focused on in our area right now of course is up in butler county that one does go as of right now for another about 12 minutes here it likely or possibly will get extended but what we're focused on here is the potential to see again that kind of hook and we're starting to see that happen we saw it before you can kind of see the reds and the greens overlapping there just a little bit but again it's not the exact classic sign that we typically look for that a tornado on the ground but it is something that you should continue to take seriously out there nick i think you have your graphics pulled up if you want to touch on that a little bit more yeah sure again we're watching that area of rotation again we can leave the double box up we might as well have it but we can tell you is we do have eyes on this storm what the first meteorologist nathan sanchemingo right under it right now for the time being the storm is definitely rotating on radar and we can see it in live video as well that storm has that structure that striated wall cloud there there definitely appears to be some rotation happening with that storm again this is uh just south of allison and north of parkersburg to reiterate if you're in applington parkersburg or new hartford this warning does not include you the warning is more for central butler county that's just south of allison and this does approach if it does continue and they may extend this warning a clark clarksville will be the next impact there way downstream is waverly in janesville but we have quite a bit of time before it gets that way right now the tornado warning only includes areas like allison so what i want to do here is pop up the radar view there we go we'll kind of pop up the um kind of what you're more used to seeing kind of the reflectivity view and this is a very concerning image again there is obviously a big what we call hook echo here that is your classic signature of a strong updraft and rotation with the storm the inflow basically flying right up highway 14 from parkersburg flying right up into the storm it's warm it's humid there's a lot of instability that's the fuel for the storm right now you can see that big hook echo there that is the concern with this storm again this tornado warning does continue for another about nine minutes or so for butler county it's possible this gets extended further eastward as well uh on the right side of your screen you are watching we might as well take it up full if you can this is a live picture from weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo uh he's live tracking that tornado warned storm right now again this is butler county you can see some scary skies there definitely appears to be rotating definitely appears to be a wall cloud with this storm i do think it looked stronger not too long ago than it does now but that's still a very menacing image especially when coupled with the radar picture when you can kind of combine the best of both worlds live radar and live video you can really get a better picture of what's happening with this storm doesn't appear there's any tornado on the ground at the moment but we are watching for the potential again we've had multiple reports of tornadoes here in iowa so far today this event is really just beginning what i want to pull up here is the watch warnings and advisories what you're going to see is on the yellow that is that tornado watch so i'm going to zoom out kind of show you where we stand in terms of our viewing area for the time being those tornado watches does include iowa county benton county over to tama county we're in blackhawk county buchanan county over towards butler county and grundy county that is where again those tornado watches do continue until nine o'clock tonight this event is just beginning you can see those red polygons just to the west of grundy county there are more tornado warnings in progress including reports of confirmed tornadoes so these are not just warnings that are radar indicated or based on what the radar is seeing we actually have reports of tornadoes in progress further off to our west our warning for butler county is not that warning for now it's purely based on the rotation of the storm based on what's happening with other storms in our area as well as live pictures from what you see right now on the right side of your screen again that is the storm right now in butler county so let's do a quick reset we'll take a look at the more traditional radar view and again meteorologist sarah flynn is here if you have anything feel free to chime in let me know if you have anything you want to pass along but again the loan threat we have right now is that tornado warning in butler county and then off to the west if you're in cedar rapids iowa city washington dubuque up to decorah for now things are calm things are quiet it's also warm and humid we're not done with the severe weather throughout today the strong storm threat will continue through at least probably midnight tonight the tornado threat will probably be over with by about 10 but the severe threat will continue for quite some time all right well uh nathan kind of re-positions here let's go ahead and kind of do a reset on the radar view again this is kind of what we're more typical seeing the radar view how much rain is falling how heavy the rain is falling what i want to do is get nice and tight with this storm once again we're going to show you the polygon talk about the threat for the storm and they just issued a new tornado warning so now this pushes into bremer county as well this new warning does continue until 5 30. so we have a new tornado warning that means live at five may not happen we are watching this new tornado warning which does continue here for breamer and butler counties this now until 5 30. you can see a big hook echo there on radar that is that potential tornado right here just southwest of allison this does continue to move off to the east um meteorologist sarah flynn if you can give me a quick update on i guess what that new warning maybe how fast the storm is going and some of the other places that might be impacted by it yeah that's exactly right nick they did extend that warning again until 5 30 today it does now in gulf butler and bremer counties still moving at a speed of about 30 or 40 miles per hour up to the northeast a little bit more eastward now as well checking really quick how quickly it's moving or yes 30 miles per hour now so i guess it slowed down just slightly than before still no confirmation of this on the ground though it's simply based on that rotation other storms as nick has mentioned towards the central portion of the state are confirmed seeing a lot of those pictures flood in over social media and seeing those videos but here is the one that's currently in eastern iowa that we are focused on for the time being out there as well so timing this out for you again moving eastward or northeastward into bremer county you can expect it to be near allison in just moments here it is almost right above you at this time that's where meteorologist nathan santo domingo is tracking this storm you've been seeing that stream for quite a bit of time clark's filling a little bit longer more of a rural jump there but again if it does continue to move into bremer county it will hit many of these locations getting towards horton bremer and that area again that's a little bit of a stretch it does go until 5 30 p.m but if you are in that polygon be sure to take shelter and that was a good time to remind you of where that safe space would be we can track really if you're in again your home you want to be in the most interior room at this time if you do not have that or you do not have a basement that interior room oftentimes is going to be that hallway and continuing in most interior room that hallway often times your bathroom away from windows you don't want to be on those outside walls it's also important to get something to cover yourself with in these situations we oftentimes have a flying debris and those types of things occurring having that mattress or blanket over you can serve as that extra protection nick so right now again still not confirmed tornado on the ground for butler and bremer county but something that we are continuing to track as that warning has now been extended until 5 30 p.m with the potential for one inch hail right now all right thank you very much sarah and again if we can double box whenever nathan's back we got we got live pictures of the storm on the right side of the screen you're seeing a live picture while the first meteorologist nathan santo domingo right under this storm right now you can see there's no tornado occurring but the skies are very scary there's definitely rotation occurring with the storm both aloft and as well very close to the ground that wall cloud feature is definitely a concern as it is moving uh eastward through our area right now we'll stay with the double box for now what i do want to do real quick uh is again just jump into the uh we'll zoom a little bit closer on the storm we'll talk about kind of some of the more areas impacted right now it's passing just south of allison if you are in allison you still want to make sure you're in your safe place but it appears that trinidad threat may pass just off to yourself meanwhile though clarksville that'll be really the next town that may be impacted here we have shell rock again as it gets really close to highway 218 plainfield will be another place and then waverly waverly and janesville those are going to be at the very tail end of that warning as it does continue to move off to the east at about 30 miles an hour what i do want to show again is the velocity view the spin in the atmosphere just how fast those rain drops are moving and you can see it clear as day there's a very clear indication of rotation here just southeast of allison it's riding along highway three ever so slowly just south of highway three i want to do a measurement on that wind speed that looks pretty intense yeah it's rotating at 84 miles an hour which means the middle part of the storm a few hundred to a few thousand feet up is spinning pretty quickly so there's definitely signs of rotation with this storm and that is of concern let's go ahead and put the radar view back on again this is what we're watching is that hook echo that is of concern just passing south of allison so again if you're in clarksville shell rock plainfield waverly down to janesville you want to make sure you're getting into your safe place now interior room if you have a basement that's the best place to be you want to make sure if you have anybody that may be driving if you know anybody may be traveling along highway 218 that they're going north from the cedar falls waterloo metro tell them to stop you want to make sure they get south of janesville they don't want to go any farther north than janesville they're coming in from the north perhaps charles city new hampton you want to make sure they stop before plainfield okay so maybe just shoot him a text let him know that this storm is of concern and that there is a tornado warning currently in progress um so i guess we're turning up here on five o'clock and while the first meteorologist nick stewart live at five starting right about now and the news is weather we are watching tornado warnings as they move through eastern iowa we do have one lone tornado warning for the time being this does include butler and bremer counties this new warning does continue until 5 30 this evening what i do want to do is draw kind of a cone we know the storm is moving at about 30 miles an hour air circulation somewhere south of allison we'll move it off to the north here over the next say a half hour and just to get you some you know approximate timings it'll be just south of clarksville uh probably approaching clarksville sometime within the next five to ten minutes it's also going to be approaching areas like shell rock shell rock by 5 17 waverly if it does continue uh we'll be there around 5 27. uh we have a great picture there with weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo i don't know if we're going to be able to touch base with him right now i'd love to get his input that storm does appear to be intensifying once again looks like a pretty good inflow tale going to that storm aside it's intensifying would you say that is accurate nathan yeah i'd say that that's definitely the case also it looks like it's starting to develop maybe a little bit of a hail core on the northeast side of it let's take a look outside the road warrior and we kind of had to do a little bit of repositioning here because as we got closer to the river up there that's the uh west fork of the cedar river just off to our north here let me reposition the camera here real quickly here and just again just off to our north so right now this is facing east and it's just off to our north that's where we're seeing that lowering still nothing confirmed on the ground it hasn't looked like we've got a really tight circulation near the surface a lot of it uh seems to be in the kind of upper layers here but you definitely see that low ring here hey mark if you could just kind of take a pause really quickly here so the camera is a little more stable as i kind of zoom in on this um we're in a good spot with again not a whole lot out here we're going to keep up with this because this is that lowering uh of that wall cloud here that you're seeing live here on iowa's news now and this is that lowering that could produce a tornado really at any given time here uh but again off to our north there's the river lots of trees that was kind of getting in our way so now we're gonna head back to the east follow this storm and if we do see anything that looks imminent any funnels any circulation getting close to the ground of course we'll be sure to let you know and uh we'll have that picture up here uh for you on iowa's news now nick uh taking a latest look at the radar what are things looking like right now hey right now we do have at least three tornado warnings that are beginning to kind of threaten our area obviously the only one we're worried about for now which is affecting our counties and our viewing area is butler and briemer counties that storm does continue until 5 30. again to reiterate does not include applington parkersburg or new hartford we are watching these other tornado warnings in fact that purple polygon there that means there was a confirmed tornado so these storms do have a history of producing tornadoes in other parts of the state so that's a pretty good indicator that the environment is ripe for the potential we do have these tornado warnings just to the west of grundy county so these may be extended so parkersburg you may not be out of the woods yet it just depends on exactly how these storms form you'll notice a difference though this storm up in our area for breamer as well as butler counties it's more isolated right it's more by itself down to the southwest it's more chaotic there's a lot of storms kind of forming all at once this tells me probably the strongest storm is actually in our viewing area right now so that is of greatest concern again this tornado warning does continue for bremer and butler counties until 5 30. you're taking a look at the live view on the right side of your screen again that's from weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo in the road warrior we have eyes on this storm the second it produces a tornado if it does produce a tornado you will know pass along to your friends and family to get them to watch us here we give a live picture of the storm that's we're watching right now again let's kind of take a look at the velocity view we can stick with the double box again we got live pictures you might as well use them but you can see there's definitely still strong indication of rotation there just southeast of allison approaching waverly so i want to zoom in i'll kind of get a closer view of this storm kind of get more kind of street level mapping here kind of show you some of the places impacted again this is riding just along and south of highway 3 as it's rolling into waverly so waverly this storm is definitely getting pretty close to you you want to make sure you're in a safe place right now you are under that tornado warning let's talk about just how fast the storm may be rotating it looks like it might be kind of in a process of getting a little bit more organized kind of weakened a little bit maybe trying to get more organized but with that said the storm is still rotating at 60 miles an hour so there's still pretty good rotation occurring in that storm right now uh well the first meteorologist uh we have sarah flynn uh monitoring the national weather service chat do you have any kind of new updates coming in from either this storm or other storms here in the state of iowa yeah we still don't have any updates about the one in eastern iowa not confirmed that anything is on the ground from there but you did mention that that rotation is getting stronger at first it was a little bit iffy now you can really see it very clearly again we kind of look for those reds and greens to start mixing moving towards and away from the radar and when you kind of see those brighter greens show up even those brighter reds there it indicates that there is rotation as nathan has mentioned it is a rotating wall cloud at this time nothing is on the ground but still it is a tornado warning and if you do remain in that polygon be sure to get into that safe space so right now the heaviest rotation we're looking at again near highway three allison you're kind of in the clear for now again we still do have those storms far off to western iowa waverly is really the next biggest town that it could impact if it continues to strengthen and develop again we do have eyes on that with nathan a little bit to the north and if it continues to push into bremer county we could see highway 218 be impact potentially highway 63 continue to be impact if it continues to move that direction but right now it is still just a rotating wall cloud with no confirmation of a tornado being on the ground but some of those off to the central portion of the region we also have meteorologist rebecca copeland here as well those are the ones that we're starting to see some of those being confirmed we've seen tornadoes pop up throughout there the one that you see near sherman the pink box or purple box that is the confirmed one that we do have on the ground right now up to the north the one near iowa falls into hamilton and hardin county that one not confirmed quite yet but again the one that we're tracking here in eastern iowa that is the biggest threat for us right now still radar indicated goes for another about 20 to 25 minutes here in butler and headed into bremer or in bremer headed into butler county and that is the storm that you see right now of nathan can hear us do you want to give us a quick update hey sarah how's it going right now we just came to a little bit of a dead end so we're going to cross the river here in a second you see all those trees up here so our view is going to be obstructed for the time being but once we get on the other side of the trees here we're pretty much just due to the southwest of the circulation my goodness i mean this thing has an impressive lowering that is a massive wall cloud that you're seeing there behind the trees we aren't close enough to see if there's any maybe funnels trying to circulate underneath it or perhaps uh anything trying to reach the ground but i mean this is a large wall cloud classic hook echo once we pass the the river here and mark you want to take a right on 265th street 265th street we're on sinclair avenue we should come out on the other side of these trees here and get a better view of that and we'll follow 265th here just for a while coming out on the other side of the i can see we're losing a picture there a little bit of um you know bad connectivity a little bit more rural area we try and get the best that we can with some of the river valleys and things but that can be kind of rough uh i had an idea let's go ah radar views good stop all right so again you're joining us right now it's 507 you're watching iowa's news now at five the news is weather we are tracking trinidad warnings as they move through eastern iowa the lone tornado warning for our area is butler and brimber counties that does continue until 5 30. what i do want to do now is take a wider view over eastern iowa for the time being much of the area is actually quiet there's not a lot happening for now and that's of course good news if you're down to cedar rapids iowa city washington towards dubuque manchester independence decorah things are quiet for the time being the loan issue for now is that tornado warning out there near waverly however we also do have more tornado warnings off to our west so we are really just beginning here in terms of the severe weather threat today i want to pop up the watches warnings and advisories again all of this yellow this is that tornado watch which does continue until nine o'clock tonight so we have a long way to go and i do think there is room for reason that this may be extended further east as these storms continue to move off to the east maybe not so much a tornado threat as we head towards maybe nine ten o'clock but potentially a damaging wind threat and a large hail threat that's kind of when things may get a little bit more interesting later on tonight so cedar rapids for now we're okay iowa city for now we're okay but as we go through the latter part of the evening that's when things might change so you want to make sure you stay weather aware throughout the day we're talking about the potential for severe weather pretty much all day long so let's go ahead and look at again this is the raindrop view this is what we're looking at in terms of what's happening on the radar this is what you're more used to seeing we do have that lone tornado warning for the time being up there northwest of waterloo so we'll kind of zoom in on it kind of do some street level mapping with that tornado warning again for the time being it's starting to approach the city of waverly just may pass north of janesville but if you're in janesville i want to make sure you're into a safe place as well waverly is getting very close to you we can now give the all clear to allison allison no longer in the tornado warning right now the area of interest will be just west of shell rock it's kind of riding just south of and right along highway three here's butler center road as it moves into shell rock the area of rotation will be right about here just west of shell rock so again shell rock and waverly want to make sure you are in your safe place because it may not be producing a tornado right this moment but many storms in iowa have and the ingredients are the same here as they are in northwestern and north central iowa so there remains the threat for severe weather i want to pop up again the velocity view this is how fast those raindrops are moving in the storm that looks a little chaotic we're probably dealing with some radar aliasing issues here so we'll give it another scan well hopefully that gets rectified but again what we're looking at here is definitely kind of that hook echo here it doesn't look as intimidating as it did not too long ago we're kind of losing that really evident hook echo but it's still a very strong storm again moving towards shell rock and waverly uh weather first meteorologist sarah flynn is monitoring the national weather service chat does she have any reports coming in right now yeah no new news about that specific storm still just seeing that rotating wall cloud we did lose nathan there for a little bit but he has vocalized over social media that it is still rotating and could potentially again drop that tornado so if you do remain in portions of butler and bremer counties again make sure you're getting in your safe space that is the most interior room of your home away from windows away from those outdoor walls or in your basement you want to be on the absolute lowest level even at this time it's not the worst idea to throw on those shoes make sure you have something to cover your head like a helmet or blankets anything to protect you from potential flying debris although there is no confirmation that this storm is on the ground it could easily drop a tornado here any minute so be prepared until it is completely out of the region right now again it's past allison it's in the clear right now and towards the central portion of the state we are still tracking some of those tornadoes i'm not sure if meteorologist rebecca koppelman has them up on weather scandals we have our scandi that we can go to we have been getting some pictures and videos out of central iowa just off to our west where there have been confirmed tornadoes that's why we are having this concern today for the severe weather for that possibility of tornadoes in our area so this is a video of one of the tornadoes in lake city iowa and this was a particularly large tornado you can see on the ground there the debris getting kicked up as the funnel cloud touching down on the ground and you can see some debris getting tossed around there and this is from brian m finger on twitter and there have been several images of this tornado of multiple tornadoes now in the state so that's why we continue to talk about this even if we haven't seen this tornado produced we've seen these storms go from zero to 100 very quickly so you can see the tornado on the ground near lake city there's been some reports of damage unfortunately there too and we of course don't want to see that happen here but nick uh that's why we're we're going to continue to talk about this potential threat here with our storm yeah and again the threat is real we have seen traders occur in eastern iowa and again if we are uh keeping an eye on uh nathan central to mcgill or what the first meet up this is the road warrior he's still frozen as soon as we get a live picture we'll bring it back to you he's with this storm right now some lowering that he's seeing okay so apparently uh nathan is saying he wanted to say it again he's saying there's possibly some lowering he said possible tornado occurring okay so um if i don't know if you want to see the velocity and see if anything's picked up there but yeah yeah we were kind of waiting for that uh velocity to get a little better and what you're looking at here i mean you can still see there's still some pretty good rotation occurring with this storm it looks a little more messy than it did before but the other thing to keep in mind is we're getting farther away from the radar the radar here is over in des moines so as we get farther and farther away we really start losing the quality of radar imagery so we start relying more on reports from storm spotters like nathan out there in the field right now this tornado potential tornado we're calling it a potential tornado based on what nathan is seeing this will be very close to shell rock and also moving very close to waverly so we're keeping a very close eye on this storm does continue trying to warning for bremer and butler county until 5 30. this rotation likely just along and south of highway 3 likely crossing highway three very close to shell rock right now pretty soon this will be approaching highway 218. we said it before i'll say it again if you know people we're at five o'clock people may be heading home from work they're heading north from the cedar falls or waterloo metros make sure they know what they're driving into get them to stop if they're heading north on 218 at janesville do not let them go any farther north than janesville if you know people that may be coming south say from charles city or new hampton make them stop at plainfield do not let them go south of plainfield it's going to cross highway 218. we're getting a live radar scan there new image and you can see it's still a bit messy but there's obviously some very strong returns going away from the radar here so there's definitely some indication of rotation here i do want to pop this picture back we do have nathan's picture okay let's go ahead and double box it uh yeah okay he said there was some lifting or it lifted some but it's very close to the ground yeah that's obviously a very still a very ominous image with this storm i mean you can really see that big lowering towards the central part of the picture that's the wall cloud if we do have nathan on the headset i'd love to hear what he's got right now kind of talk about what he's seeing uh but again that's obviously a very concern go ahead nathan hey uh so yeah we had a it looked like uh what we had and i'll flip back over and mark you can go ahead and keep driving we're okay to go here it looked like there was a little bit of a funnel that was getting very close to the ground of course with the hilly terrain out here it can be a little bit uh deceiving to the eyes so it was it was very close i can't confirm that we had anything on the ground but if it was it was pretty brief so now we're going to continue here pushing off to the east on 270th street here we're going to be approaching uh let's see where where are we headed to we're gonna be just to the south of shell rock headed towards uh janesville here in just a little bit so again uh i i don't think that there's anything currently ongoing if that does change of course uh we will let you know we'll uh send you back here into the studio back to you guys uh whoever wants to take it all right if we can keep the double box up beautiful thank you very much i read my mind we do want to keep the live picture again what you look at here is a live view of this tornado warning what we can tell you is that for now there is no turnover in progress based on what we can see however what you can see from the picture is a big wall cloud that's a big indication of rotation with the storm it's also pretty low to the ground it won't take a lot to get that to the ground to produce a tornado right now that air circulation is passing basically on top of shell rock and it is approaching waverly also you might see the image freeze periodically here and there we are entering some lower quality cell phone service that's how we get these images back so bear with us if things may drop out here and there but again this circulation is approaching waverly janesville just on the south side of that warning i would maybe get your safe place just as a precaution i think most of janesville is out of the warning but you may want to just play it safe again waverly you're going to be next in line it does appear with the latest image here this hook is starting to get a little bit more pronounced you can kind of see there's a little hole in the reflectivity here indication of that rotation or that updraft in the storm then you have that hook echo here on the back side of that storm does appear to me that it may be intensifying again that also looks more intimidating here on the velocity view again we're seeing stronger velocities going away from the radar which again is to the southwest towards des moines and you do have those greens going towards the radar as well so bit of rotation here uh very close to shell rock let's go ahead and get a quick measurement on it that image does look pretty concerning there from nathan so we're going to keep a very close eye on that if nathan does have something feel free to shout and we'll let you let you talk what you got but right now again you can see the measurement of the rotation there is 72 miles an hour so i might be i believe the strongest we've seen uh within the last at least half hours the storm does appear uh to be intensifying here again this is approaching waverly waverly is really the next town in progress let's take that video full um that kind of appears that that might be a tornado in progress yep nathan take it away that's a tornado that's a tornado we have a tornado in progress right now just to our north and west approaching waverly uh if you want to relay relay this for me to the national weather service uh we do have a spotty cell phone connection here this is a potentially strong tornado here on the ground you can see i know it's kind of hard here because we are moving trying to keep up with this you can see that circulation though clearly on the ground we got it looks like apparently uh multiple vortices trying to rotate around uh possibly a common center it's not clear that uh we have a full condensation down to the ground but it is definitely trying we have a tornado in progress here you guys uh just approaching waverly tornado confirmed tornado on the ground right here on iowa's news now look at that that is a very very tight strong circulation all the way down to the ground here just again right approaching waverly where perhaps maybe just a few miles to the uh south and west of shell rock uh 270th street here approaching janesville and i want to keep in mind keep this in mind we do have uh you're going to see it kind of fluctuate here in and out but um because it doesn't look like it's on the ground there as much but it keeps coming right back to us right back to us uh nick you want to we're gonna take uh uh we're gonna take a pause here really quick a lot of traffic here coming up and uh try and keep these pictures coming to you nick back to you in the studio all right fantastic thank you so much for that again you're watching it live here in iowa's news now tornado in progress this is that tornado warning again for butler and bremer counties for the time being uh waverly you need to be in your safe place this tornado is confirmed you're watching it live here in iowa's news now also downstream we're going to have to keep a close eye on the storm as well it continues to rotate you can see in the picture that's not sped up you can actually see the cloud is rotating a lot of rotation with this storm right now so what i do want to do is kind of get a closer view kind of show you some street level exactly where we're looking at with this storm that is some very intense rotation with this again right now i would guess it's very close to shell rock approaching waverly biggest air of concern looks to be about crossing or very near highway 218 right near highway 3 just west of waverly so waverly you need to be in your safe place right now you're watching a confirmed tornado approaching you at this hour this is a tornado approaching the city of waverly waverly uh that does include the waverly walmart there on the south side of town you might know some might be shopping make sure they're getting into a safe place because this is a confirmed tornado heading in your direction you're watching live on iowa's news now it appears it may have lifted but what you're looking at there is very evident rotation it's still very clearly rotating there in the atmosphere uh nathan do you have any updates out on your end yeah so i know it can kind of be a little bit difficult to see on our feed here i'm going to try and zoom in and you can see that circulation is still on the ground it is just very periodic here zooming in you see that circulation very very close there to the ground i'll see if i can fix the aperture here just a little bit to kind of give you guys maybe a better look at this look at the motion on that it looks like we do have debris flying through the air here we do have pieces of debris confirmed debris flying through the air here uh with this tornado worn storm so you don't see the classic condensation funnel it's these little spin up vortices that keep spinning up here picking up lofting debris we have confirmed debris here on iowa's news now this whole thing this whole part of the cloud is rotating i mean that is the clearest picture in a nice cg lightning strike their clearest picture of rotation that we have seen uh nick you guys want to be getting a street level uh view on this again it looks like multiple vortices are on the ground at any given point here we're going to conti continue here uh pushing forward here and try and get a little bit closer we're pretty safe distance uh but nick take it over at the at the radar real quick can you tell me exactly where you are uh what kind of what intersection you might be at uh that'd be kind of helpful we are at temple avenue and 270th temple ave and 270th okay gotcha and you're looking north presumably correct right into the core of that storm we are looking to the north and east gotcha all right thank you so much nathan all right so let's go ahead leave the live picture up might as well again that's a stronger indication of rotation you're watching the storm really rotate in real time pretty intense rotation occurring with that storm that's a big lowering we did see these funnels that reached all the way to the ground we did see some indication of debris flying up as well we don't have any reports of damage but it's possible as the storm continues to approach again right now this is getting very very close to waverly waverly uh you need to make sure you're in a safe place if you're watching us on facebook live take your phone with you make sure you get your safe place you can also watch us on the ios news now app blackhawk county okay so let's go ahead we'll do it for blackhawk county so it's been extended yes gotcha okay go ahead and just give me some of the you got a sarah if you want to read some of the info on the warning there yeah sure so the now the tornado warning goes for a blackhawk bremer and butler until 6pm so it has been extended a half hour there still moving a little bit faster now moving east at 45 miles per hour that's kind of how it's tracking and it will continue to push into that region so again if you're in any of those counties in that polygon be sure that you are taking cover you saw those images from nathan that could drop a tornado at any time within seconds there as well you can kind of see the radar pulling up behind me here if we can take max too full and see what that looks like again that's the storm that we are tracking a severe thunderstorm tacking along with it you can see again kind of the velocity there you're seeing the reds and the greens moving towards and away from the radar that's where that tornado is going to be as it continues to extend further into black hawk county right now it just says bremer and butler it hasn't been updated yet correct uh it doesn't look like it will be updated here momentarily um and again it does go until 6 p.m so we're here for a little bit longer and we're also seeing those storms off in the central portion of iowa start to track into our region too so we're kind of watching two select areas at this time again that one that we are focused on is that confirmed tornado thank you to meteorologist nathan santo domingo for tracking that that is moving again has been extended now into blackhawk bremer and butler counties you can see that velocity right there again a pretty strong what we call rotation or a couplet there that will continue to be a threat and really have the potential to drop down a tornado at any time i think meteorologist nick stewart does have the reflectivity up if you want to give it a go yeah sure also read my mind again thank you very much double box there again we're watching this storm live right now that's what it looks like from the ground we have weather first meteorologist nathan sanchez amigo now fighting some trees uh but he was able to confirm to us that there was a tornado in progress and that's why the tornado warning is now what we call observed if you're watching us from cedar rapids down to iowa city manchester over to dubuque for now no threat to you immediately but we are watching these storms slowly approach from the northwest and west these will continue to move in our general direction as we go throughout the evening so we do have a new trend warning and did you see that pop up with the very latest let's go ahead and zoom in here that was kind of a no-brainer as we watched that unfold live again here's that new tornado warning if we can take radar full really briefly just to kind of give everybody an update on what's happening with the new tornado warning again this new tornado warning does include waverly janesville denver chipotle this continues to move off to the east again that continues to ride right along state highway three this is ever so slowly moving off to the east about 30 miles an hour is that still 30 uh the speed there 45 now okay so it's speeding up just a little bit so let's go ahead and do a quick um update on the actual speed of the storm to see how fast it's moving and kind of some of the air is impacted we'll say 50 to be conservative right now it's probably right near waverly we'll take it off to the east again these are some very rough timelines so it is in waverly pretty much right now denver by 535 nidal by 539 redland by about uh 5 41. uh nathan looks like he has another tornado there he's getting in line uh let's take that full appears to be a tornado in progress there ah the image freeze okay there we go that appears to be tornado in progress yeah go go for nathan yeah tornado still in progress lots of lightning with this as well again the condensation not always making it to the ground but visibly we can see that circulation all the way down to the ground this is getting dangerously close we are just to the south of shell rock just to the south of shell rock this tornado is very very close if you are not already in shell rock any areas downstream towards waverly you need to be in that safe place right now it keeps lifting and then keeps producing keeps lifting keeps producing don't go outside and try to see this thing we're in a very safe position right now get inside that safe zone right now again we did have lofted debris for a time it does look like that main condensation funnel has lifted for the time being but again these these little vortices spinning around this massive wall cloud continue to touch down and spin along the ground so continue to keep an eye on this lots of lightning as well that's in danger in and of itself so uh folks head to that safe place right now nick back to you at the radar all right thank you nathan also by the way make sure you're recording on the road and make sure we have that uh the the stream deck and they're recording uh right now again we do the tornado warning which does continue for this is northern blackhawk county also is now moving into bremer and butler counties so just the far eastern portions of that and then moving into areas like waverly over towards redland so you might be hearing sirens you might be getting alerts to your phone from the waterloo area you are not under a warning in waterloo waterloo you are a-okay we'll kind of tune down here a little bit cedar falls you are fine as well the waterloo metro is fine from the storm for the time being however the main severe threat is with this tornado warning again you're watching a confirmed tornado may have lifted now but it's been popping up and down confirmed training on moving into more of our area really again briemer butler and blackhawk counties that trend of warning now continues until six o'clock the other threat with this storm is some large hail but really the main threat here is the tornado we might see hail up to maybe quarter a half dollar at largest but again the trail threat is of most concern here appears to be very very close to waverly so janesville again it's getting very close to you as well janesville make sure you're in a safe place waverly that new direction now moving a little bit more east southeast it's kind of breaking away from that outflow boundary that will help it stay more discreet so again that's a concern here waverly janesville over to redland that storm does continue to move off to the east at 45 miles an hour so it is picking up speed just a little bit there again the right side of your screen that is a live picture from weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo he's live in the road warrior tonight he is tracking this storm he's underneath this tornado warning here um either sarah or rebecca do you have any reports coming in or anything uh coming in from the weather service chat yeah the only new thing again is nathan did spot that tornado we have it live here again that report did come from him himself so we do have that tracking continuously it is confirmed when you see that color on our screen change to that pink purple that means it is on the ground and it is confirmed and it was extended just minutes ago if you're just coming in now it is now for blackhawk bremer and butler counties until 6 p.m so we got about a half hour more tracking this storm and it could of course get extended as it does look to continue to strengthen one thing to note though is it is moving a little bit faster when we originally cut in for this storm was moving about 30 miles per hour but now we're looking at it moving about 45 miles per hour we do have kind of a good image showing from nathan santo domingo there we go we can take that full there some damage i don't know if this was associated with it from uh where they were but there's some trees down here and there's some people outside so nathan do you want to go ahead and take it yeah we are at where 250th and woods avenue here uh just to be south of shell rock we have a tree down definitely looks like some damage to the corn crop as well we have people out here monitoring things it doesn't appear that this is any accident it's just it's just people out here keeping an eye on the storm again this we have a tree down right here so there has been some damage done by the tornado john what do you mark what are you pointing at here it looks like there might be a little bit of damage to the house as well we lit we just stumbled upon this as we were following again this tornado worn storm it doesn't appear that the tornado is currently on the ground we've kind of lost some of that oh look is this uh looks like uh even some more tree and eat perhaps even some i can't tell if that's new or old or not but perhaps maybe a little bit of shingles ripped off the roof here as well again just stumbling upon this some tree damage uh looks like maybe some minor damage to the building as well uh so definitely uh we have some confirmation here that this tornado uh did indeed touch down here just to the uh south of shell rock back to you guys in the studio hey uh nathan if you can repeat that location yeah we'll kind of pass that along to the weather service can you repeat that intersection you're at yeah it's 250th street and woods avenue 250th and woods just south of shell rock maybe about a half mile south of town fantastic thank you so much stay safe out there and we'll keep tuning in with you feel free to again chime in whenever you guys have more uh information to share again we do have this tornado warning does continue for northern blackhawk county much of butler county far portions of eastern bremer county as well again riedland will be kind of one of the next times they'll be impacted by this storm passing very close to waverly looks like the circulation is passing very very close to janesville as well let's go ahead and pop the velocity view back on we'll do a quick kind of update here so right now we're kind of in this area where it's very difficult to see these storms we have the weather radar up in la crosse wisconsin that's what you're looking at right now or we have the radar over towards des moines it's right in the middle of those two radars either way they're showing a similar story pretty good indication of rotation here passing either on top of or very close to waverly yeah if you want a double box again looks like he might have some more damage there i guess it looks like we have some power lines there so definitely some indications that this storm has produced some damage whether it's from the tornado itself which we did see happen or if it might have been the rfd wrapping on the back side of the storm hard to say uh for certainty right now but obviously we're looking at some damage there with this storm again this is very close to shell rock south side of shell rock so as this storm approaches waverly and janesville just want to make sure you treat it with respect because it does have a history of producing damage right now if you look at the radar view circulation is at 88 miles an hour again one of the stronger indications of rotation we've seen so far this evening passing either on top of or very very close to waverly reedland will be the next place they'll be impacted this storm really does just hugging highway 3 as it moves towards that area we'll pop the radar view back on we'll do a bit of a closer look at this storm and again as it continues to move down highway three rieland next impacted they got janesville dunkerton as well don't continue to want to watch this storm what we have seen happen with this storm over the last about 30 minutes is that the storm sped up it went from 30 miles an hour to 45 miles an hour also it appears its direction has changed a little bit as well was moving east northeast now moving east southeast that's helping it tap into more instability helping it tap into more wind shear and so this may be a long-lived storm we have to see exactly how it plays out if you remember earlier this morning in far eastern iowa we had some severe weather earlier so the environment not as ripe as it is uh further off to the west either way though confirmed tornado with this storm not too long ago hard to say if it's occurring right now but we do know it has produced damage feel free to go back to the double box again we do have that damage by the first meteorologist nathan sanchez domingo on the ground there again this is south of shell rock this is near the waverly area you can see power lines down we had some potential damage to buildings some roof damage some shingles removed as well as tree damage so we do have at least some confirmed reports of damage with this storm meteorologist sarah flynn if any updates coming in your way from weather service yeah not quite you did mention that it is speeding up again it used to be going about 30 35 miles per hour now going 45 miles per hour and starting to adjust a little bit going east even hinting at moving down to the south so we could see eventually that be a little bit extended into blackhawk county but for now it's really just kind of nicking the northern or the northwestern point of that county if we can take the graphics full there again it is a confirmed tornado on the ground we did have we do have nathan out there continuing to track it it could spin up and spin down but regardless it only takes a moment's notice for it to really touch down and we do have all of the ingredients throughout eastern iowa and central iowa that could continue to produce these tornadoes i think it's worth mentioning that it's not just going to be a day where we have one of these short-lived warnings that doesn't produce we have several tornadoes already reported towards the central portion of iowa and one you just saw here in waverly as meteorologist nathan santo domingo continues to track it he did see some damage there but again continuing to track east or southeast i'll time this out for you a little bit moving at about 45 miles per hour so tracking it down a little bit further that way again this is some of those are a little bit of a stretch for the most part but again we're looking at redland at about 5 50 p.m again this morning does extend until about 6 pm so it could continue from there but at least for the next 20 to 25 minutes we will be here with you unless it really gets canceled but we do continue to see it strengthen as it continues to push east it could hit areas of fairbank right after 6 p.m now we're kind of headed a little bit more into blackhawk county if it does continue to strengthen for now though waverly almost in the clear on the back end of this storm now headed a little bit further off to the east in a rural area but still if you're in that polygon or even in those counties be sure you're getting into that safe space and taking the storm seriously as you can see it right there from nathan santo domingo i'm not sure if he has any update of what's happening with this storm nathan hey sarah we've uh we like you said this storm was um speeding up here and so um we we kind of stopped here to make sure that everyone was was okay we were able to chat and the rain is starting to come down here we were able to chat with some people who who saw the storm and as it continues to push off to the east um and they say that no one was in the house that they're aware of uh when the tornado rolled through but they did confirm that they saw the tornado touched down and did see debris get lofted in the air it's not clear exactly how wide the tornado was at the point where it uh where it crossed this road and again this is woods avenue you're looking up woods avenue to the north with all these downed uh power lines on them and uh you can see there's at least three lines here that are down the line that's immediately to behind us to the left is currently standing up straight so it's not clear if you know the the third pole or even slightly that fourth pole that you see way down there if those are just kind of pulled down as the result of uh just the the wires getting tugged uh but it does look like that this was at least you know um you know at least probably 50 to 100 yards um wide as it came through here sorry a truck going by me here so it did get a little bit noisy here so we're going to continue to uh push off to the west here again we just wanted to check in here make sure everyone was okay i don't think we're gonna be able to get uh back caught up with that tornado worn storm uh we're gonna we're gonna do our best and then probably drop down towards uh waterloo as these storms trying to get lined up here and eventually move down the 380 corridor so again just to the south of shell rock is where this tornado damage confirmed tornado damage eyewitness reports tell us that there was a tornado that did move through here and cause this damage we're going to go ahead and try and keep back up with this and stay ahead of the severe weather threat here as it moves down the 380 corridor live out here near shell rock meteorologist nathan santo domingo back to you guys in the studio all right fantastic reporting there nathan thank you so so much for that again we do have reports of confirmed toronto still near the waverly area i do believe uh weather first meteorologist rebecca copeland has a new update on there she's also been monitoring social media uh what do you have uh regarding the current storm right now yeah there are a couple of spotters out there still so we do have if we can actually go to max 2 and i can show you the rotation that's occurring there and you can see the uh we're kind of in between radars as nick was telling you earlier but the bright reds and that kind of blue we're seeing there the national weather service says at 5 35 so that was five minutes ago a spotter was still reporting a tornado on the ground producing damage two miles south of waverly so now it's just to the southeast of waverly where that rotation is occurring currently and that is where we would have the tornado if it is indeed still on the ground and that is the area of concern now so pass to the south of the city of waverly and they're saying debris lofted in the air so that is indicating that it is doing some damage that could just be to of course uh you know we can hope a field or something like that we've obviously seen some house damage there too so as far as we know there is a tornado on the ground all right thank you so much for that i do want to chime in real quick we do have a new tornado warning this is for floyd county technically what we call one of our bonus counties we don't cover them completely during severe weather events but it's worth noting that we do have this tornado warning for floyd county and this is approaching areas like new hampton so just keep an eye on this storm as it's moving off in your direction this could be a threat here in the times to come otherwise again our main threat for the time being in our area northern blackout county again far northern blackhawk county this does not include waterloo or cedar falls and by the way if we do the double thank you very much uh we are watching that storm right now again as it moves through bremer and northern blackhawk county that does appear to be more substantial damage there again this will be between probably shell rock and waverly we'll let nathan try and get some more information there uh but it does appear to be more damage there to some farm building some outbuildings like some roof damage tree damage yeah this looks like a this definitely looks more like tornado damage here uh that's definitely of some concern looks like we have crop damage so definitely something did pass through the area there you can see some damage there in the field some debris in the field again this um would be likely near waverly so as the storm approached waverly this storm definitely did produce some damage you can see some debris in the field the crop the corn crop looks like it's been pretty flattened we do have again we're watching this with you guys at home too watching it live with you as well again we're looking at more tree debris more damage debris in the fields we have first responders on scene again we have power lines down as well again this is near waverly shell rock waverly area this is where there was a confirmed tornado you watched it live here in iowa's news now and again it did definitely produce damage as the storm continues to move through uh we did have reports of within the last seven minutes that this tornado was still on the ground near waverly so go ahead sir since then we've gotten one at 5 37 and another one at 5 39 so it seems like this storm is really touching down lifting back up kind of what you saw on air with nathan earlier tonight but still confirmed because it is touching down and lifting back up that's why you see that pink or purple box on your screen rather than that red it is confirmed at this time one thing to note though that the national weather service is also saying here is as we kind of see this line of storms start to turn a little bit more down to the southwest or southeast instead of directly east it is a concern for some of those bigger areas they did mention that areas west and northwest of cedar rapids should be prepared for some strong storms still the potential of a tornado as the ingredients are all in there as we go about the next couple of hours so although it's in the clear for now and really we are just focused on that blackhawk region butler bremer counties towards waverly up there it is going to we're going to see these storms continue to push across our region and continue to really be a threat for the next couple of hours here nick again you're looking at damage this is live pictures uh near the waverly area we do have weather first meteorologist nathan sanchmingo if he's available i'd love to hear from him just talk about some of the damage that he's seeing it does look like more power lines down trees damage nathan take it away yeah so um we're definitely not going to be keeping up with this storm we have power lines down laying across the road so we cannot get any further here we're probably going to have to do a little bit of detouring here to get back and try and get out and back uh towards the waterloo area to try and stay out ahead of this a little bit of a wrinkle here when you have tornado damage here but i mean this is just some widespread damage this is probably you know back when we were about 20 30 minutes ago and i said we have confirmed lofted debris here the corn stalks are just completely bent over unfortunately i mean just look at how laid down and damaged they are hopefully they're able to recover but also pieces of farm equipment laying out in the corn field as well we're trying to do a little bit of a maneuver here to try and get back and going so we can go ahead but again yeah this road here uh i can give you the road that we're on i believe we're still on a two 250th so yeah we hadn't really gone far and we were trying to see if we could maybe uh squeeze our way through there but the line is completely across the road so no luck for us we're gonna have to double back here and deal with a little bit of uh heavy rainfall so thank you uh mark in the front seat here for being a bit of a trooper unfortunately it does look like there was some significant damage here done by this confirmed tornado uh just to the south of shell rock nick we'll send it back to you in the studio okay right now we do have a new tornado warning well actually we have this tournament for floyd county however it's now a confirmed tornado you're seeing what's happening today every storm that forms is producing tornadoes we've seen this much across the state of iowa so far any storm that can remain discreet like this so we do have a new confirmed tornado warning this does include floyd county again this does approach rockford over to nora springs to charles city so charles city we now have a report of a confirmed tornado heading in your direction in charles city meteorologist sarah flynn i think he had some more information from the weather service go ahead and let us know about that yeah so this was a tornado warning before now it is confirmed we're seeing that pink box show up once again a lot of these being confirmed today the ingredients are there it is going to be a big tornado evening here for the next couple of hours as conditions are really favorable for it right now the weather service is saying it's near nora springs which you can see that just kind of in the corner the upper northeastern corner of this polygon but will continue to move pretty quickly there let me double check how quickly this storm is moving right now but we do know that again it is moving east could it tilt down to the southeast that's kind of the concern as we go about the night if these storms will eventually reach that point but really quick here let me see how quickly it is moving i apologize for the delay moving east at 35 miles per hour so similar to the other storm moving a little bit slower there we are seeing that hail threat with it a little bit a lot of times we look for that hail core or those pinks and reds popping up towards the center of that storm but of course the main threat with this right now is that observed tornado on the ground last updated in norris springs haven't seen any updates since that point but something we will continue to track out there nick thank you very much for that again this new warning does continue until 6 15. this is about the northern half of floyd county does include charles city and rockford and nora springs and north springs where that reported tornado was let's go ahead we'll take a wider view we'll kind of just set the scene for you all a lot of people may be watching not a lot is happening at home right now in fact if you're in city rapids iowa city washington towards sigourney tama vinton independence manchester not a lot is happening for the time being but we are watching this line start to form one thing we've talked about this evening is that the tornado threat would be early on and then things may transition more into a wind threat as we go through the rest of the evening and by that you're going to start seeing this line of storms begin to congeal into well more of a stronger line as opposed to individual discrete storms so we are watching these storms very closely let's go ahead and do an update on this storm here in uh again this is southern bremer or excuse me southern bremer county as far as northern blackhawk county again we do have live pictures from this storm if we just want a double box that you guys can do at any given point again weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo trying to get ahead of the storm uh once again but we did have some reports of trying to still near the waverly area as that does continue to move off towards redland that'll be one of the next places impacted by this storm as of now we're assuming this is still producing a tornado the last report we have is that the storm is producing a tornado you can see there on the right side of your screen there is some damage you're seeing at least tree debris there but earlier nathan was at a spot where there was home debris there was farmstead debris machine sheds a lot of crop damage as well as power lines down so this storm has a history of producing damage let's go ahead we'll kind of do a bit of a closer look at the storm i'm going to go ahead and look at the velocity view here and we'll kind of look at trying to see where the exact air of rotation is if there is any good news it appears that the rotation isn't as strong as it once was i'll kind of dance between the radar sites which looking at here is from des moines off to the southwest and if i move it up here you're looking from la crosse wisconsin up the northeast two different radar sites it's right in the middle of it which makes it more difficult to really know what's happening but thankfully we do have spotters like nathan out there who is actually telling exactly what's happening so we can tell you air circulation probably very close to riedlin again this continues to move off to the east and southeast still hugging highway 3. highway 3 is kind of where the storm has been riding along this entire time and just the south of highway 3. looks like the storm is starting to approach the highway 3 and highway 281 intersection these are the state routes uh it just recently passed us 63. so it appears to be now east of u.s 63 and unfortunately that radar image appears to be strengthening once again it does appear the storm may be uh cycling getting its act together and is trying to maybe produce another tornado so just south of redland we're now looking at that circulation of 78 miles an hour so again there's some pretty quick rotation in this storm based on that imagery i wouldn't be surprised if we do see another tornado warning extended here in the short term so areas like old wine and dunkerton those are kind of the next places impacted aside from breedland which is under it right now i wanted to look at the radar view and what you'll notice that the storm it's it's not as discreet it's not you know by itself as much as it was before it's starting to become more of a line and as this line begins to build we start losing the tornado potential however the wind threat begins to increase and so the tornado threat more confined wind threat can be more widespread so we're definitely not done by any stretch of the imagination here i do want to look at the watch warnings advisories just kind of a wider view of what's all happening here do camera view we'll do dma home which is our viewing area and what you'll see here again is that tornado watch in yellow this continues until nine o'clock tonight so we do have this tornado watch does continue till nine o'clock iowa county up to benton county and again this does continue to move off to the east so cedar rapids iowa city you're not done yet we're still talking about the potential for severe weather as we go through the evening we do have two confirmed tornado warnings currently in progress that does include floyd county floyd county is technically just outside of our area but because it's approaching our area we do want to give them some love as well so again right now there is potential for tornado heading towards charles city and if the storm maintains itself it will start heading over towards new hampton i want to pop the radar view again this is just how much rain or maybe hail is falling and what you'll see different here is that this storm is more isolated it's more by itself and that's more concerning in terms of the tornado threat again this approaching charles city we'll pop the velocity view on and not as defined as perhaps the other storm off towards the south and east but there's some indication there of rotation kind of happening with this storm likely just west of charles city but we know that this storm has a history of producing tornadoes i'll pop the storm reports on you can see that was in far northwestern floyd county there let me kind of dance down to the south and you can see the storm down here has a big history of producing tornadoes right through the waverly area this has multiple confirmed reports one of the first if not the first was when we you guys watched it live here on iowa's news now let's again if we can double box we do have weather first meteorologist nathan sancho domingo appears to perhaps be driving to the waverly area right now would be my guess he's kind of kind of keeping an eye on the storm kind of in the behind it now he was definitely surveying some damage out there you see a lot of water on the road as well that's definitely of concern just how much rain is falling this area is in drought and the problem is you might think you want torrential rainfall but because the ground is so hard it can't get absorbed into the ground so you're seeing runoff in the streets and things so flash flooding may become a concern as we see more and more and more of these storms kind of move through but again you can see there have been multiple reports of those tornadoes and there's a shell rock okay so using shell rock right now so that's live view from shell rock it looks like we do have a new tornado warning now that's just been issued here for riedlin so let's go ahead and pop the radar view back on we'll give you guys a better look at this storm coming in you can see this is still a confirmed report it's in purple which means this has a history of producing tornadoes a very updated look shows us it does have it is producing china right now so again it's approaching reedland right now if not on top of you again moving to the east 12 miles east of waverly moving a lot quicker now at 55 miles per hour 55 okay see that storm is definitely motoring uh go ahead if you want to just kind of talk about the radar vehicle i'll kind of step out of your frame here yeah sure so taking a look at kind of regrouping these storms a lot has happened within the last couple of minutes here we've gotten a lot of updates to this ongoing tornado threat again now you see two boxes here it really just has been extended we did kind of suspect that that would happen but the second one now again goes until six goes a little bit past it goes until 6 30 p.m i apologize i thought it was 6 15. 6 30 p.m again tracking that hail threat with it as well it is moving a lot faster though that's something we've continued to see with these storms this one now moving about 55 miles per hour now we're hearing that that tornado confirmed spotter saw it over denver so again we saw a track kind of wait kind of its way through waverly now moving east a little bit more southeast and will continue to push in that direction so if you're along anywhere of 260th street here riedlin as you continue it's just out of the it's just north of blackhawk county i should say but really if you're along highway 3 anywhere make sure you're getting into that safe space if you're within that polygon it is going to continue to track east concerns are looking at all wine not in that not in that polygon right now but definitely we'll see some of these storms push through if not this tornado warning getting extended now i do kind of want to regroup a little bit we did have some severe thunderstorm warnings extended don't want to leave them out but again those tornadoes are the biggest threat right now that severe thunderstorm warning in the waterloo area for blackhawk bremer butler and grundy counties that one is producing 60 mile per hour winds so certainly a damaging thunderstorm coming along with it that continues again for about 35 minutes until 6 30 p.m a new one kind of far off in our western area for grundy and hardin that one similar 60 mile per hour winds likely going to see those storms continue to track and of course we do have this confirmed tornado up in floyd county as well not seeing any updates on that rebecca i don't know if you've seen anything else come in no but i would go to the if you want to go to the velocity on that it's getting a little funky um there it goes okay so you can see there's some strong rotation on going there and then if we can go down to our southern storm near redland and that is where you also see the strong rotation these big bright greens and reds coming together that is indicating rotation so it is possible there could be a tornado still on the ground uh we have not had any confirmation uh of that at least in the last couple of minutes perhaps they said in denver there was confirmation now that's heading to the east would be really south of reedland if there was a tornado heading toward fairbank just north of highway 218 there so not had anything else come but the weather service is still saying observed in their warning so we're going to treat it as if there is still a tornado on the ground yeah and one thing to note with this storm too is it's really been a system that has dropped a tornado then lifted again dropping on and off you kind of saw that with nathan earlier seems like it's still doing that situation we saw that report near denver again tracking towards the riedland area up to the north though with this floyd county storm the latest confirmation we do have was right around 5 55 p.m south of 180th in floyd county you can start to see some of those storm reports pop up there as well but we do see that strong rotation with it with the velocity again right here paying attention closely to that storm as it continues to move a little bit north of the charles city area nick i'm not sure if you have any more updates that you want to talk about with the radar yeah sure obviously that's a very concerning site there that's a pretty strong indication of rotation just southwest of floyd heading towards charles city again technically speaking floyd county is outside of our core viewing area but some people may be able to get us over the air and so that's why we're letting you know what's coming with this storm again there's a report of a tornado approaching charles city we did just have that report fairly recently within the last three minutes so that's how you know that the threat level continues with these storms we'll put a velocity track around it you can see is rotating at 62 miles an hour right now located just southwest of floyd and just west northwest of charles city this is going to come very close to floyd if you are in floyd you want to make sure in your safe place lowest level of a home put as many walls between you and the outside as possible if you are in charles city you want to do the same the storm continues to track ever so slowly off to the east so charles city will be in play here relatively soon i do want to pop down put the radar view back on i want to pop down just off to our south here with this new tornado or attorney warning which continues again this is for breemer county and blackhawk counties far northern blackhawk county so again waterloo you're not under a tornado warning but you are under a severe thunderstorm warning so we can still talk about some wind damage trees going down power lines going down want to make sure you get away from windows if you're in the waterloo area but thankfully the trailer threat is to your north you're going to be okay over in the waterloo area what i do want to do also is kind of look maybe try and get some live cameras here i do have quite a few cameras i know in the waterloo metro we're going to see if this works we'll do live cameras we'll see what it looks like in the waterloo metro right now this may take a second to load you can see we got one camera here by cedar falls may take a second to pop in here this is right through the heart of cedar falls where there is some construction ongoing you can see some pretty heavy rain falling there doesn't appear to be very windy i think the worst of the wind is probably now off to your east in the cedar falls area let's jump down towards waterloo we'll jump towards the downtown area of waterloo some brighter skies there we're likely looking off to the south this is right downtown u.s 218 at 8th street you can see the rains coming down there nothing too bad for the time being we'll jump down to like highway 20. and again you can see traffic is moving along fine we do have some rain falling uh there maybe some issues with hydroplaning and things like that but at least the trail threat is off to your north and if you are just joining us it's six o'clock you're watching iowa's news now at six o'clock and the news continues to be weather we are tracking severe weather as it moves through eastern iowa let's do an update well we'll start right here with a brand new trainer warning which has just been issued now this does include fayette county this is now radar indicated we haven't had any recent reports of a trend with this storm but now old wine you are now in that tornado warning this new tornado warning does continue until 6 45 this from the national weather service in la crosse do you want to pull up the velocity view here and i do want to kind of show you that there is some rotation with this storm maybe just southeast of redland or very close to ridland that is going to continue to move off to the east you have highway 3 state highway 3 right here that storm continues to ride right down highway three now entering parts of fayette county so fayette county will be under the gun with this storm we'll put the gate to gates here that's how much the spin is in the atmosphere again this very close to ridland it's down a little bit i think this may be a little off i do think it looks stronger than what the this number actually is but again you can see that rotation likely passing just to the north of dunkerton but that is a new tornado warning there let's do a wider view across eastern iowa a lot of people may be tuning in from cedar rapids iowa city down to the south of washington towards sigourney what we can tell you is that you guys are fine for the time being we do have the main severe weather threat off the northwest but keep in mind these storms are moving east southeast so in due time we're talking about areas like tema benton county linn county also delaware buchanan counties you're kind of next in line here watching these storms they begin to develop offshore west and northwest the tornado threat may be dying down just a little bit it's not as high as was earlier but we still do have multiple tornado warnings in progress in fact a brand new trend of warning here i was just talking about the potential threat there in tima county sure enough here we are so we have a new trend of warning here for tema county uh we knew this day was going to probably be a long one and uh sure enough here we are we now have three individual tornado warned storms that we're watching so we'll jump down here towards tama county yeah this storm looks a little bit more concerning what you can kind of notice is there's nothing south of it the inflow is right here this is your hook that is your spin in the atmosphere just leaving marshall county this will be heading into tama county here in the short term so treyarch buckingham darwin and gladbrook you're kind of going to be next in line as this trend of warning continues to move off to the east this new warning for tama county in our area does continue now until 6 45 so we're likely to be on here for quite some time here that's going to be a long night these storms are going to continue to likely produce spin ups quick rotations and potential tornadoes as they move off to the east let's go ahead and look at the velocity view of this storm again this is approaching tama county western tama county and there's a pretty good indication of rotation right there just west northwest of garwin southwest of gladbrook will pop the rotational view on there 69 miles an hour so there's definitely some spin in the atmosphere that's a pretty strong indication of rotation one of the stronger indications we've seen so far this evening again this moving into tama county here in the short term let's go ahead and do one more thing and then we'll pass it over to sarah but real quick i do want to just talk about the tornado watch which does continue for a pretty good portion of our area that does continue until nine o'clock tonight you can see all the counties in yellow that is that tornado watch until nine o'clock also d.c we have a new warning there in northwestern buchanan county sarah if you give us the latest there yeah let's go for a quick update on kind of what's going on there's a lot of new warnings coming in it's affecting a lot of our area now so if you're just hopping in just to reset what is happening we do have several warnings obviously in place if we take a look and zoom in on some of these tornado warnings only two right now are confirmed this one right here last confirmed rebecca i think said about 542 we saw it 542 around the denver area that's the one that they had been mentioning in that warning right that was the one that was tracking east from waverly now we're not seeing complete confirmation of anything on the ground but we do have a radar indicated tornado warning now moving into the fayette area looking at hail above that one inch mark it goes until 6 45 pm so although nothing confirmed be sure to take it seriously and again this storm is moving east at 30 miles per hour the other tornado warning or confirmed tornado i should say that we have is up near charles city or just north of charles city this one is for floyd county county kind of on the fringe of our area this one is observed and we are getting a decent amount of reports coming in at least through the social media of seeing this one did touch down on the ground we can take a look at kind of what the velocity looks like with this still a pretty strong couplet there again just down to the southeast of floyd north of charles city but really kind of on the fringe of there as well so definitely a strong storm coming in there so those are our biggest threats we do now have a new tornado warning down for tama county this is kind of moving a little bit towards the cedar rapids metro this is kind of what the weather service was hinting at earlier today as these storms continue to push down to the south this one is for blackhawk grundy marshall and tama counties goes for about 45 minutes here until 6 45. still radar indicated i believe at this time but really something that we do continue to track and while we're here uh if we could go to the scan do the weather scan do we do have a picture of a funnel cloud and this is a storm chaser who is saying that a tornado possibly coming down so some lowering occurring here near the marshalltown area so definitely a funnel there hard to say if it's exactly coming down to the ground right now but there's certainly some strong indication of rotation on the radar as well and that would be moving into tama county and this storm is moving pretty pretty rapidly here i believe last time i checked it was at about 50 miles per hour so really these storms do tend to strengthen and pick up speed and continue to push across eastern iowa let me double check on that speed as of right now as things have kind of gotten updated here but yeah moving east at 50 miles per hour so let's time out this storm as it is pushing in to tama county the marshalltown area and see exactly where we can expect that to continue so right now we're looking at it again kind of near that gladbrook area one of the bigger towns that it could impact here shortly trail we're looking at just before that 6 30 p.m hour and it will continue into the further eastern area but again it does go until 6 45 after that could be extended but we'll continue to see how this storm does strengthen over the next few minutes here checking on the velocity as well it does look pretty strong as well the one up to the north that did have that confirmed tornado definitely a little bit stronger but a concerning image that we do see pop up here as this really continues to push directly into our area and some of those more populated areas there as well now i don't want to leave out the severe thunderstorm warnings again the main threat is going to be those tornadoes but that severe thunderstorm warning does continue really into that waterloo area we're looking at the threats of obviously that hail those winds upwards of about 60 to 70 miles per hour at times and in addition we're looking at the potential for some flash flooding which you saw earlier with meteorologist nathan santo domingo and this storm has been extended a little bit north of the independence area we see that severe thunderstorm warning now in buchanan county until about 6 45 p.m but those threats do remain as those tornado warnings nick i'm not sure if you want to provide a quick update on what's happening with those yeah it's going to be kind of one of those days where we have multiple warnings we're going to be jumping from storm to storm to storm because there's a lot of threats in eastern iowa tonight you're looking at a live view on the right side of the screen that's why the first meteorologist nathan sanchez miguel he's tracking storms earlier again we do have reports of damage that we saw we saw the turn of touchdown live here uh what the first meteorologist um rebecca coleman if you kind of want to talk about some of those pictures i know we do have some pictures available on a weather scandi if you can kind of talk through some of those yeah so you know we we do want to make note that these tornadoes have been doing damage these storms have been doing damage this is from the road warrior i kind of just snapped this images nathan was out this way this was around the shell rock area just south of shell rock at 250th street and woods we've passed this along to the national weather service too but there was tree damage there there was also damage to the home there possibly and then nathan also took this picture and just down the street basically of the power lines that have come down the trees that were taken down as a result so we do have damage that has been reported we also have now just this area in floyd county that has also had some damage reported there and then out to our west of course near lake city iowa there were reports of damage so one more thing i want to pass along to you nick is that marshalltown multiple reports of funnel cloud um near green mountain around 170th and wallace avenue and they're just watching that rotation there and it looks like we do have a new tornado warning for chickasaw county now as well kind of hey so that was uh up towards the north we're talking about that floyd storm how that may start moving into our area so let's do a quick recep we do have a lot happening here a lot of tornado warnings popping off and reports of damage so a lot of people are going to complain that we're going to start running into some evening programming here it's a good possibility keep in mind we have damage to people's property we're trying to keep people safe because we want to get ahead of that right now because big brother is on it that's a big problem all right let's talk about what we have going up here again we have this new tornado warning here for chickasaw county also observed yeah you can see that again and put on that kind of that pink color that's how we know that this storm is confirmed so again this is very close to charles city just to the east of charles city if not on top of charles city and that's going to continue to move off to the east we have u.s 18 right here as it moves towards new hampton it's going to basically ride right along that again chickasaw county as it heads towards new hampton i want to pop the velocity view back on here you can kind of see that image is kind of chaos looks like there's some more aliasing issues there so we'll go away from that for now but keep in mind the rotation probably far eastern floyd county moving off now into chickasaw county this is a confirmed tornado now heading near chickasaw into new hampton this will be riding right along u.s 218. so again this is another area of concern we have multiple reports of confirmed tornadoes in progress thankfully we're not aware of any significant injuries but we do have damage to homes to cropland to farmsteads as well again we're going to be jumping around this trend warning for far eastern floyd county into central parts of chickasaw county this does continue until 7 15. does include new hampton to chickasaw this will be a long-lived event here all right let's talk about the other storms going on we'll do a wide view start off very wide we also have this tornado warning which does continue for fayette county as well as this tornado warning here in tama county so now we'll jump down to uh we'll go to the fayette county storm uh this storm doesn't look as impressive as it did but keep in mind this is the storm that produced the tornadoes over in waverly so it does have a history of producing tornadoes again this tornado warning continues for fayette county until 6 45. keep mine old wine you're going to be in the path of this tornado unfortunately you have a recent history of tornadoes including just last year march of last year march 28th you have that trying to go through all wine so you're unfortunately very well aware of the tornado threat fairbank probably passing very close to you again if you're in this polygon this tornado warning polygon you want to make sure you're in the innermost part of a home but as many walls between you and the outside as possible get to a basement if you have it if you're in a mobile or manufactured home it's best you leave that to find better structure mobile homes they're not very sturdy they're great housing they're not very sturdy though and very strong winds including tornadoes so want to make sure you can get to a safe place maybe a neighbor down the road or something like that so that's that training warning there in fayette county we'll now jump down to our other tornado warning this one now for tema county if you can see it we have a new update here it's flashing which means we do have some more information on that this is still a radar indicated as meteorologist rebecca coleman was showing you not too long ago we have funnel clouds reported with the storm we have pictures of funnel cloud so this storm also has a history of producing at least tornadic circulation so there's some potential there this tornado warning for northern tama county that continues until 6 45 that's moving off to the east as well now the city of tema itself on the bottom of your screen is not in the warning however garwin over trayer that is in the tornado warning again once again want to make sure you're as low as you can be in your house maybe grab a bicycle helmet cover yourself with blankets because unfortunately we have many reports of confirmed tornadoes today this is not the day to be lackadaisical about these warnings we do know that they have a history of producing tornadoes so you want to make sure you treat them very seriously want to pop on the velocity view right here again you can see there's a little bit more spin there there's still some spin here in the atmosphere it's not as clear-cut as it was before unfortunately we continue to have these aliasing issues this is a weather service problem not an us problem but there's definitely some issues there with the radar either way though you can still kind of tell there's something funky going on here north of garwin that continues to ride down highway 96 uh where it does meet up with us 63. uh weather first yep go right ahead yeah we do have a couple more watches coming in the tornado watch has been extended further east as excited if you want to go to backs too i have it up on max 2 there so we can see perfect that's been extended until midnight now and that includes cedar rapids iowa city dubuque it's been pushed down to the south and east yeah that does continue again until midnight as these storms do continue to track across the area we already have had several tornadoes touched down across the state the last few hours several tornado warnings in our area right now as well i'll give you kind of a quick overview of what's happening on if we can jump back to max one really quick here i'll show you kind of a quick overview of what we're looking at so we do have a couple different tornadoes the main threat that we are looking at right now is this one furthest to the north in this pink purpley box that is a confirmed tornado right now or one that was confirmed near charles city and continues to track towards the new hampton area it really is riding right along highway 24 so if you're on that highway get off you know someone on that highway make sure to get into that safe space quickly here this storm is moving fairly quickly a lot of them are picking up speed but again the velocity isn't the best area to show but we are seeing some rotation with this storm especially again kind of near or north of that charles city or i should say near or east of that charles city area the second tornado warning or of the three that we are tracking is now moving into that old wine area and that's the one that we are seeing that pretty steady rotation with it will continue to push east all these are really pushing east but the threat with these storms today is that they're continuing to move down to the south too and that's what we're seeing in tama county nothing confirmed with this one yet haven't seen anything come through the chat but regardless it is a tornado warning take it seriously and it's also important to note that even if a tornado isn't confirmed or produced with these they're still producing very damaging winds and large hail which as we know can be a big threat as well so be sure to be getting in that safe space a couple more severe thunderstorm warnings were issued but again seeing that watch that is the latest information we have being extended really across pretty much our entire area with the exceptions of our southernmost counties so cedar rapids iowa city waterloo dubuque now on that tornado watch until midnight tonight nick this is exactly what we're talking about we kind of knew that we're going to be dealing with an overnight threat we knew this was going to be a long-lived event we talked about the morning severe weather event some gusty winds a few warnings but thankfully that wasn't too much however one thing we discussed is that how that set the stage for right now most of these tornado warnings are popping up along the outflow boundary which kicked off from that morning storm and that's the threat we're dealing with now the trinidad threat will continue for quite some time that's why we do have that trend to watch until midnight tonight but what you're starting to see is it's starting to become more of a line here from roughly old wine through the waterloo metro down towards like treyarch and then north of the des moines metro if this continues to strengthen this could become more of a wind threat as it moves east and southeast so might not be a bad idea if you're in areas like cedar rapids towards vinton down to iowa city if you have umbrellas up on your deck put them away if you're parked under a tree may want to park away from that tree just because we might start talking more of a wind threat here as we go through the next couple of hours as this line continues to intensify we obviously have the severe weather ingredients in play today as you're seeing with these storms and unfortunately most of these tornado warnings have verified to some degree all right so here's a wider view again over eastern iowa the main threats for now along and north of highway 30. for now the cedar rapids metro and iowa city metros are ok but this stuff is coming your way right now some of the stronger storms over the waterloo metro over towards all wine so we'll kind of zoom up here and of course the biggest threat right now is that confirmed tornado which is up in chickasaw county so let's start there and we'll make our way down the line again we're going to repeat a lot because these storms are happening in real time how many times today have you already seen them i was talking about one storm and another one one tornado warning there's a lot happening it's a very dynamic event today so again this tornado warning does continue eastern floyd county into chickasaw county this is still a tornado warning confirmed tornado with the latest report entering into the new hampton area so again if you're in new hampton you want to make sure you're taking your trail safe plan right now it's hiding basically right down us 18 right towards the new hampton area i want to go ahead and pop on the velocity view we'll take a look at how the storm is spinning again this storm does have a history of producing tornadoes apparently has a confirmed tornado right now for the time being this is southeast of colwell approaching chickasaw moving basically straight east towards new hampton area what a measurement of the wind speeds here just how fast those raindrops are spinning 76 miles an hour that's a pretty strong indication of rotation right now crossing the floyd and chickasaw county line that moving off to the east uh one thing i do want to check we're a bit far from the radar this might be kind of useless yeah it's kind of cluttered there at least some indications of hail probably with this storm but it's really too far away from the radar to really accurately use the debris product to see if there's any debris being lofted with that storm on that yeah sure uh what is it do you have a speed on that yes give me one second i believe it was 35 if i'm correct okay let's say 40. give it some leeway we'll take it down east so again this moving right down highway 218 so towards new hampton uh right around 6 30. i wouldn't wait you know 10 minutes i'd make sure you're in a safe place now again this is a confirmed tornado this isn't just your routine tornado warning we know there's a tornado that either happened or is happening with this storm so new hampton within the next 10 minutes want to make sure you're safe place waller by 643 and if it does continue towards the far eastern portion of the county little turkey by 6 48. so again confirm tornado up that way let's go ahead and we'll jump down to our next storm we'll kind of keep popping down again a lot of tornado warnings happening today that's the most severe though that's what we know has a confirmed tornado in progress we'll now jump to the storm over in fayette county where we have a reported uh indication of rotation with the storm the concerning thing with this storm though as it moves into fayette county is that this is the storm that did produce the tornadoes over towards waverly so we do know this storm has a history of at least producing tornadoes right now approaching olwein fairbank and that's again moving off to the east here this storm continues to ride along state highway three as it moves off to the east here we'll pop the velocity view back on again we'll try and see from indication of rotation here and it it's very stubborn it's surprisingly stubborn right now probably just north of state highway 3 getting ready to cross the fayette county line into fayette county so that toronto warning does continue until 6 45 including ole wine so want to make sure you're in your safe place there we'll go back to the radar view and what i want to do also is pop down south we have a severe thunderstorm warning no tornado warning here for far northwestern well this far i guess blackout count i want to chop this storm right here there we go buchanan county that's until 6 45. the main threat here will be 60 mile per hour winds again we also have this storm moving through the waterloo metro right now this storm also is a severe thunderstorm warning does continue until 6 30. we're talking about again 60 mile per hour winds this storm now it's moving right through the waterloo metro let's take a look at some live cameras see what may be happening here in waterloo we'll jump to downtown highway 218. yeah you can see there's very low visibility there heavy rain is falling right now in the city of waterloo traffic's not actually stopped the camera is just kind of stuck there there we go i can see some low humidity saw a few flashes there some lightning is occurring with this storm uh camera's shaking a little bit i think the worst of the wind is probably past the camera at this point we'll jump towards the 380 highway 20 split probably just ahead of the strongest wind i can see some rain is falling there but again just a thing to keep in mind is that it's not just the trinidad threat but also the wind threat we'll jump one more down to highway 20 on the south side of waterloo again you can see some low visibility the raindrops you can see them flying so there are some pretty strong indications of wind there again this going through the waterloo metro we'll pop down last storm this is now again this tornado warning here this is for tama county that toronto warning does continue this evening as well one of three that we're watching right now again this tornado warning is for northern tama county it does not include the city of tama but this one does continue until 6 45 this is another indication of rotation nothing confirmed however we do have funnel cloud reports with the storm so at least it was close to potentially producing a tornado look at the velocity view again kind of garbled here it looks to me like the the kind of an intro kind of an intersection right there probably just east of gladbrook running along highway 96 towards highway 63. this will be approaching treyarch here pretty soon so again this is another tornado warning one of three that we are watching right now yeah go ahead sir about five ten minutes ago that the glad book fire depart the glad brook fire department reported there was a rotation but it was rain wrapped and that's when it gets a little bit difficult to see if there is a tornado on the ground there quite yet but regardless we are seeing this storm rotating pretty steadily so if you are in this tornado warning for portions of blackhawk grundy marshall and tama counties you need to be getting in that safe space this one does go until about 6 45 pm but definitely could be extended from there on out so we're going to stay with you to make sure we're keeping you safe there as well you mentioned the wind threat that is another thing that we have been really seeing with a lot of these storms the one far up to our north that did have that confirmed tornado now i'm not seeing any confirmed reports since then but definitely something to continue to take seriously that's where we're seeing wind gusts upwards of about 70 miles per hour at times so definitely very damaging with that as well even if there's not a tornado on the ground with this it is something to take seriously as far as severe thunderstorm warnings and meteorologist rebecca koppelman has some updates there as well yeah if you want to pop up the um reports that we've gotten here too that we can kind of talk through some of the things that have happened that we know of i was going to say on uh on our max box um that we have uh had some multiple reports of damage that has occurred unfortunately the worst of which has happened in waverly where there is a report of a home that was completely destroyed so that is very unfortunate we also also had from uh meteorologist nathan santo domingo that there was around the shell rock area that damage to a home there the trees that were down the power lines that were down so not seeing a lot of these come through but you can see these multiple reports of either a tornado or a funnel cloud and in these spots we're seeing where there has been damage and there's also the corn that was downed there as well unfortunately in a drought area so that's a not a great thing to see there but these storms have been producing damage and nick as they come down to the southeast which we've been talking about we now have this tornado watch but that the threat then for the also strong winds the the cape values our instability values is a number that we use to uh watch for how much energy is in the atmosphere they're up around five to six thousand uh those are very very big numbers so as we go into the night even as the sun sets we're dealing with some very high instability calcium very busy we have a view here this is what the first meteorologist nathan sanchemingo as soon as we can uh get in touch with him i'd love to hear him have any updates here i'd love to know where he's at but again we are watching multiple tornado warnings they move through eastern iowa we also have multiple reports of damage in eastern iowa most again in the waverly area we'll work our way down all right okay okay so if we can get uh nathan on the horn here uh he is with this trend of warren storm here in new hampton uh weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo take it away from there hey how's it going nick we uh after we kind of encountered that uh damage near shell rock and waverly we kind of got stuck and so we had uh kind of a crossroads and i'll send this outside of the road warrior right now a decent looking shelf cloud down extended from this thing but we really kind of came at a crossroads here as to whether or not we pushed through all the rain because we kind of got stuck or come off to the north so now we're off to the north near new hampton we just went through ionia we're on 220th street just east of ionia this is a view looking off to the north and west kind of looking off back behind us doesn't appear to be any uh pronounced lowering the like a little bit of a lowering there kind of in the middle middle left kind of trying to center it here uh of your screen as far as i can tell we don't have any circulation on the ground but we're again just fresh on the scene here uh just again north and east of ionia south and west of new hampton we're gonna continue to stick with this thing here try and give you some live shots and if anything does uh touch down we will be sure to let you know for right now though back to the radar and nick with you in the studio we just have a recent report within the last minute or two this storm is still apparently producing a tornado here in chickasaw county it could be entirely wrapped in rain so another reason why if you're in new hampton you don't want to take a step outside to look at it because you're probably not going to be able to see it it's a pretty good indication it may be completely wrapped in rain but again the latest report from the national weather service says a confirmed tornado is still approaching new hampton so again that is a reason for concern tonight we'll go on the velocity view again we do have that report of rotation a report of a tornado touchdown as well again this is just west of new hampton here so that is a point of concern as we go through the evening this is right on u.s 18 heading right into new hampton that is that spin right here the rotation the blue going towards the radar up in la crosse wisconsin a little bit of a weak outbound there a little bit of rotation there we'll pop the uh gate to gate shear this is a measurement of just how much those raindrops are moving there and you can see it looks a bit weak 25 miles an hour but keep in mind we are very far from the radar site so the radar data is not very good with this storm right now but again regardless we do have a report of a tornado this is central chickasaw county heading into new hampton so again once again lowest level of a home want to put as many walls between you and the outside as possible interior closet or basement great options to be if you do live in a manufactured home or a mobile home i want to try and find a sturdier shelter because quite frankly those can get blown away pretty quickly in the wind so just want to make sure you're staying safe with this storm we do get a lot of tornado warnings where nothing happens this is a tornado warning where we know a tornado is occurring and again this is approaching the city of new hampton let's go ahead we'll have some more warnings to talk about this over in buchanan county we'll do a wide review again we continue to watch the severe threat here we have this new tornado warning now for northwestern buchanan county we'll pop in there kind of talk about what we're talking about here this just south of the fayette county uh area circulation so littleton bryansburg it is just north of independence so independence is not inside this tornado warning but do keep in mind that you do want to keep an eye out for that hazelton danny murphy i know if you're watching make sure you're in a safe place and also report to as soon as you can any things that are happening out that way one of our great weather spotters up that way i want to make sure you're staying safe up in hazelton again this is for buchanan county we'll pop the velocity view on we'll take a look at it looks like the air circulation is actually just off to the west this gets kind of funky you got different weather service offices kind of budding heads here so this warning is technically under the national weather service in the quad cities they decided to warn it based on this circulation the national weather service and the des moines decided not to red tape politics government whatever but there's a circulation right there again southeast of dunkerton this does continue eastward into buchanan counties so again independence is not inside the tornado warning but again you're still going to likely be dealing with some pretty gusty winds out of the way this is radar indicated nothing confirmed with this right now but 54 miles an hour that's at wind shear that's spinning the atmosphere but it's pretty high and so i would definitely treat this storm with some respect we do know that again this storm is part of the same complex that produced that damage up towards waverly and shell rock so unfortunately we do know that this storm does have a history by the way if we do the road war shot feel free to double box it uh just kind of want to keep an eye on that storm that imagery you're seeing on the right side of your screen that's that tornado warning up towards chickasaw county so if we do get a trend of warning there or excuse me a tornado in progress there we should know pretty quickly all right let's pop down to the other storm again we're working multiple tornado warnings here working overtime we got a lot of weather we're tracking tonight we do have again this other tornado warning here in northern tema county so we'll zoom in on this like the other one in buchanan county and fayette counties this one is not confirmed but as radar indicated there's indication of spinning the atmosphere we also do have reports of funnel clouds and rotation with this storm not too long ago so near garwin we have some reports of weather spotters wonderful firefighters out there much appreciate their reports we do know there was some spinning rotation in the atmosphere possibly a funnel cloud there again this is northern tama county again does not include the city of tama tama is not inside this warning make it gusty later as this line continues to move off the east-southeast but in terms of the tornado threat it is in northern tama county here we also see a brand new severe thunderstorm warning which has just been issued probably tornado possible based on the sound i heard in the background so let me zoom out zoom out is what i wanted to do and we'll kind of show that new severe thunderstorm warning again this new severe thunderstorm warning right here does include the rest of buchanan county cold is going to get gusty and then northwestern benton county as well so that's that new severe thunderstorm warning let me pop over on the radar view again the right side of your screen that is that tornado warning up towards chickasaw county would you have a report of a confirmed tornado up that way very likely heavily wrapped in rain we might not be able to see it live that might be one of those tornadoes where we'll know after the fact as opposed to in real time but again that's that confirmed trinidad warning up towards chickasaw county and new hampton uh what i do want to do is velocity view talk about some of the wind uh there's some bread of greens showing up here this isn't the right product this is the base flat as opposed to the the the storm relative as opposed to the base velocity mother talk don't worry about it but there are still some pretty strong wind gusts likely approaching the storm here in northwestern benton county into buchanan counties as well so that was a quick weather roundup of all the warnings in place i don't know if sarah if you have any new information kind of coming from the weather service talk about any one of these storms that we're dealing with yeah so the new thunderstorm warning is the latest update that we do have that we're looking at winds upwards of about 60 to 70 mile per hour gusts so definitely damaging you were correct it is tornado possible continues to 7 15 pm and i think it's important to note that if you're coming on to watch regular programming likely not going to see it here tonight we're staying with these storms as many areas are reporting damage and seeing those tornadoes on the ground if you are just coming in again this is kind of getting into some of those more populated areas not quite the cedar rapids area but certainly getting close to that linn county line we do have a couple different warnings at play the biggest one is this tornado warning up to the north for chickasaw county it is still observed as of now i'm not seeing any reports coming in from the national weather service or even through social media but regardless it is a very dangerous storm right on the fringe of new hampton if you're in the new hampton area you should already be in that safe space you should be down in the lowest level of your home or the most interior room away from windows with your body and head covered as much as possible you can kind of see that storm popping up there that is the one that nathan is on right now very damaging or potential to be very damaging looking very um continuous shelf cloud what was that oh i'm sorry we have nathan nick was trying to tell me nathan can you take it away and tell us what you're seeing there hey sarah how's it going well of course some trees have popped up here uh obstructing our view a little bit of the storm we are just to the south and west of new hampton right now precipitation catching up to us very quickly i think what's going on with this storm and this might be good news in some sense that maybe the tornado threat has gone down even though the tornado warning is still in effect but what you see what you're seeing behind us here and if we can get out of these trees you get a really clear picture you see how that the base of the cloud is so dark and it's very bright underneath it and you have a lot of rain back in there maybe even some small hail as well that's what we call the downdraft the rear flank downdraft of the storm and that is starting it looks like to kind of surge ahead of this thing there's still some circulation but it might start to kind of cut off that warm inflow which would be good in terms of the tornado threat but it also does start to increase the wind threat with this and so we're trying to stay out ahead of this what we call again the rear flank downdraft if there was still to be a tornado it'd be kind of back in there where you see it's still very very dark we're taking a turn a little bit closer to it now we kind of had to take a bit of a detour here we're trying to get to highway 18 to get into new hampton out ahead of this storm and if there were to be a tornado would be somewhere still kind of buried back in there so tough to see from right now uh bottom line though if you're in new hampton uh north washington already seeing uh impacts from this lawler even fredericksburg jackson junction junction excuse me this is a very very strong storm and probably has some gusty winds with it along with that tornado potential so again hopping up towards highway 18 just to the west of new hampton we'll continue to bring you updates here from out in the road warrior if we do see anything touchdown for right now send it back to you in the studio all right much appreciated nathan again this is that trend of warning apparently a confirmed tornado is still in progress with this storm uh we can do a double box up for a little bit it's a very menacing view again this tornado warning does continue here for central chickasaw county appears like the circulation be very close to new hampton right now this continues to ride east on highway us 18 crossing over new hampton and then it will turn on to highway 24 as it continues to move off to the east there a big menacing storm there i can tell you that just from experience what we call high precipitation or hp and the area of circulation probably just to the right of that tall pole there in the central part of your screen that's kind of where the inflow is kind of reaching uh on the inside there so that's probably the most interesting area right there is just to the right of the power line but again a very menacing skies there report of a confirmed tornado again is approaching new hampton this tornado warning does continue for chickasaw county until 7 15. we can leave the double box up let's dance around a little bit until we have uh something a little bit more uh concerning here let's talk about the just wider view we're approaching almost 6 40 here 6 38 here in iowa's news now we continue to follow a multiple tornado warning event we have multiple confirmed tornadoes in progress that have either hit eastern iowa earlier or are currently doing damage uh so we do know the confirmed tornado near the new hampton area in chickasaw county we also have two other tornado warnings excuse me three other alternative warnings technically so we have four active warnings here in eastern iowa we'll jump through these again we can stick with double box for now he's on the tornado warren storm up towards chickasaw county but what we're going to do here is look at the warnings here for fayette county again old wine want to make sure you're a safe place here in old wine this tornado warning does continue until you can see there's 6 45 so we got about another five minutes or so hopefully we can give you all clear but for now maynard over down towards old wine you want to make sure you're going to be in your safe place because possible tornado there i did not mean to do that let me go back on the pan tool we're going to jump down here to buchanan county again this toronto warning test continued for northwestern buchanan county this until 7 15. this is another radar indicated threat this would be approaching areas like stanley down towards independence independence is not inside the tornado warning but you are under the severe thunderstorm warning we're talking probably at least wind gusts of 50 to 60 miles per hour there as this line continues to push off to the east we'll pop down this way we have this severe thunderstorm warning as i kind of mentioned here this is for far western portions of buchanan county also portions of northern benton county so vinton currently under that severe thunderstorm warning again we're talking about the potential of damaging wind gusts of 60 miles per hour and a possible tornado just given the environment today and what we've seen so far there's some potential there over towards garrison my friends over at johnson farms make sure you're taking cover this is a pretty strong wind gust coming through your way right now possibly 60 miles per hour again that does include brandon there in buchanan county and vinton this storm will inevitably be approaching the cedar rapids metro so we still have some time but it's something to keep in mind that you want to make sure again you're getting ready for possible strong storms here in the cedar rapids and iowa city metros before too long otherwise we still have this tornado warning here this one does continue for northern tama county again this one is until 6 45. this storm has a history of producing funnel clouds and rotation we have not had any confirmed tornado reports with this storm in tama county but it is still rather menacing this way so we need to keep watching this one again passing likely very close to garwin trey will be the next spot for this storm again to recap on the right side of your screen what you're watching there is a live view from weather first meteorologist nathan sanchez domingo he's on that tornado warning up towards chickasaw county uh there is a report of a confirmed tornado up that way uh i don't know maybe uh meteorologist rebecca copeland if you just kind of want to talk about kind of the the situation here i have an overview of the radar view over iowa and kind of when things may begin to kind of wind down but uh we have a turn to watch which continues as well kind of maybe do a quick update on all that happening here yeah we're unfortunately uh just starting to see some additional you know warnings and now this line kind of progressing as we go through the evening here so if you want to take just max to full we can kind of see the wide view of the thunderstorms here so we do have of course still these warnings that are persisting and we now have this line forming which we expected and the concern is as this continues to progress down to the south and east of course we're still under that tornado watch we could have still tornadoes and tornado warnings these though as nick was mentioning that rain wrap situation uh first of all kind of two things twofold here we could have a rain wrap situation and what we call qlcs quasi-linear convective system kind of situation you get these rotation these little rotations uh the head of the line which could happen very quickly and also could be wrapped in rain other situation here is it's going to start to get dark and we're going to continue to see this progress down to the south and east and as that happens uh then you want to make sure that you have these multiple ways to get warnings because this is going to be a time when you know maybe you're going to bed and there's still going to be thunderstorms going on the watch is out until midnight and we could still have severe thunderstorm warnings during that time possibly still even some areas of rotation i did also want to go to our scan do if we could and kind of recap what happened earlier this was video from the road warrior of the moment when meteorologist nathan santos domingo actually had the tornado touching down just near the shell rock area we now have confirmation that a home was unfortunately destroyed near waverly and nathan also showed us some damage that occurred around the shell rock area there with some corn flattened a home damage and trees that were down power lines down there too and you can see the base of that cloud and then it touching the ground and debris getting kicked up so that is a tornado that was on the ground earlier near the shell rock area and this is why we are still here even though we don't have those same images this is why we're still here this is also a view from the lake city tornado that was out to our west earlier today also did some damage out there that one a bit more defined and i think was on the ground for quite a bit of time too isn't that right nick that train was started near lake city and actually ended at least eight to nine miles east of lake city based on some of the reports so that was definitely one of those long track tornadoes and that was when these uh tornadoes were more visible we had storms that were more discreet the problem now is we have a big line we're losing those isolated discrete storms which may help prevent stronger alternatives going forward that's good news the problem though is we lose the ability to really see them and so a lot of this becomes more of a challenge after the fact of confirming tornadoes which you look at there on the right side of your screen that's the view from weather first meteorologist nathan centro domingo he continues to track this storm up towards chickasaw county at last report still does have a report of a confirmed tornado up that way i don't think we're really going to be able to see it based on just how much rain is falling with this storm but again this tornado warning does continue until 7 15. you can see observed tornadoes this has a history of producing tornadoes all the way out west towards floyd county and produced tornadoes on and off through floyd county and is now moving portions of central chickasaw county so again this is a dangerous storm it's approaching new hampton right now if not basically on top of you in new hampton that will be passing over new hampton and then following basically state highway 24 as it begins to exit chickasaw county let's take a look at the velocity view hopefully this thing is weakening a little bit it's been very stubborn it's been very consistently producing rotation you can see there is some indication of rotation here pretty much right over new hampton it looks weaker that's good news we don't want it strong we want some weaker rotation we want these storms to go away it's what we really want unfortunately i think we're going to be sticking with this for quite some time i got that rotation pretty much right on top of new hampton right now about the radar view it's more isolated than other storms so that's at least as a concern for trinidad potential but either way we'll keep an eye on it again we do have weather first meteorologist nathan sanchez pretty much right on it keeping an eye on it um i don't know if we can talk to nathan if you just want to chime in kind of what you're seeing out that way obviously it looks like a big mean storm lots of rain falling but it looks pretty difficult to actually see what's happening there nathan yeah it's really difficult to see if there's anything going on at the surface it's going to be almost completely shrouded by rain uh one thing we did just drive through new hampton and kind of uh gave ourselves a opportunity to roll down the windows we didn't hear any uh sirens i'm not sure if new hampton does have sirens or not but we didn't hear anything but folks in new hampshire this is pretty much right on top of you so don't go out and try and uh try and take a look at this make sure you stay in that safe place because the circulation is still there but what you're looking at right now we're driving eastbound on highway 24 just to the east of new hampton what you're looking back at and i'll kind of pan over here to the right and i know we have a lot of tree clutter in the way so hopefully some some gaps here will will give me an opportunity here but we're kind of looking into the area where there would still be some rotation in this storm we have winds when we pass through new hampton they're pretty gusty out of the south so there is some nice warm inflow air still going into this storm but it's trying to get cut off by all of that precipitation you see that very bright uh bright color there that is a lot of a lot of rain that's what we call the rear flank downdraft the cold air searching surging down from high up into the cloud down towards the surface and so where that kind of light and dark meat if there was any tornado that's where it would be which for new hampton the good news is that it appears to be just north of town in mainly rural area but of course folks in new hampton still in that tornado warning so don't take this uh don't take this lightly and one thing that is kind of curious here is this line of storms starts to kind of take shape here it looks like maybe it sort of tried to build back a little bit further to the west i don't know nick if you're also seeing that on the radar if you want to uh take a look at that maybe some sort of weaker rotation once again back towards uh basset it's very subtle i think the stronger rotation still near new hampton but nick go ahead and uh take a look at that yeah that's right i think we're kind of watching that i think what we're also starting to see is kind of the near end of our event here up here in our far northwestern counties i think these storms are starting to form on the cold front as opposed to what we call the open warm sector so once that cold front sweeps through that'll be the end of our event unfortunately we have some time to go because that has to go all the way through eastern iowa so some good news though we're down to two tornado warnings we're making some progress at one point we had at least four if not five tornado warnings in progress we're down to two obviously nate's another one up there towards chickasaw county and we'll jump up there just kind of take a look at that i do want to look at the velocity view to kind of get a better idea of what's happening here uh but again you can kind of see there's rotation it looks weaker i'm this is good news this is promising i'm hoping we can let this turn to warning go soon based on reports you can see they did just remove the observed tags so that's another step in the right direction the storm is no longer producing a tornado but it still has some rotational loft that's a good sign the storm is starting to weaken just a little bit again that is towards new hampton still want to take it seriously i'm not belittling the fact at all you still want to make sure you're in a safe place just because that storm has a history of producing tomatoes we've seen how fast these things can spin up so i want to make sure we're doing that up that way we'll look southwest here again there are some signs of kind of rotation here along the cold front there's a lot of wind shear in place today although i think what may help us is that this is starting to form on the cold front that cold front we call undercut those storms prevent them from getting that rich warm moist and stable air so that's some good news up that way hopefully we're starting to kind of lose the potential there all right let's jump down to that other trend of warning and we're down to two we're almost out of here i know big brother's on at seven ish i think i don't even watch tv so i don't really know but i do know it's on tonight and we're hoping we can get you normal programming we'll see what we can do but for the time being we want to make sure we're keeping everybody safe you know i'm joking aside you've got to want to make some blood of the situation we do have again trials these are dangerous storms these are moving again we have this turn of warning here for northwestern buchanan county for the time being independence is not in that warning but we do have this potential for the storm here so hazelton the worst of it almost threw you here this is one of the last tornado warnings here we're down to two the one in tama county as i'm sure you can probably surmise has been canceled we'll do a wider view over eastern iowa the problem though is as we start to transition from maybe more of a widespread tornado threat will be a wind threat we're starting to see that big line of storms form here ever so slow moving off to the south and east so we are watching that very closely here but jump over towards the storm in tama county again these storms are still strong they're still producing winds of 60 miles per hour that's enough to topple trees and power lines so they're still worth taking shelter from you don't want to stand outside also a lot of lightning there's a lot of instability in play today so these storms are likely producing a lot of lightning so you want to make sure you're staying inside somewhere safe with that said though the tornado warning has been canceled here up in northern tama county severe thunderstorm warning though does continue until 7 30. so we still have some time to go there's a very good chance these warnings will continue to push off to the east just because you know we're watching that very closely and we have that tornado watch which continues until midnight tonight so we kind of knew this might be a late event late night affair and that's kind of what we're looking at right now what i do want to look at is remember earlier today we had all these tornado warnings here along highway 20. we still have one and that's likely along that cold front here that's starting to push through the north central part of the state this here is likely the end of our event once it moves through we'll be okay unfortunately we still have some some time to go here we still do severe thunderstorm warnings which do continue here in eastern iowa so let's jump over to that we'll jump back and forth and we'll jump back up north bringing we do have this severe thunderstorm warning this is northwestern benton county northern benton county into southern portions of buchanan county again we're also talking about the potential of 60 miles per hour winds here which again can still topple trees and power lines these are still strong storms you want to make sure you are taking shelter with these but again the trail threat for now appears to be off to the north up towards like areas like hazelton this severe thunderstorm warning does continue until 7 15. again there is some potential with the next round of warnings which probably get issued here pretty soon it may start approaching the cedar rapids metro for now things are still quiet but maybe what you want to do is put some yard furniture away put the chairs away put the umbrella away maybe park away from trees just because the fact that we're still talking about some strong wind gusts you have time to prepare that's the point of these watches to give you kind of a preliminary heads up of what might be coming we'll do one more reset with that train warning up towards chickasaw county which again no longer confirmed that's the good news there but it's still a tornado warning moving right through the new hampton area heading towards areas like lawler last time things over to weather first meteorologist sarah flynn you have any updates kind of coming your way with the weather service chat yeah not not much we still see those two tornado warnings continuing and those severe thunderstorm warnings you did mention the wind is obviously a threat most of those are tagged with 60 mile per hour winds if not 70 mile per hour gusts moving towards that direction and paired with that we're also continuing to track that lightning threat really as these storms do push across the region if we can flip back over to max one really quick and take that full there we go looking at some of the lightning with these storms it really is producing a decent amount especially down to the south with these severe thunderstorms and that's when we're seeing that concern for those damaging winds now it is important to note that again want to refresh this tornado watch does continue for really the bulk of our area until midnight so that's another five hours it could get expired a little bit before then but we do know that we're going to continue to see these storms for quite a bit of time they may lose some of the severity with them we may lose some of those tornado warnings but it is something to continue to take note of as it really is going to engulf most of our area if you haven't seen that severe weather earlier on today i don't know if you have any other reports rebecca we haven't we haven't really gotten many reports and the weather service just maintaining that uh there's that potential for that the lightning that is uh i mean quite frequent in some of these thunderstorms too that's going to be coming in the strong winds also that we do have the potential of seeing those 60 to 70 miles per hour winds as the storms come on through i also wanted to maybe just some commentary on how this year has gone we had four tornadoes in the state prior to today reported in 2021 and now we've had how many four maybe reported in a day three at least uh that we know of so this is also why we we do this too because we have not we have gotten uh lucky for better uh use of a word i suppose so far this season in terms of severe weather that we had not seen i mean we've been talking about the third least amount of warnings to date now we've had several warnings across the state these tornadoes that have been reported too this has been the biggest day that we've seen across the state of iowa so far this year and we want to make sure that you're taking these storms seriously because we have seen damage somebody lost their home because of storm two and now we have a new tornado warning it looks like there that one is for tema county we just got the update in there until 7 30 p.m radar indicated at this time nothing confirmed with this storm but let's take a look at the velocity pretty pretty strong signature there again this one likely going to be rain wrapped again so if you are within this area get into that shelter here quickly you're not going to likely see anything if you're looking at your window and trying to get some pictures in this area though we still do have those severe thunderstorm warnings in play so even if you aren't in that tornado warning that you're seeing right there for tama county until 7 30 p.m the rest of the area is producing a lot of lightning producing winds up to about 70 miles per hour as i'm seeing some reports come in so definitely a dangerous line of thunderstorms and ones that should be taken really seriously i don't think we have any confirmed reports quite yet on this tornado warning but nick this is a this is a fairly strong signature that we should be taking seriously here yeah you can really kind of see on the radar view kind of the reds again we're going away from the radar which is over towards des moines going away from the radar the rains toward the radar here that's that spin right here just about highway 21. uh this is going to be approaching dysart so again it's going to be really really close here based on this i wouldn't be surprised if we do see the weather service in the quad cities issue a tornado warning here for benton county that may be coming soon i don't want to you know say what they're going to probably do but there's some potential here we might see a tornado warning here issued this wouldn't likely include areas like garrison so based on that radar imagery if you are in garrison if you're over towards vinton i would want to make sure you're in a safe place now maybe start getting ready to go because that looks like a pretty menacing storm there right to the west of the tema benton county line again that's a pretty strong indication of rotation there we'll do a measurement of the wind speed again right there 56 miles per hour so that's pretty that's pretty respectable that's a pretty strong indication of rotation remember we had that tornado near prairie du chien not too long ago a few weeks ago the rotational radar there was like maybe 20 miles an hour so you know not all storms are you know created equal here in that regard let's go ahead and look at 15 miles per hour if you want to draw out it likely will get extended but it is moving pretty slow so let's go ahead and we'll draw a fan on that guy here again this is for that tornado warning here in northern tama county you said 15 right okay sorry space spacing out here all right so again that's moving off to the east here so again apparently nothing i know i missed garrison here it's rural benton county so that's some good news here but unfortunately areas like dysart and over towards garrison that's where that storm will start approaching so garrison by about 725 and vinton and there we go we're kind of just stalling for time waiting for that warning to finally get issued so here we go we have that new tornado warning here for northern benton county again this goes back to the weather service lines des moines takes over this county tama county weather service in the quad cities takes over benton county that's kind of why we were kind of waiting there let's go ahead again look at the velocity view because that is of concern as it's moving yeah that's that's looking stronger right now this is just to the west of the benton county and tama county line this is moving into northern benton county right now you can see right behind me vinton not technically in this tornado warning but you want to be careful with it keep on it's only moving 50 miles per hour so it's going to take some time there's some potential there for the storm to weaken before it gets to you also some potential for it to strengthen before it gets to you so just want to maybe keep an eye on this storm maybe if you have a safe place to go a basement we haven't had to use a lot this year maybe make sure it's cleared out want to make sure you have a safe place to go that's circulation here but highway 21 and highway 8 that's going to be crossing again the benton tamba county lines moving right to where highway 8 meets highway 218 so it's going to be following highway 8 and then eventually we'll be following highway 218 there off to the east so again garrison will be in the threat for the storm uh let's go ahead we'll uh we'll zoom out here unfortunately i don't think we'll get us out by seven o'clock with that new tornado warning again this does continue again for northern and northwestern benton county until 7 45. this line of storms continues to move off to the east and again this is what will be inevitably coming into the cedar rapids and iowa city metros we hope it weakens but keep in mind that tornado watch does continue until midnight tonight we knew it's gonna be a late night we got pizza so i'm excited for that once it's finally over with uh we'll zoom out here we'll kind of take a wider view again so we're back to technically four tornado warnings uh technically three different trend of worn storms we have that tornado warning up there towards chickasaw county i don't know if we do have the double box ready for nathan just kind of curious what things look like up there okay so he lost cell phone service but the road warrior has ability to send singles back and lower uh self-service and we do have live picture at least again that's that training warning up here towards chickasaw county uh for now again that uh trailer warning does continue but it's no longer confirmed that storm to me looks a little bit more outflow uh meaning that it's probably uh weakening it's like warm inflow is probably a bit cut off but here again is that trend of warning which does continue for chick style we can leave a double box here for a little bit again that circulation probably now east of new hampton basically following highway 24 lawler will be the next place in line there we'll take a look at the velocity view right here we'll talk uh kind of look at what the rotation is doesn't look like much so that's promising and look at that magic try warning is gone we are done with that uh let's let things out real quick though the weather first meteorologist nathan sanchez bingo i want to talk a little bit just kind of about what you've seen with that storm so far and kind of what you've also seen earlier this evening nathan yeah nick i think you kind of hit the nail on the head here we're driving through a little heavy cell that popped up just to the uh north of fredericksburg so we're south of lawler north of fredericksburg driving through quite a bit of rain so unfortunately we're not having the view behind us that i was hoping to you can kind of see a little bit of a shelf cloud there as it fades off into the distance behind this rain and the and the reason for that is is exactly what you said this storm has kind of uh taken it's been taken over by outflow so that cold air at the very top of the thunderstorm has come surging down got out ahead of it and i think that's actually what triggered this little cell that popped up here just to the north of fredericksburg so we're going to go ahead and continue to drive to the south here stay out ahead of this line of storms as it continues to kind of move slowly off to the south and east um but it's it's been a it's been a busy day we had to uh we we over started over in grundy county and we were watching that tornado warned storm as it moved towards shell rock and waverly for the longest time had to deal with some river valleys some trees and eventually we were able to get to that confirmed video of that tornado even doing some damage we saw some debris being lofted in the air and as we again kept driving further and further off it to the east we did see some of that damage and that's actually is what prevented us from going further to the east we had power lines over the roadway just to the uh west of janesville and so we kind of had to do a little bit of a 360 and decided to go up here into chickasaw county and take a peek of this storm so now we're going to go stay out ahead of these storms hopefully everyone in waverly and shell rock you guys are doing okay um keep in mind that there are still a chance for some showers and storms so folks uh doing the uh the emergency response to that damage the initial responders to that damage make sure that if you know you know anyone out in that location in that area there's still some more thunder and lightning to go as we go through the evening and uh we're going to continue to follow these storms here in the road warrior make our way back down to the south towards the uh 380 corridor and hopefully continue to provide you guys updates here as the severe threat continues at least for the next couple of hours live on the road warrior meteorologist nathan sanchingo back to you guys in the studio fantastic work there nathan thank you so so much for all your help tonight so far again we are watching this tornado warning this one is unfortunately of more concern we're really watching that circulation increase in intensity right now near dysart moving off to the east this is far far eastern tama county now entering into northern benton county so garrison over towards vinton you want to make sure you're watching the storm very closely garrison you should probably be in your safe place right now because that is a very strong indication of rotation right at the highway 21 highway 8 intersection radar may be a bit displaced but you can see that is very very that might be one of the strongest rotations we've seen so far tonight uh unfortunately this is out of my way so let me try and all right hold on we're gonna make this work i'm gonna pan off oh wait no i should have selected boom boom there we go apparently that's not right okay well it's definitely one of the stronger couplets that we've seen so far again this is far eastern tema county let's go ahead let me change the radar sites that might be part of the issue we'll go over into the des moines radar oh boy there's been a couple of followers out there too that have been posting some pictures of some lowering occurring i haven't seen there are some people on the storm okay i haven't seen anything touching the ground but there certainly looks like um there has been at least a funnel cloud that has been around in a wall cloud that's there okay yeah i believe it i mean that's that's that i think that might be the strongest rotation we've seen so far tonight and the problem with this one is that it's really embedded in heavy rainfall you're not going to be able to see this thing there's really no point in going out to look at it because you're not going to be able to see it it's heavily wrapped in rain that's an 87 mile per hour gate to gate shear that's the rotation in that storm pretty much right on dysart right now again this is heading into northern benton county this will be heading slowly east it's a slow moving storm heading towards garrison and over towards vinton as well so need to watch the storm very very closely as it continues to move off to the east we'll go back to the radar view can do too if we have we can pull up the scan do i have a picture so you can uh see that there of um on the weather scan do and that is not in tama that is uh that's the producers can do there we go so that was in tama just a couple of minutes or a desert tama county just a couple of minutes ago okay you can see it's definitely kind of probably a funnel cloud going on there i'm surprised it's as visible as it is i wouldn't be surprised if that might be just kind of scud on the leading edge of that thing i'm a little a little intrigued because i don't know that definitely is concerning looking it's definitely at least a funnel cloud and there's definitely rotation with the storm there's no doubt about that uh so we definitely know that this is a storm uh worth watching you can go back to max me and max one here thank you very much and again this warning does continue now until 7 45. what i don't like to see is that this appears to be more of an inflow not starting to form here which means this storm might be starting to intensify in northern benton county here probably strong inflow going in here rotation will be right around here dysart heading into again northern benton county running right along highway eight newest scan there kind of confirms that looks like a pretty good inflow notch right there it does appear the worst that storm is now either on or now just east of the tama benton county line on highway 8. go back to velocity view here oh boy that's that's concerning it's not a confirmed it's a preliminary spot or report um with that storm right there over dysert a possible trinity sudden or uh gotcha gotcha yeah i mean that's again that might be probably the most concerning rotation i've seen so far tonight that's uh that's pretty strong i might have to dance around this a little bit it's a little noisy but it's clearly something really spinning pretty quick in here and again just now crossing into northern benton county so i don't want to forget about everybody else we'll kind of do a quick reset here kind of see where else we are obviously northern benton county and far eastern tama county you're going to want to make sure you're in your safe place whoop and treat these storms with respect because we've seen what's happened already today we know these storms have a history of producing tornadoes we've seen damage from these tornadoes we've heard of houses destroyed on your wave relief so that's how you know there's some pretty significant potential with these storms we're down to two tonight warnings again we'll technically two channel warned storms again benton county as well as buchanan county i'm not really sure why this storm has not been canceled yet it looks like the worst of the storm is past there let's go ahead and do a quick zoom in here yeah i think the storm's pretty much done i wouldn't worry about this storm here buchanan just expired all right so beautiful so that storm is out of here so northwestern buchanan county you are okay but independence you're probably dealing some pretty strong wind gusts right now with this storm it's still a severe thunderstorm warning again this does continue for buchanan and delaware counties until 7 45. we'll zoom out to kind of view a wider view of the storm main threat with this again is 60 mile per hour wind gusts maybe some large hail as well up to maybe quarters but really i think the wind threat is probably going to be the biggest threat with this storm again that's that storm here right along the highway 20 corridor it's moving off to the east down highway 20. does include manchester manchester will be in the thick of it here pretty soon we'll kind of look at this storm here again this is a fairly new severe thunderstorm warning for buchanan and delaware counties until 7 45 60 miles per hour wind gusts will be possible again independence you're in it right now dundee manchester these areas were in the storms earlier today in fact i was right up here earlier today so they've already had some pretty heavy rainfall the potential is we might also start dealing with some localized flash flooding maybe on some of those gravel or dirt roads we're seeing a lot of rain tonight a lot of moisture in the air i'm sure you can feel it so that may be another threat that we watched as we go throughout the night that severe thunderstorm warning again does continue until 7 45 for buchanan and delaware counties so let's go ahead we'll jump back down to the most menacing storm which remains that storm here in northern benton county now crossing into benton county i'm hearing from the producers that we do have a picture of this storm if we want to pull that up on peace yeah let's go right so this is from that storm uh this is uh would be that storm here because i should i had the photo earlier so this is near dysart there in far northeastern tima county into northern benton county you can see a pretty good shelf cloud there it's at least bare minimum a sign of some pretty strong wind gusts with that storm again there's also that tornado threat as well pretty strong indication of rotation with this storm but that's the storm we're seeing there so definitely need to keep an eye on this this one what 15 miles an hour to the east sarah correct i believe so that's what it was let me double check it sure in case it's sped up slow moving storm which uh the other issue with these slow-moving storms will be once again going back to the flash flooding threat oh it's up to 25 so it's still slow though you can almost outrun it um so again the trail warning does continue there for benton county i want to go back to the velocity view here let's hope this is weakening but i don't like i didn't like the signs of it it's still very stubborn there is some good news here i do like this it looks like an outflow boundary starting to kind of get kicked out ahead of this circulation that's some promising news there but it takes time for that outflow to undercut that circulation so it still is a dangerous storm there's no doubt about it this is at least strong wind gusts probably 60 i wouldn't be surprised if we do approach 70 just based on how strong that storm is gushing out ahead of it so there's some strong there oh that's that's another strong rotation there just as i'm saying it might be weakening i see it strengthening 92 that is definitely the strongest rotation we've seen so far today there's absolutely no reason we wouldn't be on the air for this storm that is a very dangerous storm now in northwestern benton county that strong rotation a lot of unconfirmed reports from this storm so definitely something to take seriously i do think it is the strongest storm that we have seen today you can see that gate to gate cheer or that rotation up to 92. we've only seen i think up to 60 or 70 at this point so something to take very seriously at this time this is the only tornado worn storm in eastern iowa but tagged along with it we do have several severe thunderstorm warnings there as well not sure if we have any pictures coming in of this storm do you have one i'm going to get on the weather scan do if you give me just a second actually another view of some lowering happening yeah we'll take the p scan do first and then we'll come back to weather scan if that's okay so i have it up oh there he had the same one i had so there you go so where is this this is near dysert that that looks like a trainer to me so that's that's a concern it does yeah that that's very likely a tornado in progress there uh whether it's now or was recently that's definitely a concerning view uh so again we've been telling you northern benton county uh wouldn't be surprised if we do see that warning go observed based on that picture uh would the weather certificate tagged in that by chance i'm gonna send it to them yeah i hope that's that's the good news um yeah so that's obviously a very strong indication of rotation um they are getting a spotter report large torrento move through or near dysart power flashes and flying debris noted that's a not confirmed preliminary spotter report but i'm gonna yeah i think we should probably see this warning go confirmed here momentarily if we go back to radar again that's a strong indication of rotation right now right down highway eight this is highway 218. it's just to the west of garrison so again if you are in garrison if you're a farmer around garrison you need to take shelter now this is a pretty strong storm i'm actually kind of curious this kind of close ish to the radar there's some chaos happening here i don't think it's too accurate there might be some indication debris there but that's really just too noisy to really get anything confirmed out of there uh but that is definitely a sign we're definitely watching definitely some concerning uh sites here on radar so again this is a very very powerful storm likely there it is confirmed tornado so we're now confirmed tornado here in northern benton county so garrison if you're in vinton i'd start taking your train of safe plans right now lowest level of a home put as many walls between you and the outside as possible a closet a basement best places to be this storm is moving not fast 25 miles an hour but it is moving right down highway 8. it's basically at the highway 8 highway 218 intersection right now this is approaching vinton so garrison vinton sparsely populated area but still there are people that live here if you know somebody that may not be watching the weather if you know somebody that may be maybe taking a nap or something like that up north in northern benton county give them a call give them a text this is a very dangerous storm by chance what is the uh the observed tag did they say anything specific with that observe tag either sir rebecca located near dysert or 11 miles west of vinton that is all they're saying there it must have been just from that spot or report and that that picture i mean it basically looked like you had kind of a cone dropping down in the middle of that big shape of the storm there so certainly possible that there's a tornado and then also possible in that that it's getting rain wrapped in that heavy rain that's falling there yeah i mean you can see that photo i mean how difficult you have to be in the absolute perfect spot to see that based on his twitter handle high-risk chris i'm assuming he's a storm chaser and storm spotter so he knows what he's doing you're not it's going to be very very difficult to mimic that shot or be able to see that tornado it's going to be heavily wrapped in rain and again this is a very dangerous storm it's moving in northern benton county confirmed tornado now moving right near garrison i want to go back to the velocity view we had a kind of a garbage scan there that looks better again still a pretty strong indication of rotation may have weakened a little bit still 88 though that's really strong that's a really strong indication of rotation again this is northern benton county also i'm forgetting any storms feel free to shout out at me i think this is the only trend of warning we're watching right now you are correct okay beautiful all right so we're down to one storm unfortunately it's a strong storm this does continue to move off to the east heading into the vinton area so vinton again you got to make sure you're in a safe place you might not be technically in the warning yet but it may not be a bad idea to at least make sure you can get there easily you want to make sure you give yourself time because that looks even stronger with that newest scan there 84 miles an hour still dancing along it continues to move off to the east i'll go back to the radar view it's kind of what you're more typical to seeing the raindrop view again that circulation was right here by the highway 8 sign notice all the reds and oranges around it that's that heavy rainfall maybe some small hail but primarily heavy rainfall it's completely wrapped in rain you're not going to be able to see it this is a very dangerous storm you might be able to see the power flashes as power poles go down this area was hit rather hard by the radio back in august so this is something to keep in mind some trees already might be damaged from the radio they could then get knocked down by the strong winds and possible tornado here so again this is a very dangerous storm as it moves through northern benton county it does continue until 7 45 it's a slow mover only about 25 miles an hour but it is concerning 84 miles an hour is the rotation of the atmosphere if that's how much the raindrops are rotating and so that gives us a rather good idea of exactly what's happening there so let's go ahead i'm going to just jump out wide bring everybody up to speed here we do have multiple severe thunderstorm warnings which continue but now we are down to one again so that's promising this is a wider view over eastern iowa we still have that severe thunderstorm warning for buchanan and western delaware counties that's right along the highway 20 corridor we have that tornado warning now in northwestern benton county and that's our very much probably the strongest storm of the day that i've seen so far very likely a strong tornado there hopefully can stay out in open fields unfortunately for farmers crop but hopefully can at least stay away from structures barns and things like that we also do have that severe thunderstorm warning for northern tama county but again the biggest threat for now is that storm in northwestern benton so again cedar rapids iowa city metros we continue to watch what's unfolding off the north and northwest we do have that yellow that's that tornado watch which does continue until midnight tonight we knew it was going to likely be a long night of watching these storms and that's what we're watching right now let's go ahead and bring you back up to speed on this storm and then we will check in with sarah if you do have any new reports kind of coming into the weather service obviously everyone i'm sure is watching this storm right now with very close eyes right that is the main storm that we are talking about right now confirmed on the ground we are seeing a few social media images come in with that it is continuing to move fairly slowly but we do see a really strong rotation with it still at this time that's one of those strong signatures that you look for when you want to think of tornadoes on the ground and unfortunately we may not be getting a ton of things over social media due to the fact that it looks to be rain wrapped and it's very difficult to see that confirmation but as of now it is confirmed it's on the ground if you're anywhere along highway 218 headed into the vinton area especially western vinton this is your time to be getting into that safe space and taking cover now we are down to one tornado warning we do have two severe thunderstorm warnings still in play in the region this one up to the north for buchanan and delaware counties is still labeled as tour possible so we could see it continue to strengthen and continue to develop into that but for now it is a severe thunderstorm we're tracking winds upwards of about 60 to 70 miles per hour with the storm and of course that ongoing hail threat but something we will continue to watch especially because it has that tornado possible tag so let's take a look at the velocity with this again nothing nothing too strong or too significant here just yet but we could definitely see that change over the next couple of minutes here as it really does continue to strengthen as we head throughout the evening i will say sarah too down by that benson county storm now i would not be surprised if the weather service updates this the warning a bit here because it's starting to go a little bit further north so it's north of garrison mount auburn i have more concern there than in vinton this likely passes north of the city of vinton i'm not going to give you all clear vinton but i would say mount auburn you're not in this warning but we're starting to see some strengthening here between uh that the reds and the greens you're seeing on that radar that rotation so mount auburn this is 218 and highway 8 and oh that that just hopped up north so i would not be surprised if they extend this north in fact they need to they need to mount auburn you need to be taking your tornado precautions now they're saying that there is a confirmed tornado possibly rain wrapped strong rotation occurring there and that is heading to the to kind of in a northern northeasterly direction so uh i'm i'm anticipating they're going to update this warning here but it certainly needs to include mount auburn yeah for sure it was moving east at 25 miles per hour i would argue it's moving at least northeast at this point so if you're in that mount auburn area we'll zoom into the street view here anywhere along 17th avenue 53rd street get off 53rd street mount auburn is the biggest city that we're targeting kind of right now with this if you are still in this area the garrison area i'm not going to say you're in the clear but it does look like it's moving away from you at this time but again we should see a quick tornado warning update here shortly likely engulfing areas of mount auburn potentially as far off north northeast to brandon area regardless you're dealing with some strong storms there as well so i don't think we have any more complete updates on this yet but i do expect that that as rebecca mentioned that tornado warning will be extended to further north benton county i asked the weather service if they were going to update the polygon there because it's about that rotation's about to get out so please if you are not in this warning in mount auburn please start taking your tornado precautions and get to the lowest level away from the windows and such don't try and look for this thing because it is likely rain wrapped or very difficult to see and um i haven't heard from the weather source yet but nick i'd imagine they're gonna they're gonna update this polygon here yeah can you do me a favor can you kind of loop back the last maybe like five or six frames and you can really kind of see just how much that storm is rotating i mean it's kind of kind of moving east east and it kind of started kind of booking back north here so that's one that tells me maybe occluding storms that ten these trends tend to weaken a little bit they tend to shift northwest unfortunately though that means there's still a tornado in progress that's a very clear example that there is a tornado in progress some good news at least it does look like the rotation's weakening a little bit the outflow boundary may have kind of kicked out ahead of it but still treat this as it is a very dangerous storm we still know there is a tornado possible if not already occurring there is a very menacing picture of a tornado near dysart moving eastward into northern benton county so the storm has a history of producing that's the photo i mean my goodness uh that's a very concerning image there uh there was reports of what like power flashes too at one point flying debris yeah yeah this has a history of producing damage as well uh in that area i wouldn't be surprised if we do have some power outages kind of starting to pop up here in northern benton county let's go ahead and pop the radar view back on here it's 7 24. we have one trend of warning to go here unfortunately it is a bad one the storm does have a history of producing a tornado and a pretty menacing tornado at that again this is for northern benton county vinton you're right on the line i still would take your tornado precautions just in case this does continue to move east what i am seeing here is potentially another inflow knot starting to form here and that could be a sign of more and warm moist air trying to feel maybe a secondary area of rotation here in fact let me just pop over on the velocity view maybe trying to do something funky there but for now not a huge concern but what is a big concern now is this air rotation let's go ahead and pop up the camera view we'll zoom in we'll try and get you a little bit tighter here talk about these areas that are definitely going to be impacted they're going to get mount auburn up here again that's moving off to the east any information coming our way guys the national weather service did extend the warning and they're saying that continuing it with that observed tag saying confirmed tornado located one mile north of garrison moving east at 25 miles per hour um i would still say though that's definitely taking that northern jog as we were just talking about and uh i i wouldn't be surprised if they pushed this polygon a little bit further north i don't know why they haven't quite yet yeah it does still say it's moving east but i would i would argue it's moving even a little bit more northeast here so that mount auburn area i would take cover i want to watch it again i'm still spinning at 41 miles an hour considerably lower than what it was but keep in mind the storm that produced the damage up by waverly was around this strength so again we are pretty far from the radar site we're in between the quad cities down in davenport and the des moines radar over in aussie des moines so yeah that's kind of what we're watching right now so we're kind of between those two radars it's not the greatest view but it's the best that we can give you and again that's that circulation there completely wrapped in rain you're not gonna be able to see it you might be able to see power flashes we had reports of power flashes with some of those storms so we do know there was or if not was still is a tornado in progress likely somewhere around 17th avenue kind of southwest of mount auburn that's kind of the area that we're watching right now for the potential of that tornado we'll pop over to velocity view we'll just kind of keep an eye on it again for now this is the only show in town in terms of tornadoes we have nothing else going on in terms of the tornado threat except this storm right here in northern benton county passing very close to garrison just north of the garrison area we mount auburn up here this rotation continues mount auburn i would definitely make sure you're getting in your tornado safe place right now it's too close to call hopefully it's weakening hopefully that northwest movement or that northeast movement is kind of a sign of weakening but we can't guarantee that we just actually got a report in uh benton county emergency management brief tornado touchdown along 18th avenue one mile north of garrison so it's certainly possible that that lit that lifted it is looking a little bit further off yeah so i do think the storm is still shifting far off to the north a little bit okay um but that is the confirmation that we have at this time you can kind of see the storm report right there sometimes these are a bit estimated but you can kind of see the report right there just north of garrison so we have at least a confirmed report of a tornado i think that really just kind of blends creed into the photo that we've been showing you earlier uh there's definitely something happening with this storm again every i believe every trinidad warning we've had today at least had a history of producing tornadoes because this was the one that was in northern tama county that for the longest time only produced funnels uh but you can see uh big uptick in lightning there that training report was just north of garrison what was the time on that uh trail 720 so we're a little bit behind on it but yeah okay cool cool all right so again that continues to move off to the east northeast um but velocity view i do think the circulation is more probably up here at this point kind of southwest of mount auburn um still just hugging the northern fringe of that tornado warning um showing some signs maybe weakening we continue to hope this thing weakens unfortunately the most recent information we have and this now as of eight minutes ago is that there was a tornado in progress tornado warning back for uh buchanan and delaware county okay so that was the one that was labeled tour possible we talked about it a little bit earlier right now um well that's a big warning it's back it's a big one okay so we'll jump over to that unfortunately every time we get down to one warning another one always wants to pop back up all right so we have a new tornado warning here maybe part of the reason why it might be so large it looks like there's almost like three different areas here uh one south of lamont maybe northeast of winthrop another one south of winthrop kind of this is kind of what rebecca was talking about earlier that qlcs quasi linear convective system you start getting these spin-ups on the leading edge of these storms and that might be what we're looking at right here yeah one of those looks probably stronger than the other again this is just west of masonville that's probably the most intimidating looking circulation with this tornado warning if you get to get your 66 miles per hour that's pretty strong rotation there these are moving off to the east so this will be approaching areas like masonville rather quickly winthrop is basically on top of you lamont pretty much on top of you as well so if you're going through uh eastward from buchanan county into delaware county you want to make sure you're starting to take your tornado safe place again masonville and manchester manchester will be as the storm continues to move off to the east oneida is technically just outside the warning for now so another one of the situations where maybe you want to think about getting your tornado action plan in place make sure your shelter is clear of garbage and things like that because this is a pretty strong indication of rotation there just west northwest of masonville we'll pop back up the uh just a traditional radar view um yeah actually there's some pretty heavy rain i kind of mixed in that as well maybe some small hail wouldn't be a pos wouldn't be out of the question here again this is that uh tornado warning now for buchanan county delaware counties until 7 45 a rather large warning there again masonville over to manchester uh do you have a speed on this guy yes i believe it's east at 25. let me double check okay we'll do 30 correct east at 25. beautiful we'll do 30 just give yourself a little bit of a cushion so air circulation near masonville still be near manchester around 7 46 on nina at 7 58 if the warning does continue and that storm rotation does continue off to the east again that new tornado warning for buchanan and delaware counties of note this is part of the same complex that produced those tornadoes and damage over towards waverly so this storm has a history of producing damage in the past we'll pop back on the velocity view the storm is undergoing changes you can see those kind of three distinct areas it's kind of messy right along the leading edge here but there are definitely a few areas of circulation there i think the most impressive one there is probably just northwest of masonville i have to toggle the tool on first buddy so again that circulation there 66 miles per hour so a pretty good indication of rotation there right now it's basically there might be one circulation here just on highway 20 but it's basically riding along and north of highway 20 now in eastern buchanan county entering portions of delaware county i know delaware county's got a lot of great spotters i trained them one year so i know they got some great spotters out there hopefully we'll start getting some reports here rather soon but again hopefully no reports of tornadoes but what is concerning is it looks like it's trying to get this little kind of hook shape here uh just southeast of winthrop southwest of masonville that's kind of the air that we were watching there on highway 20. so yes we're entering the time of night uh when it's going to get a little bit more difficult to get reports confirmed with this so that's that nutrient warning there nick that storm did start off as tour possible and we actually do have another severe thunderstorm warning labeled as tour possible if you want to head that direction it's down toward it's in tama county it's the one that we've tracking along with it um so definitely something to continue to watch also that severe thunderstorm warning off towards central iowa could eventually uh move into tama and bentham county there as well yeah because we're kind of watching i was kind of mentioned this earlier that inflow not just kind of happening here so that's something to watch uh right here they'll be kind of entering benton county from tama county kind of east kind of like south of dysart over towards keystone this area is kind of something to watch for the time being but we still do have this tornado warning looks like they dropped the confirmed tag that's some good news last report we had was at 7 20 of a confirmed damaging tornado and so thankfully it appears it may have lifted still a dangerous storm though the storm has a history of producing tornadoes funnel clouds so it's definitely worth watching here in eastern iowa and there also was a report uh there was a report at 7 24 that there was a down transformer that started to fire uh out around when about that tornado would have been reported too oh right here by dicernae yes okay yeah i see that there okay yeah you can see i mean the storm has alluded to history producing some damage here including that confirmed tornado near garrison likely just north of garrison there this was likely riding right along highway 8 as it approached highway 218. air circulation is probably along and maybe just north of highway 218 at this point so again vinton most of vinton technically not in the warning right now but it may not be a bad idea to again take your safe place we've seen how quickly these storms can ramp up we go from a whole lot of nothing to tornado warning earlier today about four o'clock we had no tornado warnings or anything about 20 minutes later we had three active tornado-warn storms that were all producing tornadoes today is a day where things wrap up very very quickly so let's go ahead we'll do a quick reset here we are at uh just past 7 30 now unfortunately we are moving into prime time programming unfortunately we do have severe weather and not just severe weather we have damaging storms we have a house that was destroyed and waverly we've got a lot of reports of tornadoes we have seen reports of power lines down barns destroyed farm buildings outbuildings destroyed up towards the waverly area so unfortunately we know that storms today have a history of producing tornadoes and fortunately we've seen how quickly things can change that's why we're on the air where we just ask you for your patience we want to give everybody the all clear soon unfortunately we can't do that we just really have to sit through let these storms do their thing we want to get off there as much as as i'm sure you guys want us to as well unfortunately severe weather does take credence and unfortunately again severe weather happened today we have a lot of reports of tornadoes and unfortunately today is not done wider view you can see the storms here in central iowa but i want to pull up the watch warnings and advisories which you'll see here in yellow that remains that tornado watch this does continue until midnight i think there's a pretty good bet at least portions of our northwestern area may get removed from that ahead of time but at least down towards i-80 we were probably going to be dealing with the late net event over towards dubuque as well we did a facebook live earlier i forget who asked the question over towards dubuque i kind of mentioned after eight o'clock would probably be your window eight to midnight unfortunately we're hitting that we're at 7 36 and storms are starting to approach the city of dubuque again the area in yellow that is that tornado watch which continues until midnight tonight some good news right now we only have red polygons which means we don't have any confirmed tornadoes anymore currently happening uh but we still have at least some pretty dangerous storms uh is there any information coming coming in we're not seeing any new information as far as confirmation of those tornadoes the last one we did get was uh near garrison iowa the one that we you know have talked about a little bit near dysert touching down but since then it looks like it's more radar indicated we can kind of reset and go through what we have been seeing really throughout the day today we do have a couple severe thunderstorm warnings that are worth mentioning because they are labeled tor possible and we've seen a lot of those storms labeled that and then eventually turn into a tornado warning one of them being up towards buchanan and delaware counties so that's the one that we're tracking right now again no confirmation with this simply radar indicated it does go here for another eight minutes i do think based on the velocity signature and let me double check it definitely could get extended we are seeing some decent rotation with this storm here more than one areas of rotation and it will continue to move off to the east here for probably quite some time as mentioned that tornado watch does go until midnight tonight so definitely something to keep your eye on if you're in that dundee manchester area even tracking a little bit far out is dyersville but not quite there yet but anywhere really along highway 13 here highway 187 the masonville area it's your time to be getting in that shelter although nothing have a tornado or a severe thunderstorm warning rather sorry for that includes lynn county now it does not include cedar rapids but does include lynn county okay so that's important to note too we're kind of getting into some of those more populated areas and even though again not a tornado warning for lynn county specifically we are seeing damaging winds and hail with this right now it's tagged 60 mile per hour winds could see a little bit more than that we saw some reports tonight upwards of about 70 or 75 so be prepared for those types of wind speeds and again of course this tornado warning sitting out in benton county again nothing confirmed with this as of now but earlier we did see this drop a tornado still seeing a decent rotation with it not as strong i don't think as we saw before but something to continue to take seriously this one does go for another seven minutes we'll see if the weather service does continue to decide to extend that or not and lastly of course we do have this one severe thunderstorm warning off in tama county and this one goes until eight i do think that one potentially could get expired a little bit early we'll see how those storms kind of develop there a little bit but for the most part an active night ahead of us will be here for quite a bit of time and remember even if they are just severe thunderstorm warnings a lot of them are labeled tour possible i don't know if you want to touch on this severe or this tornado warning here nick yeah sure some good news here i think the air rotation is really weakened uh there's definitely what we call like a shear zone here but nothing is really centralized so it's enough to be concerned it's at least some strong winds now moving through garrison heading towards the vinton area as well this also might be why that severe thunderstorm warning was issued farther off to the east so vinton you are now under at least a severe thunderstorm warning that does continue this evening we'll do kind of a wider view kind of show you that new polygon that we're watching right now we'll do a zoom out and we'll take a look at the storm here again a fairly large triangle trend warning there but also the severe thunderstorm warning which is on the outside of it i'm trying to just get just the just that warning it's a delicate dance either way uh we have that severe thunderstorm warning here basically all of benton county north of highway 30. that's kind of the main concern there again damaging wind gusts upwards of 60 miles per hour and also far northwestern lynn county so like cedar rapids you're not in the warning yet there's some potential that we will inevitably get under a warning we've been telling you that all evening long as he's continued to move off to the east and southeast but at least areas like center point that's going to be under that severe thunderstorm warning against 60 mile per hour winds that's for northern benton county and far northwestern linn county until 8 15 tonight of course you don't want to forget about the tornado warning off to the north this one does continue as well for 7 45. this right along and north of highway 20. this does include eastern portions of buchanan county into northwestern delaware county you can see there are some darker returns showing up here so one of the stronger storms in terms of heavy rainfall potentially some hail as well but again the main threat with this storm will be the tornado threat in addition to some damaging winds looking at the rotation you have a new severe thunderstorm warning which popped up right there this is of concern i'm uh i'm very kind of confused by that severe it's possible as it was before so i'm okay so turn up we're gonna go still six seven forty five that makes sense okay um but yeah that's kind of a concern there um let's go take a look at this guy the uh gate the gate share 87 miles per hour i don't think it'll be long before they issue a trend of warning on that unfortunately um but yeah technically still here under that trend of warning until 7 45 i think they tried issuing this severe thunderstorm warning hoping it was going to stay below tornado limits unfortunately that is of concern there i want to take a closer look can i give you some roads that may be impacted by this storm because that is a pretty menacing view there this is just southwest of masonville that's pretty strong there again this is going to be driving uh east uh just along highway 20. this white line right here is highway 20. uh just south of masonville that's a pretty strong indication of rotation there and nick we do have a non-confirmed report right where you're pointing there large rotating wall cloud okay i don't know about it three uh three miles west southwest of neesonville so okay we just got that newest scan there in which you can really start seeing the brighter pinks right now we're using the weather radar down in the quad cities so the bright pinks are not going away from the radar down the quad cities the greens are coming towards so anytime you got that bright green bright pink that's a sign of some pretty strong rotation unfortunately i do think they might have to issue another tornado warning for this guy here looking at the gate to gate shear here pretty strong 87 miles per hour again this is moving just along highway 20 now in far southeastern buchanan county now entering delaware counties so manchester you're going to be next in line here manchester you need to watch this storm because this is moving off to the east if it does weaken just a tad they tend to move a little bit northeast as we saw with that storm in benton county earlier so manchester definitely going to be under the threat here for this potential rotation again we did have a report of a rotating wall cloud there large rotating wall cloud near masonville that's a good reason to be concerned there let's go ahead and pop the uh just the traditional radar view on it's kind of wrapped in rain you probably would might be able to see it from like the southeast side here with less rain but again if you're looking at it from masonville or from manchester you're not going to be able to see it so just stay inside you're not trying to go outside to look at it because quite frankly you're not going to be able to see it but again that tornado warning technically continues until 7 45 so another two minutes well there it is 8 15. again we just play a game we know they're going to do it and so we kind of just keep stalling for time waiting for them to do it so we have a new severe thunderstorm or excuse me tornado warning here until 8 15. let me zoom out we'll kind of get a wider view so again manchester you're not safe yet this tornado warning does continue for you oneida now under that tornado warning as well as delhi so again this is moving off to the east here a pretty strong indication of rotation right now maybe just a long maybe just south of highway 20 at this point in time look at the velocity view and again that's that's very strong unfortunately these storms they are cycling and fortunately every time they seem to cycle they want to get stronger so right now we do have another couplet that area of rotation just south southwest of masonville a pretty strong indication of rotation there this is moving off to the east now a rotation of 87 miles per hour sir how do you know how fast that storm is moving eastward yeah let me double check really quick there was another tornado warning issue though okay um i don't want further down to the south um we have the one in benton county and then buchanan in delaware so those are the two going on right now that we're noting um the the benton county one is moving east at 30 and the one you are on right now east at 25. 25 okay so we'll do 30 just to give it some leeway here we'll go off to the east again this moving off so it'll be near manchester around 801 again i wouldn't wait to eta one that's a pretty strong indication of rotation but that's where that storm will be near about 801 in manchester around 814 in oneida earlville around 8 20. earlville technically just outside the tornado warning polygon but may not want to play it safe we saw how quickly this spins up and again that's the reason we're on the air these storms have been changing so rapidly we see a storm that looks to weaken and then pulse up right away we've seen multiple reports of tornadoes lots of reports of damage as well so we know today has a history of producing dangerous storms and we're going to stick through all these tornado warnings until they're finally out of here well there's atomic garrison small town or cedar rapids we treat everybody equally we hope that you kind of respect that uh right now again that's no warning it does continue for buchanan and uh delaware counties until 8 15 but as sarah alluded to we do technically have that other tornado warning still down south we'll start off with a wider view uh you can see uh looks like yeah they extended that so we'll do uh zoom in here [Music] yep gotcha uh so we'll go up here dude so yeah now vinton is definitely in that tornado warning again one of the things we've been kind of alluding to it uh you'll want to make sure you're in your safe place right now though that just intensified once again that's what these storms have been doing all day long they ramp up they weaken they ramp up they weaken that's what we're seeing right now so it looks like circulation passing very very close to vinton radar can be a bit displaced from where it's actually occurring so vinton even though it looks just off to yourself i would take your safe place get your shelter now again most interior room that you have if you have a basement that's the best place to be if you have an interior closet that's another really good place to be you want to be in the center-most part of your house put as many walls around you as possible if you live in a manufactured or mobile home try and stick sturdy or shelter maybe a neighbor's house maybe a gas station nearby that'll be probably the best case to do it best thing to do right now though that circulation passing ever so uh close to vinton uh getting ready to cross highway 218 likely south of vinton or very close to vinton i would not give vincent the all clear even though it looks just off to your south it's really just too close to call cloud about four or down to the southeast of it so as you were talking about yep so at least a funnel cloud now with this storm we can see the rotation aloft we know the storm is spinning now we have reports that it's unfortunately producing possibly funnel clouds uh funnel clouds obviously are the precursor to tornadoes and so that's we're looking at right now you can see kind of the city streets of vinton right up here that circulation one maybe two miles south of vinton but again it's too close to call radar can be a bit displaced from reality so if you're in vinton you need to be in your safe place right now because that circulation continues to intensify now we're seeing it cycle back up we'll do a quick inspection there 54 mile an hour spin so pretty good spin there in the atmosphere this will likely be passing either on top of or just south of vinton it's likely crossing about 218 highway 218 right about now this moving east maybe a bit northeast that most recent scans seem to go a little bit northeast so it's going to be a very very close call to vinton which is right up here on the top of the screen so we are still dealing with two active tornado warnings i'm going to zoom down here here's vinton here's that circulation about a mile or two off to your south again very very close to call getting ready to cross highway 218 if it hasn't already radar can also be a bit sluggish it lags a little bit behind reality so i'll pop the radar view back on and hold my point there so and that circulation is completely wrapped in rain so once again you're not going to be able to see it just try not to go outside and look at it quite frankly because it'll be very dangerous to see storm spotters they know how to position themselves a little bit better uh you can see the live view there from our road warrior weather first meteorologist nathan santo domingo i'd love to know where he's at if you attended here waverly last time i checked he's looking at some of the damage there okay but not near one of these tornado worn storms gotcha yeah he's in waverly right now uh checking out some of the sights there again there was some of the damage was in the waverly area we had that report of a possible house destroyed i think there was a confirmed report there uh newest update though with the tornado warning uh this is for northern benton county waverly you're fine for now waverly uh he's just checking our damage waverly you guys are okay in terms of the active threat the trend of watch though does continue until midnight tonight we'll do a wide review we'll start off with a whole view across eastern iowa again we're now working two tornado warnings we had as many as i believe four or five at one point we're down to two we're getting pretty close hopefully things weaken but unfortunately as soon as they look to weaken they strengthen right back up again so we'll be bouncing back and forth between different storms we are working multiple alternative warnings today we've been doing this since about 4 30 i believe this evening so it's been a very long day again this trend of warning does continue for eastern buchanan county here's the buchanan county line right here and much of delaware county does include the city of manchester manchester you want to make sure you're a safe place that circulation will be passing very close to you also we have oneida up here showing up on the map at night is right up here in earlville those are two other areas that storm continues to progress if you essentially live along highway 20 and to the south or north of highway 20 in delaware county you're going to want to make sure in your safe place because that is a pretty menacing storm we'll go back to the velocity view see how much those raindrops are spinning there and that looks even stronger still the storm continues to intensify it appears to be just southeast of masonville southwest of manchester pretty strong indication of rotation there as of now i did see the screen flash which at least radar indicated still not confirmed but like the other storm in benton county it's likely heavily wrapped in rain to the point you're not going to be able to see anything it's also slowly getting darker which is going to make it more difficult to see as well we'll take a look at the traditional radar view again the circulation is right here just south southeast of masonville south southwest of manchester you can kind of see that hook here it's not the most classic example of a hook echo but there is definitely something here happening southwest of manchester want to make sure you're in your safe place uh maybe i'll just say flynn anything kind of coming in the chat your way yeah so the one that you're on right now um still moving pretty slowly east at 25 miles per hour just radar indicated for now again not indicated or no confirmed reports on the ground the one down to the south though that we continue to track is still a concern so this is what we're looking at right now this is the one for buchanan and delaware county goes to 8 15 p.m just radar indicated but when we say that we look for some pretty steady rotation and we are seeing that with this storm i mean that's a little bit concerning that's something that if you're in the manchester area along highway 13 along highway 20 you need to be getting into that shelter now we've seen a lot of tornadoes touch down across the state today and this is looking like it could potentially be a strong one the second warning that i do want to touch on here really quickly further down to the south the second tornado warning we have for benton county not seeing anything as of right now but we did get a report that there from the emergency management that a brief tornado did touch down north of 61st street between garrison and vinton so certainly possible we're a little bit lagged behind on this but that would have been right around this area which is where we were seeing that strong rotation just a few minutes ago so obviously this storm is known for producing tornadoes it is now a little bit off that location really just about a mile south of vinton nearing the eden area if you're in the eden area this is the time to be taking that shelter the tornado potentially if it does touch down may pass north of you but we still do have a lot of damaging winds with this storm and certainly it is better to be safe than sorry it will continue to track off to our east these are moving they're moving pretty slow that's kind of what we've seen all night here it does go to 8 15 but if it does get extended we are into linn county with a tornado warning we don't know if that's going to happen yet but it certainly is possible if we continue to see this very strong rotation here we did just get a report in that law enforcement confirms the tornado southwest of manchester so jumping back to this storm not completely surprised based on what we're looking here it still says radar indicated but we are getting some steady reports there as well and it looks like we just got another tornado warning look at that this one further off to the south i believe yes to the south uh still for benton county this one goes until 8 30 p.m yes that is correct it goes to 8 30 pm and i'm getting something from the producers that we do have an image or of that storm rolling into vinton here so not seeing necessarily a tornado worn storm but definitely seeing lightning with this so regardless even if you aren't in that tornado warning these storms are known for producing a lot of lightning and a lot of damaging winds that's some pretty significant lightning that we're seeing there again this is near the vinton area which does have a tornado warning under it and now one down to the south both in benton county but again it's just one county away from linn county we are close to the cedar rapids area these storms do you have the potential to continue to strengthen out there so it's something we'll for sure watch i do want to turn back on that lightning though because that is another threat that we are seeing today so with these storms huge lightning producers and in fact if we can hop on over to max 2 and take that full i can pop up the skycam here in cedar rapids just moments ago we saw a ton of lightning coming along with these storms we need to turn a little bit but you see it you see it off in the distance a little bit towards our northwest that is coming into linn county not necessarily a tornado worn storm but certainly severe thunderstorms will be getting in here within the next couple of minutes to an hour so definitely something to watch if you're just coming in now because you're seeing the lightning out there in linn county or you know up towards possibly even the dubuque area we do have a couple different warnings in place the main we have they are extending the tournament it is confirmed tornado you want to go ahead and take a nick yeah sure uh so again we've been talking about this storm right here sarah mentioned the fact that law enforcement confirmed the tornado we're kind of waiting for that update but again manchester you're now under the gun this is a very serious situation we now have a confirmed tornado heading very very close to the manchester area that is riding essentially along highway 20 getting very close to highway 13. right at that intersection there near manchester that storm will continue to move off to the east uh maybe a tad north of east oh boy okay so manchester this you need to be in your safe place right now manchester this is a very dangerous situation this circulation is coming into manchester right now we have a confirmed tornado in progress this is basically moving into manchester okay right on the ground south of highway 20 it may have crossed highway 20 most recently with based on the radar but again radar can be a little bit displaced and now it's that radar imagery shows it's in manchester so if this tornado is still on the ground it would be in the city of manchester so again i hope you've been heeding our warning and taking the storm very seriously because this is uh some potential here for a very serious situation we're looking at the debris product here this can indicate there's debris flying up in the air as of this scan doesn't appear to be anything showing up we're now close enough to the radar where this tool is useful but i'm not seeing too much showing up yet we'll have to keep an eye on that hopefully this trail lifted before it moved into manchester but i have to tell you that is a very concerning image uh right now i'm gonna zoom in here to manchester we'll try and give you some street views here again looks like it's either on or just north of highway 20 moving right through the heart of manchester it's likely going to be right near highway 13. that's the main drive that goes right through manchester this is likely a confirmed tornado most recently within the last few minutes and this is likely moving into manchester right now we're hoping that this has lifted unfortunately the most recent information we have per law enforcement is that it is still on the ground and it's basically moving into manchester right now based on radar imagery so again we want to make sure you're in your safe place as low as you can possibly be if you don't have a basement that's fine first floor is fine just make sure you get in the closet maybe under a staircase put as many walls between you and the outside as possible if you're out driving know some of them may be driving stop inside maybe like a liquor store maybe like a gas station get somewhere safe outside from the outside in a sturdy structure because this is a very concerning radar image it appears we have a potential tornado moving into the city of manchester right now we have at least a report just southwest of town of a tornado and based on the radar imagery if we're extrapolating it it will be moving into manchester right now so that's a very big concern there again we hope you're in your safe place you've had a lot of warning that's some good news we do have a new update there again observed tornado appears to be right near manchester right now so that's the most recent update was there any info with that newest uh update from the weather service yeah no i don't see anything that's the last report i have south of southwest of manchester uh south of highway 20. i'm not seeing anything from there they did cancel the tornado warning for buchanan as i'm sure you've seen okay um but it is continuing through delaware county so still confirmed at this time yep and again we don't want to forget people downstream as well obviously manchester is a major concern right now as this possible tornado is moving right through town it was at least confirmed uh but we are watching it we got delaware over here oneida up here and earlville right behind me so this storm will be moving east possibly northeast so oneida delaware you're going to be next in line as the storm continues to move off to the east you want to make sure you're in your safe place right now because this is a potentially very concerning situation for the city of manchester again you can see the radar we are off to the southeast towards the quad cities we have velocities going away that bright pink there the greens are going towards the radar and that spin right now on the south side of manchester possibly right over manchester uh looks at the circulation near the manchester walmart that appears to be one of the most recent updates there again highway 13 just maybe north of highway 20 right now but the most recent report we had was just south of highway 20. so that's that trend of warning there that's the most concerning storm there although it looks like these ones are now confirmed as well we did get an update for the one in manchester 757 confirmed tornado over manchester united moving east all right so it is confirmed say prayer everybody for the people of manchester hopefully that tornado is uh weakening and not doing a lot of damage but apparently a tornado just went right through the city of manchester we are also watching this circulation here just now east of vinton that's a pretty strong indication and unfortunately that has just intensified with the most recent scan you can see this is also observed so this is a confirmed tornado that passed really really close to vinton if not in vinton now moving off to the east so center point in linn county now is your time get below ground take shelter unfortunately almost every tornado warning we've had today has verified we have seen countless reports of tornadoes and damage here in eastern iowa some of us have gotten lucky it's been in open fields away from houses unfortunately others have gone through town so that's what we're really concerned with right now we are watching this circulation now entering northeastern benton county getting very very close to the benton linn county line i do want to look at the radar view here there's the gate to get shear how much spin is happening here uh 74 miles an hour and it's tight it's not very widespread it's a very tight area of circulation and so that's what we're watching right now also sir if you can do me a favor and uh pan the skycam to where you think might be best because we can be able to watch these cedar rapids yeah yeah for c drive thank you so much but again we continue to watch uh that shining warren storm uh this will be a view from our sky cam here in cedar rapids we're looking west about 300 feet up above our studio and northern cedar rapids you can see the lightning there don't see a lot of structure but it's still a ways away but we will have a view of the storm as it begins to come our way that should be the closest camera we will have unfortunately it's kind of a kind of an area without a lot of cameras there all right let's go back to the radar view uh strobel kind of trying to hone in on that area there but again we are watching this confirmed tornado now moving in northeastern benton county quickly approaching linn county so again lynn county we're next in line we've been talking about the threat for cedar rapids all night long unfortunately it's starting to get very very close it's knocking on our door right now we also have this other area of circulation that's southwest of vinton that's also at 73 miles an hour so we have two different areas that's why we have two different polygons here uh with this storm so again we are very very closely watching the potential for uh tornadoes here we know that it's at least confirmed in northeastern benton county we're also watching this circulation southwest of vinton so benton county again shellsburg area down to newhall take your safe place right now this is also very close to garrison which saw a tornado earlier this might be another tornado that we're dealing with here all right let's dance back north again we do have a couple updates with this emergency manager reports there was two separate tornadoes one about to cross highway 13 one north of highway 20 near manchester okay um but they also say that the circulation looks to be weakening a little bit good news so hopefully some improvement on that storm when you're dealing with two different tornadoes floating around your city and if we can get by this without damage that would be the best possible outcome here but unfortunately again we do know that there were confirmed tornadoes two of them right near manchester uh the circulation went very close to manchester hopefully this did not enter the city but it was a very very close call it looks like that's a bit of a concern there there might be some artifacting here happening over manchester which may be causing this potentially some damage might be blocking the beam there hopefully it's just a hail signature as opposed to debris but there is some concern that we are seeing debris being lifted up here in the upper level of the atmosphere uh it's being blocked uh but uh as sarah alluded to the weather service alluded to the circulation appears to be weakening a little bit that's some good news there um hopefully things are weakening here unfortunately we've seen how fast these things ramp right back up so again trend of warning does continue here for central delaware county does include manchester united is up here and earlville those are the next three places that we're really really closely watching with this storm and nick if you want to i could take it for a second really quick here but the other tornado warning that we are tracking down to the south uh west of that tornado warning that nick was just talking about that one uh the circulation does look strong we're still seeing reports from the weather service that it will likely continue to strengthen and potentially even move into linn county so switching gears a little bit where that is going to be down here just in benton county still a fairly strong circulation that we are tracking here now a little bit north of shellsburg i would say would be the main area but just down to the south we have another tornado warning this one not confirmed it's just radar indicated at this time but it definitely could potentially produce a tornado here very shortly so it looks like they did extend a severe thunderstorm warning across into lynn county we already had that kind of going there as well but could see this tornado continue to move into lynn county as well so if you are near the center point area not a bad idea to be getting in that safe space or making sure you have access to it being prepared for that it does look like it is passing north of shellsburg but again always better to be safe than sorry with a storm that's a little bit further down here the area of main rotation kind of a little bit south of garrison north of van horn they're saying the one south of vinton is is looks like it's going to be strong become the main circulation we'll have to kind of wait until you see what the next scan would be but regardless it would likely be a rain wrap tornado so getting confirmation on that would be a little bit challenging but something we will continue to monitor and watch other than that no confirmation or photos coming in of either of these storms quite yet but i did hear from the producers as i mentioned these tornadoes or the tornado warnings could eventually move into lynn county and they said they did have a video of a rooftop in cedar rapids a good amount of lightning coming on in for sure it's from our reporter emily chavez actually she sent that on in but visibility is dropping you're going to have these lightning storms regardless if you're in that tornado warning or not be getting into a safe space be getting inside and be prepared to go to that tornado warned safe space in your home or apartment so we'll flip back to radar here this is what we're looking at right now again if you're just popping in because you're hearing the storms rolling into lynn county this is what we're dealing with a total of five warnings across our area right now two of them being tornadoes now this one up here near manchester we did have confirmation that there were two tornadoes that did touch down right now no confirmation that there is one on the ground but definitely still something to take seriously the weather service just said circulation looks a little bit weaker near manchester that's good news but the threat obviously is still there we're still going to keep an eye on it and keep the tornado warning at least through 8 15. so let's take a look at that velocity there it definitely has weakened we were seeing a pretty pretty strong couplet but regardless definitely could drop another tornado here quickly we've seen a lot of these spin up and spin down very briefly within minutes here even in between radar scans sometimes so if you are in that polygon please be getting into that safe space especially if you're along the highway 20 area surrounding it we do have that thunderstorm warning and of course down to the south here it seems like a lot of eyes are kind of moving into this area because you know it could potentially move into lynn county which is a pretty populated area there nick yeah what's concerning to me is this kind of the trajectory that we're on now notice the lines are moving south eastward so if i kind of you know extrapolate where that might be heading you know the cedar rapids metro would really be next in line from the storm which has a history of producing tornadoes it's also starting to intensify so no reason to get too concerned yet but if you're in the cedar rapids metro i would now recommend to make sure you have your tornado safe area cleared out you know where you're going connect with your kids make sure everybody's aware of what's happening we are watching these storms they're very dangerous and they're very very close now to entering the cedar rapids metro area so we're watching the storm very closely they have dropped the observed tag that's good news that means the tornado that was occurring did lift unfortunately the circulation remains and it's getting a little bit stronger there south of the vinton area so this is what we're watching right now and again this is going to be moving east southeast so if it does continue to hold strength and we've seen these storms ramp up weaken ramp up weaken so we might be kind of at the mercy of at what point does this storm begin to weaken or re-intensify so we're watching this very closely here in the cedar rapids metro right now the tornado warnings are off to the north and west but again course of least regret just make sure you're trying to safe place is cleared out you know where you're going and remember that's the lowest level of a home if you have a basement that's obviously a great option but if you don't have a basement first level is fine just put as many walls between you and the outside as possible that's again where the tornado warning is for now in northeastern benton county so shellsburg would be next in line as that continues to move off to the east it definitely looks like it's starting to cycle up once again we'll kind of put a quarry on see how fast it's spinning that seems a bit off uh let's try it again 54 yeah 54 miles per hour seems pretty reasonable it looks like it may have weakened there with the most recent scan but still a lot of eyes are on it we have to watch it very very closely this is approaching again lynn county this is up in northeastern benton county so again if you're in the vincent area especially on the south side of vinton i'd make sure you're still in your safe place it's still just too close to call uh shellsburg will be the next area what's that rotating wall clouds so no confirmation of the tornado but it is rotating skeletal reports that's south of vinton correct cool uh northeast of van horn okay actually yep so yes kind of gotcha all right so yeah again we have at least some indication that there's some kind of threat happening with that storm there in benton county um one of two real storms that we're watching again this one kind of has more of a supercellular shape we've seen this before and kind of that hook echo right here the inflow going in here would it be surprised if this does try and intensify here with the next few scans this is right now west of shellsburg just south of vinton that's that area of concern there but also not to forget we also do have this warning here in southern benton county as well van horn over to new hall i'm not really seeing too much on the reflectivity maybe velocity i don't really see too much here it appears the main area here uh is up north of new hall uh south of the vinton area but if you are a new hall of van horn you are still under that trend of warning again want to make sure you're in your safe place right now because that again will be the course of least regret let's go look at the radar view let's dance back north we'll play this game again we've been doing this all evening we've been dancing between two different storms um we have obviously severe thunderstorm warnings as well as tornado warnings it looks like they may expire that tornado warning but still does go for another three minutes so okay right on so we have this new severe thunderstorm warning this is again for northern northeastern delaware county and to far northwestern dubuque county this is a storm possible of 60 miles per hour wind gusts as well as maybe some quarter-sized hail so this is another dangerous storm it appears the tornado threat is winding down with this storm but we still do have that trend of warning in effect until 8 15 for central delaware county keep in mind we did have reports of two tornadoes very very close to manchester so far no reports of damage that's great news however that is definitely a very big concern we are watching again right now otherwise just gusty storms upwards of 60 miles per hour wind gust over towards onita let's go ahead what's going to reset people may be popping in and out again i know there's normal programming on right now i know we're covering up programs i wish i could stop talking i've been talking for four hours straight i'm pretty done too unfortunately again we have to stick through the severe weather threat until it's over for everybody whether it's a cedar rapids metro or small towns like garrison we treat everybody equally and that's what we're doing right now we continue to watch the threats for severe weather it's not just the threat for severe weather we've had multiple reports of confirmed tornadoes in fact if i go to the radar view you can see how active things have been across eastern iowa we got lots of reports of tornadoes here in benton county we had lost reports of tornadoes near manchester lots of reports of tornadoes over towards waverly and up towards floyd county including new hampton and charles city so it has been a very active day there have been tornadoes how many we just don't know yet because there's going to be a lot of surveys going on i can tell you the state of iowa has had four tornadoes this year before today we've at least probably doubled if not tripled that number today um so again it's been a very active night we've had a lot of severe weather here in eastern iowa let's go kind of storm by storm we're really down to two here nick the one in delaware county did just get expired beautiful all right so once again we're down to really one try to warn storm every time we get to one suddenly turns into three so hopefully things are calming down here uh but you have any updates there up in uh delaware county up for manchester need reports hopefully nothing in terms of damage yeah nothing too much yet again we did have confirmed tornadoes on the ground tomorrow there will be a lot of surveying going on to see exactly what played out with that and what tornadoes and rankings they all had so this one taking it to the radar this one up in delaware county is expired you just saw it disappear great now we are down to a severe thunderstorm warning for this one this one goes until 8 45 pm for portions of delaware and dubuque county looking at the potential really for wind when is the main threat that we are tracking today hail certainly could be possible with this storm but the gusts upwards of 60 to 70 miles per hour certainly are what we're kind of tracking right now and i do just i just got the notification on my watch here we did get another severe thunderstorm warning extended now into lynn county not a big surprise there at all so it didn't look like they extended the tornado warning which is good which means we're not seeing too much of that strong rotation at play anymore there is still some rotation i would say a little bit further off into benton county but not quite in linn county yet definitely just tracking those severe storms with those damaging winds so winds up to again 60 to 70 mile per hour gusts at least hail three quarter inch but could be a little bit bigger depending on how that develops and of course looking at a ton of lightning with these storms and really heavy rainfall flash flooding is a concern too obviously not the main concern with tornadoes going on but especially that lightning too i'm sure you see it rolling into lynn county there definitely going to be a strong storm so be prepared for that if you're along 380 the centerpoint robbins area and finally the last tornado warning that we have right now hopefully the last of the night we've had quite a bit this one for benton county for the next 14 minutes here again not seeing we're seeing some rotation with it of course a little bit weaker than we saw it a couple minutes ago and i should make note as well that the severe thunderstorm for benton and lynn is of course labeled tour possible so we could still see that rotation kind of fire up over here west of shellsburg and track into lynn county nothing to panic about yet as we're not there but something we will continue to watch but looking at the overview we're hopefully winding down here a little bit of course we will continue to watch these storms further off into central iowa which could track into our area but for now all eyes remain on this tornado warning uh which expires at 8 30 pm there nick we're getting there we're almost there there's not a lot happening here i'm hoping we can cancel this thing pretty soon but what is of concern is this guy that is coming into lynn county again it is a severe thunderstorm warning not a tornado warning coming into northwestern linn county here again we're talking about the threat of 60 mile per hour wind gusts maybe some small hail a lot of lightning and a possible tornado so right now no formal tornado warning for northern linn county but what i do want to tell you is that looking at this right here that's a pretty good indication of an inflow notch right here it may be trying to spin up right here very close to shellsburg so we're watching it very closely hopefully this thing begins to weaken we're entering the time of night when i think we start losing a little bit of instability unfortunately the sheer begins to increase this time of night so once you lose one you gain the other it's a constant game in meteorology but again we're watching the storm right now just as severe thunderstorm warning and we'll look at the velocity view here again it's nothing strong there is some spin here just west northwest of shellsburg that is definitely an area that we are watching but at least as of now it doesn't look too imminent so that's some good news here but again tornado is possible with this storm we've seen how quickly things can spin up so if you're in the cedar rapids metro again you don't want to completely blow it off uh it's just you know just a severe thunderstorm warning and we can see what severe thunderstorm warnings did in the duration day obviously it's not that but you can see how quickly things can spin up and so we're watching this again just west northwest of shellsburg nothing imminent that's good news but again this kind of hook feature is kind of what i'm concerned with right in there so hopefully things can kind of calm down but again we have a long night ahead still i'm gonna look oh there it goes well at least you get the heads up if you're watching this unfortunately um yeah well here we go yeah so it did it moved further north with a rotation now in lynn and benton counties so we're going to start hearing the sirens here in linn county it's important to note that cedar rapids as of now is not in the tornado warning but you're probably going to start hearing the sirens i know county home road is that cut off and that's somewhere in here so we might be technically in that area where the the sirens will go off in the metro um yeah and unfortunately spun right up just were just where we were looking unfortunately it's exactly what we expected i'm being told by one of our producers that um sirens are going to go off in lynn county because the funnel cloud has been spotted in northwest lynn so okay well there we go um so it's um here we are we got rotation there 54 miles per hour pretty good rotation with that storm definitely something to be concerned with this is now a tornado warning tornado warning has been issued for far eastern benton county and now northwestern lynn county again important to note this does not include the cedar rapids metro but of course it's very very close it's just off to the northwest center point technically just south of or excuse me just north of that severe thunderstorm warning that is potentially producing a tornado here again that is that spin right here just west northwest of shellsburg i will put a kind of a gate to gate on there again pretty strong indication of rotation 78 so it's intensifying we talked about these storms intensifying going back down picking back up going back down and that's what we're watching right now uh let's go ahead and take a look at uh the sky cam if we can actually nick we do have a live look at that storm that you were just discussing i believe the producers did get in my ear and tell me that if we can go there okay uh do we know where this is this looks like cedar rapids it doesn't look like yeah the city right there 40 seconds so headed towards that storm in northwest land well you're gonna see it here in iowa's news now if it produces something nice with the green light there and i hear the sirens going off here and outside our studio now so we are hearing the sirens so we're going to try and get north on a high i380 here trying to intercept that storm likely crossing i-380 at some point north of cedar rapids but keep in mind it's still a ways off how fast is this storm moving um sir uh 20 miles per hour east okay so we'll do well i guess i could do 20 then let's do cone and again you can hear the sirens going off in the cedar rapids metro as of now the cedar rapids metro is not in the tornado warning it's off to the north and west but the way they uh i guess designate where the sirens go off it's clipping our portion of the county where the warnings will go off so if it does continue to hold strength right now the tornado warning is passing right near shellsburg it's going to be approaching northwestern linn county here pretty soon not a lot of towns here between i-380 and the benton linn county line but if it does hold strength toddville by 8 50. again this is a tornado warning which has now been issued for northeastern benton northwestern linn county if you're just hearing the sirens now and you have not paid attention to any severe weather that has happened today we've had a lot of severe weather we've had a lot of reports of tornadoes in fact this storm produced a tornado just off to the west here so this is a storm that has a history of producing tornadoes and that's why we're watching it very closely here any info coming in your way sarah not seeing funnel cloud reports nothing on the ground quite yet um that's that's really rotating wall cloud funnel cloud um the sky cam does look a little bit interesting if you want to cut to that yeah over cedar rapids a lot of lightning with it unfortunately we can't aim it a little bit north because the the where we put it up on our tower it kind of blocks the view a little bit so that's the best we can get um but definitely seeing heavy rainfall and ongoing lightning with this i can adjust it a little bit can you uh put me by chance in front of that skycam that would be fantastic if we can do that um we're going to work on that i'll kind of just kind of pinpoint some of the things yeah if you can turn it too that'd be fantastic see what we can do all right and again this is a tornado warning for northeastern benton county and northwestern linn county again here's the live view from our cedar rapids sky cam we're on the north side of cedar rapids against cedar rapids is not in the tornado warning you're hearing sirens because the way the sirens are sounded in the county cedar rapids metro not the warning but off to the north and west we are and we're viewing from northwest of our studio appears to be some kind of lowering kind of right in here that might be kind of the area of most interest um to give some perspective oh there we go we're going to get the red bar out no you're all right it's a struggle they're watching it very closely we do have a live camera uh so we'll kind of stick with this for a minute to see what's happening um it's a little lost in rain it's kind of we've been telling you guys we're also pretty far from it uh but these circulations they have been really rain wrapped today which makes it very difficult to actually see what's happening uh but yeah the circulation would be somewhere probably in here uh looks like we're not gonna really have a great view of it there um yeah we'll just keep an eye on that our best view will be from the road warriors so if we have that i guess we can double box that and stick with the radar view since it's a live view from the road warrior against heading north right now out of the cedar rapids metro on i-380 that's going to intercept the storm we're going to keep a close eye on that there he's heading to shellsburg right now which is a good call i believe okay right on so again heading north up that way all right let's go back to a radar and we'll talk about the tornado warning which continues again this is kind of that hook echo on radar it's about to start entering actual lynn county here again the cedar rapids metro you're okay for now you're not under that warning but we are watching it ever so closely uh we'll go back to the velocity view right in my mind thank you very much okay that's a live view of the storm we're gonna be heading up that way right now we don't have anything confirmed with this storm as it's now beginning to cross the benton linn county line it will be entering northwestern western linn county here pretty soon and that's something we're definitely going to have to watch and i do see there's a new uh severe thunderstorm warning which has been issued uh even infilling that that is correct yeah we just got that one in uh 60 mile per hour wind for benton and linn county also goes to nine so both of these are going to be extended through that time i can kind of take you through what we've seen here so far so really i mean all eyes are on this tornado warning you're hearing the sirens out there we're hearing them outside the studio a lot of lightning with this storm very damaging winds if you are shellsburg is almost clear out of the area now but if we're headed kind of towards even payload likely passing a little bit north definitely be in your safe space if you're in that polygon we're not quite past or east of 380 right now not in the cedar rapids area if it does continue to track east which it's doing right now it will potentially miss the cedar rapids area but definitely something to continue to be aware of at least for the next hour or so here until this storm gets out of our really or out of our county or dies down so the severe thunderstorm warning that we do have it's the big one it goes for benton and lynn county again until 9 00 p.m oops let's zoom it on froze on me there it goes it goes to 9 p.m for benton and lynn county and then further to the north we still do have this severe thunderstorm warning going for delaware and dubuque until 8 45 although this one is dying down a little bit from what i can tell heavy rainfall coming along with it potentially some damaging winds but i do think that one might expire here in just a little bit so really all of our eyes kind of fall on this storm down here that's moving into lynn county this tornado warning it's important to notice or to note that it is just barely hitting 380. and with that if you have people driving on 380 or yourself we're planning on doing it get off into a safe space at this time it's going to continue to track that direction so even if it doesn't end up producing a tornado it still is a very strong storm and it just looks like here at about 8 20 so about seven minutes ago we did have uh lynn county emergency management tell us there was a funnel cloud um so yeah take this storm very seriously uh it does go till nine pm but we could for sure see this extended and we can check the velocity here looks stronger it looks stronger yeah it's definitely um something to take seriously right now and these storms kind of had a history of kind of strengthening and then decreasing and then strengthening again and going back down again and so that's kind of what we've been seeing all night that's an air circulation right there and on the right side of your screen that looks like a very impressive wall cloud so that's very concerning there uh is this just gonna be a live video or do we have actual contact with whoever this may be aaron okay cool so uh we have our wonderful engineer aaron out there he's gonna be heading up that way and that is a very fascinating view so let's stay with double box let's not deviate from this because we have a live view of that storm this is that area of circulation that you're looking at on the right side of your screen this will be very close to the shellsburg area big wall cloud there i can see striations that's an indication of some rotation a bit of a lowering there as well looks like on the middle part of that big base there so there's some potential this thing may be producing a tornado either soon or could be right now it's a little difficult to say but obviously that's a very big concern this is the storm that is moving through the shellsburg area very near shellsburg it will soon be crossing the benton linn county line into northwestern linn county can we take that video full and potentially put me in front of it that would be fantastic yeah that's uh that's a big concerning uh storm there that's that's a big wall cloud here uh you can kind of see uh there's kind of the lowering there in the middle part just above those trees and left side of the lane you can see right here this is what we're going to be watching this is the whole wall cloud here that's that whole wall cloud there that's the part of the storm that's actually rotating and these fingers right here are what we need to watch for a potential tornado it doesn't appear to be on the ground at the moment but that is definitely a big concern there here in just entering northwestern linn county so let's just stay with the video this is the only tornado warning that we have right now radar is not going to do us any better than live video so let's just stick with it again this is uh likely very near the shallowsburg area this will be crossing benton linn county line again big wall cloud you can see the striations there this will be covington is the newest updated location we have here there is that circulation it looks like maybe a big wall cloud happening here and we're watching this uh for the potential of it kind of getting down to the ground he's going to do a quick little turn here get us a good view look at that that was masterful all right so this is what we're watching right here uh that is a stunning view of the storm again this is better than any radar imagery you're going to see a live video of the storm as it's approaching us this is the tornado warning if you are just tuning in we do have a tornado warning for northeastern benton county as well as northwestern linn county this is the reason why look at how low this is right now that is something we need to watch very very closely there's definitely some potential that this could become a tornado producer we do have the tornado warning that does continue until nine o'clock tonight so another 30 minutes and this is a very very impressive storm structure moving our way they've now just issued a new tornado warning if we can double box real quick we have a new trend warning which has been issued same storm but we're going to work on that here uh but um same storm northwestern linn county far northeastern benton county uh you can see it there on the other side of your screen that's that new trailer warning up that way yeah see if you can zoom in there that'd be fantastic uh you can kind of see though uh that new severe tornado warning excuse me does include center point and central city uh just north of midway it'll be center point in central city alice is right there as well um so yes obviously you need to watch this very closely you're watching the reason why on the left side of your screen this is that supercell it's a very impressive supercell structure big beefy wall cloud here this is the area that could produce a tornado at any given point the whole storm is clearly rotating anytime you get structure like this you know the storm is rotating you can also see on the right side looks like an inflow tail trying to form here so that's warm moist air starting to flow into the storm so again to recap we do have a new tornado warning this is more of northwestern linn county as well as northeastern benton county this also continues until nine o'clock again if we want to i guess take that video full again and we can just sir if you're seeing anything in the chat um obviously i think we have probably the best view in town right now i would strongly agree with that yeah no confirms at this time still just a rotating wall cloud which is exactly what you're looking at right now again that tornado we are seeing that strong rotation move to our northeast now so it is tracking away from the cedar rapids metro but now engulfs areas including center point alice and tracking towards central city but central city you're not in that tornado warning just quite yet so that right there is getting very close to being a tornado on the ground we're seeing that strong rotation you're going to see right here on iowa's news now if it does touch down we're not we're not going anywhere anytime soon again the warning does continue through 9 pm um yeah wow okay if you can if you can if we can a double box again put the video in the big screen that would be super and then just kind of put me and max one of the bottom left there uh but again we were watching uh very closely so this is covington road this will be south of halo that makes total sense based on what we're looking at here again very very impressive storm it could very well be producing a tornado or if not very very uh quickly can we're kind of right in this area here that's kind of what we're looking at is this circulation it is southwest south of center point but it could be moving up your way so center point you're not out of the woods yet uh let me go ahead and kind of get a little bit of a closer look here oop if you guys can you can help me out sir if you can get me down towards that storm thank you um yeah uh that's also what you're looking at there on the right side of your screen this is the tornado warning that is moving into northwestern linn county and so you can see that is a very very impressive storm structure that's covington road near payload that's what we're looking at right now again that circulation likely just south of center point if you can zoom out in a little bit closer here kind of get payload to show up here is it going to get some perspective sure thank you very much i think it's fighting with me because you're going to get out of the way sorry it does okay technology is amazing ooh that's a nice flattening flash right about there you want north i think knock it south just a little bit perfect yep okay okay so again we're looking at that circulation right about here um you have shellsburg over here shellsburg is now in the clear but payload again you're kind of in the threat area we're looking northwest this is uh from uh midway midway is down to here so that circulation will be passing just south of center point again that circulation is getting very very close now approaching i380 south of center point so again if you know anybody that may be traveling north on i-380 get them off i-380 before they leave hiawatha if you get north of hiawatha you're going to start running into the storm you don't want to do that you can see just how impressive that storm structure is very likely could produce tornadoes as you can see yeah so we're getting reports you're again you're seeing it live too um the funnel cloud half of the ground let's take the video full again might as well uh again this is the really the only uh storm that we're watching right now in eastern iowa and the rest were inspired so it's just the tornado warning and then the severe thunderstorm around it okay everything else is clear all right so we're about to lose the live shot that's totally fine uh we'll make sure you can stay out ahead of it for us again big thank you to our uh to aaron gerhart out there and our road warrior chasing that storm uh but again uh so we can go back to the radar thank you very much again that circulation right now south of center point circulation right about here getting ready to cross i-380 um very menacing very very concerning just how impressive that was you don't see that in iowa too often so let's go ahead and kind of zoom out just a little bit can i give a wider view and again this is the lone show in town we're down to one hopefully we can keep it at one this time we do have this tornado warning for northern lind county again i cannot stress enough how dangerous the storm may be the average viewer may not understand what was happening in that video but that was a very impressive wall cloud that could drop a tornado at any given point thankfully it hasn't we didn't see any indications it was producing a tornado but also keep in mind it's rather dark it's possible the darkness may be hiding it just a little bit but again we do have this tornado warning does include far northeastern benton county into northern lind county until nine o'clock tonight another 23 minutes this tornado warning will stay north of the cedar rapids metro this particular storm will stay north of the cedar rapids metro that's the good news there but again we are watching it ever so closely let me zoom out just a little bit and we'll kind of give everybody an update on what else is happening here in eastern iowa the good news is we're down to one we have a lot of heavy rain probably a lot of lightning torrential rain at that is falling especially uh from about clayton county through northern dubuque county delaware county buchanan county blackhawk county down to tama county there's a lot of heavy rain falling right in this area highway 20 corridor is going to see a lot of rain the only real severe threat though remains these warnings in northeastern benton and northwestern lynn county so we need to watch them very closely and we're going to do just that we're going to zoom right back in we're going to kind of play this game until these warnings are out of here again there's kind of this hook feature here a bit of a circulation right here probably right near center point now so it's getting ready to cross i-380 i380 we also of course are going to have alice and al burnett they're going to be kind of in line for the storm as well albernet's down here maybe just outside the warning i'd maybe take your tornado precautions just in case we have alice right here and of course center point and this storm continues uh to move off to uh the east a little bit here let's go ahead look at the velocity view we'll see for that couplet it's persistent uh looks like it's crossing i-380 just south of center point uh that's at circulation right there again this moving off to the east northeast uh do you have a speed on that foot of me real quick yes 25 miles per hour east all right but it looks a little more northeast yeah i was thinking that too all right we'll do a 30 just to give a little bit of a buffer um so atlas they'll be around your air about 8 46 so within the next about eight minutes or so so you want to make sure you're giving yourself extra time let me draw this a little bit more conservatively off to the north um yeah same thing else by the way okay so again that's the storm we're watching right here that's at circulation passing i380 again if you know anybody that may be driving north on 380 out of the cedar rapids metro this tornado is passing potential tornadoes passing overhead of i-380 right now i want to make them get off by midway or even better hiawatha just give them a nice buffer they're coming south perhaps from the waterloo metro get them off at urbana that way they can stay clear of the storm it looks like the worst is almost past the i380 corridor uh but we're not quite done yet did not mean to do that all right so let's look at the um radar view we're gonna go back and forth the good news is we're down to one we're not in one storm so we don't have to bounce around all over the place at one point we had five tornado warnings today um of those at least four were producing tornadoes simultaneously um so it's been a very very busy day this is one of those days where these tornado warnings don't just pop up and we like to hear ourselves talk these are tornado warnings that have actually been producing damage and that's a really unfortunate reality of the severe weather tonight so again this severe storm trying to warn storm is in northeastern benton county northern linn county discontinued until nine o'clock i think i can basically give benton county now the i'll yeah i'd like to do that and then this kind of pops up what is happening here looks like we might have another notch trying to form here just south of urbana so benton county not quite out of the clear yet we are watching this here this is far northeastern benton county looks like another circulation may be attempting to form here just south of urbana but again center point alice we have albernet down here that's that's the areas that we're most concerned with right now we do have this rogue tender warning here this is before the storm kind of turned more northeastern so this one we can pretty much discount really not much of a concern with this one it's really just this guy right here is there anything coming in the chat yeah no it's really quiet on chat again we're just seeing that funnel cloud nearing the ground as we saw in that live stream just a few moments ago this tornado warning again is really the only warning that we have i'll give you kind of a look at the whole area after a very busy night it is quiet somewhat but we still do have these two warnings there goes the other one that just got expired so still looking in a little bit of benton county here mostly lynn county for this tornado warning it's moving northeast at about 30 miles per hour not not a ton of cities as nick showed you but definitely you know nearing the center point area continuing to progress that way yeah you still see the strong rotation obviously a little bit down to the southeast of center point but i understand what you're saying with this one out here could be some concern oh and they just canceled the tornado warning oh nope nope the other one never mind i got very confused there for a minute my watch was buzzing and i got confused this one's still in effect until nine okay i think i got the text twice for some reason very confusing but radar indicated again you see that strong rotation right down to the southeast of center point and even some rotation further out here surrounding the area a severe thunderstorm warning looking at winds or wind reports about 60 or 70 mile per hour gusts so certainly damaging with that but otherwise no new information not seeing any pictures part of the struggle is it's getting dark out there so you really just have to rely on what we're seeing on the radar and from any confirmation of reports through lightning flashes really from there can we take a skycam full please it looks like we have a good view of that shelf cloud a little or excuse me the wall cloud a little difficult to see we're going to hope for some lightning and if i can get in front of that again that would be amazing again a big thank you to our production staff our producers everybody's been working behind the scenes we're all we've all been doing this now for four consecutive hours so uh we're getting a little tired here all right so here's what we're looking at you can kind of see it this kind of light band right here that should be called the rfd cut it's wrapping around the circulation and what we're looking at here you can kind of see in the lightning flashes there's a low ring here northwest of cedar rapids this is again crossing i-380 near center point you can kind of see in those radar flashes that is that wall cloud right there this is where our potential tornado would be you can see it's very low it's very close to the ground again we're looking from cedar rapids in cedar rapids we're fine the tornado warning is off to our north so we are fine here but we have a great vantage point from our tower here in cedar rapids the big wall cloud here big indication of rotation happening here and you can see that wall cloud feature right there and nick we actually aaron um is back in the road where he is north of payloads is that correct i believe north of payload correct so we can take that bowl and take a look at um what he's seeing but again a different road warrior i think that was uh that's from earlier there we go so it is very difficult to see out there again we're relying on lightning flashes to see if there is you know a funnel cloud a tornado on the ground this is the challenge that we do face luckily this is the only warning in the area right now and hopefully one of the last of the night but regardless you have to rely on if you're in that tornado warning and in that polygon to be in that safe space because it's going to be hard to get pictures and confirmation of this especially with the amount of rain it's being produced it does have the potential to eventually become rain wrapped like many tornadoes that we have seen but this is what we're dealing with right now still radar indicated not seeing anything come through the national weather service that that has changed moving east at 30 miles per hour or a little bit up to the northeast so center point area headed towards central city be in your safe space right now and rely on that at least for another 15 minutes or so until this potentially gets extended or hopefully canceled and camp we can do the double box that video in the bigger screen that would be amazing just because it's always good to have that live video but again that's a really impressive indication of rotation did cross i-380 is now east of center point that continues to move off to the east or so here again that's uh of concern here in northern linn county looks like you guys won't have to initialize if you need to walk off screen i can do so um looks like 76 miles per hour that's the rotation with that storm right now again it's a pretty strong indication of rotation happening there again this will be in northern linn county and that is the point of concern right there very very close to center point looks like just the southeast of center point so let's get a closer view and again feel free to take that yeah beautiful thank you for asking a lot of things you know it's always fun live tv all right so again this area of circulation right here just passing maybe very close to or southwest of alice that is of concern right there we get a little bit tighter here this is central city road here is alice road that circulation will be passing very close to alice here in northern linn county so that is of concern this evening and you're looking at the live view of this rotation on the right side of your screen that is from our engineer aaron gerhart a great storm chaser great storm spotter and you can see he's in a great position right now watching that storm you can see that circulation very close to alice now it's basically riding right down central city road so that is of concern as we go through the evening rogers is kind of the next stop here one of the smaller townships if this does continue to roll down center central city road that'll be of concern there but again that rotation right now right near alice that's going to be the concern tonight we will pull up the gate to gate sheer pop that on again 77 miles per hour so still some pretty good indication of rotation again this is in northern lind county that is of concern there so let's go ahead we'll give a bit of a wider view we'll put the rain back on and we'll do a camera view we'll zoom out a little bit all right and so um this is the lone warning that we can continue to deal with earlier today we were down dancing around multiple different storms today we just have one at least as of now we just have one this is that trinidad awarded again this is northern linn county the cedar rapids metro boop is out of the warning so no threat for the cedar rapids metro marion hiawatha you guys are okay it's this warning here in northern linn county that is of concern and you can see kind of that hook shape here it looks like it may be trying to intensify that back side again in northern lind county you can see a lot of lightning with this storm the right side of your screen again that's a live view of this tornado warning very close to central city or excuse me center point right now let's go ahead and pop whoop didn't want to do that [Music] and then we'll do pan okay we can update on the tornado warning there you can see center point is right here so it is moving really close to center point you have alice right here and aaron you just come in and he says it's getting uh very rain wrapped or rained obscured so yeah not surprised not shocked but something to still you know take note of and get in your safe space because what it looks like it's happening is you gotta have this original circulation this is near alice passing off we'll be eventually heading towards central city but we're watching is the secondary circulation now starting to form look a little better near center point and that's why the tornado warning still extends past west towards i380 because we're watching two different areas again right now near alice and then center point so again we're about to lose a shot here thank you again aaron for that shot uh we'll get another view here in a little bit hopefully we won't need it hopefully the trundle warnings are canceled but for now we continue to roll with it we have a tread of warning does continue for northern linn county until nine o'clock tonight that's another 12 minutes it's the only show-and-tell show in town right now um so you can tell my mouth is starting to get tired we do have another not a tornado warning but we do still have some severe storms off towards central iowa now one of those severe thunderstorm warnings in tama county likely going to see the severe thunderstorm warnings continue for a little bit while here hopefully we'll kind of wind down with these tornado warnings we did have up to five or six i think at one time we're down to one so you see the one in benton and lynn county radar indicated 11 more minutes in this storm unless it gets extended of course we're seeing that steady rotation very near the center point area so if you are in center point you should already be in that safe space you should just be listening to me in that safe space right now seeing kind of another central rotation we'll kind of see how these unfold it may actually kind of break apart and cancel the tornado warning all but we'll wait for a few more scans there this other one though near alice on central city road headed towards central city again no confirmation of this at time at this time but as we do head into these later evening hours that's more difficult to get that confirmation because it is so dark outside we have to rely on the lightning to show it or really a confirmed report of damage or some sort and we just haven't gotten that yet so even though this one is radar indicated you see the red box around it instead of the pink or the purple it is still very well possible that a tornado could drop from this really at any moment so areas like shellsburg and vinton you're in the clear for now we really you're going to deal with some thunderstorms and some rain but right now we're focused kind of over that 380 area with this potential rotation and near the alice area again for just barely benton it's about to get out of bed and you may be in the clear soon and get a good night's sleep but definitely uh northern lint county there as well yeah we're watching those two areas i don't like how this one's starting to intensify yet again it was kind of weakening and now it's spitting right back up again spinning like a top again this is on that heading basically towards central city this that trend of warning which does continue here this storm does have a history of producing tornadoes out towards the west in benton county we had multiple reports of tornadoes and even some pictures that we did see of that tornado as well so this is a dangerous storm it has a history of producing tornadoes and it does continue to move into northern linn county it's a slow-moving storm a lot of beneficial rain falling hopefully not too much rainfall in a short period of time because we might start dealing with flash flooding issues we need the rain we're in a drought obviously unfortunately though if you get too much rain the ground is still rock solid and it's not going to be able to absorb it as much as it normally would so we might start dealing with some issues with flash flooding i did see a flash flood warning out to the west so that could be a sign of things to come pop over the velocity view again and there's definitely two distinct areas that we're watching uh one near center point uh the other one here near alice let me zoom in a little bit closer here and we'll kind of get right in the middle of those two storms again right now this circulation passing right over center point that's going to continue to move east northeast basically along and north of central city road we also have this circulation here just north of central city road this will be approaching central city um so these two different areas of rotation we need to watch very closely unfortunately as we approach nine o'clock i'm not really convinced we're going to be able to go into normal programming because i have a feeling they may extend this warning you can see 85 mile per hour another indication of strong rotation there northern lin county again this approaching central city so central city for now you were not in a tornado warning i would just start getting ready to go to your tornado safe place just in case and maybe just make sure it's cleared out and you know where to go make sure the family is on the same page of how to handle these tornado warnings this other circulation also at 84 miles per hour this one right over center point again now east of i-380 but very very close to the center point area so both these circulations are strong both of them we could very well have two different tornadoes or two areas of potential tornadoes in progress at the moment and pop up the radar view and what you're going to see here is a lot of rain we have one circulation right here the other one out here towards center point so two distinctive areas that we're watching very closely at the moment haven't had any reports of tornadoes but as there was mentioning earlier it's very difficult to actually see anything this time of night not seeing anything of significance here on the debris tracker this is just a false return if i look at radar you'll see there's nothing really happening oop wrong button there we go nothing really happening here that's just a false return no issues there but we are watching again two different areas of circulation here in northern linn county uh officially this tornado warning does continue until nine o'clock i think it's possible we might get this extended past nine o'clock uh into more portions of our area either way though we're watching it very closely with two different areas of rotation and both are very stubborn they don't seem to want to go away they don't seem to want to weaken did pass north east of center point so that's some good news there that circulation right there and we have other one passing pretty close to central city sarah yeah there are some good news coming in we're canceling that tornado watch in some counties but we're extending it till 11 pm and others so i'll give you a quick overview of kind of what we're looking at across eastern iowa right now those areas in yellow still under that tornado watch i don't think a few has updated quite yet but for the most part most part i know tama county for one has been extended to 11 pm so really you know seeing this some of them tapering off again to the north and out to the west towards the waterloo area in blackhawk county other areas though will continue to be extended and we'll see these thunderstorms continue to push across the region so if you're just tuning in now for our nine o'clock news it's likely going to be us for a little bit here we do have that one tornado warning still in play we're down to one unfortunately the rotation with this storm doesn't look like it's going anywhere still radar indicated we don't have any confirmation that tornadoes are on the ground unfortunately at this point in the night we're likely not going to have that confirmation we're going to have to rely on the radar signatures so this is what you're seeing right now looking at just the reflectivity which is what we're looking at doesn't look like necessarily a tornado would be there however when you see the velocity that's when we see some pretty tight rotations the first one being right over the center point area here the other one being towards the alice area or now a little bit east of the alice area so again here's one that we're tracking right here here's the second one both of them have been pretty steady in the fact that they have been rotating for the last several minutes now this morning does expire in four minutes i would bet that it would get at least a little bit extended towards that central city area so kind of zooming out what you can expect with this it is moving and just a quick update on that tornado watch for johnson lynn several other counties extended till midnight so just keep that in mind that storms can still be produced some which could be tornado producing storms for the next few hours there so taking a look again refreshing these are the two ones that we are most concerned about we do have some severe thunderstorm warnings sitting out in tama county that might be some rotation there too okay we'll continue to watch tor possible is labeled on this one in tama county as well oh there goes that tornado warning so it did get extended this one goes until 9 45 pm those two rotations again are what we're watching really closely so timing this out let me double check moving northeast at 30 miles per hour perfect we'll play out this rotation first we do have two the first one the one that's furthest away towards that center point area goes coggin at 921 prairieburg around 9 30 and castle grove around 9 41. now castle grove was kind of just out of the warning we could see it be expired by that point but still good to be aware of it at least for the next hour or so here the second rotation that has just really stuck out for quite a bit of time again similar areas prairie bird castle grove hofftonkin if it does last that long into that area but again this is still for linn county benton county are in the clear that one will get expired here shortly and then further to the north we're now back in delaware county um or the southernmost part of delaware county so jeff you're just coming in now because you're hearing or getting that alert on your phone in delaware county or other areas of linn county this is what we're dealing with really just the two warnings here that are at play we do have this one out towards tema that we will of course continue to watch as it may have the potential of producing a tornado but for now we're focused on the tornado warning that goes to 9 45 for delaware and lynn counties surrounding it we do have this severe thunderstorm warning of course but the main priority is going to be that rotation within linn county nick long night um we kind of talked about the potential for this happening we knew it's probably going to be a long night and it just keeps on going we continue to have one so that's good news one trend of warning here but again this is a two strong rotations again we don't want to belittle this i mean these are two very strong areas of rotation on any given day on a normal day if we saw this we would be very concerned uh the fact we've had this all day long and most of these have produced tornadoes that is of concern so again two different areas of circulation here uh we're gonna keep talking about the same thing because there's nothing else to talk about but also because the situation is continuing to evolve it's moving block by block city by city new warning after new warning and so this is that new tornado warning which does continue until 9 45 northern linn county and far southern portions of delaware county here you don't really even have to know what you're looking for to kind of see what your uh worried about you have two different areas of circulation this one that does continue for center point this one just west of central city so we'll go ahead and zoom in here and we'll try to get some a better idea of exactly what's happening with this storm again lots of concern mainly because we've had a lot of reports of tornadoes today there have been so many tornadoes in eastern iowa and iowa as a whole it's too early to know just how many but any storm that had a tornado warning essentially it's produced a tornado today so that doesn't happen too often let's go ahead and look at the gate to gate shear again this is that rotation with that storm that one it's a little garbled i wouldn't be too worried about that of that speed but this one yeah 79 miles per hour that's a pretty good gust there again this is now approaching central city may pass just northwest of central city coggin will be the next place as well this will be coming very close to coggin getting ready to cross over highway 13 near paris road north of central city i think this is probably the most concerning circulation out of the two that we're looking at right now but again to reiterate we have the warning for linn county does not include the cedar rapids metro this is far northern linn county so the cedar rapids metro is just fine tonight we also have again central city up that way walker you're not in the warning double k corgi's farm is okay storm storm chase of course born up there his house is fine that's good news uh again we're watching two areas of circulation there uh northwest of central city another one near alice these are two very strong rotations and four oh my goodness and this one just continues to intensify so it looks like what's happening is we're starting to see a hand like a hand off we had two areas that weren't really tight it looks like it's starting to kind of get much tighter here so let's look 81 miles an hour so this might become the new dominant circulation here again this passing south of troy mills will approach areas like coggin to central city a pretty good indication of rotation there put the radar view back on circulation right here almost like a little donut hole right there no debris that's good um this is uh what we call like a bounded weak echo region a booyer wearer i don't know how to pronounce it but it's bonus week echo region is what we call it and what you're looking at there is an area of lower returns in the middle of a big circulation so what you're essentially seeing there is circulation reports of funnel clouds i'm not sure if we still have aaron he told me he was headed towards county home road okay do we have him oh it's dark can't see much maybe we'll see some lightning with it but he's traveling along county home road kind of following these reports of funnel clouds but again difficult to see out there not going to be easy to get that confirmed funnel cloud or tornado on the ground really quick if you actually want to take max to full really quick for me i can show you one of the things we did get updated recently that is some good news is that tornado watch has been extended for some but canceled for others you can see most of our counties north of highway 20 are now canceled our far most western counties this does go until 11 p.m areas towards linen johnson county that and further further east i should say goes until midnight so we still do have kind of the ingredients in the atmosphere that could produce some of these tornadoes and the rotation that we are seeing now if you guys want to jump back to max one for me that'd be great this is what we're focused on right now even that severe thunderstorm warning got canceled this is this is really it we do have some severe thunderstorms sitting off to our west in tama county but it doesn't look like those will necessarily be producing tornadoes at any point i don't think i know it was labeled for possible at one time but i would say really just the main focus and the reason why you are still hearing us on air after four hours today is because of this tornado warning so let's take a look at that velocity still pretty persistent nick just said it is still pretty persistent out there this does go till 9 45. hopefully we will see some improvement before that but if you're hearing the sirens go off it is for a good reason again it's dark you're not going to see it so get in that safe space right now and talking about that safe space it's the lowest level of your home if you don't have a basement for example you want to be on that most interior room oftentimes that's a hallway a bathroom you don't want to be near any windows and it's always a great idea to have things to cover up or like blankets or a mattress to make sure you are safe at all times not seeing any new reports in from the weather service not expecting to see a lot of those because it is so dark out there but we will take a look at really just our reflectivity here paired with it if you're not in this tornado warning too these are some strong storms not deemed severe right now but a decent amount of lightning being produced with it so you know something to be concerned about make sure you're inside and being safe with that but if you're in delaware and lynn county this is what we're tracking right now so let's time it out for you towards well let's look at the different rotations because we've got a few here let's time it out let's time it out with this first one moving about east northeast at 30 miles per hour this is the one we're track tracking right now coggin we're looking at 9 22 so here in about 15 minutes or so if this rotation does remain strong and prairie burg now engulfed in that tornado warning until about 9 the second rotation there's really two in here i would say the one that i just drew is the one that we're concerned about we look for these bright colors and those bright reds those bright greens no debris reported with this but something we will continue to watch and of course this area of week rotation moving into more of a rural location but definitely along highway 13 south of coggin north of central city could eventually make its way to the castle grove area but hopefully by that time this tornado warning will be weakened or canceled nick all right so again the reason why we're dealing with these strong storms today and the reason we're still in the air is because we have uh multiple reports of trends that actually occurred here in eastern iowa let's send these out now to weather first meteorologist nathan sanchez migo he brought us the live video of that train earlier that's how we were able to let the weather service know what was happening he's done some damage now nathan what can you show us tonight right nick we brought you that live tornado just to the south and west of shell rock now we're in waverly where that tornado tornado continued if you remember we were south of shell rock when we had to put the brakes on our chase because of power lines over the road so we did have confirmed damage live for you on iowa's news now earlier this evening and now standing behind me we have more damage here we are on garden avenue just to the south and west uh or south and east excuse me of waverly here's some of the damage that was spotted around the home there was large tree limbs and even full trees blown down by this tornado damage to the roof also a neighbor had their shed completely destroyed now understandably a lot of the neighbors around this community are focusing on the cleanup but they do tell me that no one was hurt despite all of this damage in fact in the house that's behind me to my right only one person was at home at 13 year old he said it was the first tornado he ever experienced and right when he got that warning he went down to his basement so following those protocols just like we all should so again live and we're live here in waverly where the damage is definitely indicative of a tornado you can see the spiral pattern of it the national weather service will be out here to give us a damage estimate of this tornado a confirmed tornado that again we brought to you live here on iowa's news now earlier this evening once we get that damage report from the weather service tomorrow of course we'll keep you updated on that as well live in waverly meteorologist nathan santo domingo iowa's news now and thank you so much nathan for that again a lot of tornadoes did touch down tonight and a lot of damage reports will come tomorrow when the national weather service does send out to survey all of those storms and eventually rate those tornadoes for now we're left with one last tornado warning across eastern iowa after several rounds of it we do have some severe thunderstorms but again the main priority is going to be this tornado worn storm now in delaware and lynn county does look like we're losing a little bit of rotation we originally were talking about having two rotations within the storm this one looks to be dying down a little bit but this one is very concerning that's when we see those bright greens those bright reds again green moving towards the radar red moving away and we just got it extended or changed a little bit not extended until 9 45 pm still but it now does go further into linn county really to that county line similar down to the southern portions of delaware county so really that one center of rotation is what we're tracking it's still moving east at 30 miles per hour so i will time this out for you really quick right here again it does not necessarily hit the castle grove area and luckily it is moving through a somewhat rural area but prairie berg definitely be getting into that safe space or at least be prepared to get into that safe space and if you're along highway 13 shouldn't be make sure to pull over and get into a safe location there as well so this is really the only storm again we are tracking tonight to give you a quick overview oh there we go quick overview we do have a couple counties that have been removed from that tornado watch but still lynn johnson counties a lot of dubuque county a lot of those more populated areas are something that we will continue to watch over the next couple of hours those go through either 11 pm or midnight so we still have a little bit of a night ahead of us and it looks like we did just get another severe thunderstorm warning so we can touch on that a little bit this is the one out in tama county right now it goes till 9 30 p.m has been extended a little bit until 10 pm so this one does go for quite a bit of time for benton and iowa counties looking at 60 mile per hour winds a quarter inch or three quarter inch hail definitely could be damaging there as well but of course we do want to focus on the main priority right now which is this tornado warning for lynn and delaware counties nick we've been looking at this rotation for quite a bit of time and it looks like it is still pretty strong yeah it's very strong it does continue to kind of evan flow i mean you can still see again the weather service radar that we're using is down to the quad cities so the bright reds going away from the radar here the greens are coming towards the radar here that spin just west of central city southwest of coggin and this does continue in northern linn county this tornado warning does continue until 9 45. again finally we're down to one storm hopefully we can keep it that way at least in terms of tornado warnings saying that there's a tornado on the ground northeast of albernet okay i have not seen that in the chat but certainly something to take seriously okay so apparently we have a tornado on the ground northeast of albernet that would kind of make sense here given the the circulation happening here albernet and the bottom part of your screen not technically in the warning but we do have circulation here as it goes into northern linn county the most obvious area of circulation will be this guy right here southwest of coggin and there's our observed tornado so now it is an observed tornado warning which means we now have a confirmed tornado in progress right now in northern lind county this is why we're so concerned and have been concerned all evening long we'll kind of do um have a pan we're going to jump over central city is right here the air of circulation looks to be northwest of central city but still if you are in central city i would treat it just as if it's coming your way get to the lowest level of your home you are still under that tornado warning put as many walls between you and the outside as you possibly can again we now have a new confirmed tornado right over paris right over paris okay so there's paris road right here we have coggin up here so apparently this tornado is now in progress uh just probably southwest of kagan i'm gonna pull up the debris tracker i'm kind of curious if anything is popping up here not really if that's good news at least not a strong tornado hopefully so we'll look at the radar view and again it's really heavily wrapped in rain so be very difficult to actually see what's happening here but again we do have a confirmed tornado now northern linn county southwest of coggin likely just to the northwest of central city if you are in coggin or central city you need to be in your safe place right now this is a confirmed tornado in northern linn county i'm going to zoom out just a little bit here a bit of a wider view and we'll kind of show you exactly what's happening here in northern lind county we'll spread it out for you again the cedar rapids metro down here the cedar rapids metro is fine at least as of now but we are watching is this right here that's definitely you can actually see it on the reflectivity view as well probably some type of hook kind of happening right here again southwest of coggin probably just west or northwest of central city we can say that center point you are now in the clear center point is no longer inside this tornado warning so you are good in center point benton county you are in the clear as well if you are in far southern delaware county this trend of warning does continue for you i believe very close to ryan which should be right about here is ryan technically the warning looks like ryan is just technically north of the warning very very close maybe take shelter we now know it's a confirmed tornado we have seen reports of damage i do believe we have a photo from old wine earlier just to give you an idea how many of these storms have produced damage this is in old wine oh my community schools you can see that shed probably moved pretty good there a lot of this metal debris a lot of the siding trees stuff like this this is the kind of stuff we're worried about um even if it is just stuff like this where it's just you know metal siding that flying through the air at 100 miles per hour is a problem and so that's why we want to make sure you are in your safe place tonight so we'll zoom out again confirm tornado now northern linn county this does continue until 9 45 so at least another about 30 minutes or so this will continue to move off to the east we'll go look at the correlation coefficient again looking for some debris i see a big ball there that is a bit of concern but i think this is all just rain right now i don't see anything indication of at least debris being lofted so that's some good news that means it may not at least be hitting anything uh but again that's the train of warning there uh in terms of i think aaron is on this storm and he does have a microphone if we want to go to him i'm not sure if he's available sure yeah if if he's uh good to go i'm i'll love to hear what you can kind of see out his way again we're uh this is uh that uh tornado warning in northern linn county our engineer aaron gerhart is going to be on that storm we'll see if we can get with him uh coming up in a little bit but again this tornado warning does continue until 9 just north of albernet albernate should be in the clear cedar rapids in the clear coggin though that's where the problem spots will be i do want to pan over down to this severe thunderstorm warning you can see southern benton county and northern iowa county this severe thunderstorm warning does continue until 10 o'clock tonight again we're talking about possible wind gusts of 60 miles per hour um i believe i do have a camera out this way i kind of tried to fill in i8 as much as i can look at that let's see let's see what it looks like this is going to be southeast of brooklyn for now things are quiet this is just ahead of the storm so thankfully looks like nothing is happening there that's good news there we'll kind of keep an eye on this as it continues to move into more of our area good timing lots of lightning though you can see this is near ladora i-80 the big wind farm there near ladora you can see lots of lightning is occurring with this storm that's that severe thunderstorm warning that is coming this way even if it's not just a tornado threat lightning is just as deadly so make sure you're getting inside these storms are producing a lot of lightning tonight all right so here we are well back to the tornado warning again this is a confirmed tornado in northern lind county it's keeping us very busy tonight this does continue again until 9 45. we'll put the velocity view back on try and see exactly where this tornado may be you can see we're still tracking kind of these two separate areas of circulation one passing very close to cog and the other one's coming right up to kagan central city coggin again you want to make sure you are in your safe place because these storms are dangerous these storms have a history of producing tornadoes in fact as of at least what probably five minutes ago this was a confirmed tornado northeast of albernet so we do know these storms are producing tornadoes we have damage in eastern iowa to prove it we have photos of trainers to prove it unfortunately as well so it is a dangerous night these storms do continue the sun is set we're getting close to 10 o'clock people may be going to bed you want to make sure you have ways to get warnings tonight do not rely on sirens sirens are meant to be heard outside we shouldn't rely on sirens for warnings we are in the 21st century smart apps are an amazing tool you can get warnings right to your phone that way and even old conventional methods like weather radio i have two weather radios at home they're great methods make sure you have a way to get warnings tonight if you don't have one right now iowa's news now wx in the app store you can get those alerts right to your phone i've been feeling them in my pocket all night long so my phone vibrates every time we get a warning that's another way i know but again we're watching two areas of circulation here in northern lind county getting ready to cross into far southern delaware county as well it does appear things may be starting to weaken just a little bit but keep in mind this was much much stronger this was a strong rotation now it's just like a moderate rotation i mean there's still probably circulation happening in the storm there is still very potentially a tornado occurring as well the main circulation this appears to be the most significant circulation it's getting ready to cross highway 13 either just south of coggin or between coggin and central city likely either south or very close to coggin that's kind of the concern right there i can kind of see that circulation we'll kind of get an estimate of the wind speeds there yeah 74 miles per hour i mean it's still a strong rotation it's not quite the 80 90 mile per hour we saw but this is still one of the strongest circulations we've seen so far tonight and it just continues it doesn't want to subside uh that is why that uh tornado watch continues until midnight tonight we do have that tornado warning again northern lincoln county 9 45. uh let's just do a reset uh we are you know in uh at nine this is iowa's news now uh news at nine i guess in fox 28 welcome in the news is weather just to give you a quick update it doesn't look like the weather service is going to let up on that warning we still do have conditions favorable for it so it at least is going to go through 9 45 at this time if not continue to be extended as he did mention that watch does continue through 11 pm or midnight in some locations so we still do have these favorable conditions and although it is a lot quieter than we were dealing with a few hours back this tornado or confirmed tornado in lynn in delaware county is something to continue to take very seriously out there so again we have that tornado warning going and of course some severe thunderstorms nick as well all right we have this photo lindsay leo wow this is a kind of county home road this is a northern lin county my goodness what you can see there is that's the big supercell shape of the storm there the big wall cloud there low hanging cloud likely caught in the middle of lightning this is why we're on the air at any given point that could produce a tornado and we have again seen tornadoes today in eastern iowa we have seen multiple tornadoes and unfortunately lots of reports of damage that is a stunning photo there again this near county home road in northern lynn county that is a big concern with these storms that continue to move through eastern iowa so again right now we have this tornado warning northern lynn southern delaware and we have this severe thunderstorm warning moving into far eastern iowa county southern benton county these are the two storms that we're watching tonight and technically speaking i tama county southern tama county is under that severe thunderstorm warning as well but it looks like the worst of it has now moved east so we'll i guess don't you know bounce back and forth um it's possible we might be here for a while because the storm does not seem to want to let up um right now again trynda warning does continue for at least 9 45 this is still a confirmed tornado in northern linn county we have reports of a confirmed tornado this was northeast of albernet not too long ago right now that tornado would likely be crossing highway 13 between cogan and central city all right we're down to radar indicated so that means we haven't had an update in a while so that's some good news that's that's at least a step in the right direction it's no longer a confirmed tornado but you can see uh this box here the red outline here does include coggin central city no longer in the warning but it does continue to move off to the east you got hazel green up there towards delaware county that's going to be an area to watch as well and then of course prairie berg that'll be the next stop in line so really once it starts leaving highway 13 the next stop will be prairie berg so if you are in northern lincoln you have to continue to watch the storm as it is a dangerous one we'll put the velocity view back on unfortunately that looks stronger yet again stronger rotation here likely passing just north northeast of central city just south of coggin and this is heading right in the direction of prairie bird so prairie bird want to make sure you're in your tornado safe place again lowest level of a home put as many walls between you and the outside as you possibly can interior closet a hallway a stairwell something like that if you don't have a basement that's fine first level of house is totally fine obviously basement is a good place to be as well but if you don't have that that's fine just make sure you're taking your tornado precautions right now because that is another pretty good indication of rotation we'll do a query on that 77 miles per hour so it continues to rotate pretty quickly and it's moving uh east i don't know what 25 miles an hour is that the last uh northeast northeast at 30. all right let's do a cone i think it hit 30. let's try to get this thing looks like you hit 30 yeah just to make sure yeah we're around 30. okay so we'll put a little bit ahead of it um so assuming it's moving east about 30 miles an hour it'll be in the prairie berg area at 9 29 so you know that gives yourself about five minutes don't wait might as well just do it right now these storms have been very quickly rotating and then uh kind of dying down they're re-intensifying and dying down again so we definitely need to watch this very very close as we go throughout the night and we are getting word from the national weather service that it is suggesting that it will start to weaken so hopefully we are headed in that direction but uh looks like we're staying here until at least 9 45 if you're just coming in now okay right on so that's at least a step in the right direction uh one thing we've been talking about the last several days is as we go later in the night we start losing the tornado threat but the wind threat will remain and so hopefully we can kind of get rid of this tornado potential and then wind threats obviously still a problem but the tornado threat of course is more like it can be very life-threatening as well on the stronger side of things but again we're not diminishing the threat right now this just means that in the near future this storm may begin to weaken for now though prairie burg you want to make sure you are in your safe place at this hour let's go ahead let's do wide view again we'll continue to circle back as we've been doing um earlier tonight you know we had five active tornado warnings at one point four of those were producing tornadoes so it's been a very busy night we're down to just one tornado warning not to belittle the tornado warning but we're down to one trend of warning otherwise we do have the severe thunderstorm warning for southern benton and much of iowa county as well so let's go ahead we haven't touched on the severe thunderstorm warning in a minute so let's go ahead and hop down this way i can kind of see a bit of a boeing segment here might be an indication of some stronger winds now starting to kick out into portions of southern benton and northern iowa counties uh this will be riding right along i-80 and this wind's probably going to be going uh near perpendicular to the uh to i-80 so if you know you know truckers or anything like that if truckers may be watching us kind of trying to follow some updates on severe weather do keep in mind that we're going to start getting some nice cross winds on i-80 some likely between about oxford over towards brooklyn that's kind of at least in our area anyway that's interstate 80 right here that red line let's go ahead and actually look at i believe we that should be pretty close to the camera now we'll go back to that uh camera near brooklyn kind of see what's happening there you can see the rain is definitely falling there you can kind of see the the wind kind of carrying the rain as well still some periodic flashes of lightning so these storms are producing some pretty gusty winds down south thankfully not much of a tornado threat at least as of now but some gusty winds and lots of heavy rainfall as well we'll go a little bit further east down i-80 there's a live look near ledora again you can see the lightning there on the horizon you can see the reflections so the storm is likely behind this point of camera but again you can see lots of lightning there for now things are okay but again severe thunderstorm warning does continue for southern benton northern iowa counties until 10 o'clock all right so really quick we actually do have some pictures and videos coming in i actually have one up on weather scandal if we want to take this first this is the storm that is tornado warned earlier today obviously it is a little bit darker out there so can't see you wouldn't be able to see it really now unless there was a lightning flash but if you weren't aware of the storm and what it was doing earlier it is a large very classic looking wall cloud really that we saw move across lynn and delaware county i also was told that the storm out in dysert which is still the one that we're tracking now into lynn county we do have video of that a lot a decent amount of damage has been reported there at least from wind damage if not tornado damage but here's kind of what we were dealing with oh yeah you can see some of the roofs blown off there i'm sure sightings coming off you know super unfortunate given given you know just coming off the duration and having to deal with that damage as well it's a very busy night across eastern iowa and we're unfortunately not quite done yet again we do have that severe thunderstorm warning for southern benton northern iowa county that does continue until 10 o'clock tonight let's jump back north to that tornado warning again the active lone tornado warning here in eastern iowa does continue for northeastern linn county and far southern delaware county it looks like you're starting to kind of get surrounded by more rain um so hopefully that can start cutting off the inflow of warm humid air and maybe this thing will finally start to kind of weaken just a little bit but we'll pop the velocity view back on and what we'll see is that rotation does continue it's very close to prairie burg so we've been telling prairie berg you need to be in your safe place you got to be there now that circulation is passing very very close to prairie berg at this time that's moving southeast of coggin coggin you're almost in the clear central city uh you're going to be dealing with gusty winds i think the trinidad threat though for you down in central city is now good you're in the clear up that way as well but prairie berg that is the area we need to watch very closely that circulation passing very very close we'll look at the uh circulation here we're at 57 miles per hour so that's still a lot of spin in the atmosphere that's indication of a possible tornado there and so we're watching that very very closely again tornado warning does continue for northern lynn and far far far southern delaware county until 9 45. earlier i believe it's around like 9 10 9 15 we had a confirmed tornado up in northern linn county thankfully at least as of now we're not aware of any tornadoes but the severe threat does continue sarah and nathan is actually out there serving some of the damage from those tornadoes that we saw earlier today nathan do you want to give us an update on not only what you've seen tonight but what's going on there now yeah sarah right now we're just on the southeast side of waverly near garden avenue and this is where some of that damage is from from that tornado that we brought you earlier here on iowa's news now and that tornado forming on the southwest side of shell rock and then move towards the waverly area here's a look at some of the damage and you see that not only are there large tree limbs down but also full trees that were completely knocked over here by the tornado that came through take a look at this this is how we brought it to you on iowa's news now that tornado again on the ground forming to the southwest of shell rock and that continued off towards the waverly area and continued off to the east towards the highway 20 or just north of the highway 20 corridor as well now the severe threat does continue here into the evening weather first team back in the studio it has been a long afternoon and evening here in eastern iowa they're still tracking those storms tornado-warned storms here in eastern iowa so for now in waverly i'm meteorologist nathan santomingo we'll send it back to you in the studio thanks nathan for that update yeah a lot of tornadoes did touch down tomorrow is going to be a very active day for the national weather service serving some of that damage and officially reading what those tornadoes were but for now we still do have one tornado warning that is active across the region i'll take a look at the radar here really quick again zooming in right here this is the one that we are focused on it is hopefully the last one of the night after seeing several and it just got extended there we go so it has been extended now into jones county there as well this one goes until 10 15 p.m so we're likely going to stay with you through the end of our 10 pm newscast here today that rotation isn't dying down and that's why it was extended so yeah if you're just coming in now because you're hearing the sirens going off either in delaware or jones county this is why we do have some pretty strong rotation with this and if you're not quite sure what to look for you can see right here when the reds and the greens kind of overlap and look like they're moving the wrong direction or you even see these very bright reds that's what we look for for that rotation and we're seeing that with this storm it is not confirmed to be on the ground but at this point in the night when it's so dark it is very difficult to see any of these on the ground so you have to rely on the rotation and the radar signature which is exactly what we're doing here i do believe that is still moving yep moving east at 30 miles per hour so we'll draw a little bit of a map here going here so still somewhat rural area that we're headed into but nonetheless we want to treat you all fairly and make sure that you are in your safe space space and prepared at 9 42 castle grove it is your time we've been mentioning you for quite a bit of time now when we do see if we're seeing to move into your region as well right now we're seeing eventually potentially move into sand springs here i'm getting some updates from the weather service here located over prairie berg yep northwest of anamosa so exactly we were just pointing before still radar indicated not quite confirmed but certainly could see that as we head throughout the night i do kind of want to zoom out really quick and give you a quick overview of the area we do have a severe thunderstorm warning as well so benton and iowa county this one goes to 10 pm we likely will continue to have thunderstorms that are very strong if not severe with damaging winds potentially some hail and heavy rain flash flooding is a concern for us as well but at this time the main focus is on this tornado worn storm headed out of now linn county into delaware and jones counties it is important to note too really quick before i send it back to nick that we do have this tornado watch in place for a bulk of the area through 11 p.m or midnight so at least the next two and a half hours here there is the potential to not only see these severe storms but to see tornado producing storms and unfortunately that's that's still what we're seeing five hours later here nick yeah actually the day it doesn't want to give up again that uh yellow area there that is that uh tornado uh watch that doesn't continue until midnight tonight uh we do have these uh tornado warnings that do continue here uh technically just one storm but two warnings because it was extended further off to the east so let's go ahead and kind of dance around here we'll take a look at what these storms are doing right now again this trailer warning does continue for far northeastern lind county we have northern jones county here southern delaware county and southern delaware county so southern delaware county right here northeastern lynn and northern jones that does include monticello hopkinton that's going to be two areas that you're going to watch very very closely monticello probably the next town that will be mostly in the path of the storm so look at the velocity view okay that's a that's a stronger indication there it just keeps intensifying then quieting down that intensifying they're coming back down again and that's the area that we're watching right now this is just east of coggin this is going to be southwest of hopkinton uh but it you're not out of the woods i mean it's letting you know where it's at right now it could still come your way and then just west of monticello so this area of circulation will be slowly moving off to the east at about 20 to 30 miles an hour so we're going to be watching it very closely i know cody hunter one of our storm spotters sends me a lot of great pictures i'll be keeping on my twitter feed if you happen to be out right now but that's the circulation that we have right now we'll put a measurement to see how fast that wind is going right now again 102 miles an hour so that is now the strongest we've seen so far today 102 mile per hour gate to gate shear now in far northeastern lind county this is of now great concern this is now the strongest circulation we've seen so far tonight that does continue to move into northeastern linn county into the northern jones county so what i do want to do is we'll take a look in we will do a zoom in on that storm we'll kind of talk about the places they'll be most impacted again that uh circulation is very very intense over 100 miles per hour uh that's going to be moving just along and south of monticello road it appears the circulation passed either right over or just north of prairie berg so that's going to be the air that we're watching very closely up here in northeastern linn county we'll be following monticello road we have castle grove over here castle grove will be an air that will be impacted by the storm relatively soon that circulation just continues to intensify i did not want to do that so we're watching it just very very closely tonight we'll do a little bit of a zoom out and again that circulation it couldn't be any more pronounced right there also on the south side of that circulation here heading towards like cass and again northeastern linn county this is a strong indication of some strong damaging wind gusts as well so would it be surprised if we do see kind of a severe thunderstorm warning potentially issued as well because that's starting to look like some strong damaging wind gusts but the tornado threat is up here in northeastern linn county getting ready to cross into northwestern jones county tonight let's go ahead and look at the um radar view actually let me go ahead and actually time out the storm real quick for people that might be impacted by it we'll draw a cone we'll do 30. circulation right about here we'll go east just to kind of get monticello included if it does continue straight east monticello within the next about 20 minutes or so it's only moving about 30 miles an hour bit of a slow mover but that will be the area impacted there and again to reiterate we do have tornado warnings in effect for delaware and lynn county uh does not include the cedar rapids metro uh cedar rapids metro has been fine so far this evening and we hope it stays that way we'll do a wider view kind of assess the situation we'll look at the traditional radar view the other threat that we have for the time being obviously aside from heavy but beneficial rainfall moving through eastern iowa is this severe thunderstorm warning this warning does continue for southern benton county and the northern half of iowa county let's go ahead and take a look at that guy kind of see what's happening up that way again that's the other severe threat tonight as it's crossing basically following i-80 let's go ahead and look at some cameras as it's moving down i-80 and it looks like it's hitting this pretty good right about now this the ledora camera and you can see the visibility is greatly reduced we were able to see a lot more of the wind farm there not so much now but you see lots of flashes of lightning you can see the rain flying in the wind there so some pretty strong winds cars are definitely going a bit slower than the what seems to be recommended 70 miles per hour on 80. some people don't definitely drive that we'll go a little bit we actually have some videos from earlier tonight and some pictures of these storms that we're still tracking the one that is in delaware and lynn county originally was in dysert you may have heard that earlier today but we do have a video from manchester i believe if you guys want to take it there you go so this is just one of the storms that was produced earlier today if you kind of missed out on that so although we've been on air for about more than five hours now i should say it is important because a lot of tornadoes have been produced and a lot of damage has taken place so we want to make sure that everyone is being safe switching gears i do have another one right here on my here we go yes this one was from the storm that we are currently tracking in linen delaware earlier tonight obviously but still the same kind of cluster of storms very close to producing a tornado here if not completely on the ground so again it has been a long night for all of us and i'm sure you are ready to you know get a good night's sleep but unfortunately it is still still a threat right now for tornado producing so i'll give you a quick look at kind of what's going on here across the region if you're just coming in now you're headed to bed nick has mentioned multiple times if you are headed to bed make sure you have a way to wake up and get those warnings we're not in the clear yet these tornado watches do go until 11 pm or midnight tonight so be sure to be ready and stay weather aware but for now we just have these two warnings pushing across the main threat of course this tornado warning in delaware and jones county goes for a little bit more than a half hour here when we take a look at the rotation here it has been pretty persistent originally seeing two areas of rotation kind of morphed into one unfortunately it is still very very strong with that i'll check really quick if we do have any more updates no no updates in our national weather service chat so all we have right now is really the radar and the radar is telling us that there is strong rotation and a tornado could really drop at any point so that's what we're going to go with for now so if you are in this polygon if you're hearing the sirens now is your time to be sure to get into that safe space the other warning we do have again down to our southwest just a severe thunderstorm warning but certainly producing damaging winds and the potential of hail this one goes until 10 pm could get extended there as well but we're not really seeing any rotation or a tornado threat with that so here's what we're dealing with right now again we are winding down here tonight but do not let your guard up because this rotation that we're seeing in delaware and jones county in delaware headed into jones county i should say oops please go there we go wouldn't switch for me is going to be a big threat out there continues to move east at about 30 miles per hour so um not really seeing this thing let up at all there nick yeah it's been persistent that's for sure now moving into northern northwestern jones county we do have um aaron gerhart who's out in our road war tonight one of our two road wars monitoring of the weather tonight um can you just talk a little bit about what you've been seeing so far this evening you did that amazing wall cloud structure earlier any reports of tornadoes that you've seen so far self-service might be a bit of an issue really has happened as it started to get rain wrapped i did as i was passing through center point started to get some ah it's tough all right it looks like we'll have to let that one go unfortunately um yeah so again he's been wandering the storms up that way obviously cell coverage has been an issue up in northern linn county but he had some video earlier of that a wall cloud that did end up turning into a tornado confirmed report that was in northern linn county as of now it's just radar indicated there's not a tornado in progress that we are aware of but keep in mind it is night time we do rely on things like lightning to actually see that tornado and therefore we won't really know for sure if it's on the ground at least as of now but we do have spotters like aaron out there but yeah good officially down to one morning okay so your thunderstorm warning is canceled so it is just the tornado warning now just this guy all right so we have one turn of warning to go and then there was one uh uh so again that rotation right now just northeast of cass again hopkinton is up this way monticello will be in the firing line as well uh that circulation will continue to move east maybe a bit northeast it's kind of been wobbling just a little bit we'll call it straight east down towards the monticello area we'll draw another cone on this just to kind of give you some rough timing as it continues to move off to the east monticello about 9 55. so you got about 15 minutes it's only moving about 30 miles an hour so to the east so kind of a slow moving storm but it's still a radar indicated rotation you can definitely see it there again the bright reds going away from the radar the bright greens coming towards the radar that's at circulation right there and that's why we are so concerned with this tornado threat tonight looking at the gate to gate shear against how fast those rain drops are moving inside that storm 50 miles an hour that's pretty reasonable that's pretty appreciable storm at one point not even maybe 10 minutes ago it was over 100 miles per hour it's a much stronger circulation so we're starting to see it weaken the problem is the storm has weakened and then re-intensified even stronger multiple times so i don't think we're quite done with the storm quite yet this trend of warning does continue until 10 15 for northern jones county and southern delaware county i do believe at this point we can get the all clear now for northeastern linn county maybe give another two minutes just to be absolutely certain but it looks like the circulation has successfully passed now into northwestern jones county again this trend of warnings continue until 10 15 tonight not me to do that it still goes to delaware jones so just the one and as we are so now we have one not only just one storm but now it's just one polygon we're getting so close guys we're almost done uh hopefully we can uh let this go and then we have a newscast to do maybe we'll see what happens um but again this turn of warning does continue uh northern jones and into southern delaware counties so now we have really no reason to bounce back and forth that's all we got one guy we'll pop the velocity view real quick we'll kind of show you again that circulation unfortunately it does look like it intensified yet again again this is approaching the monticello area so let's go ahead and kind of get a closer look and kind of see what's happening down here in uh in northern jones county here looks like the circulation is passing just south of castle grove basically following county road e-16 you got langworthy right here this is going to be approaching monticello here pretty soon so again monticello has really we've kind of mentioned you multiple times so far tonight that circulation will continue to hedge your way if it weakens it'll go a little bit north if it strengthens maybe a little bit south so you're really kind of right in the path of whatever the storm ends up doing here in the short term and again this continues to follow county road e-16 into the monticello area it appears to be passing south of castle grove that still wants you in castle grove to make sure you are in your safe place again interior room as many walls between you and the outside as possible you have a basement that's a great place to be if you don't have a basement that's fine first floor uh it's getting into your hallway or closet or something like that because we're gonna continue to watch the severe threat tonight again that's that circulation right there south of castle grove approaching monticello this is the last of the tornado warnings that we have in eastern iowa as of now um it's still a strong one that's why we're still on the air and that's not still why we're concerned about it but that's the last storm if you look over eastern iowa we do have some heavy rain falling from dubuque down towards monticello through the city rapids metro down towards williamsburg and then out of our area so this band of heavy rain continues a lot of lightning occurring with this as well we do have periodic thunder happening outside of our studio in cedar rapids but again the severe threat is now confined to just this one storm you can see i mean there are tornado warnings up in wisconsin tonight and we have flash flood warnings over towards the uh the dubuque or excuse me des moines area and that's the concern there but again would you have that lone tornado warning that does continue tonight until 10 15 southern jones county or cb northern jones county southern delaware county sir take it away yeah it is really quiet in the chat right now we're not seeing really any updates coming through there which isn't surprising because it is very dark out there hard to see anything going on not seeing a ton of pictures on social media so alls we do have right now is this radar indicated tornado warning which is a strong one we've seen quite a bit tonight and i do think this is one of the stronger ones we've seen so taking a look at that again it does go for delaware and jones counties it will continue at least until 10 15 pm i don't foresee any sign of it being canceled earlier unfortunately but there is always some changes that can happen within minutes there the good news is it does look like it is getting a little bit weaker in that direction but i do think we'll still be here for a good amount of time so it is moving east at 30 miles per hour kind of timing out exactly what to expect with that sand springs let's get this out of the way sand springs just after 10 pm and i don't think it'll make it to cascade hopefully it'll be canceled by that time but it would be just there about 10 20 p.m talking about the ongoing tornado watch that we have had we did have some updates kind of coming with this over the last few hours here looks a lot quieter out there now we do have basically almost all of our northern counties kind of out of this tornado watch i would assume eventually other some counties will join there as well but down in lynn and johnson counties you know where city rapids iowa city is further off towards tama county again we are still in that watch until 11 p.m or midnight but again one warning we do have a flash flood warning off towards the central portion of iowa just down to the southeast of ames but otherwise really the main focus on not only here but in the state is this tornado warning so let's take a quick look at that it is being updated right now they did decide to continue it no cancellation this round quite yet still moving east at 30 miles per hour and nothing confirmed with it but we'll take a quick look at that velocity scan and it's still looking strong you can hear next sign over there it's been it's been a long day but it is still looking very strong so at this time if you're in the monticello area you should be getting into that safe space it is headed towards your direction and we don't see any signs of it weakening if you're along highway 51 or know anyone along highway 151 i apologize 151 you should be headed into a safe space getting off that highway getting into a building your safe space should be the lowest level of your home so a basement if you live in an apartment complex get to the lowest floor and make sure you are far away from any windows and is far away from any out or exterior walls within there so we'll continue to stay here until this gets canceled again really we're focused on this level of rotation which still looks pretty decent for this point in the night usually we tend to see kind of some of these drop off at this point but that is just not the case that we're dealing with today and hopefully this will be the last one but if you're in that polygon right now or even just a little bit off to the east of the polygon in the dales ford cascade scotch grove area it is a great idea to stay aware of this storm at least for the next hour or so or at least if you're headed off to bed make sure you have a way to get those warnings so again now just for jones counties if you're in the monticello area now is your time to definitely be taking cover not seeing anything new coming through the chat or really on social media again it is hard to get some of those reports at night but we are seeing these bright greens and that is really what we look for when we have these strong and severe storms that rotation right there just south of prairie hills road and county road east 16 there as well nick yeah i mean this uh we've been talking about monticello for quite some time this continues to just roll straight down that's county highway e16 again this is approaching monticello so again if you are in monticello i think a bare minimum if this circulation at least continues to hold its strength it's going to be at the bare minimum producing some strong wind gusts this is some pretty strong wind again this might be one of the stronger radar indicated rotations we've seen uh probably guessing let's see it's definitely not 27 can tell you that much um okay we'll have to see what happens here it's definitely not it's definitely much stronger than that 37 i still think that's not quite accurate but there's a pretty good indication of rotation here again the reds going away from the radar which is off to the south and east the bottom right of your screen the winds going away from the radar the greens even some light blues showing up here coming towards the radar that's that circulation uh passing monticello the reason we continue to talk about the potential for these tornadoes and the reason we're so concerned about it is the fact that these tornado these storms have produced damage already here in eastern iowa we do have weather first meteorologist nathan sanchez monitoring the damage tonight let's talk about where you are right now nathan and talk about what you've seen tonight right nick right now we're in waverly but take a look at this this was our video that we brought to you we have a tornado in progress here you guys yeah this is our video that we brought to you earlier this afternoon here live right now or live on iowa's news now earlier this afternoon that tornado continued to push off to the east and here's some of the damage that it was that it has left behind we're standing next to numerous snap limbs and service continues to be a problem that's up by waverly you were able to see some damage up that way again you did see the the tornado there that was the trend that happened earlier in the evening now we're also still dealing with the ongoing tornado threat this evening right now again monticello you really need to make sure you're in a safe place that's a pretty strong indication of rotation coming right into your neighborhood lane worthy here on the south side of that circulation but still too close to call i'd still make sure you're in your safe place again lowest level of a home uh put as many walls between you and the outside as you can and if you are going to take some shelter want to cover yourself up with maybe a blanket or if you have a bike helmet that's another great option wear shoes as well again better to be overpair than underprepared sarah one of our users aaron is on prairie hills road there that you just saw on that map he says definitely still seeing some rotation and can feel it strong winds from there obviously difficult to see anything here's a live look at what we're looking at again you're not going to see much unless lightning strikes but he's saying it is definitely a strong storm and will likely continue to be tornado warned which is precisely what we're seeing and hearing as well here you know it's difficult at night you know you're not gonna you're not gonna see much but certainly seeing some heavy rain falling with that and some strong winds there as well so if we can actually head over to weather scandal i do have some images up near old wine earlier this is at i forgot exactly what school but it's a school up in old wine i'll get the name for you momentarily but definitely saw some tornado damage you can see a lot of debris blown around that's why we get in that safe space and make sure we're covered because this debris oftentimes is what most injuries are caused by it flying with rapid speeds through the air so definitely some significant damage again we don't have any information on what these tornadoes will be ranked as that will all come tomorrow or the coming days the weather service is going to be very busy with these reports i can tell you that but definitely looking like some significant damage there where we definitely could have seen winds upwards of nearly 100 miles per hour at times there so i'll give you a quick update on this tornado warning that we see i don't have any updates coming in through the weather service right now i do know that it does continue yep they did continue it at 9 53 so it's sticking out here until about 10 15 pm we're seeing that strong rotation we're not really seeing it let up a little bit it does look a little bit different earlier we saw really two areas of this rotation but right along here on prairie hills road is where our storm chaser aaron was that i just showed you i can kind of point that out for you here but otherwise we're looking at that strong rotation and those strongs or those bright red and greens that's what we are concerned about so it is headed towards monticello at this time you should already be in your safe space you shouldn't even be able to see this on the tv because you're just hearing it you're downstairs in your basement or the lowest level of your home you're you know in the most interior room far away from exterior walls put on that helmet grab those shoes make sure you're covered in case there is flying debris we don't have confirmation of this but i wouldn't be surprised if a tornado was on the ground with the way this does look on radar and we'll continue to continue to track it here for the most part but i'll give you a quick overlook at the area we still do have some strong storms passing through there as well none of them are severe at this time but they're producing a lot of heavy rain and a lot of lightning coming along with these storms too i can show you that if we back it up a little bit yeah a ton of lightning being produced especially with this tornado worn storm and cluster there now and oh i'm just getting a location from aaron so i'll kind of pinpoint where he is right now i'll give you a look at that velocity so he's actually just ahead of the storm and he says he's not seeing um a tornado on the ground right now but of course it is dark so certainly wouldn't be out of the question that there is one there so he's sitting ahead of this storm towards the monticello area generally in this vicinity so no confirmation on our end but it is dark out there and of course it should be taken seriously until it is fully expired at that 10 15 hour so nick i'm hoping this is the last warning of the night i know you are too and um although it still does look like it has a strong velocity um hopefully we'll start to see some weakness in it yeah unfortunately i mean hopefully this is the last storm but unfortunately it's still a real storm but it's moving into monticello right now you've had a lot of had had away we've had a lot of warning in monticello so hopefully you are taking your turn to precautions right now because again this circulation does look rather intense it's getting ready to cross highway 151 in the monticello area kind of getting a quick estimate on the wind speeds with this the rotation says 59 miles per hour that sounds about right pretty good rotation happening with the storm hopefully a sign of some good news is that it's not as much gate to gate and what i mean by that is like the bright greens the bright reds are no longer right next to each other it's getting a bit oblong so that's hopefully a sign of some good news unfortunately though either way you look at it the strong reds going away from the radar which is off to the bottom right of your screen that's at least indication that it's still getting some very strong warm inflow so it's still at least a strengthening storm but i'm hoping at least the tornado threat is getting a bit less just because the colors are trying to get a bit more oblong here they're not really tight right next to each other maybe a glimmer of hope and again we've kind of said this a few times but if you are in monticello don't try and go outside don't try and look at the storm because you're not going to be able to see it that circulation moving into monticello right now is so heavily wrapped in rain it's impossible to see anything that's actually happening with this storm we are seeing lightning but the actual circulation might be completely wrapped there inside of rain so in night time it's virtually impossible to actually see what may be happening with this storm there is really this heavy inflow from the north which isn't surprising based on what we're seeing here but he also says that he does have his mic on and decent reception so i'm wondering if we can maybe throw it to him and talk about kind of what he's seeing and feeling out there yeah that'd be great aaron if you are there let us know what you're seeing i know you've had a busy night uh here so far tonight just kind of let us know where you're at and kind of what you've seen so far guys can you hear me all right yeah you sound great okay good um so yeah i am just west of monticello and i've been paralleling the rotation and it is obviously as you guys have been saying it is rain wrapped it is dangerous to be out here but chasers have done this for a while the ones that are out here at night trying to see if we can find any damage in the back end of these storms but it is definitely rain wrapped good rotation but it it is a dangerous time to be out there is ems out here there is law enforcement spotting also so it's definitely a threat and the winds are very strong out here and thank you for that update there if we can leave his video kind of up there i know earlier uh you were on um the storm over towards like the payload area and that was some really impressive structure with that i mean have you seen much like that in iowa because that was kind of kind of rare for the state of iowa yeah you know i'd like to say the last time i saw something like that was in like southeast nebraska so nice to see that saucery shape going on with the rotation striations but it's rare to see something like that around here maybe out west right on aaron uh and again aaron gerhart thank you so much for that uh he's one of our engineers also a great storm chaser and storm spotter he's been with us obviously for quite some time last year he got the mechanics filled tornado on air for us so again thank you so much for that aaron we'll keep up to date with you hopefully we can get you home soon hopefully this tornado warning is starting to kind of go away all right so we continue to watch uh this tornado warning in jones county if you want you can maybe double box the video just so we have it up um if you can otherwise again we'll just continue to watch this tornado warning it does continue for jones county uh the air circulation passing right near monticello the weather service as sarah kind of mentioned is kind of agreeing with us where the circulation is getting more oblong it's not as tight so that's hopefully a sign of good things to come hopefully the storm begins to weaken just a little bit again that circulation passing very close to the area of monticello right now monticello's had a lot of time to prepare for this storm but the the classic radar view this is all the rain that's falling right now again that circulation would be heavily wrapped in range there's no way you'd be able to see it hopefully we can get through this without any incident in the monticello area but going back to the velocity view we've got the newest scan there again it's still strong you're at least getting probably some strong winds moving through the monticello area against northern jones county hopefully though the tornado threat is beginning to wind down and welcome everybody is iowa's news now at 10 o'clock the news continues to be the weather as it has been since about 4 30 this evening we've had continuous wall-to-wall tornado coverage since about 4 30 and unfortunately we've had a lot of reports of damage and tornadoes in eastern iowa thankfully as of now i have not seen any reports of injuries but we have seen damage to buildings homes farmsteads workshops and crops so it has been a very busy and unfortunately a rather damaging night here in eastern iowa and the severe threat continues tonight here's a live look again at the tornado warning does continue for northern jones county that circulation now passing maybe just east of the monticello area it basically is crossing highway 151 right now maybe now east of highway 151 that circulation may be trying to get a bit tighter here southeast of monticello but hopefully this thing begins to wind down we'll put the gate to gate kind of get a measurement of these wind speeds here 92 miles an hour so it's a stronger storm unfortunately just when you think things might begin to wind down it begins to intensify again but that's we're watching right now in southeastern southeast of monticello again that tornado warning does continue until 10 15. we'll have to see what the weather service wants to do based on that radar appearance i wouldn't be surprised if we do see it extended again and to more of northern jones county that is a bit of a concerning site there with that northwest of scotch grove that's something we'll have to continue to watch very closely looking at the traditional radar view again that circulation now southeast of monticello is so heavily wrapped in rain you're not going to be able to see anything inside of that storm it is producing a lot of lightning but yeah i've been seeing a lot of lightning with these storms so you might be able to see you know the rain falling but just because it's so wrapped in rain it's just you're not going to be able to see any type of tourniquet circulation there this storm does have a history of producing tornadoes we've had reports of tornadoes in northern linn county and as far west as tama county this is the same storm that really moved for quite a while let me zoom out here and there's a new tomato warning uh we kind of figured that was coming um all right let me zoom out here we'll get the updates on this storm so it goes until uh 10 45. so it's a 10 45 storm yep just for jones county all right moving east at 30. so remains for just northern jones county here new warning does continue until 10 45 now so uh long night continues we will zoom in on the storm again the strongest part of the storm likely now just moving east of the monticello area i'm going to pop up actually let's put a let's just look at the velocity view real quick let's see where we're at so yeah that's yeah that's unfortunately kind of concerning uh you were definitely seeing that rotation wrapping up once again right here southeast of monticello north of northwest of scotch grove that circulation now passing basically highway 38 that highway goes out southeast of monticello that's what circulation is right now that's going to continue to move off to the east now so again the circulation it just continues to intensify then weaken and intensify the weekend uh this storm does have a history of producing tornadoes thus far uh we said 30 yep same thing to the east all right so we'll put a fan on this we'll kind of get a rough idea uh again kind of more um more kind of um lesser populated portions of jones county uh but uh sprinkle around 1006 dales ford around 1009 temple hill 10 18 10 18 and that's kind of what we're watching here as that storm continues to move off to the east again this is a new trend of warning until 10 45 and unfortunately that circulation does look tighter here again southeast of monticello very strong indication of at least definitely rotation i mean that's a given at this point possible tornado with this as well we have not had a confirmed report in a while but there's your rotation over 100 miles an hour again so we're watching that rotation at 100 miles per hour that's a strong indication of rotation with the storm again that's now moving uh just to the east of monticello switching to the debris tracker i'm not seeing much there that's good hopefully uh it's not producing a tornado at the moment but keep in mind it can pretty much at any given point there is definitely circulation with the storm and this does continue here for northern jones county until 10 45. any uh info coming in from the weather service yeah not getting any info from them about this tornado warren storm they have talked about they did talk about how the the next couple of minutes are going to be pretty indicative of what they continue to extend this and of course they did but i'm getting word that i believe we have an update from nathan if that's correct he is out in northeast or northwestern iowa serving some of the damage near waverly i believe nathan what have you seen tonight hey sarah right now we are in waverly just to the south and east of town i believe we do have video that we have from earlier that we brought you on ios news now take a look at this and and that was that uh i believe that was that was the tornado video that we were able to bring you live here on iowa's news now earlier this afternoon right now we're standing in front of a lot of the damage that was caused by that tornado we have several limbs down lots of twigs and even full trees here i'll step out of the way zoom in on some of this and significant damage to some of the trees here near waverly now here's a look at some of that that video that we were able to get from this neighborhood earlier this afternoon just about around sunset there was damages damage done to the roof of the houses there was damage done to some of the some of the sheds around here some of the farm equipment as well the corn crop as well and so definitely a significant tornado you can even tell by the shape of the damage that this was a significant tornado here that went through waverly so we're going to continue to monitor this as we go through the overnight obviously we still have tornado warnings that are still in effect and the national weather service of course tomorrow will be out surveying the damage here in eastern iowa when we get those updates of course we'll be sure to let you know live in waverly meteorologist nathan santo domingo iowa's news now and much appreciated nathan thank you so much for everything today again a very busy day from beginning to end and unfortunately we have not seen the end yet the trial threat does continue we do have this tornado warning which does continue for northern jones county the worst of it now exiting the monticello area but it still continues to move off to the east we have state highway 136 right here there's more of a hilly rural area chasing this from the past has been very problematic so i know the terrain's kind of rough but again that circulation will be moving off to the east as it goes through northern jones county tonight that tornado warning does continue until as you can see 10 45 and that is now an observed tornado which makes me wonder i don't have anything there it is we have our first confirmed tornado based on radar which means what we're seeing here is debris being lofted into the air this is now an indication of a strong tornado now in progress here this is northern jones county you can see that is their dropout right there this is what we're looking at in terms of that radar confirmation we now have a confirmed tornado now moving through northern jones county this is the debris tracker hopefully this doesn't get any darker if we start seeing more blues pop up in here that's even a stronger tornado so we're going to hope this thing kind of calms down a little bit but this is one of the best radar products you can ever use in terms of live tornado tracking we do have a confirmed tornado based on radar now moving into northern jones county this did cross highway 38 it will continue to move into northern jones county dale's forward right here and will continue to move as it approaches highway 136 again this is a confirmed tornado here based on radar here's monticello right here the tornado appears to be east and maybe a little southeast of the monticello area but that's the only indication i need to see to know that there's a tornado in progress there we might not be able to see it visually with our eyes because of night time and rain but radar can see everything and radar is seeing what you're seeing right there radar can see you know things like rain hail what you're seeing right here is debris still there with the most recent scan you're still seeing the dropout which means that tornado is still in progress that does continue to move into northern jones county so confirm tornado here based on radar this is what we call a debris ball tds or tornado debris signature you don't see these too often this means it's a pretty well developed pretty strong tornado and this is now moving through northern jones county we're hoping the debris that we're seeing here is like tree debris and crop debris that's what we're hoping the debris is hopefully it's not things like people's homes and property but again that is a confirmed tornado you're looking at it on radar right now um really no reason to switch to any other product because that's going to tell us all the information that we need again this new trinidad warning does continue until 10 45 this is northern jones county what you're looking at here again is a debris ball a tornado debris signature debris is being lofted into the upper levels of the atmosphere it's being hit by the radar beam and the radar beam is reflecting it back so that's what we're seeing right there with this storm again that is east of monticello moving through northern jones county thankfully it's a rather sparsely populated portion of jones county but if you know people that are in this area want to give them a call shoot them a text something like that just give them a heads up that this is now a confirmed tornado moving through jones county it looks like we're getting a new scan right now i should have another update here in a second there it is okay so yeah still there still popping up there on the radar beam again this uh this is i think the first tds i've actually seen here in iowa since i started here in 2017. so yeah not not a great sign what we're looking at right here that is again moving east of monticello right now it's passing right over dallas ford and we'll be crossing highway 136 state highway 136 this is actually going to be north of scotch grove uh it's going to be now east of highway 38. we have highway 151 that goes right here this is the main line that goes from dubuque through the cedar rapids metro it's south of highway 151 based on this track it should stay south of highway 151 you saw the newest scan there debris ball continues so there's still debris being lofted by the storm you can see it there on radar you got cascade right up here cascade appears to be okay cascade will likely be out of the threat level for this tornado but again you can see that tds does continue to move eastward uh monticello again now i'd say monticello is probably in the clear we should see an update here from the weather service in terms of that warning soon but this is now a confirmed tornado newest scam we're getting these scanned every about minute or two the technology with radar has advanced so far and we're basically able to track a tornado in real time using weather radar it's a fantastic piece of technology it definitely is something you see more often in portions of the southeast united states or the plains where you have a lot of debris that can get lofted up by tornadoes unfortunately we're seeing it here tonight here in eastern iowa again sparsely populated portions of jones county that's the good news but unfortunately there are still people that live in this area especially if you're again south of cascade if you live between highway 151 and scotch grove in this area in northern jones county you want to be on the lookout for this monticello you are now in the clear things are okay there and slide this over so again this is your tornado right here just as a sanity check we'll put the velocity view yep very strong rotation right there we'll put kind of a wind speed on it 97 miles per hour again all i need to see to know where this tornado is is that so you're looking at the trail here in real time this is how you know there's a tornado in progress so we're going to continue to watch this it's going to continue to move off to the east there's a confirmed tornado now moving through jones county this is the same storm which has produced tornadoes in northern linn county as well as northern benton county and tama county this is a long track supercell it's produced multiple trails along the way we've had a lot of reports of damage along the way as well thankfully not aware of any injuries at this point tonight but again we are seeing again another confirmed tornado uh southwest of cascade are you getting any information there from the weather service there because yeah nothing nothing coming in they're pretty holding steady on this tornado warning though it's not going to end they you know tds confirmed continuing it one thing i have checked recently as you said you know we don't know for sure about damage yet or injuries or anything we probably won't know a lot about that until the morning but we do know that there are several power outages along with these storms which isn't completely unprecedented so taking a look at alliant just across the board couple thousand in about 3 000 people in iowa without power and portions of wisconsin still kind of dealing with that storm track as well so certainly an active night out there and taking a look at this storm as well yeah you can see some of the outages there again kind of with this storm that we've been tracking 70 customers out right now could be more once that storm kind of passes through i would suspect it does continue that way but if we can throw back to radar here really quick it does look like you know we're continuing on pretty steadily with this tornado warning you know we are seeing that debris really being lofted um what you know nick mentioned once we start to see those blues that's when we get a little bit concerned but for now we're seeing those reds and oranges and yellows and that's that's really what we're focused on and there's you know we can check the velocity and kind of see what's going on with it there but yeah it's a pretty strong rotation and that's really all you need to know from there it is a very strong storm you should definitely be in that safe space uh you just saw that update come through nick i'll see if anything came through chat cool yeah you can see that new travel warning they've essentially trimmed it down just a little bit we're really kind of getting hyper focused on where this tornado is uh is going to be moving again this is now northern and northeastern jones county 80 mile per hour gate to gate shear so a strong rotation pop in there if we look at the debris again we continue to watch the tds it's not the most eye-opening tds i've ever seen but you're seeing debris you're watching i turn it alive via radar and so that's what's happening as that is now moving into northern jones county cascade should still be north of this tornado if you live in the south side of cascade i'd maybe start taking shelter if you live you know if you have a cascade a dress and you're south of cascade if you're south of highway 151 you want to be in your safe place if you're in cascade i just take shelter anyway just because there's a tornado very very close to you again this is a confirmed tornado you're watching it live on radar just to the south southwest of cascade this debris signature will continue opening through a pretty rural area there's a lot of woods and creeks in this area northern northeastern jones county pretty soon though it will be approaching highway 136 that goes south of cascade again if you do live south of cascade you want to make sure you're getting in your safe place right now latest update there looks like it a little weaker that's good news unfortunately it's still there you can still see exactly where that tornado is with that newest scam that is happening right now again in northern jones county again if you live in cascade or if you have a cascade address if you're more rural south of highway 136 here if you're on highway 136 south of cascade if you live there you want to make sure you're in your safe place now if you know family or friends that may live in that direction give them a call who cares if it's 10 o'clock at night make sure they're aware of what's happening with this because this is a confirmed tornado now moving into northeastern jones county we've really been able to make this polygon much smaller because now we're hyper aware of exactly where that tornado is again this is passing just south of cascade will soon be passing over highway 136 and again northeastern jones counties they're going and nick really quick obviously our main focus is on this tornado warning but we are getting some information now through the chat obviously that is a confirmed tornado you can see the debris with it you see the steady rotation no eyesight on it but again it is very dark out there but from there we also now do have a couple severe thunder one severe thunderstorm i don't know why i'm saying a couple probably because we've had a couple all day but one more severe thunderstorm warning for cedar johnson jones and linds county right now with this they're saying it's moving into a favorable environment we're seeing wind gusts upwards of about 53 miles per hour at the cedar rapids airport and it could continue to gain that so just be aware of that if you are in that area and you're hearing some strong thunderstorms that is what we're focused on with this right now not expected to see some tornado warnings out of this line but certainly is going to produce a good amount of rain as well as lightning we can take a look at kind of these lightning worn storms here as well before we bounce on back to that tornado warning but not as much as we saw earlier so i guess there's some good news in that but definitely still seeing those damaging winds really across those counties as it finally pushes out of our area but the main threat does remain as this confirmed tornado on the ground in jones county if you're just coming in now you're headed to bed and you're trying to get one last look this is a very dangerous storm and it is on the ground that is a very strong velocity signature that we're seeing right there when you see kind of those bright greens and bright reds kind of intermixing that is what we look for as far as rotation within these storms in addition nick has been driving this home that we are we look at something called correlation coefficient and that's actually some good news there nick i'm not sure if you want to touch on that yeah so uh we are looking at what appears to be a bit of a minimum there starting to pop up uh it appears this will be the tornado here the signature it's not as large it's not as circular as it was too long ago so hopefully we're starting to see signs that the debris is no longer being lifted with this storm potentially the tornado has lifted at this point but when you looked at the velocity view it was still very strong there's still very definite signs of rotation with this again this is passing south of cascade will be crossing highway 136 here momentarily we'll give it another scan to see if it uh sticks around or not then we'll switch back to the velocity but this is very likely the remnant of that uh tornado here uh showing up it wasn't the most significant you can kind of see how it really hyper focused right on that dot it's still radar indicated so based on this the national weather service does believe that it potentially lifted at this point uh but i'm still concerned i'm not fully convinced yet that this is still not on the ground we'll have to see what happens as it continues to move off to the east this is kind of like a wooded area so my suspicion is that this was a tornado that picked up a lot of tree debris a lot of leaves and things like that and that's probably why it popped as well as it did but again we are washing this circulation right here again passing south of cascade we'll put the velocity view back on again that little drop up a little color of yellow correlates very well where that circulation couplet is so that's what we're watching right now is again that debris dip right there i'm hoping we should get another scan here in about a minute or two if not less and hopefully we see that little drop go away and that would be a sign the tornado has lifted um and hopefully it stays that way but again we do have that and there it is beautiful so looks like the tornado has now lifted that's good news uh we are still rolling though with this tornado warning and again the reason we're on the air is because stuff like that we have all these tools we can track these tornadoes in real time and give you guys updates as they happen and you can also just see how quickly these things change uh we were tracking the storm for you know we had confirmed tornadoes in northern linn county and then not a whole lot for the last like 20 minutes and then suddenly you had a confirmed tornado probably one of the strongest ones you've seen so far tonight so these things very rapidly uh change and develop right now looks like the debris is no longer an issue so we'll go back to the velocity view uh again what we're seeing uh is kind of what happened about maybe half hour ago where the colors are no longer tight right next to each other it's no longer what we call gate to gate no longer a very tight rotation it's not more of like a shear zone it's kind of like a broad area with the wind flowing into the storm the wind coming on the back side of the storm there's very broad rotation happening here but at least as of now it's a bit weaker and hopefully this will continue to kind of weaken as it moves off to the east the problem is we've seen how many times we see it weakening and then it begins to re-intensify again so pull up the radar view i will show kind of the rain this is the rain view you can see torrential rain is falling with this you can feel the humidity in the air that tropical air mass that is what we're dealing with this evening and that's why these storms are very efficient rainfall producers we have not had any reports of flash flooding here in eastern iowa we have had some reports in central iowa but here in eastern iowa we've avoided the flash flooding so far which is terrific news obviously we want the rain we don't want the flooding and again here's kind of what we're looking at that trendo warning just continued until 10 45. i was a pretty good bet this specific warning won't continue until 10 45 hopefully we do see it kind of go away in the short term go back to velocity again circulation does continue here it's not as tight as it was so that's some good news now it's again far northeastern jones county and actually it's almost out of our area too which is kind of some good news we'll do a wider view over eastern iowa again the other threat sarah mentioned it earlier is that severe thunderstorm warning in our southern counties let's go back to the radar view and we will do look at the these storms down here uh we'll do a box we'll jump down here and let's take kind of a look this storm went through the iowa city metro and continues now to move off to the east so let's see exactly what's happening down this way we have some traffic cameras in the iowa city metro some of these may take a minute to load so bear with me here's highway city or excuse me iowa city at i-80 and highway one you see trucks with their flashers on heavy rain definitely falling there you can see the raindrops moving as well so some good wind happening with this storm we'll go to the east side this is a courtesy of the hydro science engineering department of the university of iowa you can see some rain falling not really sure what those flashing lights are maybe just some construction but it looks like things are not too bad here you can see the least lights are on we know the power is not out we'll jump over maybe a view from kinnick let's get this camera to pull up a little kind of hidden there there we go this is a view from kinnick uh in iowa city you can see the storms are on the horizon um this is courtesy of the uh johnson county emergency management agency blogger cameras uh they've been useful thankfully though we're not seeing a whole lot with them at the moment but we are again seeing those strong storms moving through portions of northeastern johnson county and this is now moving into portions of cedar county so cedar county you are under that uh severe thunderstorm warning 60 miles per hour winds i believe the um cedar garden fair kicked off today so there's gonna be a big setup there hopefully we can get through that without many issues and nick really quick yeah he's actually heading back so if we want to toss to him uh he saw a lot of damage earlier today and uh really it was near a lot of those tornado-worn storms so nathan do you want to recap kind of what you saw for those just coming in yeah sarah right now we are live in the road warrior on our way back here from uh waverly take a look at this video that we brought to you on iowa's news now earlier this afternoon we have a tornado in progress here you guys and that was live video that we had for you we that was live video that we had for you earlier this afternoon on iowa's news now bringing you that tornado live as it happened here's a look at some of the damage that we were able to find just to the south and east of waverly this was along garden avenue just on the southeast side of town now thankfully everyone that we talked to uh was okay we don't have any injuries to report but there was substantial damage to roofs sheds numerous tree limbs and even full trees down because of this tornado and you could tell serving the damage that it was a tornado i could see with my own eyes the direction that everything was laying in you could tell there was a spiral pattern to the damage unfortunately it did damage some of the corn crop as well of course we don't know the rating on this tornado quite yet it was likely a fairly strong tornado however based on the damage that i saw we will have an update tomorrow morning from the national weather service on this and the other tornadoes that we had here across the state of course we'll bring you those updates as we learn them right here on iowa's news now for now though there's still activity on the radar uh we're going to send it back to you guys in the studio live in the road warrior meteorologist nathan santo domingo iowa's news now just the beginning of what will be a long story going into tomorrow covering the damage thank you for that nathan a live look right now this is again the radar view this is the tornado warning which does continue for northeastern jones county until 10 45. this remains a radar-indicated tornado we did have that debris ball showing up on radar earlier that was a debris being lofted up in the air this is probably the best news i've had in a while this does look weaker this doesn't look as intense as it did also it looks more reminiscent of outflow where maybe the storm's starting to kind of give up and kick out ahead of the storm so hopefully this storm is going to give up but again for now this tornado warning does continue until 10 45 and this does include the far northeastern portions of jones county worst of it now probably just either on or now east of highway 136 that's the highway that goes south out of cascade uh temple hill right here again this is uh what's left of that circulation it doesn't look as intense as it did so we're hoping that things have weakened considerably and hopefully this is it we shall see though we'll go back to the radar view but circulation somewhere in here again you can just see there's absolutely torrential rain falling with this storm so you're not going to be able to see anything that's actually happening on the ground just know that there is some still spin here in the atmosphere and as this exits this actually will exit our area this will head towards jackson county which we do not touch that's down towards the quad cities market so hopefully things kind of keep trending in the right direction and we can kind of let this storm go we'll kind of do a wider view over eastern iowa again and we have that tornado warning that we've been talking about quite some time and of course we do have that severe thunderstorm warning which does continue here again this is for northeastern johnson county into cedar county uh you may be quick yeah go ahead yeah with that storm really quick i'll touch on it we are getting a decent amount of reports from the national weather service about this i don't want to leave anyone out of course the focus is going to be that tornado warning for now but with this storm we are getting wind gusts upwards of 45 50 52 miles per hour so certainly some strong storms coming along with it may sound like very minimal compared to what we dealt with the ratio but certainly can be damaging winds that could eventually take down power lines or potentially cause some damage from there as well not seeing good news not seeing any rotation within this yet it really is just a strong line of thunderstorms producing heavy rain some damaging winds so that's what we're focused on down there for cedar johnson jones and a portion of lynn county now just barely portions of jonathan county but again that's something we will continue to watch for now though all eyes are redirected towards this tornado warning let's take a look at the latest velocity scan still still going pretty strong right now the main area that we will be focused on is east of highway 136 here i haven't gotten any really information on that recently but obviously it is still tornado warned for a reason when we look at our correlation coefficient not seeing a lot of debris lofted in the air so that's good news that's not necessarily means that it's lifted or certainly not picking up a lot of debris if there is a tornado still possible so switching back to the velocity again this is really what the main focus we are on right now this morning does go until 10 45 hopefully we'll kind of see it minimize but the pattern that we've been seeing really for quite a bit of time has been tornadoes touching down and then lifting we've seen it with this specific storm multiple times today let alone several other tornado-warn storms throughout the day today as well so we'll kind of give you a quick overview of what's kind of happening if you're just tuning in now a lot of people probably headed off to bed as it is a wednesday evening but we still do have two two worn storms i should say a severe thunderstorm warning again for cedar johnson jones and linn county this is mainly a wind threat with winds upwards of about 60 miles per hour gust wise goes to 11 p.m so that is our longest warning and of course the tornado warning that we've been focused on for quite a bit of time for just jones county 15 more minutes in this one and hopefully at that point we will be in the all clear but for now nick this does uh remain a threat yeah it does you can kind of see the spin there is definitely not as intense as it was earlier but there is still spin in the atmosphere i imagine they'll probably let it go all the way until at least it starts pushing the border here and then they may make that final decision of what they want to do with this warning this has been quite the long track storm uh this in particular this storm originally formed over in marshall county uh by marshalltown produced funnels out that way and then it kind of merged with some storms and separated from some other storm but it made a long trek there all the way across north of basically highway 30 and uh here's where we are now you can see this is all that's left a tiny little baby warning we're almost done with it now that gives me hope that they're thinking that it might be done obviously it's still a trend of warning we'll be coming up towards county road d61 that's kind of this area right here that we're watching again this is far far northeast jones county that is that area of concern for the time being so that's the lone real severe weather threat that we're tracking at the moment i do want to hop down real quick down to just iowa city again kind of see what's happening down that way i know a lot of people we have a lot of viewers down there in the iowa city metro it's always just good to kind of get some confirmation again this is just a severe thunderstorm warning down that way we're not seeing anything uh too significant other than the uh some gusty winds upwards of about 52 53 miles per hour belief is the top gust so far you can kind of see there is that bow here on the radar so that is an indication of some strong winds kind of kicking out so tipped in towards clearance these are the two areas that will be impacted with the storm relatively soon of course you have the i80 exit of highway 38 that continues to move off to the east uh we'll go back and look at the live cameras we do have a few uh down this way i believe we'll take a look at this guy right here i don't think i clicked it right there we go so again this is near west branch again you can see it kind of see the heavy rain falling the rain and the headlights there uh but really just heavy rain falling uh maybe some gusty winds as well but thankfully it looks like the severe weather is now really moving out of johnson county do note we are seeing kind of this line of storms extend all the way out west towards like williamsburg you can see some very heavy rain falling out that way still it's been raining for a while so the other threat tonight may be flash flooding if you are planning on driving late tonight especially near southern counties flash flooding may become a concern but what i really do like to see is on this storm this right here this is a what we call an outflow boundary it's getting kicked out from the storm and therefore that tells me that the storm is beginning to lose its punch so the southern storms are beginning to weaken that's good news there we'll go up to this tiny little baby tornado warning up here and again far northeastern jones county we'll do uh zoom in on this guy take a look at it see how it's doing again this is far northeastern jones county not a lot of population centers here southeast of cascade again primarily if you live have a cascade address perhaps and are living kind of more rural areas here in far northeastern jones county it does include gary owen road down to county road d61 and this area here in far northeastern jones county there's still some potential for spin of the atmosphere but it has weakened dramatically from where we were a couple hours ago maybe trying to kind of spin up here so worst case scenario if you're in southern dubuque county you might need to watch this bernard ufc had that tornado earlier this year one of the four tornadoes the state of iowa has seen before today it's been way below normal in terms of tornadoes but right now we continue to watch the potential here this would potentially if they do extend a warning if it does intensify may clip portions of southern dubuque county but for now that circulation almost out they haven't issued a new warning yet there is a new tornado warning in cedar county oh okay well let's jump down there you want me to jump down there ah i'm already doing it so let's just get my arm workout i haven't done it enough yet today um this one goes till eleven where where okay i'm gonna have you do it i don't know where it's at i was like i'm not sure exactly where it is either all right so here's the tornado warning that we have for cedar county this one goes until 11 p.m still radar indicated um let's take a look at the velocity there i'm a little okay yeah so there's there's some decent rotation not the strongest we've seen but certainly something not to take lightly this one is moving east at 40 miles per hour so let's time that out for you i know that there was some damaging winds happening near the tipton area in northeast east okay perfect yeah so not a not a ton of towns popping up here we can try that again but really yeah not not too much happening but again moving east at about 40 miles per hour so moving a little bit quickly radar indicated rotation we're really just seeing the threat with um the the rotation here when you start to see those bright greens and some of those reds overlapping which we are seeing here um that's that's what indicated or triggered that tornado warning so now we do have two tornado warnings left one severe thunderstorm warning kind of been the situation all day with these uh storms spinning up and spinning down uh so this is the one you know that is the newest if you're just coming in or hearing the sirens in cedar county this one goes until 11 p.m there was a quick update there we still are seeing a fairly strong rotation within this region so that's kind of what we're focused on so i'll get us to the street level view and we can kind of talk a little bit there if you're near highway 38 to 90th street in the rochester area you might miss out on it a little bit but certainly make sure you're getting in that safe space and getting yourself into the lowest level of your home or the most interior room again not too much information on the storm quite yet likely not going to get it confirmed because of really just the lack of it's dark outside but that jones one did just get expired so some good news there one again after a long time back down to one we are back down to one again um this one is expired so joseph county you are in the clear for now they are pretty confident on the fact that that's not going to produce a tornado so we are back to one this one goes until 11 p.m and i'm feeling confident that this is the last one of the night i'm feeling good about it nick we don't have a lot of options at this point but once that leaves i mean that's hopefully the rest of our area so yeah that's that warning there yeah and really just the surrounding area of that severe thunderstorm warning will probably trickle for a little bit longer but if you're chiming in now cedar county you are under a tornado warning mainly because of this little signature in our rotation here that's that's a fairly strong rotation when we see the reds and the greens mix and especially these bright color greens i'll flip it over to our correlation coefficient this is something we look at when we look for debris in the air the radar can pick that up we tend to look for these bright blues this over here is nothing but we tend to look for bright blues or yellows or oranges which we're not seeing so some good news there hopefully this one will be very short-lived or not even touch the ground but the way these storms are going tonight got to take them seriously so i know it's late at night but get the kids to the basement take that shelter it is better to be safe out there um than sorry yeah we're watching that right now again technically speaking tipton is not in the warning it looks like just south of tipton so if you're in like the tipton area i got the big cases right there if you're south of cedar valley road along highway 38 if you have a tipton address along highway 38 here that's when you're going to want to make sure you get to a safe place right now because that circulation again it's not the most impressive it's hardly one of the strongest we've seen today but it's still rotation and given how pretty much every storm today has produced a tornado and it's definitely worth treating it with respect that circulation appears to be passing just north of rochester do keep in mind you can kind of see the bright greens here that's going towards the radar which is right behind me essentially and so that's at least strong winds kind of coming on the back side of that storm so probably some strong rfd maybe some damaging wind gusts here coming to the rochester area but again south of tipton along highway 38 essentially highway 38 between about i-80 and up to tipton haven't been this way in a while i know there was some construction there they kind of forced you off of highway 38 but we're watching that very closely here again uh basically between tipton and i-80 along highway 38 that's a concern there and then on the far eastern side here of cedar county we do have bennett that's going to be the other spot for that possible tornado again i believe the cedar county fair is starting this week i'm not uh so we'll have to watch that now the fairgrounds and everything bare minimum moving through cedar county uh there's at least some strong wind gusts attributed with this storm so that's something we'll have to watch very closely we did get the newest scan there again some brighter greens even a little bit you can kind of see light blue popping up here so i do think at the bare minimum we're talking about a strong wind thread as it's moving across portions of cedar county generally speaking this will be north of i-80 as we got the world's largest largest truck stop off this way a lot of truck traffic here on i-80 it appears the worst of the weather will be north of i-80 we're watching though that spin the atmosphere here getting ready to cross highway 38 south of tipton it doesn't look you know particularly strong let's kind of do a quick quarry on there 80 miles per hour we had that tornado just on the minnesota border side of the mississippi river i do prairie du chien about two weeks ago that tornado on radar was only registering like 20 miles an hour rotation too so just keep in mind it's a good tool to indicate that there's spin the atmosphere but the you know really high strength doesn't necessarily mean a strong tornado and a weak strength doesn't necessarily mean it's a weak tornado if that makes sense uh but again we're watching that here south of tipton uh north of i-80 basically crossing highway 38 right about now so again if you do have probably a tipton address or rochester address if you're kind of in this area this would be south of the tipton area that's something we'll have to watch very closely do you want do you want to go back to the pan view let's kind of pan around just a little bit so we've got cedar valley road that does come southwest out of tipton if you're south of there that's really kind of the main concern area again crossing highway 38 moving uh through cedar county uh we got bennett right here uh that's what we're gonna wanna watch uh that spin right there uh this one's what 30 miles an hour two correct correct yes all right all of them we got consistency going for us at least tonight oh i'm sorry 40. oh a little fast guy faster yeah racing away update to the warning there you can kind of see uh looks like it has now passed highway 38 so we're making some progress here we'll draw the cone we'll go 40 miles an hour we'll draw that here so bennett it'll kind of be in your air around 10 52 about 10 minutes from now again you may not want to wait kind of just get to your shelter now if you can again this storm does not necessarily look like the strongest rotation we've seen tonight but keep in mind virtually every tornado warning has verified today i don't know if i've ever had an event like this in my career where we've had so many different tornado warnings and so many different tornadoes it's been a very very unique event here in eastern iowa but it's been a very unique couple of years in eastern iowa in terms of the weather so nothing really surprises me anymore uh we'll look at the radar view again uh this one is kind of one of those that's on the leading edge this is what we call qlcs quasi linear convective system that's kind of what we're dealing with right here this kind of like hook on the leading edge of this squall line that's kind of what we're worried about right now in terms of the potential tornado threat again it looks like it's probably just crossing or more likely probably east of highway 38 at this point the blinking red area that is again that tornado warning which does continue until 11 o'clock tonight so about another 15 minutes or so some good news it does continue to race off to the east we'll put the radar or the debris tracker on we're not seeing any indications of blue drop out here one of those products you kind of have to know what you're looking at you can kind of see that all this blue here there's no rain falling so you can't really rely on that which you're looking at is where rain is currently falling and there's nothing happening there so thankfully it doesn't appear to be any debris being lifted off in the atmosphere but again stronger greens and blues here that's that's some pretty strong wind it looks like we're losing kind of like the outbound the reds going away from the radar we're kind of losing that tight couplet here still some strong winds likely happening here i would imagine it's probably at least some very strong winds maybe 60 even 70 miles per hour potentially happening here along highway 38 again this is south of the tipton area that's kind of what we're getting reports of 60 to 70 mile per hour winds we don't have confirmation of this tornado on the ground but i did get some word from producer that we do have reporter dion broxton with some video that happened earlier of damage where is this near again manchester okay so that's that's from earlier today so certainly going to be an interesting day tomorrow surveying this damage what happens is the weather service will head out to all of these locations where confirmed tornadoes did touch down and do a survey of how damn it or uh and do a survey and rate them for on the from ef-0 to ef5 so we'll see how that all plays out tomorrow but i do think these are some of the most damaging storms that we've seen for sure this season if not really within the last few years especially with the numbers so i'll refresh it for you if you're just coming in now 10 45 tonight right now no iowa's news now newscast tonight because we were here we do have a severe thunderstorm warning that's for jackson county though kind of moving off of our area we're more focused on these severe thunderstorm warnings for cedar in jones county that goes to 11 p.m wind speeds of 60 or 70 miles per hour and of course we do have a tornado warning for cedar county and you can see nick nick is joining the chair group i am also sitting down here we've been standing for about about six seven hours here so we're a little burnt out but um here is that tornado warning oh it's gonna get messy you gotta control it here's the tornado warning for cedar county i haven't been doing this for five hours i know that's what i told you to grab a chair i told you we're going to be here a while but um that's our latest velocity scan as nick is my vanna white now pointing i'll do the talking he'll disappointing that's where we're seeing that steady location i do want to switch actually i am getting some stuff about the tornado watch um i do think it's worth mentioning that it does continue sorry about that it does continue oh it's the chair okay there we go um a lot of them have been canceled that is great news we do have some still lingering over here i just don't think those have been updated quite yet uh different national weather service office there so just give it some time but the good news is things are winding down yeah you do see you know for johnson county and further off here with these warnings obviously taking place as well but there's some good news and some improvement there as well but here on our radar again the tornado warning for cedar county wednesday until 11 pm i'll zoom in on the velocity scan here and we'll kind of get down to that street level we're seeing this really strong rotate rotation right just checking the chat nothing new um here in the rotation that's where we we tend to look for that tornado dropping down that is pretty strong so between maybe 260 street and 240th street that is really the main area that we are looking for the potential for that no confirmation but still take it seriously it only goes here for another about 13 minutes so you know you may have to lose 13 minutes of sleep tonight but it is certainly worth it if it can save or you or your others lives so um let's check correlation coefficient i'm seeing some chat about that okay so that's a little bit concerning this right here they they mentioned something in the chat about it but there we go that's correlation coefficient for reference is basically a measurement of the debris that's being lofted up either by the winds or the tornado um and when we start to see you got to kind of ignore all of this over here towards bennett but when you start to see that go ahead nick yeah so what you look at right here is essentially you know there's rain falling here and when it looks different than the rest of the rain falling it's not rain it's something else in this case it's probably debris so that looks like it's what's happening right now that's kind of the drop out there just want to confirm one more time just to make sure see there's a bit of a hole there and reflectivity so i'm hoping that's not debris it might be kind of a false artifact it's kind of a tricky product in which you kind of really need to know what you're looking at and sometimes it can give you these false positives i'm not sure yeah and the national weather service is saying not thinking it's a tds that's kind of what i'm thinking yeah but something's dark it's hard to tell at the very at the bare minimum here we're looking at here is definitely some type of appendage here so you could be looking at something forming here and again this is just west of bennett again once it hits bennett uh then it's pretty much out of our area uh it will be there very soon though uh really within the next probably two or three minutes you'll be knocking on your door um but again you're kind of watching that little appendage here and then the velocity view again it hasn't necessarily been really strong all evening long uh but it's still there and what you're really looking at too is these blues i mean that's some very strong uh rfd wrapping on the back side so you might you know it's possible the tornado is not on the ground right now uh but bennett may get some very strong winds here that could be enough to knock power lines down in trees down and things like that and that's kind of what we're seeing we're seeing winds anywhere from about 60 to 70 miles per hour so those are the reports coming in so regardless if a tornado touches down with this storm it's definitely going to be damaging we are concerned a little bit about flash flooding taking place over the next uh you know a couple of hours here or even by tomorrow morning so that is a concern especially along areas of you know i-80 we have several highways a little bit more populated area again the truck stop the world's largest truck stop such a monument in iowa but um we'll switch back to our reflectivity here so it's kind of what we're looking at not a super just looking at the reflectivity not a not a staple of a supercell by any means but certainly is a rotary rotating thunderstorm this one is for cedar county until 11 pm if we take a look at our velocity here it is pretty strong still for reference if you're not sure what you're doing when you're looking at velocity is we look for those bright colored greens that you can see on the screen and we look at the red and the green kind of intersecting or intermingling and that's kind of what we're seeing it means that we're seeing rotation of things moving away from the radar and other areas moving towards the radar and that obviously results in a rotation so that's our main focus for now we still do have this thunderstorm warning that is going on for cedar and jones county i would expect that to be extended we're getting winds around 60 miles per hour so that definitely meets our threshold but we will not stay on the air just for severe thunderstorm warning we will only stay on the air for this tornado warning right here the last one of the night i hope we hope right again you can kind of still see that circulation again bennett at the bare minimum you're likely going to be dealing with some strong wind gusts so you know you want to make sure you want to get inside from that get away from windows put some walls between you because at the bare minimum this is a pretty strong burst of wind coming your way it looks like right at bennett maybe in the south side of bennett will be hardest hit tipped in the storms are now clearing off to the south and east probably still gusty probably still getting some pretty good wind gusts up there but the worst of it now off to your south and east thankfully again no indications of tornadoes at the moment uh with this storm uh luckily though some very heavy rainfall we're still kind of watching this little appendage feature kind of moving in through uh the bennett area uh but for now at least as of now we don't have any confirmed reports of tornadoes uh just kind of that spin in the atmosphere but again you can really see those bright blues here that's a strong indication of some strong wind gusts passing with this storm again this is southern cedar county at this point so just kind of like giving everybody a wide view i know i know hopefully you're really enjoying this coverage for the last you know like six seven hours however long it's been hopefully this is the best reality tv i'm about big brother big brother got nothing on us um but again we have that tornado warning which continues in southeastern uh cedar county otherwise we just have that severe thunderstorm warning for southern jones and much of cedar county as well i do want to pop up just the radar view there's we talked about the extension of that severe thunderstorm warning for eastern cedar county and as soon as that tornado warning is let go i think we might be done for the night which would be a very strange feeling um you know i didn't even make a seven seven-day forecast today usually i do like the seven at the very end i don't even have i have no idea what's up in the next seven days so well we'll have to wing it tomorrow um again we're looking at that tornado warning here in southeastern uh cedar county uh new liberty you might get us over the air technically it's across the border technically not in our viewing area but you know we are looking at the bare minimum with strong winds there moving into new liberty i think bennett is kind of where it's at right now you're probably getting some strong winds still the tipton area you can see though uh the severe thunderstorm warning was kind of trimmed here it's kind of the new warning here into the east this is kind of the old polygon off to the west so that's some good news there clarence again still probably getting some gusty winds as well this is racing down highway 30 again so still some pretty good wind gusts with the storm as it moves through eastern iowa as well but the main threat continues to be this tornado warning for about another five minutes hopefully we will let this expire and then hopefully uh we can call it a night uh we do have that trend to watch which does continue for very small portions of our air at this point until midnight tonight yeah let's actually kind of look i'm kind of curious what that looks like i know there's kind of random counties involved okay yeah so still our i80 counties here and then up uh towards uh cedar jones and dubuque county is uh dubuque i think it might be like the one county that hasn't i know they had the severe thunderstorm morning earlier today i thought they might have escaped it but now i don't yeah we already got everybody everybody had some weather today everyone saw some hopefully some rain you know at least the least that we can get out of this is some rain so hopefully you saw that um but taking a look we are getting uh this obviously thunderstorm warning extended as i mentioned before it just barely knicks our area before it moves off more towards the quad cities but it is important to note that this one is still labeled tour possible likely mainly because the tornado warning is tacked onto it and we are still seeing that rotation there but it is going to move out of our area but still just stay weather aware if you are headed to bed just make sure you have a way to wake up to warnings whether that's a radio an app coming through your phone whatever it is make sure that you have that going on so we'll kind of zoom in on this tornado warning five more minutes left in it hopefully and then it'll be expired uh okay so the rotation looks like it's starting you know we still have these bright greens which indicate strong winds and a lot of times that is indicated with our couplet or our rotation we are seeing it weaken a little bit though we're starting to see this more in a straight line which means it's going where it's supposed to go away from the radar towards the radar but still not completely in the clear it is still a little bit concerning of what we're looking at here and of course surrounded by it we do have severe thunderstorm warnings so something we'll continue to monitor and watch out there's still no cancellation or word on if this will be extended but it does last about four more minutes we don't have any confirmation that it is on the ground let's uh take a look at that correlation coefficient yeah okay so that kind of died down pretty quickly there not quite sure if that was a you know a tornado signature it was a little bit iffy based on where it kind of was we managed to spend some wrap around rain kind of but good news there not seeing any debris being lofted in the air let's take a look at our lightning though um not a ton of lightning being produced with this storm given how strong it is really the main threat we're looking at is going to be those damaging winds up to about 70 miles per hour or heavy rain or both flash flooding is still kind of a concern as we head out i do want to recap for those who are just coming in we did have a lot of reports though today several tornado reports to the northern half of the region you can see several near vinton waverly even some near manchester those were our three locations so it's not completely out of the question that this one could put down a tornado as well it's been that kind of day and it likely will continue to be that way until it is quiet out there and the good news is from what i from what i recall it's been a long day it's supposed to be a pretty calm end to the week and a calm weekend but here's the current tornado warning it looks like they're going to have to decide to extend it or cancel it it is looking less like a rotation but no word on exactly what they will decide quite yet nick yeah things are looking good uh you know we talked about the severe weather threat continue today they expired it it's okay so as of now for the first time since probably 4 30 we do not have any active tornado warnings so that's some good news there i want the i want to watch it disappear though we're sticking through it to 11 o'clock i want to go away um harris here we go i do want to quick uh quickly touch and again we'll touch on the severe weather threat real quick um we'll zoom out here and the severe thunderstorm warning is canceled for cedar and jones okay so that polygon here that's some good news yeah okay so really all that's left is this severe thunderstorm warning the very far edge here of a southeastern jones county as well as eastern cedar county that's the last of our severe weather threat tonight and then hopefully for the rest of the night as well i'll be sticking around here for probably a little while until midnight or so just to make sure but it does appear that the severe threat is winding down off to the west we still do have more showers and thunderstorms ongoing so there is still some potential for maybe some pockets of flash flooding i just really think we're going to be in okay shape here going forward some beneficial rainfall and hopefully we can get things wound down any last thoughts sarah no i think that's about it it's been a day thanks for staying with us i hope everyone remains safe obviously tomorrow morning all those surveys will uh come out with that so we'll have the latest information for you here on iowa's news now and i tried to make a list if i forgot somebody i really apologize uh big thank you though to our eps mike and marisa we have all of our production team as well nick wettaking we have matt tribble directing today as well at any given point i have no idea if they were swapping through how any of that worked trent norris our greatest floor person here he's been working fantastic with us tonight i had one piece of pizza at one point tonight thanks to him mitch vick obviously helping behind the scenes as well we had all of our producers uh cara we had jacob was a producer valerie of course so great producers tonight and finally we have expression uh john uh great thank you for that i believe we had jeff working tonight on audio so thank you for that jeff and i hope i didn't forget anybody i made aaron for stormchasing oh and of course aaron of course uh meteorologist rebecca coleman probably gonna be a little tired tomorrow i'm working late he's on it live training warning is gone thank you for watching everybody we'll have a complete recap on the severe weather threat and of course any updates on damage and any ratings for those tornadoes coming up tomorrow on iowa's news now please stay safe stay healthy we'll see you tomorrow night in iowa's news now get weather warn alert on all your devices stay ahead of the storm with iowa's news now weather first
Channel: TheNStew
Views: 11,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 385min 18sec (23118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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