Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard on Kristen’s Sloth Meltdown (Full Story)

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and he did the sweetest thing for you because I know you love animals like I love animals and your favorite animal is the sloth tell me why it is the sloth it certainly is well because there's they're just so they're just because they're perfect because they're it's like combining a monkey and a pig with the brain of an earthworm and the reflexes of your grandmother and they're they're just they sort of just like yes onto something and hang upside down I just love their faces so much you've always loved them I've always loved them and I you you can YouTube videos oh there's a lot of them yeah they'd see them getting a bath see him hanging out in the wild they're so cute and so Dax did something really sweet he certainly did well one of the many sweet things he's done so I turned uh 31 this past summer and he said um I'm gonna get you a present that no one else will ever get in their lifetime and I was confused and thought okay so the day of my birthday we're sitting in the living room and I hear a knock at the door and he says your presence here why don't you go grab the dogs and go in the back room and I had no context for knowing what it was but I grabbed the dogs walk into the back room of the house and I immediately was overcome and I thought there's a sloth near there's a sloth here it's close it's gonna happen and I didn't know how to process that because my entire life had been waiting for this moment where I would get to interact I'm serious with the sloth and I first thing you should know about me if I'm not between a three and a seven on the emotional scale I'm crying you're crying if it's too sad I'm crying if I'm too happy always so between three and seven is you're fine it's a good zone and right now I'm at like a six nine seven so we're lucky that I'm not crying right now okay I'm so excited to be here so I am sitting on my bed knowing that a sloth is here where are you now on the scale 11. I start to have a full-fledged panic attack I don't I don't know how to compete with all this emotion so I just kind of crawl up on the bed and I'm crying so hard and Dax knocks on the door and he has a video camera and he's like surprise I want you to come on to the are you all right and and sees me basically fetal on the bed and I um I think you brought a little footage of that it's embarrassing I cannot wait to see it it's worth watching yes it's embarrassing so we can take a look oh there's a little sloth there one is all right let's watch the uh oh no absolutely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beautiful [Music] if you want to come be a part of setting up his little habitat oh my God I was having a birthday party later that evening and they had set up a little habitat of like it's essentially a jungle gym and he or she just hung out on the jungle gym for like three hours there she is her name was melon I mean I needed to be sedated clearly during that video well the thing about sloths that kills me is they're they're it's just like the it's the they're not cuddly yeah it's such a trick because you want to except for the one that I got for you today let's bring out it the cutest sloth no I just wanted to see [Applause] I'm so sorry [Applause] [Music] it was horrible you've already had a sloth you don't need another one all right okay that's fair enough oh wow we'll take a break we'll be back no sloth is going to be here we'll be back not only is she adorable and talented and everything about Kristen Bell is just I just love her so much the two of you together are a cute couple because you're both kind people she's been on the show many times this is your first time but Kristen Bell's the video of of you surprising her with a sloth yeah and then us then started a sloth industry it really did that people are now aware of sloths that never were aware you she was so excited that you were going to bring her a sloth yeah she really got pumped up yeah um you know luckily I had seen that level of crime six or seven times so I didn't think I needed to call help or anything but um you know what people don't know about this video is at that time it was nearly impossible to procure a sloth they're not on every corner like they are today no there were like two guys in the country that had access to a sloth and um they're very particular about what kind of homeowners insurance you have in case they attack somebody who I guess would have to be in a coma to not be able to avoid getting attacked by a sloth yeah oh yeah that sloth um it turned out so we go out in the living room and they've set up her little uh habitat right she's crying around on a broomstick very elaborate yeah it's a broomstick um I go this is a good looking sloth in the in the and the Wrangler said yeah she was in outbreak and she was in a film with Robert Redford and I said honey this gals had twice the career that we have it kind of outshined us at the birthday party like having Megan Fox is a bridesmaid or something was it a good idea foreign
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 120,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: omJ-545c1LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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