The Magic Forest

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically Lake George New York and I am in front of magic forest this is in a very very old-school story land type Park with fiberglass sculptures and little kiddie rides it's a classic Lake George attractions I was a little worried I'd had heard that they had sold off some of their fiberglass figures and apparently they are in the process of transitioning this - this is the last season that it will be known as magic forest going forward will be known as Lake George expedition park which certainly doesn't have the same connotation but I'm really excited to check this out as the Unitas said this may not be here forever it may be going under growing massive changes but let's take one last peek at the magic forest follow me [Music] this guy is being followed by a couple months says to press the button as we can go into the crooked man's crooked house just please walk through Billy's not run all right into the crooked house this is very crooked he's got cricket I sure could I have got some more kiddy rides here some boats over there it's in this cage right here you know monkeys little monkeys in the cage well let's see what happens when I push this [Music] come on keys jumping on the bed I like how she's just like sitting in a folding chair from Walmart here we have Christmas in the forest oh wow little Christmas area these buttons do oh it makes the tree go back and forth amazing look at these I don't know what this button does oh okay I make a lot of things happen these these bears they they set up in bed what's going on over here decorating for Christmas another magic button okay a lot going on at these squirrels turning in a circle these squirrels flying above their own Christmas tree just climbing up banister there [Music] but this world doing oh no we got baby squirrels begging for food from their poor mother right there oh and look at that we got a squirrel peeking out of the roof I don't know we got no good squirrels jumping on the bed it's like The Exorcist how are you doing mr. snowman bears dancing down there some twirling animals up here on the second floor there's quite a little gathering you have a penguin a parrot a groundhog a fox come out of a box these Christmas Hillbillies here's Barnaby the hippo are you a trash can you're a trash can Smokey the Bear just please be careful while you're here with us hey smokey how are you doing oh I gotta hear a story what would the magic forest be without baby Jesus the angel Gabriel descended from heaven on God's request he appeared to the Virgin Mary who was pledged to marry Joseph account endure they have a chapel here it's called the chapel in the pines ah oh it's like a massive Jesus painting right there it was actually really beautiful so as far as I know like to theme parks that you can go to church and I guess you can go to church magic forest and you can go to church I Tollywood used to go to church at ghost town but you know now look at that a little wama are you doing Lama hello there alright the train is called rattlesnake Junction I guess this is the train operator kind of kind of sounds like the Jonestown Dame's alright let's hop aboard the Train here [Music] cougar of some sort alright looks like we're heading over this cover train trestle right here at the cross metal bridge we got we got a giant turtle mean old alligator and frog the swamp trio who's coming up here they're like medieval dog people there's a dog monk I don't understand entirely look at moonshine still see even Great Northern attractions have the moonshine still we got here we got a camel and then there's a anthropomorphic camel man at them that leaves a lot of questions there's some more of those dog people and it's singing to let the dogs out sleeping right there that guy's back yeah what's with the dog people brew dear and what said he's gonna blow us up oh now we're blowing up I look up there I got Pinocchio hanging out with a jester this giant pumpkin right here let's see what's inside I don't know it's just a pumpkin and this is the story of the guy that made his wife live in a pumpkin there's there's the wife you can see her her eyes become white and glazed from years of living in a pumpkin and look at this this definitely looks like the sort of guy that would make his wife live in a pumpkin good goodness here we have the magic forest animal band see we got an elephant playing the trumpet it's a pig here a pig playing the accordion what's this over here I've got a cat cat playing the banjo I love that it's some sort of horned beast and I'm not sure what she's playing I don't know what that is okay that looks like just a bow to a violin but the violin is missing there's another another goat thing right there oh here the snow white building see what's going on in here oh wow little animated displays think I'm looking at this in Reverse because it's know why it's getting married right now okay the evil witch looking in a magic mirror Snow White in the woods and their forest friends and the dwarves adorbs taking a bath together if that c1 morphs like torso sticking out of the bath I hear the silly Dwarfs once battle to his spoon on his nose during dinner don't be grumpy elaborate musical number oh all the doors getting ready for bed da happy here's the which is lair of evil that their poison apple it's a bats clapping not sure what's going on here and a little uncomfortable in fact they have a noose on that dear Oh a drinking fountain line I've always wanted to drink out of one of these let's go for it so alien and some giant astronauts doing gymnastics over top this place is unpredictable such a weird laughter going on in this house right here what the heck these are more modern characters there's spongebob the Rugrats oh my God look at this cat dog stay one else River cat now yellow CatDog CatDog CatDog alone in a world it's a little cat doll the little animal go around here all sorts of different creatures the hyena I think ladybug rabbit and a pink elephant some fairytale figures got Little Bo Peep and a lamb like that hey mother Q and I'll loosen up on that poor gooses neck please here's Hansel and Gretel I'm not sure why they are 15 foot tall Giants [Music] lift up to see the driest spring in the world PS use cup well that is definitely a definitely a dry spring one over there keeping their baby Rattlers some figures hanging out over here a couple rabbits in a kangaroo there's the man himself mr. Humperdink [Music] oh how are you I like your little little house over there this is a more easily maintained petting zoo right here hey there little sheep you're so cute he's a friggin adorable and he lives in a candy house Charlie yeah I'll tell you what you got a lot of friends here oh yeah I want you to wave to these people wave to everybody I want you to give a sexy way to your wife look at that mr. Pete hey B here's mr. Pete's friend he's got some cotton candy the clown says you must be as tall at the top of my hat to ride see what's back in this area and this is I think the stuffs under repair [Music] it's the old lady's shoe oh look at this bridge right here that's the Headless Horseman being followed by Ichabod Crane over there yeah it's old Ichabod here's Rip Van Winkle some reason he's the size of Paul Bunyan and his head is deformed I'm sure what this guy was like he's swinging a baseball bat on his knees I I just don't know there's any advice I can give anyone out there it's don't eat your own head this is kind of an iconic figure at this point the self defacing hotdog hey mr. pig what are you cooking what sort of meat are you are you cooking why are you looking at me like that another Statue of Liberty herself shown up to the magic forest what is this right here just got to push the button to hear the full story [Music] was the night before Christmas all night before Christmas see the children in Bad [Music] Santa by the fire you actually see like Santa's bag hanging now coming down Santa's already in here so the timelines a little bit off but still pretty cool here's the children opening up look at dad over there hello I like that he's a baby doll with sideburns and a mustache I think they're kissing my and there's Santa up on the roof so wishing well you throw a penny in and hope all goes well not sure this big fellow is as you can see he's very very tall I coming up to about crotch level on him are you doing big guy this big towering slide structure up here now one of magic forests most famous attractions was it's diving horse that would literally have a horse dive into a pools the horse would get a fair and go kerplunk down in that pool now what I've been told was that last year was the final year for the diving horse he didn't die he didn't die in a horrible the accident he retired and instead of training a new horse they made the decision to use human beings to die what a concept so we're gonna check out the human being diving show [Music] oh so that was the magic force it's still absolutely wonderful I adore how they have things set up what they're doing hopefully they won't change too much more as they as they make their transition into a modern theme park sometimes it's good to stay with the classics but we're not gonna fixate on that I'm just going to enjoy that I greatly enjoyed my experience here at the magic forest appreciate you guys watch if you like see other places I've been amusement parks roadside attractions museums check down in the description there's an interactive map that'll show you where I've been and you could tell me where I should go next also if you'd like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt and consider donating the patreon a $3 more donation will get you a postcard once a month but for now this once in the back
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 50,364
Rating: 4.9210825 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, magic forest, lake george, ny, new york, fiberglass, amusement park, theme park, vintage, old school, roadside attraction, roadside america, humpty dumpty, diving horse, diving, show, magic, rides, animatronics, fairy tale, storyland, park
Id: ey1bDoCAjAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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