King of Kings Community Live Stream

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so and sing sing his praise alone sing his praise hello oh my soul sing sing his praise alone sing his praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hey God I know you don't need no one to advise you you probably do a better job running the world than I do I just thought I'd remind you I've been trying to find you it felt like saying working overtime times two if it doesn't tell you that refer right so just for mommy now everything will be [Music] good evening everyone we welcome you those that are with us in the house tonight and those that are joining us online [Music] you [Music] the Purcell to a dog you represent that we make it is for you we will dance for you for salvation which we saved [Music] shoo [Music] that Sunday [Applause] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your lorry [Music] you love me [Music] which we say [Music] [Music] crappy the king [Music] [Applause] the people of God with the Salton Sea and [Music] the hope that we hold up as we tell the world of you Oh [Music] your help you agent get [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Great God [Music] [Music] [Music] now here the solution [Music] the door [Applause] [Music] [Music] Bish's your table yourself the Italian the audience [Music] can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we sing your praise tonight [Music] who you are a great guy [Music] [Applause] thousands on soon you see my words [Music] Brady's of my god [Music] I am so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes will as on when face-to-face the Slendy come on let's worship it today ha [Music] operation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is no God like there's no one besides I want to be close to your side so heaven is real I wanna hear angels of love singing as [Music] yeah great I [Music] I wanna be [Music] but hey [Music] Watusi - right singing as a world [Music] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the demons running I've mention of she you see [Music] can stand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bouncin shake before the mentioned majesty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you God that you lower yourself for your food and you come you dwell amongst us your children [Music] you sure tonight we are so grateful but you set aside heavenly things and you came to this earth and you humbled yourself you became one who carried myself but God that does not change you are the eternal God the one who was it is it is to come you were the one who reigns forever you're the one whose voice spoke and things were [Music] holy cold god the great love [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy home yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] great there too [Music] there are [Music] we lift up [Music] [Applause] [Music] worthy [Music] sure [Applause] [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] ever saw [Music] [Applause] sure the old [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] this Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is my massage open up my and show me who you are don't leave me any [Music] there's no open up my [Music] with your in the [Music] thank you God that you lead us by your grace thinking that you take us with you to draw us into your presence [Music] we think you should it again that you made a way for us to enter in it we worship you today and we thank you for your love for your mercy Lord we just pray that that would fill our hearts but you love your compassion but fill our hearts Lord we would have your heart we thank you you should see if you could remain steady tonight but you just gotta lead us [Music] man welcome Pastor Mike to share the pawnshop to our portion of the week [Music] [Music] already thank you pastor a for the microphone Thank You pastor ray and worship team for giving us this opportunity just to gather together as God's family and to interact with him individually and corporately and to engage our hearts with our God but a great opportunity that we've just had in worship and we have a great worship team and several teams are here with us tonight that are part of our family in our community we want to especially say a big thank you tonight to our production team our projection team has overcome some gigantic hurdles today the least of which was the microphone that just didn't work right now to be able to bring bring our production together today and tonight and so we want to just say thank you for due to those people who are making this happen let's give them a big hand it that includes our cameramen and behind stage production that's the sound board and everything that works together to be able to produce produce the production of the show in the / the service tonight so we want to just give them a big hand and say thank you to them yeah we want to continue our worship together as God's family as we gather around his word we're gonna be looking at the parsha portion the scriptures that are being read by God's people around the world and the exact same scriptures let's dive in grab your Bibles we're in Book of Numbers let's see what God has to say to us from his word tonight numbers chapter 14 verses 11 through 20 ad and I said to Moses how long will these people treat me contemptibly how long will they neglect to trust in me in spite of all the miraculous signs that I've performed among them I will strike them with the plague I will destroy them but you I will make into a nation greater and stronger than they Moses said to Adonai the Egyptians will hear about it because you brought this people up by your power from among them they will tell the residents of this land about it already they have heard that you Adonai are in the midst of this people that you add and I have been seen eye to eye that your cloud remains over them that in a pillar of cloud by day in a pillar of fire by night you go before them if you kill these people all at once the nations who have heard this report about you will say because I don't I was unable to bring this people to the land that he had promised to them he has slaughtered them in the wilderness so please let out and I show his strength just as you have spoken saying our own ayahs slow to anger and abundant and loving kindness forgiving iniquity and transgression still he does not leave the guilty unpunished bringing the iniquity of the father's upon the children to the third and fourth generations forgive now the guilt guiltiness of this people in accordance with the greatness of your loving-kindness just as you have pardoned this people from Egypt until now how done I answered Moses I have forgiven them just as you have spoken next the haftorah portion out of the book of Joshua Joshua chapter 2 verses 5 through 11 and this is Rahab speaking so when it was time to shut the gate a dart the men went out and I don't know where they went pursue them quickly for you may overtake them but she had brought them up to the roof and hidden them in the stalk a flecks that she had spread out on the roof so the men pursued them on the road to the Fords of the Jordan as soon as the pursuers had gone out they shut the gate now before they lay down she Rahab came up to them on the roof and she said to the men I know that Adonai has given you the land dread of you has fallen on us and all the inhabitants of the land are melting in fear before you for we have heard how out and I dried up the water of the sea of reeds before you and came as you came out of Egypt and what you did to the two kings of the amorite that were beyond the Jordan to see hone and to aughh whom you utterly destroyed when we heard about it our hearts melted and no spirit remained any more in any of us because of you for a deny your God He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath and then the brief Kaddish of the New Testament Hebrews chapter 4 verses 6 through 13 so it remains for some to enter into it yet those who formerly had good news proclaimed to them did not enter because of disobedience again God appoints a certain day today saying through David after so long a time just as it has been said before today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts for if Joshua had given them rest God would not have spoken of another day later on so there remains a Shabbat rest for the people of God for the one who has entered God's rest has also ceased from his own work just as God did for from his work let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest so that no one may fall through the same pattern of disobedience for the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing right through to a separation of soul and spirit joints and Mauro and is able to judge the thoughts and the intentions of the heart no creature no creature is hidden from him but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account God thank you for your word thank you that we have freedom to gather around your word and we ask that you would speak the truths of these scriptures into our hearts and write your words of truth into our lives and just show his name and then well pastor Chad is gonna join us with the message tonight but before he joins us just a few announcements to keep us connected together as a community welcome King of Kings family we are excited to have you here with us tonight here's what's happening in our community this week [Music] it's important as leaders in our various communities for us to be able to recognize the signs of depression suicide and addiction and to know how to help the persons and families involved the Israel Academy of Ministry and anchor of Hope Counseling Center will be hosting a one-night-only seminar taught by dr. Catherine Schneider Wednesday June 24th at 8:00 p.m. local Israel time to address these sensitive issues besides practical teaching on post-war care and mental health in the congregation dr. Schneider will take an in-depth look at how to recognize the signs of depression suicide and addiction the one-night seminar will be hosted on zoom' and will be taught in English with Hebrew translation the registration is 50 shekels per person and all are welcome to join for more information to register for this informative seminar email us fim at kkm network streams in the desert will be hosting the annual teen summer camp this August as more than 50 Israeli teens join them for a week of learning activities growth and fun the organizers are currently looking for several volunteers to join them for the week of the camp August 2nd to 7th to help camp counselors host all their guests for more information and to sign up as a volunteer contact Mariana gall and Mariana gall at it's been said that the key to stability is learning to be flexible and now more than ever we have that opportunity if you were planning to join us today for live worship you and the pavilion you will know that we've had to put those plans on hold as Israel's regulations and protocols are changing weekly and even daily stay tuned to our social media for daily updates and information on future gatherings and corporate worship we're looking forward to being together with you our King of Kings family but thankful hearts of God's gracious and supernatural provision in our lives we bring our gifts and his tights into his house tonight you can give online today during the service by going to our website at there are a couple of online giving options as well as direct deposit information and address for sending checks we want to thank you for remaining faithful to the Lord in this area as we give with thankful hearts thank you for joining us we hope you find a way to connect and everything that is happening this week please enjoy the rest of the service and we hope you have a blessed and wonderful week all right welcome King of Kings family we welcome you home those of you that could join us either in the house tonight the servants were let in the house tonight that should be a little bit of a blessing to those of you that give of your time and talents to the Lord and those of you watching online who wish you were in the house right now let it be an incentive for you that when you come back you join one of our serving teams amen we want to build the kingdom of God together so let me just welcome everybody in the house and everybody watching online tonight on King's community live and Facebook live YouTube live around the world we're so happy you've joined us here at King of Kings the team was sending me some notes and we have at least 30 different countries watching right now so I just want to give a shout out to everybody and honor them from the different countries if we could just take a minute to do that from Chile from the United States France Brazil South Africa Canada Nigeria Poland Ecuador Argentina the UK and the Netherlands the Philippines Singapore Malaysia Ireland Switzerland of course all of our members here in Israel Albania Taiwan Sweden Norway Germany Denmark Finland India Colombia Hungary Slovakia and the United Arab Emirates Wow can we just welcome them tonight praise the Lord for everybody watching we're so happy you've joined us tonight we're gonna continue in our pH balance in the kingdom series and as we do that just a quick update for those of you that don't live in Israel of course all of our members watching know what's going on here in Jerusalem we had a spike of the coronavirus here in our numbers and and a little bit in Tel Aviv as well but we've had a spike in Jerusalem and so they've kind of made us go backwards we were hoping that tonight was the night we were opening up the doors but it didn't work out that way we trust god we trust his timing but the government has put us backwards a little bit so we're kind of back down to the 50 people in the house number with all the distancing and you guys in the house did a good job tonight distance and good job you're making me look over the whole house it looks like there's a full house because I'm having to look everywhere we're so spread out that's a great job guys good example happier here with so we're gonna keep you posted every week check our social media check our website for a little bit more detail but try to check it midweek to give yourself a couple of days to make plans to be with us as soon as the doors open and we might even try some special things if we can get up to 100 or 200 maybe we'll do a couple of services maybe we'll even try in first hundred at the door RSVP we're going to get created we're gonna try to get you back in the house as soon as we can you know speaking of those watching us online the world has gone crazy right now I'm not talking about the people watching us online but I'm talking about people around the world it just reminded me that one of our friends this week was grossly attacked through social media through lies through false information and I just want to take a moment so if you're watching online right now and you could send this love and this support to Pastor Chris Hodges and Dino Rizzo at Church of the Highlands and Birmingham Alabama if you know them are you're part of Church of the highlands would you forward this to them again I already sent them a personal message this week but we're standing with you guys we thank you for being a friend of King of Kings and what was said about you what was done about you it's wrong and the Lord it has vengeance on those that do wrong to his children so trusting the Lord it's going to work out what happened if you didn't read it in the news was pastor Chris had sent a like on social media that's why it was in my mind he liked a support statement for the president just liked it just said like and the city of Birmingham came down on him and his whole community of 20 different campuses around Alabama and they kicked them out of some of their campuses the state did that kicked him right out of the campuses even though they had a lease they broke the lease because of a like on social media friends that's where the world's going you better get ready for it if if you're of the mindset that hey we're just not gonna have to endure any hardship guys listen we just can't find that in the Bible can I just be crystal clear we just can't find it in the Bible every believer ever come especially a believer that has a distinct and powerful call of God to change Nations is going to endure hardship we better just get ready for it we better prepare for that and so that's a little bit about what we're doing tonight Father in the name of Yeshua can you help us to be people that are preparing people that have a have a position at your throne saying teach us father what can we do for you in a world that's growing dark how can we be a better bright light in a deep darkness help us with your word today to explain and to receive and to apply and you show us Holy Name amen amen and finally a thank you to everybody who joined us in this semester's discipleship classes we did six weeks of intensive discipleship three different courses we did it all through zoom we had over a hundred and twenty people join us this year in our discipleship classes and if you did not already receive the email for all of the archived links just send us a message to the office the kkc j @ k kcj organ say i'd like the links to the discipleship class and one of our staff members or pastors will send you those links so you can get caught up on all of our discipleship classes amen the book of hebrews chapter 13 will be our opening verse tonight book of hebrews chapter 13 if you're joining us and you missed the first couple of weeks of this series let me recap in week number one we dispelled the myth that the world is trying to teach us that there's only one sliding scale of gender attributes what I mean is if you are male and you're born male and you experience and you and you you give attributes in your life that are male fine you can stay male but if you're male and you start to attribute things in your life you start to have actions or interests that lean a little bit more female on the one scale system the world is trying to sell if you're male and you show attributes of a little bit softer a little bit more personable a little bit warmer a little bit more sensitive than you crossed the neutral boundary and you've entered into female territory and guess what maybe your sexual maybe you're transgender maybe you should have a surgery and here's a major identity crisis in your life because they've tried to sell the world on a one scale system it's either male according to your attributes or female according to your attributes and guess what you can't have a little bit of both that's what the word will sell you but the kingdom of God shows that it's a two scale system that there's a sliding scale of masculinity and there's a sliding scale of femininity and you don't jump tracks that you can have some males born male that have attributes that are traditionally very strongly male and traditionally less male less masculine if you will and then you on the female sliding scale you can have people that are born female but have attributes in their life that are maybe they're mature the men so hard we want to challenge our men and what was great about that series and I want to say thank you to everyone at King of Kings thank you for everybody watching online when we taught that lesson to go reach them in not only did we hear a lot of thank yous and amens and we support you from the men we heard it equally from the women and I want to say thank you women for understanding that thank you for being on the team when it comes to understanding who we have to go fish for in the kingdom right now praise the Lord last week we talked about the stronger side of God the more masculine attributes of God and tonight we're going to bring the balance of that we're going to look at the softer side of God some of the more traditionally feminine traits that we might see God Express so we call tonight the title of the sermon is a softer side now if you're like me we've often heard that the God of the Old Testament the God of the Tanakh you see he's a harsh God he's not that nice he's not that loving he doesn't have a softer side and because he is that way we've also heard that Yeshua had to come to show us the softer side of God so that we would not misunderstand him that's what we've been sold the god of the Old Testaments harsh so God didn't want you to misunderstand him so ok later he had to come over here with you Shula so that you would not misunderstand so that you would say see I do have a softer side and it's just not the truth that's not what happened you see last week we focused on the traditional male elements but we also said that in Yeshua's earthly ministry he carried the perfect balance of both masculine and feminine traits in his ministry bringing the pH balance to the kingdom you see but the Old Testament God gets a bad reputation an image of being a God of judgment a god of Wrath God of punishment a god of exile a God that commands conquering lands and conquering people a God who commands making war this is the reputation of the Old Testament God but I think if we look closely tonight we'll see the same balance of the God of the Old Testament as it relates to Yeshua in the New Testament in our opening verse tonight Hebrews 13 verse 8 why because you're sure the Messiah is the same yesterday today and forever he he wasn't one way in the Old Testament and a different way in the New Testament he wasn't off balance in the Old Testament and then finally balanced in the New Testament he didn't make mistakes early and come back and fix them in the New Testament but do you know that's what today's relativistic world is teaching do you know that that teaching is even in many of the churches in the world and I want you to be careful when you hear that your shoe was the same yesterday today and forever he was in the beginning with God he created all things He is God and he never changes so therefore he couldn't have been so imbalanced in his expressions there's not a new Yeshua there's not a new God nothing changed in these moments in God's heart in his character in his attributes but see Satan doesn't want the world to see the full scope of God's attributes Satan doesn't want people to know that God is both strong and loving he doesn't want people to know that God is just but also merciful because then God could serve all of the needs that you have and in Satan wants you to believe that God cannot serve all of the needs that you might have david had a revelation of this remember this is king david the greatest warrior right talk about balance the greatest warrior in israel's history even today greatest warrior probably greatest king and he's writing a song whoa okay see that doesn't fit in the world scale come on David you can't be over here killing people conquering being the greatest warrior beating Goliath and then and then walk over here and start writing songs being sensitive come on David you must be homosexual you must want to go get a get a surgery because the world's trying to cram you into one scale but in God scale he could be a warrior in the morning and a lover of God writing songs in the evening and he still as masculine and as male as ever before Psalm 51 verse one have mercy on me O God according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions I read words like Mercy unfailing love a great compassion you see David apparently knew something about God's softer side when he was writing this because in this passage he is acknowledging his own sin right and it was in his own moment of weakness in his own sin in his own confession that at that moment he wasn't quite looking for the stronger side of God was he at that moment he was looking for that softer side of God but God didn't change there's the truth uncovered tonight God didn't change david changed deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 30 and 31 reads like this when you are in distress and all these things have happened to you then in later days you will return to the Lord your God and you will obey Him for the Lord your God is a merciful God he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors which he confirmed to them by oath what does it say that in your time of distress he's a merciful God what did he change no he's always been a merciful God you just needed him to be a merciful God in that moment it was in the time of distress you needed him to be that way and he certainly was exactly what you need it so this bad reputation this misunderstanding where does it come from with such clear examples in the Tanakh in the Old Testament how come it's hard to embrace the softer side of God where does that misunderstanding happen how does the God of the Old Testament get this mean harsh unloving reputation in God's triune nature you see God is both omniscient and omnipresent what does that mean those are big English words omniscient means he knows everything he knows everything there is to know he knows everything there was to know and he knows everything there ever will be to know and he knows them all in the present tense he's omniscient and omnipresent means he can be anywhere he wants to be anytime he wants to be there he can be all over the earth right now he could be in your heart right now he's in this room right now he's with everybody watching online he could he can look into the past he can look into the future he can be omnipresent he can be wherever he wants to be whenever he wants to be there and now you realize you can't confine a God like that to one set of attributes right God doesn't stay inside of any framework or limits that we try to construct if time can't constrain him and history can't constrain him and knowledge can't constrain him why are you going to try to put him on one scale God can show up in all different forms according to what is needed at the time you see when we're hurting and when we're humble when we're repentant and we're seeking God's will God shows up with compassion with a caring heart merciful and with tenderness but if we're having attitudes of pride arrogance rebellion or injustice God shows up with a spirit of justice order consequences in correction friends learn this tonight God never changes it's us who changes and depending on what attitude we come to the Lord in is the response you get from God you see David went humbly with repentance o merciful God have grace on me and he received it but if he had gone in hey God I didn't do anything wrong I don't really care for your rules I'm the king don't forget I can do whatever I want David would not have received at that moment mercy love and grace he would have received love but it would have been in a different form it would have been in the corrective form it would have been in discipline in some kind of plague which we saw later in his life that comes up when he's walking in disobedience Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 let us then approach God's throne of grace you see even his throne has a softer side to it did you catch it it doesn't say his throne of war his throne is a throne of grace let us approach his throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need he helps us in our time of need but he corrects us in our time of arrogance so if you want His grace and mercy all I want to teach you tonight is to stay humble and stay in that place where you realize you need him because in your time of need and your time of distress he releases grace and mercy but if you want his corrective hand come into his presence with arrogance in Pride Micah chapter 7 verse 18 who is like you God who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance you do not stay angry forever but you delight to show mercy isn't that interesting that what Micah picked up on is through all of the attributes of God and all of the perfect balance that he has to display in order to be a just God in the universe what Micah picked up on was and all of those things what he desires is mercy in that interesting his throne is a throne of grace and if you strip away everything he has to do as God you get down to the bottom line in the bottom line is he desires grace He desires mercy shows you the true heart of God listen to this verse Hosea 6 verse 6 I'm gonna set you up for a second watch this Hosea 6 verse 6 for I desire mercy not sacrifice an acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings you say see that's good pastor Chad we're rolling with you now we're seeing it we're seeing the softer side of God He desires mercy he's a throne he sits on a throne of grace he extends love to those that are humbled right you're with me today this makes sense we see the patterns and everything I'm reading you is from the Tanakh it's from the Old Testament I'm showing you the softer side of God in the Old Testament Hosea 6:6 I desire mercy but I set you up because if you look at the two verses in front of that watch the balance of God Hosea 6 two verses earlier verse four and five what can I do with you Ephraim what can I do with you Judah your love is like the morning mist like the early do that disappears therefore I cut you in pieces with my profits I killed you with the words of my mouth then my judgments go forth like the Sun he said oh yeah that was that was the God we've remembered from the Old Testament a lot of a lot of harsh words there I cut you in pieces that doesn't sound good I kill you with my words I I bring judgments like the Sun what I'm trying to show you is in two verses you had the full scope of God you had the wrath and the Justice and the and the correction and the discipline and then you had but but guys don't make me do that because really what I desire is mercy and grace the perfect balance of God it's in the Old Testament I remember the graciousness of God this week as I was studying the same person came to my mind over and over about just a person of grace who just said he was like always just I want to just bless you like just forget about my life who cares just I want to bless you you ever come across a person like that that's that's God by the way that's how God does it that's how you show us showed us the person I was thinking of him what was my grandmother I have these just incredible memories of my grandmother Moe Mulholland we called her MoMA don't try to say it most people can't say that they get tongue to a city like Mamaw no don't say Mamaw her name was Momo it's hard to say we can only say it in Louisiana and there's probably some level of this that I put her on a pedestal that she could never live up to if she was still alive but I'm telling you it was pretty close this lady if she saw you coming down the driveway she would just start hitting the buttons of all my love languages she just run out she run down the driveway to get me kill me a little chatty boy that was the little name yes you can laugh it's okay chatty boy come here a little chatty boy hug me not let me go hug me again pinch me everywhere and don't you dare get into the house because the aroma that's coming from the house she's been cooking for hours no one I was coming no one I was coming and she would just cook like you think like one person coming to the house you're like okay what did she make you like a sandwich she's like chatty boy come on here I'm like maman you realize I'm like 45 years old right chatty boy get on in here sit down I need to I need to show you something I'm thinking she gonna show me some pictures or something no no she starts carting out food she's like chatty boy I got you I got you some steak on the grill I got you a couple of hotdogs I did corn on the cob on the grill I made some homemade mashed potatoes for you I did a little bit of macaroni and cheese I made some homemade corn bread and rolls I made sweet tea it's gonna be ready in just a second so you sit down and enjoy yourself I remember this one time there was a day we went to worship service and and I called her on the way out and I said a moment we're gonna come by and just hang out with you for lunch now remember I've got all these memories of my grandma and I know as soon as I say that she's gonna start cooking and that's probably what my plan was mama we're coming over right now we'll be there in about 30 minutes is that okay chatty boy you get yourself over here right now yes ma'am I'm on my way I'm we're in the car and I got a buddy with me there's two of us she cooked ten ribeye steaks there's two of us and that was on one grill and I was like Momo that's sweet that is just too much we can't ten steaks she's like you guys are really gonna enjoy this because on this grill I've got ten steaks but I'm doing hamburgers on this other grill over here and then she did the whole thing the table was full like we couldn't even find a place at the table there was so much food and there's just too much I remember I tell my wife this story all the time my kids I this is my like my most famous story of my grandma I ate so much that day I'm not condoning this by the way I'm just saying what happened and your you're not gonna judge me you're gonna be like you know what you were blessing your grandma I ate so much that day I actually felt something pop in my stomach that's the truth I told my friend I think I just hurt myself I don't remember how many steaks and hamburgers I was into by that time but I do remember about 10 minutes after being done with that meal I went into like a food coma I was out like you could not keep me away you couldn't wake me up there was so much food in my system I just I fell asleep on the way to the bed to go lay down I don't even remember getting from the kitchen to the bedroom and here's what happened three hours later I woke up and I come out Momo what time is it Chetty boy you've been here you've been asleep about three hours how you feeling well I'm feeling amazing she said good I just heated up all the rest of that food let's go ahead and have some more my grandma you couldn't she's my favourite drink right everybody that goes the Modine community group knows my favorite drink is right somebody say it out loud there it is it's sweet tea my grandma was so famous because mama would never let you drink enough to get down to the middle of the glass the minute you decided to drink some here comes the pitcher she's filling it back up there's a couple of times I told a moment you got to let me get down to the bottom of this glass she kept filling it up as soon as I take a drink she fill it back up servant of all servants I saw her at a Thanksgiving dinner of 40 people cook for days to prepare this thing lavished food on everybody and I couldn't find her because I wanted to thank her and I was looking around the house I couldn't find her I found her in the laundry room by herself on a stool eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and all she wanted to do was just just bless grace mercy love generosity just bless and from that side of my grandma I got God I told you stories last week about how the masculine side I got my I got from my dad I got all those attributes we talked about last week but that softer side I got from my grandma she was just like God to me in the sense of just unmeasured grace unmeasured love and you ever read that scripture lavished God lavish his love and that's what my grandma did Isaiah 30 verse 18 yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you therefore he will rise up to show you compassion for the Lord is a God of justice blessed are all who wait for him wait did you say he wants to be gracious to you and he's the god of justice exactly there's perfect balance in this kingdom and God has never changed from the beginning until now and I want to take a few moments to acknowledge something for the men in the house and I'm going to acknowledge it also for the women in the house that do you understand that there's an awkward place in the kingdom there's an awkward place when it comes to this softer side many of us maybe some of the men we appreciate the strong side of God the power the might the victory the battle and I know that all of us embrace and we receive the benefits from the softer side male and female we've received his compassion his mercy his love his graciousness but there's often an unspoken awkwardness in the body of Messiah that I just want to mention for a minute you don't hear about this much this awkwardness Isaiah 54 verse 5 for your maker is your husband the Lord Almighty is his name the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer he is called the God of all the earth the Lord is my husband you lost me there man all right as a man I can't I come to a verse like that and I like mmm I'm not sure how to take that I don't know what to do with that I don't know how the females feel maybe it's easier to embrace I don't know I'm not trying to project on you then I can tell you I've talked to hundreds if not thousands of men who don't understand what to do with that you see my husband what'd I do with that it's not an easy concept for us I never wanted to be a bride so when when I read a scripture like you're the bride I'm like I'm not sure like I know in theory I know what you mean but it's hard for me to connect with God like that and I'm just being honest it's an awkwardness that men feel sometimes when you read these passages but it's equally awkward sometimes for the ladies to read the harshness that seems to be described when God is a God of justice and he has to make correction for the sake of the whole but they're both part of God perfect pH balance of the kingdom there's other verses that make things awkward Hosea 2 verse 19 I will betroth you to me forever I will be trove you to me and righteousness and justice and love and compassion and it's so important that we preach the gospel in balance that people know the true face of Yeshua that he is all of these things otherwise it comes out weird and we talked about the over feminization of the congregations in the body of Messiah around the world we talked about that but we have to emphasize the fullness of God's attributes to bring the right balance sometimes I think it's easier for me to connect with the Covenant that God made with Abraham or to be God's child or to enlist in God's army while for other people it's easier to connect to God as being the bride of the Messiah or being betrothed to him or receiving the kisses of his mouth and the song of songs you see I'm not sure about that one I mean I know it's right but it doesn't naturally come easily to me to think about that one of our leaders reminded me before service because we went over with the team some of our notes talking about the softer side of God and I'm not gonna say who it is but they're in the house right now so y'all can look around and figure out who it is as if Pastor Chad don't forget that that one of God's names that he calls himself El Shaddai is often translated you know around the world at least in English you know God my provider I mean that's probably the concept but in its route form in its rawest form you know should I really is is the breast and that it's the idea that that God is providing for our needs but see you start saying that to a man and it doesn't connect I like I like the other version of el-shaddai but there is a softer side of God and that's why it's so important for our key phrase tonight God will show up in the form we need him the most and in the moment we need him the most God will show up in the form we need in the most and in the moment we need him the most he will take the perfect action that is needed to make every situation writes so we need to understand that all of us will have a large scale of feelings and emotions and attributes and actions and thoughts next week I'm going to talk about the emotions of God and where they come from inside of us but God is a God of emotion we're made in this image that's why we have emotions but listen every one of us we're gonna be strong confident brave and victorious at moments and at other times we're going to be unsure wounded scarred embarrassed guilty shameful and notice all of those things I just described I didn't tell you four were male or female because we all have them but you can have all of those emotions on the male scale and you can have all of those emotions on the female scale and it doesn't mean something's wrong with you we close with this verse from Habakkuk chapter 3 I have heard all about you Lord I am filled with all by your amazing works in this time of our deep need help us again as you did in years gone by and in your anger remember your mercy David got it Habakkuk got it Isaiah got it Hosea got it that God is a God of perfect balance his kingdom is a kingdom of perfect balance we have the capacity working together to bring perfect balance to it as well and don't let the enemy lie to you that says if you if you run the scale of attributes that somehow you have to jump the scale of genders no God created you without mistakes you're exactly who God made you to be so that you could reach your God create a destiny which is what you live for can you stand to your feet for a moment if you're in the house bow your heads if you're online watching I just want to pray a prayer of blessing over us thank you God for being who we need you to be in the moment we need you to be it no matter what happens to us no matter what we've done to hurt ourselves or others we say thank you for being who you need to be when we need you to be that and father right now we just received with a focused heart we lean into you right now God we're pushing past the crowd thank you for making us who we are somebody in the house needs to say that to themselves today and to God God thank you for making me who you made me you made me this gender you made me this height you made me this earth Nissa t you made me this age you gave me these giftings you put me in this family you put me in this country God thank you for making me who you made me and tonight we embrace all of your attributes God we reveal the true face of Yeshua and that face has never changed because you're sure you're the same yesterday today and forever and we thank you that you're all of these things to us because we need you in all of these ways and Yeshua's name we pray amen amen come back and be with us next week because we're gonna focus on the emotions of God and how they connect with us pastor Ray's gonna take us back into some worship we're gonna go out as we started tonight with some joy and we are grateful this pastor Chad pray we are grateful for who he's made us to be and for who he is to us he is a great to God so let's go out with joy tonight here we go [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice toss of a ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah mr. Mike Amen man God is good we want to bless you tonight thank you for joining us tonight and we want to invite you to come back again and join us again next week and just keep a look out on our social media for the social regulations and when we're gonna be able to open back up and what we're gonna be doing next weekly and looking forward to that and being in community together with you we just want to remind you that our discipleship class links are available and if you weren't able to join us for those classes but would still like to check in on those classes to write us here at KK CJ @ k kc j or goes into those links and then we want to also welcome those that are with us tonight for being able to join us we love you have a great week and we'll see you again and next week bless you [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,921
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Id: 5lbzn0uX4Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 25sec (5485 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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