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[Music] hello there everybody welcome back to more isaac anti-birth eating streaks we are on a it says five streak but let's be real we all know what it actually is we're starting with libra okay here's your seed v2 qkfq3n mr boom to start is a lovely thing to see um just having an extra bomb on the floor is always nice i'm actually going to utilize it here okay that's okay uh it's worth it to use the bomb mainly because uh if we if that ended up being the secret room we basically saved ourselves a half a room of a charge and now we're in a situation where we can basically uh chill and hang out a little bit right um we don't have to worry too too much about our our bombs here i would love actually i would love to place a bomb in the middle of this room for the chance of a little bit of money and i think i'm going to to be honest we're going to end up having an over extended amount of bombs on this floor also we have friggin libra we have a ton of bombs already i wasn't even paying attention to the damn uh the damn thing so that that's worth it in the end we'll probably be able to do a little bit of mim maxing on this floor for sure uh secret rooms and and shops and things like that um where where that goes next is yet to be seen our secret rooms probably it's not below us here okay that's interesting well we'll we'll find it we'll find it i'm not i'm not overly concerned hope you guys are having a good one today i'm gonna save that too uh i'm i'm ready for uh a good little eden streak action today um first video of the day woke up uh a little bit earlier this morning i had a haircut which was fun uh first time i've been in public with somebody you know of course i know the the person that cuts my hair but the first person that wasn't like family or or anna in in like three months uh so it was a little weird right it's a little weird um you know i was wearing a mask which is how you should do things um and and it was it was a good time it was a good time uh now my hair's short i i needed dude i needed i needed a haircut really badly those of you that watch the streams where i got my face cam on uh you you are well aware that i needed a haircut um so it feels good to be haired down uh this item room i'm just not feeling it today i'm just not feeling it today um so i'm just not gonna go to it i've had so many people asking um what what is this loser doing i i just love it dude i love it um so blank cards interesting as is voodoo head you guys know i like voodoo head um we now have 15 cents two that we can make work with voodoo head um or we can buy blank card and we can rock the blank card run i think that i really do think that both are acceptable uh early guppy item as well makes me crave voodoo head more now since we could probably swing guppy with all of the the rooms that we would have there i'm also look i'm looking at the situation and i'm like bet i could get both if i wanted to uh it'd be a little it'd be tight i think red hearts on the floor we got we got two sets of red hearts on the floor hit me i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm probably gonna take some damage in this room anyway yeah that's fine i i'm okay getting hit by these guys well i'm not actually because they do they do a full heart of damage um okay okay don't don't die in this room that's not gonna help anybody but i i am happy that i took a little bit of damage i know that sounds crazy but i am um because i basically want to i want to have as much money as i possibly can on this floor and that's going to require hitting ourselves uh hp would actually not be the end of the world that's fine um we have libra that's an all stats up dude i mean that's actually more than fine to be honest i helped out is actually horrible um that don't help us in the slightest so the goal is i have to figure out how in the world i am going to get how i am going to get enough money to buy voodoo head and blank card is it even possible uh it it might be we need 11 more cents so it's like this this we need nine more cents still still doable for sure um this will be at least another three cents boom boom boom okay we need another five cents we got four bombs to our name um obviously various pots and things are are useful for this this is this is min maxing at its finest everybody not necessarily the the greatest min maxing you can do but if if we can come out of here with uh with what we need then i suppose i'm happy we'll do a bomb here okay we should be at i mean i could just bomb the donation machine i oh i don't know why my brain was like we can't do that okay let's take that let's take this um let's go back we're gonna grab the i mean why why why would you do that uh we're gonna go back we're gonna grab the eternal heart and then we'll be on our way dude good first floor to be honest um libra obviously makes this run it makes the run weird um but it's weird in a good way i think um libra early is not the end of the world obviously you know you're looking for a couple of major items to pair with libra if you can pull the soy milk the almond milk the there's money in here too dude you know what i'm actually gonna i'm gonna take the time to get the three cent soul heart in the shop a lot of people yell at me for not buying three cent soul hearts um i will tell you when when i need a soul heart i will buy a soul heart um when i don't need a soul heart i'd rather save the money for something else i know it's cheap to be fair so is a five cent soul heart um that is also very very cheap for for hp um i mean there are times right i just straight up don't need it and that's not me being cocky it's just i i like saving my money for other opportunities um whether that be you know i'm a little salty here whether that be uh things i don't know other things right so knockout drops knockout drops is fun i'm gonna be firing these little fists that apply uh big knockback to enemies and do a little uh sound when i hit them a little little wanna wanna one of okay i mean look you're just never gonna hit him with one i suppose oh well right oh well it is an item that is also confirmed to be added to repentance so we get a little bit of a sneak preview with that sadly nothing there i am curious dude i would love for this to be the sea room that means it's likely over here instead okay honestly frigg me at this point what do i know uh that's our shop this is a small floor dude very small floor not the end of the world i just i didn't expect it especially to then not find our secret room here get knocked back brother now you heard the little the little ch and he went flying you gotta love it but anyway it's a good day for me refreshing days beautiful outside so uh being able to drive around put some music on hang out for a little bit uh and then go out into a pandemic ridden world to get you know pieces of uh grown hair out of my head cut out and removed so that my visibility is at an all-time high uh is is good it's good i would i would like put a picture of me with my hair cut in the in the video but i mean let's be real that requires me editing and we all know i don't do that um that's a joke for the most part i do edit this video i know that like it doesn't seem like i do but like i do have to put the the intro in and then i got to put the the outro in and then i also have to you know here and there if i uh have to brighten the video i do that for you i i edit i edit it just doesn't seem like i do a lot of editing because i do long form commentary which from what you have said is the reason that you like me because you like the commentary what would you do if you didn't have uh somebody talking about their favorite marsupial day after day okay what is this dark matter fear shot that's a two heart deal in repentance or an anti-birth what a rip-off brother um i'll i'll do it guppy's tail we're one away from guppy that's a good place to be now we're we're obviously a little it's a little spicy right now it's a little spicy i like the damage um this is one where like look i'm gonna be real with you i think it offers us a little bit more to do that i am gonna go to one of the curse rooms okay i will go to both of the curse rooms because we're gonna do this we're gonna come out we're gonna go in it's just insanely worth it to be honest i'll use the i'll use the uh thingy there i actually am pretty content with this uh we still have 14 cents that'll carry over the next floor relatively well let's go down let's go down hoping for no curse of the i can't see squat on the next floor so that we can do a little bit of uh increasing of our stance by picking items that are actually good for us but i i think that we are we are guaranteed guppy on this run with the amount of curse rooms that we're gonna get um we're already two items in i'm pretty happy you know i'm taking blind deals it can be it can be a ride right because like for one what if i what if the two heart deal was brimstone dude god that would have sucked um instead here we are right we got dark matter which was a small damage upgrade oh you know what dude i i bet you our secret room is down here these are the little min maxi things that you might not realize matter well honestly screw me i guess um you people always ask me tyler how do you min max and i i want to make a video of it uh the only issue is it's it's so different every time so i have to i have to find a way to word the video in a way that it it's applicable to everybody's run right and i just i think it's going to be very difficult to make that uh kind of content so the tower is that's a very interesting card to have with blank card um even more interesting here in curse of the giant because it's actually reasonable oh jesus yeah okay i hate that uh it's reasonable for me to pop that in here oh this room was absolutely but to be honest what are you a speed down which is an all stats down i hate that okay so tower you're gonna nail chest gave me a key fine one curse room i don't feel super comfortable going into it at the current time and place there's our other curse room hp is definitely it's the the sticking point of this run right now we're gonna need a little bit more i mean dude this is this is such a hard one this is such a hard one um wow i i have i haven't had this hard of a decision in a long time item on the left damage very valuable um important for the entire run amount of damage right it's guaranteed hp for a little bit going forward you know old tyler would probably go left knew tyler would probably go right i'm feeling old pilate give me give me the the stat increase followed by the ability to have some piercing shots here um it's look it's a really hard decision though uh and i will even argue that it's it's a decision that if you are playing this seed take the relic you're probably gonna have enough damage on this run um just based on how the runs looking at the current moment in time you know you're gonna have guppy later but i i tend to make decisions based on what will be the most entertaining i i like to think that the most entertaining thing is going to be having high damage that was a little bit dicey for sure so look is the berenstein bears do as i say not as i do right uh take the relic the penetrative shot it'll it'll be there for you in the future uh and you'll you'll snag it then but the relic is quite good so min maxing is what i see in this room just a lot of min maxing i'm gonna take the battery and i'm gonna take this just because i don't think we need mom's bracelet it's a great item right it's a great item but on a blank card run i'm not sure it's necessarily the most important thing for us you know that we we can get we can open up stuff with troll bombs right now with the tower which is insanely dangerous to do um when your hp is that one soul heart sure you have a chance at a revive uh i think that's something that you should not bank on with with guppy's collar here but we'll we'll see how about a secret room right here okay that means the secret room has to be here honestly frigate i guess um i suppose the secret room is down by that curse room which is even weirder this is gonna be a hard fight uh never mind i think we'll be fine especially with piercing shots this guy is not too bad but uh if we get a deal obviously it's gonna have to be something of something of hp give back right or else we will not be able to take it also looking for probably some hp a tears up is fine it's on all stats up keep that in mind um it's fine and then in here i mean look dude it's what are you gonna do right what are you gonna do you you you have to uh you have to you have to you have to i'm very sorry but you have to uh we also got revived by guppy's collar so you have to question mark guppy's collar again no okay um so now we're dark judas this is obviously you know insanely good for us that's what you call an insanely lucky revive in that scenario um i'm gonna come in here no guppy i'm not gonna do the other one i'm not a psychopath uh this dude this is a very very very dicey run edge of my seat that's how that's how scared i am we also can't go to the mines i don't have bombs i suppose we could have towered in there but it's too small of a room for me to feel good about popping the tower in but our damage is good rate of fire also good uh that's touch is a little bit of a scary one it also don't get me wrong makes me feel really bad about the fact that we took penetrative shot over the relic um there's a thing crawl space dude wow how do you expect me to do this one dude i think this is a good way to die is this room i i really don't like this room i'll i'll stay here for the rest of the day to be honest i i will not step through those spikes he would have to pay me good money to step through those spikes okay card two of clubs i do like that chariot pyro fans okay so we're saved um this is mercurius which is speed up and i can go through rooms and it's a good speed up which means that we're we're sitting very pretty within all stats up on that one give me this obviously we're going to chill with hierophant and i'm going to be popping the hell out of it with blank card thanks for the money okay the run the run is super save dude the run was good right the run was good there were just some scary components to it now the run is in it's in very good shape because we're just gonna basically slam all of the charges into getting this going i'm also look i'm i'm a simple man i will be doing all the curse rooms from here on out because that guppy item will be mine i promise you it will be we've gotten very lucky uh look at look at the items on the the right right now man that is a disturbingly good lineup of items so blank card hierophant uh is insanely good am i going to keep it past this floor i don't know yet uh honestly oh i forgot where we can walk through walls i don't know if i'm going to keep it past this floor um just because i do think that we're now in a state where i don't necessarily need to be overly concerned about this um our hp is is probably good enough now i think i'm gonna pop it one more time and then just pop the card itself i might i might do the devil deal first just so that if it ends up being something insane uh then i can afford to to keep popping blank card a little bit on it but uh i'm really tempted to do to do blank card uh two of clubs for a little bit i think that that actually is a very very good idea for us uh and a green fight on this floor a little bit unfortunate but it's not the end of the world we'll pop this beautiful it's just am i ever gonna lose enough hp on this run now for this to matter the answer is like probably not dude probably not i mean the problem was we were playing very good we were just we were big spenders today in terms of hp and sometimes runs do be like that this is not an xl floor we just straight up at an item room it's the poop i don't i don't really care to be honest appreciate it but not too high on my to-do list to have that uh item here chillin but sometimes your big spenders and devil deals and it pays off right i think this is a run that is proving that paying big in devil deals is a good way to get yourself a good run especially when you have libra you gotta you gotta fill yourself with stat adding items and devil deals are stat adding items a lot of time you know a lot of the times it's damage that it's adding um i think you're seeing i'm actually gonna pop this in here i think you're seeing that you know damage adding items in the end they're gonna also add tears for you which is making our run uh quite okay i mean i will do this i'm not afraid uh ended up being a damage up and tears up and gave me a red heart there's no red hearts in the room but i mean i'll take contract from blows fine okay thanks for following twitch random person dude we've been having a lot of twitch followers during during videos recently my twitch is kind of popping off recently if you ain't following it by by golly you should so you can watch me fail at video games on there too but uh okay let's go back i'm going to i'm going to just straight up pop pyro fan now unless i mean look i really i i'm struggling to think it's a good idea to pop it okay you know what i'm i'm i'm content to do this now uh so boom boom boom boom and now we got 32 bombs and frankly that's probably enough for the run and we can stick with hierophant uh which is i mean it's basically a guaranteed victory right i think that that's that's easily the right choice like i i know it's the right choice it's just i was going for the choice that maybe allowed us to do a couple more wacky fun things in the future but i think i'm happy i think i'm happy to be honest this is this is good this is good so let's go down uh no tinted rock go down let's get a question of the day today you guys have been loving the questions of the day the interaction and the comments has been quite good thank you very very much for that i do have to scroll up and actually find it [Music] okay um they're they're just going they're going so many questions now and i always have to go to the very very uh front of this crap okay here we go let let's go there there's we're going to do a couple of them today because they all kind of work together today so this is a question from uh silverstar silverstar says is a strawberry a fruit or a vegetable um once again whenever i get a question that is i mean pretty much objectively asking a fact i always feel like there might be something deeper at play here uh so i want to i want to dissect this as much as possible um by definition fruit equals something with with seeds right a strawberry has seeds thus i'm i'm gonna be real i'm i'm really trying to stretch this one but how the hell is a strawberry not a fruit brother um i think that i think it's about as definitive as you can get i i think i think it's it's just it's just a fruit uh and there's no other there's no other answer to that is there i mean look tell me if i'm wrong but i'm i'm pretty damn sure a strawberry is a fruit i'm pretty damn sure strawberry has seeds dude this mercurius item is more trouble than it's worth a lot of the time because i'm literally running out of rooms that i want to be clearing i suppose i could just stop doing rooms and just speed run the run but it seems a little a little short-sighted and unfun which is basically the name of my channel short-sighted and unfun yikes yikes yikes good night we're very strong dude we're very strong uh and we only getting stronger the future's so bright i gotta wear i don't know there's there's no there's no isaacy thing that rhymes with shades no his future's so bright i gotta buy shade okay like that one i don't i'm not necessarily sure i'm proud of that one anyway silverstar to answer your question uh that i think could have been solved with a simple google um the strawberry is a fruit bing bang boom question done they ended the question today just kidding we'll do another we haven't been to the item room right i'm pretty sure we can double check but i i'm 900 sure i did not go to an item room on this floor or i'm crazy one of the two okay next question uh do you have this is from sincerely resharam uh do you have any ideas for isaac items that aren't just a mod you just thought of them um this actually is a good question and you would think the answer would be yeah right um but in all seriousness the answer is pretty much hell no i get this all the time uh random mod devs will will contact me and be like you know i really want to make a mod that you would play uh but i don't have any ideas so what ideas have you thought of during your time playing so that i can make that idea and the fact of the matter is um i i i just don't have any um i really don't i when i play isaac um it's enough to remember all of the items that are already in the game right um there's too many items in the game to begin with so to think about more that i would want it it's just not it's not something that my brain has ever really thought of um that said you know there are times when i'm i'm playing this game and i see an idea and i'm like man it'd be really cool if i if that could be a thing but do i ever remember what the hell those ideas are no uh there was one idea that i actually i had and then i shared with agent cuoco uh why did i say cuoco pretty sure it's kuku um he's a fairly prominent isaac mater i even did a small interview with him for a uh he had a school project type thing uh about cyber security and i'd done a little interview with them that's somewhere i i can maybe try and find that link that in the description if it's something you're interested in uh it was kind of all about uh why like how security is just in general stuff about cyber security but then uh in a more focused sense it was all about how this pandemic in 2020 as a whole uh is impacting security uh it was actually a very very good talk with him um and it was a genuinely good time but he had asked me if i had ideas for an item at one point and the idea that i had was basically a a pseudo map item that would allow you to see one room past uh where you were so basically as you were moving you could see like if the item room was down that path kind of thing it was kind of like a more more enhanced but also a little bit enhanced is probably a weird word to use it was kind of like the compass but um not as much range right and that mod is now out on the workshop uh and it was super cool to see that see that modded uh i believe i did a video on it i can't remember though um but that's like that's one of the only times that i ever had an idea for uh an item and then it got made which was cool i've always i mean look i've always wanted to have an item that was about me in the game right uh there's a couple mods on the workshop that are that are alexa mods you know some of them are memes um there's obviously the alexa character mod that that astro penguin now now decade decaf uh made and i love my character mod a lot even though like it's literally just a reskin of isaac there's no items on him or anything i just i like it for doing uh isaac videos and things like that um i would love for there to be like a legit alexa item alexa mod kind of thing that adds some new stuff but it's kind of like you know dude there's there's so many mods and so many items out there you know it's reaching the point and it's it's crazy when you think of it like this but here am i right uh slash here i am depending on how you want to speak english today um here i am with many hours in isaac you know close to two thousand ish is what i calculate um close to two thousand showers and isaac i have all 545 items in the game basically memorized including like weird statistics about them that no one human being should even know and then on top of that i also now know you know like another hundred items from anti-birth uh pretty pretty damn well at this point i mean we've been doing anti-birth for a couple months now i can say with a pretty you know high certainty that i know what most of the items in anti-birth do at this point uh i also know i knew a lot of the items from alphabeth when i was playing it i know a lot of the items from ipoc community mod not all of them uh but i know a lot of them now um the eternal items mod i know most of the items from and that's another like 120 or something like that so i probably know like 700 maybe close to 800 isaac items at this point like memorized by heart exactly what they they do kind of uh situation there reaches a point where i've seen so many ideas um that i i don't have any ideas for myself right um any idea that i could even have thought up is already made and that's what blows my mind with the with the modding community in this game uh is people are constantly coming up with new ideas and the epic community mod i mean major shout out to that mod uh because i think it's it's genuinely very good um but they the the devs for that mod slash dev i it might be i think it's a team but i don't know 100 um they they have come up with some some incredible ideas in that mod that i just would have never thought of in a million years um and every time i play that mod i end up seeing something that's you know a little bit new and it blows my mind right it blows my mind cause i'm like damn this is so unique and interesting how has nobody come up with this one yet um and i feel like you know i i speak at epicat community mind just because um i i regularly feel that way when i play their mod but there's so many other mods that i feel the exact same way about um just crazy innovative ideas that uh i could never think of you know well i'm an idea guy i i like having good ideas i'm gonna leave bob's brain on this one just because my i'm gonna tell you right now my brain is not all here today and it's kind of moving in in fast motion anyway and we as a whole on the run are moving in fast motion i feel like it is probably a bad idea for me to be uh running and gunning with bob's brain on this one today so i'm gonna leave it behind you you know i like bob's brain and i think it's a very good item but we don't need it on this run but uh you know i'm an ideas guy i i have a lot of ideas but my ideas are are content related right you know my ideas are i'm laying in bed at night and i go okay how the hell can i make how can i make minecraft uh turn into an isaac thing you know and then things like the minecrafting of isaac and minecrafting of isaac two are born now i'm sitting there going right now my brain is is formulating how in the hell do i make gunfire reborn have an isaac twist um because you know a lot of you are enjoying that game on the channel i would love to do some kind of weird isaac twist with it like i do all the of isaac so i'm you know i'm formulating ideas for how i could do that as for isaac items that's completely out of my wheelhouse to be honest um that that's kind of where where that sits i don't need that and frankly it would completely destroy our hp if i did that anyway i'm gonna rock the sun moving forward um it's free mapping on these floors which i think is just way more valuable to be perfectly honest but anyway thank you for the question sincerely rush you're shiresha ringing on rish ram say that 10 times fast um i mean that's not actually his name ishiri shirani rashforam but you get to just guppy i i'm gonna tell you dude i'm a little bit surprised that we have not gotten guppy yet like this is kind of absurd that we've gone the entire run without getting guppy i really did expect this to be like an almost instantly this is going to be a high stat upgrade never mind it's a slight shot speed up did i lose libra at some point i'm i'm genuinely very very surprised by this but sure okay what do i know dude guppy come on dude it's getting insane in here i suppose we do have this devil deal that that could and might contain uh guppy but i i would not bank on it at this point we'll take this we'll take this we'll take this i mean humble bundle does like actually nothing for us because we already have contract from below but it's fine we'll we'll sit here and play the very very slow donation machine if i can donate all okay good talk uh if i could donate all the money i would have been thrilled badly not an option for us we'll keep the sun this would be a great time to just get a hierophant card so that i can regen some health a little bit we are going to try and do witness today this this is a good enough run to do the witness on but that is going to require me snagging the last key piece which i have not done so i got to go get it we've blown a little bit of our hp doing uh curse rooms that's why we're below the cap but i'm gonna tell you our hp is still like totally fine on this run we will not lose um frankly at this point with the runs we've been having recently i'm not sure we're ever gonna lose again who knew anti-birth eating streaks were for this easy dude they're they're going quite well golden key don't really care might as well just do this why why do i not go to the other side on this one uh i mean we have full mapping we we can see exactly what's going on over there uh and there's one one trap room and uh i just oh my lord i just knocked back tiered mom into next week that was weird okay let's take a dude none of these benefit us like legitimately none of them benefit us i would absolutely do it but there's there's close every single one of those items does not benefit us um because too spooky for me is fear shot right which we already have in dark matter um then the sister maggie i mean sister maggie is just never useful uh and then the nail is it would kill all of our hp to pick it up so not really high on my to-do list there either so we're chilling and i'm i'm perfectly fine with this now i will say we took blood oath blood oath is doing nothing for us it actually does legitimately nothing for us so we just take like a half heart of damage at the beginning of the uh room for no reason and i'm i'm not even upset about it in fact i find it to be more funny than anything okay guppy's head i mean i'm not gonna complain but i'm just surprised we have not gotten guppy's head yet for rate of fire now 14 damage is very strong dude i would i would love curt yeah yeah someday dude what are you how to jump joker it is a joker okay go there first guppy's head okay someday dude someday uh we will take blank card and the sun am i gonna go to the the curse rooms is is the pope catholic in the sky blue of course i'm going to go look for my long awaited gupster item of the gupps variety please still know how about a please over here pretty please maybe maybe one final maybe good talk health up what are you another health up okay uh that's what does that do this one i'll look up because i actually don't know what this does items and then trinkets myosotis pickups left on the current floor will appear in the starting room on the next floor uh i just don't care i just don't care especially when we have uh a great trinket in the cancer trinket guppy someday dude someday i'm telling you when it happens you're gonna you're gonna be surprised i'm gonna do the rest of the floor uh we're getting the the chest like crazy right now and with infinite keys we might as well go all in on the idea of possibly getting that that long awaited coveted guppy item the hp from the tinted rock is nice as well okay i'll do i would do another question today but now i mean the run is we're nearing completion i'm very sorry that one of the questions of the day was is a strawberry a fruit or a vegetable not to hate on you silverstar because i i i do know who you are you're a regular chatter in streams and you're a lovely lovely individual but i'm just a little confused i'm a little confused by the the nature of your question today ow okay yeah it's gonna hurt guppy we already got this once this is unreal dude okay keep in mind we still have a whole another floor as well so the guppy dream it dies when i say it dies okay it dies when i say it dies we could even do it we could even get it from this guy right now i've never seen the fallen on this floor guppy eye of the occult is crazy good though so that's we can control the tears after firing them which is spicy uh we will i mean here's the thing right i i actually think instead of the sun i'm gonna take the joker down because we're not guaranteed a double deal right so this guarantees us a devil deal and i mean we lose out on the sun but at this point who cares right who cares immediately pop no guppy um i am curious it does nothing okay honestly it's a valuable thing to learn i didn't know if i could possibly glitch out of this floor uh but we we have learned you cannot glitch out of this floor i'm going to still carry the joker and here's my reasoning um if we end up in a situation where our hp is very low and we are forced into a uh hey you're gonna die scenario it's a teleport out of the room hey we've done it hallelujah we've done it okay cool now i will say blank card holds zero value to us right now so let's just keep guppy and then create a just unordinary amount of flies now i'm going to just completely backtrack on everything i just said and i'm going to pop the gauze repeatedly now with our blank card because it offers significantly more value to us than the joker card or guppy's head does and there's tammy's head as well i mean this is probably like a really good tammy's head i mean all the tears oh i mean i suppose okay i suppose we we pop tammy's head and then we move the tears over to the ow we pop tammy's head then we move the tears over and we wipe everybody i mean it look it's cool is it good for the witness i mean i would probably argue no right but do i have any do i have any reason to not just do it i mean it's super satisfying uh this raises a couple of questions about how good it actually is which is probably it's it's not that good right but we'll take tiny planet because why not take sad bombs piggy bank holds no value to us um i might as well keep keep the tammy's head play right there you go happy birthday i now i'm gonna tell you i like literally can't control these shots um i don't know they they moved very weird dude they moved very weird i i am close to zero control over the shots in this room but you can kind of see i'm firing them so i'm trying to push them to the right right now and they're they're just they're not going to the right very weird very weird uh anyway that's gonna do it thanks so much for watching good episode uh i hope you enjoyed like the video subscribe hit the bell sacrifice your firstborn to the the support of the channel watch me on twitch join the reddit join the discord sub me on twitch and join the apprentice chat in the discord look me up on instagram uh you're not gonna find me i'm not on there follow me on twitter um come to my graduation ceremony in a year when my school finally decides to host it since the pandemic will be done uh have a barbecue with me in my backyard okay it's it's gotten a little bit too far thanks so much for watching i'll catch you guys in the next one you have a good rest of your day bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 11,134
Rating: 4.9652777 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike
Id: kS9cDnBS_fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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