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a work of art takes time patience the finest pieces often inspire many interpretations interpretations that are made in the hopes of understanding the intent of the artist but for my grand work there will be no interpretations the intent will be made clear when the stream start you [Music] ah greasy grove hobo I sure hope my customers like my do Chinese burgers that roof was a fortunate advertising costs hello there are you Theo no indeed I am welcome to der burger one I don't know why I called it that because it's the only one in existence but whatever thanks it's uh it's good to be here yes were you trotted by the impressive architectural marvel above our heads the what the roof do you like the roof sure yeah I guess brilliant then you must be here to try our new Chinese style burgers uh what are those so you know how Chinese tacos are all the rage this season no oh well basically it's teriyaki beef on a bun I see well that's great at all but I'm really just here for a job a job hmm I guess I could use some help around here you're hired ah just like that yeah just like that now come back here let's get started here take this you're gonna eat it okay now there's a few things you gotta know the grease is where the grease is kept you don't want to touch that yeah the frialator fries things up real cut right drinks included we tel have ice and if anyone asks for it tell them to get the heck out of here okay buds cost extra oh the bathrooms are for pay customers only and sledgehammer has to buy extra for the privilege who's that are you getting all this yeah I got it good all right you're ready I'm gonna go count my money in the back make me proud um how do I turn on the green all right you've got a job now don't mess this up [Music] oh hi there welcome to our dad burger did you just meet that off of a sign sorry it's my first day I'm a little nervous ah gotcha well I'll try to go easy on you then what's your name hi maitus what's yours mmm trust me you'd have a hard time pronouncing my real name most people just call me REO well it's nice to meet you RIA so Midas what are you doing at a place like this excuse me handsome guy like you I'd expect to see one of billboards somewhere not serving up fries oh hi thanks what's going on out here let slip it it morph lipid sorry sir I'll get on it right away you know what I'm good it was nice meeting you mitos give me a call sometime okay sure you just lost me a customer I didn't mean to uh I know you did your best tell you what you can make it up to me by cleaning the bathroom sledgehammer wasn't there earlier and well let's just say it's punishment enough another day another dollar now is this really all there is to life ah it's that girl from the other day [Music] oh hey burger boy hey Bri oh nice to see you again I gotta say I'm a little disappointed you never called you didn't actually leave your number Oh duh Wow hold it's time I was worrying you might not like me like you well yeah so do you yeah I think I do cool so you want to hang out oh I would but I'd get working five minutes ago oh man sorry Rhea I'll catch up with you later hmm sorry late well well well look who it is you're fired kid fired no please I need this job well I need employees that come to work on time those tumbling fries aren't gonna make themselves and furthermore take this burger brains real come on join on the fun okay where are you getting all these profit yeah Rob how long until the end of days that'll show him ah I never did anything like that before that was exhilarating so what do you say you got time to hang out now my schedule just cleared up come on whew that was a lot of fun RIA want to go for another pass oh no I'm quite alright between throwing those tomatoes at my boss earlier and now this I'm exhausted besides I'm fine what you're standing here talking to you oh because you like me indeed you and your tats excuse me no tattoos if you hadn't noticed I'm quite the ink on a so myself oh yeah I definitely noticed I've never seen anyone so decked out excuse me would you Punk's just say can we help you yeah I think you can't help me sounds like you just said this twig tattoos are better than mine well they are clearly yours is just a sleeve yeah look we don't want any trouble oh yeah you're why drama you got trouble son could you deal with the squad leader I'm here for my smaller man have you been in it if you bet your Wharf I bet suck I bet the war you know what that means no it means you're going down to lucky town baby you mean lucky landing you're such a nerd you're just a twig and I'm a big tall branch boy sage wake you up for this you better yes but I have your girl speak for you huh that's cool I'll take you botan freakazoids you don't talk to her that way let's do this yeah no fair dude you guys totally cheated Wow you were like wait for the hair totally not cool bro I'm out of here yeah you better run you all right yeah for sure we really showed him huh you said it you did great right back atcha [Music] I'm sorry sir we did everything we could oh hi there my baby girl you have your mother's smile if you can be positive like this all the time we'll make it through this I protect you and love you enough for both of us I promised my little marigold hey Dad marigold you're positively glowing duh what did you expect you're looking at the best treasure hunter since well ever sorry but I think I've got you beat is that so I'll be the judge of that show us what you found girl have you ever seen anything so beautiful besides you and your mother now I can't imagine I have well done all right [Music] you've really come into your own I knew moving out here would pay off I think mom would have liked it I bet she would have what about you dear me what about me are you happy here in this life I mean we get by fine right what else could you ask for I just wonder sometimes it would be nice to not have to go spelunking for dead men's riches and instead make my own you know well that maybe you shouldn't have gone to the treasure hunting profession and deny the world these hand skills you're right that would be a tragedy then it's time to see the master at work and so it is you've done your part but it's time I've done mine good luck beating my hole dad you're gonna need it we'll see my dad [Music] ah what have we here mm no entrance and no obvious opening mechanism but there's a chest in here alright time to bust out old reliable success let's see what we've earned no mimics them it makes no mimics nice it's not worth as much as marigolds but that should do for today hmm or maybe not something tells me there's more to be found my goodness this temple is massive why it would take miracle than I ages to explore together still though no time like the present it's pitch black down here lucky I always come prepared my god that is that would be enough to last us a thousand lifetimes what that could someone else be down here no I'm just hearing things that's all can't let myself get distracted now everything I ever wanted in the palms of my hands I'm not hearing things that was real I have to help her but no the treasure can wait I'm coming hello are you there ma'am do you need assistance further and further into the darkness I better watch my step oh hello I'm here what is that no not unless you back off I said how did I how did I do that you did well are you alright what are you doing down here and just what was that thing anyway I am fine I was down here to test you and you passed test me that was all a test in some regards the threat that one poses was very real to combat him you have been chosen chosen chosen by what by the light you've proven yourself worthy to wield it and wield it you must if the coming darkness is to be stopped the light the darkness I'm sorry but this all sounds far-fetched I must be dreaming you feel the power inside you don't you tell me does that feel imaginary no it feels very real because it is ah where'd she go [Music] [Applause] anything the power of the light coursing through my fingertips with this gift I can finally live like a king I have to show marigold she'll be so excited where are you daughter I have something wonderful to show you magnificent marigold she must have found out hmm I wonder the possibilities are endless everything I touch turns to gold in my hands I am rich no more than that I am all-powerful dad something's happened to the front door and dad is that you yes dear it's me what happened to you you you changed your hair that's not the only thing that's changed about me I've been given a great power what do you mean give him by who it is hard to explain but the results speak for themselves watch our lives will never be the same with this I can be a king and you my princess this is almost too much to take in what's the cost the one who gave me this gift they want me to do their bidding but the way I see it we don't need to serve anyone not anymore well I'm happy for you dad this is pretty awesome so who's the best treasure hunter you dad high-five that's right Oh dad I don't feel so good no wait no not like this marigold no no no no no marigold I'm so sorry it's been so long since I became Who I am today since I made you into this I've learned to control it to an extent since then what I cannot seem to reverse its effects the one who made me this way has no heed in my prayers my place it is like they wanted this outcome all along and for that they will they however in order to make that happen I require something the power to kill MacLeod [Music] [Music] this party is so much fun but where's the bathroom she was like a maze mini is down here hello anyone here I'm a little lost whoa she's beautiful isn't she Oh mr. M I was just looking for the bathroom and I spotted your statue here it's magnificent indeed it appears that I am NOT alone in our organization when it comes to appreciation for art well it's hard not to be impressed when you see a piece as fine as this I took a semester in art history and I don't think I ever saw a sculpture look so realistic I find the subjects face to be the most captivating tell me what emotion do you think her expression is conveying hmm her smashes genuine warmth love even but there's a sadness in her eyes I thought the same not many people have been in this room it's nice to hear a second opinion now what was your name dear Rebecca sir well Rebecca I could so enjoy our little talk but I do believe it is time for us to part ways after all you don't want to miss the rest of the party do you of course I don't mean to take up your time but could you point me to the nearest restroom certainly it's out the door and to your right thank you see you back up there oh and Rebecca yes this room is off-limits [Music] we retired and as the infestation gotten under control it as though we lost a lot of men it will take weeks to shore up those kinds of numbers again this attack was unacceptable I want whoever was responsible to pay the ultimate price of course we're looking into several leads but the obvious culprit is Kaos agent that one I should have killed him while I had the chance instead you killed his daughter not your finest hour Riptide have you forgotten your place or need I remind you no I know where I stand and besides you need all the friends who can get right now alters hurt him bad and everyone knows that egos gotten reinforcements their presence is all over the island and rapidly-growing that I think it's time we did some thinning of their ranks and then we handle Kaos agent fine by me I'm here if you want something done right you dare riptide it has been a long time tell me about it I thought you were sending an agent to meet with me not get us all killed indeed that mess the other day was not my intention I should have more properly vetted my newest agent I had no idea she had such a vendetta with alter yeah well thankfully most of us shadow operatives survived and with some coercing fusion puts the sole blame on Kaos agent he doesn't suspect our involvement fusion yes the new alter leader I must admit he is still something of a mystery to me he seems to have appeared from thin air there's something about him an eerie aura I don't like it I'm taking a huge risk talking to you like this but this is the first opportunity I've gotten them there's something you want to tell me isn't there boss Fusion has something a power source and that whole plan generates more power than the island could ever need it's not that kind of power trust me you're going to want to see this thing firsthand in the meantime it seems I have a visitor I hope to hear from you again soon agent not likely ah if it isn't my newest agents Skye and that's the one what can we do for you fast man I understand that Ollie has natural aerial navigation skills that are non-parole yeah what does that mean no yes it basically means that he's the best at it what is he saying he appreciates the compliment and then he wanted me to ask you a question but I don't want to translate that part go on despite the air of secrecy around here I do not like resolved mysteries ask away Olli well he he wants to know where you got your scar from is that all why it was a simple scratch for my good friend aging now souls who have already been acquainted with an accident nothing more now as I was saying I would like to make use of your friends abilities what do you say sky are you game for an adventure absolutely you hear that always our next question what did he say this time all he says the umbrella makes you like Mary Poppins sorry best man charming I'll forgive that this time because all these skills have proven useful there are poori awaits [Music] ah from what I know about castle towns they're usually bustling with excitement this place seems dead what are we looking for here anyway a man nothing more what are you doing here well you got what you asked for boss man you may call me Emma this is my associate Skye we are here to see the one called Ultima night our Lord Protector isn't taking visitors now leave or I will be forced to eliminate you your Lord Protector has information that I need it is of grave importance are now leaving without him hey now let's all come down here no need a we've got two utilities faces great you've had more than enough time to back down now you die agent Skye consider this your first training exercise help me subdue him if you think you can damage me with such attacks you are mistaken you'll have to try harder the light it wasn't enough fitting that I would meet my end here tell me where Ultima nineties and I might let you live those eyes you've been gifted the power too haven't you no it's more than that enough Ultima now I don't know where he is he left some time ago said he was on a mission that a yes that a tree had given him a tree do you really believe me to be that foolish it's the truth Moli whatever you want sky leave us I have some more questions for our friend here you sure gotcha let's go did you really did you have to yes I have the information I was after we are done here okay fast man [Music] [Laughter] excuse me sir where do you think you're going you're not tech no I'm not that particular employee was taken off this position for constantly falling asleep on the job I'm rook well I'm now Souls and I'm kind of a big deal around here so if you wouldn't mind I'm kind of in a hurry well big deal I do mind actually all visitors and agents alike have to be given clearance it's policy no wonder I'm putting you out here he's a stickler for bureaucracy speaking of mr. M mr. M yes I have a mr. meow CIL's here to see you yes of course send a minute to thank you sure thing even use any cute with that stutter of his anyways mr. and we'll see you now stutter mm I'm feeling something in the air here ah agent meow CIL's to what do I owe the pleasure of your company well as you know get and I are going steady and well mm-hmm down on are you feeling okay I am feeling fine yahoo source please continue right you just seem happier do I I suppose my radiant smile gives it away that's not it but I think I know what it's all about I tire of this back-and-forth meiosis get on with it you love that new assistant of yours don't you Oh Brooke my goodness muscles she is a model employee a beautiful woman and a skilled agent what was that second one I admit my thoughts have been occupied as of late with some non-business related matters Brooke being one of them well then why don't you ask her out I couldn't do that now so why not you know she called you cute earlier yeah I mean I see then perhaps I could give it a shot but I couldn't just ask her out after all I'm a superior hmm I'll bow you make it sound like a mission ah now there's an idea you have a keen mind that's why they pay me the big yard yes if you'll excuse me I have a mission to go on good luck boss I'll hold down the fort call me if you need some good lines chock-full of them look at me I'm the captain now no nope that feels wrong hello rook oh hi mr. M I hope everything is satisfactory today yes more than satisfactory you are really doing a great job well thank you I try my best to run a tight ship which is why I've come here I'm promoting you really but I've only just started this is highly unusual ha but you have proven yourself so quickly which is why you are now a field agent and your first assignment begins now Oh oh my okay where am I going we are going uh well it's classified come on should we just leave the desk unattended anyone could walk in right that nassos watch the desk you got taken care of let's go [Music] oh hey kitty hi sky hi Ally I tree what's with the tree what did it say he wants to talk to em pronto where is he he actually just left on a date mission a date mission time like this what is it with you old people and falling in love you'll understand it someday kiddo well you can oh wait in the lobby for em to get back come on then push Ranger that's life so this is the place huh what are we dealing with this restaurant has been the source of many health complaints and it's Viggo's job to investigate that doesn't sound like something someone ever your ring should have to deal with aren't you busy nonsense besides I have to make sure you are cut out for the job ah hmm that makes sense [Music] don't can I take your order with us bub calm down rook fishstick your establishment has been the subject to several health inquiries we are here to investigate well they happened I assure you now in order to properly ascertain the severity of your actions we are going to need to order some food I will have the grilled halibut Brooke what would you like I would like justice for all those affected by the fish's disregard for safety Brooke good job you saw right through his deception hold in there and do not shoot him all right got it sir you heard him don't move I will be right back edging me out so this situation has gotten out of hand where'd you take her a restaurant I thought we might share a meal instead she's held at the locals with a gun sounds like your kind of lady I said don't move Gaucho's I need to take her away from here why not go to your yacht totally isolated no risk of shooting anyone there brilliant feel free to scratch up all the furniture you like while I'm gone that's a dangerous game you're playing on [Music] false alarm rook just got off the phone with intelligence seems fish to care has been the victim of a prankster sending in force reports nothing more oh I see sorry about that sir we're leaving if you want some compensation for any damages just speak to my secretary which is me [Music] Wow this is your private yup right the Marigold what are we doing here we've gotten reports that there's an altar spire board we must be on the lookout for anything unsavory Roger that [Music] hmm looks like the coast is clear but the reports have been wrong it seems that way oh well since we're here we might as well relax maybe have a drink and a lounge by the water wait we didn't check out this room yet no I don't think anyone would go down there come on we have to be thorough but what who's this statue of no one you shouldn't be here why does she look so real it's my daughter Rach I made it this way what how I'm sure you heard the rumors of my golden touch well that's true I can't believe it your own daughter how did it was an accident it was before I could control my power it is my greatest secret my biggest regret you poor man oh I'm sorry mr. Helme please call me Midas [Music] hold on itis just stay focused Oh which is moving so much boat sorry it's up are they see water splashing up on the window GC summit strikers are annoying no wonder why fusion face you out hey hoser hot dry my best day we're losing them there's nothing sure thing [Music] now's your chance well done thank you sir where'd you learn to drive a boat like that my father was a pirate or that's what my mother told me at least I never met them and myself growing up with them they one pound that must have been hard on you not really my mommy at work as she could you know I do either way we really showed him huh what I said we really showed them are you feeling okay - yes Rhea Brooke I'm fine I'm just still recovering from the other day I saw you said real like I said I'm just tired can I get you anything sir no that won't be necessary I think I just need some time alone oh okay understood what should I do in the meantime head back to the agency I will see you the next time I'm there that'll be all okay feel better um [Music] what am i doing [Music] I promise to protect you to love you enough for both me and your mother I have betrayed that promise lost sight of my mission but no longer and the one who can help me as finally arrived watch your step this is some boat a yacht actually a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance catalyst likewise um if you would please follow me I see you eyeing my statue it's impressive one must keep up appearances Brutus please make us some refreshments you've got it Tim can I interest you in a libation a catalyst I know partake Thanks I see in that case Brutus leave us yes boss he doesn't say much huh Brutus may look like a gentle giant but I assure you he is a fiercely loyal beast not one to get on the bad side of I'm not here to make enemies shall we get down to business of course pardon me I am not usually one to indulge in small talk let us begin with what we know I know that we both have no love for fusion that much is clear what I don't know is if I can trust you have I given you any reason to distrust me I'm good at reading people there's something about you a darkness and a light you share Altimas gift don't you I was so hoping you'd bring him up I have been on the hunt for that man for quite a while now what do you mean by hunt excuse me I realize that has some violence connotations I believe Ultima Knight can assist me in a personal goal of mine what does this have to do with a fusion problem everything you were correct earlier about the darkness and the light within every man woman and child there exists the same dark me two sides of the same coin the real struggle is as it always has been about these two forces these two sides the question is what side do you land on precisely [Music] I am the protector of this island wrong have I watched over all beings I have the golden deer I am the light I am or my power knows no limits and so it must be kept in check even from myself through the dead my powers have been gifted to seven individuals seven candidates they are the wielders of the light some take advantage of this gift and use it to their own ends others use it for justice or falafels some reject it choose to pass it on or use it selflessly in order to protect others some have not yet come to understand the gift but they will in time these individuals were chosen by me though the Power has changed vessels throughout history and will always be seven wielders no more no less so it shall be given the most devoted and not perceive my true form not honest I desired to be so I am the voices in their heads I am the guiding light they were chosen to hold my power for me and thus they must serve my will until they choose to disobey they reject a rejection that will cost them everything I cannot take my powers away from them even if they choose to oppose me for what is done cannot be undone they must leave them up willingly or through death to return you have pitted by two unfaithful disciples against one another they will destroy themselves and their power will be mine once more to deal with as I please catalyst sir you have returned and you have brought with you him just as you asked greetings I am Ultima night oh I know who you are you have no idea how long I've waited for this moment likewise catalyst tells me you can help us against the threat posed by fusion fusion now he can wait for now I want to speak to the one you serve excuse me the light I know you can commune with it bring it here I must have a word him what are you talking about we're all here to stop fusion aren't we you should is a mere stepping stone don't you see the true cause of our suffering is the one he vows to now call it here alright catalyst told me that she said stood within you you serve it's whele same as I do I do not serve it that's the point of this of all of this if you do not serve the right then you must be an agent of the dark we sought to rule your kind out instead you come to us I thought you wanted to help us to fight back the darkness what I want I can only get through you tell us what you truly desire with us know your true intentions that my friend I cannot do not yet not until all the pieces are in place now summon your master I will not ask again you dare make demands of me here Ultima catalyst the great Ultima Knight allows himself to be distracted so easily I said I was so hoping we could work together but how did you it's impossible converting the lights all things are possible now now now Ultima you alright I'm fine he's not so lucky yeah I might have underestimated you pardon me catalyst I was simply defending myself defending yourself you nearly killed me no that was my doing I apologize I acted rashly without thinking you merely reflected the blow though this doesn't make me wonder why would you use the lights power if you so clearly hate it I use it as I would use her poison and in the hopes of understanding it I will learn no way to kill it but why the light is really good it is the source of all justice is that what you believe you are blind and my friend nevertheless despite getting off on the wrong foot I still wish to help you defeat fusion there are many real lies at stake large unconcerned with the opinions of kings and gods that will be affected by fusions evil he might be right I don't quite understand this whole light thing so I'll leave it up to you Ultima should we work with him [Music] [Music] yeah I finally found here though unresponsible for my pain you are the cause of your own suffering you denied servitude you abused your gift and you have paid the price my mistakes are just that mine the girl was innocent and you have the power to heal Earth I know you do what is wrong turn off the odd I thought you might say that I have done my research your power transfers when the host dies I wonder how powerful I'll be when I kill you unfortunately for you that would be impossible soon you will come and your power will be mine once but now the path is clear you will die you - do not fight it ah I will not be a pawn in your game death is coming for you not for me what is it there's been an attack at the agency you don't want to see this that bad is it afraid so unsurprising I will leave immediately you got the call yes we live for the agency at once going somewhere there has been a development my headquarters have come under attack your head August destruction as a couple of buckets compared to the damage that fusion will unleash my agency and I will provide the ground troops for our assault I cannot do so if we have no air to strike from very well more way to return feel free to make use of my art while I'm gone but one thing the lower levels are off-limits what are you trying to order we all have our limits Ultima test mine and see what happens take a look at this place what a mess [Music] novels and I'm telling you it can't be done look I'm doing this for your sake trust me you don't want to get on my boss's bad side oh here um ah so you the guy huh that depends entirely on what guy you're referring to you're the boss around here yeah not just around here but yes and I suppose you're the one my agent has put in charge of the reconstruction that's right I'm Cole of Cola Co incorporated me and my boys are gonna take care of it but oh it's gonna be a doozy oh he says it's the biggest job he's ever done well yeah look around this place has seen better days why it might take weeks to fix gonna have to hire some independent contractors to come fill in on the weekends oh yeah this one's gonna set you back up it no I don't think it will how do you figure you and your boys are going to finish this job within 24 hours that that ain't gonna happen well I think it is it's obvious that you have not heard of my reputation but I assure you it would be in your best interest dad of this particular assignment quickly look I've dealt with guys like you before always thinking your job is the most important and trust me it ain't you misunderstand me I am offering you at King's avanti for services rendered make me happy and you will be well rewarded oh I see what kind of reward we talking about let's find that house uh what does that mean tell me who is your best worker besides yourself of course let be my son call Junior understood if he plays his cards right your son is going to be a very rich man as for you you will have more goal in your life than you'll know what to do with okay now we're talking but I'd like to see it before we said anything in stone don't worry I'll handle that part personally meet me in my office in the second floor basement I will join you there shortly I think we've come to an agreement then good doing business with you in the meantime my Osos a word sure thing your office isn't in the basement now it is not seek out this code Junior he is now in charge of the reconstruction let's hope he is more amenable to my timeline new guard now I would like some information on the cause of this attack wait here we talk outside oh I was just enjoying your new balcony my office this is unacceptable tell me the nature of this attack who did this it was me all souls hmm well not me also scowls but like an evil version of him he tricked all of us hmm an identical doppelganger this could prove troublesome well he wasn't exactly identical after all he did have red eyes black fur and a scar running down his face and this did not at all tip you off to his true nature agent Skye how did a good excuse and yeah no I probably should have known after all black cats are bad luck the failure is mine we need tighter security to be sure otherwise we might be doomed to repeat a similar incident tell me were there any casualties well tech got the brunt of the blast but he's holding in there he feels awful about letting the evil me near the mainframe I was not aware out of this detail deck I will be sure to visit him in the infirmary to make sure he's feeling better in the meantime boss man you all right yes I just need some time to clear my head of these distractions I will give co his reward but Tech's checkup will have to wait for another day now I must be off but when I return I want this place back up and running at peak efficiency you've got it [Music] he seems grumpy more than usual I mean something's up with him for sure and dealing with this attack isn't helping maybe we can throw them a party or something I think that would make it feel worse to be honest I'm out of ideas let's just make sure this building effort goes off without a hitch we're running out of space downstairs for ends mm-hmm statues
Channel: NewScapePro - Fortnite Shorts, Films and Skits
Views: 3,695,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newscapepro
Id: 6aE15jL3kBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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