Catching FIRE in a Chess Streamer PRIZE Tournament

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okay so this is Arena Kings it's a 2hour uh Arena tournament there are prizes for streamers are we going to start with a Stafford gamut opponent's taking a lot of time here uh we'll see okay Bishop wait a minute I played Knight C6 uh I can't play the Stafford against this let's play a schan D3 all right take and KN F6 I haven't played the schan in a long time I can't believe that that I oh no am I losing a [Music] pawn feel like this is some sort of theory just castling I have the bishop hair maybe some compensation okay let me try and stay focused here if I take here that doesn't work Play Bishop D4 E5 might be a move E5 maybe I can take yeah this is definitely a warm-up game if I take with [Music] Queen this looks okay so if I win back the [Music] pawn some my G4 idea I hope the layout is okay basically trying to mimic my previous setups layout do have some increased camera quality um Knight G4 honestly Knight G4 looks pretty [Music] good allowing takes and Knight C5 I'll play D6 and C5 probably don't think I mind the bishop Knight ending start with Bishop F5 the C5 could be oh that's a move C5 Knight A6 wow so I Bishop E4 I'm just trying to restrict the Knight I feel like black should have good chances to win this there's Knight A6 to win C7 I watched almost all your YouTube videos before trying twitch love your attitude oh nice thank you garble I appreciate that welcome to Twitch yeah this Knight is not enjoying its life think I might just walk up to how to do this King D5 I'm going to win the [Music] pawn this is my favorite chess Community thanks for the great content draw back later this stream um I'll play it by year we'll see this still takes some Focus here it should be winning I'd imagine oppon taking time you got this I have 20 seconds but hopefully yeah the bishop does a good job at restricting the Knight oh no oh I dropped my Bishop that's so sad brw thinks he's aaru look at that profile picture Okay actual staff or Gambit time uh what to do it's not actually a Gambit here I'm just um just trading pawns that's a fine line for white uh try Queen H4 it's risky I mean targeting F2 if castling I probably can take have Knight G5 hitting the queen and the bishop if takes I take this bishop okay at least I'm I'm still undefeated after one game not the cleanest game I'm actually liking this position not easy for white to Castle Bishop A5 probably I have the bishop hair too white has this extended Pawn on E5 we might have to trade Queens I do have this move take take a B5 could be a move [Music] too I'll play this so B4 I think I just take not sure if I'm missing something I'll find out soon it's possible my opponent just overlooked the pin there um C6 to throw in I it weakens D6 the hope is to get D5 but I'm realizing yeah that might be hard to achieve D5 take on pant D5 Onan Rook E8 I'll try it so there's Queen E3 threatening okay now I have F5 F5 [Music] D7 take take take I that should be good yeah if the queen moved to E3 there' be Knight F6 but I was going to play Bishop F5 there to connect the Rooks I see the question can you do a Russian stream um n Yani Pani May perusi uh let's play this very close to winning now okay I mean y y nki I speak a little bit of Russian but not enough to actually [Music] stream um all right let's play D4 we have a um what is this a London against a slav setup black can't play Bishop D6 immediately cuz there'd be KN F7 [Music] and queen G4 here Queen G4 kind of slows down blocks kingside development I picked up a few Russian words when I was younger my first chess coach was from bellarus so I learned most of the chest pieces peska uh Fierce SLO [Music] con [Music] lah my aent is probably very off okay B4 is maybe coming I think I'll just Castle King should be safe here I'm looking for the plan or any [Music] plan Bishop F3 I do want to like somehow crck the structure it's a question which Pawn break to go for like B4 is a possibility A4 opponent playing A4 maybe B3 and then C4 welcome back to schwarma how's it going yeah this is looking reasonable now Knight found a happy Square I don't think I want to trade Queens unless I do probably not oops Yeah I don't mind the bishop trade there some idea of trading Bishops and then like potentially sacking on D7 and then taking C5 and C5 could be a long-term weakness Queen E7 let's play F4 first defend E5 if we trade Rooks on D6 the uh the fifth rank opens I just want to play C5 if Knight takes E4 there's Rook [Music] C1 have this move it's looking nice have to manage my [Music] time cuz now if Queen takes okay if Queen takes C4 hangs the Knight or the queen Knight takes C4 there's still Rook C1 B4 is attacked [Music] m yeah Rook C3 King [Music] D2 there's no Knight D5 okay all right let's go block again [Music] um thank you Arthur Philip tent I appreciate that I think for the duration of the tournament I'll be playing like a Stafford Gambit repertoire I think that makes sense for especially 3 minutes with no increments I'll come back to Josh yeah if you're just joining this is a the weekly Arena Kings tournament was a prize tournament for streamers my rating took a pretty bad tip yesterday so I'm trying to recover some rating points I did start the tournament below 2600 so at least I'm back above King D2 okay let's move back yeah this is a line I've had before in the Stafford a lot of like simple improving moves here King B8 maybe Rook H5 look to double up if Rook F2 I probably play G3 and here I can take oh E5 is a threat I do have to be [Music] careful so maybe I'll just move back and now some ideas of Queen H2 I see the request for the alien gabit maybe also the cow we'll see so if I take I think this is okay I'm going to have um Rook H Rook D1 Rook H1 Queen [Music] G4 maybe this is simpler just holding on to G4 it's a strong Pawn I'm happy to put these pawns on dark squares light s Bishop ensures that there's no like clear weakness I could play A5 [Music] here but now I might as well push and preserve A5 for later I'm threatening G2 Rook H1 if I play Rook H1 now there's queen f8 queen [Music] G7 let start with this mean queen f8 king B7 there's D6 it should be okay D6 immediately yeah threat was Queen G3 just trying to be prophylactic maybe I have a plan of uh planting the bishop on F1 cool idea cutting off the defense of the Knight and now I'm threatening to Queen White's covering it I just want to play Queen [Music] D4 G3 preventing King F2 yeah this is full [Music] domination okay here we go that's two in a row I still don't really know how the scoring system works for these Arena tournaments I don't know if 10 means a 10 probably means my total number of points and 13 is my place I [Music] assume people in chat probably know better than me I'm right okay good feels good to be right so if I win this game I'll have one three in a row so how many German points will I score also what to do with this Knight take first and G5 might be coming I'm trying to play positionally here oh Four Points Max okay so it's similar to leas then [Music] um what's my [Music] plan I'm going for the minority attack kind of just ignoring this move two points for no streak three points I see okay I appreciate the explanation so I guess I'm doing decently in 13th Place oh leader has 26 I guess I've moved down since the game started I'll try and keep the streak this my deal to play G3 oh welcome back to Pam I saw you yesterday I uh I said hi yesterday but maybe you missed it um yesterday was a a whole juggling act to make sure that the stream was working properly it's just a new F too to kind of switch to a new setup it's like a slightly um feels slightly different for some [Music] reason yeah this Knight on D6 is pretty good maybe I can go start by playing 95 I want to go for the the B5 break if my pawns were back I'd probably look to take but don't think I want to do that G5 might be coming okay let's get getting spicy trying to clamp down attacking upon rookie [Music] 7 I just have to move back have to be really careful here just run the king my thing is hanging okay ah it took a lot of work let's keep it going though let's keep it going I'm go for another Stafford type thing trying to remember the the lines here this might be slightly questionable we'll see though yeah Bishop [Music] B7 kind of crazy position actually I don't have Queen A4 e I'm blund Bishop A4 what to do yeah I was trying to be a little bit too fancy there um yeah it's pretty uncomfortable now try this have a nice looking Bishop at least been Rock liting for two years nice yeah this is not going to really help play this [Music] move okay now I have this [Music] move maybe some miracle in the making there we go okay that was a nice comeback I was getting completely crushed there but uh I managed to come back playing a strong player now this is Polish Grandmaster try this from the heart of a city an opening clear with porns set forth and Bishops near do structure sound with a steady hand name this play a strategy Grand that basically describes this so far I just have to find a grand strategy uh what to do thank you snoped for the the nice poetry oh that's a good move I'll have to play King E3 not the worst thing ever for for for wow for okay I almost missed that up a lot of Pawns now and a bishop okay just a matter of keeping composure there let's go keeping the streak I'll take that and these have not been the smoothest games but they have been games have Queen B4 I have C3 as the benefit of playing Knight A3 having access to C4 and still very playable position Queen E2 is tempting I think I'll play Bishop D3 and then if G6 Queen E2 cuz then it would threaten uh Knight takes D6 and black was ready for that but now that G5 is an idea if H6 I think I can take on G6 if the bishop moves I take on D6 and block is offering this [Music] transformation thank you CR CL hi Eric do you have any music recommendations um I'm probably not the best person to ask feel free to ask people in twitch chat sure people can share their favorite music yeah this is usually a music free stream take and Bishop yeah Bishop F5 is probably oh no Bishop F5 is not coming so I'll play this first and bishop's tied down to [Music] F7 of takes I take here if the bishop Retreats I'm looking for tatics take take and this is probably maybe I'll start by taking here and then take and take I don't quite have time to take on G6 I'm doing well on time trying to Target the [Music] pawn taking Bishop F5 doesn't really work it's close to working take yeah what to do okay now I think it works I'll have D5 in the [Music] end yeah earlier D5 was not not a possibility oh wow wait take take this is interesting I think I could just like leave The Rook pinned and how is black getting out of it I messed up I tried to give myself the chance there oh was really close not good enough though that was a weird [Music] situation okay moving on there goes my streak 25th Place going for another Stafford type thing 95 is very strange and D4 yeah take take huh some new opening trying to understand what's going on here think I'll just play Bishop B6 leaving the Knight attacked now you he probably just casing so I have 22 points going to take some time to catch up okay so now two things are attacked if I take the bishop there's Queen H5 let's just castle and Bishop H4 is probably [Music] coming there is one interesting idea Bishop H4 take on [Music] D4 not sure if that's great though idea would be to take back and hit the queen but there's takes wow Bishop c4's [Music] idea I imagine it should be okay wait am I just getting mated KN G6 here and then Queen G4 it's almost meeing I have Queen F6 here I have to be really really careful so I'm threatening mate covering G6 as well wow I mean if I take I take there's Knight G6 with mate so probably [Music] G4 what a weird [Music] position I think I should be surviving here as scary as it seems I might have to play H6 there's Queen H6 as [Music] well we're both taking most of our [Music] time I just have to develop honestly forgot about that move okay I was just just fast enough that was a messy [Music] game that was a really messy game okay somehow I survive though I'm trying to get my heart rate back down oh yeah this is I'm actually wondering can I transpose into a Stafford here Queen [Music] E7 I going play H5 this feels wrong but maybe it will go into some kind of Stafford trying to confuse my opponent yeah the idea is to take and play Knight [Music] G4 and the difference between this and the Stafford is I don't have the double cwn night4 is probably a good move but maybe I can take on e4 now defending now I can take and take I'm probably still worse here we have to try and um cope with the fact that I'm not castling this game and there's G5 there's Knight G6 go for Knight G6 Queen E2 Knight [Music] E7 it looks pretty bad though yeah kn7 looked too um it just looked worse than this okay so probably D6 now I'll be down a pawn Rook e a king H7 maybe I'll be [Music] surviving yeah there's Queen E8 King H7 I'm threatening now Bishop H3 which no longer works I do have F6 so cutting off the queen how does white defend actually like this might already be winning for black this is just such a monster threat and the Queen's completely cut off my king is safe I'm down a pawn but materials not as relevant if Queen E7 I play Bishop H3 G3 and then Rook E8 any bishop move there's Bishop H3 I didn't realize it when I played F6 it was more of a a prophylactic move but I think it's completely winning [Music] now and G3 Queen [Music] E4 or this okay I force mates this should be good enough okay while he's trying to fight okay almost missed the miden two there okay got the job done yeah I was in trouble out of the opening but somehow the chest SCS were on my side play E4 this game ponani Stafford Gambit time no okay we have a normal Petrov defense I really don't know the theory here uh I'm going to assume that white should be attacking maybe C4 first so I have 27 points 29th Place okay and D6 is hanging E4 Bishop [Music] E7 yeah there's Bishop F7 I could play Bishop F7 and H5 oh no my queen oh someone call ambulance hopefully not for me though if takes her there's Knight G6 and it's a cool mating idea a few games ago my opponent was trying to do the same idea with the H file mate G6 is impossible cuz Queen have six mates so this might be winning and there's this move but then Knight G6 and I take on f8 yeah this is not just like a funny trap this is just a a winning position now okay that was nice rating is on the rise 2636 going back to D4 slightly strange opening from my opponent yeah preventing the Bishop from developing I'm looking for ways to try and [Music] punish maybe just slow and steady chess long time no sub oh thank you Anton zero welcome come back I want to get the Knight to H5 there one way to exploit the early G Pawn push along with Bishop [Music] G7 ooh E6 I think it's just a pretty clean tactic CU I unleash the bishop so Knight takes G7 and E6 are both threats okay nice quick win there playing Speedy boss again let's play a normal opening against Speedy boss Speedy boss being very Speedy in the opening F5 is an idea probably G6 maybe even H5 here I love Bishop A5 also allow that move if I take take Queen D5 kind of interesting this looks shaky but I mean I'm threatening mate the bishop still attacks my Bishop's defended there's no checks to my king have some idea of H4 H3 opponent resigns okay and the position was good I don't know if it was that good but uh we're top 10 now Seventh Place playing another uh polish streamer play C5 we have a uh accelerated dragon I think I've usually play Knight D5 but I think Knight G8 is actually the best move and redeveloped H6 some Theory here I think d at some point think there's some Bonsack I might be mixing up the lines but hopefully it's okay take G4 could take with Knight for okay so it's eal material go on to trade Queens might be threatening Rook B2 now then Queen D4 in takes H attention is mounting I mean Knight C4 is definitely in there could play it maybe right away should probably take first first for I'm going into this L not sure about it it'll be two Rooks for a [Music] queen doing well on time here finding the rook and pawn H6 say King [Music] H7 it's looking good okay a funny mate I'll take that one so I'm fifth place wow try and keep climbing here 2653 oh I I just blunder takes take Knight [Music] D3 think I have to go for this it's messy it might be okay though Bishop F1 mean I've overextended a bit here I think I take actually have Queen D1 I probably take on F6 first wait a minute Rook B1 hangs a rook e for I'm down upon but feels like there's [Music] compensation what are naings um I don't know is that a valid Scrabble word naking naings anagram of snaking take I that's not good okay just fast enough there that was very crucial probably for the standings too um we can see the rankings here on the side try and keep it going all right 130 141 now man yeah we can see it here trying to climb up oops that was a mouse slip it's not actually a terrible move takes I take thank you hallan appreciate the first time [Music] Prime oh that's not good yeah this is really not [Music] good e trying to weasel my way out of this I think I [Music] am see Pawn defends the Knight now probably still in trouble though I'm getting a little bit messy I'm getting two Rooks for the queen so I'll be threatening Rook C8 in the end but still super tricky I'm probably still worse King should be on G3 yeah that I just missed e waiting for something safety safety achieved okay I did not deserve to win that game somehow my king found its way to save a square on the board W lead Skool lead School top five that's a free [Music] pwn Queen D4 KN F6 and 38 minutes left still long ways to go want to play Bishop at five interesting move it's mainly an intuitive idea trying to get to B2 I'm threatening Knight B4 okay Knight B4 Queen B3 check KN takes D5 I take on B2 first wow super tricky this looks okay it's risky though okay I to play King E8 here maybe King e no King E8 otherwise Bishop D4 would [Music] come I'm TR need to take and then win The Rook Queen takes doesn't help I'm doing well on [Music] time okay a nice game I think that was pretty clean too opponent gave me a pawn from the opening okay try and stay focused I don't know why I'm playing a Stafford at this point I should have should be switching to a better opening maybe he'll pay off I think this is already considered to be a good line for black what's the line though Queen E5 and then I think taking I haven't looked at this line in a long [Music] time but I mean visually it looks really nice takes H2 H4 here I can take on F3 threatening G5 G5 is still an idea Bishop moves anywhere there's Bishop H3 okay this is working out nicely Stafford gabbit is paying off a nice quick win there fourth place 59 points play this one there's a trap Queen A5 there's [Music] B4 um Queen D1 I take back it's a very tricky line if uh the Pawn's not prepared especially for Blitz the you RB crash first time [Music] Prime um Bishop C7 first so the bishop devolves this way I have Bishop A6 Bishop develops this way there's a cool idea H4 Rook H3 uh this is still opening prop you Fab dabs ericon fire fire fire oh he has my fire think black is still okay here somehow I forget how though and I'm trapping The Rook basically yeah this is probably how Bishop might get stuck Bishop a bishop A5 you Bishop E5 yeah black found I think would is the best line if I take It's Tricky take take take try it up the exchange but very strange [Music] position should probably move my king before before check was the threat so I'm up the exchange for two Pawns for okay I should be at the very least winning on time at the very most maybe having some Ming attack okay there we go nice opening prep that game 2667 2677 play another London H6 is very strange to play so soon I think the idea is to try and get a knight H5 but I'm preventing it so now we have what is usually a main line but with H6 included a risky way of playing this leaving my king in the center thrusting my G Pawn maybe it'll pay off I mean E5 probably is strong takes takes I guess we could trade Rook G1 it's going to be Sharp [Music] we could trade Queens actually if takes maybe take back with this pawn and then Rook [Music] H1 have this [Music] move oh no my queen The Rook is pinned into [Music] directions it's kind of cute I'm thring H6 too F4 actually H4 is like a big threat to actually attack The Rook that's pinned yeah that's a move have this move keeping the Rook [Music] pinned threading F4 probably thank you FAL we have hold resigns yeah didn't know what to expect there from black uh was a nice kind of sequence Queen H5 to H4 the too much pressure okay I'm trying to keep it going Third Place Stafford Gambit has been treating me well today this time we don't quite have one I really don't know the theory here just try and get a playable position and Bishop E7 and Bishop F2 Queen B6 again Bishop B7 Bishop F2 that's a close race for First bishop D4 think about Bishop [Music] E6 I'm probably just worse here and not what I wanted my Block's just worse bad structure hey okay I'm winning on time okay I'll take that one I'll take that one oh I'm playing lelay good luck to lelay Shad out to L longtime [Music] streamer you have a Catalan Queen [Music] C1 trying to set up rook [Music] C7 h feel like I missed something but I'm not sure where could probably just go ahead and take on A2 [Music] soon Queen C3 I'm just trying to simplify now I just hung a piece oops um that's not good I'm desperate attempt A4 I'm in trouble for a tricky end game okay draw by repetition yeah I was still trying to play for win there but that's probably objectiv you draw all right so we have how many more games of this one probably time for like one more after this for trying to understand what's going on [Music] here probably just worse what to [Music] do oops I should probably just [Music] resign um I mean queen a is pretty obvious [Music] takes like almost Bishop D3 in some [Music] lines not quite though if I resign now yeah I think I'm just getting one more game after this might as well try and fight for at least a minute of the bishop hair yeah this is not over actually Knight D3 I take and then D4 is loose oh but my Bishop's blocked thank you J tank doesn't work for oh no there we go okay maybe time for one more game I was so close to resigning like out of the middle game there after losing material I dropped the bishop too man okay should be finishing top five so I can't really fall below 30 seconds or fall below 230 otherwise the game gets aborted I should check the standings if I'm actually fighting for something yeah I'm fighting for uh third ah it's a blunder okay I'm going to throw the kitchen sink at my opponent that's already quite dubious for me still trying for this m I think it's mate it's mate next move okay let's go let's go okay the next game won't count for anything but I might as well play it i a clut to win cuz I I get back to third place um Bishop A6 oops what did I do this should be okay I think maybe okay game gets aborted I finished in third place the first Arena Kings in a while but uh okay this was this is a good tournament I think overall [Music] um finish above da I came into the tournaments like with a quite low rating I bought a lot of rating points yesterday from title Tuesday uh thank you mating threat appreciate the bits but I gained I gained about 100 points this tournament uh finishing just below 2700 um we do have the arena Kings command which uh will link to this article ER let's go how do I oh okay hopefully people can now see the [Music] article thank you Tyler Jordan thank you ilas is back so third place equals 40 gifted Subs nice
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 76,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2021, arena kings, opening traps, chess tournament
Id: 2WjzofS_NOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 11sec (7271 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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