The Feast of The LORD's of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah with Pastor Paul Wilbur!

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owning of the shofar and we celebrate the dawn of creation and we look forward to the day where a shofar will blow from the mountain of the Lord our God and the king of kings will come back for his bride to help everyone understand why Christians are celebrating a Jewish holiday we've got a video for you and it's done by Aaron Zimmerman who was the writer director producer behind the wonderful movie in our hands and the other movie the hope one about the six-day war and the other about the beginning of of Israel back in 1948 but here she's put together a wonderful introduction to the holiday as its celebrated in Israel today [Music] rosh hashanah the start of the jewish new year ancient rabbis called it the birthday of the world jewish tradition says it's the day that God created man the Bible calls it the Feast of Trumpets or yom teruah if I went home to my Jewish family and said hey it's yom teruah they wouldn't even know i'm talking about it's called today rosh hashanah which means head of the year' it somehow became the jewish new year now how did that happen the Feast of Trumpets became the Jewish New Year when the Israelites were exiled in Babylon and Babylon the beginning of the new year was in September they also had a lunar calendar like the Jewish people so the first day of the seventh month was the Babylonian new year over time the Jewish people took the Babylonian New Year and made it our new year and with the new year come the holiday tradition you know when you talk about Jewish traditions you're always talking about food in fact you can summarize almost every Jewish holiday in the fact that they tried to kill us God rescued us let's eat people eat pomegranates and pray that their good deeds will be multiplied like the seeds round bread shows the cycle of the year and apples dipped in honey symbolized the desire for a sweet new year another tradition in certain circles of Judaism is to eat a fish head on Russia shun I know it sounds yummy right but a fish head symbolizes the head of the year the new year the Hebrew greeting is Shana Tova it's a shorter version of the traditional blessing may you be inscribed and sealed in the book of life for a good New Year on the day of Rosh Hashana got according to Jewish tradition God has books and in these books he decides who has been naughty or nice and who's gonna have a good year and who's gonna have a bad year and who's gonna live and who's gonna die and so when Jewish people celebrate Rosh Hashanah they as a blessing they're saying may you be inscribed for a good year may God bless you may this go in your favour Rosh Hashanah begins a 10-day period known as the days of all the ten Days of Awe start on Rosh Hashanah and in on Yom Kippur and during those ten days of all it is believed that you can change your status before God and so during those 10 days of all it is emphasized to pray to feel ah to give which it's called sadaqa to do good work Smits vote and to repent Chava now the good news for us who believe in Yeshua the Messiah is that our status is the permanent ink of the blood of Yeshua we don't go into this season wondering whether or not if our name is gonna stay in the book or if it's gonna get in the book the day that we come to you're sure that we are born from above our name is put in the book of life forever many Jews observe a ceremony called Tosh leak which means casting off in Hebrew it's a symbolic way to cast off the sins of the previous year the Book of Micah speaks of a time when God would cast our sins sins of the Jewish people in to the sea and so Jewish people traditionally on the first day of Rosh Hashanah will take some bread and they will go to a body of water and they will throw the bread into the water as a sign of God taking their sin and casting it into the see the best-known tradition is the blowing of the ram's horn the shofar [Music] twice the Bible talks about a shofar sounded by God himself the first time was on Mount Sinai as the Israelites prepared to enter their covenant with God the second time will be at the return of the Messiah I believe that was God's original intent when he gave this special time to Moses a time of blowing trumpets blasting trumpets to look to the final trumpet that will be sounded when Yeshua appears in the sky Cantor says this Jewish holiday can also be a celebration for Christian so then the question is how can Christians celebrate along with Jewish people Russia shun I think first of all they can fast and they can pray and they can during these 10 days of all can be a time of believing God for revival within Israel within the Jewish world it can be a time of intercession for the Jewish people to know their Messiah I think also a great way to to celebrate this holiday is to look to the coming of Yeshua I think it's a time for Christians and Messianic Jews to look to heaven and say come Yeshua come we long for your returning [Music] [Music] and tonight let the spirit and the bride say Maranatha even now come Lord Jesus come we're going to have a Hebrew prayer to introduce tonight's festivities we've got dr. Joseph Kaku Sola professor of Meritus of Hebrew at Regent University who's going to come because my Hebrew is really bad so his is really good so he's going to pray [Music] I have in my hand the Epistle Hebrew prayer book for every day and every season of the year it is called sailor to pollute McCall Hashanah which means the arrangement of the prayers from the whole year and in the back of the book starting in the front which is your back he will go some right to left and in the back of the book you see the prayer called the Kadosh the Rosh Hashanah a prayer for the sanctification of the day the beginning of the year the head of the year which began at Sunday sundown this day tonight and I'm going to read that brief prayer to you in Hebrew and the Nesser scripture says if one speaks in another tongue then he shall put it into the vernacular baruch ATA adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam asher bahar bono McCall um Barone Bonanno McCulloch shown the kiddush honorable mitzvah table the Tipton's Llano adonai elohenu baraja bar at the ohm has Zika renacer yom teruah our McCrea kodesh shaker Litzy at Metron Kevon obokata the Oh tanaka - ah nicole ha a meme Oh Deborah Kerr Ahmet the Khayyam LOD barakatuh Adonai Melek I'll call her Arutz Makar - Israel the young as her own Barack retired in Iowa no melech ha-olam Jana the kiamana the he Guiana nazerman Hazare our main blessed art Thou O Lord our God King of the universe who has chosen us from all peoples and has exalted us above all tongues and sanctified us by like and thou has given us in love o Lord our God this day of Memorial a day of blowing the shofar and holy convocation as a memorial of the departure from Egypt where thou has chosen us and has sanctified us above all nations and thy Word is truth and endure forever blessed art Thou O Lord king over all the earth who sanctifies Israel and the day of memorial blessed art Thou O Lord our God King of the universe who has kept us in life and has preserved us and enabled us to reach this season amen this translation the official translation it said the blowing of the shofar but for those of you who know a little bit of the Hebrew you didn't hear the word shofar you heard yom teruah the day of the resounding and resounding certainly includes the shofar but have includes the shouting the singing the rejoicing and the instruments and especially the shofar the ram's horn and this reminds us a person s alone in chapter 4 with the rapture of the church and it says it shall be induced by a great resounding Jesus Christ shall shout the voice of the angels shall be heard globally and then we will hear the trumpet that will call all of the earth for the resurrection of God's elect l'shanah Tovah [Applause] and so you've heard of the blessing and you've heard of the scripture that Messiah himself will appear with a shout of Melaka adonai and the sounding of the shofar and then it declares in first thessalonians chapter 4 that those who have fallen asleep in him no chance for that in here tonight they will rise first and those of us who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds and forever we shall be with the Lord so would you stand for the sound of Resurrection one more time Don please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] until just lost and [Music] your God [Music] I [Music] to [Music] come for the low [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is El Shaddai his name is El Elyon his name is Yeshua HaMashiach and his name is Hana [Music] turn this tree behind got up in stride [Music] come with your wind stuff man [Music] our honor and strain the crowbar hunts come on conquer okay yes they will [Music] [Music] [Music] in Jerusalem witness [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on Hector praise - what's wrong - my wall be here one [Applause] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] every [Music] later they up there's an ancient prayer that is being sung in every synagogue around the world tonight Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 4 join me in this if you know it I don't know I don't know and they all are [Music] here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one and blessed be his name whose glory and whose kingdom whose power whose word whose authority whose strength and whose love for us is forever and forever and forever and forever and forever and forever forever come on let's sing again come on singing to your shoulder all day [Music] good [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey then don't let never see for just a moment do not get comfortable these seats are not intended for your comfort but we are surely delighted that you're here how many of you have come from outside Virginia let me see your hands from outside Virginia [Applause] nice quite a few hands quite a few hands I can't see up in the cheap seats it's dark up there I don't think we even have peanuts for you lovebirds what a delight to share in the Feast of the Lord tonight to hear the sounding of the shofar Oh let me ask you this you don't need to answer me this is just a rhetorical if if you brought a shofar our tambourine tonight we're so delighted that you did but we're broadcasting and we're recording and I'd ask that if you would kindly restrain yourself from using it that would be we've paid on a lot of money to play his a lot of money so we'd appreciate it if you could fold those for your home your closet or your practice room that would be great but God arise and his enemies will scatter our God is amazing because he arises on the praises of his people so tonight as we're lifting our voices and giving God the praise he is ascending as a praise of Rises he is lighting he's descending on those praises and he's scattering our enemies so I want to invite you to be liberal in your praise tonight especially yet some of you out of Staters I'd see you already you're you're here because you [Applause] [Music] I saw in the news today that a hurricane is trying to show itself this way if I were you I would fill my mouth with praise tonight and scatter those things for a listen I'm a Floridian wheat we know what it is to believe God with when it comes to hurricanes and lots of blowing this this kind of blowing is good that kind is not so good all right did you get a good rest I didn't want to wear you out so I asked you to sit for just a moment are you good now alright now this is this is what you might expect for a celebration like this this is this is this is the trotting camel kind of music and so this is your chance to you might know those aisles are pretty wide there may be a little room to join in with the celebration tonight alright so Don I think you're and you're up once you start us off with God arise [Music] that's your cue come on Stanley repeat let's continue to worship the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] escape escape [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it started [Music] yes into the store [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] inspired [Music] it's [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah clap your hands all you people shout unto God with a voice of triumph [Applause] yeah say men bring you go ahead never see it again for just a minute someone asked me once what what's all the shouting about it I said well you know you won't hear this in graveyards yeah there's only shouting and rejoicing in the tents of the righteous of the Lord [Applause] shouting and joy where the victory of God resides Psalm 95 is one of my favorite Psalms it's a it's a wonderful pattern for approaching a king you know that's that's what we're doing tonight in our praise and in our worship and our dance and our dance teams are just doing such a marvelous job tonight helping us to celebrate I love the dance and I love that they're here so I don't have to wonderful I can't moonwalk for the life I tried Psalm 95 says come and let's sing for joy to the Lord let's shout aloud to the rock of our salvation and then it says come and let's bow down in worship now we've had a couple of songs that are hand clappers but this one's kind of a finger snapper I don't know if you do that in Virginia but it's it's good it's good exercise so follow me in this one and then there's a lot of Hebrew but don't let it don't let it frighten you once you get it down wow that's sparkly once you get it down it's a lot of fun okay this one's called the who nanana get your fingers ready here we go [Music] to the lower Detroit to the rock of salvation we've seen it to the Lord the joy to the rock of our salvation [Music] salvation salvation [Music] great and showing up late [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the mountain peaks audience the depths of the earth glory in the sense and the mountain peaks are he made by his hands upon dry land [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] let us worship and I now before the Lord our linker worship and bow down here before the Lord our maker the Lord worshipping bottom before the Lord [Music] [Applause] great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and the Spirit of the Lord through the Prophet up to a high mountain and he showed him a vast valley covered with dry bones and the Spirit of the Lord said to the Prophet Senate man can these dry bones live again and the Prophet answered Lord only you know and so the Spirit of God spoke to him and said called to the wind to the north south east and the West and speak to these dry bones and say to them dry bones hear the word of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] declaring the word here the boy scientist EQ prop assigned to these dry bones [Music] those in No [Music] [Music] me see gender assembly Oh Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] crowd murmurs place on the wall so they should [Music] [Music] [Music] please help me brings up [Music] rates up [Music] from the polls go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] rise along [Music] raise up the gamble of worshipers in Virginia Beach [Applause] [Music] worshipers in Norfolk raise up an army of worshipers in Richmond raise up an army of worshipers in Washington DC [Music] [Applause] from the four winds blow breathe life again the tears dry bones rise rise here now rise rise rise rise on the praises of your people arise on the players of your people her eyes her eyes [Music] Nathan these dry bones awake awake Oh sleeper arise arise no sleep here the spirit of the bride the voice of the bridegroom arise rise mine come home with me raise up an army of worship sir she said I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers say that we must worship on this mountain but you Jews say the place where worship is there in Jerusalem believe me woman a time is coming and has now come when you'll not worship here are there but the father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and injury raise up an army of worshipers spirit and in truth [Music] you are welcome in this place be enthroned upon our reasons may our worship rise like incense as we magnify the Sun mighty God of Israel you're the lamb upon the throne all blessing and honor to our God for her [Music] even so yes you are come creation prize for the returning of our King come and take your place on your throne Juuso them [Music] join her what's together we come in one hard upon these unites us [Music] others with savage inroads of pure sway we're the body noble sire we are precious in you sir [Music] even so yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the spirit um and the spirit and the bride say come [Music] heavens kingdom come and take your place [Music] even so [Music] even sores oh yes [Music] Oh corporation oh come take your place [Music] come and take your place on you through to come and take your place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought you might like to hear what was just sung this prayer is heard like some of the others that you've heard tonight in every synagogue across the world tonight levena Malkina our Father and our King hear our prayer we've sinned before you have compassion on us and upon our children bring an end to pestilence war and famine cause all hate and oppression to vanish from the earth inscribe us for blessing in your book of life and let this new year be a good year our Father and our King he's good our father is a good father [Music] he is forever good [Music] and no shoes he when troubles breath us to me the song we sing [Music] ah sure forever [Music] [Music] [Music] it's one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh do LaDonna Akito Kela alum has dough give thanks to the Lord for he is good and His mercy endures forever o magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name for greatest Lord and greatly to be praised and how great is our God that Virginia say how great is our God in nor the world will sing how Murray just how [Music] sing [Music] is our God and all will see her Oh [Music] [Music] rusty [Music] [Music] [Music] doctor to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wage this time is in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the day [Music] [Music] was suspended [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Charlie [Music] [Music] [Music] come on a holistic with money shot to the head [Music] let the redeemed of the Lord say so hallelujah the Lord is good amen he is very very good well would you stay standing on your feet and would you welcome the host of our feast tonight dr. Pat Robertson [Applause] racquetball hello [Applause] brazen raise the Lord hallelujah be seated this is Rosh Hashanah it means the head of the year Rosh Hashanah the beginning of another year and this is the time that we at CBN have celebrated the wonderful works of God now let me tell you very quickly in the Old Testament there were several key feasts and some of them have been fulfilled in our modern day in the New Testament some have not but we celebrate this time because of the important feast that's coming up first of all we think of the feast of Passover now Passover was the time when God told the Israelites you kill a lamb and you take his blood and you sprinkle the blood above the puffs for a doorposts and the lintel z' of your homes and when the death angel comes through egypt he will see the blood and when he sees it he will pass over you and you and your children will be spared because God sees the blood now Jesus Christ is our Passover lamb he is our Passover and when God looks at you and he looks at me he sees Jesus he sees the blood of Jesus and he says the price has been paid and to the death angel he says this is one of mine Passover Passover the second feast that is celebrated we mentioned in the Old Testament was the feast of ingathering the Pentecost 50 days after the crucifixion of Jesus was Pentecost 50 is penty mais 50th and that was the time when the first crops the first fruit was brought in and so on the day of Pentecost when they gathered together in an upper room they were crying out to God they were saying Lord what's next reveal yourself to us and the power of God came upon them and the Holy Spirit fell upon them and divided upon them and tongues of fire were over their head and they heard like a rushing way a mighty wind and they began to speak in tongues and glorified God that was the in gathering that is spoken of in the Old Testament and we have seen Pentecost and I am thrilled to say to you tonight I have had the rushing wind I have had the baptism of a Holy Spirit I seen the gifts of the Holy Spirit and we believe in that here at CBN and we have had manifestation repeatedly of his power now the next feast that I wanted to talk to you about was the Feast of Tabernacles now what was that at the end of the agricultural season they took the boughs of fruit trees and they built Tabernacles and they moved out of their homes and they dwelt for a period of time in Tabernacles and these Tabernacles spoke of the time that they spent in the wilderness the time that they spent on the road the time that they spent coming into the Promised Land but it also speaks of the final harvest because along with the Feast of Tabernacles there was a celebration of the final harvest now we are here because we believe that we have not seen a New Testament fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles we celebrated here we have these wonderful dancers we have Paul Wilbur singing we have the bowing of the shofar we have all the ceremonies but we ain't seen the harvest but we are fulfilling that harvest you know last year at CBN they had it up and you know I look at those figures I say you gotta be kidding me you can't be serious they said we're serious that's that this is a legitimate survey 85 million people last year came to the Lord through the Ministry of CBN eighty-five million oh boy that's the harvest but I tell you the last one is going to be when the trumpet sounds and this thing it goes on in my head over and over again I'm saying it to myself when the trumpet of the Lord will sound and time will be no more and the morning breaks eternal bright and fair when the Saints of Earth are gathered over on the other side here's what I'm singing and when the roll is called up yonder I'll be there that trumpet is getting ready to sound folks we're getting closer and closer to the coming of the Lord that's what this is all about and we believe that the God's ministry his mission for CBN and region and everything associated with us is to prepare prepare the nations for the coming of the Lord the one the trumpet of the Lord will sound and time will be no more and that morning breaks eternal bright and fair well the Saints are gathered over on the other Shore the saints of God by the millions are gathered together and the Lord will come and he will send His angels and he will gather his anointed unto Him and they will be caught up together with him in the air and what does he say wherefore comfort one another with these words because this world that we're in folks as nice as it is and as good as it is and I've tried my best to build some pretty stains around here we have a very pretty campus by the way we have beautiful buildings so lovely Chapel we have a beautiful stained glass we have paintings for the great masters we have all that stuff here but nothing can compare with what God is going to do well he shows us that wonderful world was coming and so dear friends we're getting ready for the coming of the Lord that's what this is about and I believe we're much closer to it there's some clown by the way that says the end of the world is going to come on Sunday he's wrong the Lord said nobody knows when that day or hours gonna be not the angels of heaven not even the Sun and if Jesus doesn't know what that man who's running around on television he doesn't know what either but I'll tell you what he's given us the signs he says we look at the science of the time and we are coming into the last days we are seeing a fulfillment this gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness and then the end is going to come and we're getting oh we're getting so close and it's going to be wonderful when we come we'll have new bodies and all of the infirmities will be taken away the brokenness the heartache the suffering we think of what's happened just recently down in in the Caribbean what's happening in in Haiti and in Puerto Rico and what's happening in the Dominican Republic and what's happened in Barbuda in those other countries and what's happened in Texas and what's happened in Florida that well they're suffering and we have Operation Blessing are doing everything we can to alleviate that suffering and as long as the Lord leaves us here we're going to help the suffering and the needy and the hurting of this world but I'll tell you the times when they come they'll be no more suffering they'll be no more sorrow there'll be no more tears the Lord will wipe every tear away from her and we will be like him because we will see him as he is so enjoy it one more time you know maybe I'm planning for my own funeral I don't know but I love that song when the trumpet of the Lord will sound and time will be no more and the morning breaks eternal bright and fair when the Saints of Earth have gathered over on the other side and that roll is called up yonder I don't be there you and I are gonna be there together there's going to be a great reunion in the sky and we won't be caught to be with the Lord amen and amen Paul Wilbur in lightness I don't sing too well but you sing great so come along and sing one for us let's welcome that dear brother he's gonna sing let's praise the Lord together and let's rejoice the Lord is near my brother what a cool dude in those jeans and sneakers don't you think oh my we get a little taste of it every year when David said it is good to praise the Lord and he covers ups and he he Grace's us with his presence and the joy of the Lord begins to fill the house and he arises on our praises but an amazing God we serve what an amazing God who shows himself not in anger and in judgment but draws us with cords of love invites us to love one another even as he loves us so in closing tonight would you stand to your feet and join hands with those who are around you and before I send us out singing and some of us dancing I want to speak a blessing over you in numbers chapter six the Lord spoke to Moses into Aaron and he said when you bless my people speak these words and the Lord said when you do this I will do two things in response first I'll place my name on the people some people are concerned in these last days about the mark of the beast listen when God places his name on you there's no room for any other name no other marks and he said secondly I will bless them that Hebrew word bless Baruch it means endued by God with power for success prosperity for long life and fruit that remains I'll take some of that so as your join hands with one another tonight receive this blessing receive the name of the Lord but agree with the one that you have on each hand but their life is blessed that the name of the Lord covers them yes we are our brother's keeper and now may the Lord bless you in keeping your verified an irishman Rafa may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you yah err Adonai pan availabe Hanukkah and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace ISA Adonai pan availa jávea semla ha Shalom push em Yahshua HaMashiach SAR Shalom in the name of Jesus our Messiah who is the Prince of all peace and blessing and righteousness and joy and fullness everything that is good is in him can we say thank you to the Lord tonight yes Lord you are good you are good and your mercy enjoys forever all right and here comes a going-out song this is blessed be the name of the Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh the No the compulsion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well that was going out music god bless you have a great feast this year next year right back here right back here next year god bless you [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Aileen Delgado
Views: 19,065
Rating: 4.8494625 out of 5
Id: Ji00A-8_dMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 25sec (6625 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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