Phoenix Point - Squad Based Tactical Strategy From XCOM Creators!

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what's up guys the gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of video games we're checking out Phoenix Point which was by the creator of the original 90s XCOM so if you enjoyed enemy within enemy Unknown XCOM - any of that kind of stuff that's definitely gonna be game you want to check out because I played it for I've streamed this game already on twitch TV / petach at gaming where I am every single afternoon of the week so check it out and follow but aside from that I've played this game a bit I put about 3-4 hours into it and honestly I think this game is fantastic I think it's done a really good job of taking the original XCOM enemy Unknown formula removing a lot of the randomness and turning it into just pure tactical goodness where the player has a lot more agency to avoid risk like this game provides you with lots of risk management which is a fantastic change for the genre I know a lot of people like to worship at the altar of rnjesus but I'm not one of them I want to do tactical stuff and I want it to work when I want it to work anyways let's start a new game shall we we're gonna kick this thing off there's gonna be a little bit of a videos gonna be a little bit of load screen but I'll see you on the other side the Phoenix project was founded on October 24th 1945 the second war to end all wars was over but there were those who understood that we could no longer afford to think in terms of nations and empires for a time the Phoenix project successfully navigated the political conflicts of its era that was our Golden Age Phoenix project operatives scoured the world for clues we had bases in two dozen countries even the heavens were not off-limits but out there on the far side of the Moon began our downfall the failure of the Phoenix - mission exposed us to our enemies in the UN stripped of resources and scattered to the winds we were reduced to a secret a memory when the Pandora virus woke up we should have been the first line of defense when huge clouds of mist appeared over the sea when people started vanish we should have figured out what was going on and when those people started coming back changed hostile alien we should have been ready to fight but we failed the ecosystem started to change imperceptibly at first then faster and faster three factions arose new Jericho trying to restore order and purity Synod Rijn hoping to build a world without hierarchies and the disciples of Anu Anu syncretic religion dedicated to adaptation and biological change at war with the world and at odds with each other these factions cannot find a way forward now the mist is returning and armies are rising from the sea without the Phoenix project humanity will fall it's time to rise from the ashes I think that with me and control humanity is gonna fall anyways you definitely don't want it you want me in charge of a street sweeper let alone an entire global Defense Initiative alright so anyways here we are we're on the globe map this is the geo scape right here where we can kind of pan around and we could scan around if the world looks different that's largely because the polar ice caps have melted they're all gone there's nothing up there there is no Antarctica anymore it's just kind of all melted down it is what it is like if you go to where I'm from right like over here like there's the San Francisco Bay right there this entire area of the Central Valley gone doesn't exist anymore goodbye Central Valley you used to exist it's okay there's not really anything in the Central Valley it's worth like worrying about anyways to be fair I grew up there and if it was wiped out by a flood like you know whatever you're not it's not like you're losing anything to crow I mean you're losing all the food I guess so there'd probably be like massive starvation there's a lot of farms like a lot a lot a lot of farms well maybe it is important maybe we'll all die never mind I take it back probably don't want to lose the Central Valley but here we are in Africa so what I think we're gonna do is we're gonna go through some of the basic core tenets of the game real fast that you understand what's going on in our managerial processes there's three resources we need to keep an eye on we've got tech and we've got materials those used for building stuff and then we've got food which is used for feeding and for trading we also have our production capacity that's like hammers and sieve it kind of esoterically infers how fast you can do building projects this right here is the same thing but for research we've got five out of eight look we got five out of eight soldiers hired right now based on the amount of barracks that we have we also have two vehicles which is limited by our vehicle Bay that's right in this game you can get tanks you can get Humvees you can get all kinds of stuff to help you on out so if you wanted to get yourself a tank with a ma deuce on top you can definitely do that there's so many drop ships we have right now and this right here is so many things we have in our storage capacity so go to our base menu you can see the layout this is kind of random like every single time you play the game it kind of sucks the way it's arranged for us I would fer that this be over here and this be over here so we'd have room for another hanger but que sera sera that's life sometimes you know get the things that you want we've got a medical bay for healing a fabrication plate for building a research lab for researching an access lift for defending and an energy generator for energy generating though it's got a satellite uplink for scanning that's our storeroom right there which determines our storage capacity and our living quarters which determines our amount of soldiers we can have our personnel roster right now we've got Ryan Donegan we've got Jesse starlight that's like a rock star name right there we've got Sampson Pyong we've got Martin snejbel we've got inr Proxima so we've got ourselves a couple of assault troops like basic frontline soldiers we've got ourselves a sniper we've got ourselves a heavy we need to equip these guys that's gonna be an important part of everything that we're trying to do make sure you do this when you start your game off I'm gonna give him some extra ammo and I'm gonna give him a couple of grenades because he is the demolitionist after all and his encumbrance is basically full with our first assault trooper we're gonna throw some amal in there and we're gonna throw a healing pack in there looks good do the same thing with this person pow done same thing over here this is kind of drying from the Zeno nuts old-school XCOM managerial approach we're like they want you to carry around a lot of the stuff you're gonna be using I'll give this guy a hand grenade but he's gonna fly we'll put a med kit on him he could swap it out if he really needs it but it's gonna cost us ap if we end up doing that his nickname is coward that's a terrible nickname man that's a mean nickname now we need to start our research we only have atmospheric analysis for right now so let's scan atmospheric analysis time Manufacturing wise we probably want to start off with some extra stuff I would say to take that up to five we also need some extra grenades I'd probably do something similar with grenades and just straight take this up to like ten of them because you got to replace the grenades whenever you throw them you got to restock them and then other than that I don't think we have to worry about too much as far as manufacturing goes we really wanted to we could start off with the Scarab right now which is our first tank it's like a hover tank thing if you it's got turbines right there I don't know if it hovers when you first get it but I saw the little hover tank things honest I'm kind of wondering if at some point it's got a fin too so I'm kind of wondering if at some point we can fly this thing if not right now look at the diplomacy menu where we can talk to other factions that's right there's gonna be multiple factions that you will make friends with as you make friends with them or enemies with them you'll gain or lose access to certain technologies that will change the way that you play the game every faction has their own approach to stopping the Pandora virus some people rely on brute force one faction relies on guile one faction is kind of diplomatic and high-technology this sort of depends who you want to go with it's your call but back to the Geo scape what we want to do here is we want to click on this and we want to scan the area for new events because we only have four events out here to check out so let's go check out some events shall we there might be some Pandora virus infected to kill at the disciples of a New Haven of arena a mutated worm infestation is causing serious problems the locals had placed their hopes in the taxi art Nergal the disciples greatest military hero but nerd was said to be fighting a series of pitched battles against the Pandaren z' has been unable to help we could eradicate the infestation ourselves helping the Haven and creating a good first impression with the faction so your first faction that you're going to be introduced to is completely random so far I have a personal playthrough in that personal playthrough I've been introduced to new Jericho that are basically like the Brotherhood of Steel they're cleansing the planet with fire and high technology and kind of like power armor suits these guys right here are cultists that worship the biological change and actually are trying to stop it by adapting it for the human body so that we keep our willpower but gain cool genetic adaptations to fight back anyways let's help them out with their worm infestation shall we this is a pretty easy mission it's not gonna take us too much effort so let's dive straight on in I don't I don't think this is gonna take us a tremendous amount of worry to get done this game does have some sizeable load times from time to time so just be aware if you're putting this on a normal hard drive the load times may be a little bit beefy whereas if you have it on a solid state drive mine's on a normal hard drive right now I put it on my solid state for whatever reason so there you go okay so there's our drop ship look at our little drone ebuddy the manticore pee Oh 8 I got to get me one of those man I can't imagine what the down payments gonna be on that thing though the monthlies and the insurance like fufu so there's our first little worm buddy over there we should probably take him out probably be a smart idea can I hit him from anywhere around here I can hit him from right there but my sniper can hit him from right there I was gonna say sniper take him out this game uses a unique aiming system so this game does not have a chance to hit not in the XCOM sense you actually aim your weapon and your chance to hit is the size of the circle for your character and for every character will be different based on the traits and the skills that they have so we can hit anywhere inside that circle right there so we kind of want to put the enemy like right in the middle of it there is a chance we'll miss because some of the enemy is outside the circle but in this game you can kind of relegate risk really really well and manage it by just picking and choosing your shots well so there it is the first buggy is now down go ahead and move him up oh we're gonna enemy spotted right there we can get a shot on him from right there let's do that you got a couple more worms over there - it's like worms Armageddon out here with a lot less grappling hook yeah we failed that shot pretty badly unfortunately that's a little disappointing I was hoping we'd do a little better but I can move you out of the way so that I can take another crack at it maybe these guys aren't gonna be able to get after us for a little while so we should focus on the ones that are actively inside of our engagement radius so there you go that's a keel I'm gonna move this guy over here our heavy will move and do what he does she does and then our snipers got a little bit of movement left and I think that's gonna be our beautiful first turn oh this guy hasn't moved at all okay well since their worms and they don't actively shoot anything at us we don't really need to worry too much about taking cover we can just set up an advantageous positions out of cover which is really really swell actually being shot at I don't know if you know this but it tends to suck yeah it's a lot of critters over there there's a number of them all right bypass the turn we'll see what they do if you're wondering about the readouts in this game the blue part is your health the orange part is your armor and how much it absorbs it gets destroyed by explosives and other problems but by and large you really want to pay attention to the blue meter I haven't really figured out exactly how armor works in this game yet and I've got a strong feeling one way or another for how the armor works so I couldn't tell you exactly we're gonna go ahead and put that out right there we've got an overwatch you yeah you go ahead and take a crack at this little guy right here should be an easy peasy shot done good bye wormy good bye wormy it's been nice I hope you find your Burmese going away wormy alright so we'll set him up over there just for some extra shots shots shots shots shots shots what I said there was another guy over there I don't know overwatch is not universal this game you've actually got to like select a cone so be aware that sometimes the enemy will do really smart stuff and move around your overwatch and predict what you're doing I've been told that this game uses some level of machine learning to watch how the player plays and counteracted I don't know the truth of that statement I have not validated that statement that's just what a bunch of people said in chat while it was streaming and so they said that the game like learns your playstyle and if you're really turtley it'll adopt strategies that punish you for being totally and if you're really aggressive it will adopt strategies that punish you for being aggressive I'm gonna manually aim this and we're gonna go like right there and that was a little shallow buddy was a pretty terrible attempt I'm a little disgusted with you there is a thing right there that we may be able to do we have the movement points to get up there no okay well then you swing really really wide and help me out with this situation will you you have options how does that even count as line of sight good lord both of those are how come you can't shoot that one right there can you shoot it now no little teensy tiny bit risky I'm better off waiting for them to come over here so that's what I'm gonna do I don't want it they blow up when they get near you and it does a ton of damage and I'd rather not have anybody gets smoked on their first mission it's really really stinging when it happens to you trust me I'll go ahead and put an overwatch out like right there and hopefully we'll make some kind of tangible progress to where it's killing these worms before they wriggle their way into our hearts literally there you go buddy that's a good shot right there it's important to note that there is friendly fire in this game so if you fired an enemy and you miss but the enemy is still inside your cone so like let's say we fire this guy right here right if I put the reticle right there it may hit both of them it's a risky play but it might work let's try oh that was so close it was just a little high it's a little tiny bit high and that would have been so rad oh well radness is apparently not in our future disappointing to say the least but you know i like to tailor my shots just to kind of i think it gives you the best chance of hitting just with its normal aint oh my god I wanted to aim it myself that was a misfire it's not good you can make me do something desperate over here I don't want to do something desperate you're gonna make me do something desperate alright let's do something desperate and waste resources because it grenades are fun bye farewell nice knowing you XP is distributed in this game based on who deals the damage and who causes kills so keep that in mind as well that's a very very important aspect of the game is that if you're trying to train up new guys you should probably soften them up and then let the new guy get the kill it's a good idea all right we're done here oh it's one over there on the left I don't even see that little guy I even see that little dude so for right now I would prefer it if my sniper really didn't get too many more kills if I had a choice about it I prefer to spread the XP around a little bit it's gonna start off with my sniper tempting me okay oh yeah we got a double shot nice shot shot shot shot shot shot everybody I was like for you to score a kill cuz the heavy is actually pretty good if you give the heavy a chance to be good the heavy is pretty good but we're just not we're not having a lot of luck today it's been a it's been a disappointing journey oh there's another one back there huh alright there you go kill that one first I guess and you know pull back to the line it's a pretty simple mission it's not gonna require a whole lot of tactical forethought that's a pretty low hit chance but we'll give it a try you know say maybe we get lucky I love the gun sounds in this game they're so beefy and chunky just that good like they sound really good they make you feel like you're firing some real heat how many shots you got left a couple there you go good little kill right there good little kill right there that's a good little kill it's a happy little kill man you are just are you blind today you're hurting me right now you were just disappointing me tremendously hostile neutralized we are out of our first mission and we have made some inroads with the cult of a new very nice see how this XP got distributed good stuff we got four skill points into our pool four hundred XP a couple of level ups I'll take it kind of nickname is pituitary I feel like we've got some really bad nicknames normally when we encounter a potential ally we first send the apostle to the once born to check them out but I'm gonna break protocol to say thanks now listen I'll be honest with you the exalted is the only one who has any real answers Tobias West may be clever and sanitary and may sound great but only the exalted is dealing with the world as actually is she can lead us out of this mess give us lives worth living if you want to work with us you'll still have to deal with the hierarchy work your way up from the apostle to the once born to the keeper of the threshold all the way up to the Senate of yearning and the exalted herself that's hard work you'll have to earn the knowledge again but trust me it'll be worth it and if the Synod gives you trouble let me know there you go so we moved our reputation up we found our first faction base and then we got 400 free food which is what's up we need to go back to our base we need to put in like some food generation over here I'm gonna put in a food generating place right there and maybe like another one over here possibly I don't know they're kind of expensive we don't really have the resources for it right now so after every single mission your guys will have fatigue the lower that meter goes the less ap they have in combat there's also another meter that's invisible right now on top of it you can also this is a bug so if the developers see this video you can drag and you can actually change these stamina meters if you yeah you're not supposed to be able to do that I would guess but you can do it with the health meters too while they're down at the bottom of the screen but nobody got wounded that time around so we can actually just kind of skip to my Lou out to this other location atmospheric analysis we program them our satellite systems is revealed the extent of the new mist outbreak the origin sites are in the coastal area regions as in the previous two incursions but the activity level seems higher posing a serious threat remaining life on Earth havens caught within the most serious mist will be at risk of attack so we should explore mists covered regions thoroughly defend any havens that are trapped inside of them our geo scape monitoring systems have been updated with current mist coverage now the first thing that I would recommend that you do is recruitment protocols if you do recruitment protocols then you can get soldiers from the Haven that we just unlocked provided that it's big enough like they're provided that their little place is large enough and awesome enough and then we're gonna research them right after and we're gonna learn about the disciples of Anu I guess see if we can find ourselves another awesome mission in here ayyyy a scavenging site so this is definition defense mission there's gonna be bad guys all over the place we got to defend these crates and if we defend the crates we get to take the stuff out and bring it home with us let's do it we've got some level up so we can do over here so let's do some training you got 50 SP on this guy there's three different stats this controls how much you can carry on how much HP you have this is kind of your mental stat it gives you an amount of wil points that you can spend on abilities and if wil points at zero you panic there's speed which determines how far you can move with a single ap so in my opinion speed is by far the most important stat in the game but that being taken into consideration there are reasons to pump the other stats as well if you wanted to increase these soldiers get SP for all kinds of stuff each soldier has their own personal SP and then there's also squad SP this is SP you can give to anyone that is just generated by your base it's basically training that you can give people this right here is what they've learned in the field this guy's got a couple of abilities got quarterback which is a really good ability actually increases grenade range and gives more strength or more speed so that actually pays back dividends more than what you would have got out otherwise we can also lower this guy is overwatch cost which is good I'll do that and then with the remaining SP I'll probably raise this soldiers strength or I'm sorry there's speed ever so slightly because snipers tend to have a lot of problems getting around we want him at we want them like the Beach Boys are running in around oh my god this guy has level one trooper this is such a good ability so the difference we needs to trees are these are random abilities that are generated on every single recruit these ones at the bottom and these are ones that every recruit of that sub job gets this right here is like a god role the character himself is not a god role but getting trooper at level one is so good it basically tightens their circle of fire by 20% and then also increases their damage by 20% getting this at level one is really going to increase your chances of survival and I'm very excited this guy's a self defense specialist so you get PDW and handgun proficiency with twenty damage dealt and higher hearing range we also have - which is a really good ability like it's like run-and-gun but better trust me it's really good because this character got - we're gonna bump up her willpower to twelve and that's because we want to be able to use - twice without going into a panic because - is like crazy good I'll show you what it does in the next mission is to play our squad and do this thing there we go you guys ready for deployment it's time for another mission I really like this game my analysis of the game so far is that like it's XCOM that does better than XCOM like phoenix point is XCOM in every way except for the ways that XCOM fails and it does all of those things better than XCOM does i just i've been really having fun with it I like it a lot we got a sniper tower back here yeah oh you know what I like game you know what I like I loves me a good sniper tower let's see what we can see up here we're gonna be the proverbial bear that went over the mountain there you go where do we see the enemy at the hell is that thing I don't see one of those before I play for three hours and I've never seen one of those and this is like our first mission I have no it looks like some kind of Walker or something I don't know let's move people out ever so slightly apparently I can shoot at it from this range which is equally as horrifying because that thing is ginormous let me look at the body parts so the torsos got armor the heads got armor the roots seemed to have armor it's got 240 HP good lord yeah you guys better unload on that thing like we need to we need to hit it and we need to hit it hard I also need to get my heavy weapons specialists into a firing position I don't know what its abilities are that's the part what does it do so it is preparing a status ability it's going to activate a special on its next turn oh god what's it gonna do I'm gonna position him riskily because I feel as though we need to make this work alright Oh was that my Dasher right there um this is pointed with myself I should use my Dasher better yeah I'm gonna do it hopefully it doesn't have a rocket launcher anything on it I've never seen this critter before so this might go poorly just letting you know this might go awful oh there's more of them over there - oh he's destroying my crate what a turd I was hoping because there was one big gnarly enemy there would not be a bunch of little annoying enemies that's what I was really hell there's a treasure chest on this map - they're gonna attempt me it looks like they're destroying the first crate on the first turn which is disappointing we're got to push up pretty hard if we want to stop that from happening sniper you know what your job is there you go nice shot hit him in the arm though would have preferred a kill shot right there but that's the way life goes that's just the way inning oh my god this heavy is just disappointing me so much this heavy is the most disappointing heavy in the history of heavies we definitely need to get some damage off like I don't care how we kill this thing but I want the big thing gone I don't even care about the resources I just don't know what this big thing is and I don't know what it's gonna do so I want it to die in pain exactly goodbye you know in case this guy tries any shenanigans over here with my sniper I don't think he will but we'll push an overwatch on that side I think it's a bad idea but I'm gonna do it anyways you don't have anything you can do so I think we're done here for the most part [Music] yeah sometimes the random map generator just like gives them free crates that they can destroy and you're not gonna be able to react in time to stop it don't risk your characters is my advice like if you get a bad map that makes it difficult to defend the objective this is an objective that's not really failable anyways you just keep whatever is not destroyed and so like you know that one right there those two crates it's disappointing that we don't get those two crates but it's also kind of unavoidable like three enemies spawned over there you know like what are you gonna do against that I'm gonna move you up to here you gonna take a look at this bad bitty oh dude hold on a second hold on a second all right so I need you preferably to move the hell out of the way would be nice you don't have a lot of firing lines on this guy put down a shield in front of him call me disappointed looks like the guy we shot the arm off of fell back so that's good yeah I put the shot back that was nice that was good I was good it was a real good shot I'll take it with you can you get a grenade out that far you can well nighty nighty good luck running up on me that ain't happenin chief it ain't happening you take a better position over there you oh you've got line of fire I'm a little buddy over here oh you're still a giant massive throbbing failure okay kind of sucks to be you but I get it not everybody can be good at their job and this is where dash comes into play this is where dash becomes God tears mm-hmm you got to keep on pushing because now we have for AP left over for a double attack and since this guy was creeping up behind us I don't appreciate that I want him gone this also means on the next turn hopefully I can get up to that treasure chest before we kill the rest of the enemies now you guys get behind that big rock over there I guess and whenever this day I decides to peek his ugly little dome er out we'll take him out - oh there's dose of them okay all right another shield deployment which is disappointing oh I didn't even see you look at you you sneaky little bastard look at you there we go blasted his shield off that's what the heavy is good for oh yeah he gets to return fire I forgot about that he's got a special ability where if he's inside of a certain range of you when you fire at him he gets to return fire kind of sucks so he probably want to finish him off with a sniper if we can yup that's the shot I wanted very nice that was a real beautiful shot my friend you step out a little bit and see if you can get a better line of fire on him you go up there and get dat treasure and once that money's chappy look at that treasure chest yup there it is ooh yeah to free med kits I'll take it I will absolutely take it you get inside cover real fast you can't really do a whole lot else for right now how did he have a shot on me but I don't have a shot on him that's obnoxious okay we're gonna have to kind of work around that I'll put you over here I guess he's probably gonna move but I'm trying to force him to do something he doesn't want to do you just kind of covered that area I guess all right that's everybody is he running for it he might be paying oh no he's blind firing me through a window okay you know you're making this really really annoying amigo like I'm really trying over here really trying and you were just really really scuttling my ability to feel mercy right now yeah pull over to there keep yourself safe you might be able to do something with that right there maybe maybe a little something-something there you go there you go there you go so what I'm talking about that was the good stuff right there make this man bleed make him hurt get behind a rock so that he has to move and put his life at risk in order to beef with us I can jet jump him around yeah judge up over there that's cool that's cool is there another treasure chest downstairs there is oh my goodness and I'll go check that out too we probably can't carry it but doesn't mean I'm not gonna look there might be armor or something in there it looks like we've got a nurdles wrath magazine okay yeah just grab it all anything you can shovel in your backpack I realize that I'm wasting some of my manpower right now by looting this thing today that's life sniper I don't suppose you can do anything can you all right [Applause] that man came all the way around he will find that that is a mistake that he is not going to survive my name is splatter cat this is Phoenix point I'm really pleased with the way this game came out I was worried it was gonna be overhyped and it wasn't gonna meet my expectations my expectations were blown away even said as high as they were I really like this game it's XCOM but better and I don't think anybody's gonna convince me otherwise I will see you all later if you want to get the game for yourself it's on epic right now it's gonna be on epic for a while I'll have a link for you down below that supports the channel full disclosure it does help the channel financially but other than that I will see you all next time thank you for stopping on and like leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it and I'll catch you all on the flippity-flop
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 94,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phoenix Point Gameplay, Phoenix Point Walkthrough, Phoenix Point Playthrough, Lets Play Phoenix Point, Phoenix Point Review, Phoenix Point Preview, Phoenix Point Impressions, Phoenix Point Download, Phoenix Point Epic, Phoenix Point Release, Phoenix Point Wiki, phoenix point trailer
Id: ghcBLR7PIyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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