Living Counter to Culture by Shawn Baker

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[Music] we're in this series the truth behind lies and title of my message tonight is going to be entitled living counter to culture and remaining in touch would be the subtitle that's what my topic is going to be on and we're going to focus on the topic of sexuality and how that fits into the conversation of the church now I've not written any books on this topic but i have written the book just released one by the way and it's called leading from the closet and you can get it on amazon my wife and i have been in ministry for some time and we've seen the Lord do tremendous things in ministry we've been used of him to grow multiple campuses multiple churches and upon arriving here I sat down and I just said Lord I'm just going to take this and put it in a 60 or so page basically essay and make it short make it simple and I would encourage every ministry leader to get your hands on it to read it whether your pastor whether you're a lay leader or whether you're a volunteer you need to read leading from the closet it only costs a hundred dollars on Amazon you can't beat that just kidding just kidding ten bucks ten bucks so we want to encourage you to get your hands on a copy of that share it with somebody be a great stocking stuffer and keeping with the theme of the definition that pastor chad shared last week on the subject of love which was great word by the way pastor and i enjoyed it immensely i listened to it yesterday and finished it this morning and the theme of this of his message last week and in keeping with that on the subject of love he made a statement about the definition of love and i want to repeat that to you he said love is the genuine pursuit of God's intended destiny for another person guided by law that's a mouthful right there love is the genuine pursuit of God's intended destiny for another person guided by law you know God uses mercy and grace to enforce Kingdom laws not to exempt us from them somebody say men so just because we are under grace you have to understand that the scripture states in Titus chapter 2 that it is the grace of God everybody say the grace of God grace is God's divine enablement or is divine empowerment for it is the grace of God that brings salvation and it has appeared to all men debris salvation was just appeared to all men teaching us this is what grace does teaching us listen to this here that we should deny all ungodliness and worldly lust and we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world as a matter of fact James made a similar statement in chapter 1 and verse 21 when he recorded these words that we are to lay apart all filthiness and all not in us and we were to receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our souls now I'm just going to make myself at home tonight and we're just going to have a family conversation on this subject and i'm going to say some things that may be kind of hard for you to swallow but if you chew it long enough I promise you'll get it down and if I offend you don't worry I'm leaving going back to her to Leah when I'm done amen are you ready for a great word tonight you can I bring it all right here we go Satan seeks to redefine truth for the sole purpose to cause humanity to miss God there was a recent article that I read and it made this statement and I take it I've taking this quote from it and it said this an interesting separation has taken place in the Christian community day today / homosexuality and gay marriage 1-liter opposes and another affirms yet most just sit silent I believe that the spirit of Antichrist is committed to impacting every area of society through his dark tactics of first by one twisting the truth or secondly convincing an entire generation that the truth is no longer relative as I was reflecting on this statement within this article yet most just sit silent the thought came over me and here was the thought our silence on these types of issues transgender homosexuality our silence as the body of Yeshua fuels the devil's tactics I believe because the majority of the church throughout the world has missed the kingdom we have isolated from the world instead of infiltrating the world and thus our voice has been silenced because we're so busy being keepers of the aquarium that were no longer fishers of men and when you missed the kingdom you are forced to manufacture a bunch of ministries to keep people busy but yet in the midst of busyness nothing is ever really changing around us the body of Yeshua should be at the forefront of every sect of society whether it's business whether it's banking whether it is media arts and entertainment or education the body of Yeshua should be leading the conversations of our day not reacting to them or sitting silent somebody say men I want you to go to X or excuse me to Psalm chapter 82 with me now I want to read this song because this is a psalm that I believe speaks to the intent of God's desire for the body of Yeshua in Psalm 82 he records these words he says in verse 1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty he judges among the gods little G he's talking about us how long will you judge unjustly that's how I know he's talking about us because Yeshua that in judge unjustly and the Ruach Kadesh he doesn't judge unjustly are you with me God doesn't judge on justly we are the ones that Judge unjustly and did you know that this is not the first time in your sword that God refers to his people as a little G God when you look in Exodus chapter 7 and verse 1 God made this declaration to Moses he said Moses I want you to see that I have made the a God unto Pharaoh wow that's a whole nother message within itself let me get back to this one he says how long will you judge unjustly and accept the person's of the wicked say la defend the poor in the fatherless do justice to the afflicted and the needy listen to what he's saying here deliver the poor in the needy rid them out of the hand of the wicked sounds like there's going to be a confrontation sounds like there's going to be some deliverance and some Kingdom activation if that's going to happen he says deliver the form in need he rid them out of the hand of the wicked he's talking about the wicked and verse 5 they know not neither will they understand they all walk on in darkness all the foundations of the earth or out of course and I have said ye are gods even though you are all of you are children the most high but you will die like men and fall like one of the princes then he concludes by saying arise O God judge the earth for thou shall inherit all nations when you read this Psalm it seems like to me that God does not intend for his people just to sit silent or to remain silent while the world goes to hell in a handbasket amen god did God I believe that has determined within his heart to raise up a body in this 11th hour that would infiltrate every area of society and transform it and bring the culture of heaven to the earth the majority of our media outlets today have been corrupted by this spirit of Antichrist as they issue forth a global agenda day in and day out which is full of deceptive lives that are demonically motivated to twist the truth and corrupt the minds of the innocence we are experiencing a culture that is being swayed by the power of propaganda versus the truth that should be issuing from the pulpits around the world I believe the body of Yeshua is caught in the crosshairs of trying to remain relevant while contending with an enemy who has mastered the art of concealing truth behind that behind his lies what is the world's system propagating today well the arts and entertainment industry have been strategically crafted by the enemy to shape the world view of an entire generation folks I believe that we're living in the math in the middle of Matthew chapter 24 I would also declare to you that this world is in a suicidal race for ruin there is when you when you look at from the media and the arch to even politics how does a middle-class politician a man or woman get elected into a put into a public office and by the end of their term they're filthy rich there's something wrong with the world system would you agree there's something wrong when the only truth that most educational systems are teaching today is two plus two equals four while the agenda if immorality is taught as a normal alternative and now this corrupt system and way of life has infiltrated the church triumphant to the point where congregations are run more like full-fledged corporations where we've been paralyzed by fear of losing our constituency therefore we refuse to deliver the truth to a lost and dying world all because we cannot afford to financially lose their weekly tip don't shout me down what I'm doing good I know good preaching when I hear it so what we what do we do we avoid topics of sexual immorality because these topics are too controversial meanwhile the enemy has convened stus that we may be losing the battle but will ultimately win the war one day when the truth behind that lie is simply this we have been anointed to win the battle and the war we've been convinced will be labeled as intolerant bigots out of touch with society living in the Stone Age if we speak this ancient truth called the scripture I can hear some people already feeling within their spirit pastor at least don't say stuff like this it could be offensive to someone who's here for the first time besides all homosexuals and transgenders their precious image bearers of God Himself don't you realize that I do realize that but our silence has led to an entire to entire denominations being taken captive by heresy listen to me our silence has produced more prisoners than preachers there has to be a confrontation we must confront the lie that love has no boundaries and man can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants because God is the God of love we must confront the lie that if it feels good just do it I believe society has lost its way but we have been anointed and appointed to bring society back into divine order because anything that's out of divine order is full of disorder and I'm going to tell you that this world is full of disorder would you agree with me when you look in Exodus chapter 23 and I'm going to I could do a come back and do a whole series on this but I'm not going to do it right now but i do want to give you just a couple nuggets out of Exodus chapter 23 because when God had brought the Israelites back in back or to this land they had to contend with some things they had to confront some things they had to confront some people that were living contrary to God's ways and when you look in Exodus chapter 23 I love this because you in verse 20 that God says you I'm not gonna you're not going to go alone let me know that we're not alone in this in this walk the angels of the Lord and camp around them that fear man such as keep this covenant Yeshua's promised I'd never leave you nor forsake you by be with you the very end of this age he has sealed us with the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption listen here you are an ambassador of the kingdom of god and i live in diplomat city and i can tell you that an ambassador never travels by himself you are an ambassador for the kingdom so you're not you're not journeying through this life on your own all right look what he says here in verse 20 behold I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared beware of him obey his voice obedience is key provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice and do all that I speak then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies and an adversary unto thine adversaries it's had a good word he says for my angel shall go before you watch this what he's going to do the Angels going to bring you to a place of confrontation I believe that heaven is bringing the church to a place of confrontation with this corrupt society and we better be up for the conversation and be ready for the battle he says my angels going to bring you into the amorite under the Hittites the perizzites the Canaanites the highlights the jebusites and Joshua said the girgashites if I was writing this I would say I and all the termites that are out there but when you study these seven nations which he says they're greater a number and mightier than you by yourself but not when I'm in the midst of you when you study these seven nations and you study their King and you study these nations ways you come away with a lot of rich rich revelation for an example you know when you study the Hittite people they were people that were motivated by anger fear and they controlled others through terror that was the Hittite spirit when you look at the jebusites they were people that would just walk on in this regard ancient truth when you look at the highlights you see what the type of people they were there were people with no ambition no vision cluster they would cluster up hold up our four and no more mentality that was the the highlights but when you look at the perizzites the parasites were a type of people that were a feel-good type people no no walls no boundaries no restraints if it feels good just do it this is the parasites and understand that God's people had to contend with the spirit that was controlling the parasites and and God's people today are going to have to contend with that same spirit that spirit has run rampant to the point where young children grow up not even knowing who they are listen to this truth if you are born a male you will die a male if you are born a female you will die a female I don't care what the devil has told you I don't care what the schoolteacher has convinced your child of if they were born a male there a male and God's divine order is for that male to marry a female one day see we are in the middle of a real battle everything that we see in the visible realm is caused influence or provoked by something in the spirit realm we're living in a day where good is called evil and evil is called good society is corrupt I was talking to an individual one time and they made this statement well pastor I was born this way talking to a man I was born this way no you weren't born that way that's not true you weren't born that way well pastor if you don't believe I was born that way then you have to accept me for how I am and who I am because this is what I am and God is the God of love and he accepts me and I told him very bluntly God's not in heaven saying hey lets you and I cut it God's in heaven saying this is the deal and God loved the man so much here's the truth behind the lie listen to this on the subject of homosexuality and I believe the lord give me a revelation i want you hear this here's the truth behind that lie he loved a man so much that when he created him and men was found in his lonesome God said it's not good for man to be alone listen to this here just don't miss it so God extracted every potential ounce or tendency man would have would have had to look inward or toward his own kind for fulfillment God extracted that from his side and created him a helpmeet and he looked at it and said whoa man so the moment that God created woman he extracted every ounce of potential that men would have had to look inward or to his own kind are you with me see our children deserve the truth there are people in the world who were bound desiring truth and seeking freedom and I believe that every generation needs a Daniel a man or a woman who would be committed to prayer even when it's banned somebody that's willing to confront the norm or the laws or the culture of the day a man who would rather die praying than live in silence every generation needs a Shadrach Meshach and Abednego stand up men in about down world men who are willing to look the King in the eye and declare we will not bow to this agenda even if you don't throw us into the fire to be burned we still won't compromise the truth and bow every generation needs a Joseph a man who would rather sit in a prison cell for obedience rather than enjoying the luxuries of Egypt in a state of compromise a man of integrity every generation needs some key David's a man after God's own heart men who when they fail they refuse to quit a man who took responsibility and declared renew a right spirit within me and take not thy Holy Spirit from me see God's not looking for perfect people he's looking for people who won't quit God can never use a quitter that's what I love about King David he didn't quit a righteous man may fall seven times we got people in ministry that may fall one time and we give up on them a righteous man may fall seven times but he gets up all seven times why because the same spirit that raised your shoer from the dead dwells in you you gotta get up spirit inside of you and I believe that the world is about to find these type of men and women in the body of Yeshua a people whose lives are built on 1st Timothy 3 15 where it says the pillar and the foundation of the truth which is referring to the Word of God a people who will stand on the truth even when the truth cuts them in half I believe there's a spirit of wisdom and boldness that's accessible to the body of Yeshua right now like never before and to those who will hold to the moral and biblical view of Scripture will find a grace that is greater than any assault of the enemy I want you to understand what I'm getting ready to put on you and I don't want you to miss this and I'll get to your struggles your daily struggles in a minute but I'm talking at a 30,000 foot view right now I want you to understand what I'm getting ready to put on you the body of Yeshua has been called to operate and two distinct anointings are you ready for them one is a priestly anointing and one is the kingly anointing the Bible declares in Revelation chapter 1 and verse 6 that Yeshua has made us to be kings and priests unto God the Bible declares in Revelation chapter 5 and verse 10 a second time that Yeshua has made us to be kings and priests unto God two distinct anointings there the Bible declares in 1st Peter chapter 2 in verse 9 that you are a chosen generation you are a peculiar people a set apart people a sanctified people a holy people that we are a peculiar people that we are a royal priesthood he says a holy nation that should show forth the praises of him that has called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light so you have a kingly anointing on you and you have a priestly anointing on you when you study history you see something very interesting in the 6th century BC you see that Israel was taken captive in Babylon you want to know why what was at the root of their captivity and I want you to listen to me the root of their captivity was a priesthood that had been corrupted by the culture the Bible says in Ezekiel chapter 22 and 26 her priests have violated my law and profaned my holy things they have made no distinction between the holy and the profane nor have they shown the difference between the unclean and the cling hard truths which should always be seasoned with grace always should be seasoned with salt will only proceed from the pulpit when the one occupying the pulpit is committed to a lifestyle of intimacy with God because he does not derive his security from the reaction of the people or lack thereof his security comes from his relationship with the Lord when the priests lose their intimacy if they sure guarantee for the people to lose their way this is why he said judgment will begin in the house of God the leaders of Israel the spiritual authority of that day had mixed the Holy with the unholy and made no distinction and today in churches and congregations around the world that once a habitation of God in the spirit there's a mixing a commingling of the holy and the unholy taking place unions of same-sex taking place in altars that were once bathed with prayers that were built upon the prayers of saints of old in the midst of this moral decay there was a remnant of priests who remain loyal to the Word of God and to the ways of God remember I told you there's a priestly anointing on you in the midst of that moral decay there was God always has a remnant but he had a remnant who remained loyal to his word and a rim that that remained loyal to his way these men were known as the as the sons of Zadok the priest they were the cultural warriors of their day and I want you to listen to what Ezekiel 44 verse 15 a and 23 says he says but for the Levitical priests the sons of Zadok who kept my charge of my sanctuary when the sons of Israel went astray from me they shall come near to me to minister unto me verse 23 they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean this is an anointing that's on us right now we've got a responsibility to the next generation we've got a responsibility to a lost and dying world when you read in this word what you see is that you serve a God is a generational God he said I am the God of Abraham Isaac and that of Jacob he's a generational God and we've got a responsibility we cannot let the educational systems and the spirit of Antichrist warp and shape the minds of the next generation of leaders we need some stand up dads in about down world we need some stand-up moms in about down world we need grandfather's to to tell the strangest stories of how God work miracles in their lives so we raise up a generation that says it's not changed what he did he can still do we need to raise up a generation that that that our ceiling becomes their platform that they move forward with and stand upon look at Ezekiel 40 in verses 45 and 46 he said unto me the chamber that faces south is for the priests who have charge of the temple the chamber that faces the north is for the priests who have charge of the altar these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi who come near to minister to to Minister excuse me come near to the Lord to minister unto Him we need a generation that's trained in ministry to the Lord remember what I said to you unadulterated truth proceeds forth from intimacy with God those who don't minister to the Lord will be swept away by the culture we are a generation of priests a people who are committed to ministering to the Lord we are the ain't the change agents to set the wrongs right and to replace the lies with the truth to set the captives free for the same spirit that was working as Yeshua dwells in you and I and I'm telling you that God is not looking for a move to begin God is wanting to empower you to become that move and to become that change agent in this eleventh hour a peculiar people who out of ministry to the Lord restore the sanctity of divine order a people who are anointed to accurately articulate the truth in such a way to a hurt in society that causes them to find Yeshua irresistible God's blessings listen to me can only be accessed within his boundaries and anything outside of his boundaries only leads to a burden I want to conclude this evening by speaking to some of you who are struggling there's not a person under the sound of my voice unless you're probably a child that has not struggled with lust that has not committed adultery in your heart I'm speaking to people who have become victims of society and of a decayed culture who have fornicated in who have fallen short of the glory of God I am in the right place aren't I he who has no sin says he has done he's a liar and the truths not in him all of us are undone without the blood of Yeshua I want to speak to you that are struggling and I want to tell you that the pathway to freedom you can find the grace to overcome your struggle but that grace can only be found in truth the scripture declares in John 114 that truth and grace are revealed in Yeshua grace without truth is witchcraft and if you're going to experience the divine enablement of God that can set you free from your struggle then you've got to be willing to confess your fault you've got to be willing to confess your sin you know default is a Fault in the in the Greek language the word is like a fault line that's under the earth that nobody can see it but boy when there's a shift when the pressures right there's a shift that everybody feels it you've got to be willing to confess your phones in order to receive the grace that you need to bring you into a place of freedom so the individual whose mind is constantly spinning in your constantly being tormented I'm going to tell you what's wrong with your mind I'm going to tell you why you can't get images out of your out of your mind one because we're constantly combated with them would you agree with that but number two is because we don't spend enough time intimate time with the Lord number three we don't fast and we don't crucify our flesh anymore and our flesh has run amok God will not deliver you from your friends he will only deliver you from your enemies and you've got to see that spirit that is trying to lead you astray as an enemy and quit flirting with it there is a freedom for you you know what that is that's a prophetic laughter it's a holy laughter because we've tapped in listen to me and will speak to you prophetically what we've done is we have tapped into the joy of heaven and I believe the Lord is saying there's the truth that's being released that's here to liberate my people and what she's experiencing is that joy that God has when he gets ready to deliver somebody he takes joy and delivering people I loved what the brother said at the beginning I loved what pastor chad said this is not a show folks this is where destinies are made sure this is where marriages are restored this is where the captive is set free this is where the lame get their walk back this is where the blind get their vision back this is where hope is imparted this is where grace is being dispensed and I want you to know that there's an anointing on you you are a cultural warrior and we've got to confront the lies we got to be willing to be stand-up men and women in about down world and we got to be willing to be honest with where we are can I share one more important truth to you not quit I worship team come give them some hope come help them I'm going to land this plane passing I'm gonna turn it over to you but listen to me listen to me there's a lot of doubters after you know why I made this statement I'm not saying this is the case with this body but I made this statement at one of my former ministries I said you want to know why this millennial generation doesn't believe in the bodily resurrection of Yeshua everybody said why I said because they've come to our congregations and they've seen his corpse you want to know the second reason why they don't trust and believe in grace is because we're not transparent with them and we're not letting them see how grace has healed us because of our pride you want to know what made a believer out of Thomas was when Yeshua was willing to lift up his side his shirt and say touch my wound and Thomas said lord I believe and he said blessed are those who don't see and believe you know I I've got to be willing if I want to see my three-year-old son grow up trusting in the divine enablement of God I've got to be willing to lift my shirt up and let him put his finger in my side where I have experienced some wounds I've got to be willing to take him to the place where God's Amazing Grace picked me up out of the quagmire of sin and set my feet back on the rock and I need to be able to communicate to my son son if God did it for me don't you ever forget he'll do it for you my heart breaks [Music] because the truth is husband is that the one you can speak to about your struggle is your wife in the enemy has convinced you she can't take it but the truth is is that she has an anointing on her as a nazar everybody say azar the word has helped me it's the same word that's used in psalm 46 when God was speaking of himself when he said I'm a very present help aids are in the time of trouble it's the same word that's used in Psalm 121 when David was right and he said I'll lift up mine eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help but he's shaking his head no he said my aides are coming from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth and I believe one of the root causes of this moral decay is that there's no communication between husbands and wives I'm getting right in your business I know it but it's good it's good I've tried to be the macho man it didn't work my wife tried to be superwoman and it didn't work [Music] the older I get the more I realize I'm in so desperate need of His mercy we need each other we need to have honest and open communication with each other crucify your flesh let your mind be renewed by the sure mercies of God that's found within his word be not conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind the word transformed is the same word that was used for the Mount of Transfiguration when Yeshua was transfigured before them so whatever glorified state that he attained to our minds should be glorified at that same manner I would be a fool to think that there's nobody here struggling I would be a fool to think that there's no one here that hasn't bought in to the lie that twists the truth and corrupts the mind you don't have to die the way you are whom the son sets free is what everybody I can never be used pastor of the Lord you don't know what I've done in my past listen the only reason the devil brings up your past is because he has no more new material father let your body not just in Jerusalem but around the world tap into this anointing that I'm talking about and anointing that is so powerful that it breaks the yoke that it renews the mind and that it positions us back into our rightful place as ministers unto you that anointing that emboldened us to be able to stand in the face of culture and to declare there is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death [Music] give us a boldness that we would be able to proclaim your truth one that Yeshua is the only way to heaven to that in the beginning God created Adam and Eve let there be an anointing that comes on the body of Yeshua where signs wonders and miracles would follow them that believe and that young men and young women would be clothed and in the right mind and find their identity in you God Lord I believe that this is a embassy for your kingdom right here in Jerusalem I believe that this is a part of the remnant that will be a stand-up people in about down world and I belleza spa d I bless this body with boldness I bless this body with wisdom I bless this body with courage there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit and tonight I charge you to pursue God with every fiber of your being can you stand to your feet with me this evening Romans chapters 12 charges us to present ourselves as living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto God which is a reasonable surface it is our reasonable service right now to present ourselves unto heaven and say I will not be swept by way of culture God renew a right spirit within me transform my mind take not your presence from me restore redeem my life from destruction even my own bad choices redeem my life from destruction present yourself to the Lord as you stand there in that attitude and that posture of prayer and to may the Lord may the Lord find you in with a sincere heart and may you encounter him in the next few moments in a way that forever changes and transforms your life [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 603
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher, Freedom
Id: kTOZ9gzi96Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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