it's that mod you all want me to play

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hi everybody welcome to another binding of issac video uh we lost our wheel of isaac run which means that i have to do a forfeit and I asked you guys I asked you know what do you want to see as a forfeit today and the answer was abortion birth I've been staying away from this mod for a multitude of reasons but here we are let's do it oh boy I've heard pretty much only negative things about this mod why people even want me to play it is beyond me but here we are and though the Hutt's is making it popular right now uh okay we get analog stick I do have out a mod that makes a modded items appear a little bit more I know these flies do poison damage I did do like one little run just to test it out I'm gonna be out of the or it actually was not bad at all okay if we can try and rear old that I will be okay it's an xl-4 fantastic recipes my devil deal because I walked into a damn fire that makes me a little bit angry but that's ok how are you guys doing today I'm doing just okay it's Easter it's April Fool's however you want to however you want to clarify that and I'm a living life you know all the videos for April Fool's were a ton of fun to make all right you guys enjoyed them a ton if you didn't see them then I recommend going back in time not just going to my channel and looking up the videos from yesterday but literally traveling back in time and attempting to find right before I post a video so you can be the first one to a comment and then put all in caps on the video first and then argue with like the next seven people that also happen to do the exact same thing as you and then you all fight over who's first on a video that's never something I've understood I've never really quite understood the whole concept though that was first on this video do you just enjoy gambling on racing is that what it boils down to if you enjoy that then go we'll do a friggin NASCAR or something and you'll have more fun there is a literal beam over there pardon me all right yeah cool I mean that that uh that was dumb what the hell is this uh what in the hell just occurred right here and what is that thing okay would you stop it my sweet friend a friend he's right there okay he's dead what in the world is this and also why do I have okay well that's a space bar item for sure right there it also gave me sack of beans and here I was thinking that this run was going normally for a little bit but uh nope I was much mistaken this I've slap pennies in it it gives me cards is that that's what's going on we also got mcafee which gave me like 17 game breaking bugs okay so this thing just spews out cards and also trinkets I don't necessarily understand the run just got like stupidly whack in a series of several seconds okay just fuse out missing poster a lot as well look man and this is this is too much for Tyler to handle okay and I'm dead but I got brought back to life and now I'm lost okay I mean we knew that would kind of occur tissue no more tears i I can't fire tears okay that's helpful really I'll take some app before we are the lost now which is not I'm gonna be honest with you it's not necessarily where I want be at the current moment what the hell is that literally a gun I will take it it's a gun it does nothing okay dimensional rift it's still there I just want to emphasize that okay sure what in the the music just changed but I'm still in a situation where I cannot shoot tears because of this tissue item so we're kind of just screwed for those of you that don't know what abortion birth is first of all is the worst name for an Isaac my dad we gotta stop with every once in a while the music changes to like some pardon me okay sure clean bean get on the beam alright meat excellent I'm gonna take the gun still cuz it confuses me why are all the enemies portals dude something is super wack but uh one is the worst name for a mod ever and as part of the reason why I legitimately did not want to play this for a long time okay apparently item pedestals don't go away either it's just a disaster this mod and I blame hunts it's not technically his fault but I do blame him for this being popular and now a green Deline boon bean Boombah Boombah Boombah fantastic I can't fire cuz we got tissue you know what I'm an executive decision remove tissue also I did not put any of those commands in so though none of those were done by me you watch this occur can I shoot now no I cannot can I remove tissue please apparently I cannot remove tissue can I remove tissue 686 version I can now I can fire okay and for those of you that are like Tyler that's cheating I don't really think you want to watch run where we literally can't fire that that's stupid I'm sure you'd rather see me possibly have a chance of success on this one or maybe you don't maybe you'd rather me die you know what I can't take these runes kind of forgot that I can fly sure de gAHS happy days it's gonna be difficult for me to stay like on topic oh the gun fires a chaos card it's actually kind of cool I can respect that I mean from what I can tell from the items that I've gotten from this mod there are some that are actually well thought out and if released as not a parody mod could be like useful in the game odd I don't like this every enemy as a portal craft Oh probably dimensional rift that did that if I'm guessing it's very dumbbell and it's quite annoying as well but uh I know there was one that I got while I was testing the mod just make sure it worked yesterday and it was and made like hearts no longer be deliriums TV all right delirium was in the room for a hot second there please do not just like pop into the room now from here on out cuz that's gonna be a big no for me but it made like hearts move around the room I couldn't pick up hearts anymore but I they like followed me around and did damage to enemies and it was stupidly powerful dude like it was a fun night I didn't gonna die because I'm an absolute potato of a human being licorice cool I'm bed right now I lost our secret rooms right here ya know I just killed myself because I forgot that this version the lost does not have holy mantle so rest in pieces that was my bed and now we can try a new run a new run that's still gonna be like as stupid as the last one I want to emphasize that but and it's ok that's ok monster man well no thank you I will take sack of rockets gives Rockets what the hell is a rocket last I checked binding of issac no rockets in this game for tonight that has Rockets 100% and they now have rockets that you can ride like litter like you can't roll them and then you can hop on I spent all over the front page of Reddit food if there's one place that I spend way too much time it's on the front page of Reddit but that's fine we'll just continue on here life will be good I'm living I'm having a good time this is a happy-go-lucky fun mind you know I say that with my teeth clenched and my heart heavy because I did not want to do this it's weird though because you feel obligated you know when something gets popular in a community that you spend a large chunk of your time in then you feel the need that even if you don't want to do it you're kind of like I have to now it's like when when a crappy challenge comes out no matter what you got do a crappy challenge even if you sincerely do not want to also this thing is not giving me Rockets so I'm a little bit confused it seems literally just like a sack that does nothing this mod actually kind of reminds me of the of the 700,000 items mod because some of these items just seems like they don't do anything and there's a lot of them in the game like there are a lot of items that are showcased here in this mod oh there's rockets well I'll be damned it literally fires out fireworks that's actually like kind of cool I can't deny is it useful in any way 100% no I mean is a massive waste of resources that that was like a fake penny I don't really know what the fake pennies do oh it gave me $0.99 pardon me okay well we have enough money to buy out a freaking IKEA at this point but that's fine okay before people are like Tyler how do you even know what IKEA is I've heard of IKEA I do have you know Canadian friends that talk about IKEA like it's the greatest place on this planet uh and I do have some it's spawned a rocket right on top of me felt good honestly I appreciate it but uh I we have IKEA type Fleming one we have IKEA is in America I'm pretty sure just not really where I'm from necessarily and we don't I'm looking for modded items but like IKEA is a basic store that is borderline everywhere when you get right down to it it just got rid of all of my that could be such a disaster given the right circumstances yellow card it lives key charger what in the gods sweet hell just happened did it like III don't actually know what occurred right there but I'm gonna pretend megaphone whoa that's kind of cool okay pardon me what the hell is going on but that that pat down another nanana no charges keys oh that's kind of cool see like this is a good item this is a legitimately good item that would be so much fun to have an item like that this is weird though and it can be very very dangerous as well but I can also see as being a ton of fun okay let let's try this out who are you you are a guy who okay I mean that was a little bit odd and I'm not gonna deny Anarchist Cookbook sure I'm gonna keep this key charger thing cuz it's kind of nice I kind of like it it's at least like alright cool okay yeah I didn't want to live that's fine I'd of course whatever you say buddy okay this will be our last run bean bomb he wants your beans okay he can have all the beans cuz I don't like the beans the beans suck mr. bean sucks mrs. bean sucks ah kidney beans suck you know what I hated as a kid my mom always used to make a bean soup and it was basically should you should buy a ham for like Easter or something like that uh and then the bone of the ham she would just then soak in a beautiful broth of beans and all kinds of other veggies and it was a giant bean soup bean ham soup uh and it was phenomenal but it was my job every year to take the beans and if you don't know anything about cooking beans you have to like go through the bag because beans are harvested in an area with like a ton of rocks and stuff so occasionally there will just be rocks in the bag beans and how in the world we haven't come up with technology to make sure that you're not selling rocks to people in your beans is beyond me but uh is being on being being on me something like that but uh it was my job to sort through all the beans and find rocks in the bags and no jelly you would find way more rocks and you may be expected to and if you missed one then you were just eaten flippin rocks not in your soup and let me tell you rocks are not that good in soup they taste like rocks and break your teeth so not a fun time these counterfeit pennies that give us 99 cents are I mean they're kind of dumb is what I'm gonna say about this look I'm trying to find like positives in this mod I'm trying to find things that I enjoy things that I like you know I can even get down with these bean things what in the hell is this strangest attractor it really sucks oh this is literally gonna yeah it's pulling everything into me yeah okay I mean look this is one of those things where it's just GG there's there 0% chance of living at the end of that one okay one more try I want to run that I can actually like somewhat work with and that was that was 100% not the run as soon as I saw it I was like guess what I'm gonna regret right here oh and that took it would you look at that major regret this was not a no regrets moment this was a major regrets moment I don't want to ever take that item ever again and before all of you go Tyler you need to play more but abortion birth one I'm not going to ah - I'm not adding this to the wheel of flippin Isaac if we want it to be that whenever I lose a wheel or a pay2win or something like that then we play abortion birth I can actually get down with that you know what I'll do that but I ain't adding this mod to Jack diddly squat this mod sucks there's a reason that I was not doing it as a mod spotlight the things been out for a long time more than uh you guys have known it as many of you have likely seen it from huts as I believe he's the main one that's been playing I'll know of ynl or somebody's been doing this but I know I know Hut's was as many of you basically left comments as said they'll ablution for his challenge hashtag huts I was like okay that's what are you doing right now it's this guy again do you want to not be a weirdo he just does like a very basic attack it's like he's he's super Envy but he's not actually he's the other guy he's pride and he also doesn't attack as one of the easier boss fights of history which I can't complain about it makes my life a piece of cake but still a little bit weird I can't deny I feel I mean I feel a little bit uneasy defeating him right now because my face is something else oh my dad okay well I'll see you guys in twenty twenty twenty the Olympics were coming soon didn't really want to miss them but here we are wow this is the worst thing ever in my life can I like could we do this real quick just like crank out this damage okay I mean we did a little bit was it worth it probably not uh and probably not it would have been nice to have a damage upgrade sometime in here cause it's not a hard fight it's just literally the worst fight ever in the history of the eyes Isak binding this game that you make me play four times a week strictly on to Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday and today Tuesday because of a forfeit god damn it this sucks this is why I hate humanity is this right here and I know I know I'm gonna die I know that I'm going to miss time one of these things and that's gonna be it for me my life will be over it's right here Oh nope we are uh-uh-uh-uh stayin alive stayin alive I can tell by the way you move my hand I'll shoot a lot no time to talk I've been an town and found anything it's difficult to create Isak parodies on the spot I'm getting better at it but uh-oh hello oh there's many men many men coming my way many men God okay well that's abortion birth I know there's more to this damn I just whacked my phone I know there's more to this damn thing like for instance there's a thing hush is REE skinned we go in here it's like super hush or some crap I don't know it doesn't look like it to me there's also a lot of items I mean like see ya there's over 700 items in this game is there are over 800 know there's like 769 773 items in this stupid thing wow this just makes the room purple Wow absolutely hot - your item there's all kinds of stupid crafts in this mod I don't recommend you check it out I think it sucks and you'll probably make me play this for forfeits in the future so thanks so much for watching or not screw you I hate the wheeled poopoo and I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 114,692
Rating: 4.7866025 out of 5
Keywords: abortionbirth isaac, isaac, abortionbirth, binding of isaac, afterbirth+ mods, afterbirth+, abortion, birth, modded isaac, binding of isaac mods
Id: j5r6jvsxBpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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