krafts with Karen
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Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 3,369,704
Rating: 4.9094687 out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator
Id: WvMLfvpbtvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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Funny enough, not only did she illegally make a short barrel rifle, she later admitted to cutting up the action amd reciver thus destroying evidence.
Around 3:40
I like Donut but at least cut the video down so people donβt have to sit through irrelevant things to get to what they clicked for
While making a political statement about her position on guns she cuts in half the barrell of an AR to 'destroy' it. Obviously without realising that she has created a short barrell rifle instead of damaging any essential components.
Presumably the weapon was disposed of safely after the video by someone who understands how.
I like Donut but I'm sure people don't want to set through the whole video. Idiot with the gun starts about 4:03.
This dumb bitch is dumb, and it's priceless that Donut reported her to ATF. I really, really hate ATF but this is one situation where I'll let them do their work and not call them dog killers. After all, woman butchered an innocent gun!
I live in the Tampa Bay Area and I can say without a doubt that Pasco county is Florida Man if it was a county. I'm very sorry.
These are the things I came to this sub for
Donut operator is a great channel
Why would we let people who obviously know nothing about guns make the laws regarding guns?