The Story of Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher

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I have attended UCMJ proceedings in the past, and aside from any case facts, the GOV very clearly has massive structural advantages with respect to bringing charges and controlling suspects. The video suggests that the UCMJ lacks some critical due process protections, and I think that is true. It is something that Congress should review and change.

It's pretty obvious that once the charges regarding posing with the corpse in pictures were dismissed, that this case should have been dismissed in its entirety at that point. There are no bodies to examine and very little useful physical evidence. A fair prosecutor would determine this rather quickly. The reality is that the defense is so disadvantaged in this process that prosecutorial misconduct like this stands unopposed.

This case is nearly as ridiculous as Jussie Smollet's fake hate crime hoax on its face. 1.Accuse a decorated SEAL CPO of "murder" in Iraq several months after the deployment ended. 2.? 3. Justice!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/froggy184 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bro. That dude being in shackles is a disgrace.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/luckharris πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This shit speaks to me as I’m facing GCM for something similar. No body- no proof- a lot of lies. Charges referred by people that already took my rank and tried to sit on a deal praying I’d take it.

Rubber stamped by an admiral that was assured by his SJA that β€œwe got him.”

Command kicked me to the curb and no one talked to me for well over a year until I got a new OIC.

This has ruined my name and added so much stress to my family.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Victorious10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I posted similar thoughts on prior updates but my light perusing of this case brought up the same flaws of logic that donut eloquently mentioned. I’m honestly a little confused as to how they seriously think this would be in anyone’s best interest and why the fuck this hasn’t been thrown out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Calls_Out_BS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm really curious about the comment that junior SEALs said he was "overly aggressive". I just can't see a SEAL saying that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlankFace45 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi everyone donut here a few weeks ago I was browsing Instagram and a little something caught my eye the extremely popular bowhunter Cameron Hanes whose name you might recognize from several episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast posted a picture of a rugged looking warrior with a pretty decent mustache across his eyes was hashtag free Eddy in the caption underneath the photo Haynes stated that this is a case the president should be involved in and he believes many people on the internet are looking at this as guilty until proven innocent Payne states being charged for war crimes on the battlefield against Isis seems beyond comprehensible however for the highly decorated Navy SEAL chief with eight combat deployments this is his and his family's tragic reality Cameron Haynes didn't exactly state what the chief was being charged with but the comments over this whole situation were pretty heated I don't think they just hand out war crime charges like candy we're not trying to be like Isis ever heard of the Geneva Convention golf this is actually real pretty to support blindly hundreds of people in the comments we're arguing about the legality and the morality of what the seal chief allegedly did so naturally I had to investigate myself so the first time I saw this picture I don't know if anybody else thought this but he kind of looks like Frank Gallagher from the show shameless if Frank stopped smoking meth and started shooting terrorists I was pleasantly surprised to read that his name is actually Eddie Gallagher and down the rabbit hole I went first up who is sill chief Eddie Gallagher and he joined the Navy in 1999 as a corpsman which is basically just a medic who's loaned out to the Marine Corps to hand out fresh socks and motrin sometimes crayons in 2000 he went on his first deployment and shortly after 9/11 he somehow finagled his way into marine sniper school becoming the first non marine to ever graduate the grueling training in 2003 he went on his second combat deployment to Mosul and returned back home for a little bit before going to buds and becoming a Navy SEAL before his third combat deployment he attended 18 Delta medic school which is kind of hard from what I hear between 2006 and 2007 he went on five combat deployments as a SIL medic sniper and eventually platoon chief in total he went on eight combat deployments in his naval career earning two Bronze Stars with V for valor Meritorious Unit Commendation Presidential Unit Citation two Navy Commendation medals three Navy achievement medals one with V for valor and for good conduct awards before we go any further though we need to talk about sources this is super important I'm gonna be cross-referencing as much as possible to try and nail down what might have happened whatever one to remember something and it's kind of the point behind me making this video is we're in the United States of America which means you're innocent and tool proven guilty something that the internet doesn't understand we're gonna be taking a look at the information I've spent the past week gathering this includes info from the Navy Times several major news sources chief Gallagher's friends and even his wife Andrea I am going to be using a little bit of information from the journalism website tasks and purpose even though they put out articles like why do so many recent veterans dislike police officers which has no factual basis other than one SF guys saying hey if the police are gonna be using military like weapons they need to train with them not to mention I put up an Instagram post about Chief Gallagher asking everyone's opinion and a task and purpose Ryder got on there and put don't admit your murder after being cleared on the national interview even OJ knows that and he's not even talking about the same person I'm talking about he's talking about the green beret guy that killed a bomb maker those comments were quickly deleted so what has happened the past year to Chief Gallagher NCIS launched an investigation into chief Gallagher and several other seals in April of 2018 several months after their deployment to Mosul had ended around this time Eddie was back home preparing to retire after putting his twenty years in in June of 2018 the Gallagher family home was raided by NCIS dudes while Eddie's two sons 18 and 8 years old were the only ones at home NCIS ceased hard drive cell phones computers electronics pretty much anything they thought would be useful in an investigation against Chief Gallagher on September 11th of all days Eddie was arrested while receiving holistic treatment for a traumatic brain injury he had to receive while smiting terrorists here's a little thing you may not have known about the Uniform Code of Military Justice which is the military's rulebook it's their laws they don't have a bond process if they want you to stay in jail then you're gonna stay in jail and that's what they did to Chief Gallagher he stayed in jail for two more months until November they held an article 32 for him by civilian standards this is the preliminary trial in an article 32 the judge hears from both sides and decides whether or not this should actually go to court-martial which is the trial so what exactly happened at the article 32 hearing for chief Gallagher according to news sources who were inside of the article 32 hearing only one person the entire time took the stand to testify against Chief Gallagher that was NCIS Special Agent Joe were Pinsky he stated they had taken the sworn testimony of nine members from Eddy's platoon who were operating alongside him in Mosul when the alleged war crime took place none of those nine people were at the article 32 hearing to be cross-examined by Chief Gallagher's defense Eddie's defense was told that they were either unavailable or they had invoked their fifth minute rights against self-incrimination so now you got a bunch of guys who were saying chief Gallagher did something wrong who aren't at the article 32 to say what he did wrong because they might have done something wrong let's go over what we actually do know leading up to the events where there's a few sides to the story back in 2017 during chief Gallagher's last deployment ever before retirement Iraqi forces called in an airstrike and obliterated a 30-plus man group of Isis fighters that they had been in a firefight with for several days one fighter estimated to be between 15 to 17 years old was the only survivor the survivor had been shot or taken some shrapnel to the legs or both either way he was in pretty rough shape with an Iraqi journalists interviewed him even though the interview is on YouTube I will not be linking to it and I will not be showing you here because it just gives YouTube another reason to delete this video and strike my channel if you want to watch that video you can go to my Twitter I'll post a link of it there now here's where the story gets a little muddled NCIS was told by three witnesses that Eddy just walked over to the injured fighter and started stabbing him in the chest in the neck other sources state that Eddy might have poked him with a knife but he was probably poking him to do an emergency crike crike being an incision made into the neck to allow breathing so that they could keep him alive to gather more information or Intel from him to kill more Isis people we're gonna stomp right there and I'm just gonna point out an inconsistency that I have noticed in the story NCIS agent Joe were Pinsky stated at the article 32 that chief Gallagher stooped over the Isis fighter and started slicing through his pants my question is did he just want to take the guy's pants off before he shanked him with news reporters Iraqi officers fellow teammates standing around he just cuts the fighters pants off and starts stabbing him I spoke with Ryan Bates Instagram handle frogman 53:26 who went to buds with and deployed with Eddie before he told me it seems pretty unbelievable to Eddie turned into a bloodthirsty [ __ ] in the last deployment he ever did and then the platoon let him complete the whole deployment and then charged him six months after they got back in CIS travel to Iraq in October of 2018 to try and find the Isis fighters body that chief Gallagher had allegedly stabbed and they were unsuccessful at finding it but while they were there they interviewed two high-ranking eye a key Special Forces officers the general stated that Eddie was very professional a hard worker and was more proficient in his job than any American had ever worked with the Iraqi Colonel stated that he was the one who brought the wounded Isis fighter to the sills and that the guy didn't have much life left in him due to being struck in an artery he went on to tell NCIS during the interview that the sills worked on him for a long time then the guy died from being shot all to [ __ ] so he and the other Iraqi officers packed up and left he said chief ed would never do this and why kill someone in front of so many witnesses the Iraqi general stated chief fed was long in the service very experienced he was hard on his men and responsible for them they were very young and inexperienced chief ed is experienced in war from lots of time in Afghanistan and Iraq and he is very good chief ed was very good with all weapon systems especially the anti-tank rocket he is the best chief he was very strict with his men he was an [ __ ] to them like I am an [ __ ] to my men because you have to be as a leader he was very aggressive and hard on his men never wanting to stop working or take a break chief ed never wanted to stop and he worked all the time so why did the general throw in that last part about him being hard on his men remember when I mentioned there were nine other people and chief Gallagher's platoon who were testifying against him at the article 32 hearing but weren't there because they were invoking the Fifth Amendment rights chief Gallagher's wife brother and closest friends tell a different story on the website Justice Freddie calm under the injustice there's a section entitled the back story no one wants to talk about chief Eddie Gallagher and his family suffered in silence for well over a year at the hands of a mounting whisper campaign started back in late 2017 by a small group of disgruntled members of Chief Gallagher's platoon who had been called out by chief Gallagher as cowards and he's on deployment who were unwilling to keep up with his demands as an aggressive team leader in chief from what chief Gallagher's brother has been saying in interviews on Fox and other news outlets is that chief Gallagher had sidelined some guys because they said that they were in fear for their life and that's when the whisper campaign against him started to summarize what happened after the whisper campaign started according to chief Gallagher's friends and family silting 7 command approached the junior sills several times and asked if chief gallagher had done anything unbecoming while on deployment and they said no chief gallagher held a three hour long meeting with the junior sills who had minor grievances ranging from you ate my cookie butter too you were too aggressive the head prosecutor for the case officer Christopher's a plaque later commented on the being too aggressive part during the article 32 he stated the chief Gallagher was a stern disciplinarian that included forcing another sil to shoot a carl gustav recoilless rifle nearly a dozen times in a 24-hour period a SIL chief telling another SIL to shoot a rocket launcher of Mines that's fine it's inconceivable none of these opposed war crimes were brought up during the meeting since chief Gallagher was named the number one chief of the number one SIL platoon he was awarded a spot at trade afraid it is where sills go for their work ups before deployment so that they can learn from sills who are just coming back from deployment since chief Gallagher did so well and clearing out Mosel they wanted him to teach other sills who were about to deploy their how to operate like he did according to justice Freddie this is when the disgruntled sailors who were going to go through trae debt and once again be under chief Gallagher circumvented the entire chain of command and went straight to NCIS with their accusations of war crimes in April of 2018 I spoke with Andrew Arab Ito longtime friend of chief Gallagher and fellow Navy SEAL he told me Eddie called out some of his lower enlisted for being cowards and not wanting to take the fight to the enemy from there they were looking at every opportunity to get him back or get him reprimanded because they were but hurt after they got together and accused him well after they returned from their deployment they even brought up accusations such as he took what he wanted from the care packages and stole power bars etc from the care packages before they were able to take them extremely Petty and stupid [ __ ] to care about but hey we're reaching to try to make him look bad he was going to get a Silver Star and they didn't want him to so these are the accusations of murder they brought up when they found out about that some of them have since changed their stories it's all hearsay from others and their stories all conflict NCIS has always overstepped and built their careers off of trying to bust special operators as well as CID in the Army they are used to dealing with such small [ __ ] this type of thing if they can get a conviction whether there is evidence or not they don't care because it builds their careers and makes them relevant NCIS has a massive conviction rate because they do not have to follow any due process and now since this has happened they have even changed some of the guys statements against Eddie the UCMJ and rules of engagement the NCIS uses against soldiers as a whole needs to be revisited and each separate incident needs to be looked at subjectively andrew also wanted me to mention if people want to support Eddie and help them out you can get shirts off of his website half-face blades comm so asides from the Isis combatant who died what else is chief Gallagher being accused of aggravated assault for shooting a mil noncombatant aggravated assault for shooting a noncombatant female discharging a firearm at non-combatants discouraging other seals from reporting him using painkillers and possessing suit and on 250 which is testosterone the Navy Times stated the NCIS agent where Pinsky was told by several sil that the chief often missed due in part to a poorly maintained rifle and they didn't tell him because they thought it was a way to protect the civilians this is another thing that I personally don't understand this is a guy who's been a sniper for the better part of 20 years he started his entire career out at the Marine Scout Sniper school he demands excellence from his men in combat to the point that they complain and his rifle is so jacked up that he's missing shots he was also charged with taking pictures next to the dead Isis fighter during a re-enlistment ceremony but those charges have already been dropped the lead prosecutor commander Christopher's a plaque stated in his closing argument during the article 32 that chief Gallagher handed Isis a propaganda manna from heaven and that he tried to kill civilians so that he could beat Chris Kyle's body count chief Gallagher's defense responded well where's the proof that he shot those people you know where's the bodies is the only proof the word of other people who are disgruntled towards Chief Gallagher the defense also added that the testosterone and the painkillers were both prescribed to chief Gallagher the judge ultimately decided to send it to court-martial just like the civilian world the next step is an arraignment where the defendant enters his plea they also decide at this point that chief Gallagher should stay in jail come January 4th 2019 after being in jail for four months he is finally arraigned [Laughter] Eddie during the arraignment several sills testified on Eddie's character testified how good of a silly was and the prosecution still were sticking with the story that he was a callous murder who stabbed an innocent teenager chief Gallagher entered a plea of not guilty and they decided that they're still gonna keep him in jail and miramar until his trial slash court-martial On February 19th let's talk a little bit about military courts while we're here Timothy parler a former Navy officer and trial attorney wrote an article entitled case against Navy Scylla reveals flaws in the UCMJ he does a pretty good job at summarizing how this whole process works and how you can kinda see there are some flaws and how court-martials in the UCMJ operate imagine an employer being the only woman who decides if a person will be charged with a criminal offense the employer is not a lawyer and has no experience as a criminal investigator this employer can drop charges or pursue charges despite the abundance II or even lack of oh and the prosecutor and members of the jury also work for the same employer parla tor states that under the Uniform Code of Military Justice decisions to prosecute felony cases are not made by professional prosecutors but rather by Admirals and Generals the employers whose primary concern is in the best interest of the unit and quite often in the best interest of their own careers he goes on to say in the case of Eddie Gallagher charged with the murder of an Isis detainee there's little to no physical evidence of guilt there is no autopsy our body to show that a murder even occurred instead the case is built solely on the claims of a few junior sills who did not report the alleged incident for months and only started making claims after chief Gallagher reported them for cowardice in combat and genuine concerns over their ability to perform the mission basically he's saying how is this even going to trial when you got no phantom bodies I spoke with Ryan Williams also known as Invictus 53 26 on Instagram who was actually one of Eddie's buds instructors years ago he told me that he absolutely believes prosecutors overreach in order to get convictions in cases like this he also told me that NCIS were a bunch of whiny nerds let's take a look at another story that I found on the Navy Times entitled the Navy's top lawyer unlawfully scuttled a SILS case in a landmark decision Wednesday the military's highest court ruled that the Navy's top lawyer Vice Admiral James W Crawford the third illegally meddled in the case of a SIL accused of rape that's a three-star Admiral that was just accused of illegally meddling in a Navy SEALs trial what had happened here was Navy SEALs dishonorably discharged and put in jail for three years turns out that all Admiral Crawford here politically pressured the Admiral who was presiding over the case into finding the sill guilty this is the guy that is over the entire Navy's justice system guess what he's also been accused of illegally meddling in the case of four SEALs who were being tried for war crimes in another case where a buds trainee drowned chief Gallagher's wife keeps saying a broken system yields broken results well a lot of this looks really broken we can all argue in the comments about what we think is wrong what we think is right what we think chief Gallagher did in Mosul but the truth of the matter is none of us were there as I said he's pled not guilty to all charges and his trial will be on February 19th in San Diego I will leave a link to every single source I used in this video in the comments below if you'd like to do your own digging or research please let me know what you think about this case in the comments below quick shout out to a big sponsor of mine milk or where I get all my supplements and vitamins from you can find them at milk or calm and if you use the code doughnut you get 20% off your order I swear to god their cake batter protein is the best tasting protein shake I've ever had so go ahead and check them out and please everyone have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 2,439,269
Rating: 4.8937306 out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator, navy seal chief, navy seal, chief gallagher, navy seal chief arrested, navy seal arrested, navy seal chief gallagher arrest, arrested, navy seal chief war crime, war crimes, navy seal warcrime, eddie gallagher, eddie gallagher seal, navy, seal, chief, warcrimes, seal arrested, navy seals, military, seals, united states navy, edward gallagher, us, united states navy seals, news, us navy, us navy seal, charged
Id: qFe-n4Eu6Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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