Kristen Bell: "I Grew Up Thinking The World Was Black & White"

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when Dax came on the first thing he sort of wanted to point out about you two as a couple is that it wasn't all perfect at the beginning and and you guys went to therapy and and he described you guys as being so opposite I think he referred to himself seeing the world as full of wolves want to take things from you and you was the person who will assume that someone on the side of the road with a sign saying my family's in the van and I just need ten dollars for gas is someone that may eventually cure cancer and we better help them yeah yeah but is that I mean do you see yourself as an optimist or is that a fair description I think it's fair it's accurate yeah yeah and and I enjoy having that perspective I really genuinely like to look for the good in people it makes me a happier person and if someone has a sign on the side of the road that says I'm hungry and my family's in the van those are the only details I know about that person you know and then they may or may not be facts but currently I don't know anything else that may or may not be a fact so I always start with the face value and I yeah I really like to give people the benefit of the doubt because I also want them to give me the benefit of the doubt and I really believe in how you act to sort of your karma I grew up sort of in Pleasantville I grew up in a somewhat religious family and there you are given a very clear divider between good and evil and black and white and I again accepted that at face value I wasn't really ever taught to question things I just there were good people and they were bad people and drugs are bad and I just can't had all these categories of black and white and then when as we got to know each other he started bringing up stories about oh and I used to drink and then this one time I was just off the map for four days and I was like what what and then he talked about his drug addiction and then I intrude why reacted because it scared me yeah because I wanted him to be be good I wanted to put him on this pedestal I didn't want to have to grow up and start acknowledging that people are fallible and that people make mistakes and that everybody is very well-rounded and I didn't want to get rid of that idea of black and white and good and bad because it was an easy way for me to navigate the world and it's harder when everything's gray yeah and when you acknowledge that people make mistakes and people that have done awful awful things sometimes they deserve forgiveness and it scared me because I'd never really known anyone that had struggled with addiction I didn't know much about the disease and I didn't want him to be a bad person right you had to you had to change your system of thinking about people to accept him into your life or someone he is rapt rerouted all my neurons and the way that I think so he wasn't necessarily who I pictured I would be with when I was in my early 20s I thought I'll marry I'll probably marry a Greenpeace worker and I don't know maybe like a social justice like lawyer or something will save the world together and I mean I I married a hillbilly from Michigan which I desperately tried to write oh good Hillary you're smoking like a motorcycle racer and I'm lucky he has all his teeth you
Channel: theoffcamerashow
Views: 951,973
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Keywords: Kristen Bell, Dax Sheppard, Sam Jones, Off Camera, black and white, good versus evil, good people, hungry, wolves, facts, face value, benefit of the doubt, Pleasantville, religious, karma, acceptance, question, drugs, grey area, gray area, alcoholic, drug addiction, addiction, fallible, world, everything is gray, people make mistakes, forgiveness, disease, save the world, hillbilly, Michigan, teeth, crack-smoking
Id: Mp_2d1xnW9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2016
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