Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 2/27/2022

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[Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good morning welcome to saint cecilia today the church celebrates the eighth sunday in ordinary time for those worshipping with us virtually music and prayers for today's liturgy can be found below the video on the parish's website or by clicking the flow code for those worshipping in person music and prayers can be found in today's worship aid please stand and take a moment to greet your neighbor our opening song this morning is this is the feast of victory verses one two four and 5. [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] r [Music] is oh r [Music] morning everyone welcome to saint cecilia it's good for us to be together in this building it's a full house here at st cecilia in boston and we want to welcome all of you who are watching and tuning in with us on the youtube we're so happy that uh we're together in person and virtually i know we've come from near and far i think st louis might even be in the house here and uh we have folks coming back and it's just good for us to be together with all that's happening in the world with all that's happening in our country and really with all that's happening in our hearts our lives we need your presence lord and we gather virtually and in person to connect with you i especially want to give a shout out to monica hot monica's 80th birthday uh yesterday and her grandson joe had his first reconciliation you know these seven-year-old sinners it was a rough one you know for the for the three jesuits in me you know as we heard those confessions you know what people can pooh-pooh that stuff but i'm gonna say you know what it does in in a really healthy way not in a guilt way in a really healthy way it helps kids understand there's a difference between right and wrong huh good and bad and that jesus is there when we get off track to get us back on track and say you're sorry be reconciled in in second shift it wipes out the cancel culture where it's one and done in so many lives you know it was just a beautiful beautiful experience so monica i hope you had a happy birthday and uh know that your grandson joe has a clean heart all right and then lastly i want to uh wish a happy 91st birthday to miss ellie uh ellen elcock had her a great uh gathering uh last night and she's the matriarch of a beautiful family and uh you and bayern and your whole crew we just want to say thank you for watching and tuning in this morning and happy happy birthday miss ellie i feel like the guy on the smuckers remember that guy in the the willard scott or something do you remember that or was that i just dated myself tremendously i know anyway this all right let's get the show on the road right let us invoke the one who gives us peace healing comfort strength clear-headedness and a clean heart as we begin our celebration this morning in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit the lord be with you let's take a breath settle the spirit be in each other's presence and in the presence of the source of mercy and forgiveness lord jesus you remind us that what comes out of our mouths really comes from our hearts lord have mercy christ jesus you remind us not to judge but to look at the lumbaryan in our own eyes before we see the splinter in somebody else's christ have mercy and lord jesus it's through you and your spirit that you empower us to bear good fruit in the time that we've been given lord have mercy may our good and loving god then have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to new and eternal life [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] lord jesus christ [Music] you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us you take away the sins of the world receive our prayers have mercy on me [Music] jesus the glory of god the father [Music] so let us pray oh lord we pray that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and that your church may rejoice untroubled injustice truth goodness and love all through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god forever and ever i need to tell you i didn't pick that opening prayer that's the one that's uh just in the book and it's every year at this time and as we listen to the readings this morning i want us to listen in the context of whatever it is that you bring into the church or into the visual experience today from this week but please keep in mind all that's happening in ukraine keep in mind all that's happening in our country especially this month black history month 10 years since trayvon martin was killed where we come from where are we going racism politics war and then also keep in mind those age-old questions that why people who do good seem to be taken from us too quickly and those who perpetrate bad seemed to live on this week we experienced the loss of our friend here at saint cecilia personal friend friend of so many of us in the world dr paul farmer who made such a contribution in this world so with all of the losses all that you're bringing into the pews this morning all that's going on in life yours and mine let's listen to these readings as to what it is that we hear speak and who it is that we follow a reading from the book of sirach when a sieve is shaken the husks appear so do one's faults when one speaks as the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace so in tribulation is the test of the just the fruit of a tree shows the care it has had so too does one's speech disclose the bent of one's mind praise no one before he speaks for it is then that people are tested the word of the lord hey [Music] lord it is good lord it is good lord it is good to give thanks to you lord it is [Music] it is good to give thanks to the lord to make music to your name o most high to proclaim your loving mercy in thy mourning and your truth in the watches of the [Music] it night good to give thanks to you the just will flourish like a palm tree [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the lord they will flourish in the court of our god [Music] [Music] still green to proclaim that the lord is upright in him my rock there is no wrong [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] a reading from the first letter of saint paul to the corinthians brothers and sisters when this which is corruptable clothes itself with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality then the word that is written shall come about death is swallowed up in victory where o death is your victory where o death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brothers and sisters be firm steadfast always fully devoted to the work of the lord knowing that in the lord your labor is not in vain the word of the thank lord so hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] your words o lord give joy to my heart your teaching is light to my eyes the lord be with you a reading from the holy gospel according to luke jesus told his disciples a parable can a blind person guide a blind person won't both fall into a pit you see no disciple is superior to the teacher but when fully trained every disciple will be like the teacher so why do you notice the splinter in your sister's eye but you don't perceive the wooden beam in your very own how can you say to your brother let me remove that splinter in your eye when you don't even notice the wooden beam in your own you hypocrite remove the wooden beam from your own eye first then you'll see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother or sister's eye a good tree never bears rotten fruit and nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit every tree is known by its fruit people don't pick figs from a thorn bush nobody gathers grapes from brambles so in the same way a good person out of the store of goodness in his or her heart produces good but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil it's from the fullness of the heart that the mouth speaks the gospel of the lord you know it's a beautiful morning here in boston the sun is out it's crisp full church you have no idea how heartening this is to see hopefully in the next week or so i'll be able to actually see your smiling faces or your sad faces when i go on for 45 minutes now we're coming into spring there's going to be new life there's hope and yet we're in a time in our own hearts in our country and in our world that doesn't feel hope-filled it feels ominous and as i said at the beginning each one of us comes into this church today and we're all carrying stuff from our own personal lives and our own journeys that we have to deal with where does this hope come from how do you and i like the ted lasso homily of a month or so ago slap the wall and believe oh no it's the hope that kills you we're only going to be disappointed because it's only going to play out in these negative bad ways don't lose the hope as we move through this life with all of the good the bad the beautiful and the ugly don't lose hope hopeless people start wars hopeless people find the splinter in the eye of another person while missing the lumbar yard i've been guilty of that hopeless people become cynical and despairing and negative don't lose the hope even in these times now i'm going to say this if there wasn't one person in the pew this morning if there was nobody watching and joining with us all over the country different parts of the world this morning i'd be in here saying this to myself because it's been going on in my own head my own mind my own heart all week it's hard not to lose hope with all the stuff that happens around us i actually feel sadness and the reason reason i know this the way i know this is that when i had the news on you know world news tonight whatever you know that the 6 30 news i know it's old fashioned but i just i go to that i don't go too far on this side because i can't stand all the talking even if i agree with it i can't stand this side with all the talking even if i don't agree with it it's too much and so i just want to get a sense of what's happening and i get drawn in and i found as i was walking down the little hallway up in my room i was on the verge of tears and i'm like what is going on does anybody else feel this palpable sense of i don't know if it's dread or sadness or helplessness or incredulity is this really happening i'm incredulous so where to begin this morning except from here vladimir putin president of russia continues to invade to bomb to attack ukraine i look at kiev i look at ukraine and i'm thinking boston us i know the numbers are different them is us living their lives the way you and i are living our lives they're living and having dinner with family and friends they're working they're going to school they're bringing up their kids they're taking care of their elderly parents they're taking care of the sick they're us some people are struggling others have life easier they're falling in love they're going to school they're in subway stations with eye watches what do you call this thing apple watches with iphones all the stuff that we have speaking of the blind leading the blind i looked at all these soldiers the ukrainian soldiers defending their city their country and i saw all the modern amenities that we have in our country and i'm like is this really happening in real time in this world in this way even that that that thing that's got the bumps on it when you're coming down the sidewalk and then the curb and you're about to cla so if you have the walking stick you know you're coming to like i saw that right there this is a modern country a democratic country and then the missiles are flying and then if you saw her in the news they interviewed that woman with her daughter and it the missile you saw it on the news it hits the building and it says that was her building if she bedroom if she was in there she wouldn't she wouldn't have made it now whether that missile came from ukrainians the russians they were saying the news who knows but it's a time of war you see the brave 13 on the island who were told to surrender and then they told they said what they said and did what they did gone obliterated you see long lines of refugees i want us to feel this i'm gonna hammer the stuff in because we numb ourselves it's over there we don't want to deal with it and we have to deal with it whatever that means we see long lines of refugees of people 150 thousands of our goal going into poland refugees can you even imagine it oh that goes on in syria that goes on in afghanistan that goes on in africa we we can't you know we can't relate with that them is us the families huddled in subway stations kids who you can see the fear in their eyes what is the psychological trauma what is going to be the ending trauma it's us it's our kids it's unfathomable right now i would like every male in this church and every male who's watching to put the coffee down and to please stand if you are between the ages of 18 and 60. i really every male in this church and watching please stand if you are between the ages of 18 and 60. i'm standing too we're all gone we're all getting a fast lesson in how to shoot a gun and how to protect the country say goodbye to your loved one your kids your parents your wife your husband whoever it is you love say goodbye and let's go defend the country please be seated [Music] i like every mother grandmother child elderly person outside of the ages so under 18 and over 60 to please stand we love you you're on your own we hope to come back just imagine this with your little kids with your spouse your dad your mom take care of each other who knows how this will end just feel it for a second standing or sitting is there empathy within us please be seated it's out of a movie an awful war movie you know my father was in the u.s marine corps he was so proud of being a marine he had the three little marines out we knew how to fold the flag we put the flag up he knew he was so he only told us the good stories he fought in korea a korean conflict and do you remember and this is for people of a certain age those black and white war movies that were on on saturday afternoons anyone i remember my father came down the cellar we just painted it it wasn't a cellar anymore now i guess it's a basement right early 70s we had a little black and white tv with the rabbit he is he says to me johnny you know it's not like that i said what what do you mean he says it's not like that it's a movie and i'll never forget it he looked at me and he said and he didn't talk like this i pray that you and your brothers all your friends that you never ever ever have to experience war ever and i remember i was probably eighth or ninth grade so not too young but not too old and the vietnam war was just starting to end you know 75 i think it was right and i remember thinking in my what eighth grade ninth grade thinking oh dad the war's ending we're never going to have another war because in my innocence i thought why would anybody war why would anybody do this so naive huh there'll never be another war i remember he looked at me gave me a hug my father was a kisser gave me a kiss no what is it that leads us to war not to defend ourselves in war but to be the aggressor i'm curious about the mind and the hot set what kind of tree it is that bears that kind of fruit not a diplomat not a geopoliticist certainly not a politician i don't understand but i wonder about war and the reason i had us do that exercise a second ago was because i want us this week not to comfortably numb ourselves with life as usual here in our country what is it to be in solidarity with people who are us in the other part of the world these ukrainians do you and i feel their experience or do we numb ourselves and because it is too much because it is too much i'm so torn last week we heard in the gospel pray for those who persecute you bless those who curse you love your enemies pray for them it goes against everything in my dna my brain as a human being anybody else but i literally have begun i know this is going to sound crazy to pray for vladimir putin it's naive probably as naive as i was in the basement with my father that day in 1975 pray that his mind his heart and not magically that whatever it is that makes people do what they do i i've literally tried to pray for people in this country when i've heard rhetoric come out that is racist and prejudicial fear hungry i don't want to pray for these people i want to shut them up and shut them down but something shifts inside when this happens that his mind and heart will somehow change i know it sounds silly and they have to be real deal things that have to be done but what about on that spirit level i pray that he will relent but it is so difficult i have feelings toward him that are not aligned with what i just said my prayer for him my feelings with my prayers are aligned with the ukrainian people in that first reading from sirach it says when a sieve is shaken and the husks appear so do one's faults when one speaks my husks my faults are pretty uh probably coming out clearly now because i'm being judged whatever i as a sieve is shaken the husks appear so do one's faults when one speaks praise no one before they speak for it's then that people are testing when somebody speaks then you start to know where a person's coming from on the heart level and then jesus reminds us through luke remember a good tree does not bear rotten fruit and a rotten tree never bears good fruit every tree every person will be known by its own fruit you and me them and us and then he says a good person out of the store of goodness in their heart produces good but an evil person out of the store of evil produces evil and it's from the fullness of the heart that the mouth speaks what are we hearing today what are we hearing from the mouths of those that we elect is it good is it evil is it unifying is it divisive is it healing or is it hurting evil produces evil good produces good violence begets violence love begets love there's a lot of bad fruit out there because there's a lot of bad trees i see the rotten bad in me we all have it to varying degrees morning's paper reminded me that it was ten years ago yesterday the trayvon martin was shot and killed in that florida neighborhood and i read some of the excerpts that his mother spoke about i think she was going to run for commissioner or something down there and she spoke about her pain a mother's pain google it it comes right up it's really powerful stuff and all that's happened in the last 10 years regarding racism you know we celebrate black history this month and we're coming to the end of it this today and tomorrow right okay so we can just shelve it we don't have to deal with it all the black history week we don't have to just highlight some of the good things that have happened and then not deal with the bad until next year okay we got to do it again where's the good fruit that's coming from these awful stories the fbi said in its statistics hate crimes are up this year the highest surge of hate crimes in 12 years over 60 percent of the targeted victims were because of racial ethnic and ancestral bias they say and black folks were victims of hate crimes more than any other group up 45 percent is it a stat that just stays in our heads or that flights out or is it something again that helps us to build empathy and solidarity with each other trust me i'm asking myself these very questions and then this week we lost the world lost one of the great contributors to good to life i believe to god in god's ways to healing to global health equity and to justice in the passing of our friend dr paul farmer age 62 heart attack in rwanda if you ever get a chance after reading done reading the greg boyle books find tracy kidder's book mountains beyond mountains tells the story of paul farmer tracy's a beautiful man he's also writing a book now on dr jim o'connell he finds the right people mountains beyond mountains paul farmer said why aren't these people getting better what's this drug resistant tuberculosis and then he began to see why people couldn't come back remember how our mothers always said even though you start feeling better on the second day of the antibiotics you have to what go through the whole course otherwise it gets stronger and they begin to follow he went over mountains and mountains and all of these countries to find out the people didn't have equity in getting health care he would eschew the title but if you ask me that's kind of what saints are about not having a perfect stellar life but doing the right thing dr farmer was the co-founder of partners in health a pioneering community based treatment strategies organization that delivered high quality health care in resource poor settings oh we can get the top care here in boston but you people in rwanda and haiti and peru your people in the prisons you know yeah not so much health equity so to all the colleagues and members of partners in health to paul's wife dede your three kids sebastian elizabeth catherine to paul's mom he sent a picture recently of being with you your birthday that smile you know i had the great pleasure to have dr paul farmer stay here for the first month or so of the pandemic when he was finishing editing his last book about the ebola crisis he got up every morning he had that vest his shirt and his tie on and i'm like did you sleep in that this guy his mind was always going he knew everything about everything he was witty he was funny he was smart he was about the good he was devoutly catholic meaning he put his faith into action a month with this guy i was exhausted afterwards i got to tell you my mind doesn't work like his huh beautiful soul what does jesus say we don't know the day or the time or the hour as we move through it's about what we do with who we are and what we have so all of you as paul's family and friends far and wide please know of this community's love for you our prayers the support and our deepest condolences this entire viewership he used to call the viewership when he would watch the fff and i was like oh did i corrupt him no he calls the fff the far-flung flock it was great paul said i go to bed worrying about all the promises that we've made and i get up each morning thinking we haven't made enough promises a good person out of the store of their heart produces good from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks that's paul farmer so today we see what looks like evil people winning in the world regarding racism in our politics warring in our world we see good people going too early these are times that test us test our faith and remind us to have hope and as my good friend said last night these times challenge us but the good will win they might make us afraid or depressed but the good will win so i leave us with a couple of thoughts if that wasn't enough this morning for the week let's ask ourselves regarding all of our life situations personally nationally globally what do you and i believe who do you and i listen to healthy trees or unhealthy ones what kind of fruit is being produced in you and me good fruit a bad fruit what are we passing on to our kids value wise what kind of person do you and i want to be what's important in life who is important in life can we take stock of what comes out of our mouths because it reveals what's in our hearts and let us not be blind to the bad in this world numbing ourselves and avoiding it or worse by following others who are blind we'll end up in a pit but let us have that lumber yard removed from our own eyes to see the good to see good leaders and good example in good fruit and good words and as we look at these issues in our hearts our country and our world let's never lose the hope he's with us every step of the way helping us to see things the way he does so so shall we stand and profess what gives us the foundation of our belief and how we live in this world i believe in one god the father of the almighty and the maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible i believe in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god born of the father before all ages god from god light from light true god from true god begotten not made but consubstantial with the father through him all things remain for us and for our salvation he came down from heaven and by the holy spirit was incarnate of the virgin mary and became human for our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried and he rose again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have knowing i believe in the holy spirit the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son who with the father and the son is adored and glorified who has spoken through the prophets and i believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church i confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and i look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come amen we all need help along the journey this guy especially we all need it so through our prayer let's call on god to be with us and give us the grace that we need for us as church that the wisdom of god may enlighten our words and actions and that the spirit will inspire us to fuller life in jesus we pray lord hear our prayer for freedom from self-deception that god will heal our narrowness of mind and blindness to the truth proclaimed in the gospel we pray lord hear our prayer for our catechumens who are preparing for the right of election that god will strengthen them free their hearts to surrender more fully to god and help them to grow in their discipleship we pray lord hear our prayer on the 10th anniversary of the killing of trayvon martin and as we conclude black history month let us pray for a healing of the wounds of racism and discrimination that god will heal those who have endured bigotry and hate and open new opportunities for them to share their gifts and enriched society we pray lord hear our prayer for all struggling with addictions that god will free them from all that holds them bound and help them find the resources that will help them restore their life we pray for an end to war an immediate cease-fire in ukraine for those who perpetrate war for those who have died and for all those fleeing for their lives for unified world response and for cool heads and open diplomatic channels we pray can we just take a moment and just in silence hold that prayer for the sick and suffering among us joanne demar rick gallardy tim ryan mark rand jane o'connor jared lynn mary kessler john powers kathy conroy mary jane campbell jack calarezzo bob ducette paul guertin debbie true baby jack landers mary churchill john crocker david madigan claire maloney margaret fuller macneill bob desantis and bob haas we pray for all who have died especially john morse john bennett chuck gamble danny salazar naren kama marianne alzuski jim wirth jim nance and dr paul farmer for their eternal peace we pray lord hear our prayer for the intentions we hold in the silence of our hearts we pray lord hear our prayer lord god thank you for this time together this morning this week thank you for this community virtually and in person and thank you for this faith that helps us to never lose hope help us to be about bearing good fruit not only in what we say but in what we do attune our hearts to the suffering of others and help us always to work for peace health equity racial equity and love all through jesus christ our lord amen please be seated in advance i want to say thank you for your support of the parish through the i give program we really encourage you to join the program you can take your phone and click it on the little uh flow code on your worship aid or on your tv screen or a laptop it's what supports us and again thank you for your kindness and generosity [Music] there is a second collection today um thank you thomas there is a second collection today uh it's the annual collection to support the church around the world uh that includes eastern and central europe which is obviously apropos today church in africa the catholic relief services and in our country the home missions the black and native american missions and the us military archdiocese so it's a bunch of uh good uh people that need help uh so you can do this on your flow code also just uh click on that and scroll down to the uh fund for the church around the world thank you very much thanks hit it thomas [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] on me [Music] is [Music] and so would you pray my friends that my sacrifice and yours may be made acceptable to god the loving the gentle father may the lord accept the sacrifice at these hands to the praise the glory of your name for our good and the good of all the church o god you who provide gifts of bread and wine to be offered to your name and count our oblations as signs of our desire to love you and serve you with devotion we ask of your mercy that what you grant as the source of merit may also help us to attain merits reward life eternal all through christ our lord amen the lord be with you let's lift up our hearts let's give thanks to the lord our god it's truly right and just that we should give you thanks and praise lord even when we tend to lose hope tend to despair and become depressed we give you thanks for all you do in our lives and in the world through our lord jesus christ for even though the human race is divided by dissension and discord good fruit and bad we know that by the things that test us in this life that you change our hearts you prepare us for healing new life and reconciliation even more by your holy spirit you move human hearts so that enemies begin to speak to each other again adversaries join hands and nations even seek to walk the way of peace together it is by the working of your power that it comes about lord that hatred is overcome by love that greed is overcome by mercy generosity and that revenge gives way to forgiveness we give you ceaseless thanks as we join now with the choirs of heaven as without end we acclaim [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] almighty god we thank you and we bless you by the way we live out our lives in the ways of jesus christ your son who comes in your name he himself truly is the word your word that brings salvation to this world he's the hand that you extend to us as sinners he is the way by which your peace is experienced when we ourselves turn away from you and your ways on account of our own sin you always bring us back to be reconciled so that converted at last to you and your ways we might truly love one another all through your son who was handed over to death celebrating the healing the new life the reconciliation that jesus brings us we entreat you send your spirit sanctify these gifts by the outpouring of your spirit that they may become for us the body in the blood of your son our lord jesus christ when he was about to give up his very life to set us free he reclined at the supper he took bread into his hands and he gave you thanks and praise he broke the bread and then he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way on that very evening he took the cup of blessing in his hands and confessing your mercy he gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood it's the blood of the new the eternal covenant and it will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins so do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] just a quick pause in the prayer and the eucharistic prayer those words that we just heard said i think about that but those guys not being allowed to leave their country literally about to give their lives for what they believed in again feeling that experiencing that and linking it to jesus lord as we celebrate the memorial of the death and the resurrection of your son who left us this promise this pledge of his love we offer you what you bestow on us the gift of perfect reconciliation holy father we humbly beseech you to accept us also with your son and in this saving banquet this eucharist graciously endow each and every one of us with his very spirit the spirit takes away everything that estranges us from each other lord make us as church a sign of unity an instrument of your peace among all people us in communion with francis our pope sean our bishop the bishops the religious the clergy with all your people and just as you've gathered us together here now this morning at the table of your son so also bring us together with the glorious virgin mary the mother of god joseph her spouse with the apostles saint cecilia and all the saints and with our sisters and brothers and those of every race every language who have died in your friendship we remember particularly this morning john morse and john bennett chuck campbell danny salazar and naren kama marianne alzuski jim worth jim nance trayvon martin dr paul farmer and all those you and i love and miss so deeply lord bring us to share with them the unending banquet of unity in that new heaven that new earth where the fullness of your peace will shine forth in jesus christ our lord for it is through him with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit that all glory all honor is yours now and forever [Music] at the savior's word formed by divine teaching by the holy spirit let's pray as jesus taught us our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our day that by the help of your mercy we may always be free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever lord jesus you said to your apostles i leave you peace my peace i give to you look not on our sin but on the faith of your church and graciously grant us peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever and the peace of the lord jesus be with all of you and a covert aware away let's offer each other a sign of that peace [Music] things of the world mercy one [Music] mercy on us [Music] on us [Music] [Music] behold the lamb of god who reminds us that what comes out of our mouths really comes out of our hearts reminds us that good fruit comes from good trees behold the one who takes away the rotten fruit the sins of this world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb lord lord i'm not worthy that you shouldn't turn to my only savior please come to the table [Music] so [Music] is [Music] grace [Music] is [Music] your blood please make us [Music] that we may love as you have loved us may we feast in unity [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i and your blood heal us make us may this [Music] we feast serve as you have served let this [Music] may we serve in unity [Music] [Applause] [Music] grace [Music] [Applause] your body and your blood heal us make us [Music] presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make us [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] gift from god [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] in [Music] the sacred story [Applause] [Music] [Applause] receiving all of us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from our company [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] great [Music] so let us pray lord as we get drawn into the voices of the angelic choirs here on earth as we are nourished by these simple gifts these saving gifts at this table we call upon your mercy that by this eucharist with which you feed us in this present age you may make us partakers of life eternal all through jesus christ our lord amen we encourage you to take a look at the bulletin this week there's lots going on here at the parish there's lots of opportunity for reflection and good works during lent i do want to highlight just one uh a week from tuesday that's march 8th at 7 p.m we're hosting uh the rainbow ministry is hosting michael o'lachlan who is a an author of the book hidden hidden mercy uh and that he will discuss the untold stories of compassion on the part of the of the catholic church during the aids global epidemic so that's going to be here in the church but also online and it's right in the bulletin um so plan on that for a week from tuesday and also um this wednesday is ash wednesday so it's the beginning of march and ash wednesday begins our lenten journey so there are little black books out in the northx and in fact the reflections begin today the sunday before ash wednesday so please feel free to take one of those it's good little six minute meditations throughout the the lenten journey and we invite you to come wednesday we have mass here at 8am and 6 p.m and the 6 p.m both of them are full but the 6 p.m is always a great opportunity to so many young people but it's just it's full and it's a great way to begin the journey so we invite you to come bring a friend begin the journey and the cardinals has asked that ash wednesday become not just you know the beginning of giving up the glass of wine and the chocolate and the martinis or whatever that is you know the meat on fridays but to have it actually be a day of prayer and fasting for the people of ukraine and for all that's happening in our world so let's make our lenten sacrifice as we think about it this year something really worthwhile that as we give it up we're connecting it and linking it with all that's going on in our lives all right all right the lord be with you may the good god bless all of us father son and holy spirit our celebration's over let's go forth to bear good fruit not only in what we say but in what we do thanks be to god have a good week as we conclude our liturgy please join in singing we are your people verses 1 2 4 and 5. hey [Music] i is [Music] is right [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Saint Cecilia Parish
Views: 14,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n8rIhygnCwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 5sec (6185 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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