KONRAD CURZE - Night Haunter | Warhammer 40k Lore

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it has been said by the tacticians throughout the ages of mankind that no plan survives contact with the Enemy I do not waste my time countering the plans of my foes brother I never care for what they intend to do for they will never be allowed to do it stir within the hearts the gift of truest error and all their plans are ruined in the desperate struggle merely to survive the sons of the emperor would all shoulder a burden during the years of their infancy raised on feral feudal and even death worlds each Primark would be molded by the environment to which he would grow yet it cannot be denied the lot of some primarks would be starkly worse than others for not all the emperor's offspring would be fostered by kind or benevolent fathers for today we shall elucidate the creature born of crime murder and spiked the night Haunter of Nostromo Conrad kurz of all the primarks of his Imperium the child of the eighth Legion would be raised on the most inhospitable and wretched of worlds the world of Nostromo would be coated in Endless Night its lullabies of the screaming of the murdered the only Solace for the inhabitants of the world saving the knowledge that another had died in their place that night the nostraments would live in an existence steeped in violence depravity and lawlessness the Primark of the eighth Legion would descend upon the planet his gestation pod crashing through its polluted hide of the planet's largest city Nostromo quintus burrowing through the urban architecture the gestation pod dived into the planet's crust and halted near the liquid molten core of Nostromo born into a world of Darkness the infant Primark would claw his way to the surface through the scar carved through the adamantium and mineral-rich Earth reaching the surface the child would be confronted by a crazy inhabitant of the planet seeking to consume the child for his ripe fresh meat the First Act of the child would be to defend himself from the murderous intent of his first contact with Humanity slaying the would-be cannibal the child would swiftly come to realize the Twisted morality of his planet Nostromo was a world drenched in despair with no Authority or power capable of culling the malevolent and desperate criminals of the planet poverty would be Rife within the planet Society with its main productivity derived from the world's mining industry allowing the tormented populace to eke out a humble existence the minority of the society would grow bloated with wealth and exploit the Lawless underhives and their overpopulated peoples with no soul on the planet willing nor capable of adopting the young Primark the child would survive alone his wits and instincts allowing the Primark to survive of the Vermin and carrion of the planet within the darkness plagued by visions of a future he did not comprehend the Primark would begin to forge an identity befitting his dower and nihilistic existence the night Haunter the feral scavenger of Nostromo would begin to form a reputation among the populace sightings of an uncanny presence Atop The roofs and slums of Nostromo quintus would abound with Tales of a monster preying on the most dangerous of society the screams of the night haunters victims are bombed to his anxieties and dreams of countless dead upon unknown worlds shaping the primark's personality isolation and Nightmares would be his only allies within the Shadows of the abandoned derelicts to which the night Haunter would rest yet with time the Primark of the ape would grow in both stature and infamy until the entire planet knew of his deeds disgusted at the criminality of his Homeworld the night Haunter would hunt the delinquents and Felons of the hives consuming the brain matter of his victims the night Haunter would digest the populace's language memories and sins due to his homophagia organ and the Primark would experience firsthand the depravity and weakness of his people second at the Deeds of his homeworld's people the night Haunter would enact his own dark crusade to purge or crime from the planet merciless and Savage in his dealings the night Haunter would Purge the world of slaves of the populators most revered and notorious criminals the tales of the avenging Specter of the planet would be hushed by the civilians within the hives and it would not be long until the gangs of Nostromo would banned together to hunt the creature down slaying any who would attempt to end his Crusade the night Haunter would leave a sole survivor of each failed Battle severing their hands and gouging their eyes the survivors of his wrath would return to their masters bearing a simple message I am coming for you instilling Terror within Nostromo the night Haunter would slowly erode and silence the corruption of the ruling Elite leaving their hanged bodies atop the hive's highest Windows often maimed and flayed in horrific displays within a year of his reprisal crime would cease confronting the rulers of the planet the night Haunter would make a simple demand obey the law of the night Haunter or be judged cowed by fear the nostromans would relent and allow for the Ascension of the so-called dark King to rule their world the first monarch of Nostromo would diligently work to restructure his fiefdom consuming the planet's historical archival knowledge with ravenous hunger and murdering the last remaining criminal elements within the hives it would not be long until the night Haunter would dominate the populace completely ruling with Temperance unheard of by nostradaman standards the civilians would share their wealth equally among themselves for should they earn too much they would fear reprisal from their dark King within months the planet's fortunes would abound the fear instilled within them progressively allowing for years of prosperity and industrious toil broadcasting the screams of his final victims across every home of the world as a reminder that none would Escape his Justice the dark King had achieved his goal of total obedience for decades the night Haunter would have no need to hunt prey for none would identify the will of the dark King yet with the arrival of the emperor of mankind to the planet nostromo's future would be sealed by its own prophecies that the emperor would cause their downfall for seeing his father's eventual reunion the night Haunter would prepare upon the emperor's arrival the inhabitants of Nostromo would be unable to look in the direction of the being of gleaming light the so-called delegation of light would see the populist weep at the arrival of the father of their benevolent dictator and blind any who looked directly upon his Visage met by the primarks roguel dawn logar aurelian Ferris Manus and fulgrim the night Haunter would Envision dark portents of each of their futures meeting the Emperor of mankind the night haunt her would be overwhelmed by a vision so terrible he would sink to his knees and attempt to claw his own eyes from their sockets ending his torment with a touch of his hand the emperor would utter be it peace conradkers I have arrived and I intend to take you home submitting to the Emperor of mankind the night Haunter would refuse to adopt his supposed name given by his father brought the holy Terror to study the doctrines of the legiones Estates under the tutelage of The Phoenician fulgrim Conrad kers would with time be installed as the leader of his Legion naming them the night Lords the eighth Legion would quickly become synonymous with brutal and decisive victories a humorless yet efficient Army the night Lords would employ torture Terror tactics and merciless persecution of any dissenting opposition yet with the absence of the night Haunter his Homeworld of Nostromo would descend once more into rampant criminality with his absence claiming the nightlords to be nothing more than murderers gifted with the strength of Godlike beings the noble of Nostromo would Rebel Conrad kurz would regard his sons in a similar manner seeing them as unworthy yet necessary tools to bring compliance to the lawlessness of the Galaxy believing peace could only be achieved through methods of instilling Terror within non-compliant Worlds the night Haunter would slay his own legionaries should they Delight in the act of Mutilation and Slaughter for their own personal gratification instilling within his Legion that such methods were merely tools to achieve peace curse would be disgusted at his son's flagrant degeneracy bringing worlds into compliance through many atrocities though his brother primarks would decry his methods curse would maintain that his actions though harsh would allow for the least amount of bloodletting hypocritical in his own enjoyment of inflicting pain onto his victims the night Lords would only disguise their enjoyment of their craft from their Gene father their Sinister nature left unaddressed by their Primark due to the constant harassment of his own visions of the future the nostraman recruits to the night laws would further exacerbate their Legions downfall as each initiate would Encompass their homeworld's descent back into delinquency the rot had been set within the eighth Legion and with the preponderance of the Legion now born of Nostromo and its culture the downfall of the night Haunter would be inevitable tormented by visions of betrayal and fratricide the night Haunter would delve further into the clutches of Madness confiding in his mentor fulgrim the Primark of the third Legion would relay the night haunters mad ravings to the Primark of the Imperial fists rogal Dawn incense that the slight made against his Brethren and the emperor Dawn would confront Conrad kurz found unconscious with deep gouges left in his torso the Primark of the seventh Legion would lay at the side of conradkers weeping and racked with guilt kurs would be imprisoned for his assault of his brother as the primarks discussed the means of how to deal with their brother the night Haunter would Escape his bonds and slay the Imperial fist huskars stationed to guard his Chambers escaping with his Legion the night Haunter would travel to his Homeworld to seek solace yet upon arrival to Nostromo conradkers remaining sanity would break jury 984 point m30 the night Haunter would discover the fate of Nostromo once more corrupted by ceaseless crime the Vengeance of the Primark of the eighth Legion would be unequivocally merciless firing laser bombardments into the Rend in the planet's surface originally made by the Primark cessation pod rostromo's molten core would detonate with Imperial Pursuit graph sent in the wake of rogaldorn's injuries witnessing nostromo's destruction the depravity of the night Haunter would soon be relayed to the emperor recalled to Holy Terror Conrad kurz would answer for his crimes explaining to the emperor that his actions were Justified curse would accused the Imperium of hypocrisy in their own dealings of bringing worlds into compliance and utilizing exerm and artists to any who would deny the Imperial truth his excuses would not satisfy the Judgment of the Imperium and as a result the Imperium would deny the eighth Legion supplies to their dominions and banish them from the Forefront of the great Crusade yet despite his punishment kurs would seek Vindication for his actions and soon an opportunity for Revenge would present itself the Horus heresy perpetrated by the war Master of the Imperium or as lubrical would coincide with the prophesized visions of the night Haunter believing his Visions to be unchangeable the Primark of the eighth Legion would surrender all responsibility for his actions and side with the traitor war effort choosing to enact his Vengeance against the emperor Conrad kurz would lead his men to the battle of eastvan 5. aiding the traitorous portrayal of the loyalist forces of the iron hands salamanders and Raven guard the night laws would Revel in their Slaughter of the imperium's noble Sons as the night Lords butchered the loyalist astartes logar aurelian Primark of the word bearers would battle the ravenlord of the 19th Legion besting the bearer of the word in combat the eurozone's life would be spared By Conrad kurz who would duel his rival in darkness corvus corax in lugar's place their claws struck and despite corax's speed the night Haunter would grab his brother by the wrist escaping kaza's grasp with the use of his jump packs the Primark of the Raven guard would not risk dueling the dark king of Nostromo with the death of the gorgon and Flight of the ravenlord kers would find a new subject for his depraved tortures and mutilations the Primark of the 18th Legion Vulcan aboard his Flagship Nightfall kurz would attempt to break the will of the Primark of the salamanders binding the Primark of the 18th to Bear the gift of a Perpetual Falcon's body no matter how many times it would perish would rebuild itself and bring new life seeing an opportunity to torment his Noble brother forevermore the night Haunter would Delight in slaying his defenseless brother time and again for months the night Haunter would devise the means for the mutilation and execution of his brother citing his sadism with increasingly extravagant displays of torture until growing weary of his Relentless returns tearing him limb from limb riddling his body with Balter shells and even disintegrating him within the ship's engine shafts no matter the cause of death Vulcan would be Resurrected unable to break the will of the Lord of Drakes his attempts to break Vulcan with a variety of methods would always fail devising a final trial to end the Perpetual primark's resolve kurz would beseech the Primark of the iron Warriors perturabo to construct a labyrinth to destroy vulcan's resolve teasing at the center of the labyrinth vulcan's personal Warhammer dawnbringer kurz would not expect the Primark of the salamanders to reach his prize yet with tireless unrelenting Drive Vulcan would reclaim dawnbringer the Warhammer had been fitted with a secret teleporter within its construction and after attempting to prevent vulcan's Escape kurz would be struck by dornbringer before Vulcan would activate its teleporter and escape to the Ultramar system in the wake of the night haunters ever-increasing distractions during the traitor war effort War Master Horus lupagal would dispatch the night Lords at the Forefront of their push to Holy Terror sending a message across the stars that any whom did not kneel would be gifted Untold miseries the night Lords would enact the war Masters remorseless will harbingers of the traitor's bloodlust and cruelty the night laws would for months be unopposed in their campaign of defilement yet within the framas sector the night laws would be halted by the first Legion the Dark Angels for free Terran standard years the first and eighth Legions would wage a bitter War nobility and discipline would face approprium and barbarity leading his men during the framas Crusade conradkers would delay the Dark Angels from interfering with the plots of the war master under the command of that Primark Lionel Johnson the first Legion would prove to be more than a match for the night Lord's underhanded tactics and cunning attempting to sway the lion to join the war Masters cause curse would parlay with the lord of the first on the planet of sagwalza the primarks would face each other the lion would reject the night haunters offer and attempt to slay curse the lion sword would Clash against Kaiser's lightning claws mercy and forgiveness two of the greatest Duelists of the primarks would descend into brawling as they disarmed and wounded one another yet eventually curse would gain the upper hand denied the killing blow against the lion the dark angel cenoshal course Wayne would bury his sword in the back of the night Haunter both Legions would reinforce the primark's positions and drag their wounded liege Lords from the skirmish yet when the legions would Clash again that archangels would prove to be the greater strategists ambushing the night Lord's Fleet the primarks would once again Jewel slaying the night Lord's Elite atreamenta and destroying the eighth legion's Fleet the Dark Angels would prove to be an indomitable foe yet the night Haunter would not be so easily slain and escape the lion within his own flagship for mumps Conrad kers would sculpt the dark corners of the dark Angel's Flagship Invincible reason cut off from The Wider Imperium with the birth of the ruined storm the first Legion would relocate their might to the burgeoning Imperium secundus of Ultramar the home system of the ultramarine's Primark rebute Gilman mccrack would be the seat of power for the contingent new Imperium should the emperor be slain by the war master yet upon the first season's arrival to macrag kurs would escape from the bowels of the Invincible reason wreaking havoc among the populace of the ultramarine's Homeworld the combined might of the primarks of the first 13th and newly arrived nine Legions would hunt the night haunt her Primark rebute Gilman of the ultramarines would elect the Primark of the blood angels sanguinius as the imperator Regis of their new contingent Empire with Lionel Johnson appointed as Lord protector of the Imperium secundus it would be his duty to enforce the campaign to apprehend the night Haunter despite the dark Angel's attempts to thwart the Rampage of Conrad kurz the night Haunter would come close to crippling the loyalist research of the sofa device ministered by the Imperial fist Captain Alexis Pollux confronted by Robert a Gilman and the lion within the Fortress of Hera curse would detonate explosives concealed within the temple before dealing the killing blow the loyalist primarks would be rescued by the ministrations of the loyalist warsmith barabast Antioch and Alexis Pollux by once more utilizing the sofa device unaware of their survival curse would turn his attentions to add one final wound to the ultramarine's Primark within the capital city of mccrag the night Haunter would attempt to slay reputation's adoptive mother tarasha Newton hindered by the Space Wolves appointed to monitor the ultramarine's Primark kurs would nonetheless seemingly be unopposed in slaying the mother of the Lord of Ultramar yet against the odds the reborn Primark of the salamanders Vulcan would face curse in spite of the intervention of the Perpetual John grammaticus and curzer's banishment into the warp the night Haunter would not be denied so easily infiltrating the throne room of mccrag the night Haunter would confront his vision attuned brother sanguineous seeking answers for why the great Angels still remained loyal despite the visions that he had endured kurs would never understand the Loyalty he had shown the emperor authoring sanguinous the chance to end his misery the great Angel would abstain from slaying his brother and curse would Escape once more into the dark corners of mccrag with the return of Lionel Johnson and reboot a gilliman kers would finally be brought to Justice captured and brought before trial to judge him for his crimes the proceedings would be conducted by the Emperor of Imperium secundus sanguineous admitting to his actions curse would not accept any guilt for his misdeeds turning the lion and Gilman against one another due to the methods the lord of the first had used to root out the night Haunter the Lords of Imperium secundus would fracture dissolving their new Imperium Gilman and sanguinius would in private decide to execute the night Haunter get with the intervention of Lionel Johnson stay their hand repeating gaza's claim to observe his own death at the hands of an agent of the emperor the lion would surmise that the emperor still ruled holy Terror hope burgeoned in the heart of the primarks and with sanguinius's own visions of his death at the hands of the war Master the Loyalists with curse in their custody would venture to breach the ruined storm chaining the night Haunter within the bowels of the Invincible reason the lion would endure the taunts of his degenerate brother upon the world of Darwin the primarks would drag curse of the temple wherein the war Master had been first corrupted with the eruption of demons from a portal within the temple curse would once more be Shackled within the dark Angel's Flagship as the Loyalists countered the Demonic incursion finding a means to breach the storm the Dark Angels and ultramarines would by time for sanguinius and his blood angels to venture to Holy Terror taking custody of the night Haunter sanguineous would bring to him the emperor's judgment he had once aboard the red tier curse would be confined with anastasis coffin and jettisoned into space by the great angel sanguinius would tell the night Haunter that a liked to himself he must follow his own Envision path adrift for many years curse would survive into the following millennia the Horus heresy would end with the emperor slaying the war master and the traitor scattering across the Stars discovering the Salvage ship sheldron the status pod would unknowingly release the night Haunter among their crew assuming control of the vessel kurz were Journey for four years once more to suck wowza and reunite with his disparate Gene Sons reuniting his Legion kurz would enshrine the nightlord's base of operations upon the carrion world accepting his prophesied fate the night Haunter would guide his Legion on a path of self-sufficiency without his presence and await his killer the calendars assassin M Shen would discover the dark King upon his carrion throne unguarded and with no obstacles preventing the Assassin's path the god Slayer would act slicing the night haunt his head from his body the torment of Conrad kurz had finally ended yet Whispers across the Galaxy persist that the Specter of Death Shall one day return Against All Odds and records of his demise for the shadow of the night Haunter still stalks the Galaxy with the night Lords continued defilement of the Imperium in his name by Reason by truth I have learned how your hearts and Minds function with that law I brought peace to this culture at the cost of freedom the night Haunter Drew in a slow breath through his knife-slit smile peace Reigns as I Reign I wouldn't expect your little Minds to understand you are a little man with little dreams you've ushered in the piece of the graveyard the noble dead to take a step closer peace at the cost of surrendering all Choice all Freedom the city lives in Terror forced to live by the standards you place Upon Our shoulders yes the Knight Honda replied yes but every sin is punished the Night Hunter listened to their hearts beating blood through their bodies but punishment by death no matter the crime no matter the scale of the sin the people of the city live in silence lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you yes the night Haunter closed his dark eyes as is listening to that very silence drifting across the city listen listen to the sound of raw silence is it not serene this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer the dark king of Nostromo would live his life convinced that his Destiny had been sealed yet the emperor teaches us that there are many Futures that we must choose for we are not the Pawns of fate for in my next transmission we shall elucidate a Primark whose future had been stolen from his grasp the tortured gladiatorial slave of nuseria angron [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 59,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, konrad curze, konrad curze lore, konrad curze voice, konrad curze death, konrad curze tribute, night lords, night lords lore, night lords 40k, night lords tribute, night lords battle report, night lords 30k, night lords audiobook, night lords horus heresy, night lords army, asmr
Id: 1EnexVj2OZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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