Kirby Star Allies - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Dream Land 100%! (Nintendo Switch)

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what is up guys ak Scott here playin kirby star allies for the Nintendo switch I play a lot of Kirby games on my channel and I'm so excited to be playing Kirby's first game on the switch thanks to you guys Nintendo games have done really well on my channel lately in fact the first episode of Super Mario Odyssey just broke 5 million views thanks you guys leaving over 50,000 likes I would be thrilled if this video got anywhere close so thanks in advance for any likes and favorites you can give me on this series also thanks to your support we have now surpassed 3 million subscribers that's incredible and I cannot thank you guys enough I'll do my best to bring you even more awesome videos just leave a comment letting me know which games made you subscribe and which games you like to see me play in the future now without further ado let's do this let's play Kirby's Star allies here we go of course we're gonna be doing story mode if you guys want me to do any other modes here just let me know in the comments below but we're gonna be focused on story mode quiet please we got a cool cutscene [Music] the graphics are great [Music] purple hearts all around Kirby's trying to chill probably that's what he's always doing it first [Music] well there's Mennonites King Dedede oh my gosh wants you to land right on him [Music] has overcome yep told you Kirby is just gonna be chillin somewhere watch out Kirby oh one went right into his brain [Music] they're running away with fruit [Music] all right well gonna make our way to that castle right world of peace dreamland hi all right so this is like an overhead map of course no I'm happier this world okay keep it in the wrong but oh I keep it in the back button up picture galley sorry I'm just checking out things okay we're good so this is an interesting overhead map I guess I can't do anything other than jump here well hey let's go to the flexure let's just keep it let's just collect these stars while we're here right get a good feel for this overhead map before we totally move on oh right yeah okay so this is world of peace dreamland well let's do this first world here green Gardens hi kirby it's good to play kirby again I have a lot of fun with Kirby games press be teammate Kirby and hail enemies the graphics are great I'm so glad they brought a curving into the switch man okay this is gonna be a very beautiful game okay we know this week I you know I played the demo they kind of had a tutorial like this so oh [Music] nice boom got it got you hahaha Oh see I want to be I want you to be part of me hey look at that I'm putting some grass I'm the lawnmower man doing yard work let's go just getting used to the controls again a little bit this is very similar to how the demo started so inhale enemies four abilities that is indeed how it happens whoa he's gonna bum he's gonna blow but guess what I can press X he's my heart here we go all right a friend heart through a friend heart to make a friend you are now my friends oh so cute yeah a lot of this part it's in the demo which I play it as a quick play but I mean this is the first episode so you guys are gonna hopefully be here for the whole series we're gonna have a lot of fun together I think oh look at that you want to meet my friend - he does sir kibble and why not you - there we go blade night why not he mimicked me nice thanks to the backup oh we got a one-up all right he's got a few cracks in him Aereo thanks thanks everyone's helping out you're gonna love that nice okay grab one of these you guys to do this right there we go all the stars in the world hey you might want to fight this gate - all right sure why not he just showed his ugly face so we had to do something about that right all right how to drop a copy ability no thanks not yet I know how though I won't drop an ability but I'll drop you boom whoo uppercuts bananas this game is bananas oh you want to be my friend do you I think he does all right I got it I got it I'm ready all right let's get rid of the blade Knight since I'm already a blade Knight myself [Music] firefire everywhere bombs I'm glad like there's no like team hit you know hey don't you swing your sword at me okay yeah yeah oh I love this part look at this I hold it up he makes my sword of fire sword a sizzle sword with attack up I love that for sizzle my friends boom and we got a puzzle piece [Music] surprise behind ya I'm on fire too all right set a weapon on fire for a friend of ability all right does anyone else anyone else can do this anyone else he's gonna have fire bombs since Obama keeps him fire but sizzle bombs he's gonna have a sizzle was it called sizzle cutter we've all got fire baby all right let's see who can burn down this forest rent this garden Wow all right up top and of course it seems easy right now this is just the very first level oh look at those little mushrooms down there hey mushrooms is a gift for you boom destroyed the mushrooms you guys think it's time for relaxation but it's not Kirby's proof that nice it's got a few more puzzle pieces [Music] I love that uppercut mr. frosty no one was expecting mr. frosty to be here oh wow wow wow we all had fire so we were totally ready for a guy named mr. frosty do you wanna burn a snowman he's gone do I want to be frosty sure ice cold baby boom blew that up all right let's see let's see let's see how a treasure chest excellent only health for me hey everyone's on fire except for me hold on I just want to go up here I want to see if I can go up no that's okay put up the fire and we get a puzzle piece for that two puzzle pieces [Music] anything over here Oh a rainbow puzzle piece I don't know they're called but thanks for burning that down thankfully I brought some fiery friends with me huh but now it's time for the Iceman to shine got him wait is he done for sure there he goes all right come on everybody we need a piece of this wonderful that's a lot of stars they're spoiling me with treasure anything else to do let's go through this Golden Door here very cool very fun goal game alright jump excellent I don't think it did it right at all that's okay we'll have some rounds to practice that we got eight puzzle pieces one over here and we will get this rainbow one nice it's worth three in the middle all right add various effects your weapons fire ice electricity other power effects good stuff good stuff so that's the first little world done there donut dumb all right we did green Gardens donut dumb we got the rainbow piece i I don't know what what type of completion let's look at the stage list and see if it tells us anything I don't I don't know if I'll be like 100% completing the game okay so there wasn't I there's something here like a little dome that's it pick up along with the puzzle piece let's see what we can do in this stage again I don't know I can't promise it all 100% complete everything in the game but we'll try our best you know we won't we won't uh you know take it for granted of those cool stuff in these stages you want to be my friend be my friend ah sure you were the bomb guy actually got really cutter guy anyway let's go let's head out I'm still made of ice [Music] but I can blow oh yeah oh yeah now are they gonna do anything when they put like something up here all right not yet at least [Music] whoa whoa nice is this it no this is of the dumb thing oh there's some fire down here all right got a star all right thankfully I'm still using the ice ability because these fiery guys are coming after me when it's game over when Kirby has no more Kirby's remaining [Music] there we go another star fire base enemy don't be too alarmed by him I mean I have ice so nice there's a regular puzzle piece there excellent I know excuse me I can even freeze a snowman hamburger he gave me a kiss all right copy s is this used copy Essences to get friends we'll see how that goes Altima Li what are you you're dead I there's some barrels here so sure let's replace sir no let's I don't know who to replace let's replace sir cable shirt Wow [Music] alright this is something right whoa oh yeah ice curling this is demo2 I was trying to figure out how to there we go there it is get those puzzle pieces down here nice nice nice nice [Music] oh not just ice curling we got splash curling - where is he going oh my gosh what an attack okay okay here we go whoa whoa oh man you know I scare leaving a perfect opportunity right there oh yeah thank you for opening that what a kind gentleman now do we want to go that way let's let's find out really quick do we have options here we do so this is a little a little side-to-side diversion all right what's over here let's see uh okay yeah who do I want to be I'm already I waited to have these things so here you we're gonna do this together there we go there we go nice those two extra puzzle pieces all things to that all right well let's let's go oh wait what oh no we're good right like now is this is this intentionally a dead end that's the only question I have I think it is I don't think there's anything up here even though Kirby can float so far they haven't really made the use of height in these stages yet let's go back down I'm not a hundred percent sure what I'm looking for nice okay more effects to our weapons of course if that's in the plans that's what we'll do anything back here all right we want to wipe all these guys out like immediately right let's do it whoa oh gosh the water curling was awesome oh yeah hey no no we gotta hit this [Music] got him man lots of puzzle pieces that was great hey we're gonna go for it again [Music] close close oh darn I was wanting to do this that's okay I can fight too all right I'm gonna try not to miss anything in these Oh hold on how do I get down there I definitely see the thing down there okay it's probably this is probably related to this yeah we need to do this real quick here we go [Music] got it wonderful so we get the rainbow puzzle piece or whatever it's called Hey [Music] all right and then we still need uh whatever that lump lump was I don't know I don't know if we'll find in the state I hope so let's see what we got here hello guys whoa whoa party it's a party what the heck is this do I need that you want to be my friends what is that oh wow what [Applause] festival dance attack up what the heck was that I've never seen that before that really was awesome oh my gosh now I don't have an ability though that's wow I've never seen that before that was really cool oh hey the stun spell there for a second oh is this it okay oh dream palace open you push the big switch that opens a dream palace on the world map okay awesome oh whoa this way so I got the dream palace I got the rainbow thing and then this must be an exit get items from pop flowers of course all right what's going on over here I don't even have an ability I am now bomb ability I guess all right let's go through this door then all right we got to forgot this jump all right go game nice Oh only two - I need you better all right I'll learn I'll do better so that's awesome so I opened up the dome thing let's see and one over here I guess and then okay great three more there 100 point starts you to one up of course so yeah so far this is really fun honey Hills is over there but we got an alternate path over here to the dream palace let's see what the dream palace is all about you might meet legendary characters a dream palace is now unlocked all right so from the donut dome we got the switch we get the puzzle piece the rainbow puzzle piece and now we're going to the dream palace let's see what kind of legendary characters we might meet grab the dream rod to summon special friends okay give it to me welcome to the dream palace this is the dream palace you can meet a dream character here if you use a dream rod when you grab the dream rod the rule that will start press a to called dream friends all right life is but a dream [Music] all right this is a spear bandana waddle dee was with the spear oh wow okay so he's gonna replace oh let's replace the burning guy sure hey bandana waddle dee now we just played with him in the latest 3ds Kirby game that I was playing all right well let's now let's head out so I got a legendary sidekick here and now we're gonna go into the next level this is honey he'll there's also a switch here I don't know what the switch will leave to but there is a switch here if we can find it like I said I hope we do find it but you know look for the big switch they're hidden in stages find them to open extra stages all right agreed boom have the bomb ability now oh nice I don't have to worry about anything boom wow you got me that's okay you got me that's okay oh wow how do i I don't have the yo-yo ability nice nice this is cool all right we yeah we're gonna go down here this is just a little a little excursion over here and the picture piece is nothing that's what they call then I called puzzle pieces because that would be too easy it's called picture pieces friend ability so what's the secret here we're gonna have fire what does that guy up there yo yo I already have yo yo ok we just oh you know what I need fire to like this don't I oh yeah to light the wick okay so let me tip let me I love it let me I'm gonna replace the water guy I think sure dribbly goodbye alright so I'm in go light it please please go light it do you not okay kind of a fire yo yo I can okay great I thought he would just light it for me sizzle yo yo there we go let me in now here we go we're gonna we're gonna bust through [Music] nice so I guess the puzzle piece is right there all right that was pretty cool I had a fire yo yo that's going to be very fun to use do they make those in real life it sounds very dangerous you have to wear gloves I don't know how a fire yo-yo would work ice yo-yo would be better but you still it's kind of like gloves I mean when I go outside the cold like huh it's not very pleasant sometimes there we go [Music] man I'm loving this fire I don't even know I got that one up they get enough stars I don't know I'm thoroughly enjoying fire yo-yo all right what's what's the catch here what do we got to do I push it with two people what's what's the deal now we got to pull it that's right the handles clearly we're communicating to pull the door rather than push it I should have realized all right so--okay I love this part so they're gonna hit the small switch I hit the next one I'm gonna be able to get this puzzle piece of cake out and then I hit this they're gonna be able to get the next one picture piece is the official terminology I'm gonna continue calling it a puzzle piece oh wait no okay I just I just keep hoping that if we go up I'll find something soon that's all right use round trip doors all you want I'll use them whenever I want [Music] boom I love this yo-yo all right it's like I'm going up really high what the heck what the heck what was that can I eat the whole thing oh the whip the whip sounds really cool oh he's gone darn it it's okay maybe okay hold on hold on oh darn it I was gonna try this I'm gonna try to yeah give me my fire yo yo I was gonna try to maybe gotta be some sort of a catch there right oh gosh okay let's go let's go [Music] all right I was wondering they just eat them all I don't I don't know all right well let's just head out for now there is a switch here in this stage somewhere so I don't know where yet though it's a yo-yo master now these things are out now things are kind of moving back and forth right oh nice let's see how do I you had all you adequately use this hold on let's figure this out this looks like something fun excuse me thanks for the hearts where is this gonna take me I'm ready launch me to space oh wow up here oh here we go here we go so what's the what's the gimmick here oh Jesus what do I have to do it to beat it what's what's the catch we've locked it nice there's a key to open this oh and there's a switch we found the secret switch we still gotta find the the puzzle piece though the the picture piece extra stage open fantastic you push the big switch that opens an extra stage in the world map very cool very cool okay well let's uh let's go collect point stars collect 100 point starts to get a 1-up which gives you an extra kirby alright there we go alright so we found the switch we still got to find another puzzle piece I'm not sure where it is yet but hopefully we find it add various effects to your weapons alright cut him on the upswing there [Music] they think they can get past me and sometimes they can but I always get them in the end I really have enjoined this a fire based yo-yo someone should really invent one I want to skip video that on YouTube don't really terrible so this guy's fire I already have fire though and I have a fire teammate so I don't feel like I need one so this is for all of us right there's also the thing on this side I don't know which way to go with this let's go ahead and do both let's do this I think right I'm nervous everyone in there's also that door on the side I don't know hopefully we come back down if we need to oh there it is yes so I'm glad we went up I'm glad we went up cuz if we hadn't we wouldn't have gotten that piece and we got it though all right are we done we got to jump get ready you ready to jump let's see if I make it to number one oh we climbed our way up nice we did it hey alright that was awesome and uh let's think we got an extra puzzle piece there just for getting in first place there's always one for the second one it's so weird oh this is not a different one entirely okay and we got a couple pieces there three pieces there the puzzles are getting complete thanks to the picture pieces all right well and you guys have been great if you've made it this far into the video thanks for being here fruity forest but what about this secret stage down here extra Eclair I could use an eclair right now that sounds delicious an extra stage they even called it an extra stage honey he'll complete good let's go down here and do extra Eclair there's no switch they're just a puzzle piece picture piece let's see what we got use copy essences to get friends I have too many friends already you know I like the music here this sounds scary though hi guys okay I mean maybe it wants me to use those honestly what do you think should we try without it I could always you know if if I need it does in oh well we're gonna go through anyway [Music] all right here we go well it wants us to go this way okay good I just followed the arrows I'm glad they weren't lying to me if it kind of funny if the signs were lying to me though all right so this what's the catch here hold on oh and don't do anything yet oh and I want to see what this one says before we do anything it better say down nice all right good stuff good stuff and I'm we're bound to get a puzzle piece this way a giant star in the background uh man we really maybe could use the ice right jeez yeah no one to put up this fire right great that's a guess on this one more fire sizzle spirit a cup well anyone with any sort of fire ability or ice ability anyone anyone that I left behind anyone at all with ice any sort of ice abilities may be my best friend in the world okay we're gonna to guess on this one we have a one in three shot of guessing correctly I'm going to hope for that I just don't have the water if I have the water or the ice ability we would if we would be fine I think no one knows what I'm doing oh wow hi I'm gonna guess top it's just a guess darkness I'd won at the bottom for sure it had that no it didn't have the rainbow puzzle piece though the rainbow puzzle piece is what we're really here for so I think that we can skip those because as long as we don't as long as we get the rainbow one we'll be fine I guess incorrectly that's fine all right fire here I'm burning down this entire place [Music] all right so I got a key what I do the key oh this is a good one here we go what's special over here then hello fire guy everyone grab a piece oh there's a here we go a little bonus stage up here [Music] this sounds like kind of like an 8-bit style a song all right what do we get a fire that wants to be fire I'm already fired let's go quickly before any more trouble excuse me I'm in everyone else get in get in get in your slots we are ready for this see I it was gonna be fire the rest of the time let's see if we can shoot up here boom [Music] oh we're on equal ground now look at that Wow oh there's a treasure what's it gonna be it's the puzzle piece we came here for very awesome all right I'm pretty happy about that very cool [Music] nope here we go what what is that okay excuse me oh gosh oh gosh I'm just gonna float nice all right I don't know if we can stop those guys but I could have always spun around like this oh no oh no no ah ha we let it out man rocky took a big hit though we let it get in front of us I hope it's not just throwing anything important I mean how do I give health to Rocky man poor guy [Music] alright this could be the exit now how to drop a cop alright alright what's the what's the verdict here the verdict is I use fire whoa whoa whoa what rock you watch out it's bonkers Wow bonkers is dead what do we do with them there we just hit up a whole bunch I got the hammer oh it's boys it would soon name how you pronounce it the vidrio it's hammer time can I have a fire hammer please I don't want that I got this this is good well maybe hold on who wants this uh maybe instead of the fire how about over the rock there you go there we go we brought her here Bavaria I guess I could have brought him oh she's painting oh my gosh this is creative should've seen this coming but we are doing quite well here let's go ahead alright and then who's gonna do this one is gonna be the vidrio she's the artist of our club very awesome alright let's go through this door this has been fun oh here we go we got to jump again right can we please make it to the top all right we did it yes hey when I like 22 Kirby's it's a lot of Kirby's alright we got that's a weird number three but we got three left it's like the weirdest number three I've seen oh yeah here we go nice we're gonna get this one done soon I think hopefully very soon I don't know if I'll ever lose 22 Kirby's we'll see hi x-ray Claire complete all right then we don't have much left oh look I found a star hidden all right this is fruity forest now this part of this might have been in the demo as well the big there's no big switch in this stage is there [Music] no lasso I'm using a hammer tonight I just wonder if we need a nice kind of puzzle here we go what happened what happened what do we have oh my goodness something is happening I don't even know what's happening put the treasure down here I don't know why we're there it is we got it that was an easy find that we're just kind of hanging out there I don't know what happened to give us such a boost if you guys know let me know in the comments below it's like he comes over it gives me a kiss almost all right here we go bum bum bum ba-da-da-da-da I think I have a fire hammer can I have yes I can't sit still hammer that's right sizzle hammers are great oh hey here we go another puzzle piece I'm just kind of exploring this area right another puzzle piece and I don't know what that was Oh up here alright a reset platform to make changes I don't want to change a thing oh oh no I'm good I'm like I said I don't want to change anything let's go what BAM I got a fire hammer get out of here I used to like yo-yos but now I got a fire hammer I think we got a boss fight coming up I think we don't we've done this in the demo as well here we go hello he's mad guarding the forest whispy woods [Music] all right here we go this is great she just drew a little Mennonites okay now we got to worry a little bit right oh geez where do we go all these fruits geez this bus fits a little maybe a little bit different maybe so he copped up a Purple Heart oh right that went quicker than the demo I must have had a more powerful lineup of characters very awesome but we got that Purple Heart we already at the puzzle piece come over here where's he going oh he's leaving that's fine he's crying he's missing his Purple Heart all right all right sure and then get the one here and then we got three more here I don't know again I don't know I don't know what a 100% completing this game looks like yet so I can't commit to anything but so far I think we've done under percent of everything that we were offered so okay fruity forest complete I don't know of any other like stages around you I don't know I don't see yeah I'm wonder what could be here if we look at this stage list again we still got the with we did the dream palace there's nothing to gain from there but we've got a looks like a hundred percent of everything and we except for a clash at Castle doo dee dee I just go I'm gonna straight-up go there perfect I might have done part of this in the demo as well I'm liking my hammer though [Music] oh hey buddy Oh a lectricity uh-huh let me let me let me switch it up let me drop my ability really quick nice hey guys oh I lit it up nice my goodness does anyone want some electricity oh wait what how did I do this I don't how do I give you don't worry about okay I don't know guy can I give him a shitty or am I just really confused I might just be getting confused I wonder what happened to my light up all of these things [Music] is there anything this way no I don't know if I want to be electricity for whatever boss fights coming up but it could be interesting [Music] now whoa Bugsy [Music] oh he ate me oh geez I got rid of my electricity that way I am now I have stoop flexibility interesting I don't know if I want this either but it's always fun to see new copy abilities okay I didn't mean to do that all right what do we got [Music] ah let me ditch this copy ability I'm not so sure is it the same thing that might be the same thing hold on no well here [Music] how do we move these great uh-oh print throw attack up what awesome I screwed my friend so that's what I can do with the suplex that's cool we still need the the rainbow picture piece though from this I haven't seen it yet but I hope I don't miss it I hope I don't have to go back in and get it you know this is fun Oh up here look something's hiding now they're making mysteries for me to find now huh alright friend throw [Music] there it is over there and I got a 1-up never gonna run on the Kirby's right where'd it go do we pick up the piece assuming we got it I no longer have the electricity all right good stuff I'm pretty sure we picked it up I don't think it would have just disappeared right [Music] all right here we go pull open that dope all right I don't know if I want to fight like this I'd kind of rather have my hammer but okay this is cool [Music] whoa still-life what the heck I don't even know what she did that was awesome though how did she do it teach me the secrets that was pretty cool I like her on my side use hover to take flight [Music] this might be where the fight is king dedede kiss so yeah I didn't save the electricity all the way to here but that's okay oh that now we can redo things I don't want to redo it or do I hello what does the reset thing actually do let's see we could at least see what it does right well I don't know hold okay well no so I definitely want her as a friend and then the bug is a suplex maybe the bug is a friend and then I want to to be like how do I wait how do I no no I mean how do I become hmm I don't know that I can become now there is I did it there we go hi this looks good oh and we also have other things cutter I don't wanna be cutter fire beats water somehow oh they're making a pile of food for King Dedede okay he's got a hammer I've had some fire though His Royal nemesis King Dedede so how what do I does anyone want this really quick before we start wow he punched me well we're so far we're doing pretty good [Music] Oh there we go just a constant stream of fire at least mad he's so mad nice well watch out Oh almost got me probably get almost got me oh man I'm taking some serious damage oh she's drawing a little Mennonite the food hurts all right he's probably going to another phase now this part reminds me of Mortal Kombat like when you fall through like the bottom part I don't know if I would I I can I would probably rather have like a berries [Music] I'm just right next to him oh we're going down again huh anyone won something here she's gonna paint a still life look at her health up thank you for painting that [Music] got him got him there's always food can we have it oh there's a Purple Heart over there huh oh I wanted to I wanted to grab it but made me come back to the middle I don't know how useful that bug is but hey let's see oh so yeah we're almost done the credit yeah right right yeah they're doing really quick though cuz you know this is not the end they'll be funny if it was though let's not be good but uh that's pretty cool that they're rolling the credits really oh jeez rewind see it's not the end at all what do we do do we what do we do we get the heart now do we there's at on test I said what does it do to us it just leaves see you King Dedede onward and those are photo of our victory right there yeah so that's pretty cool I got7 puzzle pieces one for this one oh my got another three for there so what happens get a dream friend King Dedede you can now call on dream friend King Dedede head to a dream palace that'll be interesting so the next world is going to be world of miracles planet popstar if I look at the stage list you know I think I have Planet popstar this is like one stage uh no no I probably got to reveal more so yeah I think I pretty much have everything I I think that's what it's saying is I've gotten everything whenever saying complete so far I don't know should I show you and drop in here just to see what happens we'll do this one next episode just want to go ahead and drop in and see what it looks like before we continue on oh yeah okay awesome we'll definitely do this next episode planet popstar so hopefully you guys enjoyed we had a great time I had a great time I hope you guys did come back next time and I'll see you again for some more Kirby Star Allies goodbye it thanks for watching I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you gotta do is click the like button below thanks so much for watching follow me on Facebook Twitter and Instagram this is Otto Egon and I'll see you next time for more [Music] you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 2,896,641
Rating: 4.8475695 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Kirby Star Allies Gameplay, Kirby Star Allies Walkthrough, Kirby Star Allies Part 1, Kirby Star Allies Gameplay Part 1, Kirby Star Allies ZackScottGames, Kirby, Star, Allies, All Bosses, All Abilities, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: pw71nIntZyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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