Kingdom Come // Will Hart // 4.7.2018 [PM]

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I who's ready who's ready to finish strong tonight without further ado let me walk them up my my new bestie my best friend I'm gonna call you day and night and send you text messages all the time I'm just kidding that's creepy but please honor help me honor will heart you like it like this [Applause] what's that see if read I preached my guts out you guys didn't get that excited but I throw on a t-shirt and suddenly everybody gets all excited up in this place I pour out my life message share about my kids and my family my way to do is throw on this thing all eyes now and all attention I love the Huskies I feel so good about them what I know I'm kidding I'm not that Huskies right Huskies no Huskers okay what is a Husker by the way corn I love corn a lot no I'm just kidding I know what a Husker is I think just first of all yeah whoever gave me this amazing sweatshirt yeah what's your engine thank you so much sweetie I really appreciate it uh what's that mama Susan mama sue who's your mom oh that's that's your mom to like biologically no just spirit you're like the spirit mom yeah that's awesome mama sue thank you so much for the gift I've thoroughly enjoyed myself here and I've really I'm really thankful of it that you guys invited me out yeah I get to a very I'm trying to travel less now and and I really am I've been traveling so much and and I even started hacking away at my calendar things that I said yes to when it came to this one I almost I almost well just let you almost canceled it I really felt like the Lord was calling me out here I really I really I said that that first service and I never picked things off you know geographic or its crowd size or anything like that I really I really I told the Lord one like when I first started miss you I'll go anywhere there's hunger anywhere anywhere there's hunger I'll go as long as there's hungry and unless it's like a missions trip then where there's no hunger because they don't know I'll go I'll go there too all day long and and I've just been really really last bite by the hunger in this place and bite by just the realness I feel like I can be myself here and they don't have to walk on eggshells and I [Music] but it was met with love which which made me appreciate you guys even more I've had such a great time thank you for letting me come and please I'm gonna get it just a little bit of business out in the front just because in the end I just want to go move right into ministry but yeah my my pray pray for pray for us pray pray for my wife and myself and my family I know there's I love prayer warriors all around the world and you know some some of you guys have little lists and put us on your list we just we need as much prayers we need more prayer now than ever work we're seeing a radical missions movement wrought raised up around the world and we face just the craziest trials on a daily basis and I would just ask you guys pray for us if the Lord ever puts it on on your heart please surround my wife and my kids might my wife's name is mu C mu s why I have Joshua ya and kits Joshua and Bella and Josiah those are my that's my crew and please please please pray for us we we're uh we're amazing we're an amazing crew and and and we did something about two years ago two and a half years ago when my wife my wife was diagnosed with stage four Hodgkin's lymphoma and it was bad bad bad that like super bad pastor diaphragm went all through her body and what made it worse is like it crew in her for like two years and she be like I don't feel rounds like you feel fine you know and uh okay that maybe that wasn't funny I thought it was funny but anyway cancers it's a sensitive subject I apologize it is you know it's funny when you go through it you have to like for me I try to laugh about everything I find that I can't be too serious about about things cuz there's so much to really be serious about so anything I try to I try to see the brighter side of it of everything but but even in the middle of that horrible season and it was he was absolutely horrible we we saw so much of God in it and we began to ask some very difficult questions in our own life we began to ask questions like are we seeing what we said we were gonna do with our lives are we actually doing the thing that we said we were gonna do with our lives and it was amazing the goodness of God in His goodness he had set us up he knew what was coming I want to tell you guys something God knows what he's doing on your life he does he knows what he's doing he knows what's coming next week next month next year he knows he he's the God he's a God of creation he knows everything and reality is my wife and I were in a really horrible situation before she got diagnosed we we um we were not doing good I was running around the world seeing amazing miracles signs and wonders and and just seeing the gospel advanced at such a rapid pace but on the home front we weren't doing good and I came home to a wife that was that was not happy with me not just once but trip after trip after trip after trip and I was at a point where I was gonna we're just gonna go one of two ways and for me I don't quit on anything I am I'm like a I'm like an ornery pitbull like I just latch on and and don't let go even if you just like beaten me you know I just I'm like a loyal beagle I'm like a loyal husky so no okay and and I don't know why I'm sharing this but you know we we were we were at a point of making a decision right who's gonna go one way or the other and and I came back to my house I said I'm not gonna be a statistic I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be a statistic I'm not gonna go through my life and and share the same stories everybody else has shared I'm not gonna I'm gonna choose to live my life the way that I know God is calling me and not fall into patterns now fall into patterns just based off of circumstance and real issues real things that it will be they were real real real things not there wasn't sin except for unforgiveness and then I repent since that was a major sin it wasn't we weren't in a bad place because of radical sin in our lives like like like you know the horrible sins that'll cause a lot of families to to go through difficulties but but but pride unforgiveness and unrepentant is a sin and and and so I came home and and she was getting ready to pack up and and take off for a week or two and we were gonna split the kids up and just I would go my way she'd go her ways and we would come back and rejoin when uh when we got our act together again and and as soon as I found that one I just drew a line in the sand I said I will not become a statistic oh well not oh not do that and and we went I found this place in Colorado middle of nowhere and for two weeks I got yelled at two weeks I paid some guy to yell at me in marriage counseling it was it was crazy I can't believe people make money that way and it was about a week and a half into it and it all it really hit the fan I don't know what let's say start down this road I can't really beer off and get back to something else but we'll go here for a minute and you know I was praying my whole this whole time I was going GOG you've called me you called me to do something you've called us where we're gonna go we're gonna reach the nation's we're gonna reach Hollywood we're gonna reach you know we're gonna do Crusades gonna do all these things and they were all going really well but I had this one word on my life over ministering in Hollywood and I don't care about like it's not like I'm looking to minister in Hollywood we're looking to minister to famous people and but-but-but God he had done little things here and there but it never happened that the the way and the word that God had given me hadn't come to fruition yet and I don't know about you guys maybe some of you guys have words on your life where it's like it's like like for me you know for me they've grown as I've grown in the Lord but there was just one word that kept coming up as like media media Hollywood and like I was hitting this thing and God like furious love came out and then Holy Ghost came out and and all those flakes began to open up doors but the fullness of the thing that that was prophesied over me I never saw it but I find myself in marriage counseling I find myself going I don't care if I see any of that all I care about is this amazing woman you gave to me Lord and and if this falls apart then everything else is gonna fall apart and and if you called me to be a husband and a father and and in a minister then it's how I handle it it's not how you handle it god of course you're gonna handle it with me but it's how I handle it that's gonna see whether this thing is going to be successful or not and so I so so I'm sitting there I'm getting yelled at paying a guy $8,000 to yell at me and I got to a point in my life I got to a point in the session where I was like that's it I'm done and I used my gift in an unhealthy way I thought you guys might like this I told him about his life Oh whatever you would have done the same don't judge me yeah whatever like you can only take so much I was like oh you tell me about my life and let me tell you about your life and I was really I'm really it was not a good thing but so I told him about his life and his jaw dropped I left I walked out of the room and I was so angry I was so upset I was just so upset at the whole thing any of you through seasons like that in your life you know what you know what that's like and I'm sitting out there in the waiting room it was small there was only about three they only do three marriage couples at a time and each one gets their own counselor and so you know we walked in in the morning everybody's got coffee like heads down and there's like like three couples show up and like we all go our separate raids into our rooms and we just sit there and get browbeat all day long and so like I lose it I'm out boom door slams and I go and I sit out in the waiting room it's funny like the woman at the desk she's like slides a little glass door shut and uh and I'm sitting there I'm like oh man I left the rental keys in the room like I left my little rental car keys in there I was like now going back in there so I'm gonna wait this one out it's the middle of nowhere there was like nothing to do no place to go Colorado somewhere I don't remember it wasn't about five minutes later that I hear the same sort of ruckus coming from like one of the other rooms like I was like I was like I'm not the only one and they're like bang door slams this dude comes walking out hood like his hood up over his head and he comes and he sits down looking about as far away from me as possible and and we're just sitting there just seething like and Ino like finally cuz I don't like sign land say I go buddy it looks and sounds like you had a seat a session like mine today and he's like yep I was like you want to get out of here he's like yep I was like let's go and I just pony out like with this guy I've never met before we're both seething angry I was like you got your rental I left my keys in there he's like bro let's go and we go out and we're we're driving we're driving in the middle of nowhere Colorado I don't know how I'm gonna like bring this back into my message tonight but we're driving in the middle of nowhere Colorado we're driving the middle of nowhere Colorado Anna and and he's like he's like what do you do man and I was like I'm not saying I'm an inspirational motivational like there's no way I'm letting this guy know what's going on and I'm like dancing around this thing like oh I'm a minister I preach the gospel my marriage is falling apart like no I'm not going to do that so and I'm like what do you do he's like nothing I don't do that much look familiar and in my heart I'm going man this guy looks so familiar but and then and then as soon as I'm thinking that he goes you look so familiar man and I'm like oh no I don't I get that a lot but now he goes renewing some sort of like Christian movie yeah yeah whatever this is and I was like maybe but as he says that he looks at me he's like oh man I saw the thing in it and I see him and I go I won't go into who was but a list actor been in movies that every single one of you has seen I end up spending the next week with this guy and his wife you know I was crying out to have influence in people and and and the word of the Lord was that I would be able to reach out to a certain community honestly from that one relationship there's been more access and open doors into community I don't even really talk about so I'm not here to talk about that part of it but it came when I faced my garbage the prophetic answer didn't come when I got it fixed it came when I humbled myself enough to face my garbage and the Lord just immediately said Oh done now I'm gonna no I'm gonna now I'm gonna make that thing happen that thing's been prophesied over your life for years still to this day there isn't a greater open door that I have in that community and I don't like I said I'm not I'm not trying to talk about that I don't care about that but it happened when I humbled myself it happened when I realized that I wasn't seeing the fullness of what God had for me and I took steps in order to fix it two weeks after we came home from that my wife and I got the gut noticed that she had radical cancer we faced the most difficult season of our life if we hadn't have done that we wouldn't have made it through the second season he's a god of seasons he's a God that knows exactly where you're at and he's a god that has this whole thing under control and I think and what I want to encourage you guys is is when all else fails go back to the basics repentance and forgiveness I think a lot of us we make this thing very very complicated we make it overly complicated I understand why I understand why it's complicated because there's a lot of moving parts in all of this there's a lot of hurt feelings there's a lot of thoughts and emotions but at the end of the day when you when you go god I'm gonna run this race that you have set before me and and and I love that terminology because God uses that terminology in the word he goes run the race that's set before you there's there's an ability in any race to check out there's an ability in any race not to not to run there's ability in any race to run faster than other people there's an ability in any race as you can tell I'm a race man look I just race men I don't think that's the word but it is it is if your hands it is in your hands how are you handling what God's given you are you setting it in two coasts are you setting it in two like oh you gave me this word so I'm gonna see it in a sweet by-and-by there's something very beautiful about the grace of God where he comes in and drops good gifts on his children cuz he's God it's God it's who he is but then there's this other part where where he goes are are you willing to pay a price are you willing to go where no one else is willing to go are you willing to stay where you're at and go I'm ready I'm calling these things that are not as though they are I will not become another statistic I will not be the person that I here at the altar said I'm going to say God I didn't give my life to you I didn't do that thing and and and regretting it like there is a decision that we get to make of whether we will we will check out and live off of a movement from the past and live off of the grace from another season or we acknowledge in our lives that hey I need this thing to go further and I will not let this thing pass me by I'm gonna jump right in with two feet I'm gonna jump right in with everything that I have it is in those times I believe with everything inside of me that it is in those times where God goes boom that's somebody I can work with that's somebody that that I am willing to run even further that's somebody that's hungry enough to go deeper and a lot of times we feel like it's at the altar that God makes those decisions and yes he does make initial decisions at the altar it's when you rather become God Here I am choose me take me use me I'll go anywhere I'll do anything but that's the beginning but then we enter into this journey of moving from glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to glory and it's in those from glory to glory that we have the ability to check out we have the ability to coast we have the ability to settle and I believe that that that that even for some of you guys that there can be a season of settling in your life a season of settling into patterns going God it was supposed to be this way but it's not it was supposed to turn out this way but it's not and we and we begin to settle and I believe that the Lord today is asking you if you if you are willing those who have ears to hear are you willing to once again pay a price are you willing once again to take a look at where you're at and go God you promised me something and it's not the way that I thought it was gonna be and it doesn't mean that he's wrong it doesn't mean that he's not God it doesn't mean that you've missed him it just means it's time to take a look and I believe when we do that we have one of two things we have we can go one of two ways we can we can get sad into president God doesn't love me which a lot of people do or we go no no no he's actually calling me deeper he's actually calling me into the depths a little bit more and I've been staying at waist depth for so long and he's actually calling me even deeper he's calling me like I spoke to the pastor's the first day I came here and Jesus comes onto the boat and he says let your Nets down again and they said master we've worked hard all night we haven't caught the thing I feel like many of you in this place you've been working hard you've been going after it but you haven't caught the thing that you know he is asking you to do you haven't fully yet caught the thing that God has fully given you and he's asking you to go deep again well I went deep I went deep ten years ago and it didn't come out the way that I wanted it to tough do it again because the season that you're about to enter into unless you deal with what you need to now you're not gonna be able to come through the other side see the reality is I had to lose my almost lose my wife her heart and then physically her body for me to go oh my god are we doing this thing that God's called us to do are we actually living our life to the fullness of what Christ himself has called us to and you don't have to wait for chaos in order for that to happen the reality is it's just physically in us we get to the end and then we go who am i what am i where am i but God he allows us to enter into that now and see the beautiful thing about Christ is every time his answer is yes amen come on oh yeah let's go his every time his answer is I love you I've been waiting for you they've been waiting for you this whole time come come let's go again let's do this again he is a god that is new every morning we are only ones that say the same day after day he's new every morning his purpose and his call is yes in amen everything he is saying over you it's true it is true he is not a God that lies but the question is not God what are you doing because we already know what he's doing the question is what can I do from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take the kingdom by force see we have no problem doing in the spirit realm or maybe we do we're called to go after the kingdom with force so the violence with the holy violence you know that the Lord loves violent people he does look at his disciples they were not earthy crunchy hippies look at the oh just read the entire Old Testament he loves salt of the earth he loves farmers he loves he loves he loves fishermen he loves people that work he loves people that that plow that he even in the story of when he calls the disciples he comes to them on their boat he loves people with with with rough childhoods he loves people that that that that that should not be used God is a God that uses people that that that should not be used it's who he is it's all that he's done throughout history he loves broken people he loves difficult cases he loves entering in because you find somebody that gets up and works hard every morning you'll find somebody that as soon as they get Christ in their heart they're giving their whole life to them non-stop my spiritual father was one of these men my spiritual father was oh and you know and most nobody will ever really know his name because because he was one of those hidden ones he was one of those ones that that that that was not on the pulpit a lot he was not on the famous stuff he didn't write books but but my god he carried God his name was Bob most people called him Captain Bob because he was a Cathy as a captain of a fishing fleet out of Point Judith Rhode Island captain Bobby at a young age about 15 years old he went on to the fishing docks and and started to serve on a fishing boat by the age of 18 years old he became one of the youngest sea captain's in Rhode Island and then I think even one one of the youngest on the entirety of the East Coast by 20 to 20 years old he was like a master captain by 23 he got his pilot's license by 25 he had he had planes and he would fly up above and spot tuna down below Radio down to his fleet now and they would go in the harpoon tuna he would spot them he would send his boats out they would harpoon like massive bluefin tuna and he created like a massive wealth I he wasn't a true orphan in the sense but I think his parents got rid of him when he was really really young he had every strike against him but he was this guy that was like insanely tough in saint-like like have you ever seen Popeye you know you know like you know you know like like like totally like ripped head to show but like like head to toe but just like like weird to look at and like like free but but he wasn't young he had like old man body and and it was like you know saggy skin and weathered you know from being out on the boat all day but he was just like an ox like the man was crazy he married when he was very young and married in his early 20s and he married the woman of his dreams they've Suzy and and they could never have kids they lived their life desiring kids but they could never have any and Bob and Susie grew up she became a nurse he ran the fishing business and he worked seven days a week seven days a week all day every day Susie loves Jesus Bob had a relationship with God right because you're a captain you go out for days on boats you're in the middle of nowhere you better have some sort of relationship with God because it's either it's you and God and that boat that teeny little thing and the waves are big and the fisherman you're working with are mean you got to have some relationship and Bob he had like this God relationship but didn't read the Bible Bob was either in the Mafia for the CIA I'm fully convinced he's the weirdest man I ever met you want to hear a couple should I tell you like can we do an inception a little story within a story I'm with Bob this is years later after he's in ministry and I'm in ministry we're driving down after like a massive revival meeting people get healed saved like set free and I'm driving down the car like in the car from the church to the hotel and the power gods all over me and Bob spins around he goes if anybody ever hurts you or your wife do not call the police I'm like why Bob what are you talking about and Suzie was in the front seat she's like we'll like don't say anything and I'm like what do you mean Bob he's like Shh don't call the cops put it in the freezer when I go what in the freezer bub what the heck are you talking about he's like just the freezer still I he passed away I have no idea what it means but I do know that if that if something was supposed to go around I was gonna call Bob Susie I was with Susie and she goes Willy what I hear story I said sure yeah yes I would travel around that I meet all these crazy people like unsaved people they walk up they're like they're like Bob they're like Captain Bob and he was like salute like they would stand to attention I was like who are these like that's that's Tommy no-neck he you know he worked the docks for you know 15 years and if you needed a body to go missing he knew the guy that knew a guy like you took care of it like this is New England like I know you guys don't have that here he's like I did time with him and like that's who bob was he told me Suzy told me a story of like this is who bob was he he for fun he would just get plastered this is before he knew god he'd he'd go into bars and just get into fistfights excuse one of the strongest guys there he's in a he's in a bar knocks out ten guys if a guy puts his hand on his shoulder Bob swings around breaks the guy's jaw to see that it's a state trooper that was called in ends up in the hospital in the hospital bed next to Bob Bob's handcuffed to the bed it was like a small Hospital and within about two hours they become best friends like that's who he was like I know that that sounds weird but do you know that sort of personality type like like just totally crazy but like could be anyone to anyone love people but love them weird like does that are you guys alive you guys are looking super strange like don't do this to me like for the love of all things holy I'm wearing your colors like I put this thing on like do something besides just staring at me for the love of God like please I beg you I'm talking about my dead spiritual father here later like do something like like that's wonderful [Laughter] this was a Pentecostal Church for real okay ah okay I should probably read a scripture too here we go I just lost my temper on you guys I apologize please don't let me do that again put it really well put it in the freezer shave face okay listen Oh God it's Christmas right and in Susie I forget what story I was telling but Susie Susie Susie slike Susie's like this teeny little girl like a hundred pounds soaking wet she's like Bob I don't want anything from you for Christmas all I want is that you just come to church with me and Bob's like oh you know but but she's like please Bobby please come to church and and insert soup up goes with Susie to church and it was like a it was a liturgical church and I believe it's Lutheran you know um you know robes and all this stuff and I love that stuff in in and in until Bob's there and Susie's you know praying and and the pastor gets up at the end of the service you know the Christmas services Christmas or Easter don't quote me on it and and he's like by the way thank you for coming to today's service like we are looking for a new head deacon in the church and and Bob goes see because the reality is everybody wants to be used by God everybody does everybody wants to be used by God it doesn't matter like you know that you're put on this planet for something and you know that God plays a role and everybody wants to be used by God and Bob even though he didn't fit in any of the churchy boxes or faith boxes as soon as someone puts something in front that goes oh you God wants to use you it lit something inside of him and he walks up because he had no filters he walks into the past and goes he goes - I'm your new Tekin and the pastor's like whoa no and right there on the spot the pastor comes up with like a series of tasks that any deacon acid well if you're to become a deacon then you need to be attending here for 32 months and like like he goes through this whole list he creates this thing you have to read this book in this book and Bob's like done where do I sign do you think I'm just telling you a story I'm not but my point is the story of my story is the point if you hear what I'm saying all he's looking for is hunger all thought is looking for it the simplicity of your heart being hungry after him and everybody makes it out to like this fire thing or like ah like and I love that but the reality at the end of the days it is your heart in his it is your heart and his everybody I don't care if you stand up the loudest and scream from the top of your lungs at the end of the day if it is a show if you're doing it to impress other people it's just words and that with nothing behind it see at the end of the day God knows what's inside of you and your husband can make it happen and your wife can't make it happen and your friends can't make it happen at the end of the day when your head hits the pillow do you say the same things you say here at the altar if you don't then you're probably not being honest if you're coming up here and saying those things and you don't actually mean it you don't actually follow through you're not telling the truth somewhere in there somewhere in there you're trying to deceive someone something yourself or God or maybe it's just a desire maybe you're just going if I say it enough it might happen and you know what and the goodness of God he can actually take that and use that I'm not knocking that but what I am saying is maybe this is your twentieth time at the altar you're not doing the thing that you said you were going to do what I'll plow that thing I'm a plumber Husker I almost said husky like almost not on purpose they just they have mental problems help me Jesus I'm your new Deacon it takes Bob for years to become head deacon but he doesn't just become like head deacon he becomes like the guy that checks everybody out as they walk in the door like if somebody walks up for the pastor bris like what's up what are you doing with you I'm here you know he'd stand there like and he would like clean bathrooms and he would like to bake sales like his whole life became the church because when you find somebody that is hungry it doesn't matter what their level of spirituality is that when you find any man or woman that's hungry that has a desire and his willing to fully yield themselves it doesn't matter what it looks like it doesn't matter what would it manifest that they give themselves entirely and it doesn't matter how spiritual or how much they read their Bible God will take the littlest of the little and he will bless him he will blow on it he will move that thing that's why it's available to all of us I've seen people with the worst credentials moving the most radical miracles because it has nothing to do with the out where it has everything to do with the heart people look at the outside for the Lord looks at the heart what's in your heart see a lot of times we get around a movement of miracles signs and wonders and we forget what's actually in our heart because we come up we become a voice that's repeating everybody else's and we live our lives vicariously through the ministers that are around us and we forget it's just us in him at the end of the days yes yes is your no no see with Bob it might not make you feel comfortable but if he said yes done barry's would be bodies we put in freezers or whatever it meant I think he was talking about bodies I don't know for sure you're like well that's not right listen he wouldn't kill somebody you just hire somebody to do it Tony no neg I don't know if you guys have that here but I have it on the coast like some of the roughest toughest guys are fishermen so Bobby comes to super deacon right the super deacon but he had the elves and the stoles and the whole thing you know just going into Church and he do it all like he would set up communion and love the kids like he loved these little kids cuz he never had any kid see when you serve this thing comes out of you when you give yourself fully when you don't hold back anything even if it takes you for years you find that thing and he didn't have any kids but he loved kids and even know how to even talk to kids he would he would get rusty old fishing hooks like they used to catch thousand-pound tuna and he would string fishing line through them and give them the kids like fish hook necklace for you fish hook necklace for you fish necklace for you and the parents were so scared of him because he was like this auger they're like just take it and give it to me after the service like Bob would put rusty barbs buy children's jugulars and he thought it was okay but he did it out of radical love and radical service I'm telling you you take the heart of a normal man and a normal woman too hungry to serve and give in God will use it he's driving around town one day he's driving around town one day and he's listening nineteen ninety-four something comes on the radio a gentleman named Hank Hannah Rath whoa he goes there's a false revival broken out in Toronto if it touches your church a little infect it'll kill it'll shut it down and Satan will enter in and Bob goes not my church not my church it won't he turns his truck around goes to his house go Suzy get in the truck and that day drives to Toronto come on come on you know this type of person you have uncles and aunts here like Lords you touch them please save them they're the worst Lord and they're the ones that God wants to use the most they're the ones that are set up and ready through your husband's they're your kids they're their ones you're like oh if George would just meet Jesus and humble himself like no no he needs to be rough in raw because it's those people that run at God it's those people and everybody else you're going what do you think what do you think how do you feel do you think God wants me to do this or like I don't know let's go get something done like let's go and he's like oh okay I got nine hours boom let's go and he boogies out drives nine hours to Toronto shows up in Toronto with the heartbeat of shutting it down before he lands in Toronto drop Susie off at a hotel five minutes from the church goes God uses Manny doesn't use women's go here I got to go do some work and he opens up the doors to Toronto and gets ready to shut that sucker down and honestly if there is anybody that could have it would have been him I'm gonna get in the word don't worry I've been preaching so much word and I love it but I want to share you the story it's a little long but I got the Bible and I'm gonna use it here let me just do something cuz I feel it they're all it's all really good there are different kinds of gifts with the same spirit there are different kinds of service but the same Lord there are different kinds of working but the same God works all of these gifts in all men say all that includes Bob that includes you that includes your husband that's not fully saved yet that that includes everyone he works all the gifts in all men oh oh regardless of whether you think they should be moving in it or not what does God look for hunger he looks he walks up to disciples and goes I have a decision for you to make do you want to come with me make a decision make a decision that's how he called him the people that change the plan in each and every one of them rough and tough they were rough around the edges it means there's help for me it means there's hope for you this politeness is not a fruit of the Spirit it's not it's not Bob stand there he's developing a plan and I was gonna shut the thing down looks sure right there's this kid standing next to them like nine years old chewing bubblegum Bob goes hey kid because yeah he goes what are you doing here trying to get some Intel I don't know what he's doing the kid goes my mom brought me here she's crazy oh all the people in here are crazy everybody here is crazy look at them and they're all like Bob goes I know kid they're all crazy I'm gonna shut this thing down the kid goes I'd like to see that Bob turns around to make a decision how was he gonna do this I don't know but as he's standing there he sees the soccer ball roll down the aisle in front of him and he turns to his right again where the kid was and the kid is now out on the ground shaking violently into the power of the holy spirit bob has a decision to make see you think it has to be some revelation angel like you think and I love that I want that I've had those experiences but the reality is in a moment the Holy Spirit takes a man's heart in a way that only God can communicate to him he knew that though all the adults were liars in his heart you know he's like they're all crazy they're all liars but this kid he had a moment he had just a few moments with this one kid and he knew that that kid wouldn't lie to him and as soon as he sees him encountering Holy Spirit goes oh my god maybe there's something to this and he gives it a chance he goes back get Susie they sit in the back of the church ministry time happens everybody stands up rushes to the altar there's a man there named Randy Clark preaching that night Randy's pacing back and forth preaching he begins to pray for people the Holy Spirit falls on the Holy Spirit falls on people and they begin to fall out and bobbins never seen anything like that and he's watching he sees what's there he sees the kid he knows that this could be God and he goes I'm the deacon here he looks around he doesn't see any other deacons he goes it is my job to serve the man of God like in his heart of hearts he goes I am trained for years to serve the man of God that's the man of God up there everybody else in here looks like hippies and he walks up to Randy Clark and he goes I'm a deacon I'm gonna serve I'm a kid I'm gonna catch for you and Randy goes sure and he pushes aside the koechers in Toronto Bob had the longest arms I've ever seen on a human man okay Bob could stand up here like this and rub his kneecaps from this position like he had these huge arms from like just years and years and years of like I don't know it was something he had like he had some very strange Upen like he had the biggest nose I'd ever seen on a human man and in these huge long arms and like for him catching was just like this like Oh boom yeah like he didn't have to bend over like he could just go like ha ha ha and he was strong so just like 1-handed 2-handed like boom and so Randy's like you're my man and Bob's like I'm your man and they're like for all night they just caught just like boom boom boom boom boom boom and like they tag team together all night bob was there to shut the thing down he's just hours later he's now Randy's head catcher no one's ever seen anything like it before like in like an O God I'm sorry you know I'm not I'm not sorry this is my service I can do whatever the heck I want at it so so so Bob eat Bob's up there it was like a Wednesday night Thursday night Friday night Saturday night he's there for nights at the end of Saturday night Randy it's like midnight 1:00 in the morning they get to the end of the line Randy goes thank you Bob for catch for me but it's time that you catch the anointing in Bob police hands on Randy thumbprint our Randy lays hands on Bob and Bob goes out under the power of the Holy Spirit and he gets up I don't know it wasn't that long five ten minutes later it gets up look as it looks at his watch he goes I got Church in nine hours I'm the head deacon motors back all night long come on come on somebody tell me that you remember the days you remember the days when you would go anywhere to have God touch you you would go anywhere you would do anything for the Holy Spirit to come and fall on your life and fill you up in a way you know is know I'm so sick of these these simplified meetings where people just have a good time and I love it but I remember a time when the ground would tremble because the Holy Spirit would fall in a region I remember time were stories of absolute restoration you you couldn't go a week without seeing marriages healed and set free without anybody laying hands visions and dreams and visitation and I don't want to be like a high school student that looks at all I was in high school it was so amazing no there's something new but my God my God if we forget what it was when the Holy Spirit fell in fire and put a shockwave through the planet and inspired a religious community to holy jealousy because God was visiting them and it's happened all throughout history just the shakers in the the shakers were called the shakers because they would shake for hours under the Holy Spirit the Quakers you know your Oats they were called Quakers because they would quit under the power of the Holy Spirit if you read the stories of the Quakers their hair would whip in the in the in the powers they would shake the bobby pins would come pinging out of their Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing and the women's hair would crashed like the sound of bull whips crack crack I don't just want to look at the past but I do want to say my god we can we can make this thing show industrialize but at the end of the day it's not about the teachings you buy or the Facebook quotes you look at by by the famous speakers it's not about that it is what is in your heart and are you willing to go further than anyone else are you willing to pay a price for something that no one is not yet seen no one has not yet seen it's a double negative I can't figure it out yeah I feel good about it a triple it's a triple positive I think no one has not yet seen yeah that's if it feels right he motors home he throws his album in his truck opens up the doors to the church it's there start setting everything out and he drops to his knees his four children come running and out of Captain Bob Captain Bob Bob kept Bob he drops to his knees and wraps his arms around them and as soon as he wraps his arms around him thumb thumb thumb four of them go out under the power of the Holy Spirit yeah yeah yeah you love that because this is charismatic meetings and we all love that stuff yeah but the reality was at Bob's church nobody wanted that it was not a place it was not a good thing and they weren't out like no no they were gone one of them was out for four hours they're calling 911 what did you do to my children and Bob's just they're weeping I don't know I'll be like I saw this thing Toronto and they're like oh I heard about that that's Satan why are you letting Satan touch my children and in a moment everything that Bob had paid a price for four years after year after year everything that he paid a price for was on the block and he has another decision to me will it cost me something and and here's the horrible thing well that doesn't sound like God God wouldn't do that why what are you talking about Jesus turns to his disciples to the crowd of 5,000 and he asked him this how will we feed these people where how will we feed all of these people gathered here and Simon answers I believe it's Simon let me get to it maybe I do sometime after this Jesus crosses the far shore of the Sea of Galilee that would be to see if Tiberias and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the miraculous signs he performed on the sick then Jesus went up on the mountainside sat down this disciple the Jewish Passover Feast was near that when Jesus looked up he saw a great crowd coming towards him and he said to Philip where shall we buy bread for these people to eat he asked us only to test him you've a good a good father you testing me yes this only to test it and listen to this for you already had in mind what he was about to do so Jesus already knows what he wants to do but in his goodness he stops and he goes how are you gonna do this how are you gonna do this how are you gonna do this how are you gonna do this what are you gonna do he asked them this because he wants to know whether you actually believe the thing you've been pressing in for whether you actually believe this glorious gospel or whether you just talk see the thing is the crazy thing is when we come to things in a sphere we can say anything and it all may always make sense all the Lord's call me do this brother all the Lord's saying this to me brother oh the Lord wants me to this brother oh it's about my calling in this thing my this my calling my this my gift mix my vision we get so caught up in our little oral then we forget to see what God is actually calling us to says if you love you like where should we buy bread felici yes this only to test him for you already had in mind what he was going to do geez just knows what he wants to do he knows what he wants to do and he stops and he goes are we gonna do this are we gonna do this Philip answer to me eight months wages would not find a Fred for each from the have a bike guess what it's true Philip answered him with truth radical truth one of my greatest fears as as God falls on a movement releases the power of his spirit there's this radical tidal wave that we that we that we go on it's natural for us to put parameters on it it's natural for us to put safety nets on it especially when we see people tumble in the waves fall and swallow some salt water get the wind knocked out of them we begin to set up parameters we make people wear floaties and lifejackets and we put it somebody out on the beach we give them a whistle tell us when we're going off we're going off the deep end the reality is it could be wisdom but it doesn't mean that it's God God's wisdom really looks like man's wisdom in fact little the gift of the word of wisdom is a gift of the Spirit which means that it does not function in the natural it only functions by the Spirit it's supernatural at its core which means your natural body does not answer that question the spirit answers it and and and and the way that the spirit moves it always confuses people bring me water jugs and I'm gonna reveal myself to the world and I'm gonna create a party drink that did that make sense Jesus [Music] Philip answered him with truth in the middle of radical movement of a people movement Philip answers him with truth and Jesus goes no in the middle of this movement in the middle of this power in the middle of of training in the middle of you running with me you've absolutely missed it and the great thing is Jesus doesn't cast him to the side he doesn't say you're no longer a disciple no he doesn't do that that's not the way that he does but he does allow us to enter into this thing he does allow us to go what is in your heart what do you believe do you actually believe what I'm saying you actually have you caught the vision of this thing have you caught that that I am the Alpha the Omega have you caught me you show you everything that I did and greater have you caught that we are entirely reliant upon Holy Spirit have you caught it in the middle of chaos 5,000 people know there is no food that that is as much me as anything else then he puts 5,000 people in a place of starvation or the fact that people were so radically hungry didn't even plan they just ran to the field oh that's not wisdom brother that's not strategy brother that's not how we develop in community healthy relationships brother see even in the middle of a radical movement even in the medical medical that's a new one even in the middle of going after God you can totally miss him that's the scary thing check this out Samuel was around some of the worst spiritual parents in the world Eli was gone fine the word the Lord was rare even when he lied even as Samuels mother was crying out deal I thought she was drunk he didn't even recognize radical hunger Eli's sons were stealing from the offering he lies sons were sleeping around they were the they were the people put on the planet to take care of intend to the presence of God and they missed it [Music] not always raises up Samuels you can be around this thing 24/7 in this thing you can speak in tongues you can cast out demons go away and never knew you [Music] I didn't write it what's inside of you see I can pray for you to receive gifts but at the end of the day what's inside of you your heartbeat [Music] David had heart he had chaos weirdness bears and such with Brock's psycho I would not let my child play with David at 16 years old he cut the head off of a giant with his own sword psycho kid like that on pills so why are you settling in even in the middle of a public vote in a revival why do you find that it's okay to settle in Jesus turns knees his house how are we gonna feed these people and he asks them already having in mind with me was about him is Jehovah sneaky [Music] many men another one of his disciples Andrew simon Peters Andrew simon Peters brother spoke up here's a boy [Music] here's the small here's a boy with five small barley loaves in are you handling your town in your hands [Music] there's only one answer [Music] whoever this is I don't get it understand deserve [Music] on his couch I mean imagine is just just for a moment just just jump into this reality with a man that is hardest rock foundation stone like legitimately because then God's words phone cell phone cell playing civil business and he just starts walking out in check everything I'm calling him Bob turn speed is all he knew that God spoke that he's not a liar he was waiting for somebody to walk in the door and get the speaking game and after about an hour and nobody showed up he said if God if you're not doing that then I'm gonna go out get one of my video church section and he started cold calling churches started off in there in the a Apostolic Baptist whatever hi my name is Bob Bradbury Galt's called me to preach when they come free to your church no click she made it down through like 30 or 40 churches finally he had a Methodist Church that was about to split pastor was done calls the church hey my name's Bob God's called me preach kick come preach cuz do you have any credentials he goes nope he goes I could work with that [Music] Bob goes to the church he takes an old fishing net this was his first message he throws it on the ground [Music] he reads a couple scriptures about fisherman's that's all he knew sister's gonna be a mighty harvested fish coming in God wants people to catch fish and he wants people to clean fish you want to catch a clean fish come get on my net nobody came except about 20 kids that wanted to play in the fishing the Holy Spirit drops on the and Bob births his revivalists ministry out of a Methodist Church with an old fishing net six years later I find myself in the basement of a town hall in Hamilton Massachusetts and in walks Bob I was a goth witchcraft filled angry the Holy Spirit falls on me and immediately I begin to move into things just like off immediately I began to move in miracles signs and wonders I saw my first Satan is in it healed and saved the next morning take me to the missions field I failed Spanish won three times in high school six months later I was the third time we got kicked out for harassing the Spanish teacher I was my third year I find myself moving to South America where I watch a revival break out for a year and a half I saw my first person come out of a coma six months after being saved in the hospital in Asuncion Paraguay the word spread I ended up in the White House of Paraguay ministering to the president's wives and all of the dignitaries the Holy Spirit fell in the White House as bodyguards are the Newsies glared at me as I wrapped my hands around the first lady's face the Holy Spirit our [Music] he's a God that uses normal people kids old old fisherman [Music] the Holy Spirit falls in you is a share and I'm gonna end here in just a moment a puddle of water the holy spit thank you sir the Holy Spirit falls on you while I'm sharing not that you want him to fall on you but if the Holy Spirit is eclis falls on you while I'm sharing but you to do something won't disturb me I have a lot of 18 even [Music] don't want to make a deal with you tonight the Holy Spirit calls you up do you want him to volunteer fire the Holy Spirit falls into our cherry [Music] Paul says over Timothy [Music] second Timothy chapter 1 verse 6 I love this because this is a spiritual father crying out to a son and all that Paul wants is for Timothy to go far all the Paul wants for Timothy to go and carry on the same thing that used to be carrying and Paul says to his boy he says this he goes Timothy fan into flame to give some God letter than you that came from the laying on my hands Paul says I'll simplify pulses Timothy I put my hands on you now put movement on fan it into flames the King James says stir up Dickinson got there and they need to keep the thing on my whether you're Fanning or stirring it's a movement that's required on your part bless you sir in the name of Jesus fan into flame the gifts of God that within you that came feeling on my hands and then he says this for God didn't give you a spirit of fear fear is faith and Satan beyond your wildest dreams oh oh [Music] said for God hasn't given you a spirit of fear fear elevates the lie the enemy fear base that what fear does is it is it allows you to agree with what the enemy says well how do I know it's not wisdom Joaquin God is pouring out such a fire over you but I saw it man I saw I know this sounds very very strange right now so I need you to catch my heart this is I saw a cloud over you and it wasn't a great cloud it was a cloud of his presence it wasn't a rain cloud or a storm cloud and I feel like you almost feel like God goddamn I stepped into a cloud I stepped under this thing no no no no no it is a cloud of his presence it is a cloud of the anointing it is not a storm cloud it's not a grayness it is absolutely the the fire by day and the in the clear the cloud by day and the fire by night and I feel like I feel like even as you moved in radical fire in the night season God he's putting this radical pillar there will be a sight and a wonder that will accompany you man everywhere you go okay there's about to be a miraculous sign and there are very few that have experienced the cloud and the presence of God the literal glory cloud of God there's very few that have experienced it and have walked it out so many have mishandled it so many have made it about the cloud and not about God but I'm telling you because you have handled it well because you have handled it well God is gonna he's gonna continually manifest with radical miracles signs and wonders and I'm not just talking about eeling but there is about to be a massive movement again of a revivalist where we're like we're like oh man we're we're like the Bobby Connors in the and the Bob Jones is in the the jump Paul Jackson's in the and the reserve the profits that then the cried out and I don't know why like I don't know why he feels like it's tarried for a season but the Lord says no watch watch his doors swing wide open that there's gonna be angelic that will fill the room [Music] and you'll carry radical miracles signs and wonders for the rest of your life men and I saw a university around the I saw it I saw not just a school but a university and we're people they go on the surface the Lord says you're gonna go deep and there's gonna be there's gonna be many many many people to come and they run and there's gonna be people that are that are excellent in their field that we're mishandled and misjudged and misused and I saw you gathering together ones that were wounded and broken that that not a word of the Lord and I felt like the Lord says you are your you are creating almost a parachute for people there is something there is something of a safety parachute and and people say as you've handled it well I saw you handing out parachutes to people that were spiraling out and I saw like this wind coming up and not them falling to the ground but then being lifted up on high again then because everywhere you go man the Holy Spirit the wind of the Spirit is on you men and it's gonna call people back up even for those who are settling your call to not let anybody settle where Eagles have become chickens well well you're gonna call him to soar again and snatch up snakes and their talons man I see it in the mighty name of Jesus we're Eagles have become chickens well double it fire on him God in the name of Jesus war Lord in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus for war Lord more Lord it's on your girl father from the top of her head to the soles of her feet asked for a release your anointing now-now-now fire go up the name of Jesus more fire honor in the name of Jesus dreams and vision and visitation dreams and vision and visitation Lord let us not settle let us not settle that none of us settled for what it's easy God the God didn't give you a spirit of fear but of power of power and the Bible says of love and of a sound mind the sound mind doesn't mean oh I'm a good thinker and I know how to plan and they know how to be good and all the things and figure it out and figure out that eight months wages know the sound mind the sound mind is fixed on Christ the sound mind the sound mind keeps you pressing in for courage and love and power regardless of what you feel if the sound mind is set on Christ but he says fan into flame he says fan it into flame will I don't have a big flame yes that's why we fan it that's why we put movement on it that's why we take a precious part a precious ember that's ignited my god we put we put kindling on top of it we put fuel into it and we we blow on it again [Music] first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 19 do not put out the spirits fire Satan doesn't have the ability to put it out Satan cannot put out this fire he cannot put out revival he is incapable of putting out revived the ark so if you feel a waning in the spirit it's not because God is a liar and he's walked away no it's because we stop Fanning it it's because we settled for for eight months wages hi I feel like a like a voice just crying out remember remember what we called me remember we told you from remember the calling that's on your life and that he used his broken people he rides into town on donkeys you don't remember the fasting and the praying is you'd set yourself aside by God I will not let you go until you bless me I will don't let you go until you bless me like Jacob I will not let you go like Martinez Jesus son of David [Music] underestimate the underestimate you but know there's a prophetic voice on your life my friend God is releasing it so loud there is that there is that there is a steadfastness on your life men people they think they burned their flame is like a firework it's lit it explodes and then fizzles out you have been a steady burned [Music] since it is with you since you are eager to have spiritual gifts try to excel in the gifts the build of the church you know you have the ability to excel in the gifts oh this is try to excel try to excel in the kids hard if we have if we have said our standard amongst people that are around us amongst our neighbors we Center standard where everybody else is around us father [Music] see the sheep keep your life [Music] give your life days John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take the kingdom by force he's looking for somebody forceful he's looking for somebody who's looking for somebody who will not settle for second best will not settle for a story from the path he's actually he's actually going where where are the ones he's asking you how will we feed people how will we feed grant island how will we feed them how we feed them well you know our smoke machines that are and they're smiling uh sure that's what we're gonna no no no no that's not how we feed them we feed them through a boy with with a lunch we feed them through there's something small and insignificant that surprises the masses we feed it through the small we take what's in the hands of the people that God has given us and we break it and we bless it and we give thanks for it and he takes it and he multiplies it and he uses it to feed the masses and there's more left over there's more leftovers and he confines us it confounds the world it confounds the whys but it's the only way that Jesus fed them [Music] thank you lord thank you lord [Music] and as Bob began to pray the Holy Spirit fell on me that's six years later and I went out with the power of the Holy Spirit got up totally full he's a god of importation he's a god that releases power he's a God that releases miracles signs and wonders Paul said I long to come to you so that I might impart a spiritual gift that will strengthen you he said I can't do it from afar but I have to come to you and when I come I'm gonna release the gift that was strengthened [Music] Simon the sorcerer did not offer money for miracles signs and wonders Simon the sorcerer removed in miracles signs and wonders he got saved through the Ministry of the miracles and signs and wonders he did not offer money for the ability to move in miracles signs and wonders the Bible says when Simon saw that as the Apostles came into town and released the baptism of the Spirit that's when he offered the money he said that is the thing that is valued that's the thing that I want and he offered them finance for it because you don't get it you don't buy this one you can't pay for a conference and to get this you can't buy a book and receive this this thing this thing comes to life lay down [Music] and there's so many of us that were trying to buy our way into this they're not saying offering an apostle money for it no to our books [Music] there were meetings [Music] there are strategies trying to offer something for this thing and God says nope this one only comes through a life lay down will you lay your life down again one more time oh and it's it's true humility that comes before I'm gonna do it again will not let you go and will not let you go into the I will not go let you go until I get nothing and ask the Holy Spirit to come come come if you're hungry I want you to stand on your feet right now before you're hungry just get to your feet Lord bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus come come come Holy Spirit father from the tops of their heads
Channel: abundantlifegi
Views: 1,208
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: EVrHxXr2eXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 18sec (4758 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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