Kirby Star Allies demo but some funny stuff happens

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push me mongrels push me like the peasants you are [Music] never kill the first model T if you kill the first waddle - you're dead to me never kill the first Wildey he's a pure boy look at him the poor soul doesn't even get paid minimum wage just stand here and die oh this is snuggle X I've made a heart I just ripped it out of my body wait no they're happy boys they're happy boys don't hurt them burns out stop it they're happy boys Oh super hot the sizzle sword baby oh come here come here I'm sorry I I've done a bad thing it's in the pursuit of friendship lives do not matter in the pursuit of friendship fail fail OSHA Bob [Music] fire guy was just like yeah what's up I don't see anything wrong with it fire boy give the bomb Oh give it to the bomb boy give to the bomb boy yes actually wait a minute maybe we shouldn't mix fire and a bomb no no no I don't wanna befriend you what no I don't want to remove my friends Oh disintegrated my friend - I'm sorry the wattle do it like where did he go Kirby where did your friend go will have become us soon are you going to replace us just like that just like you replaced our dear mom friend if you can even call them a friend Kirby what do we mean to you oh [Music] my god he cried this is the most messed up Kirby game in the world this is it we found it it's it's reached peak soullessness if you have too many friends they disintegrate this in front of you they they die they perish and if you need their power you bid riddance to their life you couldn't sue them but the soul is heartless monster that you are those hearts probably aren't even real hearts they're fake it's all a fraud it's all a front put up by the Nintendo organization - back Kirby's soulless endeavors but this team is so cute how can you not give me a high-five fire guys like I'm not sure if I can't give me a high-five right now oh it's a treasure chest mine tomato why did you destroy him I wish for him to be my friend fire yeah you need to stop stop this old cutter boy cutter cutter you up yeah you got it you see that giving it was up I said it I said cutter music whoa oh sorry I don't actually have any eyes behind this thing push me push me mongrels push me like the peasants you are oh look at him no Florida dare hurt him I will I will just integrate all of you if you heard that pure waddle dee you hear me don't look like that don't look at me like that hey Bob boy don't mess don't mess with it don't mess with the pure boy waddle dee if you do it you're gone you're dead you saw what happened to yourself in the previous life don't mess it don't mess with though with the wind booth don't mess with them don't kill Hey [Music] [Music] we'll do this adventure on my own if I have to pack I'll do this adventure on my own you murk the waddle dee you're gone to me you're gone to me on friend [Music] I'm sorry it just ends there I Kirby today I Kirby will make this wall my friend all right well I guess we're done here ow ow ow stop it why why were there so many of those yes he's my friend Oh to the lolz yes yes what yellow waddle these are my favourite waddly this is my favorite thing yo-yo copy ability check this out this is the oh my god I guess guys I just got crystal shards flashbacks I just got so much crystal shard flashbacks covers like this is fine experience plasma that should be okay that's right jump - and being midair hammer drop okay now we're getting like the street fighter combos Azer spiral what on earth is gazer spiral oh my god wait wait give me give me splash marry me I love you like air dodge it over to me what what yeah wait what's your plan would be I'm sorry Chum Brella look fine dude fire guy is so happy yeah yeah yeah yeah oh now it knows that now the pictures changed completely the pictures changed completely now he's like up stop stop stop water water uh-huh oh you walk over get walked on buddy look at Kirby's face oh my god it's the best boss fight in the world oh geez what oh my god you can I can play I can place the golden wattle yes oh this is so delightful oh my goodness you like legit just fun ha ha fire boy stop it sobbing he's get off dude wait I'm sorry papa leo oh you're adorable I want your power I want to see water I wanna see what water is actually wait a minute that's right good lucky just be coming down the curve is like boom curve is just like and Perry Dooley's main send me oh this is good I wonder what this does what do you think rock guy oh well I think it just stuff the squad the squad the squad of a goodbye bear goodbye other waddle Dee's superiority take it over here one true wannabe no I'm so like a cop do you value your friends to like people that are not your friends take your friends and have them kill their friends is it buff time are we about to perform a coup look at them walk do I need to put something in some good music over this important 90% of commentators make jokes about her not jokes make comments about how beautiful that is if it's buff time it's buff time squad you ready squad back in chill relax my news oh my god his posture is so good look at them look at his posture he's been like CBP trainer look at him stand up straight I'm glad I'm glad room oh wow kick kick you can't get him curve get him oh look at him go give them the beatdown help whoo yeah you know what I'd say as a whole this demos well worth becoming European for
Channel: Failboat
Views: 3,267,204
Rating: 4.828115 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Kirby Star Allies Demo, New abilities, powers, Kirby, Failboat, Montage, funniest moments, live, How
Id: lKW2Mpxo31o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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