MAX FOSH | From Posh Kid to YouTube Viral Madness | JHHP #49

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you stated that you went to the most exclusive private school in the world can you say what that is or um i think i can i went to harrow school and it's where winston churchill went to school you'd have to wear your boat or whenever you're out in public you wear your voter if you walk past a teacher you're walking another way you tip your hat you like you acknowledge them if it's a female teacher you almost take off your cat it's my background i'm not going to hide the fact that i am i am posh um and i for a long time like at uni i try to we call it bums but that's actually the main thing that we used to do at school was like there was a little smacks come on the main thing we did in school was bums [Laughter] i was just fosh foshi and then like obviously just like posh fish fish fingers what when i let sometimes meet people in the street they're like oh you're that bloke who takes the picture out of posh people but you're also posh or so almost is it trying to get me to say oh my god i am but that's what makes you most qualified for that job exactly like who else is gonna be able to do this having never met zach and jay before and sent a message within 24 hours i was on top of the o2 drinking champagne with travis pastrana this like legend of the x games world i met them and they're like we want to break we want to we want a fake model and get them somehow to break into other than fashion music okay how are we going to do this and so i just splurted out it's called maximus bucharest from bucharest and so that's how the name stuck and it went so megalith like 75 million people saw it and then i suddenly got loads of messages on my instagram all in mandarin i was like what's going on here and there's one guy he spoke english he was like mate you're famous in china like they just went mad so we went to four or five shows and like did the same training like max was over here over here no one gave a [ __ ] i was sat on the floor on the paris pave just my leg sticking out the top part just a concrete block i've wanted to become successful in youtube because for myself to be able to prove okay look i've done this myself i've been able to break into an industry that doesn't matter who the hell you are hello guys welcome back to jackmates happy hour i'm excited for this one stevie first of all how's things that was very quick and intense uh really good thank you as good as they were an hour ago when you asked me you do realize you have to let people think that we don't film them all in one day you're wearing the same shirt that is true now today on the show we have youtuber presenter comedian meal deal expert son would say it's max fox hello how are you i'm well guys thanks for having me mate i'm buzzing to have you in been a fan of the content for a long time means a lot thank you me and phi often sit at home eating dinner watching street smart we're good big fans and uh she just met you outside and she came up to me when he was in here he's lovely so you have the validation validation now max before we get on to street smart bit later on in the show um you kind of like is it street smart we rate the meal deals or is that something else yeah that is a version of street smart yeah right yeah yeah and um so you sit down and just basically interview the public about their meal deal choices yeah so what better place to start than rating ours okay okay sure yeah you're gonna ask me for mine and then i actually haven't done i haven't said anybody what my meal deal is oh really you could get an exclusive depending on how good you're moving forward i'm withholding my judgment on you as a person oh right until i get this because i've been through some [ __ ] over these meal deals that's the nicest way to put it it's a bit of a meme yeah so i want i want to know how you feel about it so we're gonna do this in a very structured one two three point scoring system you give the point to either me or stevie we go for the main then we go for the snack and then we go for the dessert here's a bit of a question are you gonna ask about the main stevie calls the sandwich the mate and i think that's far too too that's too official this isn't what i get abused for but now he's adding to it so that's good guys we're talking about meal deals on a podcast i don't think we can go too official i think i'm with stevie on it the sandwich is the main what's the pudding then stevie the drink or the snack oh well it could be the snack if you get a chocolate it depends depends the sweeter of the two so if you're getting a chocolate bar that's the pudding yeah but if you get like a sweet kind of like chocolate milkshake that's the pudding good yeah that does that mean you have to start with your starter main and that's the only way you're allowed to eat it no you can mix it up you can be a maverick of your own meal dude okay sure how would logan paul eat a meal deal i don't know and we also have quite a good production value here so no we're not just gonna tell you what we have can i already we're going to show you give you minus points why for sainsbury's the sainsbury's yeah it's only because that's the closest place to the supermarket i still went to tesco's oh stevie's already miles ahead you got mine for me yeah because i sent you a voice note saying are we still getting the meal deals for the max fosh episode you replied an hour and a half later and said i don't know if you're still near tesco's surprisingly i wasn't but i thought i probably do need to get it it's because i was driving because some of us have a driver's license because some of us are adults boys come on i will say though i don't have a tesco bag i didn't have a bag at all save the environment i just threw it in my backpack so i've currently just got a paper bag that's the owner so sorry but when you said i didn't have a bag at all you did have a bag it was just made out of paper no fiona just gave me this so i could hide it i retract my statement you started then right so you start with your main and i mean calling it a main as i always say it seems like it should come under a clash okay i'll start with my main um i'll take i'll pretend you describe what i'm doing you're just pulling it out of a bag no i'm taking it [ __ ] clash go on i don't even know oh gosh okay i do like to mix this up a lot but i just fancied this today so i've gone for a chicken caesar wrap from tesco really good really good but you can't the the quality of the chicken caesar literally depends on each rap individually you can get one that's absolutely terrible i have found that but i'm hoping for a world i'm hopeful for a worldie here sorry i've squashed the bag a bit so in what way so i've never had one of these so it's like a bit of chicken so yeah so not sometimes that when you get a bad chicken caesar wrap um you get some of the really watery ones oh and it's really not very nice oh this looks like it could that might be mayor it's probably mayo also it's quite small yeah i i did debate going for a sub of a similar kind but what does it say in a little yellow circle on the front there meal deal it says uh what does it say jack it says mail deal what does it say after meal deal it's got to read actually does it say main meal deal i think it says maine says hand wrapped uh i've never i'm gonna put it out there i've never had a wrap i'm gonna mailed it i'm always a sandwich kind of guy okay um so there you go right so i've got to combat that yeah and i'm sure you'll do a great job i've gone for sainsbury's but as i say max it wouldn't be my preference it's just the one that's closest to the studio okay um and i forgot to get them so i've gone for um i've gone for a free range egg and cress on molded bread i've never seen someone look so chewing what we are firstly that opening that sandwich is a kind of a is a international crime in anywhere opening in a small podcast studio i'll just let you know i'm not going to open it in the shooting okay thank god for that um it still does not redeem you for the fact getting egg and cress do you not okay i think we know he's getting this point terrible but extra points because it doesn't say maine maybe just vegeta vegetarian everyone's veggie these days i'll get hey yes but it's still egg and crest like you're not an 85 year old woman called linda like don't assume what i am uh speaking of assumptions shall we say i i get the yeah but can i just say that stevie you could win each individual um item of the meal deal but jack could win overall oh i mean it's unlikely because he's got an egg in class but there was a situation where you could have good stuff but together as a meal in as like as a total thing it doesn't work as a full meal okay no i don't know that's fair that that's interesting to me because what makes a great meal deal then um i mean what you the process i think guys too fair i know as much as meal as you do i've done three videos on them quite well we're branding you as the meal deal expert you can do that um what you have to go through a journey right get my [ __ ] go through a journey when you're asking a meal you have to think can i get a hat yeah can i put my crisps in this sandwich for example your sandwich i can't put chris an egg and cress that would be right you haven't seen the crisps yet they might be versatile crisps i don't know how much crispy but they're not going to be fitting in that sandwich but also stevie you can't cram crisp in there unless you're going hula hoops and you're stuffing them in there i can't but i'd made sure my side doesn't need to go inside but it complements it well calling it aside okay this this is the this is where we might have the issue okay so my side as people are probably already knowing as i'm listening to this yeah is popcorn this is um this began um as i was trying to lose weight so i wanted to go for something that wasn't quite as bad as crisps and chocolate and i saw these are only still 135 calories that's about a third of what a chocolate bar would be and they're just light and they you get so much in these compared to a bag of crisps so i have my reason behind it but i get a lot of abuse for it the sob story of you trying to lose weight isn't gonna work damn it um yeah it's it's a bit boring um you also have like occupational hazards with eating popcorn you go around you have a kernel stuck in your teeth all day you just don't want that no um it can sometimes hurt your gums um depending on how far it goes in so stevie it's it's fine i mean that's probably the nicest thing people have heard about you could have come with like the tyrell's vegetable crisps and then like you would have i would have left but yeah at the moment it's just fine so what you're saying is this round is jax it's jack's to lose definitely jack's to lose with popcorn i've been eating it a little bit more recently than i did when i first slagged you off for it popcorn is great can i just say i'm a big fan of popcorn this is what i say in a certain place there's a time and a place for popcorn microwavable popcorn with pops i've never done my own i've never microwaved popcorn no oh this is where oh jack this is where we're at you literally just get a bag and throw it in the microwave yeah yeah two and a half minutes um butter kissed all pops butter kissed yeah good and then you just go hell for leather throw a film on in the living room but why would you go through that much admin when you can just get a problem oh good it's warm right what do you mean admin is in the microwave he's a simple man yeah no but i've been eating popcorn recently and i you get to the end it's like a minefield yeah the kernels at the bottom as well little bullets in there ready to just cut your teeth up horrible horrible anyway i'll go for my snack yeah this is big this is big what's he got all right i've gone for a bag big grab bag it would seem of a of quavers he has a 12 year old boy no okay okay two thoughts quavers great queer great great chris yeah my second thought is jack are you trying to make yourself the smelliest man in the uk i have got my socks out and uh my feet aren't great so what is your drink gonna be egg and cress quavers i'm surprised you've got a fiancee [Laughter] it's just a carton of cheese do i get a point no quavers are a great great crisp uh give me the i'm losing to popcorn yeah no no no i think okay we're one one one yeah with one one going into the final round i like this that conveniently sets it up for a finale now we we've gone we're going for the drink yeah so i've gone you've you've enjoyed a good 12 minutes in the studio so far how hot are you feeling at the moment all right so i i've gone kind of smart with that so i've never actually got this in a meal deal before but i got a flavoured water so i've gone lemon and lime i'm not a big fan of strawberry um normally i just get normal water but we've got about 15 bottles of buxton around so i thought i'd want to mix up the flavour so that is it have you got that because you're worried about your glucose intake are you worried about sugar eating no no i'm not gonna go for a sob story on this one okay um it's it's good it reminds me of being like eight years old like because it was oh and quavers didn't no yeah of course they did but i'm saying that volvic touch of fruit filled with volcanicity first of all great branding they've done there stuck in my mind but it was the water that my mom gave me to like make me drink water because it was like oh this is fun water yeah the strawberry version rather than the lemon lime it's good your teeth feel really weird afterwards oh they do i didn't think about that when i made the purchase well what you should what you could do sorry you could eat the popcorn right but go hell for leather and end up just losing your teeth on them little bullets at the bottom then you won't have any teeth to dirty up with the shitty nine-year-old water so this is what he's saying with when the meal deal comes together exactly you've perfected it for me you've just won me the game that's okay because i think i'm gonna claw it back with my drink okay jack you still got the egg and cress sandwich it's putting you in deadlocks please [Laughter] i've gone four hey vita coco pressed coconut water you are i i think you're having a laugh here why i honestly think you've i thought you know what let's get the worst meal deal i can imagine and put it in front of max and see what happens no this is this is my choice new year new me i'm trying to lose weight that doesn't work does it work i literally just witnessed it not work and i went for the same tactic so um yeah no i'm just trying to be healthy max you don't look happy i have never had it right will you try it if you want i've had the blue one what's the blue one there's one another one from vita coco i think yeah coconut water right it's yeah it's it's fine you don't you don't let's say you've finished a game but this is what i think about when i think of a drink for for a meal you finished a game of footy right yeah you parched yeah what do you want to have you guzzle a lot of yeah it's not v to coco no but this is in a meal deal setting i wouldn't finish game of thrones and get a meal deal that's true um i've done your own game there fosh and you know it you can say what you like stevie's won that round oh bollocks all right stevie you win you win i um you were right that is the worst meal deal i could think of so i wasn't actually trying to people at home are going to be unsubscribing from this podcast i will say so he sent me this voice note and he specifically asked for what he wanted i didn't just mug him off well when you say what i wanted um okay what did you say you said chicken and bacon and a bit of lettuce maybe chicken and bacon sandwich was his first choice uh your crisps what cheese and onion no no your drink you either ask for just a water uh sugar-free red bull or a ribena hey if you went for a ribena i love a ripe with that salt and vinegar and the chicken and bacon lettuce sandwich that's a really [ __ ] good meal yeah the only reason he doesn't have that is because sainsbury's had pretty much nothing in stock yeah do they know i got there and i was like i've got nothing what can i get and then that was and i just went to satan's breeze because i thought maybe you were having me on so i was like i'll go to sainsbury's and i'll find a [ __ ] sandwich there was none you were right it shows it was just egg and crest left sainsbury's is dreadful for meal deals yeah this is what i was gonna ask what is the best place to get a meal deal like i feel like hallo turth is tesco yeah boots as well but boots are more expensive boots three pound 50 last time i checked which kind of loses the whole year of the meal they did go up they've gone back down to three pound 30. i'm so glad my campaign worked that was like me in the zoella calendar next day after now max um you're obviously quite um a well-spoken chappie i read an interview in which you stated that you went to the most exclusive private school in the world or one thereof one of yeah definitely can you say what that is or um i think i can i went to harrow school right in the uk okay now i want to know everything yes and i would like to tell you everything i would like to tell you everything because i'm not at the school anymore but also there's a there's an element of i know it would be very easy to come in here and just slag the place off and oh so you're not pro it then i'm not i'm neither like it taught me some amazing things and it also i also had some tough times there so like neither one or the other but yeah harrow i was there for five years um harrow and eaton are kind of obviously in the uk cena's he says obviously i was gonna say to give you an idea of how scummy we are never heard of it okay i haven't no okay so okay right um there's you've heard of eaton yeah so harrow is eaten mess it is a bit of a eaton park in norwich it's different thing so harrow school is a place it's in harrow how on the hill it's got its own it's in its own little like village almost um it and eaton have been kind of i'm not going to say it is but have been running alongside is one of the oldest like private schools in the uk like eaton was founded in like 1200 something ridiculous as well not right and harrow is not long after right um and it's where winston churchill went to school um what harrow yeah yeah um we have to wear straw boaters um we have to wear um black almost black tie every sunday for chapel um like you like live in boarding houses of 70 boys and there's like 13 boarding houses you do everything you live there for kind of a month at a time then go home for a week and then come back um like it's all it's it's it's pretty it's pretty mad um i'm just shocked that you went on a sunday no no it was you're boarding so like you are there oh oh you are there all the time so um you get dropped off at the beginning of term um and you have three weeks at school then you get an exceept which is a weekend a weekend at home um so i was lucky i lived about 45 minutes from the school so my mom came pick me up went home for the weekend and then you did that and then another three weeks half term three weeks weekend so you only went home like once a month really and you lived in school the whole time we had we had school on saturdays um yeah every so every day you had something you had to do yeah every day like you basically your whole time is structured the whole time because obviously if you just get kind of teenage boys all together yeah and they're not doing something like there's all sort of like i don't know fights happen or i don't know so what there's i can't imagine what a fight would look like at harrow this is the thing like and and somebody's slapping someone with a glove yeah a game of fisticuffs this is the thing like my obviously uh i was in a very very privileged position to be able to go to this school but the school is not like what you would imagine one of these schools to be like yes we wear ridiculous outfits and we look like idiots yeah um but in terms of like the oh tally ho chap how are you doing nice to see you um that doesn't really happen no one really talks like everyone kind of talks like me which is yeah i i am posh i sound posh yeah um but it's not like this the uber kind of posh that you kind of imagine all right and so yeah what is a straw boater so a boater is a it's a hat good start um and if you can imagine what the guys in venice where when they're punting down the river um it goes around all the time and it's got a little bit we've got a boat on it yeah i think fiona is now going to google a straw boat a hat yeah there we go oh there we go i don't know type in type in strawberry here we go exclusives um yeah so there we go oh my god oh my god that is ridiculous he was in my boarding house was he really yeah oh geez that was mental so every so every day so we would have um obviously like there we go powerpoint now um this is the first ever presentation we've had live this this was my year [Laughter] i know that i know those guys there that's so funny hey i recognize him that's not harrow that's rosebury oh but that little gin that little ginger kid has done something before i don't know i don't know i don't know that's nothing to do with harrah there right okay okay we would live in boarding houses and you would go from classroom to classroom which are in different buildings and you obviously have to walk on the street like and you'd have to wear your boat whenever you're out in public you wear your boater if you walk past a teacher who's walking the other way you tip your hat you'd like you acknowledge them if it's uh if it's a female teacher you almost take off your cat to say good afternoon or good morning um and uh yeah live dinner lived in the boarding house then on so we'd have on wednesdays and fridays we had uh lessons until one o'clock and then after that you played sport all afternoon so that's why we had saturday school because we missed out on wednesdays and fridays oh surely you'd just be thinking give a saturday off and we'll just go right through on the mond on the wednesday and friday say saturday school is up till one o'clock and then you play sport matches in the afternoon and then sunday at 11 is chapel oh wow you normally play sport again in the afternoon what do you do on evenings so evenings you'd have dinner and then you'd go back to your boarding house where they would sign you in just check whether you're back in the in the house didn't do a runner and then you'd have prep for two hours he'd sit in your room and you would do i don't know your homework for the day and then you'd had an hour after prep and then it was bedtime oh my word that's sorry but that sounds like [ __ ] hell it was like it wasn't it wasn't um it i didn't know anything and i didn't know any better like yeah i i had been i went to primary school and then went to her at the age of 13. right and so it was suddenly put in this environment and you kind of have to adapt really quickly because although like there are great opportunities that harrow presented me um there were also some downsides like having 70 boys aged between 13 and 18 in a boarding house living with each other literally side by side for three weeks there's gonna be some problems yeah there's going to be like arguments disagreements and so there's a few that you learn quite quickly what to what to do what not to do my dad had been to the had been to the school like 30 40 years earlier my dad was a really really good sportsman he played for the kind of young england team in cricket and oh wow and rugby as well and so everyone knew who my dad was all the teachers oh wow when i first got there like oh fosh you are you matthews matthew's son i was like yeah yeah and so there was always almost an expectation for me to to go there and to be this like sporting god yeah my dad had been at this school that everyone had spoken about and are yeah no a disappointment and so i was i was okay at cricket so i managed to get into the first team for cricket and it was very much like an american high school if you're in one of the sports teams you are ipso facto cool right so i managed to get away with being part of the cool group even though i didn't really get on with them and right i haven't spoken to any of my mates from from school afterwards like none of my mates have got from school really two friends of mine are from from arrow do you if you if if we just sort of tie them all with the same brush and and we do call them posh everyone that goes there's posh do you get on better with posh people or do you get on better with like common mark like zach and jay i i mean more i very few of my friends are would be called posh right and again that's i mean it's not a problem but it's it's what happens like you get very much pigeon holed into a group of people and there are other people that you see um online or like i've interviewed them who are so incredibly posh and it's almost like it's their adjective like they kind of want to prove to the world that like they've had some i don't know they've had some things people say oh you're posh therefore you're a [ __ ] so therefore they've even run with that and they're like yeah no i am super posh got so many houses love horses mummy and daddy pay for everything and i think it's like a defense mechanism for them because they don't want to they don't want to kind of like i don't know argue with it or whatever so i'm i'm more i'm better mates definitely with with kind of people who didn't go to the private school kind of sector but right having said that there are loads of kids who went to harrow who were on scholarships who weren't from they were very very few but very few percent of the population are the kind of the imagination you would right the stereotype stereotype of a posh person do you do does it offend you at all when people call you possible it doesn't affect me at all because i know like i am like it's my background i'm not going to hide the fact that i am i am posh um and i for a long time but like at uni i tried to they're like oh you're this you're a posh wanker it's like well get to know me and then you can make that decision i think that that's what i've tried quite hard is that like have a chat with me yes i am posh yes i come from a very privileged background but then have a chat with me get to know me and then you can make a decision um and so i struggled with that quite a lot because i was like well i don't really know what to do or what to say but right actually i just kind of thought you know what look i can't change where i'm from yeah as long as i'm nice to people i treat people with respect then that's the most important thing i do feel like this the stereotype of the posh person they they often have to start on the back foot because people who aren't like we would we would probably like before i also quickly i don't begrudge that at all i don't i think that a few i don't think that's a bad thing because we are we've been so lucky in what we've had growing up so i don't think it's a bad thing that you should be on the back foot when you meet someone yeah i was gonna say do you not think it's kind of a jealousy thing though from like someone who's not seen as posh to come from a family very different do you think they get a bit arsey with posh people because they don't have the stuff they have i don't know because like we've i i'm i'm lucky enough to have done some crazy things in my life yeah and when i saw i'm not putting you in this bracket max but when i saw bobby misner's who is bobby video bobby bobby bobby portrays his posh sort of appearance and whatnot but i didn't once think oh i'm jealous of him he's got a house in san tropez i was thinking you're a [ __ ] but you're at an age that you can properly understand that now but if you were 12 and you saw another kid who had a way nicer house than you and stuff at that age it's a bit more like oh my god i don't know i don't know i think i am still quite ignorant to stuff like that like if somebody on the if there was a new politician on the news he was like oh today we're going to be doing and but then there was also somebody that spoke a bit more like me going today and they had the same policies i'd probably pretend to sway more towards the person that speaks like me i think it's just what you're comfortable what i don't know what you what you're comfortable with and it doesn't help when you have people like bobby piston running around like don't [Laughter] he sat in that very seat i don't know the guy i don't know the guy but when i saw that video i wasn't i wasn't on youtube i wasn't really doing youtube and i thought a how how arrogant is that be how insensitive is that and see why that's a great question because look that that was that was a perfect example of someone who has got wealth fine who didn't procure it himself yeah but is then like just discussing to everybody in the world that he did um well maybe not that he did but he's he's flaunting that well yeah and for me that like really really frustrated me because of having like knowing people from that background being from that background myself and having the access to some of the things that bobby misner has i just think it's so unnecessary and peacocking to be like guys look at me and then subsequently what has he done yeah if he wanted to do it to start a youtube career and then maybe prove to other people what he could do as a creator fine i looked through his stuff it's all just i saw him pop up in the jake paul armani house party in over the fourth of july yeah what are you doing there well that's what he said to us isn't it that he was wanting to become a creator and everyone didn't really did he edit that first video i think he's quite good at editing i'll give him that yeah yeah really fair i think i think he is because i think he i think that candyland productions might be his production company which i i don't quote me on that i think he is decent at editing and but i don't know it for a fact but every you're right the best question you ask is is why like every video he makes is a trailer yeah for his life for his life and i can tell it's not like that no it won't be like that i know it just it is it's just disappointing because i yeah i i kind of felt like look if you are going to be from that community that's fine you should ever hide who you are but don't flaunt it in such a way when you haven't even made it yourself yeah if you have done that like if you're a pewdiepie of this world and you suddenly become huge amounts of money completely your prerogative to do whatever the [ __ ] you like with your money it was like he was sat telling people to work really hard and achieve their goals when he's not worked hard and been handed it on silver no i'm a silver player that's probably one of the reasons why i started doing youtube because i was i i went through i did all the internships i got like got the got to sit on the desk at this incredibly prestigious like place in the city through a connection and this and that um and i just didn't enjoy it and so when i started i wanted to be a radio presenter right because that's where i start and then i kind of got into youtube but youtube i feel like it's such a meritocratic environment that only the best content if only if you make good content you only feel good at what you do do you succeed right there's a little bit of a chip on my shoulder definitely in that sense that i want to succeed on youtube because i want to prove to myself and other people who say oh posh people get everything that they get because they're posh and their families are wealthy yeah i've wanted to become sex successful on youtube because for myself to be able to prove okay look i've done this myself i've been able to break into an industry that doesn't matter who the hell you are yeah that's a very very long is your incredible way to put it because yeah being posh you don't have any advantage and if anything you have a bit more of a mountain to climb because the average joe is probably gonna think without knowing you i think you're a bit of a dick yeah and then when they get and then when they get to know you they can they can make their own well the whole of the internet is just about being relatable isn't it and if and i know i'm not really well i i know i can't be relatable than where i'm from but i hope i can be relatable in the conversations i have with people but you're you're very i think you're without being too blatant you're quite self-deprecating which is good like in a turn in the fact that you you know you're posh you're you interview other posh people and you kind of make fun of that stereotype which in turn you're making fun of your own stereotype which i then think makes you relatable to people okay does that make sense that makes sense and actually i the i actually that the possibilities are the the hates that i get the most oh wow because other posh people when i let sometimes meet people in the street they're like oh you're that bloke who takes the fish out of posh people but you're also posh or so almost as if you're trying to get me to say oh my god i am but that's what makes you most qualified for that job exactly i'm like who else is going to be able to do this yeah yeah you can't look like a prick doing it i can i could never disc deconstruct youtubers until i became a youtuber yeah do you know what i mean like yeah exactly so i i have absolutely no problem with posh people coming at me and saying oh you take the piss out of posh people you're all so posh i was like i know and also like if anything it just kind of helped well it kind of gave one of the reasons why i started doing the posh video is when the first posh video i did i went to the royal agricultural university in siren sester which is a farming um university and they have got like the real kind of stereotypical posh people because they're all they're all from farming stock right so they're not they all live in the country oh no that's really good stuff and um i i actually the reason i first went was because i wanted to almost pastiche posh people because i thought i saw the bobby business stuff i thought look these people have uh obviously they think that well i often feel that posh people do it because they want to get a rise out of people but i thought you look so stupid to everybody else so i went and did that video because i wanted to kind of say look guys you you can be posh of course i'm not saying don't be posh but like you can just be a bit more like i don't know i'm not telling anyone to be what they are yeah um to be a bit more kind of sensitive about what they what they talk about yeah there are other things going out there in the world and i actually got kicked out of there did you yeah i went in and uh i it was their big end of summer ball um and i went in just literally just parked my car around the back this is what harrow does give you gives you this kind of assumed confidence that you can just walk into somewhere right you're confident enough that you can walk in somewhere and just chat and you'll be okay so i walked in um and they were all kind of just making oh how you doing now super excited for this evening and uh i i kind of got there with a massive kind of like camera and a light and a microphone and luckily some of them had seen the videos before so they all kind of like came over and i was having a chat with them and just as i was about to leave i was about to do the intro and i saw i thought [ __ ] there's this i want to come to big security coming over to me um i hadn't done the intro yet so i thought i need to get this intro done outside the the place where they're all going into this party and so this guy comes over and goes uh there's probably he's like are you ready for the pie mate um yeah yeah i am he's like dude you know who's here i didn't know anyone so i just plucked like a porsche with my hands like ned oh he lives next door all right and he walked off it gave me 25 seconds to do the intro i had to do it in one take cause i knew that he was about to go and get the one of the teachers yeah professors who knew that i shouldn't have been there and i did the intro and then she was like i'm gonna have to ask you to leave like like please get out wow and i'm surprised that they haven't messaged me afterwards saying please can you take it down what grounds would they have for that oh you're just filming on their property maybe on their property i probably shouldn't say that's probably not going to come after me but it's the video the the royal agriculture university of sirencester video is the one video that kind of people say all the time oh yeah i watched your your video with the posh kind of farmers yeah so you see i'm i'm sure i've seen it but i can't pick it out because to me a bosch person is do you need to be rich to be posh no i don't know i'd i'd like because i don't know the origin of the word posh is that to be really ion i think i know it okay what do you think it is where's the name posh come from so it's a shipping term and it's poor outwards starboard home there you go are you impressed you've done research for the first time ever on this show no i haven't no i already knew it i think fiona told me okay yeah yeah i could yeah i think fiona's probably not she's not posh by any means but she's more that way like her mum and dad and my mum and dad they're like contrasting yeah i think a lot of posh can be seen purely in an accent now though yeah i work with people that people call posh when i first moved to bristol people called me posh purely because i don't talk exactly like a farmer but i do have a norwich twang so it's kind of like it's because i think the reason for a lot of people like when i when i go abroad a lot of people think that the norfolk accent is posh because we say bath we don't say bath and bath is quite a hard a like yeah i you know that psychic video i was telling you about um one of the ladies that i spoke to who apparently contacted my nan she um she told me that i was i was very upper class and i had a private education now if i go to norwich and i speak to my mates they're like you've got the worst norwich accent of anyone so it's it it's just all a perception thing isn't it probably from other people so answer your question i don't think i don't think it is like like one way or the other i don't think you need i don't i don't know what being posh is but there is obviously the accent element of yeah it seems to be the thing that makes people posh or not i think posh can be sort of boiled down to whether or not you have a roundabout in the front garden in which case that i'm not posh guys there you go confirm before we go to an ad break and um when we come back i really want to delve into max fosh content because if you haven't seen it guys um i've shouted out a lot on the on the youtube channel i'm a big big big big fan um we'll be we'll be delving into all your different series and whatnot but um just to finish on uh this half on a bit of a cliche i'm going to ask you some very quick fire kind of um council estate questions and see see this is going to be clips and i'm going to live with it they're not they're not but i was born i was born and raised on a council estate and i just want to see how max's mind works so okay um if you don't mind uh have you ever found porn in a park bush not a park but she found it in the park no but not in the person where was the park at school oh bloody yeah there you go i'll be talking magazine yeah magazine is almost like this like weird drug deal but with nuts so you would um this isn't going to make me sound any better but my school had a golf course right okay obviously yeah they all do and so there were benches around there and so boys would kind of like drop off magazines and you'd go pick them up really see see that's not too dissimilar to how we did it but 14 year old boy's a 14 year old boy and that's true we found a dildo once i didn't film anywhere i took it home and my aunt i was very young again i was like and my auntie made me disinfect my hands and put it in the bin good auntie uh have you ever played there's four games there we'll go for them quickly have you ever played rebounds uh yeah that's like you're kicking ball pulled against the wall yeah pretty self-explanatory yeah wembley singles yeah yeah that's fun like i'm falling in love with you slowly dog's ass no never played dogs you've never played dogs ass i'm sure i've got a different name for it it's the so when you play a game like uh wembley singles or headers and volleys yeah again the loser of that game gets the ball booter that there are oh yeah we call it bums oh that's a way posh away i'm saying yeah anyone up for a game of bumps i'm sure i'm sure there's a private school joke in there somewhere exactly the same thing but that's actually the main thing that we used to do at school was like there was a little touchsmacks come on the main thing we did was bums [Laughter] uh kirby yeah i i know that is but i've never played it okay um did you did you ever have a tag what i get like oh i thought you meant an electronic that he means a graffiti tag i didn't have a graffiti today i don't have an electronic prisoner i put a dildo in a bush let's just say somebody didn't want to play bums [Laughter] oh yeah my tag um thanks for asking was called uh that's what i'm here for it was called new craze what because i thought i was going to be the new craze wow yeah and then jack mate was born so i very much was in a way what are some uh what are some nicknames of people you grew up with people i grew up with because like i imagine like council estate is going to be like yeah what did you i had uh bubsy good good we had rolo walshy swampy it was literally just last names so i was just fosh foshi and then like obviously just like posh fish fish fingers what that was that was not after a particular instance um no no it was just literally just people's last names okay yeah we had that we i always found that anyone called lewis or louis you just called him by the last name welum moore just people i know now kennedy walshy was a lewis louis welsh that was why they called it louie she was like did people call him his name was louis wiseman ty but um that's quite tricky yeah so people just started calling him walshy because of louis walsh which was i don't know how nicknames come out no one ever called me my surname she should be calling me white all the time and that's quite weird yeah i get called though i've found that i get called my full name so some people just get called stevie or jack i'm always max far i think that's because both of your names are one syllable because i get called jack dean a lot i do yeah so jack dean max i think jack mate's taking that away from you yeah a little bit yeah yeah people get people get like you you know like people who are too cool to like your youtube videos like my football mates will be like they they they won't claim to watch them or anything and they'll they'll go oh jack mate um and then they go i don't mean like chat mate they get really embarrassed by it that's quite strange thinking about it i've never once said just your first name every time yeah i've always said max it's like a superhero's name it's quite good apparently at university there was a guy who saw my name on a list and thought i want to be friends with that guy that's a great name that's the only reason we got here that guy's now my flatmate oh wow that's how it works it works well what song defines your teenage years um tinchy strider or n-dubs there was a lot of end up cindy strider number one number one a hangover by tayo cruz or what about that one bloody hell um there's one uh lil wayne and millie when that's when i first read that i first said that i thought the ipod was broken a million minutes i was like these are not the songs we expected no what were you expecting me to say like god save england in jerusalem mine would probably be panic at a disco i write sins not tragedies i think the obvious is the killers mr bright side yeah yeah i love that but because i feel like the ones you named like n-dubs and that like i think n-dubs are like a bunch of cringe bags really and i feel like that's like just not slacking off but like that's what the that's what like a posh person would be like yeah no i like bloody end dubs like that that that would be the cool so that's why he's actually said i want a little way he's never heard her little wayne oh he is good okay i think we'll go for a break there and when we come back we'll be uh speaking to max about zach jay about all of his series on youtube and uh i'm sure we'll mention a meal deal at some point again come back after this guys welcome back to jackmates happy hour sorry about the first half spoke a lot about um meal deals that's just happy hour so you're apologizing for our show yeah that's testament to you actually max because when we have a guest that we don't feels like just like just like a pal just like a host then um [Laughter] then we uh we have to talk about them we feel compelled to but the fact that we've we don't want to talk about you the fact that we've been off your entire career [Laughter] it's actually a testament to you where uh what do you what how would you explain what it is you do because i've written down on mishi uh comedian presenter youtuber but how would you sum you up or how would you sum your youtube channel up for someone who hadn't seen it so my youtube channel is very inoffensive um lighthearted bingeable funny content hopefully there's no point for what i'm doing and there's not much point for most youtubers in the content they make that's very true but it's meant to be uh i i picked i picked people like kasim g back in the day he was my he's my eye mate tell me about it 100 and i saw that i started well this is when i started youtube i saw the format the interview on the street format i saw him do it he was an absolute god and i thought i reckon i could do it i can actually have a good stab at that and so i started doing the uh the street smart stuff um and so if i was to encapsulate all of it it would be um light-hearted inoffensive comedy in a nutshell yeah perfect california wrong what a series what the guy he was he was he was the first guy doing it yeah he was incredibly funny and he was just toeing the line then he went to the conventions and if you look at my like uh like beginning of my youtube like that's exactly what i did i did yeah street interviews and then i went to conventions yeah because i just saw kassam g and i absolutely loved him do you think cassim's because i haven't watched his stuff for years now because he hasn't really done much for years do you think it still holds holds its own now or do you think there's i think there's a lot of the jokes he makes are very problematic yeah that would be that would be considered problematic in today's world um i think as pieces of content i think still think they're really funny yeah they're not as sharply edited as you like see on youtube nowadays yeah um which i think you might know he might not be able to like hold an audience like he used to be able to um but he i think he made a [ __ ] load of money and then went works he had a production company that he sold right for seven figures eight figures really i heard that i read and that's why and now he's just uh he just does podcasting oh i i'm sorry i don't know why i'm surprised that you you kind of like used to love him because i see a lot of that in your content that is essentially what what you do is quick fire street interviews with the weird and wonderful kind of general public and actually i've always wanted to do a street smart on that exact place he did it on venice beach oh mural yeah so if anyone's watching uh casamg i will fly to california and do a video with you without you i i i i've been there a few times and it is one of the strangest places yeah i've been once i i um me and fiona stayed in a hotel right on that beach um i think it was called on the beach or something and uh there was a shooting outside our hotel room i mean right outside the door meaning we couldn't go back into the hotel let's go around the back which is very very different california dreaming have you always been because you're quite confident in in you're very confident in them have you always been confident or has that been something you'd have you've had to learn whilst doing that series yeah i think to go back to like from school like i said earlier it's something that you kind of get taught at school because you get thrown into these situations with older people with parents with teachers and events where you need to be quite confident you need to learn how to hold your own so i definitely would say i've always been confident but that wasn't enough i don't think to have made street smart what it is now that all came from my like presenting stuff that i used to do and and it took a long long time for me to kind of work out how this thing works or how i'm going to like portray myself fair enough what's your what's your aim with it the street smart stuff i don't know um honestly just to have fun yeah that's the honestly the aim that i have with all the content i make is just you have fun and have crazy experiences street smart's quite a lot like a much calmer version of billy eichner billy on the street billy on the street like the um american but i don't think you'd like it it's a very intense he runs up to people asks a question but it'll shout in their face they'll answer but then he's done it with celebrities he'll have a celebrity run around and ask questions with him oh did he do one yeah i think he then i think he's acting now so he's in he was an american horror story um but i i saw a few episodes of it some of them were a bit too much for me i was like taken back by it as like what like a fence offensive no just like it's very in your face whereas you're obviously a bit more relaxed um quick witted but he's just a bit like i'll shout at you go to the next person and shout at them oh right it's a game show called for a dollar so he will go up to like suddenly someone walking down the street in new york and right for a dollar um who's your favorite member of boyzone and these people are uh uh he's like two leg next off yeah and i've seen actually the uh i've seen on the video online the production crew what it looks like because obviously he just runs and so he's got two cameras he's got about four producers running with waivers like going up to the place i'm like can you sign this to me and so a lot of the places are like pixelated consent oh wow yeah yours is a lot more kind of relaxed yeah much more relaxed the i think the the appeal of yours is how you obviously very witty very quick and um you it's weird because you do it in a way that's not actually nasty but you do give the people some stick don't you i do a little bit i don't want to i don't want to if someone says something stupid yeah i will react to that yeah i don't want to make anyone look like an absolute dick in in like in response if people come to me and like rip me in the video i'll keep it in because it's funny yeah i don't want to have this idea that i'm going there to take the piss out of someone to really get them to look like an idiot that's not really my aim at all but it does often happen have you ever like offended anyone not really i've i learned very quickly so when i started doing i started doing it with uh uni so um i had the the beginning of like all of the youtube stuff was i wanted to do these street interviews and there was a society at the university called newcastle tv i was at newcastle and they were doing their own version and they like i said oh can i come be a presenter and they were like nah i don't think they said no it's like oh we're not really doing anything at the moment it's not really good time so i thought well hold on it's on the street i can just do it myself so i then set myself a goal of like doing five interviews five videos in five days of freshers week in my last year um i didn't know what to do with a camera or editing or anything like that um i didn't even know how to interview people what the best way to go about it was and every night i would film wake up the next day edit yes the last night post go out and film and did that for five days and that was a huge baptism by fire not only with like editing but how to talk to people how to get comedy out of people um has anyone got angry at me no because initially it was all with drunk people and i realized very quickly with drunk people that whatever you give them they will give back to you times 10. right so if you go guys how are we look oh god you out for a few beers can i grab a quick interview two minutes at a time then there's so much more conducive to it yeah and if you go home can i go for an interview then they'll immediately got the guard up and also the microphone is great it's really sensitive so i can say something under my breath and that's happened a few times have you um have you ever is that how you met zach and jay no so i i was at uni for my last year i was making these street smart videos outside clubs in newcastle another as you can imagine new cos there was an abundance of people to talk to outside nightclubs and i was also doing hospital radio stuff and i was trying to be a pro like presenter i was only on facebook i had about like 15 000 likes on facebook and i've seen your videos through the rounds on facebook yeah so they did they initiated the rounds massively because it was so much i learned it's relationship engagement so it's at jack oh my god have you seen they're outside this club yeah it's not exactly the content it's more like oh we recognize the place where we recognize this person so initially that's how the videos did well within the newcastle sphere because it was all like the bloke that you've shared the week before or the person you don't hate is in this video um so i was making those videos i'd done about 40 50 of them um i'd even i'd even done a tour around the the uk unis so i'd gone to different unis around the uk yeah i read that you did like 12 unis in two weeks yeah 12 years in two weeks and i would go i would film i would get in the car drives the next place wake up the next day edit the previous night film drive to the next place it was hell for two weeks wow absolute hell what what what was why why did you want to do that because i just thought there's something here i'd also i was also just graduating from uni unemployed i didn't know what i was going to do and i thought well let's just give this a real go yeah and i was expecting like to i was posting every day then there would be like real real growth on facebook and it would really do really really well nothing happened right it's like [ __ ] what do i do and then i moved into a flat and i walked past zach and i didn't know him he didn't know me i'd watched his zack also content for a long long time he just started the zack and joe show and i walked past him and i messaged him on instagram i said hi mate and i saw you walking in in shepherd's bush today um i'd love to be able to help out filming for you but what i realized very quickly was that i get we all probably get these messages youtube is quite a lot but i thought what value can i bring to him in this scenario so i was i was such a dick i put i've i've i make videos myself i've got 10 million views on facebook but i was really like pushing myself yeah and i thought nothing of it and then i went to bed and i woke up the next morning it was 8 30. i rolled over look at my phone and he'd replied and said can you get to the o2 arena by 9 30. and i was in shepherd's bush and it was literally one of those movie moments where you look at the look at the watch look at your phone look at the camera let's go so i threw on i didn't know what we were filming it's like to be to film for like zach and joe be so cool i was big fans of them yeah and i rocked up to the um other arena and they didn't tell me what was going on and i rocked up and they were being interviewed by the police and so my first meeting of both of them they saw me coming this guy with a camera that they'd met the day before my voice keeps breaking so i'm going through puberty and uh they i remember jamie just like you're out loud bit busy and talk to these coppers and eventually they were because they were doing a brand deal for red bull with us travis pastrana on the top of the um uh o2 arena like we walked up onto this dome having never met zach and jay before and sent a message within 24 hours i was on top of the o2 drinking champagne with travis pastrana this like legend of the x games world um chatting to them how are you guys doing like uh and like meeting like track to zack and jay moore then went for a beer afterwards and then we lived quite close to each other so we would become relatively we became mates we saw each other around and i would help film for them sometimes whenever they needed someone this is early days for them this was probably they were on about 30 40 50k as a duo right um and then they they called me up and they said we've got an idea for a video that we want you to be involved with are you keen and then fashion show fashion week happen i think we're going to dive into that aren't we so you were let me remember the names you were maximus bucharest from from bucharest this was this this was this character and zach and jay for anyone who doesn't know we've had him on the show before a couple of um lovely lads couple of youtubers don't want to say pranksters but maybe no i don't think pranksters but like they definitely formed a whole like niche of getting into breaking into places yeah so they got onto the the olympic gold medal winners bus or the medal in his bus and and and um zach got in conor mcgregor's dressing room yeah i don't know how you brand it but they're very very clever very inventive and um a lot of people nico myself have taken elements of their videos and putting it into our own so pioneers some would say and their biggest banger their most popular video today is um we faked the model to the top of fashion week it's currently on 17 million views that's mental that's only in youtube i can add yeah is there more on i met on weibo chinese social media it got about 75 million wow yeah and they can't monetize that again oh jesus christ and and in this video they dress up their friend is the most crazy model ever and they send him to paris fashion week london london first and then we did paris fashion week and you happen to be that friend i was that friend yeah so i got a call from zach saying um hi mate i want you to be in a video um don't ask questions um we're having a meeting about it later so i was like okay fine i'll come along and like i think my in my position i was on 1300 subscribers at the time i was on about 20 000 likes on facebook so i thought anything i could like be with these guys was really good exposure for me so i met them and they're like we want to break we want to we want to put a fake model and get them somehow to break into london fashion weeks i thought okay how are we going to do this so we met unfortunately they thought about this halfway through london fashion week so we had 48 hours to pull this off so all our plan was was to go to primark dress in the most ridiculous stuff go back to my flat and then like do something that was that was the extent of it like not like nothing more than that so we went back to my flat we bought some weird stuff with some weird glasses and and we we then got stuff that was lying around my flat so my mum had given me um a carpet or a rug for like my sofa that we then realized oh hold on if we pin it like this it looks like a dress i then had some i had some marigold gloves that i hadn't opened so we then just took them about how can we make this a bit weirder oh let's just snip the ends off so we'd like cut the ends of the fingers off um we also got we went to wh smith and we got fragile packing tape and you'd normally get and we thought what could we do with let's let's maybe like use the letters of fragile and get them to say something else so we then reordered them to say life rage gag and raw it's so stupid it's genius so stupid and then we realized okay how are we going to make a scene well paparazzi going to be around so we then got um we got our friend coco to come with us and she had a camera and then zack and joe had a camera so we walked to somerset house um in in london which is where it was all happening and it was the end of the day it was getting dark and then coco then started like flashing the camera like at this point we didn't know the name of the model we didn't know anything else we just i was just dressed oh wow you hadn't even come up with the name we didn't know what the name was um and so they were like so so coco started flashing the camera and started max max over here over here over here then zack started doing it or jamie started doing it and then the paparazzi just went who's this bloke and then just went mental so i was then standing um oh this was also great um we we got a see-through bag from from primark and then with the fragile packing tape managed to write the words my emotional baggage on the back good i like it and we had like a heart like an anatomically correct heart that we'd like bought from tiger um that was in there so i was just like standing there like being like a model um so being really rude to people looking really bored um and that's when zack had a photographer come up to him and he said oh my god who's this guy and i just blurted out it's called maximus bucharest from bucharest and so that's how the name stuck so that evening we went home and we thought oh that did all right and we then went on instagram and i was all over like the london fashion week instagram like street fashion like oh this guy maximus bucharest and so wow using that info we then messaged um one of the shows the next day like we've got this new model he's making a big scene um like we really think he should come to your show and they were like yeah fine here's two tickets so how is it that easy so then they they gave us two tickets um and i remember this is when we had a ticket so i knew i was getting in so i thought i can go mental i can look ridiculous and not worry about people telling me look at me like oh you look awful so at that point we then found plastic packaging tape that you get like these big bubbles yeah the air pockets yeah yeah and we then um safety pin them to my shirt they became like a collar of sorts and we got um zach had some some shoes from prison when he spent a night in a cell so zach brought us um some european grade prison shoes that i wore and then i wore pretty much the same outfit and i just kind of walked straight in but what's interesting is what what you don't know is that we when i was putting it together it was so intricate the safety pins that came out and one of them was digging into my back so it would come out of its guts it was one was in my back and i said to them on the team was like guys this there's a safety been on my back they're like oh it's fine and so i was generally quite like annoyed because i was in so much pain so looking around like people are asking me for pictures um who who you dressed as and at which point i thought who the hell am i going to be saying i'm dressed as so i thought well we got the fragile packing tape from w.h smith so i looked at what wh stood for so i just said i'm wearing walton henry smith oh so they bought it and so we did that video um zach posted it and i thought oh that that went quite well people were really enjoying it and then i suddenly got loads of messages on my instagram all in mandarin oh i was like what's going on here and there's one guy he spoke english he was like mate you're famous in china so what do you mean i'm famous in chinese like someone took the video uploaded like chinese subtitles to it and then whacked on wee boats their social media and it went so megalith 75 million people saw it in china i ended up being on the the like in the pakistani daily news um like it just went mad um and and yeah so that that's the story of the london fashion week wow what a story yeah it was amazing and then we tried to do it again what was before you get on to that that part what was um what was this you've got a story about some earrings oh so this was this was this was it the second time oh okay yeah right so we then thought right [ __ ] hell zack and jay got 17 million views my channel went from 1300 subscribers to 50k overnight um and that that very much put me on the path so we thought [ __ ] now guys we've got a gold mine here yeah so we then thought right well paris fashion week is coming up why don't we just do this but this time we plan it and we seriously like we get this done so we thought okay what could we do and there was a guy in the first video who'd given me a concrete block that he was selling and he called himself johnny concrete and he was this guy was hilarious um and so uh johnny concrete was a we found out was a furniture maker who made loads of furniture in concrete so we called up johnny concrete said johnny could you make a concrete dress he was like he was the most accommodating guy i was like let's see what i can do two days later he's like yeah guys i've made a concrete dress for you so we walked in and there was this there was there was this wearable piece of concrete he was based just a square so i put my head and put the arms out the side and just waddled around how heavy was that it was it was heavy like you couldn't wear it for more than 15 minutes right and and then with that a long way and that's all right so we thought we need two looks for max max was going to wear the concrete outfit but you also need something else because initially we were planning on selling merch with maximus yeah so we got a baby to point at a a word in the dictionary and we were going to make a whole like look out of that word yeah the word was perpendicular so that's quite the word which is a great word because those are angles and like perpendicular to you so we then thought okay let's make a t-shirt that has like the textbook definition of perpendicular on it we were going to sell the t-shirt and we were going to put it on this enormous um it was like a curtain that we got so i was going to wear this curtain with this t-shirt on it at 90 degrees so it was perpendicular and i was thinking after the first video it happened i was at one of these posh streets parties that my mum often has and one of her friends came up to me who's a jewellery designer quite a successful junior designer she's like kate middleton has worn her stuff before oh wow yeah like so it's like really big jewelry designer and she said to me um maxie darling um i saw your your first video you did with the fashion there's wonderful stuff um i i would love to i'd love to break china i'd love to get like my product out to china like how would you be able to do that it's like well i said i mean you could i mean could you give me some of your earrings that i could wear at the next video we're doing in paris he said yes okay that's fine so then i was before we left for paris i went into this jewelers in sloan square and she just like which which earrings would you like to to take with you i said well any yeah of course i was like those ones look alright so she took them i looked i looked them up and they cost something like eight grand these are these areas like proper diamond earrings and so we took these so we had the concrete block we had the perpendicular look we were going to paris now all i was thinking about was i cannot lose these earrings these earrings need to stay on me and so we had a plan of sticking the earrings to a toaster rack to make of course you did yeah to like make maximus bucharest look although he's got toaster rack on his face he's also wearing like eight grand worth of jewelry and we walked around paris now in paris different was london because paris they are very much more about the the chic side of fashion they like love suits they look very well put together so the wacky side of fashion doesn't really make a difference so we went to four or five shows and like did the same trick like maximus over here over here over here no one gave a [ __ ] no one cared who i was it was so demoralizing remember i was walking around paris in a concrete park that's probably the most demoralizing outfit you could have been wearing it was awful and it got to the point where it was also we realized the same paparazzi would go to the different shows because they knew exactly who they were looking for who they wanted to get pictures of so we were i was getting like like visibly laughed at and then eventually we thought our last chance is to go to balmat the big balm show now this was a big deal we thought okay how are we going to make a scene and we found in paris lying in paris this this perspex big like plastic sheet so you thought if i wear this perspex sheen i was we were doing this with another subscriber zack and jay who was parisian he's called max it was also called max right um so me and him we dressed up in these two outfits um if we walk up to the front of the baumann show where everyone's cueing all the paparazzi are under this like sheet that no one knows who we are that maybe when we take the sheets off they think we're these like really really impressive um models now remember i i then was then walking through paris with a perspex sheet over my head with eight grams worth of jewelry dangling from my face behind a concrete block and they whipped off the uh the the perspective sheet and just everyone was like who are you it was awful even worse is that there was a lot of policemen there in france as well because they'd had the paris attacks relatively recently so they went for a b-line for us they didn't know what we were they just saw two guys one wearing a concrete block and one wearing a really baggy curtain so quite rightly they like went for us and now if you look at if you watch the video and it's so funny because i'm walking there's a shot of me walking you can see a policeman going right for me he's walking straight towards me to come and have a chat at which point the other model max walks in front of me so he's the one who gets stopped by the police and i just walk off and then so so that and then we managed to keep the earrings and give them back but it was that paris trip was so demoralizing it or even worse actually the last day i was like right this max guy wasn't there so i was going to be wearing the concrete block again i got stuck in it so i did we did the we did the gym like we went outside one of these shows and no one took any pictures so i got quite embarrassed i just walked off down the street as if i was like making this big protest and then i just stood in the street and i thought right previously it needed two people to take this big concrete block off right so i i thought oh it's so hot i just need to get this thing off so i tried to like maneuver it off my body at which point i i physically got stuck in concrete and so there was there was at one point with just my legs i was sat on the floor in the paris pavement just my legs sticking out the top half just a concrete block um and i just heard this old dumb again which means something like can i help you in my like gcse friend was like [Laughter] 85 year old french woman like pushed like pulled a concrete block off of me and i was just like and she just walked up on a date sounds like a tgf video honestly it was mad and so after that like we've kind of very much like shelved matching speakers stuff because what a story that is so so so that video went up still didn't that video when i still got a million one like 1.1 million views just the trickle through from the first one yeah yeah but so was that because i can't i can't remember it i have seen it but i can't remember it is it was was it a fake could you could you piece the bits together to make a video or was it more i mean just a fail zach did a really good job with it but i think the message of the video was this was a failure right we failed him yeah we did do some mad stuff in the process i think there's a success in the fact that you even had the [ __ ] balls to do that i don't know where those balls came from those boys they can it's weird because i'm like a quite a goody two shoes like i've come from a school that like loves authority like i know like when i get told to do something and not to break rules i don't do it right but with them i'm something like yeah [ __ ] hell i'll just walk into a french like street with a concrete block of me i don't care i don't care what people think um how nervous were you sh the first one [ __ ] myself what the london one the london one yeah i've never done anything like this before you don't come across nervous you come across like you are like i thought um that was the first time i'd heard about you i think maybe i'd seen the street smart i hadn't put the two and two together and i was certain that after i watched that not only was maximus bucharest a character but max fosh was a character too because i thought it was the character i just thought it was so well done like you just you you look you're like flushed out like you're ready i've got a really red sheets it's one of like the main chokes that i have on the channel that's got red but you didn't look embarrassed that you're just you've got that kind of model stared down to a t like i thought they'd probably hired you from like i was honestly shaking myself i'd never done anything like that outrageous before like not only would it break any rules yeah hurting anybody but it's still to have that many amount of eyes on you oh yeah and then when i went in the show the next day like people were asking me like who styled me and like how like amazing i looked at that point i just kind of like winged it and just said bollocks wow well were you reluctant when they first asked you or you straight in he's like yeah i'll do it no i said i'll do it because honestly i'm sure they'll be happy for me to say that i wanted to be associated with them in some way like these guys were people who i'd like loved their content yeah and i thought well if i'm trying to make it on this platform here it's good to be in the room yeah yeah so being in a video there's cannot do any harm so that's the reason why i said yes in the first place but perfect and you've kind of taken that similar elements of that and and moved it over to your channel in terms of um like exp i i don't know just like outlandish content i guess like one of your most recent videos that i watched and enjoyed was your search for a stock image girl yeah brilliant either it was yeah one of the most probably the like video series i'm most proud of definitely how did you become a because i i think lots of ideas on youtube are kind of like remodeled ideas of somebody else's and stuff like that and i just like take whatever josh peters did the week before and do that but that that was just an idea i've never seen anyone do before how did that come into your head so at the beginning it was beginning a lockdown and i then realized i i've i posted a video every sunday for about a year and a bit and i was really on like we're doing really well with the schedule lockdown hit and i thought well my usb is large social gatherings and interviewing people at large social gallery so the banning of large those gatherings is quite tricky so i had this this frame in my flat and i'd always said to my flatmates like mate wait i'm going to find out who that is and i i initially plan on making one video because i thought it'd be really easy i thought i'd known that people it's uh it was quite a famous picture stock image picture and so i just thought right i'll reverse image search it i'll find out who she is i'll message her we'll have an interview happy days i then found out it was a lot harder than that so i went through so many like different bits of rigmarole to try and find out just anything about her um because she'd been in my flat for two years um and i've never been bothered to change out the picture so i so i i first reverse image searched it i then found out that it was on getty images as a stock image you could buy i then messaged the lead art head archivist at getty and said to mate who is this person he replied back saying how did you explain that without looking mental that was the hardest thing the hardest thing was trying to come across as like genuinely doing something because i was intrigued and i thought it was a bit of entertainment rather than being creepy yeah and so i can i don't begrudge anyone who didn't chat to me but yeah i thought it was mental um i i had a very like stock um kind of paragraph i'd spend about half an hour writing to try and convey all the different points so i spoke to him and he said we know who she is but we can't tell you legally and so that's so annoying it was so frustrating um at which point i thought i then found her you know my then posted my instagram audience someone from australia said oh my friend i think it's my friend because she did modeling around the same time i then spoke to her she then had a friend who worked on the producer at the early morning show like their version of this morning so i went on sunrise um talking about this and i didn't know how big of a segment they were giving me so they the classic they were like hey max um would you want to comment on the show for a bit to talk about this sierra situation do you want to come in for five minutes in jet and i was like yeah of course so they gave me the skype email and they're like just just call us we'll call you about farmers before you judy you want to hit it's no problem um and i was sat in my flat and it was obviously like 11 45 and they called me and it's a black screen you you don't see them but you can hear what's going on and so i was speaking to the comms guy in the news and then okay guys next we're going live in three two one and then i heard this two and a half minute like expose mini documentary about this whole story so then i thought oh my god this is a big piece that they're writing there's a big piece i ended up the segment ended up being like 11 or 12 minutes long oh man asking me questions like the first question he asked was um when i first heard this max i thought it was a bit creepy not dead creepy are you i was like what do you say no i'm not thanks very much no no i'm not australians or decks so i chatted to him for a bit and then a few people from my instagram following were like super helpful finding like bits of data within the picture like the serial number and so the serial number was um dv five nine blah blah blah and i then found out in 2005 which when the pictures said it was on getty digital vision and getty images did this big merger they bought like 20 000 images i thought right it's from digital vision um so i then found the old acquisitions director from digital vision he said yep i was actually on the shoot for that um for that particular picture and i know all i can tell you is that she's she's south african so at which point i was like okay here we go i then went on um a a website that does facial like it picks up um other faces that it thinks recognize on the internet and found this model called alana it was just had south african alana i then found a photo shoot she did in 2010 found her agents her old agents i emailed the agents they said yep that is our ex-client she hasn't spoken to us in five years but we'll see if we can reach out to her and they did and i honestly spent six weeks on this um and that's insane i then sent a letter to alana it's like look i understand this might be really weird and i don't want to pry at all but like this is something that my youtube audience is like being really got behind and um if i'd love to chat to you for five minutes and she just replied saying um no really don't talk to me after all she was like if um i know i all realize it's all fun and games but that's when you're not the one people are searching for i kind of feel like i'm in the hunger games um and i thought look do you know what fine for that that that's completely her progressive like i left that i finished the video there some people like like put in the comments oh this is this is stalking this is outrageous but i didn't think so because my my intentions were only good when she said please stop i then stopped yeah i finished up the story yeah um and so that's the story but i know now i know she's called alana that's it wow what a great story it's a sad ending though yeah yeah it is i was expecting us to then go on like australian tv yeah i honestly thought she could come to like my comedy gigs and i'll pay for her to tour the uk with me i was having illusions of grandeur but that's the kind of content you can expect to find on on the youtube channel max fosh so uh is it is that the is that the url i mean i think so just like whacking maxwell and you'll see you know you had easy instead it's fine there's there's loads of sort of big stunts like that which is really good which makes me feel like i need to do more than just sit in my room and it's like off youtubers maybe i'll do that next year i find a stock image come pretend it was my original idea i'll help what's what's happened now is that i've i've launched a series of that the special private investigator and so i've got people to send me in ideas and some of them been really good but now people honestly think that i am like the best detective in the world i mean that is you've made that you did well i mean that's very clever but i got a message from a girl saying hi max um i've recently just moved into a new house and there's a wardrobe that's been there and in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe there's a tiny scrap of paper that was obviously a letter that just says the words i'm the i'm like oh god i want to find out what they are i'm not a miracle that is impossible to find out who that person is brilliant you mentioned briefly there um your comedy gigs stand up yeah obviously something i always say i want to do but don't have the bottle but you've worn a [ __ ] concrete suit around paris i'm on downtown so uh talk to me about that how long have you been doing that so i've been doing that for um well i probably my first gig in december 20 2019. oh wow really recently i've been wanting to do it for a while because to go back to what you asked earlier what you want to do what's your plan like i don't want to just stay on youtube yeah although it's an amazing platform you've we've seen that people creators have like a 10 year shelf life if you're lucky yeah and you've got to constantly evolve and change up and so i thought i've always wanted to do stand-up i'd love stand-up from a young young age um i'd love to i'd love to do stand-up so um i the first time i was like right [ __ ] it i'm just gonna do it i'm gonna get the first one out the way so i didn't tell anyone was going i found an open night open mic night in dalston and uh i just spoke about i don't know like my school and what we used to talk about so we got what you know so i just spoke about like my school days um but i didn't tell anyone it was quite it was quite a rough place and to give you an idea the guy right after me came up huge guy absolutely enormous just said guys if anyone wants to heckle just know i'm carrying a knife that was his opening line and everyone just like i don't know whether that's a joke but i mean it's quite funny but also very intimidating so i did that for how did the first gig go i thought i killed it really did you get heckled no i didn't um i thought i thought it went okay it wasn't great but i just thought right i've just done that now yeah and uh then i then just started doing more and more um and i then very luckily i mean this is to go on a bit of a tangent um i also got lucky in the sense that i've always been a big believer of doing things that you don't wouldn't normally do or just don't have a bit of fun trying things that's how i got to radio presenting and then youtube and when i got down to london i thought i wanted to do something just once a week just to have a bit of fun i played five side but i love singing as well so i went enjoyed a choir not the most cool thing to do um but i joined a choir and i was singing away and in this choir i found out was um a comedy agent who represented stephen merchant and greg james [ __ ] him oh so i was like [ __ ] out like greg james is one of my idols yeah she used to work with ricky quite a lot right i was like oh my god anyway i did i didn't say anything didn't say anything and then she after about a year i started still doing street smart still doing the youtube stuff um then after a year she came to said max actually i've had a i've had a job that's come in that greg james doesn't want or not not right for him he can't do it for some reason do you mind if i put you up for it it was for marvel i was like yeah i'll do that and i got i got the gig oh wow that's presenting for marvel and then after she said actually you're not bad do you want to join a sign with me i was like yes yes i would so i said like like such a case of serendipity in luck just doing something for a bit fun meant that i had this amazing agent who who could help me and tell me where to go and she had a lot of um i said she said i think you should do again befringe i was like i agree i'd love to the end of a fringe and so i was meant to be in edinburgh in a week so i then curated a show from january february march and then lockdown happened and so i haven't kicked since that's phenomenal work though what a journey so far it's been it's been mad and it feels like it's all happened in the space of a couple of years oh completely and and i'm just like right in the way of just enjoying it wow so how have you find like writing actual structured jokes compared to just your offcuts kind of like witty it's hard yeah it's really hard and that's not really what i that's not really the kind of style that i'm going for my style is very much if you like your comedy is joe licets james veach bo burnham well bo burnham less i mean he's my comedy god yeah he's awesome yeah he's an absolute hero but james joe likes it in the sense that i'm gonna tell the story cause i'm i'm aware that the people's gonna come to the shows of people who've watched the videos yeah so i don't want them to come and then for me to do 60 minutes of jokes like so my wife right i don't want any of that so i've got a screen behind me telling stories i've got a whole segment of what it's like at one of my mum's posh drinks parties right absolutely yeah and so like do lots of stuff like that um so it's more story based yeah and i also do better when i went to the porn convention in vegas where i met um um vitali oh what was he like he was on so much cocaine that sums him up right i think we've had an array of guests on this show from youtubers with up to 10 million subscribers max i think it's safe to say you're at the start of your youtube journey you've you've done it a fair whack but i in turn i see so much potential in you i think the amount of subscribers you've got now around 220k something like that that is an absolute crime i think it's just going to go onwards and upwards and i think no matter these youtubers that come on that have tens of millions who who sit there and go yeah follow your dreams man yeah just get out your comfort zone a lot of them have got lucky might just be people they know in their friendship group whereas you are very much testament to uh to those kind of uh mantras and quotes about just sending zachary a message one thing led to another and you're here so very inspirational hearing your stories mate thank you very much thanks for coming on you're an absolute joy to spend time with and uh if anyone hasn't seen max's videos just whack in max fosh he's very big on uh on meebo was it meebo bibo no weibo he's got 16 friends before we leave a part in question um for series 4 of happy hour is what is the meaning of life friends oh that's lovely yeah it is are we friends now yeah i think we are yeah i mean i don't know i'm the one who's going to be like slated in a video in about six months time this has been jack makes happy hour he's been stevie he's been max and uh now we're friends i think we should go off a game of bums [Music] you
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 242,024
Rating: 4.9684715 out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, jackmate, jaackmate, jhhp, max fosh, maximus fosh, foshma, streetsmart, jaackmaate max fosh, max fosh posh, maximus bucharest, we faked a model to the top of fashion week, max fosh happy hour podcast, zac and jay max fosh, zac jay max, max fosh stock image, max fosh street smart, jaackmaate zac jay, max fosh full episode, happy hour episode 49, max fosh happy hour, max fosh podcast, max fosh jaackmaate
Id: LxwY63CioJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 2sec (4982 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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