Kiss Cut Sticker Tutorial: (To the Point)

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[Music] G failures failures failures so many failures today no failures why is that catnip Studios thank you so much catnip because without your friends who taught you and then you broke it down for people like me that found you I now can break it down for people that find me because I don't want anybody having as much trouble as I did with kiss cut stickers I have been spending way too much time maybe three straight days of trying to learn how to do exactly what I'm going to show you now this is my second attempt at this just to make sure I understood what I was doing and how I was setting it up but I now know how to make kiss cut sticker sheets so ridiculous how hard other channels have made it when it's really the most simple thing order to do the things I need to do I needed my kiss cut sticker sheet to finally work and here's how I did it procreate plus Epson converted this is a cheapo printer Cosmos ink which is a pigment ink which means it will not be bothered with water and you have a Cricut Machine now I don't know a lot about Cricut so I'm just telling you exactly what I have and I believe this will work on almost most crickets that are newer I have a Cricut Explore air to downloaded Cricut design space no you did not need to use the kiss cut new beta feature don't do it don't even try it I did it gave me so much headache so here's how we take all of these and create a simple kiss cut sticker sheet for you out there who speak layers this is what your layers need to look like it doesn't matter the size of the sticker sheet or any of that right now I just want you to know I've done two 4x6 sticker sheets that's it you have attached your sticker layer and your backing layer your sticker layer your backing layer and under that I have decided to do rectangle squares behind it so that the Cricut cuts it out with a nice little uh curved rectangle I have attached four of them together and I've attached four of them together I just duplicated duplicate duplicate so once I got this one I duplicated that which is right here once I got this one set up and attached it I duplicated it again now I'm going to break down how I did this again in the most simplest form of just follow what I did and do it with your file but if this makes sense to you maybe that's all you needed uh these are just telling me my prints are going to come out blurry they're not they don't and they didn't procreate background color white pink whatever color you're going to print the background I added two little line just for sample CU in the future I might want to write critos the name of you know what it is a serial number you've seen them you know I do my background color whatever color you want just to make sure it's solid and then you can add any designs or cute little things you don't want to cut out for your background I bring in any file I want you want a transparent background on whatever design you're choosing I want to add a layer to go behind it I want to be on that layer I want to grab my studio pen which comes with procreate because it's a nice smooth pen it doesn't matter what color it is if it helps to see it better and you just go around it however you want to do this take your time go slow get it perfect whatevers whatevers whatevers this is basically creating the cut line if you want it as a white color bam now I merge them say to merge with merge down I just pinched them and now they're on one layer what I did then was duplicated them and moved them around and if you need your background to figure that out you certainly can when you go to export these files you want your background to be a solid color it doesn't matter what the color is that's your choice I just went with white to save on a lot of printing color and using up ink I've got my other layer with it I'm going to save this PNG even though it's a solid background it doesn't matter it's a PNG file you're good grab the layer of just your stickers the fact that you've set it all up and you've merged your white with it it is now one cut line around it that one you want a transparent background you do not want the background on just transparent and you save it as a PNG file now you're ready to go to Cricut design space now I've already uploaded these into Cricut design space from my iPad where I work with procreate but when I go to my desktop I highly suggest using your desktop I have Cricut design space on my iPad and it stinks upload if you've already uploaded them they're in your images I'm going to grab the background hold down shift and select my sticker sheet over here to the left and I add to Canvas now they're going to be big and it's going to show you red marks we don't care right now we're just trying to get this back to um the way it should be on the sticker sheet if it's too close you can change the background just want the stickers so I get them as close as I can to where it was okay you have your two files just like I showed you earlier we're going to grab those and we're going to say attach with the little paperclip that's it bam you just made a layer good job you made it now I like the shape of the rectangle with the rounded edges I love that look so now I have this new box that just jumped on and as you can see it's not under the attachment it is not attached I take that rectangle shape and I'm going to size it correctly up here you have your perfect sizing if you want it to kind of unlock you hit the unlock button so you can make it any size you want width is four and six hit enter there we go that's about the size this needs to be too but you're like but it's not that size I click attach it's grabbing all of this and I size it all together same way four we have to unlock this six there you go they're the exact same size Now using your position tool see that position XY just put one and one there you go and we're going to position this one in the same place because it's going to move it there one sometimes it glitches and does its own number one it's there trust me you just got to keep going back to it they should overlap like this now you're wondering but I can't see my sticker sheet that's okay now that we know it's perfect aligned what you're going to do is you're going to take that rectangle and you're going to duplicate it however many times you want your cutter to go over it I'm going to go with five just to be safe and I'm going to move all of these to the back now instead of doing it individually I don't know why people keep doing this you just grab all of them and you want to align them to horizontally align them Center them vertically and then we go back to the one by one okay and double check before you do it because saw it kept glitching and putting this to like 73 it was really weird now we want to move it to the back they're already highlighted you technically get to attach them there and then drop them down below or put move to back by hitting the arrange button all right now that we have exactly what we're looking for we want to highlight all of it and rotate it 90° there you go now it doesn't really matter I've tried this in different areas and it's like the mat cuts it puts it where it wants to to but I put it as close to the top left corner as I can and guess what I'm going to do I'm going to duplicate all those layers duplicate now something that um somebody had mentioned in a video was one to keep them slightly separated um if you want to align them you can say align to the right and that way it moves it perfectly okay so I did a line to the right after I grabbed all of them have the attachment of the backer card and the stickers at the very top so I'm going to take this one and just move all of my rectangles to the bottom just make sure when you guys are dragging and dropping these kind of things you're wanting to make sure the line goes as far left as possible to show it's in its own attachment otherwise it'll keep attaching under the one above I don't know if it matters but there you go and then I select all of it and hit attach one final time time and it's all attached now in like one big file I hit make it and there it is and now we move into continue when I hit send to printer it'll always show up behind the screen so I use system dialogue I use my printer outside that was a whole another video I am not doing then I go to print and my system print dialogue is always pops up right here there it is I move it to best I do photo mat paper because I don't get presentation paper on this one I don't know why I have my Epson 2800 Series 2 and media quality I mean you can go through all of this and design everything you need I just basically go to media and quality move it to best make sure it's on photom mat paper color and you hit print now while it's printing you can browse all materials this was not showing up for me when I was using using the kiss cut beta which whenever you watch this video there may not be the beta anymore there may just be kiss cut stickers and you may not even need all this information but um it wasn't giving me all these options it was giving me six different materials I could choose from and Washi sheet worked perfect for me so many people use sticky notes and then I found these tutorials way later when I was trying to learn and Washi sheet just seems to be the way it works perfect for me I didn't have to change any settings change the pressure nothing I just leave it at default I save it on Washi sheet and there it is washi sheet default pressure I just have it at default and I'm using the standard sticky mat um and then all I do is load it when it's done printing 2 are you ready for the super quick recap here we go procreate make a background save it as a PNG create a layer under what you want to do on your sticker sheet Studio pen create an [Music] outline merge those files figure out your layout and you can use a background to do this as well just make sure you turn it off first and you save it as a PNG transparent background cricet design space select your background once you've imported it and your sticker sheet add to Canvas don't attach anything yet select your stickers place where you want them grab them all size 4 in unlock 6 in enter select them attach them add of shape any shape you like square or rectangle size it four unlock by six enter position your sticker attach Ed piece by using XY at the top one by one enter make sure it stays one by one same with your Square X and Y both one make sure that it overlaps perfectly now we're going to make several Cuts over and over in that same shape click on rectangle duplicate duplicate as many times as you think it needs to go through your material for most of these I'm finding four and five is fine now select all of them by clicking on shift or if you're using an iPad you can select each one by tapping on it we want to align Center horizontally align Center vertically now you should have the perfect shape but you don't know where to put it position it one by one again now it's perfectly over we want to attach those together and we want to bring them down make sure your line is all the way to the left and not to the side all the way left underneath and you have two attachments now grab all of those so everything should be highlighted and we're going to rotate them 90° rotate now we just duplicate all of that by hitting the duplicate button you can now grab your first one and move it now you can move that one as close as you like but leave a little space if it doesn't align perfectly you can grab all of it hit the Align button at the top and you want to align to the right that way it puts them perfectly even now we can grab all of it and hit our attach button now it's fully attached and we'll cut together I just move mine a little bit higher and I do make once you hit make you're going to continue so that you can go to your printer send a printer if you have special settings make sure you click use system dialogue so you can do more settings in your own dialogue just remember it will show up back here behind the window now you're ready to print if you want to use the system it has great once it's done or you've already printed because you've already printed like 10 and you're just ready to do the cut you can hit I've already printed here on the right now you want to browse all materials I'm selecting Washi sheet you don't have to type at all you can just type in wash and it usually shows up Washi sheet done I change nothing else now I click the button to load it then I click the C to get it to cut and that's it I truly hope I have broken this down in two different ways one with a little bit more info and one pretty quick and straight to the point once you've set up this sheet you can save it in your files um that way you can go back to it and you can even take away those layers and then just bring in the new sticker PNG and the new backer PNG and keep the same layout keep everything the same there's no reason to change it if you choose to do four on it I haven't done that one yet I haven't mastered that yet but if you do it's just different sizing of the paper that's it um and you need to just research what the biggest size you can go width and height so that way you make sure sure everything fits within um a big thank you to catnip Studios because without them I wouldn't have figured it out and I made a couple adjustments to fit it to my needs but other than that I'm just giving you the most simple and now you can explore and see all the different things you can do have fun with your Cricut Machine I know that I am now that I figured it out and if you guys feel like supporting you can hit subscribe turn on the notifications follow my Vlogs and support me anytime as an art hero subscriber at critos .u. me or click the link in my description and then you can shop from me anytime you want to support critos thanks so much you guys and wishing you all the best
Channel: Critterosity
Views: 11,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5g5Z4l9W3Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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