He only moved his king. He won.

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ladies and gentlemen in this video I'm gonna share a chess game with all of you that's going to make you laugh and it's also going to make you cry this game was sent to me by multiple people I was tagged in a bunch of different Reddit threads for it and it was an Abomination it was a catastrophic and yet beautiful chess game that reminds us of our limited time here on Earth and speaking of before I show you the game just very quickly if you're lucky enough to be watching this video in the first day that it comes out folks there's one day remaining to get 50 off any of my courses now I know you usually skip the sponsored part of a video but I'm just gonna tell you every single one of these courses has a free sample all right every single one of them free sample you can test drive a car before you buy it check these things out you know why I'm telling you this I know you're supposed to skip the sponsored part of a video it's because hundreds of thousands if not a million of you will watch this video and not all of you need to take chess training seriously but the stuff on my website is free there is stuff on there that is a hundred percent free for you to take advantage of and learn openings with white with black practice middle games I'm just you know I'm trying to help you help yourself a tiny fraction of you actually take advantage of the free benefits so why not it takes two clicks boom boom all right anyway um our protagonist is voichek playing with the black pieces um and uh we're actually gonna follow this game from voycheck's perspective and the person playing with white his name give Kenny evgetti versus voycheck just sounds like you know any two individuals somewhere in Europe that could have met up uh for a game uh their profile pictures are brought first and uh pierogi so there's a 10 minute game and uh the the lesson of this game is do play like this but also don't play like this white Begins the game with E4 King's Pawn we have Knight F6 we have Knight C3 by white defending this Pawn now of course defending this Pawn but of course uh for beginners you know if your opponent leaves the opportunity to attack you like this in the center of the board uh you you should do that there's there's there really is nothing wrong with it of course this is an opening but voychic is rated 500 I don't think voice knows this is an opening uh but okay we have Knight F6 Knight C3 white is kind of trying a Vienna and now you know what's incredible I I didn't do this on purpose remember how I just told you about the fact that my courses have free samples and you probably went yeah yeah whatever he's promoting something well if white knew and even just took the free sample of the Vienna Gambit white didn't play that but if White had played the Vienna Gambit that's actually right here like all of this is completely free I'm like I'm again folks uh this was not like a paid piece of promotion but I am just telling you I have an entire first chapter there for free on the Vienna Gambit in case you're interested but evgeny doesn't know the Vienna evgeny plays Knight F3 is there anything wrong with the move Knight F3 absolutely not in fact we have a four nights all right this is a four nights position obviously very classical and principled opening white can now develop the light score bishop or White can play the move d4 which would lead to a four night Scotch variation after D4 Pawn takes Knight takes Bishop B4 Knight C6 BC Bishop D3 D5 Ed castles with some ideas like this Castle CD H3 C6 Bishop you know this is Queen F3 do these 500 level players know this Theory absolutely not so after the move D form uh voycheck our dear protagonist uh doesn't remember that a pawn can take another Pawn and uh a lot of beginners have this blind spot by the way a lot of you forget that Center pawns can take each other because otherwise everybody would just do this so in this position voycheck plays the move Queen E7 now there's nothing completely wrong with Queen E7 it's it's not a horrible move but just in general if in the first like five to ten moves you have like this itch like maybe I need to move my queen just slap yourself okay for legal reasons if you slap yourself too hard or with something sharp I am not liable but yeah slap yourself don't move your queen you know it it moves something else uh Queen E7 is not a bad move if and only if the opponent takes and then takes again of course they shouldn't do that they could take one time but they definitely shouldn't take twice uh White can also keep developing white can also shove Black's Knight backwards and take a little space but of course you know white just played the move d4 so white takes on E5 it's not a good move Knight E5 and now you definitely don't want to take why do you not want to take well you don't ever want to help your opponent develop their pieces and untangle while also sabotaging yourself so this trade is not great for white because you just activated my queen and also by activating my queen you opened up my Bishop what a lot of you beginners don't realize is every single time a piece moves or a trade happens it's not just oh it's equal it's three for three no I mean it's like the The Disappearance of a piece from the board and when a piece moves another piece now right can move there which it wasn't able to do so this trade is a net negative for white and an positive for black and you can learn more about no I'm not gonna but seriously middle games master class has all of this stuff um now white here should like finish up development white plays Bishop B5 uh Bishop B5 is a weird move um it pins the pawn to the king but that's just about all it does uh White should go here and castle Bishop B5 doesn't do anything in fact you just shouldn't move your Bishop anywhere it can be a target for a pawn unless you have like a really good reason uh also this is a free Pawn uh and also Bishop B4 hits the Knight and removes the defender of the bishop now black of course sees Bishop B5 and in seven seconds plays C6 don't hate this move at all and now we have Bishop C4 all right now folks this is the end of the normal game all right you made it six minutes in the video congratulations now you and I have a contract where you are not allowed to click off because if you do you're gonna miss something absolutely spectacular um of course in this position this is still a free pawn bishop before still a good move and pawn to D5 is also a good move hitting the bishop and the pawn can't take because of the pin so D5 is nice Bishop before all the stuff B5 is good knight E4 is good in this position black plays a move that I don't fully understand um I think it's a mouse slip but who knows black plays King E7 now King E7 is stupid for multiple reasons number one you are for no good reason losing the right to Castle and moving your King number two you could have also done that by going here but why King E7 is even worse is you block your Bishop so now you're gonna have to undevelop the king you still can't castle and you've blocked your Bishop it's not a good move I mean white can Castle White can play a four and you know I gotta tell you white actually plays the top engine move which is F4 now what black should do is obviously play Queen C5 now black does something smart here black goes well I messed up but you know maybe if I can get my king to safety I'll be fine and also who is the most dangerous piece in the white position of course it's the queen so I'm gonna do a natural thing which is trade off my opponent's most active piece and then they can't attack me Queen D6 I'm so smart boom boom here's the problem evgeny plays E5 check that's a big problem because now you're forked but this king is not scared this king's not gonna go back the king realizes wait a minute my Knight's hanging what's worth as much as a night King C5 your Bishop is hanging good sir you take mine I take here maybe I go D5 look the computer doesn't even think it's half bad it's King C5 yeah folks remember how a few minutes ago I told you that was the last normal thing you're going to see in this game yeah it's the last normal thing you're going to see in this game all right now what should white do to maintain plus five Advantage white should move the bishop out of the way at the very least white should defend the bishop it's not the best move and that way the king is now running into White's pieces that are all protected and white is completely winning but in this position unfortunately evgeny gets a massive massive attack of tunnel vision and plays Bishop E3 check and Bishop E3 checks not a terrible move black plays King takes bishop and now in this position white has Pawn takes Knight and also long Castle which sets up rook D4 check but if a 500 finds that report them for cheating King C4 evgeny plays Pawn to B3 and the King has now taken one more piece the King has now walked up the board to E7 to D6 to C5 to C4 to C3 and now to C2 at this point black is all in on the memes the King has just gotten up and walked to the other side of the board now black is completely winning because in his journey the king captured seven points of material with his bare hands it's not too late for white to take the Knight and try to fight back but white plays Rook to D2 now folks I have a question for you the King has three legal moves which two of them are better than the third one excuse me which two of them are worse than the third one now these two are worse than this one right King to C3 back is required however let me rephrase my question which of these two moves are better for a YouTube video and the answer to that question is of course touching your opponent's other side this is like swimming to the end of a pool and not touching the other side and white a black plays King to be won and loses the game why does black lose the game because white can play King E2 mate white can play King F2 mate and white can play short Castle mate all of those moves are made King B1 but in this position as a 486 rated player Woody evgeny forgot that he has another Rook forgot that he can castle and forgot that he can go here instead he played Rook to D1 and the assault of the black king continued as he took two more pawns the black king has now single-handedly captured nine points of material we go all the way back this was all started because of a random Mouse slip that turned into an onslaught of Epic Proportions as the king survives B1 mate to capture two more Pawns and now black is winning by a resounding nine points of material as this Knight can still be captured and it's still the best move and you may be asking yourself wait a minute how is there a bishop on C5 hold on a second Gotham Bishop C5 what does this even isn't this just a freebie yes absolutely absolutely I the move Bishop C5 makes negative sense there is no King you're not you're just attacking a squad over here that has no King I don't know what to tell you you know what I mean it's just there's no King there all right there's nothing isn't it I don't know what Bishops yeah that's a free Bishop but memes now in this position white plays Rook to D3 check because white doesn't know what to do I mean but you just allowed the weakest most feeble piece in the book in the game to terrorize an entire side of your board and and now Rook D3 check King to C4 is another Fork the black king has now forked two more pieces and he has now captured two Bishops a knight and three pop one king you will notice that absolutely nothing in Black's position has moved black has not touched anything else look at this the King has made every single move King F2 now at this point look at this point Black's gotta go all right that was enough my knight can move my Pawn can no what I love about what voycheck did in this position is he realized the unlimited potential of the memes he now is up 12 points of material all right 12 points I don't know what why this says Maiden one it's glitching I don't know what's I don't know what it's doing it's not made in one hello stockfish okay stockfish has completely malfunctioned it it doesn't understand what is happening there we go that was so weird chess.com servers am I right anyway um yeah so voice check of course could just you know move his pieces and um and avoid any any further problems uh unfortunately he does not do that and uh he he continues to move his King he continues to move his King I'm gonna have to turn this off because it's just not working uh he continues to move his King King to B6 okay uh White plays Rook B1 check and now can bring the second Rook and voychic instead of running the king home he runs it forward the absolute madman and he just keeps going it's only the king only the king is moving rookie three he takes another Pawn Rook C4 King F5 G4 finally voycheck says I don't need to move my king I'm going to move my Knight speaking of which this Knight has been hanging for no less then 14 moves for 14 moves the Black Knight has survived it has just stood there in the face of danger and the best part is it doesn't know it's in danger it doesn't see the pawn the pawn sees the Knight Ponce is the night it is screaming for an opportunity and finally the Knight escapes and not only does it Escape it Forks the king in The Rook rooked and King G4 and um in this position yevgeny had had enough and he resigned the game down a Monumental 16 points of material 16 points and you know what the incredible thing is do you know where you get that 16 points of material it's right here 10 and and and some more all right and none of these pieces moved check won this game by not moving 21 points of his material has 22 23 points of material on the board and he's moved he's moved the one Pawn he's move one Pawn 23 he has 23 points of material on the board and he he he hasn't moved 22 of it what did we even just see it was a normal opening where King E7 turned into King D6 King C5 King C4 mate on the first rank avoiding maid and the pillaging continues as the black king takes literally everybody and forces a resignation now folks remember how in the beginning of this game I told you do play like this but also don't play like this do play like this but also don't play like this now get out of here oh and if you really want to avoid playing like this you want to win some more games you know learn your Vienna Gambit check out the free stuff folks I don't it's it's completely free I wonder when this video is over go to the description go check out some free stuff stop sabotaging your own chest development doesn't have to be the Vienna can be the middle games master class can be the beginner chess whatever go check it out I'll see you in the next video now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,041,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: d_qr5vTPV2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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