Death Trash - Post Apocalyptic Open World RPG

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what's up guys the gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be diving back into death trash a very gutter punk post-apocalyptic rpg where nothing makes sense everything is disgusting and puking is a special ability uh the creature you see on screen right now is the flash kraken he just wants a friend that's an entire quest narrative storyline of this game so i can't express enough that this is not your normal kind of rusty dusty but ultimately diesel punk understandable post apocalypse game this one's a weirdy uh the last couple times we've covered it the game has been demos basically like pre-release demos at this point the game's been in early access for about a year and so i figured i'd dive back on in today and play for about 25-30 minutes and see if it's something you wanted to add to your wish list or otherwise pass on if after watching this episode you wanted to get the early access for yourself i got a link for you down below in the description aside from that there will also be links down there for discord and my twitch stream in case you wanted to hang out there too so let's go ahead let's dive on in we've got limited time to play around with this title but i do think that it's a really really good game we'll go ahead and continue uh in the case of this game this time around since we've played the intro before in previous kind of like demo looks i decided to give you a character that's a little bit further on into the game not that much further but like 45 minutes to an hour further on into the game so this is my character right here we control with w-a-s-d we can walk around the map this is an open world game you're free to tackle challenges quests and things like that however you want to do them let's see looks like there's some loot up here we'll go ahead and grab some of these goodies looks like there's some trash trash is actually like ow dude i got stabbed okay i didn't even realize that those weird agave-looking plants could like stab you fair enough i learned a new thing today don't get stabbed by the uh don't get stabbed by the post-apocalyptic mutated aloe vera as of right now i've got a couple of different quests to play around with i've went to the first town and kind of gathered up a number of things to get underway with i i don't know if we're going to be able to accomplish a lot of them your character is very very weak in this game when you first start out this is not an rpg where the game is ultimately going to be balanced around you being level one and there's gonna be kind of like this slow slope that moves upwards on the difficulty no this game throws you into the thick of it straight from the beginning everybody is better armed than you everybody is faster than you everybody is stronger than you it's got a little bit of a catchy vibe at the beginning of the game i guess uh it's definitely got a little bit of bite and sting to it so with the couple of quests that i have here on the map basically i've got a quest that will well i don't have anything at the kraken temple the red forest i have to go get an herb from down there because there's a guy in town who has a puking contest and apparently the herb makes him puke and he wants to win i need like an ai core from up here in this area however the enemies do seem too tough to handle for right now and so i actually don't know exactly what i want to do inside the confines of the game world i suppose i should probably go back to town and we'll see if we can resupply and maybe get some bullets and like some other things that we can basically use in order to like fight with our enemies because melee definitely does not seem to be working out for me right now i'll tell you this you kind of want to be away from the enemies if you can help it in my crafting menu i don't really have any crafting right now i would like to find things that i can make i don't know if i can like do that from over here i've got like loads of stuff that says it's a crafting resource but i don't think that the game uses a system so like in other games basically you like research stuff and like look at it and it will tell you how that works i don't think that's how it works here i think you actually have to find like resources and things around in order to basically learn how to do stuff there is a shop down this way but the bullets are like prohibitively expensive from the shop so i don't know if i can even get ammo from over here a new actually new armor would be pretty rad too i'd actually be totally okay with that it looks like we've got a recipe for rifle bullets but it's gonna cost us about 120 bucks to get after i may be able to get that money together i do have a knife that's going to be 10 bucks right there i have a shotgun and i have a rifle i also have some fire opals and things rattling around we might be able to use some of this in order to get moving but yeah as it stands right now i don't actually know if i'm gonna be able to get enough money together to make some of this stuff work so it might be a good idea to sell off some of the hex weed and it might be a decent idea to sell off like some of the zircons and stuff just until we get ourselves into a place where we can build bullets basically uh looks like medical ingredients actually sell for a decent amount too i don't know if i want to sell that many yeah let's just like sell enough to get us up to the point where i can buy the rifle bullets recipe and now that i have the rifle bullets recipe maybe we can make our own lines and symbols of some kind doesn't make sense i should probably learn how to read the merchant of taurus told me something about a guy who went west if i remember correctly oh so we're illiterate as well okay i was unaware of the fact that my character was illiterate so learning to read would probably be a strong place to begin maybe there is kind of an underground area up and underneath this town so like there's hatches and things that go up and underneath the town there may be some stuff down there that i might be able to use uh so maybe we go down to the dungeon that's underneath town and give that a go or maybe i follow the prompts and go to the west and see if i can find whoever that guy is that can teach me the mystical power of rune bending aka like reading and stuff i don't know there is storage space right there we can use this house to basically do things if we need to i don't know i think there was some spiders and stuff down here but i don't know how tough they are we can maybe look into that let me see if i can find those spiders again i think they're in this little cave complex down here to the bottom right i don't have any ammo though so like with the giant dog size spiders we're gonna have to be fighting them while we're in this area with our bare hands which is a little bit terrifying i don't love it i can't chop those right there how tough are these spiders down here i'm gonna save my game before oh they've seen me not great could be going better all right uh maybe slash you actually they don't seem that tough well okay all my health is gone so they do seem a little bit tough let me see if i can eat so oh i can't eat while there's enemies around that's why i saved i'm probably gonna die oh my shotgun doesn't hurt him at all either god this is just a mess isn't it okay so they like attack and then they run away i think i can get one solid poke off i think if i go for like the double hit i'm gonna regret it because it seems like they get a little bit of like stun resistance like they don't seem that shocked when i hit them with a sword i usually prefer that my enemies feel very very shocked when i hit them with a sword but it's not really going that way all right we're gonna kill this guy on the right and everything's gonna be okay everything's gonna be fine close the gap you won't close the gap do it my bro do it close that gap son all right spider's down and it looks like we got some metal off the spider he's a spider with a fond appreciation for metal gotcha let's go ahead and eat some food eating food is good however you have to be careful when you eat like random meat that you found on the ground you get infected and your infection you can only get rid of it by puking and so it becomes one of those things to maybe consider another spider down all right we gotta oh we dropped meta ingredients those are worth a bunch all right all right i can take this uh let's continue looking around is that pretty much all that's down here you can hold down the control key and the control key will show you anything that's interactable kind of balder's gate style so that you don't miss out on any loot nodes or anything else like that however this area seems fairly tapped out let me scan around the complex a little bit and see if we can find anything there is a lady down there but i don't necessarily want to be robbing strangers this early on into the game i tend to play the good guy in a lot of rpgs i don't know why but being a bad guy like i guess i'm just too empathetic man when i play the bad guy i feel guilty for the things that i do to characters that aren't even real inside a video game it makes me feel guilty who are you a visitor what are you doing here examining the flesh the machines and finding out about our place among them but my current studies are mostly focused on the flesh i wonder what's your perception of all the forms of meat around us i don't know free food i guess it is my general observation would be that it's unusual and we cannot discern where it comes from its origin is what i'm concerned about and its connection to the infections and mutations i was cast out from a habitat because i'm contaminated is that related interesting there are no visible signs of any illness how do you feel pretty normal most of the time so occasionally sickness overcomes me and i have to vomit all right those could be the first signs of your metabolism changing anything else um can you examine me yes i'd be willing to this is quite interesting for me too you know you would be the first case i study that's still in a very premature state very exciting premature so you have an idea what this leads to no i don't know at this point a mutation perhaps is there a cure i don't think so but first things first i'm not totally equipped to perform human cell study i'm gonna need a medical scan or an octagon fluid maybe you can get a scanner from the doctor here in taurus tell them it's for me mortis but there's no octagon fluid around here you're gonna have to search one of the old facilities to the north last but not least it would be helpful if you got me some mutant brain tissue okay i'll take a look plus i'm gonna loot all this meat over here because like what is that the flesh nexus answer you try to reach out but no one reacts apparently i don't speak flesh nexus ripperoonies sorry little buddy i don't want to kill you but i'm out of healing meat and so i need a little bit of healing meat for the road we can also tame these guys and they become our pet but like i haven't been doing it because they get like a free hit on you all right uh we can actually teleport from here but i'm not gonna do that right now there are fast travel nodes around oh what is this over here hold on what is that we got some trash okay i'll take it trash is better than nothing inside of here we need a lockpick in order to get into there and we can't interact with the bed or sleep or anything else like that hold on there we go i gotta clear my infection with my puke button that's right this game comes equipped with a puke button if you notice at the top left there's little green pips every single time i eat something rotten it fills up the little green pips and you gotta vomit them out every now and again otherwise you can't re-heal yourself well we got ourselves something to operate off of we kind of know what we're doing right now however i am woefully unequipped for the road we have no bullets we have no anything really so let's go back to the festering gorge and see if maybe there's any easy enemies i can knock out over here to level up a little bit and then also maybe steal their ammunition that's what i would prefer to do anyways i think there are still a few uncleared areas that i haven't been just yet and so i'd like to dip on into there this guy will give me a little bit of food a little bit of xp too that's what the plus four was right there there's two bullets on this side i'm gonna go ahead and take them she's got a gun so we're gonna have to oh my god there's two of them with guns and now i've been shot in the face rip i was hoping i could run away from them fast enough yeah let's go ahead and zone out real quick and see if they reset if they don't reset this is gonna suck for me they kind of reset i think i can hold on let me get a meat in me there we go and then we'll bait that one right there wow she's got range dude good lord oh they both aggroed okay so i gotta like kite them away because i just can't handle these guys right now all right so having kited to the end of the zone and basically like gotten rid of their aggro chain we're all right now now we can get back to adventuring and like murdering things and getting little baby boy xp around here somewhere i do remember the earlier demos being a lot easier and so i feel like they really really cranked up the difficulty in this build like i've been having quite a hard time getting started like everything seems to hit me for like 40 of my health like i've been just kind of surviving on the periphery by picking up trash and just kind of like being the neighborhood garbage collector but it has not worked out well there we go get that guy all right grab that meat right there can i tame this dude come on tame yeah there we go apparently i have a flesh worm now do i just deploy him well i mean the flesh worm it worked as a distraction and now i have ammunition so that's good i've got bullets for once in my life i almost never have bullets uh there's another creature down here that i think i'm gonna have to deal with we'll go ahead oh i hit him for like half of his age ow he hits me for like half of my hp too okay so we are we are equal in the happening of the hb i need to there we go i need to throw up all my infection real fast we got a little bit more herbs over here i saw some kind of flesh cave up there and i am curious about what might be inside of it but i haven't gone yet i don't know if these little guys actually give you xp or anything like are they even worth whacking there is a little bit of zircon right there i'll take that what else do we have going on around here where have i been that's my other question i haven't been over here let's go look off to this left-hand side okay a few more worms a little bit more scrap and medical stuff i'm kind of curious if taming those guys i mean it does give me xp when i tame them so i can use them as a bit of a decoy that i can throw out into combat to maybe give me an opening and get like some melee chops off might be worth it there with cutie that's not really what i would use that that that's not the terminology i would use towards something called a flesh worm but you know oh god what's gonna be inside of here who even knows uh-huh yeah more disembodied organs that are just mysteriously growing out of the walls apparently i can walk across the blood pond too are you gonna try to hurt me everything always tries to hurt me man okay all right yeah for sure i'm gonna throw out a flesh worm and maybe my pet flesh worm there we go there we go there we go oh down he goes and we got ourselves a pistol and we got ourselves some pistol bullets good job fleshworm you drew you you drew him off of me for long enough my friend that's all that i needed from you you you have stood your watch you have served your master nobly oh crafting knowledge nice what does this do okay so crafting knowledge this book contains the blueprint for something called a blip as well as detailed instructions on how to read and use blueprints in general memorizing the contents of these books will allow you oh nice i'm literate yay we found the guy and he's dead he's dead dead dead so apparently i can salvage all this stuff now we should probably go ahead and do that i need to make ammo five trash five metal gives you six bullets how much do i have well i have more than enough so that's good i should probably put in some of these implants too now these implants allow you to go invisible and they allow you to like cast magic spells and stuff apparently that's part of the mutation that's taking place in this game world i can't explain it much further than that because it hasn't been explained to me oh thank god dude actual bullets okay all right life's gonna get easier from here it's not gonna be that bad everything's gonna be okay i'm gonna let that worm live because he served me nobly and i just i feel like a wonder shroom oh i wonder wonder oh i wonder ooh what's in a wonder shroom all right there's got to be more loot around here we can select our shock ability right here if we want to like so and then we can just cast it it's like a little lightning spell our mana is basically our illness the more that we cast the worst we're going to feel how good is that though directional attack usage one infection i don't know how much damage it does but i don't want to betray the worm to find out it's going to make me feel like a bad person however it might give us like an easily usable ranged attack that we can kind of put up against the enemy i didn't expect the bad guys to be so i didn't expect the dude for that quest to the west to become literate uh to be over here and so that actually worked out pretty well we're kind of like exceeding my expectations right now where else have we not been around here to the bottom right all right i'm going to go over there and it looks like there's something also oh that's the cave entrance okay there is a guy down here i don't know if he's like deadly or not apparently it does 10 damage that's not bad 10 damage isn't too terrible for like a little spammable attack yeah i'll take that all right cool i wish you could hotkey these on like one two three so on and so forth so you could whip them out a little bit faster but you know i guess that's life you kind of gotta pick and choose what preparation you have on you okay all right fair enough uh he is an enraged gunman apparently there we go we dropped the enraged gunman a few more rifle bullets and another old rifle i'm gonna take this stuff back to town and sell it to see if i can get some cash money cheddar stacks moving and then we'll continue with our post-apocalyptic adventures okay so we've got all these extra guns so i'm okay with selling duplicates apparently they are not that valuable though i personally had kind of thought that like guns in the post-apocalyptics or in the post-apocalypse would be worth a lot of money but i think i was wrong we did find some household wares that are worth two dollars hooray for me hooray for me and my two dollar acquisition you do have equipment in this game you've got a melee weapon you've got a ranged weapon you've got a headpiece you've got a chess piece and you've got a trinket i haven't found a trinket yet so i don't know if the trinkets are going to be any good uh but you know maybe i've got like some can i make like some more so that does 11 damage that does eight but it costs a lot more ammo okay can i craft up some more right now do i have enough stuff oh i can make a lockpick that might be a nice thing to do yeah make me a couple lockpicks sure i'm gonna go down into the basement and i'm gonna see what was inside some of those lockers down there they might actually have some sweet gear inside of them that may help us like get a come-up all right locker what you got for me oh nice dude we got like a note over here that's got some lore we got some metal we got some energy cells yeah i would say that lock picking appears to be worth it so keep lock picks on you especially if you've got the the mechanics to like manufacture them i don't think there was anything else left down here to loot so i think we need to go kind of to like we we need to go to the red forest and i think we're going to have to help that guy out with his uh with his puking contest that he's gotten himself into i personally would probably question what what choices in my life led me to be an entrant or an entry in in a puking contest but like maybe that's just me that guy looks big and scary i wonder what he's gonna do there we go so i've got myself another flesh worm now too a little bit of xp my guess is you can probably like farm xp just by like training them over and over and over again at the risk of getting smacked i guess i mean 4xp is 4xp did i level up or anything i've got like another 100 xp to go till i level up there's some wood over here i'm gonna f5 save my game i love it so much that this game lets me quicksave by pressing f5 it's the best so are you guys just like friends with each other down here you guys are just like homies i don't really hang out with flesh monsters like i'm not trying to be judgmental or anything oh god i'm out of bullets that's not great that could be better i may have to fall back on the old force lightning in order to zap these dudes into submission okay he's down good force lightning you've got him there we go dude we just got to be careful about our force lightning usage that's the secret uh i need to throw up like right now there we go we'll throw up my puke real fast we'll grab the sword he's got some trash on him this guy's got some brains which are a crafting material i will probably yeah just eat some meat real quick i used up all my pistol bullets on that fight that was probably a mistake but the shock ability is actually seems to be fairly utilitarian now that i know it gives me a stun i think that's going to help out in combat a little bit that feels like it might be the missing piece for why combat was going really really poor for me uh there's the glibber that's the thing the guy needed for his quest so i'll go ahead and grab these are they like a resource is that what it is oh it's a crafting resource independent of the quest all right well i got the quest item and we won a fight that actually i probably shouldn't have won let's see what other loot is on the map right now is a little bit of metal right there there's a couple of like normal these guys aren't that bad i can kill these guys these guys aren't really a challenge oh no i missed okay fall back fall back fall back there we go oh they can resist the stun though that's good to know and there was nothing inside of there i don't know why normally i don't think it lets me loot something that's empty again we do have a couple of worms over here and we've got a hexane finger that we can pick up i will grab that uh is that one of the scary guys right there that does like that charge attack thing i don't think he is yeah it doesn't look like it we'll just zap him to death real fast cool i gotta puke again blair there we go just kind of vent out all my nastiness uh there's a bunch of food down here though take that just in case i need to heal up later do you want to be my friend nope he doesn't want to be my friend that's okay because he can be my dinner now that he's refused to be my friend hey i got another flesh worm i wonder if i can sell them dude nice dude i'm making all kinds of friends out here and look at that we're almost leveled up dude things are going well in the splat kingdom things are just looking absolutely gorgeous right now they're going very very very extremely well a little bit more loot right there okay okay and we got another bandito down here and we got one of those scary guys over here too i'm gonna open on him there we go we got him and we hit level three man that was a close one though dude that stun lock is like a vitol like you got to get that thing off all right so we'll eat a little bit of that we'll go over and we'll throw up real fast to get that out of our system all right we're okay things are going all right and we've leveled up so let's do another level up here i've got some points in some things occultism so this allows me endure higher stages i wonder if it makes my i kind of wonder if it makes my shock spell hit harder but for right now i'm going to take some some hardiness because i just don't feel like i have very much hp and then skills wise i've already got large firearms going pretty well maybe i'll get a little bit better with swords doesn't feel like it makes me swing faster and it looks like the damage stays the same on the weapon so i'm guessing that maybe it just allows me to use more advanced weapons effectively these guys over here i don't know if i can handle them they do have guns and guns are scary go ahead and get you real fast and then get away from your pistolero buddy over here wait for my cool oh you can shoot through the tree okay that's unfortunate there we go perfect drop another one few more rifle bullets right there i'm trying to be really careful about my ammo because it's hard to like it's hard to restock it's not easy to come by ammo like you really got to treat it like the precious resource that it is and try to find other ways to vanquish enemies the only place we haven't been is over in the top right corner over here and then there's a cave on the left i do want to take that guy's glibber back to him and see what the crest the quest reward is going to look like you have a gun looks like it's a shotgun though oh no he's got like a pistol okay oh i missed my go it's okay he's gonna have to reload and we can drop him right there good and we got some more mechanics and stuff too oh i'm kind of infected right now casting too much force lightning it's having a negative effect on me if you ever wondered how all the sith ended up with like a really really bad case of jaundice this is it right here man every time i cast a force spell i'm just like i can heal i can feel my liver just withering every single time i do it you sir i'm going to murder not because you did anything wrong but because i need to keep myself stocked up on restoratives basically i need to make sure that i have lots and lots of mutant stakes that i can shove down my gob so that i can feel better there's a big shiny tree over here but i don't know what it does what does this do i didn't really want to puke again but okay i thought maybe if i struck that thing with lightning maybe something would happen can't use anything from this stuff okay well let's go check out this cave over here and we'll cut the video a little bit longer so that we can complete this quest but also check out this cave hello and zap you actually looks like i'm getting a two damage bonus from my skill i'm heading for nine instead of seven like it says on the tool tip for the sword more enemies that guy's pretty tough too let's go ahead and zap him up get him with the stun chop him up with the sword yeah i think the lightning spell was what i was supposed to be leaning on like a lot more heavily i was supposed to treat that thing like sheena and lean lean on sheena i've always been kind of a punk rock guy i don't know if you guys are into punk rock i've always been like a pop punk slash punk rock guy the only thing that ever sticks with me is like random music lyrics and references oh there's some canned food nice apparently it's vegan long lasting and sealed oh it's one of the spinny boys hold on we got to use bullets on him otherwise he's just oh i accidentally cast my lightning spell i didn't mean to okay all right there we go got him perfect all right we dropped him we're okay but those guys right there they flat out like two shots you so you've got to really really be careful about how you engage with them uh let's go ahead and we will puke real fast there we go lots of booze oh apparently i can only loot that one over there the rest of these are empty all right fair enough that's some wonder shrooms though wonder shrooms where'd this other guy run off to i got to be careful about my ammo usage here however my shock lightning has infinite ammo as long as i'm kind of like careful with it okay a bunch of crafting materials over here we'll do our best to get those inside the old pockets of fury i picked this character because he has a headband his name is cheekman that's what i that's what i named my character cheekman is that one of the spinny guys or is that one of the explodey guys that's one of the spinny guys oh okay yeah that was that was what happens when you try to kill one of those guys in melee that was definitely the perfect example of how that tends to go anything to loot around here what is this why does it look like there's like a blast mark over here huh suspicious i don't know why it wants me to summon the flesh worm so badly i get really with this tool tip wants me to summon the flesh worm can i turn that off this is also a good opportunity to look at the settings so we've got different difficulties they can be swapped out freely as you play the game there's also a permadeath mode inside here we have automatic inventory continue running gameplay when unfocused uh hotkey language overrides apparently we've also got exploding bodies we've got resolution settings vsync is available camera wise it says you can hard lock it on the character or it'll zoom out when you're not in combat so that's good user interface wise it looks like you can adjust the size of the interface which is actually pretty cool i wish it was a little larger so that works out great it also looks like instead of a preset you can customize it you can also put the game in handheld mode in case you are playing on something like steam deck you can also swap out the font i guess if you want to and it looks like enemy health bars we can also have their player health show a number okay that sounds like a good idea audio pretty pretty standard right there input looks like we can also mess around with various inputs on this side uh looks like we can have like automatic reloading we can have like auto aim if you really really want to you can highlight stuff there's also controller support there's fully re-key bindable keys which is great and apparently you can also do shared screen co-op if you want to which is actually a pretty rad idea let's take this stuff on back apparently there's just a dead guy with a chunk of like bicep or something lying next to him let's go back and turn in this quest and just kind of see if the rewards are any good it really wants me to throw a flesh worm i don't want to throw a flesh worm but it wants me to throw a flesh worm so i just want the tool tip to go away that's quite literally all i care about right there was making the flashing tooltip go away that's why i was checking the options to see if i could easily figure out how to do that but now from my recollection i think the guy that was in the puking contest and needed the gliber was over here to the left i think yeah it's this guy ah you brought me the stuff gross and down with it all right i'm ready come here you sure you're not gonna cry when you lose right i'm not gonna lose not bad not bad look at this about the same as mine but that was just a warm up here's the real deal that's a lot and why is there pink stuff in it anyways that's nowhere near enough look at this god dude i can't anymore i give up really yup does this mean that i won congratulations finally i'm so happy i could just thanks pal thanks to you i could win that bet i'll never do that again wait i didn't get anything for that then you're like give me no money or nothing i didn't really mean to throw that over there it just kind of happened ow it bit me all right uh t puts my weapon away there we go he won by his own rules at least can you see how confident he looks now you did well weren't you taunting him of course he can't know i'm helping oh you were helping him become better at being like a vomiter okay you were training up a champion i respect it we only got 50 xp for that but honestly like that's 12 of the levels that's not too bad the only other thing that i need to do is i need to go up north and i need to i need to go get the ai core from the bunker that's up there but there's a really really hard fight like in the first room and i don't know if i can do it like i i don't know if i can handle the heat maybe if i can afford some more ammo or something it might work out so what does the booze sell for 16 yeah sell it all i need money right about now that's kind of what i'm looking at there's also canned food i don't really need the canned food so i guess i'll sell it i don't need the club either and it's worth 24 so that's an easy win the sword is also an easy win so that does get us to the point where we can buy the recipe for bullets applies damage bonus to any sharp melee weapon oh really okay well let me get the bullets recipe first because i think the pistol is actually kind of like a winner all right so we've learned how to make normal pistol bullets now it's still five and five to get eight bullets but we do have 21 pistol bullets now like i think the pistols got the best dps so far just due to the fact that it's got like a four magazine size the shop does have a revolver that does 19 damage per shot and has six in the magazine and has better range than this gun and so it's got a slower firing rate but it might work out like it might be okay hard to say though let's go up north of the bunker and just kind of see what happens there i'm having a good time right now so i don't mind cutting the video a little tiny bit longer just to go see what the next challenge is that we have in front of us so here we are at the bunker [Music] let's tuck on in i don't know how this is gonna go i may die horribly but we'll give it a try ow i've been shooted oh nice dude okay okay i couldn't get through here before but now we're in now we're in this possibly even to win this uh we're gonna want to take it easy on ammo for a little bit because apparently oh he's got a gun hold on let's fall back around the corner real quick because i need to get my health back up there we go and then because i need to cast a whole bunch of lightning we got to clear all the toxins out of our system oh there's two of them in here oh he's only got like a beet stick though and he's way faster than the mutant looks like we do have cleaving too which is really really rad so we've got a stick right there we've got a little bit of meat we've got some more booze and stuff the stick was worth like oh no it was the spiky stick that was worth 24. that's what it was okay so like what's up with you man oh you want to have like a crazy post-apocalyptic like six-string samurai sword fight i'll sword fight you bro i'll sort fight you right now i'm ready to go i'm ready for this drama i'm out here for the heat bro i'm stepping in these loafs oh another person is coming to investigate oh no oh i have vomit oh no i've got the wrong thing oh okay yeah that was a close one almost got got almost had a rough day go ahead and give me some of that sweet healing the two of them in there seemed tough it's kind of rotate around for a minute see if anything like that any loot around here i don't even know if i'm gonna get my loot what is this it's running and producing electricity okay good that means the bunker's online we need lock picking in order to get into here that's okay because i have lock picking and what do we have we got metal we've got mechanics we've got boos and we've got gemstones very nice i'll be honest with you i didn't mean to hit the worms the worms were kind of like a secondary effect of that engagement uh you can break these containers here too the game does have destructible environments just in case that sounds appealing to you there's a cyan key and what is this right here memorabilia five xps five xp i'll take it all right you're gonna find random things around that basically teach you about the old world that used to exist and it gives you xp for basically like staring at them and pondering the orb for a second a little bit of health back get a nice little yak out of my system [Music] gather up that guy's meat metal and medical ingredients the medical ingredients are worth a lot of money from what i recall yeah i'm not in love with how this is going right now ow she got a swing off there we go got her i got to learn to like read the enemy's swings a little bit better like the game is hard but it shouldn't be this hard i feel like i feel like i'm i feel like i'm just playing really really remedially on top of the game also having a little bit of difficulty edge to it unfortunately being good at video games has never been something that there's a hole in it somebody must have gutted the insides oh i thought this was gonna lead to something else that guy's got a whooping stick oh no oh she's got an energy weapon it hurts so bad we lived but at what cost oh she had ammo for it too is the energy weapon any good it does 12 damage that's not bad it's got a little bit it's almost got the same wow okay it doesn't have the same firing rate as the pistol but like it could with a little bit of love and touch and squeezing let's see here curious when i mention the titans longing in her eyes refugee from the habitats hard to prove may be possessed have to be careful puppeteer crafty who taught him why would the collectors not recruit him huh okay yeah we'll memorize the note real fast and then we'll just call it a day right here so my name is flatter cat today we were playing a little bit of death trash which in my opinion is a fantastically gross and unique game that is very much targeting sort of people that like punk rocky things that don't shy away from just grossness and nastiness and sort of like like bodily fluid humor basically uh that's like right up my wheelhouse and so you know the game is like perfect for me i don't know if it's perfect for other people but i find the grossness funny because basically deep down i'm like a 10 year old that somehow ended up being in his mid-30s and so i will see you all later thank you for stopping on in i don't really have any complaints about this game uh i think the enemy i i think that i'm just really really bad at reading the telegraphs on the enemies is really what it comes down to but everything so far from the art style to the writing to everything else are just great and this truly stands as one of those very very unique rpgs out there it is in early access so the game is not done but the developer has been working and patching and doing his thing and so it's on its way towards that direction uh we covered it a year ago we'll probably cover it in another year just to kind of see where we're at my name is splattercat i sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we had death trash tomorrow we will very likely have something else thank you for sharing the luxury of your time with me and i will see you all later
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 225,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Death Trash Gameplay, Death Trash Walkthrough, Death Trash Playthrough, Lets Play death Trash, Death Trash Review, Death Trash Preview, Death Trash Impressions, Death Trash Download, Death Trash Steam, Death Trash Alpha, Death Trash Beta, Death Trash Guide, Death Trash Tutorial, Death Trash Soundtrack, Death Trash Music, Death Trash early access, Death Trash Release
Id: UcnE0N1xEfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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