KSI Opens Up On His Future in Music, Boxing & Youtube!! (Ep.130)

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yo what's up guys and welcome back to the what's good podcast today we've got a guest that we've not had on before um are you ruined it man i know what's the podcast it's all about bringing new people in you know giving them a platform to you know promote themselves so i don't need a platform to prom shut i've been here so many times you've been here once i've been here once exactly a new studio man yeah no no the few is actually nuts no no i gave you guys your props beforehand oh we can quit now we've got ksi problems because you remember we probably wouldn't have done this podcast this to this level every week if you didn't say you guys will never do this yeah you were literally like nah you guys will give up after like five weeks well i thought you were like no no no it's not even a joke like we used to film like once every month or once every two months or whatever and then he came on he's like yeah i'll give you like 11 weeks tops yeah can we stop now i feel like you've gone too far now yeah but i thought you guys are gonna do it josh you know that's what it's called i know he knows it as well though but like for real he's he could have had the biggest podcast yeah well i think he's enjoying tommy t of course too much yeah too much well if he had a podcast he would have done that as tommy t i imagine yeah eventually yeah start a tommy t podcast on gta yeah yeah yeah sure you just give him an hour and a half of streaming done why does he just do that in real life because then he doesn't have to leave his room you know that's loki part of like the whole metaverse yeah it's it's it's already like starting well he's a bigger artist than you on on roleplay well yeah i guess he's like isn't he like 20 times platinum his song you know the song he did yeah in he can't comp what i mean yeah no i'm just i'm going to agree how many streams are in gta oh it's probably probably zero yeah let's be honest yeah actually the josh is you know in gta better apple than you are so what was the part you're talking about the metaverse like if that's going to be a reality then josh is a reality you know josh's little yeah yeah red alert was on watch dogs was it was it not it wasn't watchdogs yeah it was in the metaverse though how does that work i don't know it's just online yeah yeah but i know i guess it's like we're slowly veering towards that world if that makes sense did you watch the mark zuckerberg like presentation yeah it's extremely cringy no extremely cool no i haven't seen him okay why is he done yeah he's watching what's happening in a while you know he's been killing it oh really i need to go watch him again i used to there was like a period during lockdown where i was just religiously watching him and then he kind of just slowed down and stopped posting and i was like oh yeah he's doing well i feel like his content is similar to yours in terms of like he can just sit down and just talk just thought and people were just there like yeah he was interested yeah yeah well the reason we got you back on yes uh is because the last time you were on yep you said you'll come back on when you get a number one album nah nah he said just number one oh number one because we weren't sure if it's gonna be single yeah true true he almost got it the week after yeah that was don't play when don't play number two i was like hitting that quick so close it's usually most guests we get on we make the goals really high yeah like it's going to take a while for them to hit it so some people like 100k subs or a mil and like they've still not here and then you literally nearly got another one that's like [ __ ] like you need to come back on here when you release your next album um okay yeah all right like that that's the kind of level we normally go for well when i get number one and then you release don't play and it was like oh it might be number one yeah yeah yeah he's coming back next week um no obviously yeah number one album um in the country just obviously yeah so it's gonna be about the album obviously no no no no shout out to the fans obviously they've always been supporting me from day and uh yeah and look at me now looking up look at me now might leave you piece of [ __ ] you got shows in january still uh yes yes january february so it's gonna be like a uk tour as well as a europe tour yeah it's coming so before that randolph has shows yeah i'm excited for my show so i'll be able to go to i believe one of them yeah yeah so yeah that's right i think don't say it no don't say which one yeah don't see which one yeah i won't say which one you say which one then the other one might not get stopped he's gonna be at one of them so buy tickets to both well actually you need to tell me what songs you're doing yeah yeah just so i could like if you do if we do more like new age songs yeah well i've been building a set list so i'll let you know but i'm marking text in a minute saying like everyone's refunded one of the shows but now yeah i've been building the setlist but it's um it's weird because obviously i've never done a show just purely on my own yeah so i'm kind of like i don't know it's nerve-racking yeah yeah you'll be nervous but then for sure for sure during it you'll be like oh [ __ ] this is actually sick yeah i think i'm gonna put an ep out as well yeah but before yeah yeah wait wait what yeah because i was like because to be fair like you have songs really i've had songs for like a year so i just didn't put them out i didn't you know i didn't like them but i've been fixing them yeah i've been like remaking them and stuff yeah i've got four that i made one last night and and this morning i guess like a bit damn yeah wait is randall back no actually i'm because i yeah i am i've i've fit my my studio is done now so i'm gonna stop as soon as you do these shows no no no i'm gonna keep going that's why these shows exist really to like give me the fire to actually yeah i actually want to do more i wouldn't have put these on my own that's true it's true this will give you the bug yeah i feel like you had a little bit with the festivals as well yeah that was good that's why i got thank you really because i would i wouldn't have i wouldn't have done anything i'm just sat home and then i get a text like jonathan reading i'm like yeah why not yeah sure i guess yeah but oh no it's exciting i only want to make music if i'm enjoying it yeah i used to have the book when i was younger when we were doing like the original hockey time stuff i was like always there every day like making like 10 beats whatever yeah but i enjoyed it and then during lockdown i was like i just i'm not enjoying i don't want to make music after like if it's work you know yeah but now i'm like you know half an hour i'll just jump in my studio write something and leave and yeah you know the book again but let's see how long it will continue you're gonna write something for me yeah it comes together i'll have another alias another one i'll be a serious rapper oh okay and then i'll release it and everyone will be like oh my god this is sick and then i'll go oh it's all around old we should do a video where like you uh we put a song out under not your name and make it do well you know how like cricket is like his videos where he gets like a completely no one no offense to that person and turns into like a rapper on spotify i was gonna do that video you know i was gonna do that video with a i was gonna find a busker oh yeah and then try and get them like to the flat to make a song or whatever obviously i need all your help but then i was also like i also don't want to bring someone i don't know that i've literally just met with to our flat ed sheeran yeah can you imagine if like you did that video once it was oh my god yeah yeah you could like simon cowell yeah don't they always hate that person though then they are that person always goes they didn't make me no no but i mean it wasn't ethereum chilling at uh jimmy fox's house yeah and stuff like that yeah so jeremy fox is there like yeah i i did my bit said you're in hd for the white community so edgar and hates jamie foxx yeah you heard it here first guys you know they can hate you but you can sit there and say well i get two percent of your sales but you do not care chad sharon cool guy he does this a lot yeah oh this is a random sentence and then no one knows what to say oh i get weirder and weird on his [ __ ] well no true he's actually really a nice guy yeah i've met him a few times now yeah yeah your cash you know obviously i'm at that point now where i'm super famous royals yeah exactly i'm just different now yeah we kind of sort of deli the night right i don't know either the restaurant that we went to yeah what was this whole meme oh yeah so apparently she's eating there once like is that was that it that's it that's literally it because someone said it before they were like oh adele might be listening out there and i was like what's going on why is that well technically i've met everyone in the world because i've walked on earth we'll talk about that night later because i'm sure there's a lot of stories from that night but um the ones we can say i'm trying to figure out what can we say or don't say i could say you know it was a good meal it was nice oh yeah you know that came from this podcast oh it was when toby was on yeah yeah toby was on and we were saying how we need to go for like more less work stuff oh yes we need to go for like more meals nothing to do with work we finally went on one yeah it was very good and randolph spilled on his hoodie no like no no i'll show it bro i'll show it but there's a little bit of like this is poison sauce right duck hoisin sauce taste it when did we go um monday monday it's wednesday and it's wednesday it's wednesday and he still hasn't changed never listen listen i bought his hoodie no i have not slept in anything what what oh i bought the hoodie and i was like you know this is gonna look sick on a podcast but it went for a meal and as you can see i wore it there as well um and me and simon shared a whole duck um you know sorry if you're a vegetarian but this you don't care um you just didn't need a poor vegetarian i didn't i don't know what did you just say you don't care why'd you apologize sorry hashtag not sorry um you had some duck made a whole dog you know you put the you put the pancakes in the hoisin sauce but we got you know we were drinking quite a lot i had a apple martinis very nice the lashi one wasn't nice though i really liked it i hated it yeah it wasn't even that sweet that one was way sweeter yeah oh really i didn't really actually try the apple one yeah you failed that one um nah so anyway so you know red wine as well that's having red wine which is great drinks we first shout out to red wine um anyway some i mean an interview fear salmon ordered the whole book right to share so half each and you didn't you did not eat that much i i i had seven pancakes before you started now but if you do not play i ate so much of it and you were like you're like oh you're not eating and i went it's cause i've been eating for the last 25 minutes and you haven't eaten anything true true but anyway so i was you know i was a little domestic no you know what it was i had the hot stuff don't try and turn this on me because all right you spilt on your hoodie and now you're trying to make me look like i didn't do my job i had the hot stone we put meat on right and they just didn't take it away so i was making pancakes on the hot stone so i had to fold a pancake where something that's like a concave con what do you call it a dome so like i had to like it was she was falling everywhere and i got a bit of duck sauce on here you know it is what it is and he decided to still wear it today i was in the lift my i didn't know it was gonna i was i don't know i had that on it i forgot i saw it and i started the lift and the little left wouldn't so then why didn't you just go up because i was late man i was going to go back up i was shocked to him how about i was going to be a little bit late so i got nervous stop getting pulled off so i was like just own it what sorry i'm in a scary scary person yeah shut up yeah you just get i get here i'm late and he just doesn't talk to me if the whole day until he got a podcast and then after it's just cold shoulder as well oh not really i feel like i've scared you into saying not really is this just a therapy session for you guys yeah yeah yeah i'm in the sunken place i've been doing sos the whole pocket for weeks [Laughter] um but now that that was good you know we went to tape a while ago didn't we and that was the first night where we were all together after covered yeah i think that's what inspired it then when we chat to toby and we said let's do it let's do a meal every month or every whenever and you know if you can't make it no pressure just whoever can go just goes to it kyle's doing makeup yeah so then you put in the chat like i wonder who's going to miss the first one as a joke yeah and it looks like yeah me yeah because he was saying like oh wait it's happening yeah you know when i originally put in the chat like oh we should go for this meal um and then we kind of tried to figure out dates yeah i put in one date and he private messaged me like oh please can we do a different day i really want to be there yes you private messaged you yeah so we changed it oh yeah well no because then after that yeah i suggested another date i think only like three people replied then it went quiet for like a week and then i think vic said or josh said like oh let's go to this place yeah okay okay and then i don't know how he just forgot just never put it in his calendar wow i remember the restaurant we're gonna go to was fully booked so we all just decided to move the day and then i think frieza was like wait why are we moving the day like we're all free on that day yeah it's true choose a different place so we're going to go was it yeah i'm so glad we didn't go yeah no you know like i don't think there's like a private area okay so it would have been quite mad and that place is popping right now anyways they're not all just bougie people like i heard a doubt eat sir is it good or is it just like you know it's that guy this is the name it's just the name have you been there yeah i've been like twice now okay twice so it must be good it was good then no so i i tried something different so the first time i had the steak gold steak they did thing and it was actually quite nice it was nice and then i thought i'd go again uh i had the burger disgusting the burger is atrocious dude never get the burger i would never go to a steakhouse and order a burger yeah well i thought i'd try something different it was a gold burger i was like oh okay i might try that yeah it's not it wasn't good no no i can't even vlog it man i thought that would be a great youtube video for you on your channel eating goldberger i'd probably like get a couple million views you know i mean it would but i just don't feel like doing that i feel like there's nothing he did that's just not just don't do that but you used to used to like that i bought a golden iphone and still have it little perks they were funny though yeah you actually do still shout on planes just without realizing yeah i'm just loud you did that at the meal man you know when the waitress come he's like oh wag one oh yeah you know just made it so awkward no she looked at you and went sorry you're like i'm sorry i'm sorry can i pay in seoul and then he was like sorry i've had too much to drink and we were there for like 10 minutes how much we drank in 10 minutes and also she she'd probably seen the drinks that come to the table and know that you've not you've not drunk a lot yeah yeah it's like one drink and that was a now it was a good meal wasn't there but he met us later on you know went out jj suggested the cinema i was like yeah why don't we just go cinema after it would have been jokes i think at 11 30. yeah still look if we had all watched the film at that time i mean i was [ __ ] hilarious i wouldn't have said that i mean yeah i would have i would have gone if everyone i'm not going to not go but yeah yeah yeah i swear you weren't you meant to say casino though i don't think casino yeah but uh but there's no casino we can go to that will be like private for us because hippodrome's just a now we are big time now yeah we're all too famous yeah apart from me i could probably hit patreon i can someone would definitely me but it's not like guys this is so unbearable oh god again but what's funny that we went we went to this restaurant there's a private private room there and they shut the door within like 10 seconds of being there really yeah they have to open for a little bit didn't they yeah they were like nope bad idea this podcast is sponsored by mansgate 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wondered why it was deleted because in my head i was like ksi has put it on his channel it's there forever yeah there's no true true yes no because not because of like oh i don't really want it on my page more because it's like it's not going anywhere i remember once when the digestive was happening i posted a youtube video i can update and then i deleted it straight away because it's like you know what the comments are no i'm not having this yeah and then keemstar messaged me like i've got the video just so you know so you might as well repost it i was like okay oh my god public again cause like he's it's like that isn't it like when it's out yeah it's out there and it's thinking same thing with harrison sounded like a threat i have the video we think it was a threat he was pretty much saying like uh give it give me the high quality footage so i can use the full quality because i have to have it already anyway so you might as well just do it but harry same thing you know harry tweeted the image and just deleted it as if like people can't save it and apparently on tweet deck it just stays there so it does oh really it's on your timeline it just stays there [Music] from old is that one of syndicate in his boot cuts jesus that's not even that old just 2016. was it that it was like 2018. no it's for 2016. that's still not he doesn't dress like that anymore i'm pretty sure he doesn't know i don't know does he i don't know i think he i think it's all about who like who the people you have around you if you have people who aren't very stylish then i guess you're not going are you saying you're saying tom's sister isn't stylish you say anyway yeah no would you she is him like she actually is him yeah yeah yeah you see how harry's mom is harry harry's mum and harry look i don't know too far i've never seen them in the same room yes you have i haven't actually haven't i've never met harry's parents have you not oh really no yeah yeah no i'm sure you haven't you sure you've used it i reckon you haven't you thought it was harry potter islam and harry like harry and his mom look identical facially i i don't see it we're going to nick maybe i just don't want to see it you don't want to believe that's part of the charm [Laughter] god say look they have the same face look at them no i mean they're related they actually have the same face they don't they they look alike no look that's a face swap and you can't tell i literally can't no no so it's nice no so if anything that looks more like harry's bro yes yes with the face swap yeah are you all right like go on nick going on again go back on the face swap the one below yeah that that doesn't like that looks like the right or the left the left the left does not look like josh it does so would you you know any kingdom on the face of the board was she actually bleeding like that yes no no it was so that clip was meant to be he hits the the thing of drinks yeah and that spills all over her yeah yeah so that's why in the video he hits her in the face and it cuts to that okay yeah yeah and she goes she gets up and she's like harry like that and then he cuts back too but i messed up and yeah hit her in the face and she believed oh [ __ ] yeah it was bad like yeah it was a bad shot and the worst part was he said he actually did hit the drinks and they spilled a little bit and he went it wasn't good enough can we try again hit subscribe you know he made it so bad how he just makes viral moments though yeah yeah it's like attracted to him isn't it like something will happen in this video that's not supposed to happen but it will be you know viral it would be yeah huge it's like when lewis is i remember lewis run into that post yeah that was that was bad yeah like he fully like cut open his eye video now it was when you guys used to do like no it wasn't it was like a day where we went and did like everyone yeah yeah i think that was just like harry's video oh it wasn't yeah yeah oh yeah because he took he put the injury on himself and we all said like now bro you've got to pay lewis's at least like you got to pay lewis a little percentage or two you know he's got you 35 million views yeah but to fair sorry says lewis like the way your room is just not straight it just it's hard when you're blindfolded you know i know but i feel it's like when you know if you're in a forest or something like that and you have no sense of direction yeah just do a circle continuously oh really yeah okay that's right yeah someone anyone yeah yeah yeah sure good that's why you get lost in forests all the time no just yeah why are you in forests just hanging about [Music] just chilling chilling you know all right joe [ __ ] and then he just pans up oh damn damn you know what's sick though right he can always like that's a that's a moment of his that he'll always be able to show people yeah he can literally youtube lewis fence and it will come up that's amazing lewis type in just type in lewis fence like it doesn't even need to explain it there it is he just goes oh yeah you want to say i had a mad injury once just type in lewis it will come up logo what surely it's one of them like you know it's got 10 views but um yeah sidemen have evolved since then yeah great yeah smashing it right now the most recent one was your video it was it was uh a lot of effort a lot actually i say sorry i say the most recent video this is actually out next week oh so the last so that that has been in the making for months has technically years actually i'll say to him on a recent podcast a lot of the ideas you guys used to have but never did because you just couldn't do them and now you do them again now you know like another one where robot wars has been on the list for like since we made the list but yeah the yeah the car was all wasn't that you always spoke about doing like a you know like a um together style video where you're like following around yeah you have to do them now yeah yeah we're now at that spot but robot was how did is the edit been done yet or is it being done done while we're you got invaded in that video yeah so oh my gosh the whole situation was not so we were in colchester yeah just oh it sounds [ __ ] already so that was sorry to hear that oh god so sorry if you're from colchester but i just don't care i think we're in the leisure we're in the leisure center yeah and there was a mcdonald's right next to it so like yeah that's this is your own fault no no no the mcdonald's right is 30 yards yeah like literally maybe less than a minute to walk yeah and we were just like okay let's just get some chips and some burgers etc uh while they're doing their bit in the video went there and it was it was pretty calm for a bit i guess getting to mcdonald's it was a bit of a bit of a struggle because it was only it was only like 10 people 20 people max what what before we even got to mcdonald's yeah and even in mcdonald's it was like 20. yeah and then as we were walking back it slowly like just got more and more started but you know you're going to get spotted then so then we come back and we go in the door we also didn't know there was like a green room so we were like we have to not be in the room may as well go with donald's yeah we come back go through the door close the door and there's a shutter as well okay so they close the shutter and then we go in the green room and then we start hearing like banging and stuff and that's when like john and uh all the other guys come through and they're like yeah there's a lot of people outside yeah banging on the shutter they're breaking breaking in the door they film it and it's like 200 people like minimum i'd say maybe more bro like well i think it was 200 at this like at the start okay by the time we left well it might have been like 400 people yeah it was and they were all just outside waiting for us so we we had to like sneak around the back around the second back or something yeah yeah something like that was crazy and like they kept trying to storm in and stuff right that's what it's long enough as it is but when it's like when you're filming as well that's the worst one well i think for us like you know in london like we get it you know we get people coming up to us whenever we go outside of london it's crazy like manic yeah yeah because they don't expect us to be in colchester yeah the cybernetics so you know if we're like in london oh there's simon's in london but you're not gonna like call your mates and be like come down to london now yeah yeah decide here you'll be that you'll be like that for culture stuff yeah yeah text they texted a group chat and they were just like your assignment and it just grew is it because in london chances are like you're going to see you can see someone can't you i think yeah i went for a meal the other night and i'm pretty sure i saw ben foster just chilling talking about um but i remember saying sound on a different podcast when we did a red alert remember that we were in like some sort like discreet place and we had like a hotel or something and they found out then like all weekend we're just kidding people just wait waiting outside the hotel that's the same thing it's like why are you here like because yeah but it's my did you um in the edit of the video did you manage to like clear them out did they actually ruin yeah so we had just finished i think talk i think we just finished the the robot war oh yeah and uh yeah and then all of a sudden there was just like a group of kids just showering like running towards us yeah and we were just like yo but they were they were pretty calm they didn't like trying on i think i think it would have been very long if they tried to like attack us or steal some of our [ __ ] well i mean you had some sick robots i mean it'd be very hard for them to steal the world but they they weigh like 100 plus kg yeah i saw the photos i swear robot was never that big no they they always have yeah that big oh i don't know it's just the tv makes you look smaller but i always thought there was a couple robots that were like this big no no they're all like mad because yeah yeah they were like ridiculous huge things but we did the first part of that five months ago yeah something like that yeah we did the like the the planning stage yeah and then filmed that a few weeks ago it's just it's it was so sick yeah it was sorry robot was so good it's like a it must be like a dream for you guys oh huge yeah like that was our childhood and then we're just recreating our childhood yeah it's insane yeah yeah we've got chris md in it well it was when it was during an england match i said like oh yeah we're filming the first part of the robot wars video we're doing he's like oh my god yeah please please and then uh shannon was just like if there's any way even if you can just watch and i was like it is seven people so we could get him on a team yeah guys and then they all said yeah yeah then he joined and we ended up letting him uh control control yeah worst idea ever all right he was so bad he just kept [ __ ] running into the ramp of the uh of their robots you gotta stack it in the right spot well go behind them go behind them and he's i'm just like bro like joshua's just being boring okay just boring josh well we say boy you mean good though i guess we have their robot has a ramp on the front yeah and a hammer at the top that literally just goes forwards and backwards that's it ours just has this blade at the front that goes around yeah yeah so our whole tactic was all of us said it chris just didn't do it get around the ramp and just hit it in the side yeah because then the hammer can't hit you you're not hitting around exactly it's just drives into him forwards back as well josh doesn't move he literally just turns all he does is just turn left and right so if chris drives a bit right he turns right okay just does that yeah so it's not really a war i think chris just got bored and went [ __ ] it yeah yeah and like desperation it's annoying like every time he ran into the ramp josh would just smack him with the hat yeah and it would slowly just slow down our blade to the point where it just stopped and then it was just game over we had no attack we couldn't do anything you know what you got to do for like a more simon video got like a beyblade tournament i never did beyblades you know um never lived well i i always thought it was a bit of a scam because the dragons never came out with the beyblade so i uh yeah when i was playing pokemon was a kid i didn't expect like pikachu to fly out my pokeball well i did you know i didn't actually expect imagine if they had augmented reality but then you could also wear gloves that you could feel it oh [ __ ] so like you could actually like yeah you could actually like hold a pikachu oh my god i like it it would like oh yeah like you could like you could like pet a pikachu yeah and you'd be able to feel like your texture oh my god that would be ins made the metaverse it's common bro i've invested in so much crypto yeah to do with the metaverse if there's anyone that's going to create pokemon i'll invest in that that's put my whole life savings the only critics i've got so far have been dogs so i forgot i swapped for a pikachu you and your ship ship all right this podcast is also sponsored by coinbase much coin such base if you've been following the cryptocurrency craze now is the time to start getting involved coinbase makes it quick and easy to start your own portfolio and learn to trade like a pro coinbase offers a trusted and easy to use platform to buy sell and spend cryptocurrency they support the most popular digital currencies on the market and make them accessible to everyone they offer portfolio management and protection learning resources and a mobile app so you can trade securely and monitor your crypto all in one place millions of people in over 100 countries trust coinbase with 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a beyblade tunnel on the side yeah so it wasn't an official tournament no yeah true no yeah anyway the two simultaneous before that i was i featured them both oh silent library and extreme tag so yeah extreme tag was also your video yeah i assumed i was oh my god if you could go back in time and not be it if you're not amazing yeah would you um no i'd beat it and i'll do it properly like i've i think i definitely should have used the bikes early on i didn't use the bikes enough um you started off saying oh this is easy i was like oh this is easy i know everyone is i'll just get your car and just drive everywhere but traffic just killed the cars yeah so like you can use that and then i was like all right well i'm i'm rushing now i had to use the tube station use the tube to try and intercept and then i realized oh i'm one man i have to [ __ ] physically run after the [ __ ] tag and be like oh you're infected so yeah it was a lot and uh yeah i did i just didn't realize how much cardio was going to be as well it's annoying because like obviously i thought you guys were just running a straight line but you guys are all bending your wands and [ __ ] so i'm they're like oh this is long yeah so there was one time when kyle thought he could just outrun me but then he was just slowly getting more and more tired and i was just at my constant time [Applause] the camera was so good the chest camera yeah i watched the video right and in the video my sd card ran out yeah i was with khan at the time because he was doing he was filming the main camera so i gave him the sd card and he put it in like a pouch with the rest of them and at first he said i'm not sure which one is which at the time um so i start watching the video and i'm like my camera doesn't cook to me for like five minutes of the video i'm like oh no i'm like i'm just not in it i was like if i've gone to london for three hours oh just walking around i'm just chilling in london well i could it's you were so annoyed of it that's the terminator of it i played it from thenick yeah yeah well i just stopped see your phone and you're yeah you must be like if you're just a normal random person you must be like what the [ __ ] is going on was this guy the money assignment you said you should have shouted stuff like like i'm gonna break your knees come here no i just love seeing the camera on the phone just bottle around oh god it came out really well the edit was so good yeah just see it in perspective but i i i feel like i did what i accomplished i i accomplished what i set out to do with you because you gave up on me it was like i did i did i physically gave up because i just couldn't be bothered yeah i was like no this guy ain't moved but he's just what where is he i don't get it like every time i was there for like an hour and a half you know because maybe an hour and the way i was sat because and i knew you could see my feet underneath so if you if you look at the angle you'll be able to see my feet from there so i had to like sit like this and like hold myself oh my god i'm never having guys i was like really using a lot more strength and my leg was just like crushing onto the thing but um it looks still lost it looks yeah it looks lost i did yeah i feel like i don't know it's apart from looks and josh i think i'd have been all right oh well they want to be down we had a moment in it where i i don't think i wasn't recording because me and lux basically said like we're going to be doing this for like two and a half hours we're like yes just take it in turn so he's recording and that's when we bump into all the others like ethan um it was like ethan gibb yeah all of them yeah harry and vic and you're sneaking up behind them and i literally go hey's there and then he'll just run away yeah that would just disperse because we were dispersed and ran into him yeah like like a couple minutes later we run into him and we're all like nah why are you just walking towards her what's going on are you infected you're like no he's dirty he's doing it goes he looks dirty don't go near us and i couldn't hear what you were saying and then i'm watching back in the video and vic's like oh he didn't say anything but what does he expect to me to go i'm not it guys i am not here i just saw you i was like hey guys the rest of the time gibbs they're like let's let's find randy we should go back and find randy i feel bad i called him dirty he he called me but i had my phone on uh do not disturb because i was filming my phone i didn't want any like notification to pop up uh because i missed a call from give but yeah i was like you know i'm not going to win this by running around so or if i'm with someone as well i'm going to drag them down and so i didn't want to do that i was like i don't want to pull them down so i'll just go on my own i just so i can believe when we we all ran away from you so we're all in this mad panic yeah yeah we turned down the street which is he randolph on the stroll he goes but i was lucky that you guys were there because he on the video when i watched it back he was uh he was like i'm gonna go for randolph because he's so close and so slow but then as he gets there he he sees you a lot so you like interception and then you must be going after yeah um yeah a few times i heard i thought i was hearing his voice the whole time did you get that i was the most paranoid i've ever been there bro yeah i was in the hospital so there's a lot of people that are shouting and stuff someone the whole like university class was graduating and i just kept hearing like like your laugh i think he's close but then i actually saw ethan i heard ethan i saw callux and i saw i didn't see you but you must have been there um so i was like i was dodging well i'd be walking down the street with calyx and i'm like like this and then like a middle-aged white woman would like run past me i'd i'd freak out i'd literally start sprinting and then go oh oh my gosh on a run come on keep the vibes up he's not here he's not coming for us he's not coming for us oh geez that's terrifying i mean it came out well i'm not sure how it was you know intended to be but it felt like it came out well i knew i had to get toby pretty much lost yeah you needed us to surround him well yeah because toby obviously is super fast so i knew it would just be long but uh yeah he i mean toby and josh essentially were out the zone yeah yeah yeah they just ran out the zone so i never ever thought it would be josh and toby that went out the zone yeah yeah so mr tfl himself would always stay within yeah yeah well like in the perimeter what's wrong with that what's going on i'm just doing a little joke you know josh staying in the perimeter but i didn't have a voice that's like you know like a teacher's pet you know goody two shoes um sidemen are simon are killing it by the way yes yeah well [ __ ] sick we actually have so many we have so many days where someone will just throw a little stat in the chat and everyone just starts going yeah we're sick yeah we need those days where everyone just picks each other up sometimes you know send a 3 out of 10 to laura she's like stop messaging me delete my numbers yeah yeah literally like our estimated onions are just wild right now q4 man yeah i was just talking about like we've done some sick videos in a row oh yeah yeah yeah but we're making money oh yeah oh okay i'm not denying it [Music] size has been announced yeah yeah it's actually so good i haven't tried anything they're trying to try because they were saying like oh someone said to me don't mention anything about slides because obviously it's not out yet yeah so i was like well if i'm not even gonna eat it then because i will definitely mention it i just i just would what what they someone said to me when i was at the party they're like don't mention the sides because it's not an aperture even though it was there i think they just meant like don't do an insta story no i wouldn't yeah i don't know i i just i was also drunk i just i've never got yeah is it good yeah it's good it's it's it's it's actually really good like even with alcohol it's really good like we're just nuts like oh it's crazy like because without i think with our alcohol a lot of people are expecting it to just be like just some shitty alcohol you know some youtuber type alcohol but much yeah essentially yeah and it just tastes like ass but whoa it's just distilled perfectly like five times five times it's just it's like up there like so rock and roll over there and [ __ ] like that yeah bro and it's just we've made it somewhat affordable so yeah with vodka i can't tell the difference like no you definitely you definitely you know what we're going to do that i'll do a video we're going to do a shot okay of that and a shot of like a very you know like tesco value yeah sure yeah because it is like ultimately it is vodka so if you do a shot you're still going to go like yeah it doesn't yeah it doesn't like burn i can sip it like you're sipping a gin you know how about i do you in you can have gin straight oh wow yeah but like yeah i said rum apparently it gets you horny hey do you actually no no no i don't sip one but like i like i drink rum more now do you yeah apparently jin makes you depressed i don't drink gin [Laughter] red wine as well red wine is good for that red white makes you depressed no no horny holy okay red wine and oysters oh yeah oysters oh yeah yeah what do you think i think so right yeah that's true yeah well that's my diet it's in chocolate as well oh here we go we've got a list load up that one chocolate coasters strawberries watermelon chocolate makes you horny yeah it's like uh like chocolate uh covered strawberries you know how that's like a oh a sex food i always thought that was just because it was like a romantic fact it was just tasty yeah i mean yeah i mean it is but yeah oh okay figs asparagus yes yeah that's what i thought i guess as long as you don't no it doesn't yeah man what no asparagus makes your pee smell bad oh yeah it's bad yeah it smells bad doesn't it you sniff asparagus pee don't you sniff it you know i can smell it why have you made this weird now yeah this is very this has gone very south all right well well um out of the sidemen um i was going to say the sidemen channel and the sidemen in general yeah your own youtube channels yes boxing yes music yes i think that's it right uh acting i was gonna play acting but no no but isn't coming to america now on netflix congrats man i'm glad more people can see that now okay is that even the name of the film coming to america is it called that is it not late in america late in america oh come to america coming to america's the uh the eddie murphy right yeah yeah that's a better film way better yeah but now yeah music music sidemen your own channels and boxing here we go yeah out rank them in terms of importance nah more like what what do you feel like you've dominated the most you know what what's been like your proudest achievements yeah yeah proudest um oh then youtube first your own channels yeah and then i'd say music okay and then boxing damn and then silent damn we're last and it's happening yeah well no it's just because i feel like we still have so much more to do you know i've got more to do with music and boxing um no i still i've got more to do so i've got a number one album played it no no no like i still need to like you know like dominate america i feel or do bits in america but i think um even with boxing like i still train but i'm i'm not i don't have any fights you know set yeah yeah but it's because i don't need to right now right now i'm in a great spot yeah yeah music's popping like youtube's popping so i'm like all right well whenever i want to work so i'll just box with you i want to i slept with boxing although you did really well in it and although you know it was a big part of your life like you know youtube especially and music that's something you were growing up to do like you grow up to be like i want to be a boxer no no it doesn't happen so like even though it's a big part i don't think it's like necessarily like a it wasn't an inspiration of you you was growing up you know even like six years ago you were kind of like boxing's alright like ufc is much better yeah yeah i enjoyed ufc more than boxing um now it's yeah completely switched but uh yeah no i still have like a huge respect for like anyone who does mma fought me it's hard yeah yeah if i ain't ever doing that [ __ ] nope but uh no i i fully enjoy boxing yeah like yeah i still train like three four times a week yeah and just because i just enjoy it and like learning new techniques learning new ways to uh do certain moves etc and you know whenever a fight happens then it will happen yeah you can turn it on that can't you yeah i know but like i you know i'm i'm always making sure i'm fit yeah can we get a lot of notice so we can do some cyber videos before it oh you yeah yeah no i definitely last time i was like yeah by the way i'm gonna be gone for like six seven weeks yeah yeah yeah yeah that's probably a little bit different to music isn't it even though like you still will be on tour and doing a lot of videos yeah so if you can kind of plan it here and here well we've kind of planned ahead because of my tour now yeah yeah so it's not too bad but with boxing you're like you could just unavailable and it's like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah lock everything off and just focus on that um can't be like okay just don't box for today you just look stupid for a day yeah yeah yeah it's it's just not yeah it doesn't really work training and trying to like like not kill a man but like you're getting that much but you have to get that back to do it that gladiator yeah man well jake v tommy's coming up yeah yeah i think tommy's gonna lose i said well no i know why it's because i don't think tommy when it comes to the main stage i don't think he can handle it every tick tock every video i've seen he just he looks like he's getting forced to fight yeah right yeah i haven't seen a fight ever but i've just got that like feeling where i feel like jake picks his fight as well doesn't he i feel like he wouldn't go no he's got a good team around him he knows what he's doing um but like when he signed when he's he was eating any he's eating and um tyson fury's just like oh we're we're killers we're gonna win yeah and then tommy just kind of goes yeah it was like oh i can feel that it's just oh i'm like come on man maybe maybe it's a ploy maybe he's just trying to look like we said that we said that so many times even with ben ben asking when he fought jake paul we were like oh it's just deployed no no no no no no i kept saying that um i i you know i think ben's gonna win my new jay would probably be him well now you're quite in the chat if i remember you were very heavy on like ben's gonna win because i wanted them to win yeah yeah what about tyron woodley though well tom woodley i was like it depends on the time woodley we get if we get the town woodley that was a champion who was like attacking and aggressive then yes but we got one i was patient the boring woodley that was jake's back to his tesla wasn't it it wasn't you know what he did well no no you know give him his props he he managed to with you know weather the storm and then just yeah the thing did you say toughest opponent it's it's been effectively a youtuber a basketball player a ufc fighter and then a better ufc fighter yeah yeah yeah well ufc fighter was terrible at boxing and then yeah uh usc fire that was better at boxing but retired yeah essentially i meant more like in the actual fight that was that in that fight had moments where you thought oh my god yeah but yeah who do you want to win who do i want to win yeah obviously tommy i'm very on the fence though because i'm like team youtube i'm still asking the tv that's i kind of want to see how far jake looks like i i thought jay man i don't like him i don't like it don't get me wrong if tommy knocks him out i'll still sell him i'm laughing and i'm yeah i'm like finally yeah so it'll be a spectacle yeah obviously i know no i'm not crap i know i know that's gonna be you know his fans are gonna be like well what the [ __ ] like you know you can't beat jake but i'm like i don't give a [ __ ] bro yeah like you know i'm making money anyway yeah and i don't need the box like i feel like jake that's all he has now you know that's what that's all he's focusing on whereas i've just got so many different avenues so yeah he's really like he's really just gone down that route i mean i'm sure he's got other businesses and stuff yeah yeah in terms of like publicly he has literally just gone boxing yeah that's it yeah but you know if you watched the football match that was like i don't know the champions league final and it was man city versus barcelona and you're kind of there like oh if man city win like i don't mind i'd quite like an english team to win it yeah but at the same time if man city loses it's quite funny yeah yeah that's how i feel with this it's like either way i feel like yeah i i guess it would be jokes to see tommy have to change his name to tommy fumbles that's what i mean and essentially be the [ __ ] yeah it would be funny yeah molly mae is just there like ah so does that mean then because they're not married so when they get married does she have to become molly farmers no no no no i think she'll take brains at that point look but then but like tommy may it's like ah bro tommy if he loses it's like bro yeah he's got a lot of pressure number one his whole thing is like oh i'm a boxer but i also do like the influence of stuff well like if he wasn't a boxer then i don't think it occurs he's he's also then like with molly and i feel like that's just you know it's embarrassing you know then he's got his family which is the worst one like bro that's what they literally said publicly like we'll just we'll just if you lose we'll just own them well no no no no they said like he can never box again right okay and it's true he can't no he he can't because like the thing is he's been fighting farmers like even jake's mate his sparring partner but he's trash bro like i think he was training a bellator i have a trainer bellas or ufc and he did terribly and like you even saw the boxing fight i was like what is going on this is not good yeah and tommy couldn't put him away outside jake's looking at this like oh this is easy pickings and yeah it's just do you think then that tommy's at a point where like the pressure is so much that he has to like he can't lose you know he's in a situation that you always jake could be complacent at this point like he's beaten pretty much everyone no no no no i think jake's still going to train this like this is the biggest fight of his life yeah but he's always he's got that underdog mindset 100 jake has yes yeah i feel like he does he feels like the world's against him and he loves it but i feel like do you think who's jake fought for overall right from start to finish and with ben and with tyrone i feel like he still was the underdog into in a way it was marketed like these are champions he was he yeah he yeah and then he fought nate robertson okay yeah so there's only really ben and tara and like he was actually like even nate robertson though everyone was still like oh he's an athlete yeah and then everyone went oh yeah that doesn't mean anything doesn't mean anything doesn't mean he knows how to box i it's so stupid it's like you fighting i'm trying to think of a footballer you fighting mo salah yeah yeah yeah but most salads yeah yeah yeah he's just like super fit yeah yeah i feel like cool jake and logan especially i feel like one thing they've been consistent in with whatever they've done they've always been quite athletic guys right yeah even when they're doing like the divine stuff they always used to you know put like i think it's just it's funny because for some reason because you know we're all youtubers the public just instantly think oh they're trash like i don't know there's always this idea that if you're a youtuber you're just very average or you're not very good at what you do and then it's always just us just constantly yeah just um just doing way better than they expect well even now it's been two years since you fought logan the second time so three what three four or five years since you fought joe then now yeah look at boxing where it is now completely whether or not youtube has been a influence in that yeah i feel like now the majority of boxers agree that it is just good for the sport yeah yeah but it's all just the critics yeah but i get critics in all industries even music man like people like a youtuber again a number one album there's no way and then i did it and they're like yeah i remember when i feel like they almost just don't take you as a youtuber as soon as as soon as you get that number one album yeah oh no he's a musician of course he's gonna get it it's like oh but yeah look at his last album yeah when he was a user yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now he's a musician so i remember before when you used to work on the old music and even when you started with the like with the new team like man yeah it was not hard to get features but a lot of people were like not really keen yeah or like oh this oh you have to pay this certain amount right now it's like yeah i'm saying people are coming back saying yeah yo let's yeah yeah let's get somewhere but i'm legit at a point where i'm like i don't i only make music when i want to make music yeah it was uh i've had people come up to me i'm just saying i'm just not damn you're not a delaware cheering wave i've also seen some of the stuff that like say mums will turn down like before or say even yeah it's not even on the table yeah yeah yeah yeah that's crazy because at once you're like trying to get features try and help myself in a little bit but now it's like i don't need any of them yeah yeah man somewhat sales yeah it's it's a great feeling i can't lie man it's uh it's nice because yeah man i've yeah i've i've i'm i've asked loads of people like you know i'll feature this and they'll just add me so now it's like all right cool now i'm in the position same thing yeah oh yeah you found there yeah adele stop texting me man dale's got albums soon right i think after this comes out it'll be out yeah man man adele back at it ed sheeran as well dropped his yeah let you check another two biggest you know artists in the uk yeah well in the uk of course but even in the world no no not the world because you got you know black pink and all that you know randolph is now obsessed oh boy with i am blackpink you know when i say i'm back on music that's probably literally been my inspiration how you like that so good no no no no no no no no it's a great song it's a pretty good song yeah they they kill it especially black pink the producer there is teddy i know quite hot as well but you see i'm single i can say this oh yes you guys are just there like yeah they're just making music though i definitely like them because the music yeah for sure for sure but you know what's mad though right i'm not joking the numbers are ridiculous it's insane what they can do they're doing a dance performance video pull it up nick uh how you like that dance performance so 909 million views 900 yeah it's not even the music video when they were when they when they were performance is basically a music video right there's now it's yeah because well you can play it you can see it oh my god the way they release songs now is they'll do like a a teaser then another teaser then another teaser then a dance practice with just practice in the studio oh my god they'll do like a performance video highlight look like look wait what dan's performance video 910 yeah wait play it real quick and we've lost him now you can see yeah oh yeah yeah you know when beyonce did single ladies single ladies and everyone was like gassing that video it's very sick oh it was insane yeah but is that not similar is that not yeah i think it is similar yeah but i think that song came at a time when you know it was new yeah it's new to justin that's what 12 years ago bro yeah choreography 844 million views yeah the other one had 909 million you know how iconic is that song it's one of honestly i mean has got an incredible catalog but that's one of her big songs you know yeah and they're just doing a little dance performance video 910 million years yeah so it's gonna hit a billion yeah it will it's wild like when you when you able to like do songs with black pink and all of that yeah you're reaching a different level because it's just that's not really like america that's more just the whole of asia yeah yeah and i i feel like i haven't really tapped into that at all do you think you'll ever do a song with yes yes every time i see vampires i'm like no no no no that's there's i don't want to say no you can't say you don't say there's there's okay there's hope yeah yeah yeah that would be mad no it would be the thing is they actually are sick a lot of people they did a song with someone ed sheeran no um coldplay yeah yeah actually that was a pretty cool thing i know blackpink is doing so well selena gomez lady gaga duliefer halsey as well obviously this is taylor swift no yeah that's not um that's not even that's not it's not kpop that's just taylor swift oh okay yeah i can't i can literally just list the most views oh okay videos in the first 24 hours bro yeah like imagine if you just saw like sidemen tinder seven [Laughter] that'd be mad one day yeah but now i like music a lot you know because it's it's yeah no it's good it's good they they go through such a process in in with a career music that's like even for blackpink they had 4 000 applicants to to get into the group you know cheese and they all go to training for five to six years and then they pick you know at the end four so five to six years yeah i think they're in training well not not yeah they were in training for like four years somewhere five years and they just dance every day they're saying they can do everything can't they like they can all sing they can all dance like very well and they learned that they would i think they said um yeah they rank it as well so if you don't if you don't get the top score you just go on one week every week they do like a choreographed dance oh yeah if the audition in front of the executives and stuff cause the 14 hour days dude non-stop but then you know at the end of those four five six years if you're picked you're sorted right yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah imagine if i did 14 hours a day on just like music i'd be unreal yeah imagine imagine making it to like 10th place you're that close but you've wasted like five six years obviously not wasted because you're still really talented yeah you can still like you can do other things yeah but just be the backup dancers of the actual but that's matt you know the maddest thing is like obviously they're the biggest girl group in yeah i think they are now yeah yeah well the biggest korean yeah yeah maybe maybe the biggest girl group in the world now probably you've got them as like the biggest k-pop girl group yeah then you've got little mix who are sick yeah but you're talking about 14 hour days for six years yeah they went on x factor and someone went you four should just go together yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do it a couple years later your huge biggest usa girl group but i guess though minus the um training that that that's similar i guess i guess what uh well yg they are in a career they probably just took that formula like essentially you are auditioning so they took out the tv show yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah which is probably better if you're trying to find some talent yeah get rid of all the tv stuff just focus on the talent but i think to be fair a lot of the i think a lot of the you know um people who create the bands in america in the career sorry are quite harsh like they put you through a lot of work like it's like you know you do you get a dance today 14 hours i think the tv show part of it also makes it so i think they're more likely to break up which obviously well that happens a lot yeah yeah yeah because you're literally just getting forced together i know you are getting forced together for this but you're in a group that's slowly getting like whittled down you're literally in like a good game yeah yeah yeah you get relationships don't you yeah but i heard a little mix pretty much can be done in 2022. so i had yeah it's yeah well you've got the three the but obviously the whole black fishing thing didn't help yeah yeah that was a bit of a who do you want to work with music wise um anyone i work with anyone it depends on like tyler the creator yeah it'd be great to work with them but like if if it doesn't work then i'm saying in a week's time you can have a studio session with anyone um okay i mean i mean i'd say breaking benjamin i think that'd be hard that'd be so mad that would be sick breaking benjamin i think um uh obviously tyler career um it'd be sick drake um [Music] i don't know i guess you know um who else hmm i don't know like selena gomez yeah i don't know like that's just so i can look it up it's not for the music just so i just want to stare around oh my god you're quite like lil wayne in terms of you like the rock side of it as well don't you yeah because i feel like he does that a lot yeah the whole album i think the whole rock rock yeah yeah well your song with him is on his album in it uh it's not it's not is it not yeah it's it's a rumor i am not confirming it damn yeah damn that'd be mad though it would be it would be sick it would be very sick well i guess so you're listening off there a lot of big names a lot of celebrities um i think we were all finally we i think you're at the point now where you actually are in that category of celebrity like but before we'd be like oh you know no i think he's been in it for a while yeah no but for us i'm saying like for now it's hard for us to not see you as a celebrity i mean i feel like i'm just one of the boys you know you're a celebrity though no no no no toby on us no no okay no no no no no i am one of the boys but no no i know i'm famous as [ __ ] as well and celebrity yeah no no i'm very self-aware yeah it's just it's low-key annoying because i just can't do normal things now so like even this point i went on a date with a girl and she was like oh we should go winter wonderland and i [Laughter] sorry no no i mean at this point you i remember a time before the side man even before anyone was like this level you know you used to do everything yourself everyone would do everything now i was always confused even before you had tp i was like why do you guys have someone who like book stuff yeah it would make sense but now i feel like you especially got that now as well with like yeah nice driver yeah yeah i literally have everything set up now in a place where i don't have to do too much yeah i can focus now more on the things make it happen so you're like i want to do this and you you know you'll go through the person who makes it happen yeah yeah this guy's kind of sick it's uh yeah it's definitely made my life a lot easier and less stressful now if you've got a lot on and you're doing a lot of business things the last thing you want to do is actually take your time focusing on all that stuff yeah exactly so anyway we were saying when you you know you're late to the podcast which is fine you know you are okay i was saying [ __ ] you now you've got a driver yeah you have no excuse anymore i mean i still do there can always be traffic that's why it took it's uh yeah you're right that's why it took a while that's why i was late because it was trafficking oh i'm not mad you don't have to do that i left 10 minutes before and that is when they take 10 minutes that's true yeah yeah what's it like having a driver i took a trip in the car with you it's nice isn't it amazing yeah well it's literally just bare space and you just you can just either sleep or you can just listen to music and just chill you know i've got gum so i can always just pop it in as well gum oh i think the [Music] yeah yeah it was it was a two-seater like there was two seats free one in the front yeah this wasn't fun yeah and then we were waiting for josh manning to decline you just declined the free car drive so i was all right well we were late to a uh shoot recently which your driver saved us oh my god yeah so we went and filmed with michael arteta pick up um one of the boys he's actually so nice he was really nice really the only annoying thing was obviously he had very limited time yeah of course yeah i know but we got there like we were going to start filming at 4 30 and we were gonna have set up from four and we ended up starting set up at 4 30. so we started like quarter to five and we had him until five oh right so the footage like yeah was very like rush go go go like literally the first couple shots we have the cameras are still moving because they're still being set up yeah yeah i literally said i went con you just have to press record yeah just press record we don't have time yeah yeah but uh yeah we have our yellow card system red card system and me and jj left with like an hour and so we had an enough time like plenty of time but the traffic was ridiculous yeah so uh that's cute we're finishing each other's bro sentences yeah yeah yeah i'm involved now i'm one of the boys but we uh we look at when we're meant to be there and it says we're going to be there like half past which is a yellow card yeah we actually said like 37 past but um you managed to you know take some some turns you're just trying to stay in a way so he doesn't get in trouble we took some like you know shortcuts yeah yeah and uh ended up making it with like one minute to spare yeah and we get to the entrance of like the dome and jj runs in and he's just like yes i'm screaming it's like we're not late we're not getting any yellow no yellow for us have that that and everyone's they're filming yeah yeah everyone's just like yeah yeah yeah he's like he's currently giving his final like team talk to billy wingrove and his and his team kind of thing yeah but you say that with that then the video of that will come out ksi interrupted our film yeah i'm but you know what was funny i was watching the uh recent videos that ben foster did with toby and chris md yeah i haven't seen those yeah chris was terrible in that video no no he wasn't it was yeah yeah he's just so good yeah that's the thing there was one or two where chris does like a step over i haven't actually seen the whole video yet okay but i've seen one or two where he like does a step over and he trips over the ball yeah those are his fault yeah but you actually don't understand the level yeah like i know you filmed with a lot of footballers yeah yeah you do know the level but i literally chris chris asked me to do that video with him but we had sidemen filming no we didn't we had something else a podcast oh because that's what toby could do sorry but um sidecast or this one uh i don't know it's probably probably sidecast yeah uh but he literally messaged me said the idea and i went you're not gonna score bro we took 100 shots from the edge of the area and a little bit further back and we scored like eight out of 100 with no defender yeah so now you're telling me you're putting a premier league centre-back yeah so first you have to beat him and then you have to scroll against ben foster yeah no no so i haven't seen that one so i saw the one where they were like two times yeah but to be fair so ben foster says to him we're not gonna do any of these youtube touches this is professional like yeah yeah right now so i think you've got the mentality as well like chris is going to be nervous thinking ah yeah and then you know the way the balls were coming in they weren't going like they were great they weren't great they were firing them in yeah yeah it was but yeah it is another like yeah he's a center back he i was like jesus that's just uh that's just professional footballer with no pressure really like he's kicking a ball every single day yeah i think as well you gotta remember like you know say you play fifa or card or whatever it is you know how long it takes for someone to get good yeah yeah it's the same with football like you just don't see it that way because it's the same with everything yeah literally yeah yeah yeah like cold war with cod for example i took up sniping yeah and i started at the start of the year to the end of the year i couldn't do it and then by the end i was like half decent so i was like imagine if i did this for like 10 years oh yeah yeah every day yeah i'm playing like an hour a day he's doing hours and hours of training so imagine how good you're yeah it's just i i always like seeing like professionals be professional you know it's like it's just great it's just cool yeah it is it's inspiring it's because you always get those fans who are like oh i could do that and then you see them actually trying and they're like trash it's funny where youtube is coming up because simon was when i was watching this video someone one of my mates linked me a video of when you filmed with bundy and at the end of the video you're like they just finished a season and they go into like a break or preseason you're like i don't want to take too many shots against him because obviously you know he's got matches soon or whatever and you see um ben foster middle of the season just taking shots from chris md i don't know how ben foster does it though yeah he's a beast yeah actually yeah what he's doing in training though you know this is making him more famous than more like other random footballers oh yeah it's based like i confirmed yeah it's way bigger than and it's just like you've got me watching these videos and i'm like i i don't normally ever watch like youtube yeah videos of like football stuff yeah so he sounds like he's been foster's a great guy as well you can tell you you no he's just so good no no he's so sick of it he's just always like he's entertaining yeah but he's actually like a nice guy as well yeah on camera yeah but he's actually sorry just yeah i'm like whoa this guy's like made for it yeah and he's 38 now isn't he so he's probably going to step away from football yeah yeah but then he's already got a career he's smart and smart yeah he uh i think he'd get it in america you know yeah like imagine like they had to eat that up yeah yeah yeah yeah they would love that he'd be everywhere because he i don't think he can film much of the premier league matches now that he's not allowed to have the footage really yeah i don't think he has a gopro in the goal for him no not anymore he in the championship he did obviously because the premier league have all the rights it kind of makes sense he's getting more views than us you know like you're not meant to be able to go to a map you're not meant to be able to upload on youtube any football like yeah yeah fan footage yeah it's like how would you like that that matters i think it's just because i don't know when you're at that level of say premier league and the amount of like territories they're in like they're just very focused on like making sure you know end of the day it's their property isn't there yeah i'd be the same you know but it's like let me see a goal you know let me see at least one goal of a fan you know yeah yeah i mean this i really want to do a penalty challenge versus a bamiyan i think it could happen now well he took one against ben foster yeah yeah yeah yeah i saved it yeah absolutely i couldn't believe it i took 15 and i'd scored 14. yeah yeah some literally they're like do it against the bamiyan that's sick and the fact that watford and arsenal next daughter yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah better just jump over there come being gold for this yeah that would actually like go viral yeah it would viral i mean you're trying to try that it would be sick like i better bama yang would bang every penalty top wins yeah because it's so different yeah it is different isn't it like in a real match situation you know the pressure's just different well i mean even with um once you've got charity football match uh simon charlie match the pressure is just like there's nothing there's nothing even happening and the pressure is ridiculous chris missed penalty in the first match oh you know he did yeah in the first match he yeah he missed i think it was the first oh because we all said like that game could have gone a lot differently if you oh yes you're right i think we might have been one near laplace and yeah he missed that penalty and then he got mocked for ages yeah it's like bro put him in a youtube video and he will score yeah yeah we're actually doing a charity uh i hope so much next year i hope so what do you mean hope so it's happening yeah but we keep saying like no no it's actually happening but i don't i think we'll struggle so hard with who plays no i think we'd get people like chunks and oh yeah you know like um uh harry pinero and just you know maybe even philly you get big but now we can you know we should probably get dave that's what i mean it's like okay but then are we starting to go outside the realms of youtube but then script yeah screw it i mean me like because i'm i'm telling you i'm a yes i'm in the you're a youtuber but i'm saying would we because like i know for example harry he wants a lot of like people he's very cool yeah he was people like jmx but like jmx isn't he's not really doing youtube anymore he's more behind the scenes yeah but he wants more of that kind of thing where it's like oh who do we can we talk about what he does or can we not who jx yeah i mean i don't really know so that's on you i don't know crypto no no not even crypto oh well probably not i don't know so it's up to you because i'd actually know what he did well you know with like only fans oh [ __ ] where's he like oh you guys don't know can you say can i say i don't know why we don't know let's move on all right let's move on yeah [ __ ] say people like dave didn't they film a football video with um gerrymandering yeah yeah so you gotta remember we're at the point now we're like dave you know i was trying to december at your show and he was a massive fan of like your videos back in the day yeah so you guys you gotta remember we're at a point where you know dave like subscribed to me like that's what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah he would be watching i think i looked at one of my things and like it showed that he just subscribed ages ago like i think when he was like 16 17 like when he was like quite young but there's a difference of like dave is reachable but would he play because i feel like there is this thing of no it's literally the sidemen charity no no i think no no no if he gets asked he'd play yeah and if he doesn't that's stupid of him because like toby said for example he was like oh i went to i don't know what he went to he had something a little while back and he was like yeah everyone came over to me the cod event he was like everyone came over to me was like yes i've been killing it blah blah blah and then i said to him i went but they will never say it publicly because of like the image we have no no no no no i think it's this is this is this is lost it's not nice that's an opinion though so different so different no no no no no no no bro because we can definitely get some but i'm saying like oh no because bro simon oh okay so you're saying we can get all these people are we going that way then are we going for the let's get the biggest names we can get will they get an audience for football because for example the american football match we where we had the like keemstar yeah yeah that sold the lease tickets i think no i think we it depends what type of audience we want because that's the thing i feel like if we got like the aj tracy the dave et cetera we'd have a very different audience compared to again like youtubers yeah because also as well uh ada tracy is a very um very big football fan like he he's very public about his you know enjoyment of football even even youtube as well he's he filmed it we did a pokemon battle on my channel against aj tracy but he's very open to that so i think you should pick people and ask people like that who you know will respect you at the same time yeah not you're gonna go and get like uh i don't put any names out there but someone who you know is not gonna be bothered about it just their fact their celebrity appearance but get someone like you know davey tracy where you know they enjoy the content because you remember as well like those guys growing up through youtube it's sick to get like a it's features like you know you you get a song a little wayne that's awesome but imagine like we're at the point now where dave might love to play in the youtube games yeah yeah it's not like oh i don't know if it what bro we're [ __ ] on everyone when it comes to views no let's be honest we are bro and what you think because of the how it looks you think it's a no no no but would you rather get people that have shown like support publicly or would you rather just go for like the highest oh um like he's shown you know he's been in like my vlog and he's literally like you guys need to get me in a sidemen video like on the vlog just like you need to give me a second get me in a hide and seek i'd win it easy and then he was like actually no no a tinder tinder and it's like he would be sick to have because also he's yeah he's h yeah so he has shown support for us yeah yeah but then if he wants to play yeah of course but then would you go for people who literally haven't shown any support you don't know that they might not have transformed yeah but then if you just ask them just ask them so who who would you want to ask like give me give me like five people not on youtube no no well i did i mean we've already mentioned like h dave aj tracy um what skepta don't get any players yeah but i don't think you could actually like play like i don't think you'd want to do that i mean we could ask him but i don't know we can ask i don't know there was a tick tock when i think one of his songs came out where he did like keep your ups or something yeah ipswich no have you actually seen the whole video no there's times where he's disguising yeah sorry chris md you know yeah yeah so it's christmas it's very good it's the same way videos i get comments saying i should be a professional yeah i kick a static ball yeah yeah i'm not saying dave is like i can't outrun him i'm saying dave's on the level of like you last say like say you toby christian d could be he seems like a good but i've only seen one video yeah yeah i'm not saying i'm not saying i'm better than him i'm just saying like i don't know how good he is at all he could be way better than us it looks good it looks like it's good i mean essentially yeah i feel like we can pretty much ask anyone at this point adele no what half-time half-time show the only female in the whole video i mean though you can get adele and ellie golding okay i don't know yeah i don't know where this is going but yeah i feel like we can definitely just ask anyone because yeah we're just have you got the storms the stormzy different level man when you see this you'll realize why you know how old vic kicks the ball yes right uh it can't be that bad um it's wait is it not up anymore they've scraped it off youtube just shut out but the way he kicks the ball isn't it it's not like i'm looking only at technique here it's it it's not super convincing you see what i mean i i i i can't see what you mean yeah yeah it's like a bit more convincing than vic's original penalty [Laughter] love i love your music stompy yeah nice nice i've got his number now sick man yeah like yeah he hit me up to um come see one of his um i believe it was his cousin cousin or yeah no it was his cousin yeah uh his cousin's 13th yeah he was just like yeah yeah you know when he was talking to us about uh at the football match yeah yeah so he was like we're not begging but like he was like yeah he's consistent about being like i'd be really sick and i was like yeah sure i've got time so i went all the way to stratham yeah well say you know how did that thing for your cousin come playing a charity mansion yeah you should get another you should just be like oh yeah no can you come do this performance then just have just you just you in a chair at a stage and be like i just really want you i just really want to see you remember i came to yours remember yeah yeah yeah yeah he's a cool guy like yeah he's always i mean he's always been a cool guy yeah you know a lot of famous people yeah man yeah yeah i do you know you play pokemon with aj tracy yeah i've got steve ayoke's number on my phone you do yeah call him nah i'm not gonna call him call him do you want me to call something i'm not gonna do it it's really awesome it's just weird with saving randolph yeah yeah simon randolph just wanted to say hi who yeah yeah yeah i know simon who's the one he's someone who seems like he's quite in tune with a lot of stuff like you know like crypto and everything like that i mean he was he was cool when we met him for the sidemen show yeah yeah he was he was really cool he was yeah look that's something looks familiar it's not not effects no he's legit doing like yeah youtube thumbnail videos and stuff yeah yeah wow i feel like a lot of people do oh me like everyone's everyone's getting in here look onto it bro that's me whoa legit like oh bro we just look at us we started this man [ __ ] he's like it's mud because when you when you go with the flow it it's not like it feels normal but it just yeah yeah comfortable when you look back [Music] your old videos it's always the thing where you say oh look at that look how far jj is coming but when you actually clock it it's like it is ridiculous bro like i remember when i was doing music and youtube and they were like you have to pick one you can't do music at the same time and now all these labels are looking for people who who do both talk you know because they realize they have an actual audience it's an authentic audience they've always been trying to get out yeah man labels took so long to say they're so like big and powerful they do miss out on like things that are just under their nose very easily um why now why do you think that they never i think because they do they do it their way yeah they feel like we know it all yeah we we're the executives we're the pros i've been studying music for 10 years and not right yeah this guy he knows nothing how can he be doing well yeah and that's what it is yeah yeah because you you work with like a label before as well you know and yeah what with um island yeah and they essentially being like oh this is what you need to do to be big yeah it didn't work and then what works is you just doing what you do me just doing me yeah yeah let the label do what they do well yeah you do well yeah that's it let me just decide because i know my audience better than anyone else so yeah no no we know what's best for you no yeah yeah yeah but i mean i don't know what what's your kind of current status with music i know you've got the shows and the tour coming up um are you working on anything are you um so at the moment i'm signing a new deal oh [ __ ] it's a new deal so um we're kind of just in talks with all of that and then loads of labels yeah yeah so i mean it's kind of hard not to not to be interested in it oh yeah yeah i mean i'm i'm off my offering you know you're excited to uh you know what's good what what what's yeah what's good promotions yeah we've just started okay we've just started uh we can offer you 10 of your own music of your own music but we know what's best for you so we understand youtube yeah yeah i'll do you i'll sort your thumbnails right how big is the advance oh no no you you pay us no no we'll call it even okay sure what call it even you can have whatever you want from that fridge oh okay oh great yes fantastic if you whenever you want to come to the studio here and use that you can you know if you want to do it i feel like i could do that anyway no no no no no no no you can't he can't he he could if he texts us yeah can i use the studio real quick yeah sure do it in front of the side god said i mean i mean i guess you technically helped yeah i think we all helped yeah yeah everyone healthy you definitely helped oh yeah yeah you literally made music with it yeah exactly yeah you were like this is how you rap yeah that picture that's our wall that's all yeah legit yeah that's the old wall this is new well yeah it's not the same wall no this isn't wood this is oh damn yeah look look what john did as well you know i have to point shut hard man look what john did look it doesn't connect the lines he thought this studio was sick you know i know jayden thought this was your sister well i did you know now i'm like loki want to leave oh god but no con would never yeah i wish was more involved um but what was going to say is that the way most uk youtubers will always say like oh i wouldn't be anywhere thanks ksi you know but everyone says that but also it's true as well i guess yeah how do you feel about that because i feel like you the way you kind of like created this entire like scene it's been great like you just you you're always down to film like my video you're always down to film like simon's or anyone who asked i think i've always just had that mentality of i don't know just you miss every opportunity you don't take and i don't know i also like get joy of like for instance after this i'm gonna see how well it does compared to the other yeah um podcasts it should do better well but i guess but i get no but that's it i get joy from that yeah by being like oh cool like i'm able to help out and you know boost your views or even when i do stuff with tommy in it it's like oh cool like i'm able to like boost his views or do stuff like i don't know i just think for me i just enjoy doing it and like obviously whenever i have time i do it whenever yeah whatever but it's it's just sick man because like even my shows i wouldn't be doing those without you yeah yeah yeah i don't mean like i wouldn't be able to do it without you i mean i wouldn't the shows wouldn't exist yeah they wouldn't have been booked when i told the story before when when they told me the uh the they bought my shows your reaction was bigger than mine yeah i was saying like bro this guy ain't even excited i was but i was that guy yeah yeah yeah i was there like jumping like this is it sure was that i was gonna film that reaction but i'm glad i didn't oh damn that's our most viewed ones yours is our most viewed okay joint with tommy in it oh you can't have that so that's what i mean so i'm not antalya i'm there like cool i i need to get five thousand oh wow that's five thousand views ahead but tommy and it was only two months ago so i imagine it probably will so that's why i'm yeah it's a ball i don't know i needed to get like two mil and [ __ ] like that yeah clip done but now it's never that podcast like obviously your signal now but we're not going to shoot things like you know i i i i didn't want to be so what's your [Laughter] how many girls you do um yeah how many girls you're dating every day new goals in terms of the youtube scene like you have that changed everything for everyone like yeah i know well not including like the makeup scene and i don't really yeah i don't think i have affected i've done maybe a video here and there with certain girls who have done makeup yeah but i think he's changed no no no sorry yeah you know but like the uk scene specifically he has like dominated it yeah oh yeah yeah like and not even in the sense that we wouldn't be here we wouldn't be here without him no no i think what i've done is i've just made it bigger bigger in the sense of like with the whole like youtuber doing mainstream stuff and kind of open doors for other youtubers like i think beforehand it was always just this youtube was just this like niche thing whereas now it's just something everyone's trying to get on yeah i feel like you just kind of like something will kind of come about and you'll look here and go like that's quite cool yeah you just make it explode like like the boxing for example yeah joe and theo did that first yeah yeah and it was kind of like okay well they they were the first ones to box yeah yeah okay youtube scene apart from uh there's obviously some uk boxing youtubers and then you just kind of went all right like i'm doing that yeah and then it blew up and then boxing each other and now there's boxing events you're not even in yeah yeah yeah but then the same music like loads of youtubers did music before you yeah yeah but they all did it and a lot of them did it the wrong way yeah i know i know no one really made it like big big so then i can't just open the [ __ ] door with that well no no i had that goal everyone had the goal of like i'll make youtube music but you're like nah i'll make music yeah yeah yeah or our box properly you know yeah because although and obviously give respect to joe and theo for starting that however they didn't if you didn't fight it would never have got anywhere would it no even without jd taking it onto his own and going with logan blah blah blah even if you know they finally it would have fizzled out but even if theo had won yeah obviously you said i'll fight the winner yeah if theo had won i think you would have done a video where you just fought him yeah because i don't think theo would have done it no i think he would have yeah he would have he would have had a video with ksi boxing yeah yeah it'd be like like your videos in the house you know where you used to do the sparring stuff yeah but i think what's surprising or what may surprise people about you it was the same thing that surprised me about like tommy in it like i thought tommy was a guy who just not he obviously works hard makes good videos but i thought he's you know quite lucky in a sense you know minecraft you know it's popping the right time right place no he's smart he's smart he's there all the time trying to figure out what title do you use a lot of people will from a lot of people externally like say in the mainstream will look at you they're thinking oh he just films a video in this room but you look at the slacks a lot you look at the you know you look at it well yeah cause you talked to tommy quite a bit don't you yeah yeah yeah when he was here he was saying like oh i have a he was like i have a weekly call i talked to jj i talked to logan i thought yeah yeah yeah you just got three of the biggest youtubers just just there for a chat every week yeah yeah i know it's it's it's it's it's amazing how like clued up clued up he is at his age i wish i was actually that man like [ __ ] that's what happens that's why like imagine who inspired you on youtube it was like uh oh so like i guess like blame truth josh yeah um see nana's yeah man like like rainbow and johnson no one knows william johnson like no one knows these people no where's that then you came along people know josh no one knows probably more people know tommy t than josh yeah yeah yeah then you take the torch from like raymond johnson etcetera and take it as far and someone like tommy comes is inspired by you know that's why everything the world gets correct tommy will not be bigger than me he has no end in sight and i know they didn't and they just kind of stopped but right now like like when are you stopping youtube i have no idea that's the difference so when we were growing up and when rayleigh and johnson announced that he's gonna stop like equals three imagine you and especially i was like what are you doing yeah yeah because youtube for me i always see is the core man it's without youtube you can't do anything else so he wanted to just mainstream stop the idea and become a mainstream yeah i wanna make a film for like uh and then realize he has no he's literally a small fish in a huge pond yeah and he's still doing right he's still doing like shorts and stuff yeah he's still probably making you know but if he was smart he would have been the biggest he would have been the biggest by far wouldn't it be on pewdiepie he would be clear goes to mainstream though but yeah and and stops youtube yeah man because you look at loads of people like tyler oakley he was literally he was doing so well and then he was like oh i've got this new show i'm like i'm stopping youtube you killed his career yeah it went yeah and then i'd say bo burnham worked for him yeah bob was playing i mean there are a few like yeah that do do actually like what's the musician called australian australian no not australian american guy how are you talking about the comedian no oh um oh i was going with oh what's his what's his name oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah you got it yeah he smashed it yeah like he went mainstream stopped youtube like i think that was also at the same time where you know music videos started dominating youtube as well so it's still on the platform i feel like someone like ray and johnson wanted to get off like i want to go and do a show that gets on hbo you know choice one still music videos are on youtube you know yeah but like i remember david dobrik saying didn't he say like his his goal was to basically stop youtube create like a netflix show or something like that yeah and that was it and it was kind of just why literally the best thing you want to do is just have that youtube you know audience and youtube foundation always they're real people aren't they yeah yeah bro and just you've that's where you started from yeah so why forget about why just go on yeah it's like do it but keep it keep it keep going yeah because then you're in the best position you have leverage why would you want to just throw yourself into the deep end again i think people really do think that these numbers are just numbers like you forget that they're real people you know if you're going to neglect your audience and go do something else and they're not going to follow you yeah they're going to well [ __ ] you you look like how you treated us yeah i feel like you've probably inspired a lot of people on that you know a lot of people a lot of people who are on the cusp of going mainstream say even like logan you know obviously logan would have been very close to watching everything that you're doing during the fight and then hearing you say nonstop that you know i'm a youtuber on youtube yeah i imagine he he had probably a few things he was going to do that he's thinking actually no he's right yeah he used to always i swear like four or five years ago he would always be like i'm not a youtuber yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just like i want to be the biggest entertainer i don't know youtube i've only seen as a youtuber i'm like no man i'm a youtuber but i'm also a musician yeah yeah and i'm also a boxer i can be what the [ __ ] i want to be like there's no shame in being a youtuber yeah he doesn't post though doesn't anymore logan he has podcasts yeah he's got the podcast and he's also got his the maverick club maverick club as well so where he posts his videos yeah yeah plus we still post we still post on both exactly how it should be though because a lot of people would announce i'm leaving youtube to do this well like you said just keep it keep it active if you want to post a video post a video you don't have to quit you just you know yeah you don't post so much bro we didn't post for like a month on well we didn't post for like two three weeks on more sidemen oh man and everyone everyone thought it was because of cyprus and it's like cyplus was a very small percentage yeah it's because we just had so much yeah so there's so much of everything going on yeah everyone's like oh we knew this would happen soon they'll stop posting simon sundays but uh now we're back and killing it doing all of them got randolph twice in a row i don't know [ __ ] i know you guys are killing it man it's not easy you know no no it's a lot it's a lot of work like best believe it's a lot of work i'll say it's not easy to get me but it is oh tiny message yep [Laughter] let me check my calendar yeah we've we've done very well and you know we'll continue to keep doing well because i think a lot of people as well like just miss understand youtube as well because obviously right while saying something like you and the salmon did really well like youtube is the other half of it like as a platform it's just growing and growing and growing um so it's just like it the platform in itself was massive isn't youtube like the biggest search engine in the world behind google it's like yeah and they are right yeah yeah it's just crazy i swear i saw a video on youtube other days it's completely off-topic yeah um and it was like a meme like this person this character's mum was like uh passed out and she needs like cpr or something okay so the guy goes on youtube to learn how to do cpr but then there's like a 15 second ad he's just like [ __ ] just there waiting just basically i can't remember the creator but this actually sent it to me because we're looking at people who are doing really well and then next minute he looks at an ad on the side and it's like are you single and he's like oh what's this and he goes and he's on this website while his mom's like dying and he's like oh yeah yeah i'm single and just like you know oh my god it gets caught with you damn so where do you want the sidemen to be in five years um talking of likesideplus and all our channels i think i think at that point we'd definitely be posting a lot less i think at that point yeah yeah we'd have like kids and we'd have um no us right i mean i mean we'll see oh wait you meant with because you and i will have kids and i was like not asked no oh oh i feel like we'll see oh jesus no no no no no well i imagine you'd have a kid in five years time yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't want it you know written in stone i think we'll have a kid in the sidemen by like next year probably but we're not recruiting no oh okay i mean have you seen what faith has always low-key yeah yeah i've seen the tick tock pushing i've seen the tick tocks so yeah we'll just we'll have a little uh little little ethan face little side look baby chilling yeah it would be sick it would be so sick to have everyone have like a killer at the same time the same age yeah like a year or two apart yeah it's not happening now no it's not no no but no second second kid though like they could have a second kid yeah yeah which is the same but then i feel like there might be some weird thing that might happen if someone has a girl and someone has a guy yeah and then they're just oh no in the chat everyone's always said that like like when we talk in the chat our kids are going nowhere yeah but i don't know you never know man sleep over the ksi manor and the next minute late all the kids are just like well if we had if i had a girl and you had a boy when they're 18 i know i know that they're related to you no no i don't even want to think about it that's your son your son is going to be there like i give it simon like simon's thought oh no no no i feel like jj jj would be very good with the kids but you're very like um very like a progressive guy you know i'm saying like i've like everyone's got rules right so all the kids go there got rules you know go to bed at a certain time and change is like you guys do what you want man i feel like yeah [Laughter] my nine-year-old just goes up to him and starts taking his shirt [Laughter] i'll just like just cut the internet for them or some [ __ ] like that i don't know just take their phone and just that's gonna be weird 4g yeah well as obviously all of us growing up on the internet being like very like i guess forward with that kind of type of stuff do you think you have any rules with your kids like no phones before a certain age or no internet after a certain age or before a certain age um no no no i think i'll let them just do what they want i think that's what i would do yeah it's kind of like you kind of like i feel i feel like if you make your kid not want so if you're like oh you can't do this you can't do this you're going to run down right now eventually they're going to do it yeah like yeah so like like with i guess for me like when i was like when i was a kid i was like oh i'm not allowed to have a girlfriend this this you know i kept everything and then now i've just i've just gone crazy like even with the pies i was allowed to go pies i wasn't ready and now i'm just going i went nuts so i think with me i'm just there like all right as a dad i'm just gonna like let them do anything i'll tell them like experiences like obviously they're gonna just experience stuff anyway but like i'll tell them you know drugs are like you can yeah you can try drugs but just not don't get addicted yeah because it will [ __ ] your life teach them like the morals and the values and yeah yeah exactly and then it's kind of just like just do your thing yeah go crazy yeah have fun i feel like we grew up in this in a time where like the internet was very like it was it's almost as if it was built for us right yeah it started in like the well 90s whatever but then it start when we got on it like youtube facebook and that yeah it's like the wild west whatever you want oh yeah but i feel like the parents didn't know what was happening they can't there's no rules there because they don't know what it is yeah they don't know what the internet is whereas meanwhile where they're like [ __ ] going crazy yeah yeah but it can be like a dangerous place but yeah but i learned a lot right a lot so i feel like i'll definitely teach my kid on how to you know like what if he's getting trolled and stuff like i'll be like you've got to learn to on like take this you've got like no not for real you can't just it's just jj's oh stupid little kid yeah certain secrets are like only you know yeah yeah i know where you live [Laughter] if you're like kids doing youtube you definitely have to make them do like a anonymous at first see that's the only thing i would do i wouldn't i wouldn't let my kid do youtube old enough to do it yeah yeah he's like dad i [ __ ] love youtube man now like if they're like eight yeah i just got this weird brian's twitter i'd just be like not yet not yet there i'll be like there's a time obviously school is important make sure you know you're focused on that but yeah i wouldn't i'd film it i'd film it as if it was a video and then i'll just post it and then he'd like have the videos and then when if he does become a youtuber when he's like 20 yeah he's got a catalogue of yeah you know talking to myself when i was eight yeah yeah yeah whole video's done oh he created his whole youtube channel for him yeah you just post it for him but you don't tell him what unlisted means yeah i'm like oh they got zero views again loser yeah and then he's still getting hate comments on listeners yeah yeah it's just different [ __ ] video you have to learn yeah well that's like um billy eilish i think it was right had her and her brother were allowed to stay up as late as they wanted as long as they were making music i think it was as long as it was productive and they were showing that they were making music they could stay up till 7 am yeah so therefore you're gonna that's that's sick to me you're gonna use that slice yeah because like you know would you let them do that yeah what if it was like what if they were trying to be a cod pro yeah yeah oh yeah i'll be like bro whatever the [ __ ] you want to be go for it but as in it's like hindering school they're staying up till like 6 a.m on a school day playing cod i would say that like it depends what type of call it is if it's still like you're like you know secondary school i'm sorry i'm like focus on this focus on this however though if they're showing enough passion of like right if you're gonna do it you're gonna you have to make it though like you can't lose you have yeah you get back on card man i had one team deathmatch not allowed point one right yeah one be one them and until they if they can't beat me they're not allowed to stay up late of course yeah i'll be pretty because then i'm like bro you're clearly not good now yeah yeah yeah what's that kid the fifa kid who didn't lose a game for like you know yeah 500 games or something in week as well yeah yeah that seems like it was like 100 150 60 games or something jesus was it i think it was like in the 500's we only played 30 a week google it see what happens i think not just we can leave but it's also like the other ranked difference and stuff but he finally lost didn't he was crying 535 games oh win streak my god is it only including can you scroll down is it only including weekend league because if it is that is ridiculous wait that makes me sick it is an ultimate team's weekend league oh my god because the first five games back that was last year the first five games you're playing against bots yeah yeah and as soon as you if you win like if you win 15 games every game from that point on is you're playing pros yeah yeah that's ridiculous 535 to one he was crying and stuff which is fair play but you know yeah it's because it's an insane win streak mad no one's ever gonna be no one's gonna beat that will you say that 10 years some other little you know bloke 500 that's that's almost what that's like 18 weeks he got batted in that game as well he's like it's like it looks like seven three that's like 40 weeks how many weeks is that 535 divided by 30. he might have done two accounts maybe i know i think is it 18 or something harry just like um two two a week something like that eighteen so you've done 18 weeks without losing or winning every game oh you'll be boring after like four yeah but i think when you're like that level though you must have swear let's try out your hardest true when after a few i'm always like just chilling like you know and i guess your name is literally being built every win every every win on every win just because it's like isn't it yeah he's done 35 wins yeah remember vixx like upload streak you've got like 7000 or something missed one then miss loads yeah we could see the downfall though through our house like it became a thing of okay i've uploaded every single day for five years six years seven years and then it was like he missed he would miss a day but upload after midnight and would be like no but i uploaded before i went to bed okay and then it became a thing of i uploaded but it was american time and then it was like he woke up and uploaded and he was like i've uploaded two today so that counts as yesterday yeah and it slowly like spiraled out yeah yeah yeah now he's just like yeah he was like yeah i admit i missed a day yeah now he's sorry i just don't care yeah yeah well he's just living life now man yeah yeah he literally yeah bruh it's so annoying like whenever i'm on tour they just use it as a holiday so they're just going yeah yeah our calendar jj just goes oh i've got this tour that's what six days a vic and harry just go yeah somewhere somewhere foreign i mean hopefully we get to go away soon oh well we're going in vegas sometimes approach yeah so that's absolutely lit that'll be sick yeah that's something big suggested filming assignment video out there he got shut down hear me out team what if we film ever no no no no no shut up that was the whole point about doing these meals isn't it like obviously we see each other quite a lot you guys definitely yeah beside men but it's it's different like it's always always working yeah this is the first time we were actually like not working and we were just chilling and talking about it was jokes so funny it's so funny every month every month every two months no i say every month every month i have the rule where it's like you know if you are busy then it's fine like try and try them up a day and never try and make it but like you don't go out every time either i don't think no no cinema i'd say cinema casino i'd say let's try and go casino i think it got very messy with the night out yeah it did we need to find a spot i was not wrong with what i was saying a lounge would be done we need to find a spot that's like we can just chill there that's after a meal has to exist man well yeah but none of us have enough oh no wait it's not no not even then there's still not enough eight then yeah but it would be i agree with you though it's the meal part to me i prefer the meal over the night out yeah yeah and the meal was just like we all just drink and talk yeah yeah because we don't do that it's like that film the video we did uh you know the one where um the holiday the hotel one where me yeah the hotel sick because that's when you were playing that's when you first played this as well no time uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah album those three songs specifically i remember i think you played like i think i played quite a few of them but they stood out yeah the ones that i remember i remember like no time everyone was like everyone got gas over the time i was like you know i just so confused i was like i didn't think it was that great yeah like i didn't know the song was buying that heart and everyone's just going crap i was like oh [ __ ] all right i swear isn't it still like the most played outside of like the lead singles yeah yeah like but it's even better than lose now oh man yeah it's just holiday no time lose and then i think it's like don't play in did you know that uh no time is the first music video i'm in yep yep i made it god's sake an animated figure of me yeah i'll take it look at that yeah actually when you drop your serious music you'll be in the future okay you know what next year i could go watch potentially this could happen i could go see a ksi show i could go see a randolph show oh i could see italia marsha i could see it toby and manny's show oh who knows that's actually tommy t tommy i don't think he'll do shows you never know no chance not a show no no no no the most you'd ever ever ever get is him going on stage to perform one song yeah but then the song will be playing out loud yeah yeah and he would just kind of be i'd like to go for it yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what that is the most i would ever do yeah oh white is playing yeah they would have to play so that i could literally just go yeah sing the words that's what i'm doing with my shows now and i'm building the set list i'm going through like all the projects and making sure i've got like the backing tracks at the right time yeah yeah yeah when we when we used to do the shows before when i was there with the whole time it can be hard kind of yeah well to get all the work yeah we would literally just be like ah no vocals yeah we are the vocals yeah yeah and you know a lot of eyes just do that track play the track and then just add lip over it and i think it's like maybe i i think it's like either like a dying art or something like that i think it's a safety thing if i'm honest yeah it can be like a livery rodrigo she did good for you yeah and she did it live and she sang the whole thing and she got even the chorus yeah and she's also dancing so she's the whole thing she's out of breath like she can't hit the notes etcetera yeah but she got slated for it yeah and anyone who's a musician looks at it and goes she's slated for yeah performance is really bad it's not that bad it's natural isn't it it's not bad it's because she's not she is she's doing so much yeah she's doing everything yeah but that's ridiculous yeah this is what i hate right i hate when people are like oh i hate auto two man autumn [ __ ] sucks and then someone like olivia will go out perform properly with an auto-tune and they're like you're trying to wow this was trash yeah like you got understandable it was because she did everything and any anyone who like has gone to a show or whatever knows anyone who does a [ __ ] literally goes like well yes because she's doing everything yeah yeah but that's it yeah unlike tick-tock it's just like what like why did you stand outside our breath yeah well she just did a whole dance routine was it um was it rams who did the show live he was yeah and his earpiece wasn't working so he's out of time and you know right when you do the festivals and stuff you can't hear anything other than that it's yeah like i i remember leads yeah like when i first went out i couldn't hear things you have to take it out to hit it sounded sick and i was like i can't hear it yeah the only way you can hear it if you take it out so like i feel for like say like ramsay all he can hear is his track i think he had the wrong track playing well no he had the right track but it was delayed so he was like ahead yeah yeah of the actual song and it just sounded awful yeah yeah yeah see this is that's all my nightmare but then but then but that's the thing like so if rams if that was me and that happened to me i just mean the [ __ ] out of it and it's just a hilarious moment that makes me yeah even more like famous oh he's so relatable even ksi messes up well i don't know like whereas like yeah with like other musicians like they're so like anal about everything like has to be perfect all the time yeah make mistakes happen i messed up one of the choruses from the tracks and i was like oh yo the crowd like run it back you guys got to show more energy next time but inside i was like i just [ __ ] up well that's the thing that's why i'm like i i i don't even get nervous anymore yeah yeah because i'm just there like if i [ __ ] up it's jokes to fix it yeah i was literally doing like when i was playing a blackpool yeah uh yeah yeah i let i literally kept calling everyone black people i said yo what's up black people i mean black ball it was the second time yeah yeah and you're black people black ball wait what the [ __ ] why don't i keep saying this keep saying put it on tick tock it did go out yeah but i remember you saying that to me a while ago you were like any time anything like that happens i see it as reddit content yeah yeah yeah that's why his reddit is so much better than everyone yeah yeah because you do more outlandish stuff that creates like and then your opportunity for it to mess up yeah yeah i made a video just so much content yeah i made a video recently for like uh i had to like do like an integration so i was like i'll do a reddit video i went until i read it i was like what is this instead the video is what ksi has read it thinks of me so i just went on yours just type my name in there's so much more content on there than my own yeah like what cares [Laughter] mine's just appreciation posts for everyone oh this is boring for content isn't it yeah and i'm like i really like it but yeah it's not a video well you just need do you want to learn this stuff i know yeah but you're so safe hey it's work so far right it's worked back on the music thing i remember on in the festivals they would just play beerus like the my whole verse because remember i was like everyone keeps saying i sound really good and i watched it back and it was just the track you still heard me a bit on it obviously but uh i'm still doing it but then when jeff joined for the tour obviously he had the old version of it and it was just me on my own now and i was like [ __ ] man now it's literally me but a lot of the lyrics just come back to you don't they yeah you you know i help you out with that and even if you don't say it's like yeah yeah the biggest thing i learned was like if you want to take a breath just take the breath just take a breath don't care no no no no no in the crowds like what he missed the word i'm leaving because i saw i've seen um i saw one of kendrick's latest um performances he did it with baby keem as well yeah yeah yeah yeah and literally like he just takes a breath and yeah yeah cause what what's more important like you know just doing a performance yeah or like panicking and not being able to do it because you're just yeah exactly overworking yourself kendrick is so good at performing you you can like it's you could see the difference between him and baby keem mm-hmm like you could just see though he's just levels about obviously baby keems quite new to all but like he was just so charismatic and he's just i know like there's something about him that just you draws you to him yeah like and it's just entertaining i think it goes back to what we were talking about before about about being a professional like you know kendrick every day was just writing verse after verse like kanye well like kanye's at the point now where like he's done the work like he's done the production back in the day he's maybe it's for jay-z whatever and he's been making beats have to be at the beach and now he's in studio he's just natural yeah with a lot of the newer artists like not no offense to them but they'll have had less time with it because maybe they've got an engineer that they work with really well they take care of all that stuff so all they have to do now is just drop a quick verse and that's done but there's like a lot of true greats like you know [Music] doing it yeah i'm not gonna lie i've run out of things to talk about yeah that's been a good podcast this is the issue right i live with you and we record everything side note yeah we've done a lot yeah well how long has this been just about two hours oh wow this thing i know everything about you yeah i mean i i i'm trying to think what else is there like you know you're our only guest that's been on every podcast setup we've had oh man yeah yeah oh well yeah we had the the first one was the room in the house yeah in the top floor yeah then we had uh we had the flat with no background i think it was or a curtain do we have no we never filmed without any background did we yeah we did but he wasn't on that one oh never mind then i don't think he was on he was it was never on the set was he yeah was he i think so i know you're in the red curtain the red curtain here he was there then yeah yeah yeah that was wasn't that what i was just calling out all the no that was the first one the house that was the first one in the house where you we talked about youtube rappers yeah that's like the whole credeca beef actually what the [ __ ] is stacks doing actually can you google that didn't he say he was gonna be big at this point what was that last year or the year before he did he did a song with hopson right yeah like a while ago oh actually funny thing he used to be a bmg yeah he did the same time as me and uh he kind of just left i remember they kept like years ago i actually i heard his album is actually pretty decent i mean three weeks ago many abuses yeah decent he's talented he's very talented yeah no i like obviously beef aside yeah you know he's incredibly talented but you know what annoys me about it he just thought he could outwork me yeah what annoys me about him is he is really talented but he makes songs for he makes either really cheesy songs yeah or uh he'll make like what's that parody song sometimes yeah and i'm kind of like when you actually make a serious song you're sick yeah like there's certain ones like he did the the kill shot one was sick but obviously that's not his beat but stuff like that i was just like why not just to be fair i think that's why for the reason i'm not posting music or made much music in the past is probably because of that that reason because you know like the whole um like the crypt thing you know i was like oh maybe i should make more music that's like more lyrical and more like you know fast rapping and stuff because i can't do my mate's like so good you should post that i'm like i don't like it i'd much rather do like like slow motion type of songs or for the summer where it's more like vivee i should enjoy it more but i mean i think those are your best songs yeah yeah well same yeah but then you got these little you know idiots that are like oh no rap better you know well yeah yeah no obviously singing performs with wayne yeah it's just catchy isn't it like what do you want to listen to when you're like you know in the car or like a party you don't listen to like nothing this is what the original description was you know if it's the [ __ ] but you don't you don't listen to like you know just relax vibe yeah someone likes you it has to be a very like bit giving it has to be so particular and so good yeah like when it's fast like the only really fast songs you know everyone can name like three fast songs like you know rap god something like that yeah doesn't say gospel who's that um i think it was keith ape uh xxx and rich trigger i haven't heard that oh rich brian is that live really fast uh yeah yeah it's pretty fast that's what i mean like everyone only knows a few whereas you know the singing ones are the ones yeah yeah i i think it's harder to make it's gonna sound crazy here it's harder to make a good pop song than it is to make like a fast rap lyrical song because it's like it's it's you can always when i used to make these i used to all you used to do was new layer new layer new layer you know like strings uh you know percussion synths and if you put enough stuff there it'll sound good after a while and same with rap if you say enough words something's gonna come off well what's harder is to say like less say say less but make it work in its own space you also don't have to have talent really like you can make a a [ __ ] rap song yeah yeah without talent i think it's easier to make a pop song you yeah like just finding like a melody and going okay cool let me just work with this melody and then you can it's just copy and paste really and it's just like holiday i i thought i was pretty easy to make like i was making it with um jake gosling i was there like but it's hard to like it's hard to write that it's easy it might feel easy but it's hard because you're good at it i think it's harder to make raps because it's always trying to find different flows and all of that and it's kind of like finding the journey and then getting to the end i don't know but i guess it's opposite for me yeah i've made good music together um yeah i don't know it's like when i used to be when i was at college once we had like word count there was no word counts for essays i was literally right 20 000 words yeah just hope that i got the marks in that somewhere yeah because if you've got like if you've got two thousand words you have to make sure you hit the right points yeah i guess it's kind of like that like for me it's harder to say less but something that's effective than say more and just cram it all in i guess two ways two sides of the coin yeah but yeah um natural cut you know that's it for me yeah same yeah um oh i was at the jd ad oh that was like that was sick yeah i know i'm just like everywhere yeah like just on jd yeah literally like big billboards me yeah that's sick it's you and toby yeah it's just wild yeah and that trail is actually really sick isn't it it is really good yeah although when i get home i need to watch the spider-man trailer oh my god i heard that insane i've heard amazing insane i heard it's got everything yeah but i haven't watched it yet so no spores at all here but did you see the views no no let me just find the views now look it's unreal does it have likes and dislikes might do i'll check didn't they get rid of dislikes probably so 14 hours rolling out 14 hours ago 26 million views oh my god wait what yeah 14 hours 26 million views okay what uh 1.9 million likes and 9.4 000 dislikes that's a disgusting ratio when i first watched it i'm pretty sure it was 30 minutes 4 million views and i was like you know you can or i don't think you can now because it's been out yeah you could have uh gone to the cinema to watch it they were doing they were doing viewings for the trailer at cinemas wow that's how big it was they were like you can buy a ticket come watch it oh my god we should book it man we should book it like and everyone go what's the actual thing yeah man i'll be down yeah i'll be a premiere i'm sure we're getting invited that's why i'm saying it if anyone watches this i'd say i'm sure but we're probably yeah chance i would probably might not the thing is you've got remember stuff like that is like everyone's everyone you know it's everyone what the [ __ ] are you doing on this earth yeah josh is like i hate superhero movies i'm like just watch it like yeah just don't be a [ __ ] yeah can you ask simon if he wants five tickets to the spider-man red carpet yeah bro i mean is that oh wow i might have tickets well it says for him and the side people posting the last month i've been in two i don't know man they don't know all right you just take either this place to be fair yeah that's true true true i was so annoyed i missed that one you know it was a good shoot it was actually a lot of hilarious i'd love to do that again as well yeah facts i'd love to do it and we all have a go at being the host okay actually no you can't be you can't be the host why not because you'll make the the fourth it's ridiculous oh yeah yeah you know what shout out toby for those four fists they were real yeah yeah when i saw snake i was like no way yeah you went like a really good level yeah we can still operate like more and more and more but also like everything seemed extreme yet not too extreme that no one would not want to do them yeah yeah yeah yeah like a snake is like i don't want the snake on me but i would have done it no cow wouldn't have done it freezie that's why it's not inside man i think i would have done it but i would have just squealed straight away i would have done exactly what harry did really i would have been like frozen and then as soon as it came to my face start leaning away like that and then i would make a tarantula that would [ __ ] me up see but if i put that on i'm dead bro i i'm dying on the spot but that's what i mean they can't put it in your hands because in case you throw it oh so you have to you'd have to lie that's why snakes do as well so you can't like eat a snake you know you can't yeah yeah yeah just someone's around someone put in the comments they were like it's crazy to see like how instinctively the snake literally went for his neck it was mad right slowly put it whoa let me just go straight around your neck real quick because someone said as well like well to be fair like you know it's a safe environment you've got the snake handler there but i'm like it's still a snake though like it's the like unknown what it could do to you you know this could kill you and it could easily bite you as well yeah yeah that's a little harder right oh really yeah yeah yeah but it still hurts yeah it's more like the fear of doing it like you know it's just i know that it's a snake man you just can't trust them you can't just a snake you know that's why you know well literally snake that's wait that's why we call it yeah hypothetically yeah yeah yeah yeah now you can only trust ladders true like your t-shirts yep anyways uh we're gonna wrap up there uh thank you for coming on podcast what's going on and thanks for you know being a part of is podcast is so so good yeah no worries thanks for the views yeah thank you but also thanks for the motivation by saying it would never be anything because now this is actually [ __ ] much this is crazy yeah thank you huge respect you guys have done very well i'm proud of you oh yeah literally that's the last episode completely [ __ ] i mean peace
Channel: What's Good Podcast
Views: 974,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whats good, miniminter, randolph, podcast
Id: AgCG38MMxB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 48sec (7968 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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