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it's a law you're worthy to be praised there is no god like you there's none like unto you there is not another God with you hallelujah Revelation chapter 2 4 verse 1 to verse 5 and to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know that I worked and I labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou has tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and has borne and has patience and for my name's ik has labour and has not fainted nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left first five alas remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and I will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent holily these are some powerful scriptures pristine better go into series of worship please that your heart we have a place I sing the song with a sense of purpose a sense of direct sing it on purpose meaning from your heart hallelujah can you lift those hills in the presence of the Lord don't be otherwise minded don't be destructive but focus on him right now somebody worship now you're Oh worthy you're good - your name is great yes he woke you this morning Lord your word we bless your name there is no God like duty we don't have another God but you there is no God like Jehovah he's the only righteous one we bless your name Lord don't stand around looking around to see what is going to happen if anything is going to happen but purpose in your heart that if anything is gonna happen in the service today miraculously I want it to happen to me if anybody's gonna be touched I wanna be the one that God touch hallelu hallelujah bless His name lift up the name of Jesus magnify the name of Jesus glorify the name of Jesus because there's not another God like our God hallelujah we bless your name we bless your name from the rising of the Sun to the cooing down the shame you are God you are worthy to the praise we have you we're going to pray some bridges that are sick and weak among us and if you have never prayed like this before I'm going to access to pray out of your bow of compassion praise from your heart meaning it on the behalf of those that are sick among us and I want for all of us to listen carefully brother Stedman he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and need urgent prog he is in a lot of pain and I want the church to pray and to pray intensely for brother Stedman don''t parks she's asking the church to pray for deliverance for herself and her family since the Patrona armstrong did a surgery and his acts in the church to pray that God will continue to heal her is a victory point since the Melissa Arnold she went back to the doctor in Kingston in Thursday she did an ultrasound and an echo gram and the result was as expected that she's on the right path there's a lot of for her God is doing I know he touched me and made me he's hot me and my something we know that there is no god but we know you created the heaven so they urged oh god your father you call it out of nothing because there was nothing there but out of you it came Lord God we know you have awesome power to do great things oh god you're part many battles on the behalf of your people Oh God and you'll continue to fight battles for them giving them the victory Oh God over and over again we know Lord God that there is no God like you we go no man can do these miracles we know no man can bring these healings and deliverance into the lives of individual Oh God in the name of Jesus with all people come before you that can of God with their pain that can with their sickness that come with their disease Oh God before you they want you to move on their behalf lord god they're sick they're pulled over they're penned over by the hands of the enemy Oh God and I pass you Lord God to send an anointed and cast the enemy to loose his grip of God in the name of Jesus we know you share your brother Cadbury Oh God for the picture for the saints or God cause your blood move upon your people now our God move this sickness and the disease or God in their lives right now move the pain Oh God the mental breakdown or God and those of our he capacitated bring them back to life oh god we speak pizza we speak healing we speak deliverance we speak Lord God that strength begin to get back into those bones Oh God in the name of Jesus Oh God loose them my lord and set them free and cause them to rise up God out of their bed of affliction now Lord God and worship and how are you want glorify your name because you're visited them where they are Oh God and bring about a healing in the name of Jesus send an anointing Great Father because we know your specialize in these things they need you now more than ever Lord God we are not careful to give your glory we're not careful to give you praise and honor and glory unto your name and say thank you Lord God in advance for the work that you begin to do in the lives of your people now Lord God lift them up no God raise them up and strengthened Allah in the name of Jesus cause your spirit to come alive in there but Lord God let there be a shakin Oh God in the heaven and on the earth that you still live and reign forever and you still do great miracles and your to them and perform them in the lives of your people stretch for your green hand now Lord God let the surgical instrumental of your hand be done now in the name of Jesus no man you ever touch ever remain the same lay your hands on them no lon and lift them up lifts him up no kind father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I come on strength I command a healing in the name of Jesus not in the name of Buddha not in the name of behind but in the name of Jesus Christ raise up on me heal and be delivered right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're not careful to say friends we thank you Lord we thank you Jesus we thank you with faith the Lord we thank you for healing with thank you for the miracle in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah come on come on it's the sense of our agency come on open up your mouth and give God's Saints for the miracles and the healing that here son hallelujah Lord we thank you for healing we framed you for the strainer and for your awesome power in name of Jesus come on lift him up let him up open up your mouth from where you are and give God praise given her again in Florence in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus tell him thanks Jeff speaking on I think about touching me I think about healing me I'm thinking for best in my brother I thank you for lifting up my sister I thank you for deliverance hallelujah why should I keep silence in the house of God when he is moving don't act like God is not moving in here don't pretend as if he's not moving don't tell me you don't feel the brush of angel wings come tell me you don't feel the presence of God hovering over this congregation the name of Jesus yes yes hallelujah hallelujah oh yes I deliver Jesus Jesus Oh Oh yeah yeah Eva but I felt the difference and I just wanna sing a song bow down and worship Him because I believe God is hard to reverse when you begin to worship yes Thank You Chi yeah yes this is only ground Oh hallelujah the avila glory do you feel a glory do you feel an American you feel his presence is lingering is lingering is lingering this auction yes here's your finger filmography the perfume of the anointing notes are being broken right now people are being delivered right now you're in self-realization India lives away in the name of Jesus loose your stronghold right now in the name of Jesus yes yes yes yes a Louis presence Cellino you're in how God people yes yes is written true true there is a breakthrough no way lame it's your and that great day and a great day I swear I'm great before a judge get it together get it together come on you're worthy to be praised you're worthy to be you're working to be worship you're herded to be live there is no God wake up there is only one God there is not another caller there is only one God his name is Jesus his name is Jesus his name is Jesus his name is Jesus his name is Jesus his name is Jesus his name is Jesus nobody like you nobody like I Oh Oh Oh Oh where just stand in your presence nests about me or about us because you're grazers great you favor then you brought us into your presence for such a time as this Oh God and we give you praise and worship and glorify your name no one going to be this awesome you've been so merciful when we seen we should have died but your grace and your mercy your shield us and cause us to live in your presence you're giving us another chance that we could come into your presence to worship me and don't wanna you want to glorify your name Lord when we sin you should have kind of saw because your words say who so despised Moses law died under two or three witnesses long you're sending your way in a word Lord the wages of sin I should die you say you have a gift from the gift that you have to give to us is eternal and we just want to thank you for coming into your presence to worship here too hard are you and Lord we want to pay attention to you for showing us us showing all of us that you are here with me your presence we feel your anointing Lord we thank you for pastors we thinking for Leena's we think about a church or a graduate maker but a face hard with for the fellowship the immunity of presence of worship there's a lot of God would do you a favor be gracious and grateful unto us with Frank you law on you we believe you we believe your word we believe your word we said two things we saw we thank you we thank you we thank you for this hallelujah we're gonna exit the seat be seated in the presence of the Lord you can sit but don't relax I like what I'm feeling right now I like how I'm feeling right now it is a good feel Barbara citizens presence is fullness of joy that is right and their pleasures forevermore there's no where you could have gone and feel this way somebody said I want by Confucius grave and his bone was in there he said I walk by Buddha's grave and he was wrapped he was still in his grave but I walk by the tomb of Jesus and it was empty he's not there it mean that he's alive he's working in me is working to you he told his disciple to go to the city of Jerusalem and me and tarry there until there be endued with power from and high it meaning that he would not be walking with them in the physical he's moved from the outside and he's now on the inside so he moved from what you could see from sight to fate now is not to see him in a physical sense of belief that he is there but to believe that he lives inside of me and that is why the reason why you're feeling the way you're feeling right now because Jesus is on the inside of you lift up those hands in his presence and give Him glory hallelujah what are awesome presence hallelujah hallelujah it's the only one here this morning for the first time see anyone who has come here this morning is their first time being the house of the Lord hallelujah will you stand if this is your first time this is your first time stand God bless a young man remain standing it's good to see you I'm so happy for you right now hallelujah hallelujah is there value for the second time a tattered time second and third time for time well if you're here just for the first time let me say we welcome you here at King's chapel you'd had a Pentecostal church right here in Albion our pastors pastor Frank Elia and his wife sister Adrienne Kalia the board and their ministers and all the saints we welcome you the whole church welcome your clap your hands make him feel welcome we trust and we hope that this won't be on your last time and we just want to say if you are not saved we pray that you will consider it today because know my neighbor come in contact with God ever remain the same I'm looking for you until the rapture until the trumpet sound and time shall be no more and I'm saying to you that if you are not saved I'm gonna pray that you you you talk to God about it ask him to transform your life and change it and if you are saved hallelujah Jesus loved everybody everybody everybody my everybody smile everybody smile everybody's my hallelujah hallelujah what a fellowship hallelujah I want for you to listen carefully listen carefully at these announcement starting next Sunday morning June 21 our service should really be as follows first service start at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 10:15 it starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 10:15 this is the first morning service 8 a.m. to 8 15 will be prior 8:15 to eight power of 5 will be Bible lesson in 15 to 8:45 will be a Bible lesson a 45 to 10:15 will be worship that's our mid-morning service the second service starts at 10:45 and ends at 12:45 second service starts at 10:45 and ends at 12:45 p.m. 10:45 to 11 a.m. is prior 10:45 to 11 a.m. his prior 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 will be a Bible lesson 11:30 to 12:45 will be our main service on Thursday which you know we have prior in faster than the Taba natto holiday the century between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. please make every effort to attend the schedule is a is as follows for Thursday fasting and Bible study 10:00 a.m. to 10:15 is praise and worship 10:15 M to 11:00 a.m. is prior 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 is Bible study so those if you're at home and you're not working you can come it will be great to come and experience and hear the word of God teach in the sanctuary in the middle of the day so remember that now in Lebanon m2 11:30 Bible study 11:30 to 12 noon is prior 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. is prior and at 12:30 to 1:00 will we be praying for the sick to be special power for those that are sick and whatever situation that people have that they need deliverance from they can come and we're going to call in God for we believe that he lives he reign and he rules over the affairs of men and I believe that God is still in the miracle business amen he has not aged he's not he has not last memory he doesn't have amnesia nor Parkinson disease amen hallelujah this time we're going to collect over morning offering the tithes and offering a maxi understand hallelujah to which the praise and worship team will be in high gear to bring you to the turn heaven right sister Denniston we're going on we're going to be worshipping God as if we have never worship him before hallelujah yes hallelujah yes we are going to worship God better backward yes sister Reese we're gonna worship hallelujah sister Sabrina are you ready hallelujah thank God bow your heads as we bless the day's offering father God in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for your awesome presence this is very evident among us Oh God we thank you for showing up and confirming yourself that you are with us oh god we feel good right now that we are not left out we're not left behind but Oh God you are with us we thank you for the help of the strength now God and the wisdom of the knowledge that you have given on to us we thank your God for the substance that we you caused us to receive during the course of this week or God as you said we should bring in all the tithes and offering into the storehouse that there may be meat in your house or gods so we do likewise we come in obedience I pray that you will read up on it and blesses the stones that have not bless those that will give that it will help those that are in need and for the furtherance of the gospel we say Franks in Jesus name Amen Christian living he loved me dying he saved me buried he carried my sins far away and righteously justify free me forever one day is coming back Gloria Barry Allen ow yeah Oh somebody somebody good hiya hiya hiya hiya hiya hiya hiya hiya hiya fire fire fire fire fire fire the presence of Allah I'm gonna let you just sit for five minutes and they've been standing for a while but why does if we're gonna worship just the same and I want everybody to close your eyes I want you to close your eyes and I want for you to meditate in the song that we sing and you want the songs that you sing to be your prior to God touching Jesus it's all just because you want to be free and give you eternal look at Jesus your life will never be the same that Jesus big for you yes yes Lord no just you know what to do oh Jesus whenever you brave god she's away some of us have some challenges to the heavy burden and it's the situation that you are crush the right you look behind you you're looking front of you and you are just because it seems like they're a small way how I can get out of this whatever it is that is weighing you down wherever you are in your circumstances in your dilemma confuse you don't know you feel like giving up you feel like hanging yourself you think of so many other things that you would do because of this person against you and it seems like the original but if you let Jesus if you let Jesus fix it say Lord I've tried for myself I went about to do what I think I need to do what it just don't work God is out of my hand now I'm putting all my cares everything that is happening to me I'm putting this into your hands right now take it Lord and fix it for me I can't fix it for myself every time I try to fix it if I get in trouble where in my life have your waiting my problem in my situation is crushing me it's crushing me this crazy I'm hurting I'm in pain I'm emotionally terrified God fix it for me fix it for me long if you are here hallelujah take it down again if you are here and you are not saying I'm just trying to just come in the stand right here if there is a special need a urgent situation a problem that you have and you want got to fix it I'm actually the stance you want hard to do something on your behalf he's touching lives I know many of us are burning down and it seems like it's not working you come to church you're free and it seems like the problem becomes greater and you feel tempted to give up because you don't care are you feel like he's not moving fast enough are you feel like he doesn't hear you you feel discouraged and you're broken you're broken your life you're broken you don't know what to do to lift you up from where you to shine lights in your dark world to speak comfort to your soul speak life into you and to raise you up and make you strong oh yes because I'm gonna except for one to pray and don't pray for yourself now pray for your neighbor pray for the person you don't know what they're going through you don't know the heaven and the bird and the bears Maxo to pray Heavenly Father creator upon these master of the universe great who is above all and in our sole possessor of heaven and earth Great God of heaven we come to you only by faith can we come we come because we have more the God we call on you because you're said we should call on you you will be there you said Kara solo a pair upon you because you care for us we bring over listen of a burden to your kind we are stressed out and pressed help will weaken broken and I have in Laden you know always forward in going out and Kamini you know the situation that parades so a mine the constant conflict that crushes us on a day-to-day basis we know your hands Lord they are not shot so they came to reach we know your eyes behold everything and nothing is hidden from you God we know you said your blood and Calvary and you're selling your word your pain that we might have life and that we may have more abundantly we know your blood is avocations kind of yes more we know how Lord God inside you Eva and therefore kind God I pray you look down from where you are stretch your mighty hand now rest your hand upon that man upon that woman in the name of Jesus who is broken and challenged Lord God and raise them up no God all of your circumstances lifts the heavy burden find it at Casa de way kind of bring relief and a broken heart Lord God you're a ver kind father to bring strength to the feeble knees until it joins Lord God in the name of Jesus whatever those problems are or God fix it yes Lord fix him fix them face the hole fix the home Lord fix the community fix the city fix the church fix the lives you're gonna give us unless we perish forsake us not don't pass us by Oh God we stretch our hands too yes remedy the situation bring healing and deliverance Lord God in the name of Jesus restorable joy peace and faith God send deliverance in the physical and in the spiritual Lord God hear the cry of your people and answer come on we know you are evil we know you ain't evil Lord we know you a to let her enemies laugh at us yes with the protective vest that surround us : let none of us be overtaken by the hands of the enemy what help us send help from your sanctuary said help out of Zion send help from the throne rule said help from the preneur God we ask you bring strenght bring healing and deliverance to the least fortunate in the name of Jesus we ask we ask we ask the Lord God by faith we have oh Jesus name of Jesus we say France we say thanks father as we're about to see the one from this part of the service guide us to a cigar pouches yes Lord God help us that our fate is live and that we can feel the breakthrough in our spirit Oh God in the name of Jesus let's we experienced deliverance in the physical and in the spiritual Qaeda stores take care of your people be with them go with them in Jesus name I pray nice and tanks lift those hands in the presence of the Lord lift them up and give Him praise lift him up and give him a honey lift them up and give him glory lift them up on telling fans say thank you Lord say thank you lord say Lord I think so lord I thank you Lord bless you regimen thank you for coming out our next service starts at 11 o'clock no no you want it to get a message but the Lord works in mysterious ways amen amen praise God and so you can tune in for next service to whole life and the topic of the message is spiritual immaturity so you tune in because we want all of us just to be Anna same wavelength amen we want to be spiritual we want to know that we are growing the Lord bless you is so good to worship the Lord and praise him I hope that all of us here today has been blessed god bless you as we head back home was continental worship the Lord and tune into next service at 11 o clock god bless you amen you now I look in the mirror on every part of my body was in place many people died Arang thank you thank you beautiful day don't lesson 5 the follies up the shadows that I will fear no evil won't be this made when i see the clock ticking away and things are not everything in life happens for a reason disappointment comes with a lesson it's for me to get wise I got to work harder in the end it will get better thank you for rain thank you for child thank you for pain it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful day there it's a pill thank you for a thank you for John thank you beautiful day somebody talk to the help me but really I don't mind I come just now to say thank you walking you're not just a part of my life but my everything your love reaches way down deep within passing human understanding there will always be a song for you I sing one word alone just can't express my heart to say gratitude for one more day money supply your warm embrace and tenderness patient with me through all my man's come to one conclusion you are the best Oh I was seeing so you walk in we'll see ah ah so Oh Oh so you walk in who you are King of Kings Oh you are lily-of-the-valley Oh Oh thank you you not as I'm living this Christian journey after preaching after singing law and after living after my life is gone like then it will be nice to know Lord that my destiny my destination was only in your will it was what you required and what you want and I was pleasing to your side cover me married my life my my soul mama does everything a lot of food and my my and a lot of with your plan Oh it's all Oh never return that our change yeah where it is this and mother miss traveler tired of me you're welcome not as I'm living this Christian journey after preaching after singing Lord after living after my life is gone oops here we go round and round answers stay too far to see every time I think I'm straight up make that one mistake that sends me on my way so I stand right here right now the best way that I know how say God please help me out and I hope it's not me all things are possible with God is it that's me my flesh keep me weak and I'm turning I'm tired of just try tired of the cried while my soul is dying you know late at night knowing something this thing riding my life ain't that tiny see God has given me the audacity to declare my victory over Satan we know that he can win now begins the end of the Taliban will anyone make news stress the threat of muscle the situation changed me you guys got is my love so bad daddy kept on kappa plan for me that I'm still trying to see like step you rest assured that God has the block I know the more I love you and the more I wanna get the same you start well duh the drama anyway friend Christian brand-new day me we Oh just let your worship right there in this moment having these hands and multiplied God all that I am inside my heart oh the altar again set me on fire set me on fire hands apply all that I many find my heart Oh God sir again set me on fire asking to send me on fire Here I am gracefully broken your mind stay strong to the end you won't say you will Oh wait setting up here I am wait Oh to Jesus now all to Jesus now I'm home God arms wide open in love my life thank you and I'm going to see myself to where you see this imagine me like I'll be honest with you the song is dedicated to people like me was the struggle with insecurities accepted and even self-esteem it never felt good enough it never felt pretty enough but imagine God whispering in your ear depression Oh yesterday strong it's all gold star but your mother did what your father I sought the Lord and he answered me and 11b from their three those who look brainy they'll never be shame they'll never be said this doorman and say No come on hi Oh hi Oh so long so long so long yeah get back to the taro about you my pain yeah yeah yeah I really you hallelujah praise God we are gonna pray to over God and our Creator hallelujah we are gonna give him thanks for His goodness and His mercies towards us hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah just get your hearts tuned in a hata tude of Prayer yes God Almighty's here yes is present he fills the universe can you feel can you sense movement of your God and you create and you came hallelujah praise God we are gonna pray unitedly hallelujah praise the Lord whoo my TV is not like you God Almighty glory and honor belongs to you hallelujah for dine is forever you reign in this place today my god you just take a show just saturate this place with your presence inside and outside gosh God Almighty touch every individual your handmade for the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof you burn don't you I mean oh my god let us feel there's a kind of glory right just a victory grant us a blessing o your words my god which will be going forward to there Jesus I pray that you go for me power Alleluia under the action ha ha ha if you find the back of some hearts my god so many other never know your Lord come runnin repenting of your sins getting baptized in the name receiving you know all the all the calls in your life have your way in this place Lord have your way Lord Hanabi lungs to you and everybody say in Jesus name linhu clap your hands for Jesus for your Creator your hands for your king hallelujah glory and honor belongs to him praise God the Lord this morning hallelujah those were listening to us out there by whatever medium we have come to you from the king shop United Pentecostal church which is on Albion Road hallelujah where your pasta is pastor Frank Elia hallelujah this is a place where we care and shear and this is a place where we know that the Lord is God it is he that I'd made us and not fear says hallelujah so we grow for him praise God right now we are gonna be singing hymn number eighteen hallelujah standing on the promises of God hallelujah I just love to talk about the promises of God for his promises are sure we are praise the Lord standing on the promises of God praise the Lord the hi hallelujah and if you are confident that you're standing on God's promises let me ever say Alleluia yes Lord I'm giving myself to you Lord because I'm standing on your promises praise the Lord right now we are gonna be reading a portion of God's Word praise the Lord you should be taken from Revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 6 to 11 Revelation chapter 2 reading from 6 to 11 I'm gonna be reading while you follow praise the Lord hallelujah praise God hallelujah if you found it let me go say praise the Lord hallelujah it raised us for this though as that thou eatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also ate either at an ear let him hear what the Spirit said unto the churches to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God and unto the Angel of the Church of Smyrna write these things said first and last which was dead and is alive I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that he may be tried and ye shall have tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death hallelujah let me say praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah right now the praise and worship team hallelujah gonna be blessed in our hearts hallelu we are just being a state of worship hallelujah present worship team I Oh Oh woman on I worship you I have within me I Oh but I give you no I give you my I give you my boy I'm aware Oh let me Oh Oh Oh here Here I am to say that you're my god are too who's that No Oh my Oh Here I am to worship your might thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus praise the Lord and off where they were singing the Sun opened the floodgates of heaven my god you're asking God to open the floodgates of heaven and rain you know what you call flood hallelujah and if God should open the gates of heaven and cause random blessing on us we cannot can tear it hallelujah praise the Lord we are so glad that we serve a God who knows what is doing is in control hallelujah he is always blessing is always doing good everywhere we went is doing good let me see all those who are recipient of the goodness of God God is so good to me I just won't complete it is just good to me hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah started for a while we're just gonna be praying a special prayer for those who are not too well right now hallelujah the student or prayer course with soft as we ask God sister Patrona I'm strong she did a surgery and his arts in the church to pray for our continual healing please just remember that name hallelujah but a Stedman was Stage four pancreatic cancer needs urgent prior he's having pain hallelujah just let me say God can God can and God will God will hallelujah donut parks asking the church to pray for the deliverance of her and her family hallelujah we know that God is our deliverer let me see all those who God Almighty of delivered deliver me from out of the pans and the clutches of the enemy hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah you're gonna pray hallelujah hallelujah does mean attitude of prior what we call our to our God and kings he's just a prior away a he's right here is a very present L hallelujah in the time of trouble Lord oh Lord oh God wait I just love the name of Jesus Oh excellent is your name you owner heard it's filled with your praise and your glory you rule and you raise your the Rock of Ages don't like you don't compare it to you know they're coming to you this morning on the behalf of all these names that I've piqued our Lord hallelujah oh you know is that by name before they were born my god you knew them Oh pray that even Olaf will administer on to your situation Lord Alleluia you will touch you will Healey will make well Alleluia praise God remembering Lord Melissa wolf went up to Kingston my god to do some check up on it was favorable Lord hallelujah praise the Lord but a stepmom who is feeling pain causes my tears and all the name of Jesus to relieve him of the pain to heal him from his sickness oh my god when you walk desert my god say what did you came unto you you say your heel earlier diseases hallelujah praise the Lord that sent you on that came to you and you say o my servant is sick but God I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof but God Almighty I speak health highest goodness Your mercies the worst your sequins law those unspoken requests Lord you put them put that before you say well we just tried to eat my god now we name it and reclaim it God Almighty there're lot of reports the Holy gonna believe the reports after the heart your reports say that Gary law and receiving offer them a jury to see and everybody say Jesus name Jesus name you may be seated hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah it is so good to be in the house of our God and our King hallelujah this is really honored well hallelujah I want to say to you this morning you are not here by accident hallelujah God didn't know that you were gonna be here hallelujah but I'm glad that you have in your mind this morning to come into the house of God hallelujah to worship Him to give him glory because II alone deserves over praise hallelujah he's higher lifted up praise the Lord this morning I just want to welcome you all heartedly hallelujah got to see your faces I love the because of God be the glory for the things you have done hallelujah I just want to say to those who are visiting with us if you are here for the first time I'm asking to stand the second time third time I believe me extend it if you are just a visitor here hallelujah just stand for me so we can recognize you hallelujah anybody we praise the Lord but if you're here I don't want to stand that we are saying a big welcome to you and everyone present and the behalf of our pasta pasta Kalia the board members and the wonderful Saint sinking Shepherd we were saying a big welcome a hallelujah motor covered but just turn the face crowd just by the sight you never - you're right and those wave your hand you're saying just creating that welcome hallelujah could we just stand everybody I mean you're seeing that welcome son Alleluia praise the Lord Oh falling Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh do we have you just want to fall in love with him you can I rock this everyone will wrap up on Jesus Jesus name so sweet they just want to fall in love if you know what is really true love it's really come from God I keep falling in love with him over and over and over again hallelujah every day with Jesus to be sweeter than the day before mine Jesus is my lover I keep falling in love again and the good thing about it he gets sweeter and sweeter as a day goes by praise the Lord you may be seated hallelujah praise the Lord right now I'll be reading the announcements I'm asking you please to be really attentive and if you need to jot down something you can do that praise the Lord this is because of this new normal hallelujah hallelujah please make note of these changes starting next week Sunday which is June 21st was service schedule will be as follows the first service starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 10:15 a.m. from 8 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. we have prior I will say it again from 8 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. we have prior in the sanctuary from 8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. we will have Bible lesson from 8:45 a.m. to 8 to 10:15 a.m. we have worship service the second service starts at 10:45 a.m. and ends at 12:45 p.m. this as follow from 10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. we have prior from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. we have Bible lesson from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. we have worship service praise the Lord on Thursday this is a church day of fasting and prior permitting will be held in the sanctuary between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. please make every effort to attend the schedule is as follow from 10:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. we have praise and worship from 1015 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. we have prior from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. we have Bible study from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon we have prior from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. we also of crier from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. we have special priors these are the announcements please hear them in mine louia and you do them as they are presented praise the Lord right now we are going to be taking our morning's offering praise the Lord hallelujah praise team just put yourself in a place to sing some worship songs a marks Inuyasha's hallelujah they could just make their way up to the front hallelujah praise the Lord - because worshiping lord hallelujah we're still in service in the presence of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord let everything that has breath let me an appraisal all again praise the Lord hallelujah Israel for praise hallelujah could you just stand hallelujah as we ask God's blessing upon the offering praise the Lord Lord we thank you for we are your the great garden King you are excellent in all your ways Lord your in your presence and your presence is fullness of joy we honor you we glorify you we thank you for your goodness your mercies on your grace we thank you for all the gifts that you have given to us my god would it be finances lord help strength whatever it be Lord we thank you for your always giving good case law barrier this morning to worship you in giving we pray that to it less oh god I stretch out your hands to give law will give it with a willing heart Alleluia in the same way that we receive it hallelujah so you'll know better cheerful giver my god may your blessing be upon this offering and every one that gives those who have not you bless them that they will have to give my god this morning we say hon glory belongs to you as we say thanks and everybody say in Jesus name praise the Lord we'd be marching there's the Lord present worship could wait for the blood oh the mighty Oh the day dad hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God since I lay my burden down it is so much better hallelujah can somebody give a shout of praise hallelujah amen you can be seated and it's so good one more time to be the house of the Lord amen are you happy to be here amen amen we here in Jamaica we are so thankful to God that he has Willis paralyzed yeah we do have two critical persons in the hospital they think might not make it cause of the virus but wanna give God thanks that none of us in King's chapel or any close relatives in Jamaica has come down with this virus now I know that there are some members of King's chapel ooh the Lord has spoken to but it told me the Lord spoke to them and told him not to rearm us but I would want those persons to know that when you come amongst us we'll come to the gate we're gonna ask you we need to be submissive to rules and even to a government the Bible speaks about that amen and there's a purpose of random-ass all right because you don't know what you're carrying I don't know what I'm carrying and I could sneeze or cough or whatever it is and transmit it to you are you to me so we don't add to please amen to wear your mask when you're coming because it to costs us a lot of money when we have to be buying mass to give our members all right I don't have one mind right but because I'm not speaking sister where's your mask okay we need to just be submissive all right I don't like math I don't like it believe me I don't like it because I see people must and look at criminals that's what I used to look at whereas the masked man is up to something but we are wearing for purpose okay it's uncomfortable but please let us submit all right and please remember the distance you notice we have put these benches in a way that you're not close I a six feet so the distance so perhaps you two let's work with that sanitize your hands as often as possible all right and we know that God is gonna see us true amen amen amen praise God this morning first service boy there was no message in that service Lourdes came down and his bless us in such a wonderful way a man we will spend entire time worshiping and praising God amen amen I mean I want us to let loose today and us worship God was lift him up those praise him because we're here to worship Him amen praise God praise God I just like to make quick announcement our announcements and we are so thankful when we see quote in a church and God don't necessarily mean that he got it in by persons Hin right but we have grown from within I was thankful to God for those kind of our goals those legal inside growths amen you know but asteroid made and don't spend last week to say that his wife has not been keeping well for quite a while and the first thing I when I called I said oh how much monsters she write because I I the way we spoke I figured that something was happening all right I don't know what to tell you to tell who to tell what will happen but we want to thank God for these two coppers brother and sister guess who is pregnant brother and sister brother and sister Tayla they are pregnant you don't believe that all right when I attach a standard let me see let me see your belly okay mr. Taylor congratulations Amen congratulations praise God praise God and her ancestor right I know it was the right time because you weren't expecting but one of Thank You congratulations couldn't stand let him see you the right is so big amen amen god business starts Risa did you Stan just a twist oh I'm sorry Stan let's hear oh look at her bye-bye she's just expanding my my I hope in such triplets right so you have to go back she had one time Eve man he's not a blessing he's in the church praise God we give God thanks became God fangs and then I noticed that but uh Stewart is here and I'm gonna call his first name does you know who who I'm talking about right I know that easier amen and I just like to make this special announcement in everybody about mass and sometimes you kind of see the faces so well but I guess I can pick your battles zooming in closer see who you are and so that's one of me this announcement that and I hope nobody don't faint here this morning all right okay you know there are times when you know persons look at persons and say you know God give me this one this one is mine but then somebody has sneaked in someone away so don't don't get I love this story to get your tone but it's my privilege and pleasure and I guess some of you know because you see you have seen it before right but it's my privilege and pleasure and I love to do these things because it's my privilege and my pleasure to do it a man I'm so happy you know sister Palmer pastor Molly Palmer used to be passed for this church she said to the ladies especially when ever and I know it's life so I'm still speaking to those who are listening watching whenever you get too hot you want to say take my ice water but you understand it good now I'm appealing to do this and you know it messes my heart and I'm happy that these two persons in fact one person is from Kingston way whence is whence his way east and what is not the one from the East told me he said pastor Kelly er I came to this church and the moment I saw this girl I knew that she was the one that's what he told me no II knew immediately that that she was the one and so you stay all the way in the East to choice hook line and sinker and he hook one from the West is West and so I am privileged to announce today that module Bartlett against Mosley don't know much about it right that's what I call is him first motto Bartlett came into Montego Bay a week and a half ago when did his young ladies OHS and frighten her yes he went to her house and he brought a ring with him and he proposed to her and so I'm happy to say and I'm so pleased that sister Misha shorts is now engaged to be married Stan system mission Albert Bartlett Stan given behind all right okay god bless you god bless your praise team limousine praise God hallelujah hallelujah amen so it adds you please to pray for them but God will prosper them as they go along but let's all stand we're gonna be worshiping thank you many of the blessings you give me thank you thank you thank you you we would go on and on and on and on but guess what we are still in time oh my god I know of you at that time coming not that time yes I turn it to COI come in that is known as eternity we can worship of the one we can't trap us like the one we can't sing as long as the one hallelujah baby talking of Kings hallelujah praise God you may be seated praise the Lord we have come to a central part of our service he hardly knew we were worshiping we were singing we were rejoicing hallelujah but that was like appetizer no we get to the main course hallelujah is worth which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto a part praise the Lord we are going to be feasting at the table and who we are praise I'm going to spray that as the one of God come in the person for a pastor hallelujah we pray that God will just lead him God we just direct him God will just speak to him hallelujah and the words we just reach out and touch us Alleluia as human beings hallelujah and who need to be changed will be changed hallelujah not only spirit but change hallelujah praise the Lord are you ready to receive the word of God from the man of God hallelujah praise the Lord let me ever say godless or a pastor and let me restate God just use our pasta God just use our past received parsec elia as he come in the name of the Lord praise Allah praise God praise God can y'all stand please you don't mind it he many many men praise God first be the chapter 2 and verse 1 and today I really spent some time in prayer seeking after God forward today I just like the Lord the directors and as I try to teach this lesson and is marks of spiritual immaturity immaturity the marks are marks of spiritual impurity wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and all hypotheses and envies and all evil speaking Lord we want to thank you today thank you for the blessings that you have bestowed upon us thank you Lord for your words which is a guide unto us we pray that today and I stand Lord to impart your words I pray that you'll speak to us the family and help us to accept your words in Jesus name I pray amen you can be seated secondly dictionary the word immaturity it clearly states and I could have put it in one word on fit all of us know when a fruit is fit and we would allow them some time to become fit before we try to engage and those fruits and so I in Prior thought that this would be a topic or subject level order lay in my heart to speak to all of us and I'm speaking firstly to myself letting myself know that I need to be mature I need to be matured you see when I eat a matured fruit I receive all the taste there are times when I want to pick up mango and it's not properly right properly mature and the first bite tells me I have to chew it away so I discard it because the taste was not there and so we all know what it is to be mature Peter in his writing first Peter 12 verse 1 he says we're four and Peter was speaking directly to believers he wasn't speaking to unsaved person he was speaking directly to believers and he said to them wherefore laying aside you know what it is to lay aside take off your garments what you do with them you lay them aside you put them aside Peter says wherefore laying aside all monies and all guile and all our practices and is an all Eva speaking now as a child of God these five things should never never never be a part of us if these things are part of us it tells me that we are not matured we are immature we're going to look at Molly's the word malice as a connotation of ill-will he or she did me this and so I'm going to do them back dreadful things the personal friends if these things are in your mind it tells us that we are not matured we're immature I know that what's the thing that we want here no it's about prophecies but what I wanted to bring to the church is this if we are not matured we are not going to make it into God's kingdom so therefore these things must not be amongst us as Christians yes the times if feeling of bitterness comes upon us somebody did us something or say something and I struggle with a lot of things and I understand that look I gotta blame them aside I got a drop of those baggage is because guess what those packages are heavy they are heavy on the mind heavy on the life I'm not pleasing with God so I know and we know that we have to lay aside to wish you or bad things upon someone that has done us wrong that's Maris this should never be in a life of a Christian this should be in the life of a child of God and whenever these things start to come upon me I'm preaching to myself or for me then I had to realize that something is wrong I need to get back to the cross people's remembers Christians but God says that guess what he will fight our battles for us so therefore leave it to God and I'll God he's with it there's no need for us to fight first summer 17 verse 47 on all this assembly shall know but the Lord save it not with sword and spear for the batter is the Lord and He will give you into our and 2nd chronicles 20 and verse 15 and he said our can ye all Julia and II inhabitants of Jerusalem and O king joseph act thus say the Lord unto you be not afraid nor be dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the batter is not yours but it's the Lord so therefore he promised to fight our battles for us and it doesn't matter who is against us once the Lord is on our side then we are victorious oh praise Lord Romans 19 and 12 19 says dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord therefore if thine enemy hunger feed him if he thirst give him drink or praise God is not fuss two Maddie's is not for us to destroy it's not for us to bring down I want to say the batter his the Lord and he promised to fight our battles for us praise God so we as Christian a strength of God need to stand up amen and to be firm in the words of God because he promised that he will never leave us nor will he forsake us verse 21 says of Romans 12 be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good then every soul be subject unto the I opposed for there is no power of God the powers that be are ordained of God God is not limited to time neither motivated by the things that man would say I do but God is on time promise that he will take care of us find of the matter who manages you who is against you I want you to know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world it's time for us Christians to be like Christ you are known like an enemies job is to push us in there I'm saving even use the person's are even close to you but today at a child of God these marks should never be in our lives we should be above but we are overcomers hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the second mark of spiritual immaturity is dying is dying guile is a sin of deceitfulness chakra and subtility the practice of the siege tricking someone we intend to cheat them being cunning and secretive has no place in the life of a Christian no Christian should be a trickster no Christian should be a tree card player we must be honest we must be truthful we must speak the truth that comes from God Jesus made this commentar Nataniel st. John 4 verse 47 Jesus said so Nataniel coming to him and he said of him behold an Israelite indeed without Kyle can we hear Jesus saying to us their goals turn brown Mary Jane we don't die a true Christian a Christian from winning and without whatever is on the inside can be exhibited on the outside today as I looked and you not really seen maybe the true image of you your faces because of a mask and that was said that persons use a mask and a woody to cover their identity the change of their features are strict stirs or praise God but God looks at heart and he sees what's in the heart and he expects us personally things that we say or friends that we will be the same that comes from the heart be exhibited on the outside he was stating but there was no cookin s in him not tiny it was straight he was clean he was a man of God there was shoot in him I mean Jesus Christ looks at you looks at us because II see shoot in us he wants to see shoot in us we are commanded to be with our guy 2nd Corinthians 8 and
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 1,297
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Id: _OIbtbg6mkU
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Length: 211min 10sec (12670 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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