MONSTRO'S DAMAGE! | Binding of Isaac: ANTIBIRTH Random Streaks | 8

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[Music] hello there everybody welcome back to mourn hi welcome back more more anti-birth random streaks it's a judas run today a do this run today here's your seed kx2 h 2s 7c it took a a second and a half for me to actually see what the what the freaking uh what the freaking thing actually actually was whether it was a 2 an s or a or a 17 helicopter brigade c what the hell do i know right uh singular bomb give me a soul heart please and thank you to make me feel good about my life you did exactly that and for that i can say thank you judas what is there to know about judas judas is an interesting character for sure um the main problem with judas is my boy's got the world's worst hp out of any character not named the lost um so you got to be a little cautious the first floor is in general the the most scary the scariest uh position for judas to be in the fact that we got a soul heart early i feel pretty good i do want to go into that curse room if i get another soul hard i'll feel better about going into that curse room or an hp up or something and we know we have a tinted rock on the floor so if we get a bomb then i'll prioritize going into there but this is this is not a bad start to a run in the slightest we have no idea what the future holds hello you gotta love the free soul heart out of a poop makes me wanna wanna clear the rest of the poops to be perfectly honest see if we get some some more solid gold out of them we got a one singular solid gold called a penny out of it in here a couple of flies completely worthless i would rather have not done that but you know what sometimes you got to give back to the game that made ya made happy in the first place three hearts this time bam bam three hearts this time bam bam two hearts this time it's not the cupid shuffle slide to the left okay we don't need we don't need no freaking stupid shuffle i do love we're getting hp like crazy if this is the uh a sign for where the runs gonna go then i'll be honest sign me the heck up uh because this is so many tinted rocks on the first one this is just going it's going phenomenal it's going bee nam inali oh my lord okay and now i need just like a billion and a half bombs and frankly we're probably gonna go to the shop uh and try to buy a bomb because that that room that we were just in one bomb provides us with a whole hell of a lot of value uh and it would be amazing to get into that does require us getting a a coin from this room even like a matchbook matchstick son of a gun in the uh boss fight i can get down with the box i can get down with um okay how i need one penny one penny provide look at all the value dude there's so much value there's got to be a way to get one penny on this floor or just i don't know we're not going to get a bomb from this guy so and frankly we're going to get we're going to get a damn orbital which doesn't help me at all so how am i going to get a penny on this floor there's got to be a fire or a poop or something let's check this as well two pennies is is the doctor ordered a prescription and i went to the drug store and picked it up that's what that's all about okay so you take this obviously bogo bombs would be also very good to have but not something as vital thank you for all of the moolah all that moolah can't get that um i think we're good i think we're good clearly there's there's more mid-maxing that could have occurred on that floor um the item room is stinky and i when i went near it large fumes of gas came near my face so i don't want to go into it um we'll get the item room on this floor instead since it's a little bit better of an item room anyway but i'm feeling i'm feeling good about it i hope you guys are having a good day today uh it's a beautiful and then when i say beautiful i mean beautiful it is rainy it's rainy it looks like crap oh this i put myself in a predicament now huh it's rainy it looks like crap outside um but i have gotten a lot of recording done today um like a lot of recording this is this is my fourth or fifth video that i've recorded today and i still have a little bit more time that i'm going to spend recording today and i i have somehow broken the matrix in in killing those those fireflies i hate them you know how much i hate those damn enemies they are just a righteous pain in the rear and we have now taken a care of them in the best of ways and also the worst of ways i need a key man i need a key i need a key now i need a key now i need a key now key now to bring me back to life that's a doctor dre no that was eminem i need a doctor i can't tell you what it really is i cannot no that's that's that's love the way you lie i don't look i don't remember let get be the secret room please i would have made my life like so much easier if that was just the secret room but it in fact was not freak you you little fly son of a stupid stupid idiot fly stupid dummy come on there's no keys on the floor man keep feed me please how about a little key action you know what i i can't i can't say you didn't give me a key i'll be real i can't say it i'll come in here also not at all what i expected to see um okay okay okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's take back this for now it doesn't mean we're not gonna rock red key going forward uh it just means that in the current second of time i have no interest in carrying it because i have a hundred percent chance of a deal when carrying book of belial in rebirth although i actually think they changed that in anti-birth um and now i killed this guy with the extra damage you give me a key from the boss fight okay so you know what some all good things fall apart what do you got what do you got wait guys too spooky it's too spooky for me to even take it's too spooky to take i am going to take red key um even though i think it's actually probably not the best item i could take here it is the most fun item i can take we do end up skipping another item room which in reality it's it's a little bit of a uh uh it's a fool's fool's gamble right um but also kind of doesn't matter because now we're more or less guaranteed a planetarium possibly even on the next floor now we don't have a key still um but we we probably will see our planetarium if not this floor than the one after another soul heart you gotta love it you got it anytime you it'll land the land that's that's a strange way to describe the game anytime the land gives you a free soul heart or the game gives you a free soul heart you got to be happy there's the key to hopefully take us into our planetarium that's on this floor if not in the item room i'm not one to to be persuaded any otherwise hello please die you as well adios goodbye okay another key now we can get into planetarium and item room i'm basically just trying to force the planetarium to occur by talking about it uh ad nauseam will that work it's worked before so i'm not gonna say yes or no to that all righty dude last episode was was very refreshing for me uh and i feel like i it was partially required for me to turn over a bit of a new leaf in isaac and i'm not talking about the uh freaking animal crossing game for the wii from like 2004 or whatever it was that's actually the weed did not come out until 2007 2008 when when did the nintendo wii come out i genuinely don't remember okay there's our knife piece i have a feeling that all of the yeah all the things we actually want to go to are sitting on the other damn side of the map here so we will take a trip on back that way here shortly good night goodbye we got two keys still the shop is is so not valuable to us right now nine cents is just not good enough uh to merit going to the shop but i still there's a part of me that thinks the planetarium is gonna be sitting on this floor if not this floor is definitely the next at a 42 chance it's just is far too likely uh to see the planetarium this is probably your secret room but let me let me see if i can red key it first because if i can red key it then we know that it is uh not the secret room it is indeed the secret room what do you got for me bomb key fantastic good enough red key has provided us with not a whole lot of value quite yet um but you never know you never know maybe it provides you some oh we can actually slip in here from this angle i'll do it it's ass okay lovely i love wasting uh wasting a key to get absolutely no value but that's okay it's not like we are really using the key for anything else right now that's just quite literally okay these are some of the worst hits i've ever taken in this video game but please stop what what a completely worthless room just in case you were at all curious about the uh worthiness of that room it was entirely worthless now isaac's head is not a terrible trinket i know i'm meaning a little bit here but it's it's not horrible it's just also not great i could have bombed out of there but i think we'll spend the key i only got one bomb so i think bombs are a tiny bit more valuable of course then you give me a freaking bomb but it's fine give me stigmata for the damage in hp it's not a huge damage up but it's it's enough right it's enough this is a little i don't i don't like getting hit in this room and he almost hit me so i was almost very upset i will use my key to come in here uh and i will in fact do this that way i have a key for the next floor i got four bombs which ensures that we can go down to uh the cave pour down mines that's the name took a couple seconds um and if i if i can do that then uh hell anything's possible especially knowing that our planetarium is going to be sitting on that floor i'm going to keep on talking about until i get the damn planetarium i don't even know what item i want from it uh i think this would be a great run to have like uranus on uh just to get the icicle tears could be quite good rainmaker look i know i took damage there and i i should not have done that like that but there comes a point in a young man's life where you take half a heart of damage to annihilate a young lad i know i didn't use my red key there um i would love to tell you that the reason hello i would love to tell you that the reason for me deciding i want to fight this it's it's not like it's not like i'm gonna do the the thing right but i don't really think i care i'm not gonna fight mega satan on this run we're gonna try and fight the witness so i do love seeing uh an angel deal though we just actually got a tinted rock out of that that could be the luckiest thing i've ever done in this game wow okay stop stop taking damage that's that's my official plea for help stop taking damage you're playing you're playing like a pile of butt right now you were playing so well now you're playing like but bring it bring it back bring it back take it back now y'all okay we've done that twice in this one there does come a point where you gotta you gotta look at your meme usage and make sure if you overuse memes then they they lose their efficacy so it's all about it's all about meme appropriation right you gotta handle proper respect for all of your memes anywho i have a fun popping a conversation for you guys today um i have been in the past couple of weeks and my past couple of weeks weeks i mean like past week or two um i've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately uh like the past month or so have trouble sleeping and i've been trying to do things to get my sleep back kind of on track uh and i think that wow that sucks i think that uh a a big issue for content creators a lot of the time is making sure that we get enough sleep um really this is our secret room uh i'm okay never mind what do i know what do i know i guess this is not our secret room it's uh me slapping myself in the face repeatedly with a rusty spoon what do i know i would love mom's key here and we'll just get it because it was the greatest bomb of all time all right cool now i got mom's key and there's another shop right above this fake shop you gotta love that too um but i've been trying to do things to get my sleep schedule back uh to a point where i'm falling asleep regularly i might get trapped in this room if i don't get the hell out of there so i'd love to know how the hell i didn't get hit in this room would be perfectly blunt but um the the way that i've been fixing my sleep schedule is i've been reading a lot more um i love reading but i never have time for it slash i never make time for it right we take libra all the time we don't pick monsters along a lot so i'd be taking maestro's lung here fun for some some good synergy action as well it's a good item room though uh fun items in there i know many people have you know differing opinions about libra but i still think libra is a good time whether or not it's a good item remains a little bit to be seen but i think it's a good time nonetheless but um i've been reading and i i read holy crap you see this freaking room dude okay so it's gonna be this this this and that is hot it's very hot is the best way to work that um what an insanely good devil deal and this run is like in a couple of seconds it's a win so i i feel great about talking about this now uh because who knows how long this conversation is gonna last um i've been reading and reading is really nice and i've been reading uh i feel like there comes a point in your life okay where you just become a grandfather right and i i never i never thought that i would reach this point but here i am uh i'm i was reading a non-fiction book um which is something that i just would never have done in my in my younger life when i enjoyed reading uh a lot a lot like all the time i read a lot as a kid um and i i've talked about some of my favorite childhood series in the past with people people have asked that as questions of the day and stuff like that um but i i've been reading a book on edward snowden who if you don't know who edward snowden is uh let me give you a quick quick kind of uh biography of his life snowden was a he was most famous for being a whistleblower and no that does not mean that he you know went around town and blew whistles in people's faces um a whistleblower in this sense is somebody that leaked a bunch of information and basically he was so he was he was born to kind of two crappy parents um and he was kind of i think he dropped out of high school and was or dropped out of college college or high school i don't remember which we could do more mid-maxing but i don't care uh we'll go he dropped out of some level of schooling and uh he was basically your stereotypical reddit memer before reddit kind of popped off and existed a lot more than it does today uh it was a super racist uh super highly uh highly political individual with very strong opinions i'll just leave it at that right um and he he worked in the government once he once he had a little bit more uh experience and he was he was essentially a computer hacker right so he rose through the ranks um in the government until eventually he was working for a very private branch of the nsa where not a lot of people uh kind of knew anything about what his job was what he was doing things like that um dude i actually no you know what we can afford to take thunder thighs it's not that big of a speed downgrade we were at max speed so i'll take the red heart we we have a double deal guaranteed on this floor because of the joker card so i can i can mess around with that a little bit but uh basically over time he he started to realize that a lot of the things that the government was doing he didn't really like so he decided that uh he felt that the american people needed to know uh what our government was doing from a a cyber and data protection type uh scenario so snowden basically uh decided that he was going to leak a lot of private documents from the nsa um so he he kind of got everything onto a thumb drive and then you know he knew that he was going to be found so he fled the us um he went to hong kong and then he he got a very uh lesser known news company at the time the guardian he got a couple of their journalists to fly out to hong kong they were talking on very secure channels everything was encrypted a lot of a lot of you know things were taken into account to ensure that you know nobody knew what was going on and then he leaked all the documents and things that he found uh in case that's what you're interested in you know it's things like uh the us government working with data companies like you know verizon att things like that verizon was the big one uh and they were essentially taking all of people's data in terms of like text messages that they send the emails that they send um the the contents of their phone calls and they were storing all of this information um you know everything that you ever did online they were storing right which doesn't sit right for a lot of people including myself um then there were also other things such as the fact that the us has a lot of reports on going to cyber war with a lot of other countries uh in tracking information to other countries and attacking other countries to ensure dominance over them in in other areas and and things along those lines right so snowden leaked a lot of this information and uh dude we are we are hurting on the hp front because of random red key uh red key freaking purse rooms right now not necessarily where you want to be but uh the book really just talked about you know the beginning of snowden's life and then the aftermath of everything that occurred but it's strangely topical not i love this kind of stuff uh because you know i work in security uh security is my my thing right i enjoy reading about data privacy and security and things like that so it's very topical to my life uh and snowden has always been kind of one of those people where you know me personally i i kind of consider him a hero in that sense where he he went against the the government to ensure that the us people knew what was going on right but it also he did a lot of things wrong um and a lot of people that's actually not the superstar i have no idea where the super secret room is so i'm just gonna go we can't go we can't go to mausoleum at least yet um we don't have the hp so i will go down actually that that ensures that we cannot go to it i just realized that i i kind of really worked this one up huh oh well it ends up being a nice hopefully free win uh regardless but there's a lot of people that think he's a hero there's a lot of people that think that he's a uh a traitor right and he's currently he's in russia which once again not really great for his crack record um you know he revealed a lot of american secrets that ended up hurting uh american foreign intelligence services and things like that hey we finally got this dang room which gives us saturnus it's an interesting one to get um i can't deny it's interesting how useful no idea but there's something at least um but it ended up you know the the actions of snowden hurt the us government in a lot of ways uh so i can understand the people that think he's a traitor but it's also it's information that you know the the it was essentially the government lying right to the american people and thus they deserved no kind of thing so i think there's there's there's ways that it could have been done better but snowden also knew i'm not rerolling this one old tyler would have rerolled it i i don't care this run is good enough as it is i don't need to i don't need to reroll this one but the issue is you know snowden knew that even if he presented the data to like a court or something and said you know hey this is messed he's still going to jail for life and maybe getting killed for his actions so he knew that he if he wanted it to be known and wanted to you know get the information out there he knew he had to do it this way you know the guy has been out of the states for you know 10 years now um even though you know recently there's been news that trump wants to pardon him which makes absolutely zero sense because trump has been actively for uh arresting him and killing him in the past so it's another just trump lying out of his ass uh like every other time that he says anything um but it it's tough right he'll he'll never be back in the states and i i i don't know i kind of almost don't think he should ever come back to the states um because i do think that what he did at least the way he did it was was wrong right it's just i don't i i don't personally know what other way he could have done it right that that's what makes it difficult um you know he made a difficult decision but was it the right decision who knows right who knows but it was an interesting read uh i don't like i said i don't really know what my you know i like to give my opinions on these matters a lot of the time wow dude we actually just got guppy because we also know that there is there was a guppy item in the devil deal way back it was also what was the other item in there i feel like it was good wasn't it and i just couldn't take it now i can take it i mean we got nine lives but let's let's relook yeah we'll take that come back we're still chilling big time right still chilling big time but it's been good to read again it's it's it's very nice um whether or not it's it's one of those books where as i was reading it i'm not sure is the best book to read before going to bed to make yourself you know feel good about falling asleep because a lot of a lot of the stuff is is messed and it it's almost you know it's almost scary right that the government is hiding so much information and also in a way keeping a lot of information from you and even information about you right which i i've talked about this kind of stuff before and i've said you know some of you don't care that your information is being uh tracked and i i get that but some other people such as myself do care this sucks um i will die coming out of here oh oh well you lose a life we do have a guaranteed double deal chance because of uh goat head here but anyway i finished the book um is there a happy ending to snowden's life i mean the guy's still alive he's like 30 years old 35 years old he was very young when he did all this it was 10 years ago or so um he's still happily living in russia you can follow a guy on twitter uh which i find very weird that he's able to it shows how secure twitter is to be honest that they haven't been able to like track down his location and things like that um but it's just it's one of those weird weird american history things where i'll be interested to see in my life if any you know snowden ends up back in the news for or anything hey you want to like freaking stop your old bum okay because i feel like there will definitely end up being a american president that that tries to bring him back to the states and the thing is i also want to make it well known because a lot of you are going to go you know tyler i'm from bulgaria and i don't give a damn about edward snowden which if you're from bulgaria i agree there's probably not a whole lot of reasons to care about him but what did happen was snowden also found he found a lot of information about what the uk was doing as well um and certain practices that the uk had in place that they they had agreements with the nsa as to what information they would be sharing between the two of them so the uk actually got hurt by uh all of this as well which made for um a little bit of international conflict as well as a result of it you know they had the hong kong police going after him when he was in hong kong you know he had like just barely escaped from the hong kong police or something like that so it was it was a big wow dude i will keep the yara um it was a big international thing when it occurred um and it obviously topped the top the news charts uh rightfully so many many people were talking about it when it when it came out but it's a fascinating story it's one of those things that i i've really enjoyed learning a little bit more about uh before i close my eyes and go oh thank god that the world is great right um just that's a weird world out there chat it's a weird world out there yeah you never know and when you wake up what what the next day is going to uh hold it it's the beauty of life right or the the crappy thing about life however you want to word it i suppose the hermit we do not care do not care we do have money equals power i should be taking all the money i kind of forgot about that we now have reasons to to hold on to a lot of stuff money equals power gotta hold on to the money obviously the euro rune we want to hold on to we also want to get keys in order to actually use the error rune a lot of a lot of mess everywhere but we're also in really good shape on this one i know that you're looking at the hp and you're a little bit concerned but i am i am not i think this is still a easy win easy win and a fun run right well monstrous lung action is always uh a good time give me your key and give me your key but i'm reading another book now it's called the neuromancer uh and it's it's loosely based on the well i'm gonna say this but i'm gonna clarify loosely based on the plot of the matrix um except this book came out in 1984 and the matrix came out in 2000 or whatever uh so it's actually that the matrix is loosely based off of this book um but it is a fiction book so i'm i'm back to being uh not a 50 year old grandpa that only reads biographies um 50 year old grandpa you got you gotta be a pretty young grandpa if you're 50 years old and a grandpa now that think about it probably probably don't aspire to be a 50 year old grandpa let's see that would mean if you had a kid when you were 20 all right then the kid has a kid when they're 20 you'd be a four-year-old grandpa i guess a 50 year old grandpa is actually maybe you could aspire to be that i wouldn't recommend it probably want to be more financially stable before then but who knows you could probably get there financial stability at this point and roll a diet right all right just becoming an isaac youtuber i heard that they make a ton of money lol okay all righty let me out first room let me out 13 keys don't care get bombed give me that sweet sweet uh money equals power action still got three hearts it's a little dicey but it's really hard to care when you got eight lives still right kind of end up in a position where you feel a bit unstoppable a bit unstoppable unstoppable if you want to be french i've heard that that's how the french pronounce it just kidding the french do not pronounce it unstoppable it's likely pronounced like in french um is that that racist in some way i don't know french dude french is the kind of language i i spanish i can hear people speaking spanish and i can kind of make out what they're saying french not a chance i've got a single clue which is probably a good thing because i doubt they want me eavesdropping on their conversation anyway i'm a tema time of balls of steel we did take phd on this run which uh allows us to see what all these pills do i feel like i've been ignoring the pills the entire game even though i've had phd we are very strong we are strong it's also this video will not come out at night most likely so because everything about that is wrong uh are you just begged immediately you're close to it okay did not forget to yara get the sweet uh chest here it's been look it's been a a hot minute since i've yared the chest but we have done it uh intruder mysterious liquid tiny planet it's a chunk of interesting items i will take the majority of them they're all just okay obviously tiny planet with saturnus is a little bit of a strange oddball with monsters long as well it's it's really a terrible combination but uh mysterious liquid is spicy i'm surprisingly with this i know i left a soul heart behind if you think i need the soul heart uh i got news for you i got some great news for you i don't need that soul heart there's more to life than that soul heart it roasted and toasted get spiced and diced get dead and in bed i think i also just fully navigated my way to the boss fight i did he's so good he's just so good oh this run ended up being insanely strong and we got 13 damage there's no denying that's pretty good but jesus you got to love it you've got to love it fast run too in terms of anti-birth standards thank you guys so much for watching as always like on the video is much appreciated was a good time i'll catch you guys in the next episode you have a good rest of your day [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 7,564
Rating: 4.9137931 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, random streaks, random streak, isaac, lets play binding of isaac, stream, the binding of isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, eden, binding of isaac, eden streaking, isaac stream, new isaac content, rebirth streak, new binding of isaac, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth, isaac afterbirth, repentance, isaac repentance, antibirth, antibirth eden streak, repentance eden streak
Id: j9bexZjwQqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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