MAGNUS THE RED - Crimson King | Warhammer 40k Lore

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without the light of chaos the universe would stagnate and collapse only through this struggle can any advancement occur the primarks of his Imperium are among the strongest beings in the galaxy gifted power beyond the comprehension of mere mortals the sons of the emperor would lead their armies at the Vanguard of battle each Primark would strive to push the limits of their strength whether in martial prowess artavis or psychic potential for today we shall elucidate a Primark unequaled in his Mastery of the warp blinded by the Allure of fell knowledge the Primark of the 15th Legion Magnus the red the young son of the emperor would be unique among his brethren in many ways the only Primark to remember the origin of his creation the psychic power of the Crimson child would be potent from the start within his gestation pod inside the gene Labs of Terror the child will utilize his innate psychic abilities to commune with the master of mankind spirited to the Colony world of Prospero during the scattering of the primarks the son of the emperor would emerge into a world steeped in the mystical Arts of sorcery the populace had been shunned by Humanity for its manipulations of the immaterial realm since the days of the Dark Age of technology and in their isolation they would work tirelessly to understand the nuances of the warp plagued by beings known as the psych nuin the power emanating from the psyches of the planet would draw the foul warp spawned insectoid creatures to prey on the minds of the weak the sorcerers would band together to Stave off the incursions of the creatures and within their bastions study means to hone their psychic might I like to a comet the primark's gestation pod would plunge through prospero's orbit and crash into the Central Plaza of the world's capital tiska among the Sorcerers of the planet a lone man would step forth to investigate the capsule Amon a senior member of the tiskan commune would find a child within and raise the young boy as Beau father Han chutor the boy would quickly mature and demonstrate an unquenchable thirst for knowledge the kind mentor and Powerful psycher of Prospero would teach the son of the emperor every art in the Arcanum within his understanding within years Armand's Mastery of the IFA would be surpassed by his adopted child as Magnus read ancient tomes compendiums and scraps of text within the City of Lights librarium no longer the most revered Sorcerer of Prospero I'm on wood with pride relinquishes mentorship of the boy and assume the mantle of student to his own son none had ever seen a being capable of the Wonders Magnus could conjure and with time the master of the warp would rally the people of Prospero to eradicate the psych new in from their world entire cities of Prospero had been infested with the creatures of the warp and claimed Untold Souls from their Harvest with magnus's Ascension as the ruler of Prospero by dint of his power the Crimson King would lead his unified band of sorcerers to cleanse their once Noble bulwarks purging the beings from Prospero Magnus would see to the Reconstruction of the city of tiska with knowledge gleaned from the reclaimed cities long dormant repositories of knowledge and history the city of light would transform into a paradise marble and glass pyramids were jut into the heavens as the citizen re-studied Arcanum within the Tranquil parks and boulevards of tiska in raptured with bliss and safety the prosperons would flourish with the peace brought by their new monarch yet the Crimson King would not be satisfied with a lot of his people seeking to further master and explore the power of the so-called great ocean Magnus would see to the construction of a vast Great Library within the heart of tiska for the scholars of Prospero to further probe their understanding of the immaterium despite his once mental Ammon warning the Crimson King against delving too deep into the nadir of the great ocean Magnus would Journey further into its tides such acts of psychic power would emanate through the Galaxy and quickly draw the attention of the master of mankind to its Origins during 840 point m30 the Emperor of mankind would descend under the precincts of tiskar the two had conversed for years as the master of mankind sought to reunite with his prodigal son and upon the emperor's reunion with his child he would Embrace him accompanying his father for solar decades Magnus would join the emperor in his traversal and study of the warp yet the master of mankind would warn Magnus that even though they were among the most psychically powerful beings in the Galaxy the machinations of the warp were not to be over-indulged for dangers lurked within the depths of the great ocean to which no man no matter his strength or wisdom would be immune to its malevolent influence installed as the leader of the 15th Legion the Thousand Suns magnus's kin would follow in their primark's image as the most gifted psychers of the legiones Estates yet their gifts would not be without cost as the 15th Legion had been ravaged by a war-borne mutation known as the flesh change mutation and organ rejection would be rampant within the legion as a direct result of their psychic Affinity to which their numbers had dwindled to a thousand Souls the emperor had named them to honor those who had survived the decline of their numbers and remained Resolute and stored in the face of their dire circumstance many within the Imperium would advocate for the euthanizing of its remaining astartes to prevent further unavoidable mutations but Magnus would plead to the emperor to allow the Crimson King to seek a cure for their ailment agreeing to his request the emperor would allow the Crimson King several decades to find the cure for his Gene Sons in secret Magnus would naively consort with the entities within the great ocean and be offered a bomb for his men sacrificing his eye in the bargain for his legion's survival Magnus would be manipulated by the schemer of the warp zinch believing himself to have cleansed the flesh change from his Legion Magnus had bought only a temporary reprieve for his thousand Sons his arrogance damning his Legion to endure future hardships the Crimson King in the Thousand Sons would rejoin the great Crusade a hundred years after the emperor's arrival the tiska for the Imperium still treated the army of sorceress astartes with suspicion and the Thousand sons of Magnus would need to vindicate themselves from their detractors regardless of their small numbers in comparison to their brother Legions the 15th would quickly prove themselves to be more than capable of bringing worlds into compliance displaying their Mastery of the warp and bouts of immense Arcane might the Thousand Sons would emulate a fragment of The Emperor's own power during their campaigns led by their striking Crimson Lord the 15th Legion would be among the most noble Warriors of the Imperium akin to Scholars more than Warriors the Estates of Prospero would Delight in their Mastery of the immaterium enrolling the populations of Worlds rather than expunge them with devastation and fire such tactics would earn the ire of the Primark of the Sikh Legion Lehman Russ for their flagrantly dishonorable manipulations of the will of their foes Gathering Knowledge from every corner of the Galaxy the Crimson King would pan at home enriched with knowledge and Arcanum of the warp the book of Magnus Farson to magnus's armor in heavy golden chains the book wrapped in the hide of a slain psych newin would be for the eyes of the Crimson King Alone breaching the Eldar webway with his scavenged knowledge Magnus would ever further infringe upon the boundaries outlined by the emperor the Thousand sons of session with claiming Knowledge from conquered worlds which so distrust among the primarks and their Legions for the 15 could not be trusted in indulging in knowledge in breach of the Imperial truth raising their concerns to the master of mankind the Space Wolves death guard Imperial fists and Raven guard would demand reprisal for the Thousand Sons abuse of sorcery convening the Council of nicaea the emperor would decide the fate of the librarius within the legions and be swayed by the Council of both primarks and astartes invested in its cause Magnus would Champion the use of psychers within the legions and despite a rousing speech before the assembled conclave his opposition would be vicious the Primark of the death guard mortarion and representative of the Space Wolves othea weirdmake would testify to the fraught dangers of the warp and sway the emperor's decision outlawing the librarious the master of mankind would censure all use of psychers among the legiones astartes a decision which would cement the Thousand Sons Destiny of betrayal infuriated with the emperor's Prohibition in the use of psychos Magnus would seek a means to circumvent such a ruling with the orc Menace routed during the decisive battle of uranor the emperor would install his most cherished son Boris lupacal to lead the great crusade in his absence returning to Holy Terror the master of mankind when in secret attempt to claim the Eldar webway for the imperium's use in safe traversal of the Galaxy in the stead of warp travel Magnus would seek Solace upon his Homeworld of Prospero and Seeker means to Divine a future in which his Legion would once again be free to harness their Mastery of the immaterium within his long meditations Magnus would foresee a great ruination poised to Sunder the Imperium Boris lupacal would turn against his father and plunged the Galaxy into a war which would damn Humanity to a future of endless war suffering and ignorance unable to Divine his own future and revealing that the war Master had already begun his corruption in the service to the ruinous Powers the Crimson King would in an act of desperation bring ruin to the future of humanity with the aid of his legion's greatest Sorcerers Magnus would attempt to contact the emperor within a psychically fortified Palace rejecting himself to Holy Terror Magnus would be prevented from contacting his father by a barrier constructed to keep out immaterial incursions accepting an author of aid from an unknown entity within the warp to Aid in his breach of the barrier Magnus would naively accept the power of the changer of ways in the venture to tear through the psychic barrier bursting through the emperor's Throne Room magnus's actions would allow for the tide of malevolent warped beings to spill through the tear in the palace's defenses corrupting the web Way Beyond all hope of Salvation the Crimson King had damned Humanity to Forever suffer void travel within the malevolent tides of the warp Furious that his great work had been ruined the emperor would demand that Magnus faced trial for his actions dispatching the Sikh Legion the Space Wolves under the command of their Primark Lehman Russ the emperor would order the vilka fenrika to bring Magnus to Terror as magnus's Spirit returned his mortal shell he would be visited by the architect of fate cinch taunting the Crimson King that he shall serve as his Champion Magnus had failed to warn the Emperor of horses impending betrayal and doomed Humanity to forever be cursed by the machinations of the warp as the Space Wolves neared ever closer to Prospero the war Master would intercept their transmission and under the guise of loyalty to the emperor give new orders to the route ordered to destroy the Thousand Sons with his Detachment or sisters of silence and legio custodies the Wolf king would have no reason to doubt the fealty of his trusted brother and accept his command the Space Wolves would descend upon Prospero and burn its one's beautiful Vistas to Ash Magnus now understood that he had been manipulated by the powers of the warp which he had time and again been warned to abstain deciding to sacrifice himself and his sons to deny the ruinous Powers their prize Magnus would no longer be a pawn of Chaos allowing his home world to be raised to the ground Magnus would hide the sick Legions Fleet from his men to hasten the demise of his people death reigned upon tisker as the route and their allies cut a sway through the streets of the once proud city of light unable to accept responsibility for his actions Magnus would not be capable of holding true to his own resolve and Aid in his homo's defense confronting his brother Lehman Ross Magnus would battle the wolf King in single combat protected with runic armor and the combined null power of the sisters of Silence Leeman Russ would face the Crimson King in a jewel of Steel alone shattering Ross's armor with a mighty punch of his fist Magnus would further puncture one of the wolf King's hearts he had such a strike had been a ruse for Lehman would blind Magnus and after lifting the Crimson King across his knee break the Primark spine the Crimson King had fallen his men had been slaughtered under his protection and now his Homeworld burned losing all hope of Salvation or Redemption Magnus would surrender to the ruinous powers offering his fealty to the changer of ways Magnus would pledge his soul to the being known as sinch by the will of the Lord of change the city of light would be teleported to within the eye of Terror upon a demon world of the architect of Faith's choosing Magnus would accept his bargain as a servant of the ruinous powers transforming into a demon Prince of his Patron Magnus had relinquished his mortal form which would shatter into fragments to ascend into a corporeal being as the shards of Magnus were cast across the Galaxy each piece of the Crimson King's power would appear as mental projections to Those whom sought his counsel his primary form would remain on the demon planet of the sorcerers within the immaterium it would deteriorate with the absence shards of his being the Thousand Sons first Captain Isaac araman would venture forth to retrieve the shards of Magnus obtaining orbit 1 of the missing fragments are a man would restore much of his Geneva's power with the four reclaimed shards of his being bereft of the final Shard characterized by his humanity and good nature Magnus would return to real space with his thousand Sons to Aid in the traitor war effort seeking out the final Shard of his being on holy Terror the Crimson King would Ally with the war Master by necessity alone [Music] joining the traitors at the master point of ulenor Magnus and his remaining thousand Sons would journey to Holy Terror absent from the battlefield Magnus would orchestrate strategies aboard horace's Flagship the vengeful spirit for the traitors to breach the psychic barriers surrounding the Imperial Palace yet with the fall of the Lionsgate Spaceport Magnus would take to the field weakening the emperor's psychic might and aiding his brother mortarion the Crimson King would bolster the traitor's assault before the great culmination of the war as mortarion and his death guard resumed their assault of the Imperial Defenders Magnus and His Thousand Sons would Infiltrate The Imperial dungeons entering the Imperial Palace Magnus would be confronted by malcador the sigilite and be informed that the final shot of Magnus was now Beyond his reach imbued within the reborn last son of Prospero ready wallavida Magnus would never be whole again seemingly slaying the sigilite magnus's fury would not be satisfied entering the Chamber Of The Golden Throne the emperor would sit immobile and vulnerable aiming a psychic projectile to kill the master of mankind magnus's strike would be repelled by the Primark of the 18th Legion Vulcan denied his Vengeance Magnus and His Thousand Sons would battle the salamanders and their Gene father however during The Fray the emperor with Joe Magnus a vision of a possible future Magnus sat upon the Golden Throne blissfully drifting into the tides of the warp and its Mysteries alongside his father powering the Imperial web way this vision of Magnus would guard the Imperium as the foundation for its Dominion of the stars and long-reigning peace achieved by the emperor the loyal primarks now presided over Humanity in its hard-wonage of prosperity peace and unending grandeur offering Magnus a chance to rejoin the fold of the Loyalists the emperor would claim that such a perfect future could still be achieved Magnus had only to turn from the clutches of chaos and accept that his thousand Sons could never be freed from the curse of the flesh change refusing his father's offer Magnus would continue his attempt to end the emperor's life pummeled into submission by the Lord of Drakes Magnus would once again surrender the last shred of his soul to transcend fully into a being of the immaterium banished by the anti-demonic wards of the chamber the Crimson King would transform into a winged demonic entity once more clashing with Vulcan within the Imperial web way Magnus would attempt to sway the loyal son of the emperor yet fail in his manipulations slaying the Perpetual Primark several times during their duel Balkan would not relent and be given new life with each mortal blow besting Magnus with sheer brute force and indomitable attrition Vulcan would before disintegrating from a final desperate blast of psychic energy crash magnus's skull with his Warhammer a Dracula with the emperor's Victory against the traitors to the throne the Pawns of chaos would Retreat from holy Terror fleeing to the Planet of the sorcerers the surviving thousand Sons would for their defeat once more be afflicted with the curse of the flesh change first Captain arzak araman would attempt to conjure a fell incantation to revoke the curse of his Legion yet further Dam the Thousand Sons by transforming the psychically lacking members of the 15 into mindless automatons those who improve worthy would be empowered and assume command of the so-called rubric Marines and further fracture the 15th Legion Magnus now reformed from his banishment into the warp would grieve for the loss of more of his beloved Sons by the careless meddling of sorcery seeking to punish his Wayward Son Magnus would confront araman upon the planet of sorcerers and among blood for his callous actions yet zinc would intervene and spare the life of the sorcerer Lord banishing his first captain and ordering him to fulfill a quest to understand the walk to its full extent Iron Man's actions had torn us under the legion into conflicting warbands but despite the Thousand Sons continual burdens the Crimson King would rally those who remained loyal to his cause and seek Penance for the loss of his Homeworld emerging from the immaterium during the 32nd Millennium Magnus would orchestrate the devastation of Worlds throughout Imperial space hunted by the great wolf of the Sikh Legion harek ironhelm the Thousand Sons would evade the Spaceballs persecution and assault their Homeworld of Fenris despising the sons of Russ for their chapter's past actions Magnus would seek to raise Fenris in the manner of his own Homeworld sieging the space Wall's Fortress known by Outsiders as the Fang the Sikh Legion would endure the assault of the Thousand Sons for 40 days awoken from his long Slumber the ancient venerable Dreadnought beyond the fell handed would lead his chapter on their survival of the invasion of the Crimson King whilst the Scout Marines of the chapter would be dispatched to bring word of the assault to Herrick ironhelm with the return of the Great Wolf the Thousand Sons would be repelled wounding the Primark of the 15th Harry could manage a valiant Defiance against the Primark yet die during their brutal engagement yet the ayat would stand and with the reinforcement of herrick's men the Thousand Sons would be driven from Fenris satisfied with destroying the gene stores of the route Magnus would continue his plots to destroy the legacy of Lehman Ross returning to real space during the 41st Millennium Magnus would attempt to retrieve the holy relic of the chapter the Spear of Ross the dionysian spear would enable Magnus to revive his Fallen Sons yet with the intervention of Ragnar black Mane such heretical rituals would be forted obsessed with the destruction of his most hated Nemesis Magnus would return once again during 999 point m41 and in act the siege of Fenris once more banished by the great wolf Logan grimnar magnus's Relentless conquest of the fenrisians would bear a heavy toll on the Sikh Legion yet despite his greatest efforts the sons of Lehman Russ would endure and stand ever Vigilant to face the Crimson King's campaigns with magnus's emboldening by humbling the walls of Fenris he would soon find another foe to bring to heal the Primark of the ultramarines rebute Gilman had returned to the faltering Imperium and begun his task of avenging the Lost Glory of humanity during the avenging Sons Terran crusade to return to the throne World Magnus would Ambush his brother's Fleet trapping Gilman within the Maelstrom the Primark of the ultramarines would regardless manage to escape the clutches of the Thousand Suns and would confront his once brother upon the moon of Luna dueling the Lord of Ultramar Magnus would overwhelm the Primark of the 13th and seem poised to end the Resurgence of The Emperor's solitary Beacon of Hope though gilliman would not die this day and with the aid of the sisters of Silence the avenging Sun would impale the Crimson King where the emperor's Divine blade and banish Magnus once more into the immaterium though Magnus remains a tireless form in Humanity's side Relentless in his quest to One Day crush the Imperium and seek retribution here I am in the flesh and somehow there you are Magnus cocked his head to one side and smirked I don't remember you seeming so insignificant 10 Millennia have made you no less arrogant then ask Gilman wearily circling his towering foe inside his Helm a look of disgust twisted his Patrician features as he regarded the monstrous form of the Crimson King certainly those years have done you no other kindness Magnus laughed how could you have such Grand plans and yet such scanned Vision has always eluded me this the demon Primark said empiric energy stirring as they gathered around his leveled glaive is what a true power looks like I see no power here said Gilman shaking his head in dismay I see corruption an enslavement to monsters that are worshiped as gods on that rebute Magnus thought sparing a glance at the loyalist fighting nearby perhaps we can finally agree this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer the Primark of the 15th Legion would be brought low for his lack of restraint in his pursuit of knowledge and Power while Magnus would be among the mightiest of primarks he would nonetheless be brought Low by Pride for in my next transmission of the traitor primarks we shall elucidate the Primark once championed by both the emperor and the ruinous powers the war master of Chaos Horus lupacal [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 57,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, magnus, magnus the red, magnus 40k, crimson king, king crimson, magnus lore, magnus the red lore, thousand sons, thousand sons battle report, thousand sons 40k, thousand sons lore, thousand sons horus heresy, thousand sons painting, thousand sons army, thousand sons kill team
Id: SzAc2aanF40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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