How I make my own notepads! DIY Homemade stationery ✨😊

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hey everyone happy New Year happy 2024 I hope you are safe and healthy and that this year brings a lot of good things your way but I wanted to talk today about making notepads I don't really know if I officially talked about or made a video on how I make my notepads I know that I've included them in my studio Vlogs and stuff at at some point last year but yeah that was just kind of like you watching me do stuff but I wanted to make an official video now in case you ever wanted to make something like this for your shop or if you just want to make it at home because if you're like me I like to write stuff down um I write some things on my phone as a reminder but nothing beats uh just writing on paper and just having something physical to look at I actually need to make a couple more Notepads for the upcoming popup Market that will be in like two weekends so I figured I would also make this video tutorial to show you how I do it it's really easy you just need a couple of materials such as paper I use a 24 lb um copy or Bond paper I think I bought mine from Amazon I think Hammer Mill was the brand um and then you need a printer of your own I have a Canon Pix ip8720 printer I think I linked it down in the description below so you can find that there you also need a cutter of some sort you can use your scissor or like a craft cutter um or guillotin if you have one I decided to invest in buying a guillotine because I knew that I wanted to make a bunch of notepads and the cutter that I currently have is shredding some of my papers so it tastful if I kept using that because I would just have a bunch of um paper that are like fuzzy on the edges you also need PVA glue which is like a book binding glue I got this from Amazon for like eight bucks I believe um and I've used it quite a few times and it's still pretty much full so you don't really need a lot this one is actually 16 oz so I mean looking back on it I maybe I could have just bought found something for like 8 oz pH neutral PVA book binding glue is what you'll need to um bind the the papers together and then you also want clamps to hold down all the pieces of paper while the glue dries on them so um if you don't want to invest in something that I have here you can find them on Amazon or Ali Express or Teemu they're like these clamp thingies um and you can Just Adjust them by squeezing the trigger over here and they'll they'll slowly close um but I think these were a really good investment um I can't remember how much I bought them for I believe they were like under 10 bucks um for these two so uh you can invest in that you can buy one of those clamps or you can use something really heavy like if you have a heavy textbook or just something that you can lay these papers underneath and not wrinkle them while they're drying that would be just as fine as these clamps this is also optional um and especially if you're making this for yourself at home it really doesn't matter in my opinion and I I have friends who also sell them without this but optional is a chipboard or backing board um I did buy like a pack of 25 or 50 off of Amazon I believe I don't remember how much it costs um but I will hopefully remember to link link it down in the description below in casee you are interested in buying them if you are sensitive about the costs I think it's an optional item and it's not the end of the world if you um decide to forego that but these ones that I made also um up to you some people do 50 per per whatever notepad but I have this at 30 and obviously you want to price according to however many pages that it is um but also Factor all the materials that you have used up and the time and effort into creating stuff like this these are some of the designs that I have currently these things I made last year but I was unfortunately not able to sell them because I was late to the game with the fall sales and I was moving so um I think it's still pretty cute though um these new ones that I made just recently have my Watermark or my my new brand on it tiu um whereas this one I have a tendency of forgetting to put like my name on things and I want to do that so people can remember who who the heck made it but um I made something ahead of time for spring just recently and I'm really really happy with it um I feel like I have a lot of like yellows and oranges going on here so it's nice to have a a break in color and then this was a winter design that I I made of a bear under a kotatsu and then also pretty recently I made these notepad um checklists I wanted to make it a pretty generic one not so much a to-do list or shopping list so that way it's versatile and everyone can use it regardless of you know whatever the purpose is oh and also another thing here if you're selling maybe it would be a good idea to get some cellophane bags or I don't know wax paper bags however you want to package it up but you want to think about the packaging for these as well these are 3x3 and I think this is 8 1/2 by 3.8 I forget but it goes um I divided it evenly for a regular size printer paper so 8 1/2 by 11 I can get three sheets of these per 8 and 1/2 by 11 I would say the most timec consuming part about making notepads is actually printing them all out or waiting for them all to print um especially with like my Canon if you own a Canon I'm not sure if your printer does this but mine is pretty slow with with printing so um that's the most timec consuming next to cutting all of these things out actually um I don't know maybe I'm I'm just really slow but it takes me forever to um cut them out and just like stack them but gluing is really really easy another thing that I do recommend is not overg gluing and being too zealous it's a little tricky because the PVA book binding glue is like you know like kind of like Elmer's glue but I would say even more transparent so when you apply it it's a little hard once the paper has kind of absorbed it a little bit it's hard to see where exactly you applied the glue so sometimes I tend to overg glue it and then what happens is the glue will drip down to the sides of the paper not just like the one side where it's supposed to stick but then you have um a tough time once it's done drying uh you have a tough time peeling these Pages apart from each other which is something that you don't want so I would suggest doing one coat at a time and and then waiting however long maybe like 15 minutes 30 minutes or even an hour just to be sure um and then applying another coat for me I apply maybe like two two coats or three coats Max I feel like it's enough to bind them together and again this is not supposed to be something that will be stuck together forever because the point of it is for people or for yourself to peel it off once you're done using that top sheet of paper so yeah just think about that when you are gluing it together but all that to say I find um making notepads very relaxing and also very fun they are very DIY in nature so expect them to be imperfect especially if you don't have like Machinery cutting every single piece not everything might cut or be aligned um exactly the way they should be and that's totally okay paper is still paper and it's usable right um so I I really love that aspect about making notepads let me know if this tutorial has helped you out in creating your own thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Tiramaesu
Views: 9,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, artsy, doodles, cute, kawaii, artist, illustrator, illustration, drawing, small business, shop, sticker shop, notepads, stationery, memo pad, notepad, diy, how-to, homemade
Id: mMsQ5IsxvWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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