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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] this [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] there she [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good evening everyone we're glad you're with us tonight we pray that you're doing well we're gonna rejoice before the lord behold god is my salvation time [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] in it [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] higher [Music] so [Music] it's the is of my savior's robe as he walks into the room where people pray when we hear worships [Music] there's a sound as he walks into the room where people breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sing us praise [Music] sing us praise [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh fall down on your knees [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] we leave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ring of is gold like a vowel that is tested like a covenant through the winter rain and beyond the rising with mercy for [Music] today [Music] ever be on [Music] [Music] [Music] ever be on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your kindness makes us [Music] [Music] is [Music] will never be on my lips [Music] you will be praised with angels and says [Music] oh [Music] worthy is [Music] your face will ever be [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you are great you are holy there is no one like [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] she's [Music] nothing will change [Music] nothing will move you you are forever and forever [Music] though the world would change the mountains would fall lord we know that you are with us you will never leave us you will never forsake us you are calling us where we will dwell with you and when the mountains fall from the tempest roars when creation falls through my soul will soon run on mercy [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] to your promise let my heart find strength in your presence [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] and forever [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] and forever [Music] is [Music] and i will love you forever [Music] you brought me up alone i love you forever [Music] psalm 40 the psalmist speaks of declaring the goodness of god in the great assembly he speaks of not forsaking the praise of god god we will not forsake to lift our voices to declare your praise to declare your goodness even in times of difficulty even in times of stress so much more god should we lift our voice for we find refuge in you we find strength in you the ruins come to life and the beauty of your name rising up from the ashes [Music] and i will love you forever [Music] the beauty of your name rising up from the ashes [Music] and i will love you forever [Music] if you'll join us tonight as we sing this together [Music] i don't like [Music] love [Music] we bless you this evening we're going to invite yale she's going to come and read this week's paul rochelle reading good evening my name is yael i'm very very thrilled to read god's word to you tonight and i'll be reading from deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 15 to 20 and then from isaiah and matthew and you'll have the portions uh up on the this screen or the virtual screen so here we go i'll start in hebrew november for you a prophet like me from your midst from your brothers to him you must listen this is just what you asked for adonai your god in khorev on the day of the assembly when saying i cannot continue to hear the voice of adonai my god or see this great fire anymore or i will die adonai said to me they have done well in what they have spoken i will raise up a prophet like you for them from among their brothers i will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them all that i command him now whoever does not listen to my words that this prophet speaks in my name i myself will call him to account but the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which i have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods that prophet will die from isaiah sir from isaiah 52 7 to 10 how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news who announces shalom who brings good news of happiness who announces salvation who says to zion your god reigns the voice of your watchmen they will lift up their voices together they are shouting for joy for they will see eye to eye when adonai returns to tzuyun break forth in joy sing together you ruins of jerusalem for adonai has comforted his people he has redeemed jerusalem adonai has buried his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our god and from matthew the british new testament matthew chapter 3 verses 1-6 in those days john the immerser came proclaiming in the wilderness of judea turn away from your sins for the kingdom of heaven is near for he is the one isaiah prophet spoke about saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of adonai and make his path straight now john wore clothing from camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist and his food was locusts and wild honey then jerusalem was going out to him and all judea and all the region around the jordan confessing their sins they were being immersed by him in the jordan river may god bless the reading of his word amen please turn your attention i'm guessing that we'll have announcement on the screen thank you welcome king of kings family we're excited to have you here with us tonight hear what's happening in our community this week if you have a desire to join us in a community and participate in one of our kkcj community groups but you are too far away to make the commute or not living in jerusalem our online only community group is open to all those in and outside of israel we'll spend our time discussing that evening's kkcg message as well as a short and fun hebrew lesson and of course some time together in prayer meetings will take place via zoom so join us the first and third sundays of every month right after the kkkcg sunday evening service at 7 pm israel time we are excited to see you there for more information and a link to join email us at cj our kkcj website just got a much needed facelift and it looks great go check it out at and while you're there take a moment to sign up for our newsletter and stay well informed come visit at and see what's happening the anchor of hope family counseling center will be hosting a 12-step program for men struggling in the battle against pornography all men are welcome to join this empowering and confidential group you don't have to fight this battle alone this group will meet weekly from 4 to 5 pm israel time each wednesday for the link and more information write us at contact anchor of hope dot org dot il here at king of kings giving is a regular part of our worship of god we come with joyful hearts thankful for all that god has done in our lives as we offer up his ties and our gifts you can give online today during the service by going to our website at and clicking on the gift tab and following the instructions may the lord be blessed in all of our lives as we honor him with our giving thank you for joining us we encourage you to connect in everything that's happening this week enjoy the rest of the service as we prepare to receive god's word have a blessed week praise the lord welcome king of kings back to jerusalem those of you that live here welcome online those of you that don't live here in jerusalem we hope you're having a wonderful week glad that we could connect and uh just want to say uh welcome and shalom to everybody watching on kings community live facebook live youtube live all around the world we've we've got a bunch of wonderful guests and even some some countries that we don't always hear from but thank you you know i was i was contemplating the idea of what the bible says in the book of revelation that the the nations of the world will turn against the jewish people it will turn against israel but not tonight tonight we are blessed to to be partnered from around the world we bless you from australia in austria brazil canada colombia finland germany holland hong kong india indonesia of course here in israel kenya norway philippines poland puerto rico romania singapore slovakia south africa switzerland taiwan united kingdom the united states and zambia wow thank you so much for joining us guys online we hope that the lord is touching you in a lot of ways tonight as we study his word let me give you a quick update about what's happening here in israel um just so that you can make sure that whatever you're reading around the world or what you're watching on the news is accurate last week we did suffer 60 plus maybe up to 100 balloons they call them balloons that were sent over the border to explode here in our land from our enemies and many of those caught on fire as a matter of fact there there was right in my own backyard there was a fire down in the valley and the and the planes were flying over trying to uh put out the fire uh with the the special liquid that puts out fire so i'm not saying that only from what i read in the newspaper and saw on the news i'm telling you from my own backyard i saw the balloons i saw them blow we saw the fires that caught on the dry grass because it hasn't rained here in months and so everything here is very dry it seems like it was very strategic in releasing these balloons at this time so keep us in your prayers we pray for our enemies and keep us in prayer for safety as far as the corona virus goes what's happening well today we got good news that even though our hospitals are full and and the numbers have reached their peak of those critical in the hospital um we got news today that it looks like it has flatlined a little bit here this last week and now in the house we can have up to 20 people uh worshiping or at least preparing this service for all of you watching online now you might have noticed that on our team tonight here on the worship stage we actually had a full team over the last few weeks our our our worship team and pastor ray have done a great job of of paring down to use a minimum number that we were allowed to fit in the room but tonight we had a few more extra that we could get in the house and so it was great to have the whole team here tonight pastor ray and brigitte and and roman and gabi and matan and melissa tom yael the whole team such a wonderful job as well as our our production team our camera operators thank you guys for all you're doing and how you serve us and wasn't it wonderful just and powerful to hear the word of god read from ya'll in its original hebrew i mean it does it just doesn't get better than that it just has so much power and i'm sorry that you had to only listen to it online but i trust the holy spirit was able to bring that power through the cameras tonight so listen let's get ready for a feast from the word of god tonight are you ready are you hungry for his passages tonight turn in your bibles to the book of james we're going to continue in our faith and faithfulness series book of james as we started last week we looked at the background of james and who he is his journey to find yeshua the messiah his brother in the flesh a brother he did not believe in was the messiah a brother that he even said he's out of his mind that's what james thought of yeshua during his earthly ministry but later in life after seeing the miracles the love the touch of people the truth the authority the resurrection of the dead james changed his mind he changed his heart he believed and he followed the messiah we looked at last week and some of our main points we were called to persevere with joy while going through trial allowing perseverance to finish its work in us we also noted that believers are not immune from difficult times and challenging seasons i think we can all say that right now no matter what your theology was your theology needs to be now believers are not immune from difficult times in challenging seasons we gave you two key points we call them key phrases last week the first maturity is shown when both perseverance and joy are displayed at the same time you wanna you wanna give a good definition to maturity spiritually speaking when perseverance and joy are displayed at the same time in our second key phrase last week you can catch it on the archive in order to be more than conquerors there must be something to conquer you know that comes straight from the verse that we're more than conquerors but in order for there to be even the definition even even the description of god's people being called more than conquerors there has to be something to conquer so in case your theology somehow didn't catch that i'm hoping it's catching it now if you're a believer and yeshua the messiah it's not always going to be easy there are going to be mountains that you need to conquer but the good news is you're more than a conqueror by the blood of yeshua hallelujah so let's jump into our main passage for tonight we're going to still be in the book of james chapter 1. i'm going to pick this up in verse 13. james 1 13. when tempted no one should say god is tempting me for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is fully grown gives birth to death you see james is making it clear that trials and testing even if they're sent by god will never be shaped in a way that tempts us into sin god may sin the trial god may send the testing god may allow the trial but never will god send temptation and that's a distinguishing mark that james wants his readers he wants us to understand tonight you see god sends a testing period that we may grow but he never sends temptation that we may sin can we establish that god uses testing to grow his people is there enough scriptural evidence to prove to us that god sends trials and testing in our life to help us grow well let me give you a couple of examples just so that we can be solidified before we move on genesis 22 verse 1 and 2 speaking of abraham sometime later god tested abraham and he said to him abraham here i am he replied then god said take your son your only son whom you love isaac and go to the region of moriah sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain i will show you see that's a test right there that's a hard decision to make whether you walk in faith in obedience or not that wasn't easy for abraham i've often made light of the fact that in this serious situation at some point abraham had to go home and tell sarah what he was going to do not an easy conversation if there's ever been a a husband or a father in the house watching online tonight maybe if you've ever had to have a tough conversation with your wife let me bring you good news you've never had a tough situation that you need to talk to your wife about like abraham had to talk to sarah about son uh wife sarah the lord has called us now remember that son we prayed for remember the promise that took 15 years to come to fruition remember that promise yeah you remember that okay remember when the angels visited us right okay remember the long journey we took right exactly and now the promised son is here remember that so what we're going to need to do now is we're going to take him to moriah as a sacrifice a lot of faith it took faith and action but it says here in genesis 22 that god was testing abraham and we glean from that that god uses testing to grow us and increase our faith in case you're new to the kingdom of god in case you're a younger believer maybe you've never read this story and it's full let me just be really clear god never wants human sacrifice god values life above all god values babies whether they're outside of the womb or inside the womb he values babies god never wanted abraham to actually sacrifice isaac he just needed to know where abraham stood in his allegiance was he going to stand with the child of promise or was he going to stand with the promise giver and as soon as abraham was able to make that decision god sent a sacrifice ram and said abraham you can stop now i know your heart god never wanted him to sacrifice that child anyway you see it was a prophetic nature of the covenant that god was working in the heart of abraham to understand let's move on from abraham maybe god tested other people what about job job chapter 23 verse 8 reads this way but if i go to the east he is not there if i go to the west i do not find him when he is at work in the north i do not see him when he turns to the south i kept catch no glimpse of him but he knows the way that i take when he has tested me i will come forth as gold you see job had a couple of tough trials lost his wife lost all of his children lost all of his possessions lost his home lost all of his livelihood lost all of his animals lost all of his friends and never did he even sin never did he blame god later if you know the story just in case you're not familiar there's always a redeeming quality to the end of these testings and trials job's faithfulness just like abraham was proven to be steady he made it through the testing he made it through the trial he grew he was stretched he was now mature he was displaying joy and perseverance at the same time and god restored job twice as much as he ever had before twice as many children twice as many cattle twice as much riches but job knew he was being tested what about king david you see king david mentions testing not only himself but also the people of israel in psalm 66 he says praise our god all peoples let the sound of his praise be heard he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping for you god tested us and you refined us like silver did you notice that in all three stories of testing of the patriarchs they understood what was happening they understood there was a testing and by their own account god was refining them like gold or like silver they knew what god was doing they knew god was bringing them to a higher height he was growing their spiritual maturity yes friends it is biblically accurate and patterned that god tests his people so that he may stretch them and grow them for a greater capacity why because he knows their created destiny and we're not born with the ability to walk out our created destiny right at the beginning we have to be stretched to that growth level and god knows what he's doing sometime he allows he allows trials at other times he actually does the testing himself and he wants joy and perseverance at the same time as a sign of maturity so yes this is a pattern in scripture sometimes the believers go through trials testing in difficult times now how is testing different though than temptation may we ask well let me say it to you this way as we see from the scriptures testing leads to growth and to life but temptation leads to sin and death we go back to our original passage from tonight james chapter 1 verse 13. i'll read it to you again when tempted no one should say god is tempting me for god can not be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone so there it is god never sends temptation to sin but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires and enticed then after desire conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is fully grown gives birth to death let me give you our first key phrase of the night temptation is only active when an existing evil desire is allowed to go unaddressed and thus drags us away from the lord's will i'm going to read it again keep it up there temptation is only active when an existing evil desire is allowed to go unaddressed and thus drags us away from the lord's will you see god calls us to a life of obedience and righteous living so he would never contradict himself by also calling us and tempting us to sin that would be two contradictory instructions it is interesting however to compare the scriptures not only about the patriarchs and their testing and their temptations but what about yeshua's life on earth and his testing and his season of temptation as a matter of fact we might even want to ask the question because it's a hard one theologically was yeshua tested did yeshua ever face trials was yeshua the messiah ever tempted to sin and i want to take a few moments to address this theologically because i've actually been in a room where people have lost their peace over this question they have accused one another of being ignorant and not understanding the scriptures or the heart of god over this question was yeshua ever tested did he ever face trial and was he ever tempted to sin and they just went at it and add it and add it so i'm going to hope to solve this for you over the next few minutes i'm going to look at the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 and 15. it says therefore since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven yeshua the son of god let us hold firmly to the faith that we profess for we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weakness but we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we are yet he did not sin oh okay so that gives us a little bit of information yeshua the son of god the messiah is also our great high priest he is able to empathize with us in our weakness why because according to the scripture he has been tempted in every way just like we are the difference of course is we give in to the temptation and sin sometimes and he never did what's important to note there is that this is one of the key elements of why yeshua god himself in the flesh chose to come in the flesh so that he would not only understand things from a universal perspective he would understand things from a very practical perspective of what we're going through and you could never say to god god you don't understand god would say to you i understand perfectly remember i was there i felt everything you feel i felt every temptation thrown at me that you feel and even with that understanding i was still willing to go on the cross and die for you so this verse says he was tempted in every way but yet he did not sin so we need to reconcile a few things now god is never tempted by sin james says nor does he tempt us into sin but hebrews says he was tempted in every way that we are how do we bring these two theological positions together knowing that the scriptures never contradict themselves james has already given us the answer if you have ears to hear tonight you'll hear it it was in the phrase for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone you see god he's not in the game of tempting people toward evil but listen to the phrase that really is the distinguishing mark of our predicament same section it says this but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires that's the distinguishing mark did you catch it each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires yeshua had no evil desires therefore he could never be tempted in the way that it's being described here and yet satan constantly tried to tempt him but he was never dragged away by his evil desires because he had none that's why yeshua says or hebrew says about yeshua he was tempted in every way that you and i are but never sinned so what does it mean it means the rendering of the scriptures is pretty easy to follow satan threw every temptation at yeshua that he throws at us but when he throws it at us we have something inside of us called an evil desire that it sometimes latches onto and it drags us away into sin and therefore the temptation has made a turn into sin but when satan throws the same temptation at yeshua yeshua has no evil desire there's nothing that it can grab onto therefore there's nothing that can drag him away into sin and therefore though he has thrown temptation at him yeshua is never actually tempted to sin and now both scriptures fit perfectly together god is never tempted by sin or does he tempt anyone to sin though he is tested though the enemy throw temptation at him because he has no evil desire he never sins and we rectify this we see it the scriptures become so clear and so simple if we can grab that part each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires for which yeshua had none we should remind ourselves often of god's promises as his promises propel us forward and toward a life of faith and obedience i remind you of deuteronomy 7 of how much of a promise keeper god is it says know therefore that the lord your god is god he is the faithful god keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments you see god is a covenant keeping god and his his word never contradicts itself you can be assured of that and when you ever find yourself in a moment where you're not sure how it fits that was one of the reasons the apostle john said yeshua wanted to send you the holy spirit that he would illuminate the scriptures in front of you and give you revelation and understanding even when it seems contradictory like a contradictory story we had a funny thing happen if i can take a moment we had a funny thing happen at the house this past week we had two people in the same room involved in the same incident and they came away from it with two different stories and the story seemed contradictory to one another as a matter of fact i'll tell you the story don't judge me or my family for this story i'm just letting you into our life so in our living room we have four children and in our living room there's a little trampoline you know the trampoline you jump on but it's a little one it's like a little bitty circle and most of the time my two-year-old is the one jumping on the trampoline but in this particular moment my nine-year-old decided it was time that she jumped on the trampoline so my nine-year-old is jumping on the trampoline and my 11 year old is watching the nine-year-old jump on the trampoline there happens to be a a a concrete cement pillar right in the middle of our living room and the trampoline is right next to the pillar so my nine-year-old who's the adventurous one in the family decides it's gonna be fun to jump on the trampoline with her eyes closed that was her decision she thought about it she said that's a good decision i'm going to do that so she's jumping on the trampoline decide she's going to close her eyes then it's not good enough to just jump on the trampoline with your eyes closed remember the trampoline is like it's like this small and remember there's a concrete pillar right next to it so she decides that she's going to jump with her eyes closed and she's also going to put her hands on the on the wall every time she jumps so you can see that she's elevating the adventure the whole way through and one of the times as we would all notice was coming pretty predictable i hear the 11 year old say you you better stop no i can do it she's bouncing eyes closed touching the wall every time she jumps she touches and then one time she got a little sideways and she reaches out to touch the wall and misses the pillar misses it hands slide either to the side or split we're not sure exactly how the story went but what we do know what we all are unified on and we have evidence of is she touched the pillar the concrete pillar with her forehead the evidence was this big goose egg bump on her forehead so there's no denying what happened she jumped on the trampoline with her eyes closed something went wrong in the adventure and she hit the concrete pillar with her head and so i bring them over after everybody's calmed down and i want to hear the story tell me the story tell me the story well she was jumping on the trampoline were you jumping on the trampoline yes okay we got an agreement there okay she jumped with her eyes closed is that true you tried to jump with your eyes closed yes okay we have agreement there she wanted to touch the pillar did you want to touch the pillar yeah okay so we have agreement so so far so good then all of a sudden we see a fork in the story so you were jumping on the trampoline with your eyes closed you were going to touch the pillar and then what happened and my son says she put her hands down and hit her head on the pillar and i thought that didn't sound right i don't i'm pretty sure she didn't just like turn into a pogo stick and decide to hit her head on the pillar so i turned to her what happened well i put my hand on the pillar and then i missed he says oh no no you didn't miss sideways you missed like this and then we had this argument about how she missed the pillar and i said guys it's not a contradictory story you got to see it from all the angles right there's a lot of agreement in the word of god you just got to look at it from the right angle god is not tempted by sin because he has no evil desires that can hook him nor does god tempt anyone into sin because that would be contradictory to his word which calls us to live a holy and righteous life and yet satan continually threw temptation at him but he never sinned because there was no evil in him any time you come to a a fork in the road and you're not sure how two scriptures fit together ask the holy spirit he will explain it to you i promise there's not one contradiction in the word of god and god is a faithful promise-keeping god you see we want to teach and we want to walk in the fullness of the scripture god promises good things do you know god also promises as proven last week that we will walk through difficult times that was a promise i gave you that that news some of you didn't think it was good news but it is news god promises you good things god promises you difficult things today we've proven that god can put us through testing for growth but we are also proving that god though never tempting us into sin god promises that you will be tempted to sin now he's not the one doing it satan is the one tempting people into sin god is never the one tempting to sin but he promises that you will be tempted why does he promise that because he himself went through that same effort to be tempted by the evil one let me read it to you this way from first corinthians chapter 10. it says no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind and god is faithful just like deuteronomy said god is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted there's the promise did you catch it when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it the bible doesn't say you won't be tempted it says you will not be tempted beyond what you can bear and then it's followed up with an underscore a second time but when you are tempted so god knows you're going to be tempted into sin it's just not by him and we need to be really clear on that tonight testing for the stretching of our faith is not a temptation to sin so if you ever come to a position you say god is really testing me right now i'm going through trials i'm going through tribulations i'm going through difficult times if those trials and testing is trying to get you to sin that is not god you run away from that you say no to that you resist the devil he must flee from you it is not god god doesn't test you and tempt you into sin only satan does that you know one of the things i enjoy about the book of james is that james is a very realistic book i i use the word earthy james is very earthy he's not afraid to talk about real life he's not afraid to get his hands dirty when he's writing he's not the most beautiful writer and that's i think maybe why i love him so much he doesn't try to speak with philosophical levels and and eloquent speech he doesn't wax eloquent but he loves to be practical he loves to talk about practical things god wants us to grow and he wants us and helps us in our preparation to be ready for our created destiny so god will allow trials and sometimes he even sends testing periods in our life can i give you our second key phrase tonight god does not send temptation to sin but knows that it will come so he prepares us for it god does not send the temptation to sin but knows that it will come so he prepares us for it god even goes as far to say i promise you it will come right what did it say right there in the scripture we just read from first corinthians 10 but when temptation comes but when you are tempted that's a promise you will be tempted as a matter of fact god even knows that we're going to sin from time to time romans 3 23 for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god all have sinned god knew that from the beginning god predicted that we would sin and even prepared a way for us to receive salvation even in the moment where he knew we were about to sin deuteronomy 31 20. he says when i have brought them being the people of israel when i have brought them into the land flowing with milk and honey the land i promised on oath to their ancestors and when they eat their fill and thrive they will turn to other gods and worship them rejecting me and breaking my covenant you see james does a great job of presenting the kingdom life in realistic terms and god is proving that he's a very realistic god too he says guys you're going to go through difficult times stop trying to make this a fairy tale it's going to be hard sometimes as a matter of fact even there's even going to be a few times where i'm going to stretch you through testing a little bit i'm going to refine you in the fire like gold and like silver you're going to be better in the end but i will never tempt you to sin though you will be tempted to sin by satan and sometimes it's going to feel really good to go in that way of temptation and i know as as an almighty god who knows everything i know that even sometimes unfortunately you're going to believe the lie of the enemy you're going to go the way of temptation and even then i've loved you enough to make a way of salvation for you what a realistic god what an earthy god what a god who speaks in very strong practical terms i love that part about god and how he guides us to our future destiny you know the sacrificial system of israel was built on the call to righteous living and it was built on the knowledge that people would sin if you go back and read the passages in the torah you'll find where it says and god calls you to be holy as i am holy but when you sin i've made a way through sacrifice what a what a realistic god thank you god for being so realistic in helping us in real everyday life hallelujah let me move to our closing scripture it's from the main text today back into the book of james chapter 1 verse 19. james says my dear brothers and sisters take note of this everyone should be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that god desires therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves but do what it says you see we're told here that god desires that we produce righteousness in our life there's a call to holy living right here in these verses and where james gets real is that he does not wax eloquent about spiritual things but he jumps right into the practical side and he says do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves but do what it says james is telling us guys listen let's just keep it real here sin is going to look good sometimes fear is going to look good lust is going to look good greed is going to look good laziness is going to look good sometimes i know it's going to look good but don't just hear the words we're saying put them into practice god may let you go through trial god may test you from time to time but god will never tempt you into sin so if the tough time you're going through right now during coronavirus if the tough time you're going through is leading you towards sin that's not god but if the tough time you're going through right now is sharpening your faith it very well could be god working in your life here are a couple of practical ways as i close that you can keep moving forward be strong in your personal devotion life i'm glad you're joining us online and i'm glad you're part of this community but this should never take the place of your personal walk with the lord personal devotion life read the scriptures every day pray every day go to your community groups connect with us online we have a community group tonight that meets after this service where we get the dialogue on the scriptures be part of that engage in a community group engage in the prayer tower operations and activities stay accountable with someone find a disciple or find a mentor these are all of the tools god gives us to say don't merely hear the word but put it into practice putting it into practice is not only tuning in on sundays that's not putting it into practice putting it into practice is daily devotion reading daily prayer life connect to a community group find accountability find a mentor that is putting the word of god into practice and can i tell you this as well and i don't say this lightly but we're not the first generation that's ever gone through a pandemic it's not easy our hearts are grieved for everyone struggling whether it's physical emotional their marriages their jobs suicide rates are going up marriages and divorces are struggling everywhere but we're not the first generation to ever go through a pandemic god has proven himself faithful before and he will prove himself faithful again james would encourage us as we study this book persevere through trial and testing but make sure you do it with joy because maturity is shown when perseverance enjoy meat at the same time the lord is preparing you friends to face temptation he's promising you temptation will come be prepared for it and actively do what the scriptures tell us let's go to the lord in prayer and just thank him for his word tonight heavenly father we thank you for all that you've given us through the book of james we thank you for even watching the life of james and what a turnaround he had what a journey he had he was far away from you lord he he ridiculed you but over time you proved yourself to be true and faithful and loving and powerful and patient until you won his heart just like you want our heart and now god we thank you that you use james to write to us this book of wisdom and to give us very practical tools about how to live life in the kingdom victoriously if we would only take up the tools that we would not be hearers of the word tonight only that we would be doers of the word holy spirit we know that that's why you live inside of us to help us to be doers of the word to move forward toward our created destiny so holy spirit we're going to say a difficult thing tonight as we begin worship again we're going to say a difficult thing holy spirit we're going to say have your way with us you want to stretch us go ahead you want to test us go ahead you want to refine us like gold and silver go ahead because we know the end is that we meet our created destiny living out the life we were created to live out we trust your heart of love to grow us to that point in yeshua's name amen amen let's worship on that note [Music] sing his praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] loud please praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] of a is robe as he walks into the room where people pray when we give praises [Music] [Applause] there's a sound i love [Music] worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] sing his praise [Music] [Applause] sing his praise [Music] [Music] it's is to worship oh [Music] [Music] begin to shake oh the keys [Music] [Music] she [Music] oh [Music] we amen amen we're so thankful for god's testing in our life his tests prove the value that we hold as we walk with him that he's willing to invest in us just like uh we heard last week god's looking to raise up an army of more than conquerors and as he's preparing us to be that army he tests us just like a real soldier has tested in preparation to prepare them for the battle that's in front of him and so god in his investment of love in our lives is preparing us as he tests us each and every day to be more like him and so god we're thankful for those tests we embrace each and every one of them that's a part of our lives right now we ask that you would be glorified in them as that great and mighty savior that you are give us the grace and the strength to embrace them in a way that honors you and establishes your kingdom in us and through us in yeshua's name we pray god thank you amen well we're so excited to invite you again to join us with our online community group that's taking place just about a half hour from now joanna will be there already ready to greet you and meet you if you need the link to join us tonight just look on one of our social media sites and we'll get that to you have a great week we love you and we'll see you again here next week [Music] is you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,386
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: v0fE3cgmXzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 4sec (5224 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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