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[Music] crystal what do you want mom said i had to go outside and play with you fine but only if you play by the rules what are the rules the newcomers on tag you're it can't wait this is no fair you wanted to play with us [Music] mom crystal what happened chip pushed me because he didn't want to let me play with him and scruffy kit you're grounded but no butts go man i hate having a sister [Music] i'm going to work guys can you please keep the place tidy today i'm not in the mood to clean the whole house again sure mom it'll be sparkling oh i know i can count on you my little baby girl you boys stay out of trouble we will why do i find that hard to believe [Music] okay this is my house now so my rules what no it's not i'm the oldest so technically when no one's here it's my house you might be the oldest but i'm the favorite who said mom said no she didn't yes she did liar [Music] i was okay do i smell something burning [Music] boys what happened i don't know i just came downstairs when i smelled burning [Music] what happened crystal you left the fire on and left your baby sister in there what no i okay that's it who is responsible it was kit kit left being there kit [Music] it wasn't me i promise what did your baby sister set a fire in the kitchen and then almost die in it yes enough go to your room me and your father are going to be having a very serious talk when he gets home from work scruffy you can go to your room i'm going to make sure crystal is okay [Music] so what is kit the golden child now that he has a job not if i have a say in it hey kid i gotta go out for a few minutes could i ask you to polish my car while i'm gone sure thing mr stark thanks kid oh shoot i forgot the polish [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] what the get i'm back hey where's my car i i'm not sure mr stark i just went back to the workshop to pick something up and then it was gone kids i'm gonna have to ask you to leave i can't trust you working here anymore but tony it's not my fault get just leave [Music] what's wrong kit i lost my job not like you care hey i do care i'm your sister tony got mad at me and fired me well i mean what do you expect him to do when you crashed his car i didn't oh no you did it and you'll never be able to prove it i hate you do you hear that hear what [Music] what on earth is going on out here [Music] stop it you two [Music] i'm so disappointed in the two of you get started only because crystal got me fired only because you're annoying enough both of you are grounded what i can't be i would expect this kind of behavior from kit but not you i'm very disappointed in you crystal go to your rooms [Music] she will pay for what she did i'll show him never to mess with me again [Music] what are you losers doing we're just playing basketball that's stupid give me the ball do you want to play no i told you i think it's stupid then why do you want our ball because the sound of you bouncing that thing up and down is making my head explode well forget about it oh fine if you won't give it to me i'll just have to take it [Music] i can't believe this i have your palm now stupid crystal give your brothers their ball back mom they were being mean to me and wouldn't let me play first you're mean to your brothers and then you lie to me go to your room crystal this isn't fair i don't know what's gotten into you crystal but this needs to stop but i didn't do anything wrong it's not my fault those two are picky eaters you ate your brother's pizza and you knew it was theirs apologize to scruffy and kit no they suck and i'm not apologizing to them well then go to your room fine i'm sorry about this guys what do you say i take you out for pizza on retail that way we can sit in and get some milkshakes yay that sounds awesome yeah you guys wait in the car i'll be out in a minute [Music] stupid boys stupid mom finally i can have some fun [Music] yo can i hang out with you guys my mom's being a drag sure cool rad thanks i stole it neat what's your name uh darkness that's metal i'm school crusher and this is cyanide you wanna come and do some rebellious stuff yeah i do i mean sir i do rebellious stuff all the time neat you any good at art not really perfect [Music] those milkshakes were so good thanks mom yeah thanks bob anytime boys hey wait a minute isn't that your father's truck [Music] how did it get out here crystal my name's not crystal mom it's darkness i don't care what you want me to call you just get in the car we're going home i don't have to do what you tell me yes you do i am your mother and you are coming home tonight whether you like it or not make me get in the car now ah fine you ruin everything kit scruffy you guys head in and play some video games i have to talk to crystal uh what now what is happening with you nothing i'm just over this i'm sick of living in the middle of nowhere with you and dad and those stupid boys well can't we talk about it no because you wouldn't understand what wouldn't i understand everything tell you what how about you go to your room and sleep on this and we can talk about it again in the morning whatever what am i gonna do with that girl [Music] crystal are you ready to talk [Music] crystal are you okay meow have you seen crystal isn't she in her room [Music] boys have you seen your sister no i thought she was still in bed oh no meow crystal's missing don't worry we'll find her come on let's go have a look outside [Music] i can't believe she took the boat where could she be i've got a gps tracker on the boat i could probably get up her location hey can i get one of those ah that depends how old are you i'm 17. yeah sure you can hang out with us you like music yeah i do wicked what are your names i'm chad and that's ronjon oh cool i'm crystal that's a neat name crystal thanks do you see her not yet we should have a look out on the beach okay let's go look at those kids out partying over there gosh that reminds me when i was young meow i think that's crystal what no daughter of mine gets to party on the beach [Music] i can't trust you at all crystal can i ah not this again yes this again you're only a baby uh she told us she was 17. oh just get out of here you two [Music] come on crystal we're going home i hate you i need both of you [Music] crystal me and your mother are very disappointed in you i don't care well you should care because you're grounded indefinitely what you can't do that yes i can now go to your room no i don't want to okay that's it i've had enough of this we've tried everything and you're still behaving like a spoiled little brat well i wouldn't be if you weren't such a terrible mom crystal that's enough i'm leaving here tomorrow and nobody can stop me i'm going to run away crystal just go to your room fine [Music] they didn't believe me when i said i was running away well joke's on them i'm leaving and i'm never coming back huh what's this oh no jennifer is everything okay it's crystal she's gone [Music] just like new jan you're just in time i finished the repairs on the house crystal jennifer where did you find her i got a call from the police station well thank goodness you found her crystal tell your father what you told me i i set the house on fire what i was mad at you and mom for grounding me so i started the fire you do realize this means you're grounded right yeah i know go up to your room and think about what you did you can thank your father for the fact that you still have a room to go to it all after your little stunt and don't forget to subscribe to our channel [Music] [Music] oh don't you think that was a little harsh meow she set our house on fire if anything we're being too lenient we need to lay down some ground rules can we do that tomorrow i'm tired and my back is killing me all right i'm gonna go order pizza want some [Music] sure mom can i go see baby groot only if you bring your sister with you what why can't scruffy take her because scruffy's at work today kit so you have to look after your sister ugh having a sister sucks come on crystal we're going outside yay my favorite be nice to your brother crystal oh i'll be nice to him all right what are we doing here this place is creepy i'm just picking my friend up what do you mean picking your friend up you don't even have a car he's a baby so he can't go anywhere on his own a little like you actually whatever just get him and let's get this over with crystal this is baby group yeah kit said that already you're really pretty whatever can't i want to go home we're not going home apologize to baby group for being mean to him you hurt his feelings after he complimented you i'm not apologizing to a twig crystal apologize now or i'm going home and telling mom tell her what's she gonna do then growl me some more [Music] can you get the bags crystal fine [Music] good evening what's so good about it crystal sorry about that hmm can't seem to find the ketchup crystal can you go ask where we can find ketchup [Music] where's the ketchup why what a rude little girl don't you know your p's and q's my what your pleases and thank yous yeah whatever my mom just wants to know where the ketchup is that's it get out of my shop is everything okay no your kid is barred from the store i don't know what kind of parenting you're doing but i can assure you it's no good please she's just going through her teenage rebellion phase can she stay and help me do my shopping no get out of my shop now both of you what a cranky old hag crystal don't say things like that about people well that's no fun crystal i said not to touch anything oops is it supposed to bend like this crystal you broke it only because you wouldn't tell me how it worked just get out go home and torment someone else everyone treats me like i'm a problem i'll steal them [Music] who's babysitting me today crystal no one is babysitting you you're coming out on a father-daughter bonding day with me and groot so you're on babysitting duty nice let's just go i want you on your best behavior aren't i always on my best behavior [Music] [Applause] hey groot this is my daughter crystal hi crystal baby groot has told me great things about you he he has yes hey crystal nice to see you again it's nice to see you too well shall we get this show on the road baby groot yeah crystal why are you nice to me even though i was so mean to you at first because i know your now is deep down you really think though yeah don't you my whole family thinks i'm evil they think i'm a problem that has to be fixed why don't you try showing them that you're not what do you mean why don't you start being a little better so you can show them that you're better i've never thought of that hey look at that food cart there's no one there want me to steal us some hot dogs no don't steal anything your dad and my dad will be back with pizza soon yeah you're right you're a pretty wise guy baby groot so do you come here often are you trying to flirt with me what no i just really like the beach i was wondering if you liked it too oh i do like it it's all nice and sandy yeah i really like the water [Music] hey dad oh hey crystal what's up i was wondering if i could help out uh i'll be okay there's not much work left to do here anyway no please let me i made the mess i should at least help clean it up oh well okay then grab a screwdriver and get over here thanks for dinner mom yeah thank you crystal where are you going i'm going to clean up the dishes oh you don't have to i can do it later that's okay i'll get them what has gotten into her hey don't question it and just be glad it's a miracle [Music] hey crystal what did you have in mind for yourself and baby groot today well i was hoping to take him out on the boat on the lake if that's all right of course i'll have to carry him because he's still a baby but you guys can talk i wanted to bring you out to the lake because you said you liked the water that's really thoughtful the lake is beautiful you really think so yeah but not as beautiful as you i brought fishing rods maybe we can catch some fish sure that would be fun [Music] ah crystal baby groot has been excited to see you hey crystal i'm glad you came i'll let you take baby groot today if that's all right you mean you're not coming with us no you kids enjoy yourselves don't get into any trouble [Music] baby groot what do you want to do today there's lots to do around here let's go to the playground [Music] you're so lucky to have all this cool stuff around your house yeah that's kind of cool you want to go for a walk in the woods ooh sounds spooky let's do it [Music] hey baby groot there's something i've been meaning to tell you really because there's something i've been meaning to tell you too i really like you i really like you too do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend yeah of course i hope you and baby groot had a great time today we did could i actually say one last thing to him before you go sure oh my little girl's in love mom stop okay okay i'm sorry i just got excited you have to tell me everything okay okay hey guys tony here hope you enjoyed our latest video make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss our next one see you around
Channel: LL - Shorts
Views: 2,768,543
Rating: 4.7915459 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, little lizard fortnite, little lizard, fortnite little lizard, fortnite movies, fortnite film, film, short films, fortnite chapter 2, chapter 2 season 4, fortnite short film, season 4, marvel, fortnite x marvel, little lizard gaming, she hulk, she hulk falls in love, baby she hulk
Id: IW_h7Eu6-dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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