ALPHARIUS OMEGON - Lord of Serpents | Warhammer 40k Lore

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this is my record and all the records are lies the primarks of his Imperium are beyond the comprehension of mortal men gifted great power and Mastery of Humanity's most venerated traits the sons of the emperor would mold the Galaxy's future with their actions yet there exists a Primark whose very nature is shrouded in mystery whose Deeds have spun a web of Deceit so impenetrable that even his Gene Sons fail to understand its purpose the twin Serpent of the Hydra alfarious oh magon the origins of the Primark of the 20th Legion would be shrouded in mystery yet despite such an enigmatic shred of information records have survived the long millennia accounts vary with some speculating that the Lord of serpents would be discovered by the 16th Legion the lunar wolves during the Great Crusade engaging with the 16th Legions Fleet with his own armadra vessels though inferior in their Firepower they would outmaneuver their opposition and employ many devious tricks enraging the Primark of the lunar wolves auras lubercal the future War master of his Imperium would personally give Chase to the hydra's fleet annihilating the Armada with their Superior warships the lunar wolves would be oblivious to the infiltration of an assassin aboard their Flagship the vengeful Spirit whom would slay the primark's elite Justin honor guard recognizing the assailant to be his brother Horus would accept the last Primark into the fold of the Imperium this is a lie for another account states that the Primark of the 20th would be found on a desolate world at the edge of the mandra Oren Stars surviving against the elements of the barren planet and commandering a vessel crewed by a band of miscreen xenos and human mercenaries the young Primark would venture forth to find the emperor another account derives from the Tome the transit of the human soul through strife also known as the Codex Hydra its ancient writings state that the Primark would descend upon the world of bars of War its Skies overcast with the shadows of gigantic worm-like xenos the slaw the horrific creatures would attempt to seek their hunger with the Flesh of the Primark capturing the Lord of serpents the strange xenos would keep the Primark as a curiosity as they beheld his innate strength and ability to resist their manipulations converting our farias into a living weapon the slaw would enslave the young primark's mind and set him loose upon the Stars saved by the emperor alfarius's mistreatment would fuel the master of Mankind's Vengeance to crush the xenos and for 10 Terran standard years the emperor would Salvage his sons fractured mind this is also a lie for an account of the Primark of the 20th remains For Those whom delve into the depths of the hydra's deceptions penned by how far is his own hand the true record of his Origins would be decried as further deception of the primark's origins as the primarks of his Imperium would be scattered across the Galaxy by the manipulations of the ruinous Powers the twin primarks of the 20th Legion would be separated alfarious would never leave holy Terror and in contradiction of Imperial records would be the first of the empress Sons to be reunited with the master of mankind within the shadow of the Imperial Palace upon the zaranam plateau a group of scavengers would set upon the young Primark the emperor would find his son and slay the Scavengers to prevent knowledge of his existence from spreading across Terror mentored by the master of mankind and his most trusted advisor Mao could order such a light the young Primark would learn the value of secrecy necessity and the elevation of the vision of the Imperium above personal Glory no mortal soul of the Imperium would know of Alvarez's existence and it would not be long before the Primark of the 20th would test his innate talents and abilities disguising himself as a member of the first Legion alfarius would observe the palace coup to remove the custodian Captain General Constantin valdo from Power the conspirators of the grand Provost Marshal of the adeptus arbitis Thunder Warrior's Primark ushatan and scientist amarastati would demand reprisal for the custodians Massacre of the empress funder Legion without the consent of the high Lords of Terror with the failure of the coup alfarius would seek flaws within the defenses of the Imperial Palace and exploit its weaknesses attempting to assassinate the master of mankind in order to test the custodians abilities alfarious would come close to assailing the emperor and slay a member of the legio custodies during his infiltration of the palace the primark's Ingenuity and resolve to identify flaws within the palace would be the first of allegios vaunted blood games to which the emperor's praetorians would to this day continue meanwhile Alvarez's twin omegon would land Upon A nameless world the rest of life among the empty ruins of the planet the distant Primark would discover an ancient Relic the pale Spear and study the remnants of the planet's former civilization escaping aboard a vessel piloted by human Pirates omegon would venture into the expanse of the stars and hear tales of the emperor his angels and the primarks of his Imperium in secret alvarius would conceal his identity as several sons of the emperor would be brought into the fold disguised as anastartes during the emperor's reunion with primark's Lionel Johnson and Logan aurelian alfarius would in Secret Lead his ghost Legion in their covert dealings across the Stars for years the 20th Legion known as Alpha would hide in plain sight and leave no evidence of their existence as they enacted compliances across the Stars yet with the installment of each Primark with their Legion the 20th would reveal themselves to their brethren during the rangdan zenosides the alpha Legion would present themselves to the first Legion the Dark Angels under the guise of a non-descriptor studies our Faris would meet with the lord of the first lion l Johnson offering Aid to the first Legion in their war against the slaw alfarius would deny his identity as a Primark to the lion and succeed in his deception for the other Legion though alike to the first in their championing of secrecy had not offered Aid out of trite Notions such as honor or cooperation they sought a being upon the world of bars of War oh magon slaying the slaw in their path the alpha legionaries led by alfarious would reunite with omegon instantly recognizing one another the soul of the Legion would become whole for the first time since its Inception the time had come for alfarious to reveal his being to humanity yet conceal the existence of his twin from not only the Imperium and its primarks but also the emperor alvarius would profit that the twins shall interchange their names to sow confusion within the Imperium should their identities be discovered and with such obfuscation the primarks of the 20th would become ever more mysterious within even their own ranks the alpha Legion would be known to the Imperium yet the emperor would seem Hasty to implement the so-called last Primark and his Legion into the great Crusade already Veterans of a hundred Shadow Wars the ghost Legion would increase their Proficiency in Waging War with two primarks leading their ranks despite their secrecy the emperor would not be blind at the existence of omegon and allow the twin primarks to wage war in his name unhindered alfarious would lead the 20th with omegon as his most trusted advisor the primark's cunning and intelligence would be without peer even among their Primark brethren and 20th would follow in their example and be renowned for their disciplined Unity among their ranks coordinating intricate and deadly Warfare characterized by sabotage assassination and disruption the alpha Legion would not allow any of their brother Legions to bear too closely into their Arts of war and dealings arrogance and superiority complexes would begin to Fester within the Legion for the 20th had always looked down upon its more barbaric and unsophisticated brethren the legiones Estates would bear a great distrust against the alpha Legion and their primarks for even the primarks of his Imperium would forever be wary of their ploys and misdirection despite being the last Legion to openly reveal itself to the Imperium with many of its glories and deeds retracted from Imperial records the now visible Legion would quickly prove its efficacy among the most efficient lesions to bring Wells into compliance it is debatable among Imperial Scholars if the 20th can be proclaimed among the most lauded Legions of the Imperium during the years of unification and the great Crusade or that can be known for certain is that their methods combined with a willingness to sacrifice anything for victory would deem the alpha Legion to be a singularly devastating Force their pedigree would Foster infamy among the ranks of the astartes as rivalries would form against the ghost Legion with even the sons of the emperor harboring grudges and acrimony against alfarious with the primarks of the ultramarines rabute Gilman and defgaard mortarion bearing the most spite against alfarious for his seemingly dishonorable tactics the Lords of serpents would make no attempt to cooperate with his detractors yet not all would bark at Alvarez's methods of Waging War with the chief among his praise War Master Horus lubrical valuing his elaborate strategies and battle doctrines an endorsement which would prove fatal during the era of the Horus heresy [Music] the lupacal would be the only Primark to which alfarious could be considered familiar and with the fall of the war Master to the clutches of chaos the alpha Legion would be called to join his Rebellion influencing horses Gambit to Ambush the loyalist counter-attack of istan 5. the Lord of serpents deceptive nature would be the foundation for the first Devastation of The Emperor's forces the alpha Legion would pledge their allegiance to the traitors to the throne though their decision decide with the war Master is debated by many chroniclers of the history of the Imperium records suggest that alfarious omegon would be visited by an agent of the xenos organization the cabal in an attempt to steer Humanity's future to Salvation met by the human Perpetual John grammaticus during the compliance of Nerf the cabal would impart the Hydra with portents of the future their Visions would show Humanity's path split into two possible futures should the alpha Legion remain loyal the traitors of the throne would be defeated yet the emperor would be interred upon a Golden Throne as a living dead Avatar of Humanity's slow decline into Extinction destined to wage a grueling war of survival against the malevan forces of the Galaxy the Imperium would slowly rot from within until its Inevitable Defeat and extinction by the forces of Chaos however should the 20th side with the traitors Horus would assurp the emperor realizing his folly the war Master would cast off the shackles of chaos and begin his utter Devastation of the forces of the ruinous powers the Imperium would sacrifice itself to persecute the destruction of chaos and after a hundred years of Slaughter Humanity would in its death know extinguish the malevolent dark gods forewarned with the future portense of humanity our Faris would decide the means of the imperium's fated Extinction Humanity shall sacrifice itself to allow for the survival of sentient life across the Galaxy or wage a grueling War of Attrition for ten thousand years before it's painful annihilation resolving to join the traitor Rebellion to ensure the destruction of chaos from within alfarus's decision to enact the future proclaimed by the cabal would nonetheless be made in vain the Futures outlined by the cabal would with time be proven false yet the alpha Legion would March for war persecuting campaigns simultaneously alvarius omegon will begin their First Act of betrayal during the massacre of istan 5. aiding the traitor Legions in culling the iron hands salamanders and ravengard during their assault of the war Masters forces the alpha Legion would battle their once allies the primarks of the 10th and 18th Legion would fall yet the Raven Lord of the 19th corvus korax would flee from the battle attempting to ensure a swift victory for the war Master alfarius would dispatch operative astartes within his Legion to infiltrate the fleeing Raven guard carving the faces from the dead raven guard slain upon Eastern V the alpha legionaries would graft the skin of their faces to their own and consume the brains of the Fallen to glean memories of their service boarding the fleeing vessels of the massacre the alpha Legion would buy their time during the ravengars transit to Holy Terror the 19th with the guidance of the emperor would discover the genetic materials of the primarks within the long-dormant gene Labs of Terror and would attempt to hasten the replenishment of their numbers omegon would command the infiltrators to steal a sample of the materials and inject a virus into the remaining genome available to the Raven guard horrifically mutating The Raven guard subsequent implanted subjects the tainted stock of the Primark genomes would prevent the 19th's resurgence omegon would retrieve the ravenguard's experiment data from their Laboratories and Spark a rebellion between the Guilds of kievar in order to cover his exfiltration handing over the data as well as a viable and tainted sample of the primark's genome to his twin the treachery of the alpha Legion would continue delivering the sabotage data to the war Master the 20th would keep a copy of the successful research for themselves to further bolster their Legion for the 20th would look to their own Survival above both their allies and opponents cutting ties with a cabal the alpha Legion would continue to sow misinformation and confusion for the remainder of the Horus heresy forming a blockade within the chondak system the 20th would be tasked to confront the white scars Legion and hinder their involvement in the Civil War sabotaging astropathic communication upon the facility of tenebrae 950 the alpha Legion under the command of omegon would stall the fifth legion's assessment of the conflict yet strangely with the facility's destruction communication between the Primark jakitai Khan and roguel Dawn would be established leading to many questioning the efficacy of the alpha legion's orders as the fifth Legion attempted to breach the alpha legion's blockade the Hydra would not deign to respond to their hails attempting to prevent their passage without the use of Firepower the alpha Legion would despite their best efforts be forced to engage the white scars the fifth Legion would form an arrowhead formation and destroy a large proportion of the 20th legion's escort vessels before passing through the blockade and traversing the warp their orders to contain and recruit the white scars had utterly failed with some questioning the loyalties of the Hydra for their uncharacteristically flawed strategies alfarious omegon was no fool and had somehow managed to bolster the loyalist war effort portarian Primark of the death guard would raise his suspicion of the alpha legion's allegiance to the Loyalists yet be unsuccessful in convincing the war master of their deceit as a means to test their loyalty the war Master would command the Hydra to travel to the Alexis nebula to destroy the sixth Legion the Space Wolves already battle wearied by the burning of Prospero the route had been deceived in their manipulation to destroy the Thousand Sun's Legion and suffered many casualties for their transgression alfarious omegon had long been opposed to the sixth legion's Primark Lehmann Ross for his overt disdain for the hydra's Reliance on underhanded tactics relishing the opportunity to Humble the vilka fenrika alfarius omegon would Ambush the Space Wolves Fleet as the ghost Legion brought the route to heal Lehman Russ would send a distress signal petitioning aid from the white scars still unsatisfied with his assessment of the conflict and unsure of the route's loyalties jacket icon would abstain from lending his might to the sick Legion the Spaceballs would desperately fight to for nail to survive Against The Serpent and despite the resolve of the wolf King waning the route would endure with the arrival of the Dark Angels Legion the hiver would flee the battle and seek a new war zone to influence the tide of the heresy as the trait is assembled upon the world of ulenor the Agents of the Hydra would facilitate the will of the Lord of serpents holy Terror braced itself for the final Siege of the Imperial Palace as fleets stationed throughout the soul system prepared for the first wave of the assault rogal Dawn Primark of the Imperial fists would fortify the soul system into a deadly Kill Zone alfarious would see a challenge befitting his ego and orchestrate his great scheme to not only defeat the seventh Legion but humiliate them Alpha Legion operatives would enact their micromanage tasks and objectives in order to breed disarray within the ranks of the praetorians of Terror long dormant sleeper cells would activate across the soul system and with time gaps with endurance carefully crafted Bastion would form capturing several moons in orbit of Pluto alfarious would challenge the Primark of the Imperial fists to conclude their game of wits personally leading his men against Dawn our forest would charge into battle armed with the pale Spear and Jewel his erstwhile brother alfarius would best Dawn in combat and deliver a final strike to end the life of the Primark of the seventh Legion however Dawn would anticipate the blow and after pivoting to allow the spear to impale his shoulder rogaldorn would pin alfarious in place and sever his brother's arms with his chain sword Storm's teeth taking the pale spear from alfarious dawn would plunge the weapon into his chest and with a final chop of Storm's teeth Crush alfarius's skull with the death of their Primark the alpha Legion would Retreat from the battle oh magon would feel the bond with his brother die and realize that his twin had been slain dispatched to delay the white scars and Space Wolves from aiding terror's defense the Hydra for the remainder of the Horus heresy would conduct stalling tactics and lesser engagements assuming his brother's name once more omegon would alone meet with the war Master prior to the final assault of the siege of Terror handing the war Master layouts of the now weakened defenses of the Soul system the Lord of serpents would relinquish his Beauty to the traitors holding a dagger within his palm omegon would shatter it within his fist and cast the shattered fragments of its Edge at the war Master's feet departing from horse's sight despite the protestation of the first captain of the sons of Horus Ezekiel Abaddon the lubricau would permit his brother to leave unscathed the avalism would depart from the traitor Fleet and omegon would grieve for his Fallen twin with the demise of the war Master at the hands of the emperor the alpha Legion would Retreat to the Far Eastern region of the Galaxy insular in their dealings and seeking no cooperation from their former allies the alpha Legion under the command of their sole Primark would engage covert Wars of survival during the scouring of the traitors the ultramarines Primark rebute Gilman would confront the alpha Legion on the remote world of escrador and within their headquarters face and astatis regarding himself as alvarius seeking a chance to prove a superiority against the Lord of Ultramar the so-called alvarius rejule the Primark of the 13th Legion yet for his hubris alfaris would be slain though whether his identity would in truth be omegon or simply another imposter of the 20th Legion remains unknown a solo week following Gilman's forces would be ambushed by the alpha Legion in a manner seemingly impossible for a legion bereft of their primark's guidance the ultramarines would be forced to retreat from the planet after suffering catastrophic losses and in the wake of their defeat question the fate of the Lord of serpents for the alpha Legion still roam the Galaxy as fractured warbands of burying loyalties autonomous bands inhabiting asteroid Fields Barren planets and space Hulks the Hydra remains an unknowable Force poised to interfere with the best laid plans of loyalists and traitors alike the Imperium claim that the Lord of serpents is dead but this is a lie the head of the Hydra remains unsevered despite the loss of its twin and so long as the bisected Primark remains his schemes and plots shall endure Tariq Havoc across the Stars we are all an aspect of the old father or have a manner in which we serve he has his castellan his Herald his Siege Master his governor his hear us paused and cast a glance over his shoulder at where Magnus stood some distance away sorcerer the wolf King finished in tones of distinct displeasure I said nothing Russ had not listed himself in his speech there is little doubt what his role was at least to anyone who had seen the wolves fight Ross is a fury in battle that is near a match for angerons but he possesses a tighter Focus the wolf King is our father's executioner I expect at least one of my departed Brothers could have attested to that although I have absolutely no evidence to suggest that is the case call it a feeling if you will so I'll ask you one more time Russ said fixing me with a stare that would have reduced Immortal to a quivering wreck what are you supposed to be I smiled at him again I'm the one that keeps secrets for a moment I was not sure how he was going to react then his face split into a white smile that showed his long canines the only genuine smile I believe I have ever been the cause of for Lehman Russ and He barked a laugh well in that case I'm surprised there's only one of you this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer thank you all for joining me in my elucidations of the primarks of his Imperium though their deeds are now mired in mystery alike to alfarious with time we shall glean fragments of their glories for the Imperium still stands and with patience its greatest foes and champions shall rise to decide the fate of humanity [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 64,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, alpharius, alpharius omegon, omegon, alpharius lore, omegon lore, alpharius 40k, alpharius model, omegon 40k, alpha legion, alpha legion lore, alpha legion 40k, alpha legion horus heresy, alpha legion 30k, alpha legion painting, alpha legion battle report, alpharius meme, asmr
Id: MRneAcC2KW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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