✨ how to make easy peel die-cut stickers ✨

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[Music] hello welcome back to my channel or well welcome if you are new here my name is susan today i will be showing you guys how i make my easy peel die cut stickers this has been a question that i get a lot time and time and again and so i thought i would just sit down and act well right now i'm standing but you know what i mean i always get a lot of dms and comments on how i make my easy peel die cut stickers with the pull tab and so i decided to just make a video on it so that if anybody ever has any questions on how i make my die cut stickers again i can refer them to this video right here also if you have any more questions on how i do anything for my small business my sticker shop feel free to leave a comment down below i will also have everything that i am using in today's video linked in the description box and also before we jump into the tutorial i just wanted to also mention that i do have a personal vlog channel where i vlog my everyday life and if you are interested in seeing how i function outside of the studio please subscribe to that channel i will have that link in the description box also okay that's it that's enough rambling from me let's jump right into the video okay so let's first talk about what i will be using to make these stickers to draw the stickers you can do it with traditional medias like pen on paper or digitally with an ipad i typically prefer to draw digitally if you are going to draw digitally i recommend this spicy little app right here called procreate that's what i use to make all of my art for this tutorial i'm going to show you two different methods on how to create the easy peel stickers so you don't necessarily need a laptop or pc to do this but for my own personal preferences i much prefer to do it on a pc so i strongly suggest having a pc handy but if you don't have one or you don't want to use one that's absolutely fine too we of course are going to need sticker paper to make stickers i'm specifically going to use online labels weatherproof matte sticker paper it's made from a synthetic poly material that's extremely similar to vinyl sticker paper and that's perfect for my decal stickers because i want the stickers to withstand the test of time and keep its integrity to make your art into stickers you are going to need a printer a very common question that i get asked all the time is what printer i'm using i am currently using the canon pixma ix 6820 and this along with everything else mentioned in this video will be linked in the description box down below last but not least i'm going to be using my cricut to cut out the stickers so if you are using a different cutting machine this is not a tutorial for you and that's it now we can move on to the tutorial so we are going to first start off our sticker making process by designing the art for the sticker i like to do my digital artworks on procreate and pretty much everyone i know who also does digital art uses procreate as well it's not the only app on the market but it's a damn good one so this is the sticker design that i have come up with i'm also going to make it into an art print so if you want to purchase this or the art print it is available on my etsy linked in the description box anyway back to the tutorial this is what my art piece is looking like alright so now let's change the background color i like to change it to a different color maybe this orange right here because when i'm doing the outline it's going to be in a white color so by changing the background color i can see the outline work that i will be doing so i'm first going to show you how to make easy peel stickers completely on procreate this isn't my preferred method but it does work so let's start off by making a new layer under the artwork using the monoline brush at maximum size i am essentially going to trace the outline of the artwork i just go along the outline of the art and because my brush size is so big it will basically add a border to the artwork [Music] now that the border is done i am going to fill in the inside of the border to do this i just drag the color in the top right corner to the center of where i want filled now we're going to turn back on the visibility of the sticker i'm going to tap on our sticker layer and a menu will pop up make sure the border layer is underneath and i'm going to merge the sticker layer down with the white border layer then click on the sticker layer again and press copy with the sticker selected we are going to create a new canvas in the size of 9.25 inches by 6.75 inches 132 dpi then we are going to change the background color again to another color on the middle left we are going to press on this square and it will give us the copy and paste options press paste now press any of the points that surround the sticker i typically like my stickers to be around two and a quarter inches and that's about 300 pixels after typing in the dimensions the sticker will resize itself now just select out of it we are going to recreate the background layer now select the layer icon on the top right swipe left on the sticker layer and press duplicate now select the bottom layer and then press the plus button on the top right tap on the new layer and select the clipping mask then drag the white onto the canvas reopen the layer menu tap the clipping mask layer and select merge down now we have our new background layer now to create the little tab you can type in your shop information using the add text option there are a lot of fonts on procreate to choose from for me personally though i like the handwritten look so i am going to hand write in my shop's handle [Music] now i'm going to move it around and see where it fits best when i do this i try to put it in a place where it won't waste as much space that way i can tetris it better when formatting the stickers to rotate on procreate drag the green dot to the direction that you want to rotate it to so now we are going to need to add a new layer underneath our branding with both the branding layer and the layer underneath selected i am going to drag them underneath all of the layers i have an extra layer here by accident don't know how it happened but i'm just going to delete it now let's change the color to white and a brush to mono line the monoline should already be at max size because we used it earlier but if it's not adjust it to the max brush size so just like what we did with the artwork we are going to trace around the outside of the branding i like to make this line straight so if you drag the line and then hold on to it it will become a line shape that you can adjust i notice it's much easier to use the tabs if it blends into the stickers more smoothly so i am just extending the outlines of the tab to match up to the sticker after drawing out the lines you can fill in the empty space in the tab and now all you need to do to finish off the sticker is to merge all three layers together and this is how our easy peel tab turned out there's a top layer and a bottom layer now there are two ways to format the sticker you can either do it directly on cricut as most people do or format it on procreate which is my preferred method so to format it on the qriket design space we're going to hide the sticker layer and the background layer and then export just the sticker background layer as a png i hope that makes sense and then we can do this again but instead this time for the top sticker layer now upload both sticker files onto the cricut design space and follow the prompts that qriket gives you make sure to save your file in a print then cut image now we're going to select both of the sticker files and insert them into our project duplicate the background layers three times then tap and hold the layers to select all of the layers select the edit option on the bottom middle and then align to top and left change the hmv positions to zero now select the sticker design layer select arrange and click send to front now select all of the layers again go to action and press the attach button so now you can duplicate your attached group for as many stickers as you like i don't prefer to do it this way because you can't really arrange the stickers on the sheet like here you can see it forces you to just six stickers per sheet and i know we can definitely fit more on there so let me show you how to format it on procreate first select both layers and press the transform button we are going to rotate it 180 degrees now drag it to the top left corner and it should automatically snap now let's group the two layers together and duplicate the group drag the new grouped layers next to the first group leaving some space in between we are going to duplicate the two groups and rotate them 180 degrees again i do this because i don't want the tab to be on the outer edges this can misalign the stickers when i import the file into the cricut design space now i'm just going to repeat this process until the whole sheet is filled with stickers [Music] okay now we are going to open up each of the groups and hide all of the sticker design layers this is tedious but don't worry we're near the home stretch we are going to also turn off the visibility for the background layer we want our files to be transparent so now we're going to export this as a png file and save it as an image now we're going to go back turn on the visibility for all of the sticker design layers hide all of the sticker backing layers and export this as a png as well import these two files onto the cricut design space as a print then cut file i'm going to insert the two files onto my project and then duplicate the background layer three times select the sticker design layer go to edit tap arrange and then tap send to front now tap and hold each layer to select all of the layers in the edit settings we are going to set the hnv positions to zero and then align to left and top now the last thing to do is to go into actions and tap the attach button as you can see i can fit a lot more stickers on one sheet doing it this way which is why i much prefer doing all of the formatting outside of the cricut software okay so now we can finally get to talking about how i do this on photoshop so i'm first going to lower the opacity of the sticker layer to maybe about a 25 you can go up or down it doesn't really matter then i'm going to add a new layer underneath our sticker design with the monoline brush in the color white i'm going to trace the outline of the sticker design but try to keep the outline within the design as little spillage outside as possible you you can see here that i do have some that's outside but it's okay if it's a little just not too much [Music] okay it looks good now i'm going to drag the white from the top right and drop it inside our outline we're going to turn back up the opacity to 100 and then export this as a psd file i'm going to airdrop it to my laptop because i'm using all macs it's just easier for me to airdrop stuff if you're not working on all macs you can use dropbox or something it works the same way we're gonna open my document right here you can see that there are three layers right here one is the background one is the white layer and then the sticker art i'm going to double click the right area right here and then it's going to open up this layer style and i'm going to hit stroke if the default color isn't white you can enter in the hex code for it it's just six f's and then i'm just going to adjust the size of the stroke until i like the thickness let's look at 40. 40 is fine i like 42. we're going to select both layer 3 and layer 2 right click it and then we're going to merge the layers now we're going to make a new document 6.75 by 9.25 make sure to have this ruler open if you don't have it open you just ctrl or command r it'll take it away or add it back in we're going to drag from the ruler down until it says 2.25 and if you hold the shift to do it it's going to work out much smoother because it'll snap to 2.25 and now we're going to copy our sticker and paste it and then we're going to transform it so we're going to hit command t and then i'm going to drag it to the top left and then i'm going to adjust it until it is in line with my guide here so now we know that it is 2.25 that's just the decal size that i like to use okay so now we're going to grab the text tool and we're going to make a little text box and we're going to type in at paperrou enter dot studio i'm gonna make the font black which is six zeros you can use whatever font that you want the one that i was using was my own font if you want a tutorial on how i made my own fonts let me know though there are a lot out there so you could probably find a tutorial online the size of the font all really depends on the font that you are using the fonts that i made for myself is very small so i am using a size 20 for it i'm going to zoom in a lot drag another guide down from the ruler just to the top of the start of my text and then i'm going to do that again to the very bottom of my text repeat that for the right and left sides then we're going to create a new layer underneath our text and then we're going to use the rectangle tool make sure that a path is selected and then we're going to set the curvature up here honestly play around with it i'm going to try 100 first see how that goes yeah so 100 looks good and then i'm going to fill the path with white and then we're going to stroke it so we're going to stroke since we stroked the outline of our sticker with the 40 we're going to stroke our paper roux with a 40. so now we're going to merge our paper route and our background for the tab and then we're going to convert this to a smart object and drag this down and i like to zoom in real real close because i'm blind as a bat actually just when i'm focused on things i like to get in real close but for this especially you need to get in close because we're going to start rotating it to fit the area where we want it to go [Music] okay so this looks like it's going to be as good as i can get i'm gonna fill in the background just so you can see there are gaps a lot of gaps in like this area right here and i don't like that there's like this curve right here so what i'm going to do is use a polygon lasso tool we're going to drag the paper studio tab underneath our sticker layer we're gonna make a new layer under that and we're just going to try to connect the tab with the rest of the sticker let's make sure the color is white and then fill and then do the same for this side and so now there's two ways to go about this my preferred method of doing this is to actually format all of the stickers on photoshop so that you can just import it directly onto cricut the way you want it to be formatted or another option is to format it on cricut it leaves a lot of room for error and i don't like that so i'm going to teach you guys how to format it on photoshop so we're going to merge paper down with this fill in layer that we did and then again convert to smart objects so we don't lose quality so now that we have merged the tab layer what we actually need to do is create another sticker layer this is optional if you want i like to do this so that it doesn't confuse me i'm going to do a color overlay of white [Music] so we're going to merge the color filled layer and also the tab and then we're going to convert to smart object and we're going to name it so this is sticker front and then back because the tab right here is basically creating more width for our sticker this is going to affect the way we format the front and the back on the qriket design space so what i like to do is if i'm going to put it on any of the edges i make sure the part that doesn't have the tab is the one touching the edges so we're gonna select both of them and rotate 180 and then drag it to the top left and we're going to now duplicate these layers drag it and this is fine because this part of it is touching end to end so now we're going to repeat copying and pasting these i just like to duplicate the layers by dragging it okay so that looks pretty good we're going to only allow visibility on the front stickers for now so we're going to turn off the visibility on all of the backing and we're going to also turn off the visibility on the background and then we're going to ctrl s to save um what do we name this i don't know what to name this we'll just do it winter first winter front save it as a png and then we're gonna go back and turn off the visibility for the front turn on the visibility for the back okay and then we're going to control shift s and do win back save as a png again and now we are ready to import it into cricut [Music] it's getting later i'm getting really chilly so i put a jacket on but anyway back to the tutorial so now let's open the cricut software we're going to create a new project in the top right hand corner right here there is a button that is green that says new project let's click on that we're going to go to this upload button right here and we're going to upload an image we're going to upload the back we're going to press on complex i always do complex and continue there's this option to remove background but because we have formatted everything we don't need to we're going to skip all of that and we're going to do apply and continue print then cut image upload and then we're going to do that again but for the front now we're going to press this and press this and then we're going to add to canvas so we're going to select the both of them right here in the line we're going to press align left and align top and then we're going to change the height to 6.75 and then it'll change respectively because it is locked and we're gonna change position to zero zero it'll auto do its thing and then we're going to go over to the right side right here with the back we're going to duplicate it four times we're gonna highlight the front right here and then we're gonna drag it all the way to the top so we're gonna highlight all of those and then again we're going to go align left align top and then we're going to go down here the bottom right right here we're going to press attach not weld attach this is very similar to my tutorial on how i make kiss cut stickers it's essentially the same thing because we are creating that easy peel tab now we're done we're going to save it and i'm going to just name it win and then we're going to hit make it and i'm going to send it to printer i'm going to take off add bleed and then i'm going to press use system dialog print and for some reason my print window always opens behind the qriket window you see right here i don't know i am going to change the printer to my printer that i'm using and the preset that i like to use is the weatherproof matte sticker paper in quality and media i changed my media type to matte photo paper and the print quality is high and then we're ready to print [Music] click on the sticky note option and then we're going to go ahead put our sticker sheet that we just printed out onto the mat and take it over to the cricut and get it cut it out [Music] it's the moment of truth because the cricut goes over these cuts so many times it creates a lot of like micro dust so i like to take this fan face brush that i got from my makeup brush kit that i don't use and i just like to fan away all the little dust [Music] i always save these scrap pieces and if you're wondering what i do with the scraps that i save stay tuned for the next tutorial because in that video i will be showing you how to make use of this piece right here so save it for the next video and this is how they all came out ah let's do a test peel to prove that it works so this is the little paper tab right here we're going to peel this back and tada look how easy it is to use the sticker amazing [Music] if you do want to purchase this little sticker that we made here today or the art print that goes with it visit my shop that's linked in the description box down below it has this and a lot more other cool stickers and that's all for today's video i hope you enjoyed it i had so much fun making it if you have any more questions on any small business tips or just questions in general on how to run your shop or actually it doesn't even need to be that anything leave a comment down below and make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and if you don't ever want to miss another update from this phase please make sure to subscribe and until next time bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] and get
Channel: Paperu Studio by soosanmoo
Views: 1,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy, etsy shop, sticker, making stickers, stickers, photoshop, tutorial, how to, kiss cut, designing, design, graphic design, art, easy peel stickers cricut, easy peel stickers, how to make stickers, how to make stickers with cricut, diy stickers, how to make easy peel stickers, how to make easy peel stickers cricut, cricut explore air 2, cricut maker 3, cricut maker, cricut tutorial
Id: H0xexywnz5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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