Goblin Stone - Customizable Goblin Warparty RPG

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we've been given special access to the demo of a game it's not coming out for a little bit but they sent it out to me and they were like we want you to be the first guy to look at it and i was like okay let's look at it let's settle on into the hot seat because today we're gonna be checking out goblin stone uh this is a 2d side-scrolling turn-based rpg about the quest of a bunch of little goblins to save themselves and that's about as far as i know so we're gonna dive straight on in as you can tell from this title screen good lord it's all hand drawn and it looks pretty impressive isn't it a pretty looking game it's giving me some serious ori vibes right now just from this menu this is all that i've seen but if the entire game looks like this i've got a feeling it's very much going to be barking up that same artistic tree so anyways we're going to dive on into the demo here today we're going to take a look at it see if it's something you wanted to add to your wishlist or otherwise pass on if after watching this video you wanted to get it for yourself or at least put it on your watch list you can look down below in the description of the link for you down there right next to my twitch stream and right next to my discord link and my twitter link and all that kind of stuff just in case you want to hear my vapid thoughts that i throw out onto the internet let's start a new story and spend some time with the game shall we after a long journey abroad your company of goblins have finally returned to their homeland guide them safely to the lair all right so there's our little goblins right there enter a deeper part of the woods okay we've got like saruman narrating linga's heavy okay well if the scent of danger is here everybody get your i don't know what do we have we're like little goblins dude get your little shiv shanks out just in case quietly they sneak let's kill his ass let's take him out let's feed him to our goblin hounds caught off guard yep i knew it we have little we see we have little shiv shanks dude i knew it what else would goblins wield they either have little clubs or they have little shiv shanks and they like jump onto your back while you're not paying attention like and they start just shiving you in the kidneys all right combat is turn based everyone falls in line to attack kill your enemies to win the battle okay so everyone moves to the center on the time bar when it gets there it is your turn gotcha so kind of a modified grandia system looks like we've got an ability right here so that's gonna push us back on the timeline and then it executes okay all right yeah do it oh never mind so the attack goes off right now but then it moves you to the back of the list so it's the opposite of what i thought was gonna happen what i thought was gonna happen is you do the attack it shifts you back and then when it gets back to here the attack goes off basically is what i thought was gonna happen and that was gonna be kind of the strategy is balancing that but anyways maybe oh he's bleeding that's what happens when somebody shivs you in the kidneys oh this guy knows gob food dude yeah let's do it wow yeah catch one right to the solar plexus leave them wheezing just all right so we've got blood rupture if they're bleeding remove the bleed and deal 10 damage plus 200 of any undealt bleed damage that seems like it's gonna work pretty good let's do that oh that was actually pretty cool that was well animated that looked really really cool from behind iron boss he's got a little hat let's go rescue him dude that's what we need is people who appreciate hats that aren't made out of acorns and coconuts we need a hat smith joins their company this fellow is clad in armor well if he's got cladding by all means let him get can i move him to like the front since he's clearly got armor oh yeah put him in the front then have him be like up in the front and all my guys with weapons i want you to be up in the front but he's got armor so he goes up in the front first apparently we can also outfit them and it looks like we can do some kind of like evolution or something oh and they've got a lineage so like the goblins can breed and have kids so like if you're trying to make a tank you can have the goblins with good strength and like good you know hp and good damage you can have them kind of like breed to create like a super version of themselves if that's to be believed anyways okay all right all right out we go i love how everything's animated and everything moves and like the ui and the art style of the ui is in line with the way the rest of the game works unified art direction is always going to be really really important if you want to make like a bang-up game that's like appreciated immersive and like something you can get into concealed by the stench a small crow of unclaimed meat and giblets yeah dude pick it apart let's go what did we get so we got two pieces of meat okay and then we've got some furs right there too nice the little bag opens and closes in the top left there's so many little details that for all intents and purposes they didn't even need to put in and yet this game is like a visual feast as i'm going through it like there's just all these little things like the book up here when you when you go over the top of it to check what your quest is it wiggles and then when you click it it like opens up and then like when you leave it it closes off and then goes back dude i like it i like it a lot does the map do it oh it doesn't but the inventory does okay so that's not in the demo right there they happen upon a downtrodden orcs still clad in rags and shackles at his feet a freshly dug grave adorned with a bone club buried in the barrel the goblins timorously disturb the orc in his morning uneasily they speak to him ask about a nearby ruin in these woods there in noticing their presence the orc wipes away a tear with one hand as he raises the other to give direction politely thanking the grieving orc the goblins discreetly withdraw and leave him to his sorrow i strongly feel as though you guys ever play final fantasy 14 i strongly believe that since we're goblins when we arrive at like whatever goblin village we're looking for if there's not like a choreographed dance and song section where we sing sort of like a stylized danny elfman like this is halloween slash good king moggle type deal like i'm just saying like i i expect that to happen given the subject matter like we need to have like a little goblin song that introduces us to like their entire culture just beyond an old forgotten watchtower held fast by a great forest tree it's definitely purty it's real real purdy okay are we gonna have to fight anything over here oh i like how the shadows right there [Music] so yeah the shadow comes up and over although i don't know if it would be that far into the background on that hill right there but it still looks pretty good on this foreground towel right there sorry i'm just like drinking in this entire game right now i'm like absorbing it although there's two of them all right let's jump them let's take care of business these umi they need to get out of our listen it's time to summon the log it's time to get them on out of here and if the boys won't take care of it well the gobbos and the grotts will so we've got a shield bash right there attack with your shield and deal eight damage with 10 chance to stun for the next 150 time units attacks made against you return damage and stun the attacker yeah let's do that where do i tell where i'm paying these costs out of that's my first question is the cost just the time i think it is okay so every single one of those so it's 40. so each one of those represents five time units okay all right yeah play that right there one of your goblins is tired it happens after they use an expensive ability they take more damage oh i didn't know that was gonna happen okay my little dudes are getting smacked right now uh let's go ahead and we'll make him bleed real fast we've got like this little wood shank here that we're using and so we'll just kind of like gutty stick him and hopefully that'll be good enough i wonder if the bleed stacks let's find out oh it doesn't okay good all right good to know good to know good to know uh let's just do a normal attack then you have to stab him in the wang that is the weak spot on humans half of humanity is that that's half of humanity that's the weak spot all right so it's not a bad area to aim for you can throw a rock inflicting stun damage yeah do that i want to see these animations oh nice we clunked him okay uh throw rock at him oh they got to be in the back line for the rock to work gotcha it's going to be kind of interesting figuring out how to balance the rotation of your units because i thought he was going to stay in the front and tank but that is not what occurred there's a nice little hit right there okay just keep slap yes stab slash murder mame cause pain that guy's got a frog on his head i don't know if you noticed but our newest goblin has a frog on his head and i'm pretty excited about it i wish that i had a frog on my head frogs are pretty adorable uh so he's tired for right now i'm gonna say to go ahead and just rattle his cage a bit let's keep him stun locked as much as possible they've done a good job with the freeze frames and the camera shake right there implying that it was a heavy hit dealt even though these guys are little yeah it's just got that slight shake whenever you hit stuff just to imply impact so that's good uh and then finish them off with a stab to the kidneys i guess there you go another human bites the dust they should have known better than to be in our woods we protect this territory aggressively all right so we've got 10 gold coins right there nice i'll take that oh there's two of them oh more gold coins and what is that right there medium adventure stuff okay various variously sized adventurer things that are no use to goblins but they sell for 75 all right and then we've got foodstuffs the lost lunch of some unfortunate adventure converts to three food at the end of the adventure and can be used to heal a goblin okay my goblins are a little beat up right now do i just like drag it maybe let's find out so if i open this on up select a goblin to heal yeah heal him up oh that doesn't give very much hp's never mind that doesn't seem like it's worth it i cancel this i cancel this maybe we get a healer right here captive is garbed and peculiar vestments it appears quite grateful and joins the group i can't tell if he's got a frog on his head or if his hair is just styled to look like a frog he's a hoop tinter the hell is a hoop tinter either way he's a healer and that's exactly what we needed so let's continue on our adventure into the woods to kill the humans well the little birds in the background [Laughter] wait is that a tavern that's built into the sight of like a rock the goblins approach the ruins peering from behind a bush they watch nervously as a pair of human adventurers awkwardly stumble out of the ruins deeming it too dangerous to proceed they search for a more discreet way to enter the ancient ruin all right like this little door right here there's also there's like some graffiti right here okay well let's check and see if we can go inside these little things yeah let's enter right here hey we've made it home nice okay so we made some harvest we got some little things around we made some money off the stuff that we kept okay and that all converted into food which is really really nice so i assume that we're gonna go back to like a village or something they said this game was inspired by darkest dungeon and so like i assume we're gonna have a central hub the tree through a dark and uncomfortably narrow tunnel they miserably crawl through the crannies until they reach the tunnel's end unbeknownst to the goblins they find themselves intruding into a human infested establishment hidden beneath the tree the crowd scatters in a frenzy at the site of the unexpected trespasses as the chaos ebbs a surly innkeeper and his flunkies are all that remain he turns to the goblins with a baleful glare intent on exacting retribution we didn't know we thought that it was a thoroughfare to get back to our house the innkeeper oh so he's defiled our home gotcha so he made a tavern in here while we were gone that makes a lot of sense i'm gonna like strongly suggest that we try to stun this guy we didn't make the 10 percent roll that's fine i just i really really wanted to like stun him oh my god he's got people with rolling pins okay um let's consider we'll go with first blood and hopefully that'll get their hp moving down in the backfield he threw a molotov cocktail at me and lit me on fire so that's that's unpleasant uh continue getting as much damage on people just with dots as you possibly can like damage over time i think is gonna carry us here whoa relax man i've been tenderized uh maybe stun you yeah forget your turn bro now you know i'm small and adorable and i feel really offended about the way i'm being treated right now yeah just try to stun lock as much as possible like that ability seems like it's gonna work out pretty well for us so we could put a hex on people we can do a soul shock and then we can do a healing chant okay that worked that worked i'll take it also we got this guy back up to the front so that's good for putting her 50 time units okay so we got a shock wave that stuns all enemies but that really relies on them hitting this guy once i put it up ah intercept okay let's do that look i want him to tank and so i was looking for like an effective way to get that tanking across perfect that's exactly what i wanted to happen okay we've been tenderized again unfortunately they're getting lots of turns right now i don't know if he's just gonna re-summon these guys if we like don't go after him maybe i don't know maybe my mistake was in not going after him uh yeah let's just kind of like front load all of our damage on this guy as much as possible like i've been messing around with the minions but i don't know if that's gonna be effective you guys keep stunning the back line i just don't want them to be able to take a turn if we can manage it like the longer we can lock them down and just keep them you know not moving on the timeline the better okay he's been beat up a little bit um i don't think i need blood rupture like it's kind of overkill let's find out if he's gonna re-summon him oh he died of bleeding nice okay i'll take that that sounds great uh let's go with i don't know if i need to heal just yet let's do a hex i want to see the hex yeah i wanted to see the spell effects that's the thing that i'm interested in seeing right now is like spell effects and whatnot we have blood rupture right here so that's an opportunity for big damage he's been knocked down i don't think i have any stuns or anything left yeah just go ahead and get the damage off we got to get these little guys weapons man before anything else i love their little names though belt collar grub ticker toll spewer like they've got good little goblin names all right so you're up next oh that's gonna knock him back on the timeline oh i love that okay yeah let's do that the more we can kind of like he does so he just re-summons more of them so really we don't need to do anything other than focus all of our fire on him that's what i was kind of interested in finding out that's why i killed him off is just for my own metagame stacking knowledge so that i can have extra wrinkles in my brainy bits all right go ahead and slash i guess there's no other way we got to go through him in order to get after everybody else so ah the generically named cook c you ever become a you ever become a cook so hard that like you just lose access to having a name uh he doesn't have a bleed on him oh i could first blood him i guess but i don't know we'll save the rambo antics for later there's 10 damage right there looking good is any guy am i gonna gonna pick up that chicken right there dude i don't believe in letting good chicken go to waste that's a solid chicken hawk right there and like i want it inside my mouth all right this time around we're gonna go for a healing champ because everybody's taking a little bit of damage so that'll get people healed up a little bit i don't actually physically think these guys have the dps to actually finish off any of our characters because he's getting to blast off a big ol aoe heal like legitimately like every couple turns or so so like i mean i guess if they all focused fire but it looks like they can only hit the front line and so it's not really lining up for them at all go ahead and take that guy out all right execution if they have less than 30 life yeah do that sweet okay so those big attacks definitely those big attacks definitely have a consequence oh he got stunned very nice okay yeah continue the stunning then yup give me a ton edge of the stunnage all right big smack right there looks like they're gonna get a couple little hits off i think the tenderizing just increases the amount of damage we take from watching it i mean if you go by the name of the ability it makes sense he lit us on fire again man where's this guy getting uh he's got so many explosive cocktails on him oh life shock is a heel but it stuns them can i use it on my own guys oh you can so the spells are kind of like universally targetable we should be able to kill him with a rock on the next turn there we go drop his ass get him sniper oh we gotta finish off his boy too okay yep just give him a nice little punch right there punch him in the kneecap so he can't walk anymore there we go dennis alexio just keep working that shin keep working that shin keep working that shin what's inside the treasure chest oh so many rations dude i guess it makes sense and then we got bags of gold and then we've got the goblin sword ham hammer okay all right all right can i put the hammer on anybody maybe i do it through the goblin menu let's take a look all right so inside the goblin menu here so he's got that hey there we go oh he's got to be a raider okay so one of these little guys right here then can equip it there we go he's got the little meat hawk can i give him the the little stabby boy knife or is that for raiders only oh it's for raiders only okay so those guys are always going to be kind of like empty-handed i guess all right well let's carry on carry on my wayward gobs all right all right all right looks like they get oh they just joined the lair gotcha okay well we have loads of food and a decent amount of money right now so i think we're in a good spot to start founding our goblin kingdom to take our revenge on the bad guys certain game features in the lair under development okay cool cool cool good to know a horrible blight lurks in the old woods bringing terror in its wake seek it out and destroy it okay so we've got the ancestors hall over here okay what happens if i upgrade it oh there's all kinds of stuff that i can upgrade right here okay we've also got an armory can i make like any little weapons or anything for my little guys so store and improve your weapons for combat okay oh wow our little goblin hovel is huge so there's like a war room there's a guards guild there's the warrens the quarters the raiders guild okay so i assume like when the game comes out this is just a demo so they've probably built all this so that you can take a look at it and just sort of like preview it and be like oh that's cool but like i assume that we're going to be building all this from the ground up once the game actually comes out so that you can have your own like layout or whatever i don't know we defeated the innkeeper we got the campgrounds over here what do they do available squatters four oh so we can like bring them in okay so they've all got special they've all got jobs and stuff so we've got some of the bare handed guys right here we got another shield guy right here we got another shaman i'll take another shaman for sure i don't know if i want all of them but it looks like they've all got traits and things too a little bit of a display bug right there but since it's like a demo just for like showing off you know what i mean like i'm not gonna worry too much about doing technical critique uh over here it looks like we've got our stuff and he's got his stuff so guards can use those shaman can use the crude imbued bone attack with the wand and deal seven damage it costs 600 gold to get our hands on that we can also get like a better stool or like a better stick it looks like we've also got a sword okay yeah let's get the sword for our other raider and then i'm gonna hold on to those sticks and it looks like i've got like you know some stuff i can sell but we'll trade that right there all right let's fall back and then i wanted to go i don't want to look at that just yet instead where's my little gabo menu at i guess i'd probably pick from my goblins right before we go uh so the raiders guild is going to have my little dude so he's got the stick he's got the meat hammer all right so give him the sword to make him a little bit stronger perfect all right all right all right and then the warrens or i assume we're like these oh we this is where we breed the goblins at right here okay good to know okay so we can breed the goblins for better stats where does the is the barracks so they've got them inside of there i'm kind of wondering where the empty-handed goblins are at okay and we can pick our adventure party over here but i think we're good to go let's get back out on another adventure but i like how animated the little the little hive is that's pretty cool we'll go to the old woods and then it looks like we can go to the merry foothills sure absolutely let's go do it uh yeah the team that we have is the team that i'm fine with i feel like we got a couple of upgrades like i don't relish carrying the little guys that are not like super good at combat but we'll try to pick up some more raiders and stuff to kind of like phase them out as we get further on into these dungeons we are kind of running out of time for the episode but still is anything like clickable in the foreground or the background like are they like oh there are i was gonna say there's like little doodads just like in darkest dungeon nice so we got some brittle fibers and then we've got some soft wood okay yeah take it all anything else going on over here those mushrooms are undulating i feel uncomfortable when things undulate in my vicinity hmm can i pick up the flower nope can't pick up the flower i would like to see some kind of little mini map that tells you what your progress is moving through the dungeon whether they put it up here or whether they put it down here like something like the cell system basically like uh like darkest dungeon has where you choose a path and like where you want to go increase player agency basically like all the decision making should kind of be like the players when it comes to like their path and whatnot so we got wolves out here i'm just gonna go ahead and smack a wolf yeah there you go we got the double swing my guy wolves bite you no surprises there definitely no spoilers uh yeah let's go ahead and oh big damage out from our boy you love to see it get him with the sword dude our damage is actually like one for one like it increased pretty pretty massively just from like equipping those two items so i do like that the items are like meaningful i hate it when games have items and you equip them and you get like two percent more damage like who cares you know what i mean like i would rather have the upgrades be fewer and like farther in between and be like more meaningful like big 20 increases in damage than have it be the former case uh bash should finish them off yeah there you go i love the little animations they look great but goblins breathe easy yeah let's get this little bag right here so there's some meat that's gonna break down into more food for our warren and we'll grab that right there i actually have no idea what that was junk okay so sellable pieces of scrap oh there's a sack over here too hey it's got food and monies inside of it i like both of those things both of those things are satisfying fun words a little bit of mining action right there i do like how they break out different tools depending on whether you're chopping down trees or whether you're harvesting a node like whatever it is you're doing i really really like the fact that they break out like little tools and especially animated basically it's kind of a lot of spotters dude i don't like spiders very much but this game is called goblin stone we're out of time for right now but i appreciate you all stopping on in pretty excited about this actually it feels pretty good uh if you want to get the game you can look down below in the description and i'll have it for you there my name is splattercat i sift through the pile of found what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to tomorrow i'll have something for you bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 178,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goblin Stone Gameplay, Goblin Stone walkthrough, Goblin stone playthrough, lets play goblin stone, goblin stone review, goblin stone preview, goblin stone impressions, goblin stone download, goblin stone trailer, goblin stone soundtrack, goblin stone music, goblin stone early access, goblins stone release, goblin stone guide, goblin stone tutorial
Id: KvshwVDXq_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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