King's Chapel UPC Live Stream February 13, 2022 | Sunday Morning Service.

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my justice dominion praise and power be unto him both now and forever lift up those hands lift them up glory hallelujah lord we bless your name we magnify your name we glorify your name we praise you we give ourselves to you we surrender to you we give all to you you are god and there is no other god but you will worship you we worship you we magnify your name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord let me create the presence of the lord with us this morning carly which is his spirit is very much evident in this place hallelujah we come to worship him to praise him and to magnify his name and to lift him up hallelujah i want to greet my pastor pastor frank kelly that's why i want to greet all the saints ministers everyone both those who are tuning in and zooming zooming in by uh facebook and also youtube god bless you as you join us this morning at king's chapel united pentecostal church we come here to lift up the name jesus we come to magnify we come to get our praise in hallelujah we're going to commence by starting our morning service singing from him number 256 when we all get to heaven it's a beautiful song hallelujah we must sing the song with the reality hallelujah we must sing the song with faith believing because we're looking to go there to be with jesus one day hallelujah sing the wondrous love of jesus seeing his mercy and his grace in the mansions bright and blessed he'll prepare for us a place when we all get to heaven what a day hallelujah of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we will sing and shout the victory come let us get our voice in our heart and our soul our mind together and sing to the glory and honor of god hallelujah [Music] he'll prepare for us cause we're traveling what a day of rejoicing [Laughter] [Music] let us be true and faithful trust in serving every day [Music] god will be [Music] [Music] his [Music] hello [Music] hallelujah will be is victory victory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give him praise what a day when we get to heaven it will be a day of rejoicing [Music] sorrows will be over sickness will be over will be over it will be over it's going to be peace all the way hallelujah what a day when we get there lord hallelujah i don't know about you but i'm looking forward to that day when it will be over thank you hallelujah what a day when we get to heaven hallelujah we're going to sing and shout the victory hallelujah glory to god lift those hands and worship god hallelujah hallelujah glory we're looking for that day to come will you take your bible please and turn with me to the book of saint john chapter 15. the book of saint john chapter 15 will be reading from verse 1 to verse 12. hallelujah are you happy are you okay hallelujah are you happy that you're here hallelujah you're feeling free in the spirit you're feeling good in your soul shout unto god with the voice of triumph hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah saint john chapter 15 hallelujah hallelujah i am the true vine and my father is the husband man every branch in need that bear it not fruit he'd take it away and every branch that buried fruit he purged it that it may bring forth more fruit now here clean through the word which i have spoken unto you abide in me and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can he accept he abide in me i am the true vine he are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me he can do nothing if a man abide not in me he is cosport as a branch and he's withered and men gather at them and cast them into the fire and they are burned if he abide in me and my words abide in you he shall ask what he will and it shall be done unto you hearing is my father glorified that he bear much fruit so shall he be my disciples as the father had loved me so have i loved you continue he in my love if he keep my commandments he shall abide in my love even as i have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love these things have i spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full twelve unless this is my commandment that he love one another as i have loved the church can we read that together this is my commandment that he love one another as i have loved you here in the reading of god most holy word hallelujah we are going to go in worship with the praise team just a little and i want for everybody to join in i want for you to do this not by routine but do it from your heart we come to worship god and i want for you to block everything else even the very thing that is depressing you so that we can worship god in spirit and in shoot hallelujah i'm going away i'm gonna leave this world [Music] is is goodbye is oh my oh is and i'm gonna touch my fingers my name is [Music] right write my name [Music] oh oh [Applause] oh oh foreign gallery foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give him praise glorify his name clap your hands in the house of god and shout hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah we have some i don't have uh this with those who need to be prayed for but we want to remember those uh that are bereaved family families that are going through tough times the loss of their loved ones many are not strong enough or mentally strong enough to contain such a lost and they're grieving badly also i want for us to remember brother steve mccartney i think he's still in the hospital and he suffer a minor is it a brain stroke he's in critical condition last time i saw him at the doctor and he was talking to me my heart you know i went home and i didn't have good rest because i was thinking about him he's a brother so i would like for us to pray for him this morning and for those that you know who are sick and not doing well god answer prayer right do you believe he still answers pra hallelujah let us pray right now heavenly father god in the name of jesus possessor of heaven on earth great highlight heavenly father father i pray the lord all right is [Music] i pray for healing and deliverance that you will come in the name of jesus bring healing and deliverance oh lord i'm waiting on you lord no other help we have but you oh gosh look down from heaven now oh god hallelujah one touch of your mighty hands that will never be the same again oh god in the name of jesus lift them up now lord from where they're lying down oh god and bring healing and deliverance in the name of jesus lift up those hands glorify god magnify him give him thanks tell him thanks father i stretch my hands to you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] sing that song hallelujah [Music] help me please [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] and [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] just get down [Music] one thing is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah glory healing in the name of jesus deliverance in the name of jesus [Music] show up lord show yourself strong show yourself strong lord let somebody know you are there let somebody know your answer brian [Music] healing in the name of jesus yes lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated the presence of the lord hallelujah ushers ushers i'm going to ask you to as you as often time does politely let others that are coming that we cannot accommodate any more persons on the inside so we will have to maybe put some chairs out there in the shade and spread it out because we're not taking the offering ushers just stand by the door and inform those that come that you'll have to they will have to stay on the outside for now because we are we have to maintain that same social distancing please understand i actually please to understand hallelujah i would like for us to listen carefully at these announcements get your pens and your paper out and listen at these announcements hallelujah thank you jesus our services are streamed live on youtube each sunday morning at eight to 10 30 a.m 8 30 a.m to 10 30 a.m and at 11 o'clock until 1pm we have two services one at 8 30 to 10 30 and the other is from 11 a.m until 1 p.m evening service is at 6 00 p.m until 8 until 8 30 p.m 6 p.m until 8 30 p.m on tuesdays youth service will be held in the sanctuary commencing at 6 00 pm until 8 30 p.m youth service commencing in this sanctuary and tuesday 6 p.m till 8 30 p.m on thursday please remember to take note thursdays it's always the church day of fast in and prior prayer meeting is held in the sanctuary from 10 a.m until 12 15 p.m 10 a.m until 12 15 p.m there will be bible study this thursday from 6 p.m until 8 30 pm this thursday bible study 6 pm until 8 30 pm prayer meeting will be held in the sanctuary from 6 30 a.m to 8 30 a.m youth department will be in charge and they will speak to this there's an announcement coming from the youth department shortly our prayer meetings home prayer meetings start at 5 00 a.m until 6 00 a.m every day and 10 p.m at night until 11 p.m each day please continue in prior with your families the funeral service for miss hilde miller mother of brother christopher hilton will be held on friday february 18 at king's chapel united pentecostal church right here at 11 a.m friday february 18 at king's job right here the funeral service for miss miller mother of brother christopher hilton prayer request there's none here national fasting and prior will be on monday 21st to friday 25th national fasting and prior monday to friday monday 21st to friday 25th business meeting will be on sunday even february 20 february 20 at 5 00 p.m i want for us to remember this that business meeting will be sunday evening february 20 at 5 00 pm and i believe that everybody is expected to be at this business meeting and do not allow yourself to hear from someone else what goes on in the business service try to be here to hear for yourself national conference will be held february 28 to march 3rd and the conference will be virtual national prior session monday to friday by zoom 7 p.m to 8 p.m each evening 7 p.m to 8 p.m each evening and the zoom id will be listen to this and those who have a pen to chat the id down it will be on our social media platform and pastor will send it to the what's up group but for those who are on social media you can be remember by writing this number down the id is 858.38227801 and i will repeat eight five eight three eight two two seven eight zero one and the passcode is push p u s age that's the passcode push i also want to remind us since the government has changed the time and the curfew still in place but at a different time and so the church has to regulate itself accordingly as we respect the protocols and what the government says and we have to do that because the bible told us so that we have to obey amen so the first shift for february 20 sunday february 20 and sunday february 27 february 20th and sunday of february 27th february 20 february 27th two sundays it will be 8 30 to 10 30 the first shift is b c double r g j f p e n v x and z r z i'll repeat b c w r g j f p e n v x and z second shift which commenced at 11 a.m to 1 p.m for a person with surnames s a i o d m h t k l q u and y and i will repeat s a i o d m h t k l q u and y did you all hear that did you all hear did you do you understand and it will be posted on the notice board so you can go there and say i'm gonna ask brother white to now give his announcement inbreed and shortly after this we will take our tithes and offering some acts in the ushers to get themselves together right now bless the lord bless the lord as minister block stated that this tuesday will be youth service all right but this will be the first youth service for 2022 begins at 6 00 p.m in the sanctuary we're expecting everyone to attend so young people all the parents all the students all the leaders all the members all the non-members we are expecting to see you all in youth service this tuesday starting at 6 00 pm on saturday february 26 commencing 10 a.m will be will be our first youth empowerment gathering for 2022 called kc youth and power can everybody repeat that for me kc youth empower that's it under the theme together we stay connected with god there will be separate wrap sessions for our young men young women and or children everything will culminate with a combined holy ghost filled session and also lunch will be provided so we're looking forward to see all our young people out this saturday at 10 a.m set your reminders write it down in your notebooks your diaries all right appearance please remind it to this saturday we're having our first youth empowerment um gathering for 2022 called kc youth empower god bless you all and just before we take our tithes and our friend we're going to welcome our visitors it's nearly visited here for the first second or third time i'm gonna exit the stand if you're here for the first time the second time or the third time if you're a visitor visiting with us i'm gonna ask you to stand god bless you young man is there anybody else if you're here for the first second or third time let me say welcome thank you for coming young man god bless you on the behalf of our pastor and then board and the ministers and the saints we welcome you and we pray that this will not be your first our last time and we pray that if you're not saved that you will make up your mind and give your law your life to the lord and if you are continue being saved let us welcome him with our praise song as you put your offering together hallelujah [Music] the saturday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand up everybody hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah we are always happy to see our visitors hallelujah i see my mother over there i want for you to pray for her she's to the right many of you don't know my mom she's in that white dress over there hallelujah lift your hand ma'am hallelujah pray for her it's fine amen hallelujah i guess brother ronille my nephew is her guide i don't know if he's here on my knees but i'm gonna be praying for the offering above your head hallelujah heavenly father god we give you thanks we give you praise we give you a hannah we give your glory and as you have provided strength to us and open up doors for us and bless us with all spiritual and physical blessing we come to return tithes and offered unto you as you have commanded and god we are pleased to carry out your will because you have commanded us bless and sanctify bless those that have and bless they have not poured out blessing upon them and cause them to increase oh god as we answer these verses in jesus christ's name amen and amen praise team can we just lift our hands right now jesus jesus jesus [Music] more each day [Music] is [Music] shadows [Music] me close to yourself [Music] is [Music] so i just [Music] is [Music] oh yes [Music] i just [Music] amen praise the lord everybody you can be seated amen just for a while god bless you we are so happy to have you in the house of the lord this morning amen amen amen praise god praise god sister moody are you here we are so happy to have you sister mori could you stand and praise the lord amen god bless you sir moody wasn't well for a while so happy to have her in the house of the lord amen this morning praise god what a time we had last week in our youth week what a blessing can somebody shout our praise to the lord amen amen praise god we thank god amen for speaking to us directing us amen and we just wanted the lord just let us take us on us lead us amen sister thompson would you stand because we're praying for you i know your daughter met in an accident in the u.s but we remember we'll be praying for you she got some broken bones and stuff like that but we're going to believe god amen for complete healing amen it's not sabrina sister thompson has four daughters and a son right sister thompson many people don't know that amen so we're gonna be continuing our prayers amen for um those were sick but steve mccarthy is very sick he has a bleeding in his brain suffered a stroke in a hospital so please remember him in her prayers and those who have lost loved ones sister gritel praying for you you have lost your husband that's sister black brother black just mentioner god bless you we we we mourn with you and we serve with you in your time of bereavement amen it's now time for the words of the lord but just to remind you that tonight at six o'clock everybody say six o'clock come on say six o'clock hey 6 p.m say 6 p.m we are having service tonight amen amen i'm inviting everybody to come praise god amen amen amen all right all those who say amen make sure you're here tonight amen amen amen we're gonna have a great time in the lord tonight praise god amen amen just before i introduce our speaker just to let you know that we got a media report from youtube and in 28 days 28 days we had 7 800 views and once you click on with uh with with with your instrument if you click on 10 times it's only read once so it's not that much of one person clicking on 20 or 30 times only once you can click on and it's really okay so that's a double one person watching ten four or five or twenty times right so in 28 days kingsharper had 7 800 views praise god amen so we we don't really promote our services but we're gonna start promoting it but i'm telling you we have viewers from all over the world germany thailand i tell you we're all over amen we do get reported from youtube and guess what youtube has started to pay king's chopper so each as you see come in between there we get a percentage amen so they have sent us our card so each time you goes go to the bank and we just claim that amount of money whatever it is in us dollars amen so i'm going to ask you to subscribe um to our services and make sure you send your forward the service to at least 10 persons are all the persons on your watch right so we have gone over the thousand we have going into the one one thousand one hundred now and uh um the important thing is that the money is not important it's a small amount of money the important thing is that people are here in the gospel amen people are here in the services and we do have a whole lot of former members they are so faithful they don't miss a service and so amen we give god thanks amen so subscribe if you have not yet subscribed you can only subscribe once amen you can take back your subscription if you want i mean you can just click on your you know it's but you can't subscribe for more more than once and so we thank you brethren amen for your support amen of us reaching the world with the gospel of jesus christ can we all stand amen and i should also say that the media team give them a hand i mean give them a hand amen we're not for the media team we could not do this and guess what these young people don't charge that dollar they put in all the systems all that you see here they work on it they put it together and in detail and i want a special and um for this young money dante johnson amen never miss a service always here i can depend on him at any time to come and sometimes you know he's alone monitoring the camera and also um the media room era but i don't think god bless you and your team brother kenyan we are really appreciative if it weren't for you then this service would not be going home so we give god thanks for you amen praise god let's shout one more time one more shout to the lord amen happy to have our visitors here today amen so glad to have you and you heard the changes i won't go into that right now but it's no time for the words of the lord and we want to introduce to you our missions director amen minister uh what's your name again sir minister gerald stewart and his wife she would she would she would just look at me in a way if i don't call his right name amen so minister jerusalem as a general license minister amen and faithful young man who love the lord amen and so we're going to invite him to come and minister to us today god bless him as he come amen [Applause] [Music] how great is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and your heart will sing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah and as you remain standing i would ask that you turn to the book of second kings chapter 11. and i read the first three verses it reads thus and when atalia the mother of azaria saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the royal seed but jeshida the daughter of king joram sister of azarea took josh the son of israel and stole him from among the king's sons which were slain and they hid him even him and his nurse in the bed chamber from atalia so that he was not slain and they hid him in the house of the lord six years and atalia did reign over the land bow your heads father we thank you for your goodness this morning lord your words are already anointed hence i asked no lord god that you anoint me your humble servant lord as i am about to deliver a word let it be god almighty that it be not gerald's word but it be your lord let it go forth and do lord what it is that it ought to do hallelujah when this word go forth lord lives will be changed lord god and lord god almighty your name will be glorified lord god almighty and somebody hallelujah will cry out i'll somebody will surrender their lives to thee lord i thank you in advance for what you have already done in jesus name amen praise the lord you may be seated in the house of the lord praise god this morning i'm just so grateful to be found in the house of the lord and not just be found in the house of the lord but be found worthy hallelujah to do something hallelujah in the house of the lord praise god the word of the lord says in a great house there are vessels vessels unto honor and vessels unto this honor i am grateful to the lord this morning that i have been given an opportunity to be a vessel of honor in the house of the lord praise god as i stand here i hate to greet our pastor pastor kellya and his wife praise god i greet minister wind praise god i greet minister black praise god our moderator i greet all the other leaders the deacons the heads of department i greet you in the matchless name of jesus and all god's wonderful people hallelujah and those who are watching praise god very youtube i greet you in the name of jesus praise god uh this morning i also have to make mention of my family my children praise god and of course my dearest wife hallelujah who has been a tower of strength a rock hallelujah praise god and if you as a man have a praying wife hallelujah you can't ask for anything else because prayer changes everything hallelujah come on somebody just lift your hands and give glory to the king of kings and the lord of lords praise god this morning i want to speak to you this morning and a thought came in my head and i said i am going to be speaking in 3d and when nowadays first it's a 3d you're thinking three dimension but i am not talking a three-dimension message this morning praise god but i it's just an acronym praise god and and and it's the acronym for destiny doesn't die praise god hallelujah give god some praise this morning and as long as god is in it destiny doesn't die hallelujah praise god i see in the book of jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 11 uh a very well-known passage of scripture that the lord spoke to the children of israel and he said they were in bondage actually in babylon but he said i know the thoughts that i have towards you thoughts of good and not of evil and i hallelujah who is god will give you an expected end so even in bondage god had great thoughts and hallelujah he had an expected end that was supposed to be the destiny of hallelujah the children of israel in psalms 180 in the psalmist spoke about being encompassed by all nations and like bees they tried to kill him but he said i shall not die but i shall live and declare the works of the lord hallelujah you are here today because destiny would have had you to be here you are here today because god would have allowed you to be here and if god has something planned and prepared for you it doesn't matter how long it takes hallelujah one day hallelujah it will be manifested because god's plan for your life hallelujah will come true and if you let him hallelujah in your life hallelujah your destiny it doesn't die praise god somebody you know in 2003 my wife got pregnant and when she took the test i can't forget as a matter of fact she still has that pregnancy test not one two she took the first test and when she found out that she was of course you would know that i was overjoyed i was so elated and then she said she wasn't so sure so she went to dr brown and on perry street to do another test my heart fainted when i saw her coming out of the doctor's office and there was tears in her eyes i i i i can't tell you how i felt but when she came out and i asked her because i was thinking that she went and did another test and found out that it was a false positive but when she came out she said dr brown ran her out of his office and told her that she was a christian and if she did the test already and found out that she was pregnant why did she come to him for confirmation if it's that she didn't believe in god that had made her pregnant but this pregnancy was different from basically every pregnancy that i have seen because there was no morning sickness no nausea nothing like that as a matter of fact nobody except herself and if she were privy to here and the person who did the pregnancy knew that she was pregnant amen she didn't even wear a maternity dress so nobody at church nobody at work knew that she was pregnant well can i tell you i know you've heard these stories but i was the one that had to go on my sleep every day i had to leave work i was the one that got the sickness sounds strange not true yes it happened i was the one and i guess that's why i'm so close to johnny i was the one that went home to sleep every day i was the one that felt sick so after six months still nobody knew that she was pregnant six months into pregnancy and it never showed she didn't have to buy a maternity dress and we decided to take a trip down into saint elizabeth we had some friends there that we visit often so we went down there for a weekend and the friend that was there was heavily pregnant she was due anytime and janet was six months i went down there and they knew and they spoke and the thing is when we left the friend went into labor the same night in september 2003 and she had her baby now i want you to understand something you pregnancy is a thing that we hear people are we say don't worry about it and something they come it's not something that's going it's something that's coming so you will see well for janet it was coming but you couldn't see it can i speak to somebody today is that spiritually you can be impregnated and nobody knows until your time of delivery can i say something to you i see this young man sitting over here brother raymond and i realized that this young man was pregnant for a number of years but it was not until his brother left come on somebody wonder if you understand what i'm saying until his brother left that was when hallelujah he started to bring forth what was in him but you couldn't see that's all you saw was this young man singing praise god i heard him preaching the other day and my god it was such a profound and powerful message that came from this young man so because janet wasn't sick because she was okay she is the strong one while we were coming back i was rushing to come home and all those curves and turn i somehow forgot that she was pregnant why it wasn't showing and she was strong so i was driving on top speed and even when she said slow down i was still pressing gas to reach back into montego bay when we reached home by the time we reached home she started to suffer some pains and when i looked at her belly i saw it stifled under the saw the baby just i mean my god i started to fret and when we rushed her to the hospital how we got there i said i i used to work at the hospital when we got there i said my wife is not well and she needs to see a doctor they say take a number and go and sit my god they couldn't see that they didn't know she was pregnant if because you if you work in the medical field in the hospital or wherever whenever a pregnant woman comes in and there is any complication she's the top priority they have three cards they have a green card they have a yellow card and they have a red card hallelujah the the yellow card is one that you know you have to wait the the the green card is the one that you that you are not priority but they will see you before the yellow but the red one is urgency they gave her a yellow card and tell her to go and sit my god and then when she sat and started i knew some persons who were working there so i went around and i said listen to me she's pregnant that's how we didn't know he said she's pregnant and again i must say there are persons who are sitting here in this church that is pregnant persons online who are pregnant but because hallelujah it's not showing as yet hallelujah nobody seemed in your head my god nobody seemed to see what is happening but you stayed here as long as you're pregnant you are going to bring forth hallelujah so when i went around they rushed around and took her around and and they said guess what she's in premature labor god then i started to worry and i started to pray but they gave her some medication and the long and short of the story is that the baby was saved because there was a youth service youth week last week and there was a young lady who was destined to be the youth of the year 2021 in king's chapel so even though her father my god you you ought to hear this even though her father was the one my god who drove an almost hey shando i wanted to soak in because i want somebody that is pregnant today to understand something that sometimes even the ones who are closest to you can do something about what you're pregnant with sister is god almighty could somebody lift your hands and give glory to god so destiny cannot die johnny couldn't die she had to be here oh god almighty oh god she could not die hey oh god and if i spoil her janet just understand when i think and remember my god that i could have lost marcus [Music] so destiny as long as god has it in his plan you don't worry about it cannot die no i want to go back to the scripture that i read and this name atalia is not a name that you hear most very often if i i don't even think i remember i've heard a young girl named atalia and there's a reason she had a mother who the only persons that are called by that name is when you're disrespecting somebody and you're speaking speaking about her spirit her mother was jezebel and i'm not a grandparent but this is one thing i'm sure about every grandparent spoil their grandchildren i don't know no grandmother oh no hide i remember when i used to go to the country and granny used to just hide and put something in your hand that's what grandmothers are all about and i guess it's because there are a lot of things that they never got to do for their children so they try to do it for their children's children hallelujah but here is a grandmother and every time there are some stories in the bible that you wish they would have can and all because it was so gruesome she was abs and jezebel's daughter and she had a son called azariah and he did evil because she was his counselor and he did evil in the sight of the lord and then he died he was slain and when he died she didn't want to power to leave so she killed off all her grandsons everyone good god she killed her grandsons because she wanted to keep power but there was one who was about one year old one he was just about one year old and his destiny was to become the next king of jew ah come on somebody he was destined to be the king of judah so when they were killing everybody his body was among the slain they just came in and just killed everybody but i guess because he was so little they didn't see him so can you imagine a one-year-old baby with all his brothers filled with blood he was in that oh god almighty oh god there's something happening in the spiritual realm right now and i just need to speak about it there is so much persons that are dying spiritually right now around you your family your siblings people are just dying spiritually right now but guess what if you are destined if you are called of the lord if god has his mark on you you cannot die but you shall live i speak it today you shall live and hear all this boy was saved and i i am so happy and i'm so glad that we are now here more often and more in numbers to come in the house of the lord his aunt took him and hid him in the house of the lord my god come on somebody he was hid in the house of the lord because destiny was upon him to become the next king and i guess there was nowhere else that was safe can i tell you as long as you stay in god see it and can't come get you that's why atalia couldn't find him because he was hid in the house of god as long as you are hidden in god i don't care what forces come up against you i don't care what the devil wanna do i don't care as long as you remain in god hallelujah the devil can't touch you come on somebody come on somebody as long as you remain in god yeah everybody's dying around you physically and spiritually but whatever you're destined for god almighty i wish somebody could get it like oh i get it oh god help me holy ghost as long as you are destined you can't die oh god come on somebody give god a glory [Applause] so they hit him for six years and when he became seven because he was the royal cd was here to the throne and if you notice she never killed none of the woman she didn't because what the enemy wants to do is to destroy the seed i i preached that message many years ago what the enemy wanted to do as long as there is no seed there can be no replenishing sister sister wind so if the enemy could just pluck out pluck out and pluck out then and even our children were coming this morning and we were just talking about how we were losing especially we were young men my god almighty when you see them sometimes you don't even recognize them god help me holy ghost but if the mark of god is on them and they are destined they have to come back i don't care how far they run i don't care what they're wearing or what they're doing if god mark is on them and destiny oh god sometimes like the prodigal god would allow them hallelujah to go out there and fear some things ah when them see that guess what happened ah there is no better place than in the house they are going to come back sometimes god strips them down to zero oh god and destiny hey lord god almighty brings them back to god hey lord god almighty lord god almighty oh god there's a young man in the bible he was called joseph and he there was there was there was there was a dream as a matter of fact more than one dream greatness was in this boy and because greatness was wrapped up with him oh god his siblings got jealous and decided to kill him but can i tell you you can't kill oh god what god's hands is upon you can't kill what god has this oh god almighty god are destined for greatness so when they thought they were getting rid of him lord jesus i went through him in the pit and when all that he had gone through and persons filled when potiphar felt like he was going to end him all of it was the process for him to reach his destiny he was destined to be what the governor the second in command to the zen ruler of the world can you see a young boy hallelujah who came from humble beginnings oh god like he was a nobody but he was destined and because he remained faithful to god he remained faithful to god and even when he was given the opportunity and when potiphar's wife held unto him he said how can i do this wickedness and sin against my god when you're destined when you're destined when you're destined when you are destined hallelujah you will live we speak to another character his name is david he was destined anointed to become the king over israel so the lion couldn't kill him the beer couldn't kill him praise god goliath could not kill him he was destined to become the king of israel and even when saul saw what was happening he saw this pregnant boy my god with greatness in him and he thought that i need to get rid of him like oh atelier got rid of all the royals he wanted to get rid of david but my god almighty when you are destined oh god for greatness so even when it chews fear oh god when it's you it's javelina david my god almighty he couldn't kill him can i repeat it again the devil can't do you nothing unless god gives him permission i want to repeat the scripture in your hearing that you quote often the word of god says all things work together for good to them that love our god almighty so sometimes when something starts to happen and you don't understand and sometimes you're even saying it's the devil my god god is propelling you to your dest my god almighty god is pushing you to move fast and listen to me let me tell you something ah god almighty there are some people in your life oh god almighty and it stress your neighbor your spouse your children but it's pushy it's pushing you too fast and pray more and because god has a place that he wants you to reach in order for your destiny to be fulfilled god allowed these things to happen oh god almighty come on somebody lift your hands and give glory to the lord come on somebody give glory to the lord nobody could kill david until he ascended the throne and when he ascended the troll hallelujah he created great feat and up till this day when we talk about kings of israel the first name that comes to mind is david great king as a matter of fact even jesus when he was being approached by blind bartimaeus he said jesus thou son of david oh god almighty david was destined for greatness you have holy ghost have you been baptized in jesus name you are destined for greatness and wherever you are right now can i tell you you're pregnant but some of you don't even you don't even know that you're pregnant with something everybody that got the holy ghost got a gift that means you're pregnant with something but can i tell you god almighty you got to nurture hey lord god if if if when you go to the prenatal cleaning they tell you this is what you are to eat this is what you are not to eat in order for you to have a healthy baby my god almighty in order for that which is in you to come forth with power you've got to feed it my god almighty fasting praying seeking the face of the lord come on somebody can i get a hallelujah my god my god my god my god you're pregnant and god is our god almighty the ways of god are first finding out so there are some people the regular pregnancy is nine months the elephant i don't know if they say it's 12 months or something but with god hallelujah god you can be pregnant for 10 years with a ministry can i tell you when i was 18 an old missionary told me god almighty that the anointing of my father would be upon me and i laughed because i didn't even want to hear but take me back about 20 years later my god when i had an encounter with the most high makushanda i lord god and i started to bring forth what god would have placed in me hallelujah my god can i tell somebody it doesn't matter how long it takes what god has put in you can't die [Applause] [Music] you're pregnant you're pregnant you're pregnant you know that you are somewhere you can feel it but you don't know what it is but can i tell you lord jesus start to nurture it start to feed a shackle you better feed that baby that god has placed in you ah lord god almighty because you will so that same cruel jezebel after after elijah killed all the prophets of baal she sent elijah a message she said be it that tomorrow this time you shall be like those men that you killed oh god can somebody help me now and elijah got scared and started to run lord jesus hid himself in a cave said god take my life because oh god nobody not hearing me nobody not listening to me and this very same jezebel has killed of all the prophets and ayalu and his life god says shut up my god there are seven thousand which have not bowed their knees to jezebel now the prophet not baal but god what elijah didn't know that he was destined oh god to go up into heaven in a fiery chariot god don't have to tell you where he is bringing you but stay hallelujah with god because if you ain't god almighty if you stay with never in my wildest dreams did i ever think that god almighty the place that i am today in every aspect of my life i owe it to god lord jesus young people stay with god stay with god stay with god because god is said nothing good will he withhold ah yes there be mistakes yes there'll be disasters but but but if you stay with god he will elevate your lord jesus lord god almighty if you stay with god oh god can i say something in 2020 good god while in a rainy day i was going through now coming over that hill and somehow my truck got out of control and it flipped over and even no i'm trying oh god almighty to figure out how how did this happen how am i alive how is that there was no bronze bones broken oh is that the young men that were on the truck back nothing happened to them i can say it is only god and of course i was destined to be here this morning to deliver this word that somebody who is going through something lord god almighty somebody who is being pressured somebody who is being pressed love god better winter sometime it gets rough i gotta see your brother j mario i remember your accident you should have died but destiny said my god you shall not you better declare the works of the lord lord god almighty asked so many times pastor has given his testimony and sometimes it's a return to hear it but you have to understand you don't understand like he understands the things that god has a god almighty hey god almighty ah sister ayah center if it's not destiny called a shout out sir come on somebody lift up the name of jesus anybody here ever had a near death experience i thought you would call shanda you thought you would have died but destiny sister moody destiny said you were to be here to echo shutter lord god almighty we had better moody better movie years ago you should have but that's a quotient ah god almighty could somebody come on get up get up get up we are all pregnant here this morning and we are god almighty going to bring forth lord god some one more pregnant some two months old and there are some we just about ready to bring echo shutter my god almighty whatever is in you cannot die it can't die because if god says it ought to be so makushanda ah you know i believe that we are more concerned about physical debt than spiritual debt so we try our best to ensure that our physical bodies are well kept but can i tell you this lord god sometimes while you're trying to ensure that your physical body oh god is okay your spiritual body is dying your spiritual body is dying but can somebody speak again to defeat us that is within them i say live crucify [Music] my god my god i shall not die but i shall live i shall not die but i stay [Applause] live you shall live and declare ah yah oh sander [Music] lift your hands everywhere lift your hands everywhere ah give god glory [Music] ah i shall sister alien don't worry about sam he's destined makuu shutter lord god almighty hey [Music] jesus jackie don't worry about andrew god hand upon him not worry yourself [Music] lord god almighty ah listen to me sometimes sometimes oh god almighty remember remember it was a nurse who hit that boy he didn't go and hide himself to stay alive sometimes oh god i'm closing i'm coming down but sometimes oh god has anointed you to be a nurse for some people ah they can't help themselves oh god they're too young but oh god as i speak i have to look into myself because god has checked some people in the house because that's where they put them god has put them in your church [Music] lord jesus if you're here today you're here today and and you're not sure where you are [Music] you're not sure where you are and you feel like defeat us you'll feel like that spirit that god put in your way you're supposed to bring forth is dying or dead i can tell you this sister mary greatness mark [Music] sometimes sometimes like my wife whatever it is that is in you will go into premature labor that means it's coming out but it's not the time but it took a doctor to give the medication jesus because sometimes their giftings and i told god from i was about 15 or 16 god anything that you are gonna give to me if it's gonna cause me to lose my way god don't whether i be spiritual financial any kind i don't want it because above all else brother razan above violence [Music] hands lifted eyes closed you're going to talk to the lord about what is in you and if it's nothing yet in you if the spirit of god is not yet in you [Music] can i say something when a woman is pregnant even if nobody can see it like when janet was pregnant she knows because she feels that thing on the inside if you don't feel anything sister love something is wrong you need to go and check up yourself you need to see the physician you need to see the doctor something is wrong with your baby if you can't tell when last to speak if you can't have enough to feel your knight in your knee to see the doctor marcus lord god almighty if you have the holy ghost in you are you not feeling nothing you need figure check ah jesus i said lord what is happening i can't feel you oh lord [Applause] i don't care where you are right no i'm not talking where you're sitting in this building i'm talking in your spirit uh i'm talking in your mind i don't care where you are no you can't be at a place that god can't find you if you are not safe god is calling you this word is unto you god ah lord god is calling you to come up come up i will do a new thing in you lord jesus i will do a new thing i will do a new thing ah god almighty [Music] don't as long as god has his hand on your destiny it can't die as long as god's hand is on your baby it can't die it has to live it has to live but you have to nurture you don't want to bring forth a a malnourished anemic baby one more time before i take you put down this microphone lift your hands and if there is anybody here [Music] if there's somebody here and you're not saved god is calling you you're not yet baptized in jesus name you've not yet received the gift of the holy ghost these altars are open i call you don't let this day pass and if if you're if you're here and you can't tell the last time you felt that baby in your move you need to come to these altars oh shut up ah the presence of god is india you pray oh yeah oh god [Music] oh [Music] can i tell you it's nothing embarrassing to walk to these altars today as a work of faith in a low in god higher [Music] this is the day [Music] i believe today god is calling young men young men young man if you're here don't be afraid i said if you're not feeling that power oh god ah yeah [Music] here are some young men at the altar is there somebody a nurse somebody a justina who believes that you can don't be afraid [Music] sometimes by force [Music] [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] for too long destined for greatness but struggling in the womb lord jesus struggling [Music] [Music] today [Music] the lord has spoken today god has spoken the lord has spoken [Music] and we will not in the name of jesus allow the spirit of destruction to come in this place in the name of jesus i speak macro shatter every spirit of destruction i say lord jesus in the name of jesus listen god has started our work and he's gonna do it in the house of god today so i don't care [Applause] what the enemy wants to do we shall be victorious god bless you in jesus name [Music] is [Music] for [Music] nothing shall beat you down [Music] [Applause] i [Music] whatever [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] shall be denied [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you pray for [Music] these young men are standing at the altar i'm gonna ask everyone to have their heart and want a card that your desire in your heart is to see the power of god manifest in the lives of our brothers and sisters and even to the extent of those can you can you just keep your keep it down so that they can hear what i am saying please so that the manifestation of the power of god can demonstrate in the lives of the believers and even so extend to those who are not safe if you are here and you are not saved i'm asking you to just walk up here if you are here you're not safe i'm asking you to come up to the altar if you're just holding on by trade and you're not so sure you're at the crossroad of confusion you feel like going back you feel like coming forward something just have yours trapped somewhere in your life you want to do ministry you want to do something for god but you just don't have that push that strength to do so those of us who would like to witness to others but we are afraid we have to pray for the spirit of boldness and if you have the spirit of boldness you will not be afraid to witness hallelujah so i'm going to ask you wherever you are in your life you know the hindrances you know what is holding you back i'm going to ask you to release yourself of such today hallelujah because god is here and he is a deliverer he's here to supply your needs wherever you are in your life whatever is hindering you praise team i'm gonna ask you to go ahead and sing hallelujah hallelujah and hallelujah like you i am praying everybody [Music] [Music] young man [Music] [Music] i pray for your deliverance i pray for freedom so i pray for your spirit to be free in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hey hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i pray for them to be relieved o god and be let loose from what the enemy is holding them back on in the name of jesus i pray for complete deliverance oh god cause your anointing to break the yoke in the name of jesus that the enemy will not trust them anymore oh god but relieve them of god in the name of jesus have your way now i find every forces of evil that come against them in the name of jesus in the name of jesus for them to be free in the name of jesus liberate and know kind god we call on you the art and finisher of our faith deliverance in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] the name [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah we put those hands in the presence of god live the hallelujahs to those hands in the presence of god in the name of jesus it's about time we travail we need to travail we need to travail in the spirit hallelujah we sit at ease too easy in zion when it comes to this moment we need to travail hallelujah hallelujah we need to join force hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes lord break the chain lord god break the chain jesus break that and destroy that spell in the name of jesus so that the enemy will not have preeminence over your people in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we command you to be free we command you to be delivered in the name of jesus christ you will not hear this word and walk out of here the way you came so we pray for delivering spirit from god to set you free to liberate you from that bondage from whole and from resisting in the name of jesus yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah you are here in this place i worship you [Music] i worship you hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord i worship you for what you are doing for what you're about to do for what you have done [Music] everybody [Music] is is is who you are [Music] [Music] you are here [Music] you are here lord i worship you is is [Music] is yes lord [Music] there must be a shift in the elements is me [Music] heavenly father god created possessor of heaven on earth the only righteous judge of all in you we live and move and have our being we stand before you this morning lord we call on your kind god that you will move on our behalf that you will touch the life of every believer everyone that walked through these doors god will not leave the way they came i pray that your word will challenge them and that it will be recorded against this day when it was preached i pray god that you will bring deliverance oh god break the chains of darkness break the chain of any credit the chain of rebellions the chain of uncleanness and unrighteousness oh god send deliverance from your holy throne oh god and liberate man out of their bondage let not the enemy prevail oh god against us kind goddess we're about to shiver one from the other i pray you bring us back at your point in time decided by you have your way in the name of jesus in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah you may oh [Music] remember services even at six o'clock [Music] don't know [Music] don't know how know oh [Music] [Music] [Music] only because lift up your hands in the name of jesus you
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L5XFq6SZ3-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 50sec (7550 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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