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this is a new variant it's called duck chess I assume most people have never seen this before I only saw it for the first time recently we can see the rules here might have to squint to read this but the duck the duck is a brick does a quack though pieces cannot move through the square occupied by the duck but Knights can jump over the duck each player's turn has two steps after moving a piece the duck must be moved to an empty Square there is no check or checkmate capture the poems King to win oh wow though there's no stalemate the still wait there is still meat but the still made the player wins ooh if only that was real chess okay a lot of people challenging me okay it's time to play duck chess where's the duck oh I guess white white makes a move and then places a duck yeah you can play this on um it's variants so let's make a move and then let's place a duck I'm blocking White's bishop and queen and king from developing uh the anti-bong clown oh no I can't take back oh that's unfortunate I fell I fell for a opening trap oh that's so sad wait this is annoying wait how's my bishop ever going to develop If he if the duck keeps being placed on D7 okay let's take back I wonder if that was a mouse if I wonder if my opponent meant to play duck D7 yeah do I Mouse looked too that's actually a pretty bad Mouse lift because now the bishop I allowed the bishop to develop okay at least now I can win this Pawn this is so funny this is so mind-bending too like the duck adds a whole new layer of complexity what does this move I want to deliver check what happens if I check what happens if I do this and then this because my point will have to move the duck again I think I don't know it's so easy to plunger the king here I think if you're white oh okay play this again ah they can just take back though hmm wait this is so complex so if I play there and then move the dock I want to sack the bishop wait this is crazy man okay so Queen E7 Queen E7 duck ducky 2. then my opponent takes and plays ducky three I just lose a piece yeah that's counterproductive counterproductive okay so I think I'll play this and then this no and then this uh and then this okay I didn't want to take because then the Knight would just take back man this could get weird really quickly yeah like it's already getting kind of weird so Queen E2 I might as well Castle and then play like this preventing the Bishop from developing it feels so good to move the duck but it feels so bad when the duck is moved in in my way like there's all sorts of like different tactics that can happen in this game which I'm I'm trying to comprehend I think I'll play this move still resembles some normal chess I think it's important to attack in multiple lines like if I can have multiple long distance attacks the duck can only block so much at once oh yeah we have new notation here too that's kind of cool foreign preventing castling delivered check so it's interesting like white could move move like Bishop G5 and then just block the check with the duck maybe I'm helping my opponent in some way yeah so I've wanted to move the duck and then take the pawn but I can only do so much so Ducks actually have really annoying defensive piece maybe Knight G4 I'm trying to attack keeping the white king in the center oh you can Castle when you're in check in this game oh cool shirt Eric oh thank you this is just a boxer I appreciate the compliments actually there is a story behind this shirt because I didn't buy it myself uh a friend got it for me it's one of these um Lululemon shirts a nice quality but I um I was helping my friend during a tournament I've repaired like some cool opening Trot that my friend used with pretty good success and then they got me a shirt as a gift wow Knight D4 so let's move oh wait no I can't move the duck uh can I take the pawn and then this is so mind-boggling foreign okay so let's check oh I just plundered though okay opponent doesn't punish me uh how to do this my Queen's attacked look I'm in trouble here unless I play this and then this oh it's so confusing because now there's this battery I keep confusing the duck for like a piece that can maybe be captured but we have to I just have to get used to the duck it's like this new thing that has just intruded in the game oh what a confusing position because what's like basically what's going to happen is the point will have to move the duck off of this diagonal unleashing the tension between the Bishops quack times 14 thanks for all the quacks oh thank you Jay-Z Safa yeah quack quack it'd be cool if there was some quack sound effects in this game like every time the duck is placed yeah that's a reasonable move so if I take I think I'll take and then play I have this I gotta watch my time I think there's four second increment oh I understand why there's four second increments because it's like double usually it's two second agreement but because every turn has two steps they've doubled it to four in Rose and angry goose oh yeah where's the goose the funny if there is just a goose that randomly appears he just eats the duck okay let's oh wait no I have to I keep wanting to move the duck first is she wondering like what what's more powerful in this game Knights are Bishops the knights might be better long term because they're not affected by the duck okay so I'm trying to maximize uh all the directions I'm attacking I'm also just preventing light from castling every move but you should always place a duck in the way of your opponent's best move if that makes sense oh wow oh that's a nasty move wow this is a move am I in trouble oh wow what's going on da I'm in trouble yeah I messed up oh no check I'm down a piece maybe it's not so bad though now opponent's actually pretty good at Duck chess they've also played before it looks like because they have an established rating wow it's going to be a duck time scramble what's happening foreign oh it's so confusing let's go okay I won the rook and I prevented Bishop from taking back duct tactics oh castling wow oh it's so tricky I'm up a rook like this is gonna be a weird end game I'm so confused the duck is really throwing me off I just have to realize the duck is harmless I should have played duck A3 can I make multi-premoves wow I can oh no I pre-moved the wrong move though that's okay I guess once you make the first step you can't make the second step wait my Pawn can be blockaded by the duck oh I'm so confused let's play this and then this yes it's back ring checkmate right no ah okay oh it's happening okay another keep opponent locked in wait I should be careful not to stalemate because it's still meeting player almost flagged like if I put the duck on G1 it would be stalemate I think foreign oh it's Chuck I'm so scared of stamina I feel like a beginner like not knowing how stalemate works foreign wow I almost flagged there does it still need I'm so close to flagging I don't understand how to win huh okay let's Checkmate I hope if the Kings and Chaka can't be stalemate oh that's not okay I'm allowing the pawn to move foreign how do I win I'm so confused okay this has to be winning right how does white survive wow okay there's no Escape wow there is an escape okay now there's no Escape right there we go okay oh that wasn't easy like a game that took so much work it's so difficult
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 443,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, International Master,, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2021, duck chess, chess variant, variants, fog of war, funny, duck, goose
Id: BqvYsPAufB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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