🌱 How I Make Stickers 🌱 Die Cut & Kiss Cut Sticker Sheets Tutorial

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hello everyone so today i'm going to be showing  you guys how i make all of these stickers that you   guys see on my shop including die cut individual  stickers as well as kiss cut sticker sheets   the whole shebang i'm going to be showing you  guys a step-by-step tutorial on how i make them   and today's video is actually  sponsored by cricket so thank   you guys so much for sponsoring  today's video let's get into it hello everyone welcome back to another video  so today i'm finally giving you guys a full   in-depth tutorial on how i make stickers at home  so first and foremost today's video is sponsored   by cricket thank you so much for sponsoring  today's video and supporting the channel and   even though today's video is sponsored by  cricket as many of you may know i did get   a qriket machine myself a few months ago and have  since then completely switched to making all of my   stickers myself as opposed to getting them printed  and cut out by a third party printing company so   needless to say i was very excited to partner up  with qriket for today's video so i will be using   my cricut maker machine right there to show you  guys how i make all of the stickers that you see   on my online shop and those include individual die  cut stickers as well as kiss cut sticker sheets i   have been perfecting and streamlining my sticker  making process over the past few months so that   i was sure i could provide a you know concrete  in-depth tutorial for you guys here on the channel   so without any further ado let's get started so  first and foremost materials and software lists   as i mentioned previously i am going to be using  my cricut maker 3 machine in today's video i love   my qriket maker as many of you have seen on  my social media over the past few months it   is probably the most versatile cricut machine that  they have at the moment it cuts over 300 materials   from really thin crep paper to fabric  to heavy duty chipboard leather and wood   if you're a very crafty person who likes to  experiment with all kinds of materials this   machine is definitely for you as with all  cricut machines it is easy as pie to set up   literally took me like two minutes comes with  the qriket design space which i will get into   in more detail later and has a sleek easy to  store design that fits in everyone's workspace   as you guys know i work from my bedroom  which really doesn't have that much space   for anything but my cricut just kind of  takes up one little shelf with all of the   tools being inside it very compact very cute  color and it just looks really nice on a shelf so then for actual sticker making it is  recommended that you have an inkjet printer   rather than a laser one the difference between  inkjet and laser printers is that inkjet printers   provide a higher quality color printing especially  used for photo printing they are also generally   cheaper and smaller although ink cartridges  are usually what end up costing the most   i went through a long process of picking out an  inkjet printer as i really didn't know much about   printers at all i spent a few days researching  which inkjet printer was the best one for me and   what i'd be using it to create i ended up settling  for the epson xp 2100 one as it had all the   features that i was looking for with an affordable  price with well-priced ink cartridges as well   so yeah these are the two big bad boys  that i'm gonna be using in today's video   for design i as per usual use my ipad pro my  apple pencil and procreate to do all of my designs   my ipad is my go-to for digital art so that's  pretty much all i use for designing my stickers   and then finally we got a talk sticker paper i  will go into a bit more depth about comparing and   contrasting different kinds of sticker papers but  i did want to just show off my cute little sticker   paper folder where i keep all of my different  sticker papers neatly organized i'm a sucker for   this sort of folder organization so yeah sticker  paper is definitely a must for making stickers so now we should talk a little bit about designs  and designing different kinds of stickers as i   said i'm going to be showing you guys how to make  individual die cut stickers and kiss cut sticker   sheets for the die cut stickers i'm going to be  showing you how i make these little high q ones   that you guys can see on my shop they're super  cute i also use this method for making my glossy   stickers of my oc willow so let's have a look at  how i organize my files and my layers so for die   cut stickers you don't really need much you can  kind of have everything on just one layer for   cricut on my procreate i do have them a bit more  complicated because this is where i design them   but yeah i'll have a layer that has the design  group on them with all the layers inside it and   then a layer underneath that has the outline  border of where i'm gonna cut the actual design   in the future i do i am just going to flatten all  of these down when i upload them onto the cricut   design space but yeah this is how i make all of my  you know sticker packs and individual stickers etc   so then for sticker sheets which are you know  sheets that have little cuts that don't go all   the way through so you can just remove the  sticker from the sheet without damaging the   sheet basically these are a little bit more  complicated to get your head around if you're   new to this kind of stuff but basically very  simply speaking you'll need two different layers   one layer with all the stuff that you want to  print out so that includes all the actual stickers   and also any design that you have on the sticker  paper itself like a title or borders or anything   so all of those can be on the  same layer or in the same group   and then you're going to want a cut line layer  over the top of them that has the border where   you'd like the cuts to be made i'm gonna give you  another example here on this little skull sticker   sheet and this is an example for when you want  to have white background stickers but you don't   have a white background sticker sheet so i'll  do the border the white border on the actual   printing layer and then my cut lines will be just  a little bit inside that so that i know that it   won't catch any of the colored background but  yeah simply speaking that is kind of what i do   for all of my sticker sheets and my individual  stickers this process will probably make a   little bit more sense once i get into showing you  guys how to use them in the cricut design space   but i did want to show you how i organize  these layers in my ipad and my procreate so now let's talk a little bit about  sticker paper in depth a little bit so first off we've got vinyl vs normal paper  sticker paper so vinyl is a waterproof and   weatherproof sticker paper it's good for sticking  on water bottles for example easily peelable from   surfaces without any damage to the sticker  or the surface you'll definitely notice the   difference in texture the paper sticker paper  is what i normally use for these little extra   stickers i put in my orders which are easily  stampable with ink and then i just cut them   out the one thing that i don't really love about  sticker paper is that it just behaves like paper   it is less durable it dissolves easily once in  contact with water and it is very easily rippable   as paper normally is so it is it rips apart very  easily when peeling off the surface see now vinyl   doesn't rip for anything the backing paper will  but that's not what we're interested in the vinyl   itself will not rip so it is very durable and  waterproof so then we've got glossy versus matte   using glossy you might get into some issues with  cricket in terms of reading sensors but i will   get to that a bit later on and show you guys  my hacks around that but yeah it can sometimes   give off some pooling when you're printing it  out but once you've got the hang of it using   glossy white sticker paper and glossy transparent  sticker paper are so cool and you can make some   really awesome designs with them cricut offers a  beautiful variety of vinyl and sticker paper you   can get it in rolls or in sheets cricut also has  this really cool thing called smart vinyl you can   get it in removable or permanent versions they're  mainly used for decoration wall art just basically   decorating anything if you're not someone who's  interested in printing your designs onto sticker   paper you're more interested in doing designs on  colored vinyl that's probably the thing for you   but my favorite sticker paper that i generally  use is the matte white vinyl for most of my die   cut stickers as i just really love the soft  touch on them in the end and i also really   love the glossy white vinyl that i used for some  other kinds of stickers just because they look   really lovely with a little shine on them so now  it's actually time to print and cut these designs as i said i'm going to be showing you  guys how to do different kinds of cuts   so we're starting off with  die cut individual stickers   i'm going to be giving you guys a little bit  of a tutorial on how to use qriket design space   real quick but honestly it is so so easy to set  up and get used to honestly it took me like maybe   two hours to get fully adjusted to using this  software it's very simple and easy to get the   hang of so if you're new to cricut and you have  a new machine i would highly recommend going into   the sidebar over here and doing a calibration with  your machine just to make sure that everything is   set for you to start making your stickers and make  sure that everything's aligned but if you're good   to go you can just click on canvas and start a new  project and now we're going to upload our designs   over there at the bottom you can click upload and  then we're going to upload our die cut individual   sticker designs as i showed you guys earlier  i'm going to be showing you how to do the   kenmore designs for these high key stickers  what you want to do is export your designs as   png files so that means you can just get the  design without any background and you can do this   on photoshop or procreate by just deleting the  background layer and exporting it like that once   you get to the upload type page you want to click  the print then cut image basically means you want   to print and cut everything that's on here and  that's it very straightforward then you're going   to want to click that image and click insert  image which will insert that into your mat   and here is where we're going to adjust  the sizes and duplicate our designs   so i normally duplicate it once and put  them side by side and in order to see if my   stickers are overlapping i normally create just  a you know gray square and send it to the back   of my mat so i can clearly see if my stickers are  overlapping or not if they're not i just go ahead   and duplicate my stickers until i've got around  nine designs usually that's as many as i can   fit for the size that i want for my stickers  for my current qriket mat size so then when i'm   happy with the placement i'll delete my square  and select all of my designs and click attach and then you might actually get a little  bit of a warning sign over there next to the   attach eyeball layer thing and that pretty  much just means that your total design   size is a little bit too big for optimal printing  so just take the value that it gives you for   the maximum width or the maximum height and  manually enter them in the size category up there   and that's it you've got your stickers on your  sheet and you can click make it to actually   send them off to print once you've connected  everything and all your machines to your qriket   design space you can send your design off to the  printer and i normally remove add bleed and click   use system dialog for printing just because this  means i can be a bit more specific with my printer   settings as opposed to using default ones and  something that always happens with the qriket   design space is that the print system dialog  always just like the window just appears behind it   so if you've been waiting for a while for your  printer dialogue system to appear it's probably   just behind your cricut design space window  just a tip i'll put in the settings for my   inkjet printer that work the best of course  this is going to vary for different printers   but while it's printing off we can actually  go into the cut type so for vinyl paper or any   kind of vinyl paper i normally go with medium  cardstock which goes up to 216 gsm thickness   and i found that this is the best kind of cut for  vinyl paper and vinyl sticker paper because it has   to cut through two different papers essentially  the sticker paper and then the sticker backing   paper so that's normally the one that i use and  then you just gotta wait for it to be printed off   once your sticker sheet is printed it is time  to add it to your mat the qriket design space   will have you know detailed instructions on  how to do that but basically you just have to   align it into the little corner over there on the  bottom left and make sure that it's properly stuck   onto the mat and then you're just going to want to  load it into your cricut and press go pretty much qriket machines are so versatile because it really  doesn't matter what size of thing you're making as   long as it fits on your mat it pretty much will  cut out anything because what it does is it just   senses the guidelines around the design which is  that little black rectangle that you see around   the designs and basically i'll just cut from there  it's super smart and it'll literally cut out any   project you may have and just watch it go super  sweet and super cute and i just love having it   on in the background working it's very mesmerizing  to watch as well i get very distracted sometimes   once it is printed out you can just unload it  from your machine and then the most satisfying   part which is peeling off the stickers from  the mat and boy did i do this in slow-mo   for you guys because it is the most satisfying  part of this entire process look at my little   kenmons there you go i literally just made  six little kenmores look how cute they are   they're adorable and yeah i then just use  some of the tools that come with the cricut   machine to help me peel off the stickers  from the mat without damaging them as much   as possible and there we go we just made  six kenmo stickers in a matter of minutes going on to kiss cut sticker sheets  these will require a little bit more work   on the qriket design space but i'm  going to take you guys through it   for uploading you're gonna have to upload two  different images for a sticker sheet design   you're gonna wanna upload them onto photoshop if  you'd rather and export the two different versions   so you're gonna wanna upload the cut lines layer  that i showed you earlier and the printing layer   so you're going to upload both of those  but the only thing that's going to change   is when you upload the cut lines layer you're  going to want to click cut image and not print   then cut image because we don't want to print  off these shapes we just want them to be cut   out does that make sense it'll make sense in a  bit you're going to want to select both of those   images in your upload page and add them both to  your mat and then this is kind of the annoying   part you kind of have to eyeball it a little  bit and overlay your cut shapes over your design   layer i don't know of a way to you know change the  transparency of a layer on cricut design space so   i just kind of toggle the visibility of that layer  until i'm happy with its placement and then i make   sure that my cut lines layer is on basic cut over  there in the operation tab and my printing layer   is on print then cut it is just a matter of you  know organizing your files duplicating them if   you'd like to print more than one in one go  i normally like making a5 sticker sheets so   i'll normally have two on a page horizontally  like this so i can fit two of them in one go   once i'm happy with the placements of everything  i will highlight all the layers and attach them   and of course resize them so that they're at the  maximum size possible that cricut will allow and   yeah there you go don't worry that your design  is covered your cut lines are supposed to be   on top of the design layers um actually  i don't think it usually matters but it's   better this way so you know that they're  aligned and then i'll go and print that off   i like to use the same settings for my printer so then for materials to make the kiss cuts  uh you want a very light cut that doesn't go   through the entire paper and i found that the  sticky note cut is actually the best one for   making kiss cut sticker sheets i normally go  for the sticky note and then i'll adjust the   cutting pressure to less pressure as opposed to  default so that i'm really sure that it doesn't   cut through the entire paper because we're  not wanting the cut to go through the backing   of the sticker paper just the sticker  layer so that you can still peel them off   once that is printed off i'll just add it to my  mat as i did for my previous die cut stickers this can take you know some trial and error i  definitely had like a full week and a half or   two weeks where i was just testing out different  cuts and different materials with different cuts   to see which ones i actually  preferred for my stickers   so if it doesn't work for you i would  recommend just testing out different   different cuts and seeing what works best for the  effect that you're going for and if you are having   problems with the cut lines not being aligned i  would definitely give the calibration another go   honestly sometimes you just gotta calibrate  it a few times so it gets it right so for my sticker sheets i'll normally take them  out after i've made the kiss cuts and then use   a guillotine i've got my crooked  guillotine here to cut off the   sticker sheets from the guidelines and  also separate them into two sticker sheets   because currently i've got just two big  sticker sheets on one piece of paper i normally cut out like three or four of these at  a time to you know save time and stuff but since   i'm only showing you guys this one example here it  is i'll just cut them all out with my guillotine and there we go we've got two sticker sheets  right here and because i'm just that extra   i like to round the corners of everything  that i own so i'll go in with this little   corner cutter that i got from an art  shop and i used the seven millimeter   one because i think it looks the cutest  on a5 paper i'll just cut off the corners   so they're nice and rounded and it just  makes the products look a little bit more   professional i guess but yeah look how cute they  look so adorable and ready to be put on the shop so yeah you can then just start  experimenting with different sort of   sticker papers i recently started experimenting  different print settings so that i could use   glossy paper because you've got different settings  to be used for different kinds of sticker papers   the settings that i was using for my matte sticker  paper is definitely not what i should be using for   glossy as there is pooling and stuff like that  and also with glossy sticker paper because of   its reflectiveness sometimes the cricut won't  recognize these guidelines so what i've found   that works is using matte scotch tape and covering  the guidelines with matte scotch tape will make   them readable by the cricket sensor again i saw  this on like various different youtube videos of   people who were you know doing how to use glossy  paper on cricut because i just can't read it   because if you look closely the cricut sensor is  just like a light that senses where the guideline   is so if it's very reflective paper it really  just it will just you know it'll get confused so   you need to mattify those lines and i found that  the matte scotch tape just works like a charm and this is the same exact process that i do  when i use transparent glossy sticker paper again for glossy vinyl sticker paper i use the  card stock cut as well because i wanted to cut   all the way through cricut has specific cuts for  its very specific materials that it sells as well   so if you're ever you know having any trouble  with what cut to use for a cricut material they   they will have a specific cut for that material  in their material browsing list there you go we   just made a bunch of glossy willow stickers and  they look so cute and i really like the gloss   shine on these because she's  like a little magical character there we go guys we just did it that's  pretty much it it's again as i told you   super simple super easy once you get the  hang of it it is it is just like this you   just start going making stickers all day  and it is super fast and super efficient   thank you so much for watching today's video i  really hope it helped i hope you learned something   i hope that this video will aid you in making  your own stickers at home and maybe starting   your own online shop if you guys would like  to know a little bit more about starting your   own online art shop and running your own little  business i do have a separate video where i talk   all about that if you guys are more interested in  the background admin details of that i'll leave a   link to that down there in the description  box yeah thank you so much to cricket for   sponsoring today's video i will leave all the  links to everything if you guys want to check   out qriket's machines yourselves down there in the  description box of course as well as any materials   and softwares and machines that i've mentioned in  today's video thank you again for all the support   on my online shop and on my youtube  channel thank you again for watching   i hope you have a lovely rest of your day  and i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Pypah's Art
Views: 614,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, drawing, speed, painting, paint, how, to, tutorial, artist, sketch, sketchbook, bullet, journal, journaling
Id: l0I7a_wdUvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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