King Kong but Jack Black breaks the game

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hey there friends has gone my name is Kevin and today we're playing King Kong again I played it the last time but a week ago and you guys seem to enjoy it so I'm more than happy to play it again the thing that confused me I went googling to find the glitches I came across like the spinning enemies and I didn't find anything I don't know if I just worded it wrong so I couldn't find anything or what but I I'm thinking that maybe this game just doesn't like me what I thought he just jumped off the cliff like I'm done wait wait I was fixing my mouse yeah the island is amazing look at it it's great isn't it oh there's Peter Jackson we gotta catch him I'm just gonna get in your shot here no I'm the star here it's people like me that that stop things like this being proved Jack I don't already go I can't get across here I don't I don't know what to do I'm gonna go back to my other friends see if they'll help me out oh they're still waiting for me alright maybe I shouldn't go here you know what I think it's bugged I'm gonna just quit and load it again maybe he just didn't want to play anymore after I ruined his shot of Peter Jackson's wait that's actually scripted that he should stop there and say that that's so weird I thought it was just a random line alright he's already gone anyway okay well he didn't get the shot this time either okay oh there we go there's a lot of Spears around here I don't like this and there's a lot of places to hide I don't like this at all we're gonna have to fight a dinosaur aren't we why are you feeling me what what what's gonna why are you filming me oh here we go man it's not my fault if you're trying to film him what's body alright you better stop alright this isn't doing anything I'm trying to help you dude I really am okay now I think I'm gonna die yeah my screen is seeping again I can't do anything when this happens again yeah I am maybe you should listen to your own advice though [Music] all right the suspense is building for long enough you can do something now [Music] nothing is happening oh he just emerged from that tree can I just leave him all right all right wait why are you charging him see this is gonna be a major problem because if I get hit once I'm pretty much dead I'm playing this one super hard mode to get to him you gotta go through me oh he did go through me wait no this - oh maybe they've made it easier on me because that was too hard ah okay I got another one out of two there for some reason I bet he's talking about me yeah yeah probably talking about me well yeah now what what happened there huh it's it's open eyed I don't understand what just happened I go to the other side of it I think and I can't push it this way what's going on all right we're good to go I guess I don't know I don't know what's happening Jack I gotta take a break you gonna take a break you didn't do anything what are these some sort of trip wires Oh Peter Jackson what oh sorry huh what is it oh dear why you screaming why what's wrong where is he Jack Black all right you know what I'll just try using the door see if he'll appear what are you doing it he's froze up again he doesn't even look scared he looks annoyed more than anything all right yeah he's just dead inside all right then no I'll have to start that paradise opposed why what's wrong with you there's nothing happening like you're getting attacked by the Tri even you're like this islands amazing and then nothing's happened and you're like yeah I think he's legit stock I don't know if there's much I can do here come on seemed so scared and pissed off wait did I pull that from I must be a magician because I just pulled it out of you Oh God he went right through that rock oh he just continues to go through it it doesn't seem to bother him it's hard to get a line on him knowing he just keeps going through the rock yes please die please die please die please die punch the dinosaur punch the dinosaur oh wait he's moved look maybe he's like those things in them Doctor Who the weeping angels when you're not looking at him he'll move but when you're looking at me he stays perfectly still come on then die no no no come back flow stole him that close huh yes my broken spear did the job imagine the amount of bugs they've been this grass the hell Jesus Christ get away from me oh no I missed him no how can you get in here oh yeah you can float through rocks I forgot how they move so strangely it's really hard to fight them like when they move so erratically and then go through the bloody rocks it's kinda hard to fight them thank you course punch and punch him punch um oh there's no point even hiding in here they can just come in I don't even know who Carol is but I'm coming to get you and we're just dead I can hear them no I'm still like no I'm dead god damn it it's Carol the game with the camera and was he supposed to be like kidnapped when he was screaming and stuff oh yeah look URI is you're acting like the Star Wars kid right now oh that was an old throwback for the internet I'm on point here I just can't be hit once or unscrewed should we go I don't I don't know what's going on oh my God look at the size of that one I guess I have to go back wait what oh I guess he died it's not my fault the things are too smart to to wait till I'm gone and he doesn't come with me maybe you should listen to what you're saying buddy is you're not defending yourself at all it's not spawning in I'm not sure what to do there's nothing there okay I guess he just passed out he's dehydrated he's dead now oh wait he's moving now and I'll just steal back to his original spot yep I'm coming don't worry oh my god what do I do I don't know how do you pass this you're faking the useless aren't you yeah I don't look away from me man your head looks huge from this perspective I look at clothes I am and look at the size of my hand compared to his head what's wrong with him I think he's the King Kong I'm looking this my hands the size of his eyeball all right I tried loading it let's see if that'll do the job it's fight in the air again wait why am i turning in circles I'm not doing that that is doing this entirely by itself I'm still turning by myself this is a problem whoa whoa whoa what is that one doing oh I think they're doing a spinning glitch she can't except there in the air you spin me right round they're moving a little fast for me to shoot them that is my ammo gun let me try this oh no wait I've become one of them I'm also spinning in circles we're more alike than we think oh my god I cannot hit him like they're not even doing anything to us we're just being cruel at this point like a machine now sitting not a very good one I can't seem to hit him okay there we go oh oh I wasn't spinning by myself it would be a lot easier as well and also if he weren't practically invincible he just doesn't seem to die I wonder do these guys find this bizarre or is this just their world because if this is just the world by God I would not like to live in it usually when I run into these glitches I'd Google it and someone will have come across it and they'll give some weird explanation and fix but this one just seems to be unique to me oh wait wait no wait I'm trying believe me offer facts sake Jesus Christ I almost had it wait I'm still alive know if that's a good thing or a bad thing where is he gone Jack Black I couldn't see him oh my god I stopped spinning oh I think Christ I was getting dizzy I just stopped spinning oh no no I think would actually dead this time all right you know what maybe that'll have fixed it maybe I'll get to fight the big bad guy again okay they're just not showing up this time I guess no I don't blame them either they're probably getting sick of this too if I had to guess I'd say they're off screen somewhere just spinning in circles not coming around to us all right that scream wasn't the game that was actually me from being terrorized for having to do this over and over again I might get this game on xbox but for now I think we're gonna have to end it here because I can't I can't seem to progress at all it just won't let me oh wait wait wait we got the big guy oh no they're gone yeah we're gonna end it there if you if you want to see more of this but probably less buggy let me know and I'll try and get it on Xbox I looked up there is some cheats that would allow you to level select to get like one shot kills which will allow me kill the boss here but I can't seem to find them for PC so I think we're we're kind of screwed but if you know them let me know as well and maybe we can continue this and he used sheets to get around these kind of bats but I hope you enjoyed anyway folks and I will see you next time bye for now we shout out pay transporters Lieutenant Colonel America's absent james ring and chain law ship american catherine libyan no asha andrew urban check even character broken louise calvin christian even normal living camel josh Delton mister Ozzie Deadpool ninety-seven Jack she's gang Dolan via McTaggart Nancy Kirk ViCAP Linda left Caleb Valencia Sarah Wilkins Luke Jagger's capped again anaconda Kiwi civics even in winter de Paris a thanks guys
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 675,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, how to annoy, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, funny moments, king kong game, king kong xbox 360, peter jacksons king kong, king kong funny moments, king kong montage, king kong 2007, king kong 2006, old king kong game, the king kong game, king kong
Id: 4oijPp7_E20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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