KIT'S CUTE LOVE STORY.... ( Fortnite Short )

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just meet me here tomorrow afternoon after patrol i'll have a surprise for you a surprise that sounds fun [Music] hey kit i have someone i want to introduce you to uh i don't see anyone this is kyle she's about your age right kyle [Music] hey there i'm kyle ah hi i'm kit i like your robot legs they're really cool you you do gee thanks they could do loads of cool tricks i'd love to see them sometime oh yeah well uh do you want to hang out sometime i could show you the cool dances i programmed that sounds great how's tomorrow yeah tomorrow for sure i gotta go on patrol for a while but i can meet you after awesome all right my knees are starting to hurt i'll see you tomorrow buddy thank you [Music] [Applause] well that's our shift over that means it's time for my date with kyle uh-huh i'm gonna go pick her up wait you're coming too yup i'm playing chaperone what no butts see you later at the beach and remember to clean the grease off the mech you smell [Music] do i thought [Music] [Music] oh boy i'm nervous why am i nervous [Music] hello handsome ocean don't embarrass me in front of kyo all right i'll just turn around and let you guys go on your date hey kid how are you hey i'm good it's really good to see you again i've been looking forward to this all day me too so you want to see some of the things my mech legs can do yeah for sure [Music] that's so cool what else can you do i can dance too check this out wow you're a really great dancer nah it's not me i just programmed them that's the beauty of being part robot i guess you know i'm part robot too really i didn't even notice for real kit say do you want to go get something to eat sure that sounds good i'm real hungry me too and then i destroyed a bunch of robot guards got inside the authority complex and rescued my mom and that was before they even made you a resistance agent wow that's so cool yup tina was going crazy to make me one she said it was the most impressive thing she's ever seen hmm i don't know about that wow you're like a hero now man i wish i mean yeah i'm a hero but tina keeps putting me in ocean on patrol around the flotilla it's so boring i need more action i bet you'll get some secret agent work real soon ah man i hope so i'm so over patrolled hey at least you're with your best buddy huh ocean please i'm on a date all right all right sorry it's getting a little late i should probably get home soon but can i walk you sure i love that well this is my place i've had a lot of fun with you today kyle you're a really nice girl i've had fun with you too i like you a lot ah you do i i like you too would it be alright if i kiss you of course [Music] all right i think it's time to say goodnight you two thanks for carrying me around ocean can i see you tomorrow yeah for sure oh boy [Music] good night oh boy she's so amazing she's so amazing ocean i really really really like her that's three reelies i'm happy for you kit so you're over jewels huh who oh yeah no i haven't been able to think about anyone but kyle she's the one i think i love her oh boy finally you're home where have you been i was just at kyle's we were hanging out do you know what time it is we were worried sick we're happy that you have a girlfriend kid you're never home anymore and you haven't been doing any of your chores i asked you to clean your room today but it's still a huge mess i have a life of my own mom i can't always have you telling me what to do don't talk to your mother like that whatever i'm out of here kid don't you dare walk out of this house it's okay leave him he'll come back it's so unfair they just don't understand your parents suck mine are the same they're always going on about how much time i spend with you i wish they'd give me a break hey you two don't say that kind of stuff about your parents they love you and care about you and just want the best for you it sounds to me like they're just trying to ruin my life well hey you guys are kind of ruining my life i could be out scuba diving with jonesy right now but i'm here so that you guys can sit around and complain about your parents sorry ocean thanks for doing this yeah thanks ocean so kyle what are we doing tomorrow oh no hello hey kyle i got grounded again what can you come over sure i could sneak out i'll call ocean to come get me i'll see you soon i love you i love you too [Music] kit are you all right yeah i'm just annoyed what are you gonna do i guess i'll just sneak out to see you like this whoa whoa whoa about that kit i can't keep doing this i have a life too and i can't just drop everything every time you guys want to meet up so then how are me and kyle supposed to see each other i don't know kit work something out but i can't do this anymore i'm going to bring kyle home i don't want your dad to end up pulling me out of the resistance because i'm helping you sneak out ocean no i want to see kit i'm sorry kyo but i have to bring you home to your parents ocean come on you can't do that i can and i will stop acting like a spoiled brat kid go home [Music] i thought i told you you were grounded you can't keep me locked up in here forever i can do what i want no you can't you're only a child kit no i'm not [Music] i'll show him only a child i'm getting out of here kid i miss you so much i'm sorry ocean had to take me home earlier it's okay kyle i've been thinking do you really love me of course i do why would you even ask that what if we run away i can come and get you you really think we could do that kid sure why not okay well my parents are asleep do you think you could come get me tonight yeah i'll leave now i'll see you soon kyle [Applause] [Music] can't believe we're running away me too but hey we never have to worry about parents ever again we don't even need ocean to be together we can just forget about everyone and finally spend all of our time with each other kit where are we gonna go i have an idea where are we going trust me kyle this is our new house kyle whoa you mean we're gonna live here yep just me and you no parents no ocean and no rules wow [Music] isn't this place so cool it is oh my gosh i can't believe we ran away together this is gonna be so much fun i know and there's not gonna be anyone who can tell us what to do ever again and no one will ever find us wait is it your dad like a super spy or something yeah i mean he's pretty good but don't worry about that we'll be fine i hope i'm so glad we get to spend all of this time together now me too kyle it's so much fun [Music] hey you yeah you right there if you're enjoying hanging out with me and kyle and you haven't subscribed yet then what are you waiting for subscribe now [Music] kit yeah babe are you sure no one's gonna find us here yeah don't worry about it kyle we never have to see those people again yeah never again [Music] hey ocean any news on kitten kyo no none but you've been gone all day and so is meow he can't find them anywhere he won't come home until he knows where kid is it's as if they both just vanished off the face of the earth so what do we do now we keep looking have you talked to kyle's parents yeah i told them let me know if they hear anything from kyle i'll come with you tomorrow okay two sets of eyes are better than one thanks lynx i just hope he's okay he's his father's son he can take care of himself [Music] [Music] wow the sea is so beautiful today and the tide is in too i remember when my mom took me to the beach for the first time and she taught me about the tides i've never really thought about it i guess i just don't really care all that much my mom does she really loves the sea i've never been too fond of it you know cats and water and all that speaking of the sea do you think maybe we could call ocean just to let her know we're okay absolutely not what why [Music] because we don't want her knowing where we are she could trace the call through the agency or worse she could get our parents involved ocean has decided whose side she's on and i don't want anything to do with her but she's my friend too she's not your friend anymore kyle just like she's not mine so what are you saying then we're never going to see anybody but each other ever again well not ever but when we're older and nobody can tell us what to do and when's that gonna be i don't know kyle i'm not at school anymore kyle i'm not talking to you anymore what why because i'm mad at you well this is just [Music] great [Music] hey kid oh you're talking to me now don't be like that i'm sorry i i just thought this was going to be different i thought both of us would be happier me too i've been thinking and i've decided that i want to go home you you do yeah i miss my family kit and i miss my friends and as much as i love you i love them too i can't just not see them okay if you're sure that's what you want i'll understand it is it is what i want okay then let's go home i guess [Music] i guess this is goodbye for now huh kyle [Music] bye kid hey kiddo did you get all that work done yeah mom everything is done like you asked good there's someone here to talk to you ocean what are you doing here hey kit you doing okay i guess i didn't just come to check up on you i'm still a little annoyed actually i came because somebody wants to speak with you [Music] kyle how happy am i to see you i thought i wouldn't see you for ages i'm glad to see you too kit but we need to talk oh what's wrong i talked to my parents and we decided it's best for me not to speak with you or see you anymore they think you're a bad influence on me and i agree but kyle you're my girlfriend see that's why i'm here we have to break up kit and i wanted to do it in person you're you're breaking up with me yes kit goodbye but kyle that's enough kit i'm going to take kyle home this isn't fair stupid stupid how did i get here now my parents hate me my girlfriend left me i'm all on my own i'm on my own [Music] thank you so much for saving me hey what wouldn't you do for someone you love kit you love me of course i love you i never stopped would you want to get back together that's all i want kyle my parents still don't want me to see you but i'll talk to them once i tell them how brave you were they'll have to make an exception okay tell them i'll do whatever it takes to be with you i love you so much kyle i love you too kid [Music] hey ocean is kyle there i have her hey kit oh hey kyle i talked to my parents and they agreed i can see you if ocean is there whoa thanks ocean it's all right both of you guys deserve a little bit of a break after everything that's happened so would it be all right with you and kyle's parents if we went on a date tomorrow i don't know would it kyle i would absolutely love to go on a date with you kit tomorrow morning sticks sounds good see you then kitty [Music] gosh i'm so nervous i haven't been on a date with kyle in so long hey ocean hey kyle hey kit i'll give you two some privacy how are you feeling kyle i'm a little scared to sleep with the lights off but i'm feeling better i'm so glad to hear you're feeling better i'm so glad we can see each other again kit me too i missed you so much did you hear that hear what [Music] that [Music] look at this little guy i found oh hello hi oh gosh you can talk i'll show ken what's your name well i'm himmy are you here on your own i fell asleep when my parents were having dinner now they're gone don't worry little guy we'll take care of you yeah we'll help you find your parents sir excuse me sir yes is everything all right do you know if a couple came around here looking for their baby i don't think so why what's that his name is ham his parents forgot him here we're trying to find who his parents are i really wish i could help you but i don't remember any couples coming in with a baby that's okay thanks for your help ocean everything okay yeah but i think me and kyle might have to cut our date a little short and we need to help him find his parents that's really good of you guys i'll help out you will sure the more the merrier where should we start let's start with retail row and then move outward [Music] do [Music] okay so this is the plan kit is going to tackle the shops and me and kyle will go to the houses okay sounds good meet you guys back here when we're done excuse me do you know anyone who's lost a baby [Music] that's okay thanks [Music] hey there does anybody know anything about a lost baby [Music] it's gonna be a long day isn't it buddy [Music] i've told you people a thousand times i don't want whatever it is you're selling oh um i actually just wanted to ask no i don't want your avon or your nivea whoa i didn't realize how touchy some folks are it's okay we'll find the right house i'm sure we [Music] hi sir i was just wondering if you heard anything about a missing child oh did you say they were screening girls gone wild a granddaughter loves that kind of stuff no sorry missing child hissing spain i sure hope not never mind have a good day [Music] have some food eh that's a good idea thanks i can already feel this is going to be a long day any luck nope i'm guessing you haven't had any either huh nope none i guess we'll just have to keep looking where to next well pleasant park and holly head just sounds like a good bet that works you take one i take the other sure i'll call you if anything comes up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey kit we haven't had any luck me neither what are we gonna do well i've been thinking and i've decided that in the absence of his parents hammy needs someone to take care of him and because i found him that someone has to be me kit taking on a child is a huge responsibility are you sure you want to do that yeah i'm sure i'll look after hammy okay if you say you're okay then you're okay i'll catch at work say bye to kyle bye kyle i love you bye kitty it's gonna be just me and you little guy huh [Music] this is it home sweet home wow that's so cool i wonder if there's any other kids like me around here there sure is i should introduce you to kit he's a real cool kid hey kid hey peely what's up i found this little guy down a retail row he hasn't got any friends and i thought maybe you guys could get to know each other hey i'm kyle [Music] hey i'm kit you look kind of familiar i'm a robot kitty i've never met anyone like me before i need to know more about my kind you wouldn't know anyone like me would you uh actually i do my girlfriend kyle's like you that's why you're familiar oh boy maybe she can help me find out where i'm from i'm trying to get home but i don't know where that is ah man i'd love to introduce you she's amazing but i'm kind of on duty right now maybe i can help could you that would be great sure i'll spin by kyo's house later and see if this little guy can't find what he's looking for awesome i'll drop by after my watch is over see you later kid bye nice to meet you [Music] kyo kaio are you around [Music] oh hey you two agent peely what are you doing here [Music] i can't bite because i need coyotes help oh hey there little buddy what brings you by i'm lost and i need to find where i'm from mr bailey said there's someone like me here there sure is hi i'm kyle oh you you look just like me you look just like me [Music] kyle is that you kyle my long lost love huh are you serious i know where i'm supposed to be me and kyle are meant to be together isn't that right it's true we were meant to be together but what about kit he's your boyfriend kyle is the only one for me it's true this is weird maybe we should go no we can't be separated we'll die without each other that seems a little dramatic please we have to stay together it's the only way oh boy kid is not gonna like this [Music] hey guys what's uh what's going on here oh no uh kit something strange is going on kyle what's happening oh hey kid this is kyle he's my soul mate and we're going to be together now forever what are you serious i can't believe what i'm hearing kid just relax okay there's something weird going on don't freak out no i can't believe this kyle you just ripped my heart out why would you do this because we're meant to be together sorry kid why you little whoa he's up cowboy put that away i'm so angry do you want to go out on a boat [Music] i just got my boat fixed maybe you want to come out for a drive sure kit that sounds like fun maybe ocean wants to join us ocean is busy spending time with aquaman i think she hasn't really been talking to me much at work she's being a little weird i wonder why oh well at least it wasn't my fault for once let's go for a drive [Music] just got a refuel [Music] where are the fuel guys is it normally this quiet out here not really [Music] stupid gods told me she had a full tank hello anyone working this rig oh man it's jules what's she doing out here you think she's seen us i don't think so let's just keep an eye on her [Music] all right here's the plan we skip refueling sneak back to the boat and get the heck out of here i don't think that's a good idea kit i think we should wait until she leaves what if she finds us what if she knows we're here already i'm not taking that chance [Music] where are all the station guys i need fuel huh is that well what do you know kyle did she spot us i don't think so but she's back in her boat i can't tell if she knows it's us all right let's go straight home no one knows we live there i wonder where you're leading me kit to your secret safe house maybe [Music] [Music] i think we lost her thank goodness that was a close one i don't want to have to leave this home kid this is ours we won't i promise besides i'm aqua kit now and i'll protect you oh my hero so this is where you've been hiding huh midas good news i've got him does he know you found him no he wouldn't have led me back if he knew good very good he's a kid buddy smart come back to base i have a gift for you what i've got him right where i want him i know but i have something much more fun in mind fine [Music] light it up oh no jules what have you done [Music] kit don't do it why shouldn't i you tried to kill kyle i i was just following orders i i didn't want this i'm sorry you're not the jewels i know not anymore you're evil you're twisted go back to midas and don't ever come back here you're just going to let me go i'm not a villain like you i've grown from that i will protect this island from midas the martyrs and you now get out of my sight before i change my mind [Music] kid i was so scared you're safe now our home we can stay with peely come on let's go what's up guys if you enjoyed that awesome video make sure you subscribe and don't forget to update your creator code to these seasons and don't miss our next video which will be out tomorrow on our other channel seasons 2.
Channel: Seasons
Views: 2,350,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite seasons, fortnite battle royale, fortnite chapter 2, short films, fortniteseasons, fortnite film, fortnite short film, kit, kit in love, love story, fortnite love story, movie, kit girlfriend, kit girlfriend fortnite, kit fortnite skin, love
Id: huB0AS23ki4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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