KIT'S FAMILY LIFE.... ( Fortnite )

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man this job is awesome sure beats working the watchtower i can actually talk to people and be social this is great [Music] hello kid have you closed the shop yet not yet it's still light outside no i'm calling you because your mother's going into labor did you find a new place for you and mom yet we've been over this your mother's having the babies that's what it means get back home i need you here to help me when we get back from the hospital meaning forget the gas station i'm freaking out now get home quick okay okay okay i think i've got everything man and i thought this was hard with just one kid i was not prepared for this [Music] oh my gosh it's been forever this looks okay what about the twins the babies and links are perfectly fine but there were some complications what kind of complications there was a little bit of a struggle when the twins were born and well it seems they have no use of their legs what are you serious yes but apart from this the twins are perfectly healthy and mom is doing great i know what to do [Music] [Music] that should do it best dad ever [Music] man i can't believe mom and dad didn't find a new house now i gotta share my room with the babies man i'm tired they're taking forever what's the big deal all right that's it i'm going to bed [Music] welcome to your new home kids what do you think i like it it's a nice place mom it's so pretty it's only temporary your dad is looking for a bigger house for us to live cool bigger house i'll get you settled in call me if you need anything kit come down and meet your new brother and sister [Music] hey you're my brother and sister welcome to the world oh you've got robot legs like mine like yours but better oh nice well i'm kit i'm princess and i'm scruffy it's crazy that i'm a big brother well you ever need anything you know who to come to yeah thanks i think we're good he actually thinks he's being helpful uh did i upset you two somehow listen pal i know you think you're in charge around here but we are mom's new favorites so you better step aside and know your place capisce [Music] what just happened [Music] hey guys i made a pizza if you want some what kind of pizza pepperoni and cheese i'm a vegan oh well i can yeah and i only eat pineapple on pizza so that's what i want uh-huh that's very specific for babies did i stutter no i definitely heard you listen pal i know you think you're in charge but we're mom's favorites now aren't we cis mm-hmm so you need to butt out we don't need you cooking us your mediocre garbage bread okay you need to calm down stop it you two you're killing the vibe princess is right you need to stop don't tell me what to do you're not mom all right fine i'm not gonna get mad and react because that's how a man behaves there's pepperoni pizza inside eat it don't eat it i don't care i'll show him scruffy grow up i can't i'm a baby [Music] [Music] ow what the heck nobody tells scruffy what to do especially not you what makes you think you can just hit me in the head i can do whatever i want see because nobody controls me except mom and dad likely listen you ain't gonna last long i'm gonna make sure of it what are you talking about i heard mom and dad talking they don't want you anymore the family's too big and they want to drop the dead weight that's not true [Music] hey what's going on in here stop it you two he started it he hit me and i'm just a baby kit you were supposed to be looking after your brother and sister not fighting them mom it's not what it looks like where is your sister by the way uh she was in the yard last time i saw her kit you're supposed to be looking after them you're in a lot of trouble mister just wait until your dad hears about this please mom no how much two v bucks this and the gas y'all getting any rain up your way what way would that be i saw you were from misty meadows what business is it of yours where i'm from friendo i didn't mean nothing by it didn't mean nothing i'm just passing the time i'm only fooling with you buddy you're way too easy to mess with here have a tip uh thank you have a wonderful day [Music] he thinks he's gonna get away easy huh well i've got something in mind that'll get him kicked out of the family for [Music] [Music] good oh my gosh what the heck happened dad's gonna kill me [Music] all right let's go inside whoa whoa where do you think you're going pal in the new house well i don't think so i heard mom and dad this is our house and they don't want you here so butt out go find your own family what the hey mom and dad didn't say that did they ah i feel bad for kit maybe i should try and be friends with him hey kit huh oh princess what are you doing here i came by to talk to you because well i see you and how scruffy treats you and how that makes you look to mom and dad why are you telling me this because kit seeing you like this it's a little pathetic wow thanks who knew that a baby could be so articulated yep it's a weird genetic thing i guess so what you're telling me you feel sorry for me that makes me feel great i'm gonna talk to scruffy and get him to leave you alone oh really are you serious wait is this some kind of prank is scruffy watching nearby is there gonna be an explosion no no he's at home he's just trying to beat the big cat i'll try to change his mind i promise well i'll take your word for it thanks princess don't mention it wow i didn't think she actually cared this is great maybe mom and dad will give me some more time off if me and the others start getting along [Music] looks like kit forgot to close the shop well that wasn't very smart anyone could just wander in i guess i'm gonna have to show him what happens when he ain't responsible [Music] oh no what happened [Music] kid you're here scruffy what are you doing here i came by to talk to you but there was a guy in here stealing things i i tried to chase the rubber but they got away are you for real how do i know this wasn't you dad's gonna kill me i'm serious look princess talked to me i came by to apologize you did yep but then i saw the rubber fella and he split what is going on in here [Music] dad it's not what it looks like kid were you fighting with your brother again no dad we weren't fighting it's true someone broke into the workshop scruffy tried to chase them huh so you two have decided to work together huh well i guess you can't be too mad come on kids let's go home [Music] comfortable whoa you scared me apparently i have that effect on people need something hmm i wonder ah i got something in mind why don't you pack your bags and leave the island i'm a little busy for a vacation right now i have like three jobs no i mean pack your bags or i tell mom and dad you trash the workshop but the robber did it oh my gosh you're adorable there was no rubber slo-mo it was me wait you set me up yep me and princess and if that finds out that you trashed his workshop you're grounded for life and he'll never believe you why you get back here it was all princesses idea she's the one who tricked you in the first place princess hey did you lie to me did you set me up i told him to leave me out of it scruffy's gonna make me leave the island or he's gonna blame me for the workshop and it's all your fault hey i tried but he doesn't really play with others i can't believe you two leave your sister alone mom i was no princess is just a baby don't you dare talk to her like that you're banned from this house until you can learn to behave now go back to caddy corner and think about what you've done but but no buts kit now go home [Music] hey kit just before we leave to go on our date i wanted to tell you that no matter what you're in charge tonight uh okay then last time i saw you you kicked me out of the house for fighting with princess what's different just want to see if you can be responsible we're giving you another chance oh great and if i let you down you're probably going to kick me out of the family right no kid we wouldn't do that meow we better go or we're going to be late [Music] oh right our date see you later kid and remember no fighting okay you guys have fun i'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the heck are you doing here furball i thought you got kicked out of the house mom and dad went on a date and wanted me to babysit you and princess let's just leave each other alone in oh no i don't think so what do you mean by that i don't want to have you in my house you need to leave me and princess don't need you here what's happening in there scruffy's with kid he looks kind of mad and kid isn't reacting huh hey princess get down here princess downstairs uh what now [Music] oh kid is here [Music] can you believe it after he got kicked out by mom he had the north to show up again i'm not even gonna pay attention just go do what you want and leave me alone until mom and dad come back oh no you don't tell scruffy what to do princess is with them now what's happening looks like scruffy's arguing with kit and now he's oh bully he's i'm giving you one chance furball get out of this house or all what you'll hit me i don't care i'm not gonna react what a loser ow hey stop it put them up [Music] stop it fight back [Music] where you going aren't you supposed to be babysitting you're such a jerk scruffy [Music] where are you going this is so stupid princess is supposed to be on my side stupid kit i'll get him kicked out of the family eventually you won't have anyone left scruffy gruffy you're grounded you're [Music] grounded it's all over they'll never trust me again kid can you come down here please [Music] mom dad i'm sorry i left the house last night i just i it's all right kit we know what happened last night we saw everything we saw how scruffy tried to start a fight with you and tried to drag your sister into it as well we're sorry for punishing you all this time kit we didn't know the truth that's all right mom so what about scruffy we're gonna let him live in his own space above the gas station that way he won't be bothering you or princess and we can be together again we'll make it work all right i'm just hoping he doesn't go nuts he really doesn't like me how bad can he really be he's just a baby this place is such a thump how could mom and dad do this to me i'm just a baby i can't believe they took that furball site and now they're gonna let him in the house too while i have to live in this nasty crummy shack i've had enough of this already i want back in my own house mom and dad won't allow it apparently i'm being a bad influence for princess well if i can't live there no one else can this is all your fault kit you should have just left us alone [Music] [Music] so [Music] help somebody help [Music] [Music] how great is it that mom and dad have finally taken my side with things they've finally seen scruffy for what he really is an evil trickster [Music] if you want to see more and find out what's going to happen next be sure to like and subscribe to seasons and seasons two [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody help that sounded like princess princess where are you princess are you all right i can't believe it meow our little girl how could this have happened i don't know i'm so worried meow she's so young don't worry lynx the doctors are doing everything they can [Music] how is she doctor is our little girl okay i am afraid that princess has sustained a large amount of burns and smoke inhalation she's stable but for now we're not sure she'll recover consciousness are you saying i'm afraid for now princess is in an induced coma the shock of the pain from her wounds may be too much for her but for now we're doing everything we can to treat her oh no her little girl [Laughter] my little girl oh man oh man i can't believe princess was in the house when i set it on fire oh how could i have been so stupid oh no mom and dad are gonna think this was me because it was me oh boy what do i do [Music] maybe i should run away oh no okay uh new plan i don't know anything i act surprised i didn't have anything to do with it i was here the whole time what's up to you furball okay all right hey where have you been didn't you hear that princess is in the hospital what's it to you for a bowl excuse me didn't you hear me your twin sister's in the hospital fighting for her life why didn't you come down i only just heard about it i was taking a nap taking a nap huh you sure you weren't running away from a burning house what are you insinuating i think you started the fire because you were mad at mom and dad and me as one last pathetic display of dominance but you didn't know the princess was inside did you i don't know nothing about any of that you really think i'm that cruel huh geez some big brother you are but this has your name written all over it and guess what if this was you i'm gonna find out i'm a spy just like dad and i can smell a rat from a mile away well it looks like you're sniffing in the wrong direction pal now get your nose out of my business i'm gonna prove this was you and you won't get away with this oh and by the way princess is in the hospital and the doctor says she might not make it oh man oh man oh man if they find out it was me i'm toast i need to keep this up i can never admit it was me but what if they find evidence no they can't i have to make sure of it mom dad i just heard what happened scruffy your sister she's really not well kid told me there was a fire how did that happen we don't know exactly the kid's looking into it and if we can't figure it out ourselves look at the agency involved we need to know what happened and uh what happens if they get involved they'll come in with crime scene investigation equipment and find out exactly what happened well uh that's good uh hopefully it doesn't have to come to that so uh how's princess doing looks like princess might not make it my baby girl oh boy this isn't good i think i better go home i don't feel so good [Laughter] oh princess how could this happen links it's okay princess will get better and i promise you'll find out who did this we were so hard on her she's so young this isn't your fault uh hey princess the doctor said even though you're asleep you might still hear me i know we haven't had the best of relationships but you're my sister and i've loved you since the day my parents brought you home i'm so sorry if you ever felt like i didn't well that's what i wanted to tell you i'm gonna bring kyle to visit you later he's too upset to come now [Music] and i'm gonna find who did this i'm pretty sure i know who it is already hey aces i'm real sorry about what happened if i knew you were there i wouldn't have done it you know that right anyways i love you and i hope you feel better soon [Music] you might be wondering why we called you here is everything okay did they find out who did it is princess awake [Music] no we got a call from the hospital [Music] your sister died from her injuries last night what no no she can't be gone i'm sorry kids i i need some air i'm gonna go make sure your mother's okay i i don't understand stop it stop what pretending like you're upset i know you did it did what i know that you started the fire do you and what evidence do you have i don't have any right now but i do know that you did it and that's enough yeah good luck with that [Music] hello yeah he just left the agency can you see him yeah i'm tailing him now you really think he did it i know he did that's all i need if i see anything suspicious i'll let you know thanks don't worry princess we'll catch him [Music] where's scruffy your brother was too upset to come he's definitely guilty what was that oh i said i'm sorry he couldn't make it i'm sorry that this happened princess if i could switch places with you it'd be me in the ground instead of you hey holding in son i'm not too great dad i miss her me too kiddo me too who do you think did it i don't know son what's up guys if you enjoyed that awesome video make sure you subscribe and don't forget to update your creator code to these seasons and don't miss our next video which will be out tomorrow on our other channel seasons 2. foreign
Channel: Seasons 2
Views: 4,941,107
Rating: 4.8634472 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite seasons, fortnite battle royale, fortnite chapter 2, fortnite film, season 3, fortnite season 3, theseasons, kit, kits family, famil life, family, kit's brother, kit's sister, brother and sister, mom and dad, movie, fortnite movie, kit in fortnite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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