Will Hart, Session 1 [The Pursuit Conference]

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[Music] [Music] guys come on I'm excited I'm really excited I and I'm not just saying that cuz it's the thing that most preachers say when they come to a place I actually am excited I've been looking forward to this for a long time and I actually consider this complete answer to prayer about about a year ago I asked the Lord to start getting me into vineyards I don't know why it was one of those things that that uh I don't know he's that I don't know why I would pray a prayer like that doesn't really makes it but I asked the Lord I said God I really want to go into vineyards the vineyard actually really touched my family about thirteen years ago up in a small town in Maine my sister actually walked into a vineyard after she had been away from the Lord for years and walked and heard Phil pastor Phil who who is I think he's an up-and-coming member of the vineyard church and yeah he's the new national director I think but but but she she actually went in walked in off the street and she drove by actually and she saw the sign she said ma'am my parents used to take us to crazy churches like that and there's literally what happened she she was a student of art up in Maine and I walked away from the Lord we all did and she drove by she said man I hear that church is crazy and so she wanted something different so she walked in and that that Sunday just got totally changed totally revolutionized and it set her on a path on a journey in the Lord that that she has not stopped and she's actually just continue to grow she's actually out in Bethel right now she's finishing up her second year and just seeking the Lord with all of her heart but I asked the Lord I said God I want to go to the vineyard I really want to it's been a huge part of who I am just even though I haven't ever really gone 10 I'm only been to a few vineyards as far as the services go but I've been so impacted by them with Randy Clark and for years when I when I came on with Randy he would make me listen to old John Wimber tapes over and over and over and over and over and over again and and so I feel like I had this you know this my part of my faith and part of my growth and the Lord had been in the vineyard church so I did I about a year ago I said God I want to start going and and I didn't hear anything for a long time normally I'll pray something like that in the Lord I'll just start open up doors but he didn't and then all of a sudden about six months ago I got invited to the Boston vineyard and which which is which was a huge blessing you know it's a fairly well-known Church on the East Coast where I'm from and to be invited and go speak there was just a blast and from then I just keep getting these phone calls and uh just a few weeks ago I went out to Bangalore India I was doing a conference with a guy named John Paul Jackson and we were doing an amazing conference out there in in the south of India I love this stuff because I just like kicking Satan in his pig-nosed face you know like I do and and every chance we get to do that I love it especially going into spiritual areas like in India we John Paul came and he taught on dreams and and which had never been taught on in the south of India that we can add that we can ever find so so really bring this historic message to the Church of India it was it was such an amazing thing but but we came under some persecution and my meetings I was speaking at night my meetings got cancelled but there was a vineyard church there but open up their doors and so I found myself in in the south of India hanging out with vineyard errs about two weeks oh I loved it it was great we we had a very casual time with each other and it was awesome the Lord came and moved so powerfully so I'm excited I'm just I'm just really honored to be here I I do consider an honor and I and I am definitely looking forward to what God has in store yes for this church yes for this area but but for what he's gonna do in your hearts and in your lives this weekend I don't know what it's gonna be I wish I did but I know that it's gonna be good and I know that he's gonna answer the prayers of hungry hearts in this place and so I'm excited I really I really am looking forward to spending some time with you guys over these next few days here and and I do consider it a blessing I I actually didn't think I was gonna make it I didn't tell happy the phones but up until a few days ago I'd been I've been sick as well as the great blessings of India I got I got a different kind of blessing and I and I came back and I was just deathly deathly ill about every three to four trips that I go into India I always come back with something just a critter and and so I had spent a lot past few days in the hospital just getting getting back getting fluids pumped back into my system and so it was it was an amazing trip but we came under some amazing gifts of the enemy on the on the way on the way home now I love India I love what God's doing there in fact Sunday as soon as the second service is over I'm gonna hop on a on a plane and head back there I'm taking a team about 20-25 people I'm not sure back to India and we're gonna go and work within the the political system there and on this last trip I just tell you guys something quick and then we'll get into I just love it on this last trip I met with the head of the anti Christian movement in the south of India and these are the guys that are bringing persecution to the Christian Church it's happening up an erisa but it's also happening in the South just about few months ago there's six Christians that were killed in the south end and given by the direction of these men and I found myself in a car ride driving about an hour as we're going to different political meetings with different politicians in the area and I got to sit with this man and just head of the head of the anti-christian movement in the area and as much as I wanted to bring this word of Correction to this man the Lord opened up my heart to him and he was actually just a wonderful guy and and I was able to minister to him as we drove around the city it's fun bringing God to people that that that don't want him at all it's it's a it's it's fun it's just fun talking to people and hearing their heart of hatred and at the same time in the midst of that the darkness and the midst of anger in the midst of confusion and and hatred speaking directly to their heart a message that the Lord has for him the Lord showed me not not a word of Correction not a word of condemnation but the Lord showed me his family and I was able to talk to him about his daughter and his son and and and things were going on their life I'm not gonna go into it but he's he sat there in this car he didn't know what to do you know he people don't know what to do when when when you change their paradigm of who God is and I didn't see massive repentance the guy didn't drop to his knees but he turns to his these other leaders that were in the car and he goes who is this guy where did you guys bring him bring him from and all I said is I'm just a you know very attractive kid from Massachusetts the Bible says speak the truth and love and I love you guys so you're gonna get some truth but I I spoke to him about a business opportunity that he had coming up the Lord showed me just some stuff within the the metal fields that he was working with and and he kept on inviting me over to his house afterwards and I didn't have time just cuz we were we were meeting different leaders but he ended up coming to our meetings and and he brought he brought some friends see a few simple words of love can open up the doors of the deepest darkest hearts in the world I'm not talking about just angry people I'm talking about people who leave the angry masses of the anti-christian movement in the South simple words of love can shatter the hardest of hearts in a moment I love it I love it I love I love stepping into darkness and watching the light shine watching the King come and do what he does best I love being in churches I love speaking at conferences but put me with the leader of an anti-christian movement and that's where I really get happy this guy got touched he ended up he ended up bringing this up-and-coming political leader we believe he's going to be elected to high up high up levels of government he ended up bringing him to the meetings and they showed up about four or five of them showed up and they they listened and they and they stood in front of the entire nation on on video as they brought these news crews with them and they they took the stage alongside of us the John Paul Jackson and and they let they let John Paul minister and prophesied to them in front of the entire nation over the news of news this just doesn't happen are you guys alai [Applause] God has plans for your life God has plans for this church God has plans for this movement God has plans for you you don't always understand what its gonna look like I didn't wake up in the morning with an angel standing by my bed telling me that these things were gonna take place I got in a car I saw a man a few things took place I found out who he was and then I let the Lord speak it's all it takes don't complicate it don't complicate it leaders of nations will come to the feet of Jesus literally of the word of love word of love I'm telling you guys get ready get ready I don't see normal Christians I don't see normal people I see psychos crazy vineyard earth that are hungry for something more than what they've experienced up to this point you guys hungry Bible says this all who are thirsty let him come to me in streams of living water will flow from within you there's a there's a call and a promise in there if you're thirsty ask and if you ask he's gonna give you streams streams of living water change a nation in God's looking for vessels to pour into to pour those streams into that he can take in shape and mold he's looking for you he's looking for normal people you guys are ridiculously quiet are you gonna be like this all weekend seriously here's the deal I'll preach my guts out I'll talk to my guts out whatever if you get a little Pentecostal on me it won't hurt it might feel a little awkward for a moment but you'll get over it I care it'll feel good after a little while yes it's okay listen let's do something let's start the night off I love prophetic declarations prophetic acts do you guys like those things come on I love them let's do something right now stand up oh man this is gonna be a good weekend stick your finger up in the air as one yes come on put that one up in the air I believe the Bible says he will anoint your lips you will anoint your mouth to preach the gospel just to lay hands on your mouth you stick your stick your finger on your tongue just stick that thing in your mouth come on yes yes oh I wish I wish you guys could see yourselves right now take that thing out stick it in the ear of the person sitting next to you tell them to wake up listen this ain't Church we're gonna have some fun today come on wake up hello wake up I literally literally just left the hospital if I can be here and be excited you can too I am excited about what God is gonna do over these few days I'm excited about watching the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we welcome you in this place tonight Holy Spirit I welcome you in this place right now right now just ask the Lord asked the Lord to fill you up right now Holy Spirit come and fill them up Holy Spirit lord I thank you for what you're doing here Lord in champaign god I thank you for what you're doing in the vineyard church God and lord I ask God that this would not just be another conference god I ask God that this would not just be another weekend another check on our calendars Holy Spirit I ask that you would come and flow in this place god I ask that you would come and take hungry Christians God to the next level god I asked in the name of Jesus that you would come and fill them up God more than just a touch God more than just a touch God the Lord would you release destiny this weekend God would you release destiny over their lives God would you release purpose over their lives in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name haha and all God's chunky charismatic said amen come on have a seat I'm gonna throw some some things out and we'll just we'll just get going here this I haven't seen this but I preached it so I think it's good Darren Wilson produced this normally I don't put my face or my name on too many things but he did both on this we did a conference out and the furious love conference I think this is Darren sessions from there anybody want this this is a little bit of my my story and there's something I'll probably talk talk about it a little bit tomorrow night so make sure you come but this is just good this will just encourage you what's your name Morgan bless you Morgan come on Wow oh I love this prayer for healing prayer for deliverance we got these cards they got a five-step prayer for healing on one side ten step prayer for deliverance on the other side stick them in your Bible and how many you guys need a little help come deliverance time I do I hate deliverance I'm like God step one these are great I got I got some of these out there on the table they're just they're just there you go buddy what's your name Peter come on god bless you man you should do some deliverance buddy it's good stuff this is amazing this is view points from the furious love conference that we did this is uh maybe I'll try to show a clip of it tomorrow I only have a few of these but this is basically different opinions on spiritual warfare from all the speakers spiritual warfare healing it's basically Darren Wilson SATA stand in a room and picked our brains on different subjects and so it's all the speaker's giving the different opinions on different subjects this is fabulous actually I really really enjoy this thing's about ten bucks but grab them out there anybody's birthday here today tomorrow not today anniversary March eighth birthday yes come here buddy right here this is for you what's your name Kyle how old are you gonna be buddy you're gonna be 26 happy birthday man that's amazing good job that's a great birthday that is just the best birthday in the world it's my birthday too everybody's like ooh I love it March 8th good job man way to be born I'm the best day ever I'm turning 30 this this March it's weird 30 is a weird age my uh my wife turned 30 one year this is actually funny I'm married I have two kids my wife turned 30 we were in a Mozambique serving the Baker's my wife turned turn 30 she's a few years older than me I won't say exactly how many but more than five in less than six or more than five less than seven and so she turns 30 and and it was great we had an amazing time amazing party and here later we're actually in the States your back was in the States and my wife's mother was visiting with us and and my wife's a Latina do you guys know what let the Enna's are do you have Latinas come on I love I love Latinas she keeps a knife in her in her in her purse she's like I cut you when things get saucy she just she's an amazing woman I met her when I was when I was 17 I moved to Paraguay and so she's in the car and my mother-in-law's in the car and I love my mother and I don't get to see her that much she's a lefty not to and and it's great but whenever the two of them get together they just they just have this dynamic it's this mother-daughter dynamic and and we're driving in the car MA and my mother-in-law turns to my wife and she says man your brother he had the best 30th birthday ever and and my wife looks it at my mother-in-law and she goes mom you're crazy he can't be 30 I'm 30 easy you're younger than me he turned 29 and and my mother-in-law goes you crazy and in and she goes he's 30 and and they go back and forth like in it it starts I'm driving my minivan and they're going back apart and they switch to Spanish and you always know it's bad and it's going downhill when they switch to Spanish and I speak Spanish because I picked it up when I when I'm when I lived in in Paraguay for a while and so I speak the language so I get it but I doubt the kids they go quiet there in the backseat they everybody gets quiet they're going at it about about 20 minutes and here's what they're doing they're like I wasn't born in this year and they so so it's 77 78 79 and they get about halfway through and the mom be like you don't count the first year you count the second year because the first year you're not born and they're just going back and forth and they're just off everybody's off by years and and finally I turned the car on I go home I finish up doing whatever we're doing and and I pull in a driveway and they're still going at it's about 45 minutes later the kids just get the car get out of the car heads down though they look down though we got it when we hear Spanish we put our heads down and we just go forward and and and I go in and find I find a laptop I open up on I go you know birthday calculator I just google it and I figure when all else fails ask the question online and and it will it'll tell you truth you know the Bible says the truth will set you three free I might set you three as well the truth will set you free unless you're a crazy latina then it just angers you and and I and I and I realized that I'm gonna hurt the feelings of one of the two most important women in my in my life my wife and my mother-in-law because one of them right and one of them is wrong and I'm just hoping that my mother-in-law is the wrong one cuz I don't see her as much as I see my wife so I go birthdays comedy I type in my birthday yep 25 years old bang pops up I'm 25 this says I'm 25 let's do something on the other end of the spectrum take my son's birthday he was three three at the time pop it up three yep three years old I stick in my wife's birthday it's like we're like two days outs out from her birthday she's 30 she's about turned 31 it was actually the next day she was gonna turn 31 I type it in to get it it says that she's 31 I go hmm she thinks she's 30 31 hmm I go one year she turned 30 and then the next year she turned 30 you guys ever have that happen to you I had never heard of such a thing but it happened we were missionaries on the field we forgot things I don't know we were in Mozambique we were thinking about Africa we had a party and then the next year we had a party and it was the same year so how do you break this to a wife not just not just someone that you love but someone who the next day is gonna turn 32 long story short it was the worst week of my life my wife went from 30 to 32 in a period of 48 hours I don't know why I told you today see it was crazy I love I love I love my wife I she's an this amazing woman and I do everything because of her I'm allowed to go out and spend time with you guys and and minister around the world because of her she's just the most fantastic woman she's just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous and I don't deserve her but I but I got her still hey hey and and I hope that you guys get one too we met we met when I was 17 I moved to Paraguay when I was 17 years old six months after I got saved and I had no idea what I was doing I I didn't speak the language at all in fact I failed Spanish won three times in high school and you guys know what I'm talking about some of you guys do over I can see it on you three times I actually got kicked out the the third time kicked out of my high school and and the in in Massachusetts where I was born and raised how many of you guys have seen the movie the perfect storm come on yes I'm amongst my people okay so that's my town it's a little fishing village an island north of Boston I failed so miserably its Spanish that they were gonna create a law specifically for me within the region so that I could attend a college without having completed two years of an international language the the they met with the committee and the and the leaders the the the school leaders of the area came together and they sat down and they said will is basically stupid and and he cannot learn another language and but but I but I ended up moving down to Paraguay when I was Cynthia I picked up the language the Lord gave me the language in about six months and I proved them all wrong which is what it's all about I got saved when I was seventeen I hated the Lord I hated the church I hated the gospel I hated everything about it I'll never forget it my my mom got saved when I was really young and and I and I remember this way we used to celebrate Halloween and then it stopped it was the worst my mom she had saved listening to Christian radio and Christian radio was always weird I would come home my mom's an artist she's like she's one of these kind of hippie New England artists girls born and raised in New England loves art my dad he's an artist too but not so much a hippie just interesting you know dynamic in the household but my mom's that you know hey love yes paints you know and she's great and I love her I love ministering to people like my mom you just kind of look at them and they're like something you know they're just like Gloria and they go out you know they're easy they're easy that are the easy ones to pray for that's my mom but she got saved listening to crazy that you yeah come on get her God no my mom got saved when it when I was really young listening to Christian radio and I remember coming home and she would always blare the Christian radio like it was like it right after she got say it was like that's all we listened to in the house and I would come home and it would just be on and she'd be playing Keith green and and instantly we all became Christians not by choice just out of association with my mom and it was great I loved it I loved you know being hauled around from church to church she she never got really involved into a church until later on so we would church hop for years and my dad he was not a believer but after about a year year and a half of of my mom he kind of warmed up to the idea and and I remember my parents see they were they were closeted charismatic so you guys know what a closeted charismatic is right I love them they're they're such a great crew but they would hop from conference to conference back in the day so my earliest memories of the Lord were we're going to these like little obscure meetings in the middle of nowhere with like circuit preachers my first encounter with the Holy Spirit was with the circuit preacher I was 9 years old I'll never forget it my I was my parents were saved I don't know 5 6 years at that point and what we would do is we had 10 this church white steeple pews stand up sit down type of church loved it love the people there beautiful people but they did not like anything having to do with the move of the Holy Spirit but it was near our house we could walk to the church so it became our church we loved it but because my mom got touched on the radio which actually led her to an Assemblies of God revival meeting she always had this thing inside of her for the power of the Holy Spirit she always had this desire to encounter God even though he attended his church that didn't want it so what she would do is she would pack up sandwiches we would get in the minivan and right when church would end we would drive an hour an hour and a half to whatever circuit preacher was in the area and we would run in always towards the end of the service and these guys would lay hands on my mom my mom would run up you know and my dad would file us into the back sit us down and we would wait for my mom to get her facts right come on you guys know please tell me that you understand what I'm talking about this can't just be my story I I know that this isn't just my story and I'm never gonna forget the first time I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit nine years old I will never forget it loaded up the van BLT sandwiches were eating them on the way 45 minutes down the road from church and we hightail it to the Assemblies of God Church that's down the road this was like the hub it was a little place maybe 50 60 people and they met in the town hall of a town called Hamilton Massachusetts okay so we load up in the car we book it out there we arrive at this church we already know the rolls dad takes us mom books it you know runs as fast she can to get in there catch the end of the service and we file in the back and sit down and I watch I go in with my dad we sit down and I watch my mom just beeline up to the front of this church I don't even think they've done an altar call she was just hungry you know she was just warning to did touch my god so so I watch her run up and I think she sits up front and this gentleman finishes the service and he and he's at the end of his time and this guy was amazing you guys have KFC out here Colonel Sanders in person was what this guy looked like I mean full on white suit white vest white pants the full meal deal all I needed was like a little bow tie and that little soul patch right there and he would have been the colonel and he's up there and back in the day we would go to these places we would listen to these preachers and these guys did everything they did absolutely everything they preached they taught they did the barbecue afterwards they crooned they worship they sold product they did it all it was like their lives they would go from church to church to church to church doing this and this guy did it he finished up his message and he started to croon he's like ba ba ba ba ba come Holy Spirit white suit everything just full meal deal and he's up there and he's crooning come Holy Ghost and my mom's like oh you know she's going for it she loves it she's like I'm in the zone I'm going after this and I'm watching my mom cuz she's up on the front row and I'm watching her freak out I look at my dad my dad like he's like oh no not again you know cuz there's only like 60 people in this church packed in and everybody knows my crazy mom and so the guy gives an altar call he's like ba ba ba ba if you want ghosts come on up here and holy skirt we'll get you and my mom just rushed up and I I'd been around it but I'd never seen anything like it before and and he people lining up front I can't believe I'm telling you this story I just feel like we're gonna grow a lot together over this next hour so justjust we're gonna we're gonna be close after this one I'm just gonna bear you all my childhood wounds it's like inner healing in front of us it'll be okay we'll it'll be okay you know and she's up there up front from the guys crooning come Holy Spirit and I'm watching this and he run he go he walks over to my mom now you didn't watch like that I'm sorry I'm getting my rose with any any any lays hands on my mom and my mom goes out boo-boo ow and I go you know dad what just happened to mom and he's like don't worry about it son it'll be okay and I my god crazy Colonel Sanders just abused my mom this is not okay you know we're in church this doesn't happen in church and I think I cried a little bit I was young I was sensitive I can't help it it was scary and and I don't know 15 maybe five minutes later my mom gets up and she's wobbly she's doing one of these back in the day everybody had tambourines you guys know what I'm talking about there's like three tambourines over there somebody dressed in a dress to dance is awesome she comes back and I'm sitting on the end and she just comes right for me and she goes hey William she calls me William she's my mom you guys are not allowed to call me boy here she goes do you want to get touched by the Holy Spirit you know it you know the old Kathryn Kuhlman meetings really she's like in Holy Spirit that's like what my mom would turn into just that she starts talking like that all she need was a weight wavy dress and it would just been perfect she goes do you want to get touched by the Holy Spirit and I go no crazy but it wasn't a question at all it was more an opportunity for me to ask her answer in a way that she had predetermined in her mind but before I could even get the words know out of my mouth she grabbed me by the hand and she had hauled started hauling me down this this aisle and I literally know what's gonna happen I'm standing there my mom's gone she's just gone and I'm looking at the colonel up front and I realize that it's about to hit the fan I realized that this guy is gonna look into my soul and tell me all things bad that I have done and I start and it was maybe 25 feet I start to go oh no he's gonna look into my heart and you know what he's gonna find are you guys okay he's gonna find what was at the center of any nine-year-old boy's heart at the time no I'm not I'm not 15 years old here pokeymon better than Pokemon a little band I like to call Aerosmith is right here why my sister who is five years older than me joined a CD Club do you guys know what a CD Club is oh gosh I knew that we would connect let me tell you about CD clubs for those of you who don't know what they are how many of you guys know what a CD Club is yes okay how many of you guys remembers at one time of a CD Club even better yes so my sister who's older the wise one in the house she comes up to me just two weeks three weeks prior she goes listen here's the deal I buy one CD I get 20 for free I don't have the money to buy the one CD I need your money why I saved the money I had the money I don't know why I was 9 years old I'm smart I don't I don't get it's just something that God gave me from a young age that and looks she goes here's the deal you give me the money I will let you pick out any one CD you want I go you're telling me you're gonna get 19 I'll get one I front the bill she goes that's what I'm telling you I go deal this literally happened she goes what TV do you want I go so I love this CD I had it with me I carried it around with me it was they even in the car I would hide it I would sneak it places I didn't even have a CD player I just had the CD I was 9 years old but I loved it it was there was it was awesome it was it was in the car and I go as my mom's hauling me up I go this guy's gonna look into my soul and all he's gonna see is Steven Tyler and so what do I do I freak out I start crying I'm by halfway up and I'm full-on gasping for air and she's just in her mind she's going oh it's God and he's touching my boy and they'll be changed forever and it's gonna be wonderful you know and and she's thinking of a painting that she wants to paint or I don't know what she says she calls me up there and all I remember is this towering man standing before me and and all I smell is peppermint why cuz he had a pocket for him he would croon pop a peppermint in his mouth pray for people Kroon pop another peppermint in his mouth and I just get this smell of peppermint are you guys alive it will it will get deeper than this I promise you okay some of you guys are like oh no don't worry it'll get deeper than this so I stand up there and he looks at me and he goes son what's the matter why cuz I'm crying and I go he goes I can't hear you son my mom goes and he goes what's going on son and I go just out of the depths of my nine-year-old heart and he looks at me he like gives my mom a bad look my mom snaps out of it from it he goes that's not good son and I go [Music] he's like and then he just comes in with his hands and he lays his hands on me and bang I go out I'm out I'm out cold I just fall out it was not one of love it was not one of joy it was not one of peace it was of extreme conviction and crazy peppermint banana hands that was my first encounter with the Holy Spirit I will never forget it - the day I died I've tried to multiple times that pretty much sent me on a path of just hating the church I didn't understand it I didn't understand any of it everybody's crazy I just didn't understand get it I we would go to church we would sit in the pew we would we would sit there and listen to great sermons I literally the my pastor is one of the one of the leading seojun's of his time dr. Greg Beale dr. Gordon human burger all these are professors of theology at gordon-conwell seminary some of the greatest theological minds were a day where our pastors I knew what a pastor looked like I knew what a church looked like and this was totally different and in going back into that and seeing people that that that that would talk a message they would talk a lot but but at the end of it all it's just the the heart wasn't there behind it I I just ran away I ran I ran hard in the opposite direction I know you've heard a testimony like this but but just bear with me for a little bit just bear with me for just a moment I ran hard I ran hard away from it and I did everything I stuck anything in my body that I could stick in there to make me feel better I every drug Under the Sun everything I could possibly do my parents had no idea what to do with me they they did the best they could but but but it was all just this antidepressant that this same person that I was diagnosed by the leading doctor on ADHD for extreme ADHD in Boston I know you guys can't tell right come on don't judge me I've gone off for prayers so many times for it but I see something shiny always on the way up and I go you know one time I'm just like one of these days I'm gonna actually make it up for a TD prayers maybe it'll be tonight god bless those shiny things but I hated it I hated the church I just hated everything I had had to do that I loved darkness why because every time I would I would pursue something with power every time that I was interested in something that had power I would look to the church and I would never find it yes there was those times my mom yes or is those things but I could just write that off and I and I found myself going deeper and deeper into darkness I I loved it and I was good at it my parents set me up with a Christian psychologist and this is it the worst of the worst times they they they found someone that was state-run Christian psychologist or psychiatrist and and I would go in and I would sit in his office for hours I was actually I'm sorry it was an hour at a time and I would just sit there and curse at him for an hour as a game because I knew that he had to sit there and take it for an hour I was not a good kid I would just sitting there and just curse at him for an hour straight this one on week after week after week and finally uh I was just I just ignored him and I was looking at his wall and he would just sit there we'd watch the time roll and I looked up on his wall and he had a degree in hypnosis and I'm looking at this and said you know how to hypnotize he goes yeah it's real I go is it I'm like do me he goes okay I go I bet you can't do me I go he goes you want to bet he goes you've been cursing at me for three weeks straight he says I bet I can do this if not you will never have to do this ever again if i hypnotize him so we have this bad I go done deal here's the deal five minutes later I'm out I'm out cold on his sofa and he's taking me off into this thing of hypnosis I come out of it after an hour later and I go I want this whatever this is I have to have it I experienced something that was outside of anything that I had control before I was I was involved in witchcraft at the time I had to hardcore bands I was entirely goth I had spikes black hair black nails black clothes I know it's hard to imagine but uh I had gone completely into darkness and I loved it I loved the sensation of having something bigger than myself and and and and he's he pulled me on it I said I have to have this I want the impartation of this basically and he taught me he taught me how to do it one week within three weeks I was going to parties all over the East Coast and hypnotising entire parties were entire rooms full of people I loved it why not because it was hypnosis it I liked the the power I from day one I I was hungry for some of the power I remember the encounter I had I remember I remember going to church the next Sunday and explaining it and in the church telling me even at Sunday school is a nine-year-old boy but that's not God God would never do anything like that that's the devil and but but even from a young age I wanted something with power in in in in high school I wanted something with power and and everywhere I would go in the church I would just be told how bad I was doing I would go to a church looking for it Sunday school whatever it was I was the one I was the kid that they would have prayer meetings about you know before before the Sunday school would start before youth group would start they would gather together the leaders and go God please don't let will show up high and and just defile the rest of the kids please I wanted power I was I was hungry for something greater than myself and I did whatever I could to get it I did whatever I could to go after it but unfortunately it was just for the enemy and I went deeper and deeper and deeper into darkness fast forums just because of time I 17 years old was my senior year of high school I end up going out to do this drug deal and I'm driving around this town's about 45 minutes away from where I lived and I was doing my weekly or whatever buy from my buyer I'd woke up in the morning and I came downstairs and my mom she turns to me and we didn't have a good relationship at that point because she's crazy she was not is I love you mom I came downstairs and I'm eating my breakfast let her forget I'm sitting there eating my eat my cereal and my mom turns to me she goes hey we'll do you remember when you were 9 years old and we went to this church and a guy prayed for you and you fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit and I just instantly started berating my mother that's increaser insane bla bla bla bla bla and she goes well you can call me whatever you want there's gonna be a guy at this church over the next three days and she pulls out this flyer and and here's what it was there's a picture of this guy on the front and it had pictures of people like laying down on the floor and I go okay like thank you for the crazy town you know pamphlet this is ridiculous and and I continued to yell my mom and I went to school I got in my car I hopped in my little Saturn and I started driving to school on my way to school I looked in the back seat of my car and my dad had taken his Bible and put it in the back seat my car he doesn't remember doing this he doesn't remember how it got there he doesn't even remember he doesn't even believe that he did this but it was there regardless he'd never done it before and I have this Bible next to my car go this is this is odd I Drive to school I leave school and I go to do this drug just this drug deal and I'm out I finish what I'm doing and I'm driving back home and I hated going home I hated spending time I would try spend as little time at home as I could or the time that I was at home I was just popping sleeping pills and just trying to sleep through the time and and I'm driving home on my way home and I realized that I don't want to go home and as I'm driving down the road I look over and there's the building there's this church this town hall that I got touched him when I was nine years old it was purely coincidence I mean I can look back on it now and see that it was the Lord and I said here we go I love dinner and a show I don't have any food but at least I can get a show because everyone knows the best show in town these crazy charismatic swear their tambourines and banners he started and so I'm like I'm sit there and I go I'm gonna go and just make fun of these people for a good hour hour and a half I look in the back seat I remember my dad's Bibles back there I grab it why because I know that I can blend in right and I know that if I don't blend in then people are gonna come and talk to me and call me brother and rub my back and stuff like that and I don't want my back rubbed I don't want to be called brother you're not my brother I don't have any brothers I have sisters and I knew that if they found out that I wasn't a Christian that they were gonna come and try to get me safe why because no one gets people saved outside of the church everybody feels comfortable in the church so I knew I had to blend in so I grabbed this Bible I walk in it's this small building the same place the same room that I that I had been touched at nine years old but they were meeting downstairs in the basement of this church in the basement of this place they'd moved to a smaller area take the Bible I walk in and I sit down still early knowing nothing had really started at that point and and as I sit down I see the the worship team getting up there just warming up their bongos and stuff and I go oh here we go this is actually gonna happen and I'm sitting there worship starts and I and I have to blend in right I don't I don't want to be called brother I don't want a backrub from a Christian you know what I'm talking about hey brother how you doing brother to see you did you come bless you you know the Lord God is good I knew it I knew the game and I wasn't gonna let people touch man they're like people touching me worship starts I stand up right people start dancing I start dancing right I look over someone throws their hand up I'm like bang hands up I start doing the charismatic two-step you guys know the charismatic two-step it's great everybody does it I watched you do it here this morning this afternoon it was great one of these just throwing a little jazz into it if you need to you little jazz hands maybe the wave I started doing it I I didn't want to be picked off by all these Christians so so I'm up there and I'm dancing and literally ten minutes into it I go oh man they're gonna be doing this for like 45 minutes to an hour I have to get out of this place as soon as possible what did I get myself into I look over somebody comes out with a banner I'm like like no no way Jose I'm out of here and I look over and they're at the basement of this church I look over there's literally well there's two ways in and out one is the stairs that you came down the other is like a window that you have to have a hammer and break through in time out and I was thinking about that but I knew that they would really come after me if I did that so I looked to the door and this church they were brilliant god bless the Assemblies of God they know what they're doing it's like a lobster trap I'm a New Englander we fish you go in easy there's food in there look it's gonna be great you walk in but then you turn around you can't get out these guys they put two of the biggest guys in the church at the door right there bang bang just right at the door and they're huge and I know that if I try to go out those doors are gonna be like hey brother what are you doing brother sit on down we haven't taken offering yet brother just wait do you want to back up no I don't want to back rub you're crazy this is all crazy so I'm a smart kid right I know what I'm doing got some street smarts I know listen half an hour I'm gonna ride this out just a half-hour look at the watch Dancing I look over there still there I continued dancing Oh God make this stop if you're real just send a fire or something literally I just did this for like a half hour like Oh Oh God let it rain down judgment on these horrible worship leaders like it was just though it was the worst too honest too too honest no so finally after about 45 minutes of just just this horrible horrible time I look over in these guys they start they start they start moving and I realize that it's like offering time and they they're gonna leave the positions so I grab my dad's Bible and I look at the door and I get up to go make a beeline for the door and right as I get up out of my chair the door swings wide open it was like boom like something out of a movie with the timing was perfect door swings wide open and in walks Bob I might tell you about Bob okay please please I know don't worry don't worry this will be good just bear with me I guarantee it if it's not you can yell it happy in walks Bob let me tell you about Bob Bob had the biggest nose I had ever seen in my entire life it was massive I'd seen a lot of noses up to that point this thing was huge I know Bob I love Bob we make fun of his nose constantly he would get in the pool he would lay on his back and you go don't it was huge it was just an on running joke it was like one of those it was like the elephant in the room and set the elephant was on his face and it was massive and in walks this guy and I don't see the glory of God on him all I see is this nose and I'd seen a lot of Ministers I knew he was the minister because people came in intercessors were going to come behind him and I go oh this is it this is the leader of the bunch he comes in and in and and and it was like this picture that I had never seen before it I'd been around churches I'd been around preachers I knew what what they look like and Bob was none of those he's he wore this flannel shirt he wore it it's like unkempt flannel shirt and this you know Walmart jeans I looked down and he literally was wearing black velcro sneakers like Mike my grandfather wears I mean who wears those I'm like diabetics and 80 year olds wear those things and and in Bob's neither of those but he is he's old and and he comes and he's wearing these black velcro sneakers and he walks in and and I go this night just got really interesting his arms were massive bob has the longest arms I had ever seen up into that point I grew up watching Popeye just to give you a picture bob was like a weathered old man Popeye like like he was strong but not strong strong like old man strong just like saggy but you knew that once they were strong but but it just wasn't there anymore and that was Bob he was just he had these arms literally I would go by later on I got to know Bob and we would have a thing you know he would lay in the pool and do that and then I'd be like pop do this thing with your arms do this thing with your arms he'd be like okay and he would stand up straight and rub the bottoms of his kneecaps from this position why bob was an ex fisherman from Galilee Rhode Island he spent his years from the time is 15 15 up to about in his late 40s he spent every day his life on tuna Bob you guys weren't expecting this and he would reel in tuna he he was a self-made man from 15 on he he'd built a boat building business a plane spotting business he had a small fleet he would fly up in his plane spot tuna out in the ocean radio down to the boats and they would drive out and harpoon these tuna by hand hook him up to a battery and send 3000 volts down the line killing him instantly he's totally self-taught he was a rough tough guy lived every every one of his days out on the ocean but he always had this hunger for God he always had this hunger for the Lord even as a young boy and the only thing that he had experience with was in the liturgical church and he became an Episcopalian I he was Episcopalian and he knew that he could never become a priest because of his past and because of his lifestyle so he decided to become a deacon and so his whole entire life that he had fished he he took this time and set apart this time to become a deacon in the church and he was studying for the deacon he had spent years just studying and studying and studying and he heard that God was moving up in this little place called Toronto back in 95 he had no understanding of the movement he had no understanding of revival all he heard was God's moving and if God's moving then I want to be there you know there's something about childlike faith that God can take and do absolutely anything with some people call it like being naive some people call it being simple-minded I'm telling you guys childlike faith has the ability to transform the world and Bob even though he had his his act together on the outside at the core of him all he really wanted was God so he hears God's moving he takes his wife he goes Susie you're coming with me he goes God doesn't use women but I want some companionship on the drive this is what he says this is what he says he has no idea and they drive to Toronto he gets to the hotel he takes Susie tells her to stay in the hotel room why because God only touches men this is all that he knows he goes to the service he walks in this room and he sees all these people getting touched he goes and he looks he sees man he sees women he sees pastors he sees hell all these things he goes God must use women - I'm telling you just an amazing man he runs back he goes Suze God can use you - come on you're invited and he comes back and they go and they walk in and Randy Clark is preaching this is early early Toronto maybe about six months in to Toronto and so Randy's there and he's praying for people and Bob takes a look at this room full of people hungry for revival and he goes none of these guys look like they're deacons because I'm the only Deacon here it's my job to serve the leader out of my way he pushes aside all of Randy's catchers and he goes you guys don't look like you have any experience serving the Lord while wearing your jeans and stuff he goes I'm gonna catch and so he spends four days catching for Randy he wouldn't let anyone else catch for him he just spends he's four he's like I'm a deacon this is my job and he catches for Randy at the end of the four days Randy turns to him and says Bob you've served me well you've caught for me for four days now it's time that you catch the anointing and he lays hands listen he touches Bob and Bob goes out bang he's out cold and the power God comes from he had never experienced anything like that up to this point any Encounters of God and he's there he's out on the floor he gets in the car he goes I must have got what with the Lord had me come up here for I encountered God Susie time to go home he gets back in his car he drives back to his Episcopal Church or yeah I think this Sunday morning comes it's the day after he gets back now Bob's captain Bob he was the deacon all the little children would come running up to him every Sunday Captain Bob Captain Bob and he would tell him stories about sharks and stuff that he'd catch on his boat and all the Sunday morning like every other Sunday the kids come running out to about five or six of them and Bob drops Suzy knees he would where's his friend sis canal drops to his knees and these kids come running up to him and he wraps his arms around these kids and they all go out you think it's funny you tried to explaining to some mom the kids didn't go out into carpet time they went out screaming under the power of the anointing screaming not screaming in joy screaming because the power God's coursing through their bodies and they have no control two of the kids went into full-on trances for hours they called the like emergency they called the emergency room the ambulance came instantly Bob lost everything that he had worked his entire life for in the church they they gave him an ultimatum they said either you do this stuff or you you don't do it which one do you choose because I didn't do it I just wrapped my arms around these kids but if this is God that I want this and he gets kicked out just like that bang from 8:00 in the morning to 6 o'clock in the afternoon he wakes up every morning sits at his kitchen table and prays and reads the Bible the Lord tells him the cell is built building business to sell his airplanes to sell everything and come and follow him and he does every day he sells it all instantly quarter of a million dollars a year sells it been gone and he serves the Lord he just every morning he gets up six months this goes on no open doors no networking no web pages no nothing at the end of the six months he goes now what do I do God God goes going to ministry he goes how do I do that the Lord didn't answer him so he opens up a phone book goes to the church section calls the First Church apostolic Association of Baptist whatever I don't know Dodd's called me to come and minister can I come no click he works his way down the phone list one by one by one by one all who are thirsty let him come to me and streams of living water will flow from within you how bad do you want it I'm not telling you this story so you can just have another story the point is the story the story's the point you guys live all who are thirsty let him come to me in the streams of living water will flow from within you fast forward six years Bob one church said yes he births his ministry out of the phonebook and he ends up walking into the basement of this church that I'm standing in we're seven years eight years earlier I was a little kid on the floor getting touched repenting about Arrowsmith he walks in and he starts preaching I sit down because I realize I want to see what comes out of a man with a nose that big and with arms like a gorilla and Bob starts preaching I don't remember much of the sermon it wasn't that good it was hard to cut through his thick Rhode Island accent he had no training no nothing and it showed but as he's preaching he says something he says something that I had heard a thousand times before I had heard it at Sunday school I had heard it at church I had heard it on the radio I'd heard it from my mom and it was this jesus loves you right simple you guys are you guys alive I had heard it before Bob says it but this time there's something different on it it wasn't the normal church it wasn't the normal service he says God loves you jesus loves you and something hits me as soon as he says it instantly I already knew it was about to happen I already knew that this is the beginning to something you guys know like your kids you get in trouble your mom knows your mom asked you the question how was your day today but you know that she already knows that you did something wrong and you know that the question has nothing to do with what she's actually asking you and you know that something Bad's about to go ahead gonna happen that's what I felt he said god loves you and you took it a step further he says not only does he love you but he wants to use you and with that even even more this thing falls on me in my chair you need to realize something I was the worst I was the worst I was the worst I was the worst I was the worst I was the least one in that room I was the I I was the worst in the entire church and this thing hits me and he takes it a step further he says this he says not only does God love you but he wants to use you and not only does he want to use you but he's gonna do it tonight and with those words the power of God falls on me and I lose it the the fire of God comes on me the electricity comes on me I have no paradigm for this all I know is the Aerosmith encounter all I know is my crazy parents I don't have a paradigm in fact I don't want this I I don't want the power I don't want this encounter I just want to make fun of crazy charismatic sand their tambourines and banners that's all I wanted to do and the power of God falls on me and it starts getting heavier and heavier and heavier and heavier and I start crying I just start weeping in my chair but I'm trying to hide it as Bob just continues to teach and he was closing out his message and he said that she says anyone who wants this anyone who wants more of this get up here now I want to pray for you God's gonna release this over you tonight and I ran forward I nothing in the world could have stopped me from getting up there and and receiving what God had for me that day I nothing nothing nothing could have stopped me and I ran forward and and I'm standing up there and there's other people that are up front and and I'm just weeping just like just just like anyone else through there was a few people up there and Bob he comes over to me and he lays these hands on me and all I smell is peppermint again and bounty I learned later on after traveling with Bob for a few years he used to lay sheets of bounty in between all of his clothes when he packed it didn't make sense it's the weirdest thing I've ever experienced of an itinerant but that's what bob was and bounty peppermint and frankincense and myrrh he would just lather his hands up with it and he laid these hands on me and I went out bang I'm out cold and what I thought what I was experiencing with the Holy Spirit was just a shadow God just pours out on him on me the Holy Spirit just comes and washes me the power of God just just falls on me and I'm weeping and I'm crying out I'm saying God forgive me forgive me forgive me and the Holy Spirit speaks to me he says he says I'm calling you I didn't even know what that mean I didn't even know what that meant but I knew that I wanted it and I scream out with everything inside of me here's what the Lord said to me he told me next first thing he said was he was calling me the next thing he said was this he says I don't want you to go to college and I'm screaming out [Music] you're real I don't want you to go to college I want you to come and follow me and with that just morg just glory just came on me back and I'm experiencing more and more in the Lord he opens up my eyes and I start to see in the spirit I start to see angels I start to see colors I start to hear things everything just became real the Lord leads me through deliverance instantaneously I'm just delivered on the floor right then in there and the Lord walks me through the prayer of salvation and I'm just give my life to the Lord 15 20 minutes 30 minutes go by and I'm undone on the floor just draining everything from everything that could drain anything on my face I'm just leaking all over the floor and all of us are 15 20 minutes half our time becomes irrelevant and I feel this thing come and strike me three times on my side right here and I look up expecting to see the angels some of you prophetic people are like it's the angel you're just like my mom my mom's like angels they're coming thrusting a spear in your side three times it wasn't an angel I looked up and I see nose and I look at my side and there's Bob standing on my side kicking me with this black orthopaedic velcro sneaker three times I look up and just crying he goes I'm sorry he looks at me and he says hey boy and I look up and I go this is what he says he says what are you doing on the ground boy and I go what what do you mean what what do you mean what am i doing on the ground that question means that you're crazy I have no idea what I'm doing on the ground I came up here cuz I was feeling the power of God you called me up I I didn't ask for this I didn't want this this wasn't my plan all I did was charismatic two-step I didn't want people rubbing my shoulders i sat there I lifted my hands I grabbed a Bible I tried to get through the guys but I saw your nose what do you mean what am i doing on the ground you tell me that God loves me and that God wants to use me tonight I come up here now I'm seeing things I'm hearing voices I'm seeing colors I feel like I'm losing my mind what do you mean what am i doing on the ground and I look up at him and I wanted to say that but I couldn't all they came out of me was here's what Bob said to me it changed me forever he said this this word and literally I've run off of this for the 13 years since that day he says what are you doing on the ground boy it's time to go to work [Applause] he picks me up off the ground I'm 17 I'm the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst I have no idea what I'm doing I have no right to be there I have no right to do anything and he comes and he stands behind me he grabs my arms and he picks them up and he places them on the face of a man who's standing there waiting to receive prayer and as soon as I touch his face I go out he goes out from from and I see this light I just see this light in between the two of us I know it sounds crazy I saw her oh I can't explain it what's what it was bang bang I go out it goes out and it continues on I'm rolling around on the ground just losing it 15 20 minutes go by time is irrelevant at this point I feel it again bang bang bang I look up there's Bob see Bob was a sea captain he went right to the point hey boy I thought I told you what's wrong with you what are you doing on the ground boy get up it's time to go to work picks me up off the ground again same thing bang bang I go out they go out how many of you guys have been touched by the Lord how many of you have ever experienced a touch of empower the Holy Spirit raise your hands that's enough I pray this is the last conference you ever attend no I don't why is God touching you why is he feeling you out I don't see normal people I don't see normal people you're not you're not normal people you're not you're not you're crazy all you need is a tambourine and a banner you're not normal people stop trying to be you're not a normal Christian you're not a normal person you're set apart full of this spirit full of the power Jesus says this the same spirit that rose Christ from the dead lives in you breathes in you works through you flows through you that changes everything you're not normal you're not normal you're not you're set apart bought with a price full of the Spirit of God you're not called to be me you're not called to be Randi you're not called to be Heidi Baker you're not called to be John Wimber you're called to be who God has created you to be and that is set apart to the front I got up off the ground and everything changed I went to I went to school the next day and a girl comes walking up to me in the hallway she takes her shirt off in front of me in the hall I was on my way to the to the bathroom she comes in the hallway rips her shirt off in front of me and says something's different about you I need some help and she spins around and she shows me her back and there's claw marks down her back she goes last night I was in bed and something came into my room and did this to me she goes can you help me with this I go yeah why because I experienced something the night before that changed everything I knew who I was I didn't have the full idea I didn't have the full picture but I knew that God was real and that he was moving through me come Holy Spirit come right then in there she gets delivered in the hallway I said wow this is pretty good this is nice huh I I like this I I felt odd I felt like I needed to go through training or something like that like I needed a badge or something but I didn't do it I didn't get one there wasn't anyone that had badges to give out where I was so I knew that people needed this I knew that that the people in darkness needed this and so I would just go and stand in the witchcraft section of Barnes & Noble I figure where the witches I guess they buy books I would go and stand there and just wait for them to come to me I would sit there and minister I've seen I've been kicked out of more barnes and nobles than i i can shake a stick at your chosen your set apart with the price you are here in this pursuit of the king for a reason it's not so that we can just walk around and just look at our gifts I love that God's given you gifts I love that you're growing and learning in those things and going deeper but I'm telling you if we keep it in here if we keep it in the four walls of the church we have failed you're you're called to do more than just receive a gift for here you're called to give it away God is raising it up he's raising you up for a reason how many of you have prayed for revival how many of you have called out and cried out for revival raise your hand listen it's amazing God is gonna release it God is gonna release revival but more than just the geographical revival more than just a revival in a church or in a city or in a town you will have that that will take place but more than just historical revival taking place within a geographical area you are revival why because the King of Kings the Lord of lords the same spirit that rose Christ from the dead lives in you breathes in you works through you flows through you and I don't care whether you believe it or not it doesn't change the fact that he's in you on you and working through you I pray that tonight the Holy Spirit will come and fill you up for me I've received impartation many times I I asked the Lord God what do you want to do tonight and I felt like he said that he wanted to pray for impartation I believe that the Lord is going to release a great gift a great pouring out over you guys tonight I don't care whether you want it or not sometime God works in his hunger and in his power all who are thirsty let him come to me but there's also times than in his great grace he reaches down into a crowd and says now I'm choosing you and setting you apart not one of you is safe in here tonight [Applause] from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been advancing and men and women take it by force God's looking for people who are hungry I came here not just to do another service not just to come and speak at a vineyard I came here because I believe that God is gonna take you above and beyond your wildest dreams I believe that God is gonna be releasing destiny listen to me listen to me I'm gonna be real honest with you I don't need to travel I don't need to speak anymore I do it enough I didn't come here to sell you my product in fact I don't have any product that doesn't even belong to me I didn't make any of that stuff that's the first time I saw those DVDs is actually today we're yesterday when I threw some in my bag it's not why it came here I think came come for your money I came and I will give my life away because God is raising you up I believe that ones are gonna be coming out of this place that will change in shape not just this denomination but that will change and shake or banna that will change and shake Champaign Illinois I believe that God is raising up once in this place and I believe that he's gonna do it this weekend but you gotta be thirsty you got to be hungry you got to be ready to step out of your boats and walk on water you got to be ready to take that risk you got to be ready to go after what you want I don't care if it's massive the Lord says if us faith like a mustard seed I don't care it if you have faith for it at all it doesn't matter just just put in your heart God this is what I want this is what I'm hungry for I got it I gotta have more than you got I want to live more of a life and just reading Christian book after Christian book after Christian book going to conference after conference after conference after conference listening to teaching after teaching after teaching after teaching I love teachings I love I love hearing my teachings but but at the end of the day if you just leave this place going wow not only was will attractive but he had great teachings you're gonna miss it you're gonna miss it there's more than just great teachings there's more than just listening to other people talk about the things of the Lord God is raising you up to go and take this for yourself God is raising his he's looking these eyes are roaming to and fro throughout the throughout the earth looking for ones who will be set apart who will go after it he's looking for hungry hearts he's looking for hungry hearts he's looking for those ones they'll seek Jesus son of David have mercy give it to me I know what I want third Emmaus knew what he want he knew what he wanted and he didn't care he didn't care what the disciple said he didn't care what what was kosher for that day he knew what he wanted and he ran after it I believe that God is looking for those ones who will run after it I received impartation when Bob he laid his hands on me I walked out of that place completely different I walked in one way and I walked out completely different burst into the ministry thrust into the calling and destiny on my life I believe that there are ones in here the Lord spoke to me that there are people in here that you feel like you have missed your destiny you feel like you've laid it laid your destiny aside for children and for family and for mortgages and just for just for a life listen to me I Drive a minivan I have a mortgage I had change diapers you can have your cake and eat it too God just not he's not setting ones aside that are only crazy not crazy and run around and jump around and do certain things he's looking for you just the way you are just the way you are he says that's what I want that's the one that I made that's the one that I set apart with destiny you don't have to run around praying for each and every person you see my mom she's an artist I've watched her paint pitch paint paintings put them up in front of a church and have people scream as demons flee out of them I don't get it I've tried doing it it doesn't work when I do but that's who she is that's the color god that's on her life what's God calling you into I don't see a normal Church if I see another book with lighthouses and roses on it I'm gonna punch a Christian right in their face we're not called to live a life of lighthouses and roses we're called to give ourselves away for the gospel we're called to lay our lives down for the king what will he do with you what will he take you I don't know I don't know but I know that he will I know that he will I know that he will I don't know what its gonna look like but I know that you'll kick Satan and his pig nose face as you do it I know that we win and I know that it comes through Dunamis power Jesus came and he did two things it was the words of Jesus spoken combined with the acts of Jesus performed it was those two things which brought transformation to a nation - to the world it was those two things he's calling you to go out in power I've received impartation from Bob that was the first time again the first time I met Randy he laid his hands on me and I received words of knowledge literally that moment that he called out and prayed I started receiving them they haven't stopped it it's happened many many times I I set my heart I say god I don't care who they are I'm gonna end I know that it's late and I want to pray for people for we have to go pick your kids up but it's very important I'm gonna end this I said god I want what son Reinhard Bonnke right set your vision higher come on are you guys are you guys with me I said god I don't want what's just on Randy or this person to that person I want what son ride hard punky and I would take numbers and I would write him down of Crusades that I wanted to do I would write them down on piece of paper and I've post them to my ceiling and every night I would look at them and say god those are the Crusades that I want to do hundreds of thousands hundreds of I said God do it I want to meet Reinhard Bonnke I believe that that just has wooden table laid his hands on me and I received something that I was changed I believe that if I can just have Reinhardt Bonnke pray for me that I'll receive something and that I'll they'll experience that change and and and I'll do whatever it takes God just I'm your favorite more than ever anyone else in in in Illinois I'm your favorite so do it to me God do it to me and I'm on my way to India I'm gonna go do my first crusade this is years ago and I'm in the German Airport and the door swings wide open on the train that takes you from terminal to terminal and I'm sitting there waiting to get on and the door opens up and smoke comes billowing out of the Train and a cherubim flutters down and lands on my shoulder I'm just kidding that didn't happen but that would have been nice but out from the Train walks Reinhard Bonnke and I became like a schoolgirl I'm like I think schoolgirls do that I don't I've never been one but that's my least thought process of what they act like when they see people that they really admire and I scream out I'm in the German Airport I scream out that's right art bunky just like that and I scream it so loud he's about 25 30 feet away from me he stops and spins around and looks at me do you guys know who ran her bunkie okay he spins around and he looks at me and he goes yes I am but he didn't rub him stomach though yes and I go and I walk over to him and he goes where are you going just like you you know you know I didn't know what I say just kind of bumbles out of me and he goes that's wonderful brother and I go I'm your brother and he goes yes we have this conversation ten minutes we just talk and and he tells us about what the Lord's doing and he just he just fills us up he's just it was awesome it was the most amazing time after about five ten minutes it one of his guys says Reinhard we have to go we have to go we're gonna miss our flight and he goes it was wonderful talking to you but other I go I know and he gets whisked away by his handlers and I'm sitting there and I'm going god thank you thank you so much I I knew I was your favorite you you would you would just bring me to Germany to have me meet Reinhardt Bonnke in the airport and I'm getting on my plane I'm sitting on the plane I'm just worshiping the Lord for just that awesome awesome awesome encounter the thing that I'd set my heart for it and and as I'm sitting there in my chair the Lord speaks to me and he says you didn't have him pray for you said I brought him there for him to pray for you that was your prayer you didn't have him pray for you and I go oh and I literally start hitting my head on the chair in front of me stupid it's okay I'm just being honest banging my head on the chair and I said god I'm sorry I believe in impartation I believe in the transference of anointing do it again tell you the worship team up here three months later I'm on my way to Columbia South America to go through this big meeting with a bunch of teens bunch of youth I was gonna train them and equip them how to work in this supernatural how to pray for the sick and we're at work where I'm on my way and I'm in Miami in the Miami Airport I know if you ever been there before but it's the most demonically laid out Airport in the world and I have no idea where I'm going and I'm running through the airport just running running running and they're calling my name out over the loudspeaker mr. Hart please get to gate 37 B minus Z in Sector four of Transport Section G and I'm like I'm literally going I'm barrel rolling through the Miami Airport just running full steam praying lord please let me just glance in a direction and hopefully my cake will be there like I just have no idea I'm just running I've lost it I'm just and I'm going full steam and it's not pretty things are flying everywhere I literally run over a man I'd slam into this guy just this old guy boom I slam it - I'm gonna stop and I'm patting him down are you okay are you okay and I look up [Applause] it's Reinhardt Bonnke I almost killed Reinhard Bonnke with this I'll make a mistake once I won't do it twice I dropped to my knees right there in the Miami Airport right in front of him I didn't even ask him boom pray for me why I believe that what's on your life will come and touch me when you lay hands on me just like Randy did with Bob just like Bob did with me just like Randy did with me just like Heidi did with me I believe that that there will that something will take place where I'll be transformed forever and he starts praying for me ten minutes just goes into it God fill them up God touch him God take him deeper and I'm just there shaking on the floor in Miami people stop they're just staring I didn't care I don't care I don't care I don't care why I know what I want and I'm gonna pursue it I'm gonna go after the call of God on my life God give it to me and he prays for me 10 minutes goes by they get up you guys can play ten minutes goes by and I get up off the ground and he gives me this big hug he takes off I have to go I go thank you so much I look over to my left and a woman standing there she was are you mr. Hart hey go yes I am she goes the flight was delayed 20 minutes come on you takes right here just come on the play [Applause] but get on the plane and I sit down in the Lord to start speaking to me listen there's power and impartation God is a God of impartation Randi preached up for years it's true God is God of impartation God 10 god I went and I preached in Colombia it's about 800 kids 400 kids even I took him out in two teams of 408 we went out in the streets within two hours of ministering on the streets in Medellin Colombia one of the most drug written is your driving the streets I watched him get shot drug ridden demonic places at the time in two hours of ministry on the streets we saw over 2,500 salvations there was there was an increase that took place unlike anything I had ever seen I didn't understand it do I walk with what he walks in no do I carry what that man carries no but I got something from it and I saw instant fruit listen to me God is gonna take you tonight and he's gonna fill you up he is gonna release his power he's gonna release destiny over you he's gonna release keys over your life this weekend it is not just tonight this weekend is going to be a time of impartation this weekend is gonna be a time of transference I'm telling you prepare yourself set in your heart what you want from God set in your heart which you're hungry set in your heart what you want to pursue after the king and go after it go after it go after it go after it all who are thirsty let them come to me and streams of living water will flow from within you I don't care whether you think you deserve it or not God uses vessels not only does he use vessels he uses broken vessels if you sit there and say well I have to have abcdefg you're gonna miss it if you are breathing then the king of kings and the Lord of lords is working in you using you hungry for you I'm telling you tonight God is gonna release destiny is there anyone thirsty in here tonight is there anyone hungry in here tonight is there anyone who just just God I will not stop until you give me my blessing
Channel: More Love More Power
Views: 9,264
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: Will Hart, More Love More Power, Jesus, Healing, Vineyard Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 9sec (5769 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 31 2014
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