The LIFE OF KIT'S BROTHER.... ( Fortnite )

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hello hey kyle can you come over sure is everything okay no i'll be there soon you shouldn't be doing that oh yeah what are you gonna do tell dad well that's what we're gonna do we're gonna tell dad when kid is his girlfriend over they just keep being mean to me have you tried telling your parents they don't believe me i'm sorry kit maybe they'll be nicer to you once they get to know you better hey kid oh hello there you must be kyo pleasure to meet you i'd say the same only it wouldn't be true whoa i sense a lot of hostility hit i thought i told you you were grounded why is kyle here but i'm not out of the house i'm just doing work and hanging out with kyle you don't make the rules here kit i do now go to your room i'm gonna take kyle home [Music] thanks for telling me scruffy i know it must have been hard to tell on your brother oh it broke my heart hey kit me and ocean are hanging out tomorrow if you want to come over to mine sorry kyle still grounded but i hope you guys have a good time man i wish i could hang out with kyle tomorrow i'll be the one hanging out with kyle [Music] hey where are you going let me get business furball dad yes son would it be okay if i went to retail road today to do some shopping of course son just be home before dinner what are you actually doing stealing kits girlfriend of course you are what's your problem well i don't have any with you yet so don't get me one um kyle do you know this guy [Music] what are you doing here i i came here to apologize i didn't mean to offend or upset you the other day well you did i'm real sorry but i just don't know what i did to make you not like me you're always really mean to kid what is that what kid told you yes and i believe him look i know it must be hard for kid having a new brother truth be told it's hard for me too that's been a little bit hard on him since me and princess arrived so maybe that's why kid has taken all of his frustrations out on us well he has seemed a little on edge lately he always is well i'm a true believer in second chances why don't you come hang out with me in ocean on the beach really yeah i'll invite kit and you can let him know what happened between you two is probably a huge misunderstanding oh that'd be great thanks kyle i'm so glad you came out with us today scruffy you're a lot of fun well i'm glad you invited me i was worried after everything kit might have said about me you wouldn't want to be friends with me no you're our friend now and whatever differences you and kit have i'm sure you can work them out between yourselves [Music] what the [Music] what's gruffy doing here what's going on hey kid hey kit hey kitty what's he doing here don't be so rude kit scruffy wanted to talk out your differences the bygones be bygones uh i can't believe this you're on his side now don't be so dramatic kid there aren't any sides you don't believe me do you and i thought you were the one person who would understand kit i'm just trying to think reasonably there's two sides to every story yeah and i've decided what mine is it's over kyle no are we are we breaking up right now he he broke up with me [Music] uh [Music] come on come on stupid tv connect how hard is it to read burnt security camera footage [Music] hey meow you find anything not yet still trying to get the tv to read the stupid camera footage what did you find one of the neighbors says he saw someone who looked like kit but darker around the time before the fire oh no you don't think [Music] meow that's oh no which must mean he did it to princess too yeah it's scruffy he did this to kid uh i'm so bored i need some of the torment but i gotta keep my head low after the other night i don't want to draw any attention to myself mom dad what's going on scruffy yeah dad we know what you did we know you burnt down the workshop we know that you burnt down the house with princess still inside uh no i didn't scruffy we saw the security tapes you set the workshop on fire while kit was still inside why would you do that i don't know what you're talking about i was framed it was somebody else oh geez it was you scruffy we know it was there's no use denying it we have proof oh no well what's gonna happen um am i gonna go to jail we've talked and we've decided you are to leave we won't get the police involved if you just go but i can't just leave i'm just the baby if you're old enough to want to burn down buildings you're old enough to look after yourself that's our final offer leave or we go to the police don't make this any harder all right i i guess i'll go pack my things uh hi doc you mind if i talk to my brother for a minute of course scruffy what are you doing here i came by to say goodbye you're leaving yeah i'm taking off for a while it uh seems like mom and dad found out what happened the house princess you oh i came by to say sayonara you you're really just gonna leave after everything yep but i couldn't leave without visiting my big brother and telling him i will never stop hunting you until you are gone and mom and dad take me back into the family once again i will always be watching you kit no matter where you go away you hide i will find you well anyways better get going see you later for a bowl [Music] scruffy don't do it princess princess is it really you yeah kinda i'm an angel or whatever listen you need to stop this you need to forgive yourself for what you did i don't need to do that i need revenge scruffy i forgive you it's all right you need to stop all of this for good don't let anger and hate fill your heart do it for me what am i supposed to do princess where did you go princess is there anything you can do hmm it's pretty banged up but it's got some good foundation work done that'll be scruffy's handiwork oh it was nothing well don't be so dismissive the work you did may have saved the car really yeah kid good job whoa see scruffy you weren't doing all that work for nothing i'll tell you guys what leave the car with me overnight and i'll see what i can do all right thanks man [Music] ah you're back excellent how's it looking well i got good news for you and i got bad news which would you like first i'll take the good news well the good news is the car can be fixed well that's great news but the bad news is it's gonna take a couple of weeks and a lot of man hours is there anything i can do to help no no it should be fine okay well thank you for your time we'll get back to check up on it soon uh can i use your bathroom real quick sure it's just down the hall and on the left thanks hey oh hi sorry to bother you but is that your car yeah it's my dad's oh it's a really nice car don't you be worrying when you get it back it'll be good as new ah thanks i'm sam by the way that's my dad out there i help him run the workshop i'm scruffy well it's nice to meet you scruffy see you around i see whoa i feel funny maybe i'm dying [Music] oh no no you're full yeah feelings for a girl you gotta find a way to come back here and talk to her some more but how [Music] i didn't expect you two to be back so soon well i got to thinking scruffy did such a good job on those repairs maybe cars are his calling would you take him on for a couple of days teach him the trade well sure i would my daughter's close enough in age to him i'm sure he could shadow her and learn a thing or two do you hear that scruffy you'll be working here for a few days yeah dad i heard you well i guess i'll leave it to it i'll pick you up later son wait dad sorry can't hear you bye so shall we get you set up sam hey sam hey scruffy ah there you are this is scruffy he's gonna be working with us on the car for a few days and scruffy this is sam my daughter okay come on scruffy let's go my dad told me you fixed up that car is that true yeah i wanted to fix it up for my dad well it's a real impressive job you did there thanks say how did you get it all banged up like that in the first place uh it uh it got stolen well i suppose you're lucky you had any car left after that [Music] scruffy your dad's here to pick you up oh okay i'll be there in a minute [Music] will i see it tomorrow sure you will good work today partner thanks and then the motorbike just did a 360. in the air it was insane you should come down to the track with me sometime yeah that'd be awesome something on your mind scruffy you seem like you're somewhere else i actually wanted to talk to you about something uh-oh this sounds serious could i do something no no you didn't do anything i just wanted to ask if you'd go out on a date with me oh scruffy that's a real sweet thought but i think we'd be better off as friends you know why well i think i'm a little too old for you for starters i value your friendship and i don't want to mess that up here i need to grab a toolbox from inside i'll be back in a minute well this is what i get for being nice huh [Music] well then i guess i'm done trying no more mr nice cat so i'm never gonna be good again oh boy i forgot how good it felt being bad [Music] what the dad dad come quick where's scruffy is he okay i can't find them here help me put out this fire um hello how can i help you you midas yes i'm scruffy we spoke on the phone ah meow son come inside come inside we have much to discuss [Music] hello [Music] i'm sorry sam it was an accident i got scared and i ran away yeah and he left her workshop burned down i'm really sorry okay i forgive you you do yeah you're only a kid i probably would have done the same if i was in your shoes besides you're fun to hang out with thanks sam oh you're awesome but listen no more talk about dates and stuff you hear okay i promise just friends awesome would it be okay if i came to see you again sure cool sorry i forgot i meant to buy something that's quite all right scruffy what gonna get set can i have a pack of 30 mil screws sure thing there you go thanks again i have to find a way to see her again if that won't let me out [Music] then hey scruffy nice to see you back so soon yeah i'm real sorry my dad lost his wrench no worries we have plenty of those oh there you are tell them not to lose this one i will thanks [Music] on second thoughts hey sam you forget something uh i was wondering if i could have your number just so that i can text and ask if you're free to meet up yeah sure that's a great idea here give me your phone now you can give me a text whenever thanks sam [Music] okay can you go to the store and pick up eggs milk cheese and maybe some rice uh-huh what are you doing on your phone huh i'm just taking down the shopping list oh okay i'll see you back here in an hour i'll text you if i remember any more groceries oh okay [Music] hey sam hey i got your text you caught me just at my lunch hour i actually don't have all that much time i just thought we could grab a quick slurp sure how come you never have much time these days it's a long story i got time it's complicated i'm smart well my brother kind of crashed my car and blamed it on me and now i'm grounded and my dad only lets me out of the house to pick things up like groceries or tools oh that's a rough one all right what is it with your family and crashing cars tell me about it well hey i'm always here to sell you tools when you need them when you're not grounded i can take you up to the racing track oh that sounds good alright i'll let you go before i get you in trouble bye scruffy see you around sam [Music] dad won't be too suspicious of an fd oil canister is everything okay dad this oil canister must have had a leak i could have sworn it was full yesterday want me to get you a new one sure yeah thanks gruffy [Music] sucker let me guess another lost wrench now we ran out of oil understood one oil canister coming right up thanks sam you think much more stuff that's gonna go missing in your workshop maybe a few bits and pieces all right well i guess i'll see you tomorrow i guess you will [Music] that screwdriver could have easily been misplaced yesterday i'm gonna need a new screwdriver [Music] hmm they definitely won't miss these drill heads too much [Music] i'll take this and these and those how much longer do you think you can get away with this what do you mean i just mean won't your dad figure it you've just been taken his tools nah i think i've got a few days left before he figures it out all right well i'll see you tomorrow i guess see you tomorrow okay i have to do it tomorrow no chickening out this time [Music] surprise surprise look at what the cat dragged in you're really funny i know it's talent well unfortunately i think this will be my last visit what why well my dad kind of thinks we have a thief and so he's putting up a new security system so that's the end of that oh that sucks but hey i've had a great time hanging out with you me too scruffy i hope you get ungrounded soon yeah can you come here a minute sure [Music] hey what was that a boyfriend a girlfriend now that's the rules what the [Music] hey scruffy sorry i'm late hey sam oh it's okay what's up it's just family stuff you want to talk about it and now i have to find somewhere to live whoa that's crazy yeah tell me about it i have no idea what to do i've never even lived on my own before well who says you gotta live on your own huh well who else am i gonna live with well you could live with me [Music] hey what's so funny that's very sweet scruffy but you're too young to live on your own i am not i've done it before and i'll do it again really yeah i mean my dad can't ground me if i'm not there well when were you thinking how about tomorrow you got yourself a deal kitty cat hey sam you all ready for the house hunt as ready as ever where do we want to start well i was thinking we have a look at misty meadows first then go up to sweaty sands and then maybe have a look at retail row sure sounds good [Music] and can we please avoid the real estate agents they always lie and then leave out whatever's wrong with the house i just want to have a look for ourselves i couldn't agree more [Music] okay this is the first one this seems nice yeah let's have a look inside so what do you think this seems like old people live here i was thinking the same thing let's get out of here [Music] okay number two well this looks promising it's on the beach by the sea i like it already shall we have a look inside sure can't be any worse than the other house [Music] sam is everything all right there was there was a load of rats in the basement i'm sure we can fix that you didn't see them scruffy they were huge and there were so many i don't think i'd be able to sleep it's okay we don't have to take that house we have one more to see but what if the next one's even worse hey hey hey third time's a charm don't worry we'll find the perfect place you really think so i know so okay let's go that's the spirit whoa this house looks pretty neat yeah it is the windows are so big and the color we have to go inside [Music] what's that smell smells like roses look how pretty the wallpaper is and the furniture doesn't look ancient okay i'm gonna go check for rats [Music] whoa this place is real snazzy not bad for a baby no rats and scruffy oh my gosh you have to see the kitchen whoa so big i know right can we get it yes hey sam you all ready for moving day ready cool let's load up the fan actually before we do that there's someone i want you to meet hey scruffy i'm rex hey rex rex is my baby but now that we're living together he's our baby but i'm just a baby [Music] you all done unpacking yeah you yeah you want to go do something to celebrate that sounds awesome how about dinner yeah let's do it pizza i could eat ten i love pizza it's settled pizza it is this is the best decision i've ever made house five minutes away from the world's best pizza place tell me about it this pizza is so good i want to marry it this is the best pizza i've ever had scruffy i wanted to thank you for what for everything you've been an awesome friend and i couldn't have done this without you no need to thank me i'm serious you're just so cool with everything even the baby i'm really grateful well it's a win-win for me i get to move out and live with you oh you're funny scruffy am i yeah you're the bestest friend any girl could ask for [Music] please i've come for your wisdom and for your guidance i know you're the best there is i've heard things you're a man of legend when it comes to what you do there's no one like you please teach me your ways i haven't been in that line of work for years my abilities aren't what they used to be please i'll do anything oh all right what's the problem well i just moved in with this girl and she has a baby okay okay and i'm in love with her but she thinks we're just friends all right and there may or may not have been a few incidents during which i tried to kiss her or set her dad's garage on fire but that's not important wait do what what's the big deal i think i need to talk to meow about his parenting skills if you want to see what happens next and if you want to see more awesome content from me your friend pili subscribe to our channel see you soon feely just help me get the girl okay okay listen close what's up guys if you enjoyed that awesome video make sure you subscribe and don't forget to update your creator code to these seasons and don't miss our next video which will be out tomorrow on our other channel seasons foreign
Channel: Seasons 2
Views: 1,824,731
Rating: 4.859107 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite seasons, fortnite battle royale, fortnite film, film, season 3, fortnite season 3, theseasons, code: theseasons, kit, kit's brother, kit's brothers life, the life of kit's brother, fortnite movie, movie life, kit's life, brother
Id: a8qaUaLxAiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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