THE BINDING OF ISAAC but every item is Brother Bobby

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hello there everybody and welcome back to another binding of isaac repentance video today today it has been brought to my attention by various members of the binding of isaac community that i have been unfairly treating an item in the game with a level of disdain and disrespect that it does not deserve twit longer yada yada i am here to formally apologize i'm not gonna do a vlog where i'd fit crying the thumbnail i'm here to formally apologize to brother bobby i am sorry brother bobby uh that you are such a piece of trash in this game uh that i i don't pick you up as often as i i should and also that i will actively pick you up and then tell you how trash you are i am going to prove that brother bobby is a good item today hopefully fingers crossed i'm going to prove that brother bobby's a good item by making it so that the only item we can pick up on our run today is brother bobby we're going to be using the da rules mod to do this and i've made a little rule here that basically says um hey all items in the game are gonna be replaced by brother bobby on every floor um it's simple right it's simple if you don't know how to use the rules or don't know what this is link in the description to the mod thank you jsg for making this um without further ado i mean let's get going right so there's a couple of questions right that that are are definitely askable when it comes to doing a challenge like this one i forgot for a second i forgot for a second um one is this actually even going to be possible like are we going to become strong on this run or are we going to die right i mean there's a legitimate chance that maybe having only brother bobby is not actually good for a run um i figured i'd be kane so we at least had like some other ways to get stat upgrades through pills right um because every single item is gonna be brother bobby like we could open this chest right here and his brother bobby okay it's brother bobby dude um it's another brother bobby and now we have an even scarier position right which is thinking about what's going to happen uh when we inevitably we we have to keep paper clip i think um what what is inevitably going to happen when we get a third brother bobby which will happen in like a minute and a half right after i fight this boss um but what happens with conjoined you know we are essentially forced to have conjoined on this run um now conjoined is a little bit better in repentance than it was in afterbirth plus i tend to think it's okay now right um but i don't know there's also i mean there's a lot of ways to make brother bobby better mainly through trinkets right um i can think of several trinkets that kind of fit a good vibe with this character so there's conjoined we we lose our damage we lose our tears um but we gain a brother bobby so hey who am i to say a word i think there's a correct course of action that you have to take here and it's a little bit of a weird one so i need you to bear with me okay we need to go to mausoleum on this run um now do i really want to be fighting things in mausoleum when my only items are brother bobby ah really right i mean that sounds kind of miserable in nature um but what i want is to be able to kill the siren in mausoleum uh and pick up siren song which is going to be a trinket that increases um basically the the rate of fire or stats or damage or something like that of our brother bodies so it's it's a little bit of a long-winded um solution and it's gonna take a little bit to probably get there and get this figured out um but i feel like we we may have some some good damage potential if we can get there and get this going right there are other trinkets you know baby bender gives all of them homing you know that would be okay as well um but trinkets are random dude like it's not like i can get mom's box you know mom's box will just turn into another freaking brother bobby uh we'll never have an active item on this run um it's like i just got married to brother bobby dude and we're listing all the things that i can't do anymore torn photo or torn card is just it's just not it man i'm not doing an ipa cag my reflection every 15 shots you you can go die with that um i mean i would probably go die before it would go die but you get the general just how about a secret room here okay good talk just fight the boss right just fight the boss i think that we are going to regret this i i think that we are going to actually find that brother bobby is not very strong um and there's a reason why i don't like him but maybe when you put you know 40 brother bobbies into the world which is essentially what we are going to do um maybe we find that he has some uh some stronger vibes than what we initially thought perhaps per chance maybe maybe but we also have to survive this fight against the rainmaker before we can make that decision um okay we we did it a little scary another brother bobby joins the freaking fray we also do have an item room that will provide us another brother bobby in case you were at all concerned that i wasn't planning on grabbing our another free brother bobby right it's one of those things where why would we not why would we not see it's gonna get weird once we have so many of them that our our chain of brother bobby starts rapping like all around the room because you're probably gonna be dealing damage like everywhere right oh what a choice dude hey i can see what the other item is how uh how cheaty is that right how cheaty is that okay and how eleanor is it or or uh or the other people in this show i don't remember any of their names right tahani is that it i was about to say tahini which i think is a sauce that you put on hummus anyway um it's all good it's all good dross 2 electric boogaloo um dude what if we fight mother on this run is that now like asking for a lot is fighting mother just like the dumbest freaking piece of crap idea that i've ever had or or should we do it i think we should do it it's only fair to show respect to brother bobby to to go fight what is arguably you know the hardest enemy in the game although i would probably argue that delirium is the hardest boss in the game but beside the point right it's all it's out of respect to our boy brother bobby i should do where every item can either be brother bobby or sister maggie and then it's just the the sibling run but it look i it's much more much more fun to just rock the brother bobby life um hey thanks so brother bobby how how soon before i'm tired of this look i'm i'm not the kind of guy who does isaac challenges right i i've never really been a big fan of doing stuff like this this one did strike my fancy though and it's solely because like i i just don't know if this is going to reach a point where it's strong or not and i think that it's not like i think that we will still struggle and this will be a really hard run as time goes on it's fine right now but we're also fighting enemies that are pretty weak right but as time goes on enemies get hard man i mean it becomes hard and you're you're kind of expected to have good upgrades over the course of a run so i i kind of i have a little bit of fear that things are going to go um kind of in a downhill direction on this run um but we'll see why did i turn into the loss for this i was gonna go to the mirror dimension and then i realized that i haven't even fought the boss normally yet so that's probably should probably just go fight the boss normally first but but it's a free brother bobby right so we we definitely yep that's fair um kind of forgot that i was not the lost anymore right there we could buy another brother bobby in the shop which is uh some good good value add we you know brother bobby could really help us on this run i would say this is such a stupid video it's such a freaking stupid video i i don't know what what has gotten into me these days what they put in the soup right what they put in the soup oh brother bobby dude why would i take a devil deal right there there's no good reason to take a double deal i'll just do angel deals where i can then get i mean presumably if the key pieces also turn then i'll presumably get uh two brother bobby's every angel deal for free but why wouldn't i right i also you you saw the lag that was kind of occurring i don't know if a lot of familiars is something that normally lags isaac um but that could end up being interesting um if we keep this show going dude i should have played as lilith right oh no okay we'll we'll give ourselves the knife piece and i suppose i'll remove a brother bobby okay just because i i get it right i get it you're technically in that position you're supposed to get the thing that rules is like we don't care we just look for the item right um now winning a run where every item is a knife piece don't give me ideas um i'm trying to think if there's actually any any other runs of this kind right where it's the only have x item runs if there's even any that are interesting right because there's not a lot of items that when you stack the item on top of each other like maybe what if every item was technology right and then you're literally like every because you keep on getting more tech beams or what if every item was uh 2020 right what would happen then and you just get like a million shots over the course of the run they're all interesting ideas maybe i'll farm it for content um as as time goes on but you know what that's that's life dude best life jawbreaker chance to shoot tooth tears i'm gonna tell you dude that that's actually probably better than uh paperclip right now just because it does like an ounce of extra damage which i i think we're going to need because brother bobby believe it or not does not actually do that much damage if only they did contact damage man then then we would be we'd be in a little bit better spot when they actually line up and start hitting then then things go okay but getting them to actually hit people oh that's easier said than done that is easier said than done okay let's get out of here um good floor keep peace acquired um i'll i'll do the next floor and i'll try to get a key piece number two which will technically be brother bobby again but you you get the idea this is why we have the debug console am i right am i right or am i freaking right you can tell me i'm freaking right okay hope you guys are having a good day today it's a beautiful friday for me i don't know what day this video is going up so i'm not going to to do that kind of thing but it's a beautiful friday work's done you know is the weekend feeling good um i'm i'm ready to to have a nice chill weekend do a little bit of packing gotta move out soon um just just excited to to not work for a couple days you know it's a very sometimes you just have a chill week and to be honest besides the chaos of the apartment situation this week um i've had a very very just productive chill week you know good content on the youtube streams went well dude i have not gone here in a while and i'm i'm gonna be i'm gonna be struggling in here we gotta find some health i just realized that we're never going to get red hp like it is kind of impossible i guess a health uphill we we could find hp then but as a whole this this is actually this is probably the underrated difficulty here is the fact that hp really does not come easy you know even if we bomb the mushrooms for magic mush it'll just be freaking brother bobby see this is a good value ed we we like that a lot you spend half a heart to get a bunch back even if there's a soul heart in here this is a value-added die is pre-recorded it is pre-recorded these little guys will never bug me because i'll never have an active item it's such a strange thing to be able to with certainty a tears up is actually huge um it's a weird thing to with certainty say i will never in isaac um because in a lot of ways you can never really say never in this game um but we we kind of have a certainty any certainty requiring items we will never have it because we we only got one baby this is me and my my boy and by me and my boy i mean me and my boys because there are several brother bobbies that exist in this world okay so far i this is going about how i expected i i think that we're going to see difficulty spike when we get to the bosses on this floor um regular rooms we're tackling them okay you know it is not easy but it's not necessarily you know ridiculously hard yet you know i feel like i i am right about on pace with how i would normally be on a floor like this in terms of my dps i think that mausoleum is going to be where we get our rude awakening but i think the hope is you just fight the siren in in mausoleum one it's a look we're gambling right there there's no guarantee of fighting the siren um but if we do and we can bomb her and we can get a siren song then everything everything is is candy right that's the dream whether it occurs you know remains to be seen but so far so good i hate this boss he or sucks i suppose depending on how you want to word it same thing if you're talking about something but it's all the same um you're dead goodbye and then you're you're gonna die too is this final wave five out of six okay brother bobby's gonna need you to to do a number to this lad he's got so much health man see that's what i'm worried about are you know we actually got a good boss fight here in terms of what we have to do because it's just normal enemies normal enemies were still chilling bosses is where things start to get a little bit complicated and we're still taking a lot of damage here right you know things are not going peachy keen okie dokie in the current current setting um i will go down i think but we need some health on this floor i want to talk about something fun uh today which is the fact that there was a nintendo direct yesterday um and there was i mean there were some fine announcements right final smash character did not get revealed um do i care look here's the thing with smash reveals right i don't really care who's in smash uh because the only time i play smash is if i'm you know playing with friends or something um or i'm streaming it as like a joke i i don't really think of smash in the uber competitive like this is my livelihood kind of way but i understand the people that do and i understand that there's gonna be people who are you super excited to figure out who the last smash character is for me i just like seeing the meltdown from the smash community whenever it's someone who they didn't want so like minecraft steve where it broke twitter um that was phenomenal to me i i could not have been happier about minecraft steve making it into uh making it into smash so i i really hope that they do like you know it's some if it's another fire emblem character i think that would be like cherry on top of the sundae i would laugh my ass off um i do i'm on the fan of give me sora from kingdom hearts give me crash bandicoot um all of those are like those are s tier for final smash character kind of things i have a feeling it's going to be jonesy from fortnight not on a screen um but beside the point we didn't get a smash character reveal anyway so this is all kind of a bit of a moot point you're gonna do a brimstone laser beam that was that was very unkind of you sir and now you're dead how do you like them apples okay get out of here um but no smash reveal um the only game that i kind of was like yo this looks like super duper good uh and there was kind of mixed reviews in terms of how people felt about it there's a new kirby game coming out that looks like phenomenal it's like super mario odyssey but kirby um and you don't have mario going wahoo 24 7 in your ear and you also don't have cappy going uh i'm the cap i'm the cap i'm the cap i'm the cap like for every five seconds in it right it's just like a calm peaceful good kirby music little pink fluff ball floating around collecting hats and abilities because he sucks people up and uses them like it just looks great right so i'm pretty excited about that um looking forward to playing that when that comes out um other than that there wasn't really anything of value at the direct until they announced that there would be a super mario movie coming out that will be a animated feature film releasing uh in december of 2022 and this super mario bros film they also decided to release some of the cast of so a lot of people expected that it would be since it was animated probably like you know the original cast of all the mario games uh no that would be far too easy instead um they they they start off by going we're gonna show you some of the cast of the super mario bros movie so first is mario and then it it turns and it's this like god-awful image of chris pratt and and [Music] miyamoto goes it's chris pratt he's so cool this is the voice of mario he's gonna have a lot of lines and it was like what am i looking at right now this seems extraordinarily weird um so i i lost it when i saw that okay i mean just unpack this for a second chris pratt who could be nominated and i don't mean this in a racist way in any way okay um he could be nominated the whitest dude in america like in terms of his viewpoints and opinions and previous work encounters this dude is one of the whitest guys on planet earth so he's playing the italian plumber for one um which no comment i think it's horrible casting then it just got like progressively more cursed but also better in the same way so princess peach is uh anya taylor joy who who was the magnificent actress in uh queen's gambit playing the the the main character queen i don't remember her name right now i want to say beatrice but that's not her name um what the hell is her name dude i don't remember uh uh no i do remember i don't remember whatever um but she's playing princess peach which realistically i'm gonna tell you that's not terrible casting like i i actually i'm not gonna say i like it because i think there's probably still a better option but i didn't actively dislike it i was like okay you know what that one's fair like it made sense at least then they go luigi will be played by charlie day which at first i was like what the hell and then i kind of stepped back and i was like okay you know what that one kind of makes sense too i think charlie dave fits here then got into the absolutely magnificent ones okay you got bowser who is going to be played by none other than jack black alright don't understand it at all um i i i guess i can see it but the other part of me is like why why the hell they doing jack black as bowser when he he could have played like half of the other people in in the mario universe you could have made jack black birdo and it probably would have maybe made more sense than bowser i i just i'm not sure i like the casting man i'm not sure i like it so then it got you know even more cursed um keegan michael key one of the one of the stars half of uh half of kian peele is going to be towed in in the mario movie now um i just want to remind you by the way that toad is a little bit of an ambiguous term in the mario universe because there's like um thousands of them right there's a lot of toads so you got keegan michael key playing every toad in the mario universe are are the toads gonna have personalities are they gonna have like differing ideals or is keegan michael key just gonna play every toad is the same toad like toadette king and michael key toadsworth keegan michael key like how many toads can this man play right i i just don't think i'm i'm there for it and i'm i'm a big fan of keegan michael key dude i think he's hilarious and and the the person announcing was like keegan michael key will add some uh comedic humor to the movie i'm like what the the entire roster is comedic humor just to look at it makes no sense to have this roster set for this movie anyway um it got worse from there uh because then they announced that seth rogen rogan rojan same difference uh was going to be playing donkey kong all right a big old animated ape is gonna be the dude who like actively smokes pot on set in in all of the movies that he does it's it's just i don't know man it's the most cursed just you you have to go watch the announcement because it may sound funny right now but if you didn't see it i promise you it's like 400 times funnier to watch the the actual legitimate announcement for it it's like it's like nintendo googled actor and then just grabbed like the first six people on the home page of google to be in the movie it just none of the castings make any sense and they're all hilariously good like the movie has become something that i had no intention on ever seeing to all of a sudden like it's the top of my list for december 2022 which i guess like good on nintendo for figuring out how to get me to go to a movie theater to see a video game movie right because if you think i saw sonic the freaking hedgehog there was no way if you think i saw a detective pikachu you're you're high as a kite but you best know i'm gonna be in line getting tickets for the super mario bros movie because how could i not miss uh charlie day and chris pratt prancing around the mushroom kingdom like it the only thing that could make the movie better is if it was not animated and was live action instead like can you imagine a live action jack black as bowser uh come on like we're we're getting robbed of potential great content here it would have been one of the greatest masterpieces in all of cinema if we got a live action version of this it's just so good like who's gonna voice yoshi are you telling me like they haven't announced at yoshi yet are you telling oh you son of a gun are you telling me that you're gonna you're gonna have a mario movie and you're not gonna have yoshi in it god dang it it's not freaking siren oh well you're now seeing what i meant about this run getting hard by the way um because it's it's getting hard only like half of these brother bobbies do anything for us man it makes it quite difficult our our knife orbital is probably like our best weapon right now this is tough this is tough do you go back and try to get the item room i think you do brother bobby's trying to prove himself dude but i'm gonna tell you i'm currently kind of in the camp of it's still trash like this was supposed to be an apology i think it's actually just a death wish now but it's unfortunate anyway the mario movie um in theaters december 2022 i'm an official spokesperson i suppose um i i think it's hilarious i can't wait to see the first review that is just like what is this dumpster fire kind of thing like this could be emoji movie level bad if we play our cards red i it's it's just got that it's got that vibe you you can feel it already it's got that vibe you know this wasn't like the lion king live action where they announced all these people like half of which are in the same movie as uh same vibe as the mario movie man like isn't keegan michael key in there uh seth rogens in there like all those people are in this movie um i'm dead okay it's a tough run man it's a tough run i i have lost the brother bobby only challenge um do i ever want to do it ever again not really i'm going to be perfectly blown with you because it like sucks a lot how many brother bobbies did we have we had uh we had 18 brother bobbies on this run the fact i made it to mausoleum um honestly i'm pretty happy with it i think we did good but this was painful this was definitely painful um i enjoyed it a lot thank you so much for watching as always liking the video much appreciate you can find all my repentance content over my channel we're doing a lot of mod spotlights we're in now as well as a bunch of other games such as potion craft beast breaker understand a lot of good stuff going on you can find that all by by clicking the big alexa that you see right by the title of the video probably going to put like a stupid meme in the title or something um this was good super mario bros movie december 2022 i'll see you guys at the movie theater have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 11,586
Rating: 4.9343367 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, the binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac repentance, binding of isaac repentance gameplay, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance gameplay, isaac, new binding of isaac, new isaac content, final boss repentance, antibirth isaac, antibirth repentance, binding of isaac antibirth, every item is brother bobby, brother bobby, isaac brother bobby, every item is isaac
Id: 55200Mwn2Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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