King Kong but everyone is useless

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are back with the conniest of kings king kong we're going to try and get past the parrot that jack black did not want us to pass last time i think i may have fixed it i'm already kind of concerned okay there they are no there's some enemies but now we're looking at the rock again i think i can hear someone fighting oh one just went through the rock okay i'm here jack i'm here oh look at him go i've definitely fixed it wait hold on my sensitivity is an issue well there's a lot of issues but this is what i can actually fix hey don't look at me man you could do something too okay i guess i was incorrect this is uh this is not fixed at all what the hell is that maybe it's god pointing away no it's god just saying screw you kevin this is never gonna work all right well we still have the light of god shining down upon us but let's try this now oh my god they're all over them all of a sudden maybe this is a good sign they're doing what they're supposed to be doing oh i see a big one this looks so promising wait where'd he go oh there he is okay ah jesus christ uh oh huh oh god i am like an action hero i got a bone to pick with you i've used that before wait did he kill him he doesn't do anything and then he throws one spear and he kills him gotta get a shot of this all right go ahead get a shot of me wait you've already killed him stop throwing things hey jack you're in the shot yeah i know don't i look great we done we done oh jack you're worrying me i was really expecting to see him on top of that rock again oh now he's in front of me okay great ow and look i can even get hit now oh i've heard that too much oh god damn it i was just coming back man he thinks everything threatening is incredible i swear one day i'm just gonna point a gun at him just to make his day oh [ __ ] hit him punch the dinosaur why aren't you helping me dude look what i've done for you ah oh god i saved you you were a useless human being i don't know jack black is weird he looks so small when he's far away but then he gets up and he's freaking massive like look how big he is now he's terrifying you know what that means don't you aerial footage i'm a genius hey you took my spear and you're not even gonna use it and by the way i know he didn't fly off with you you just stood there because i i watched that in the last episode you just stood there doing nothing please just let me be peter jackson now that's all i want oh i don't like them at all but at least they're not spinning anymore run look at the way he holds that i don't know i find that funny for some reason it's just very dainty oh god oh jesus good luck jack where's jack oh i'll just follow him saying it's incredible and i'll find him oh here he comes and then i walk in the cave nope he changed his mind oh jesus oh no where do you come from you know what never mind i'm glad to see you for once my god i went literally through his legs where's he even going get back here you monster oh god he's coming back uh jack black i don't think it's safe yet i don't think we've dealt with the trap ah what the hell jesus christ no oh god he's dead nice work jack let's go i'm at the wrong side okay let's go all right still the wrong side okay let's go oh dude i've had enough of these pretzels all they do is tie themselves in nuts over here jack it looks like a way out yeah i'm right next to you no need to show me i know what i'm doing i wouldn't trust him at all oh my god yeah trust me i know what i'm doing oh he's going to be dead by the time i get back there isn't oh my god oh he's so useless it's painful that's right spawn killed you over here i'm ahead of you please thank god you've stop how did you get over there i'm blocked behind these bushes how'd you get over here in the first place and really that's what would bother you like you think you could just walk through this stuff it was a matter of life and death you know it's like oh no man there's some grass you gotta clear it you go through those alligators to take care of it oh my god can you please just walk through the grass is that too much to ask for please you can even jump over most of it like it's only about a meter yeah well if you had dealt with the grass you wouldn't have to deal with the dinosaurs that was your choice [Music] oh thanks guys appreciate it just have a little reunion over there i'll deal with this as always hey you think we should help him no it's only a dinosaur there's some grass over here though be careful are you dead are you dead are you dead i think he's dead wait is someone got a machine gun over there you got a machine gun and you're leaving me deal with him with a stick you want my gun yes i do you're not using it give it to me come on oh my god these are the clumsiest group of people i have ever met oh god what happened there i couldn't control the recoil it's clear you guys can actually come over now after i've dealt with everything all but watch out for this grass don't want you guys getting hurt or anything where's miss darrow oh i don't know and at this point i don't really care they offered her up as a sacrifice i think he said his name was peter jackson she better be all right for your sake what's it got to do with me you were the one hiding from the grass over there i was actively trying to help her i hate these people so much i hear peter jackson is preston and his crew wait you think that's preston what you think he just has like indigestion or something why is it raining in this cave i just want to play as peter jackson please oh my god i want to be peter jackson apparently some guy is going around the island dropping them by plane but how did it get in here huh is that the monster oh no wait i think that is oh we're supposed to be running my apologies what he's not doing anything you guys are freaking slow he's very cautious about eating you guys uh oh oh he's putting him into a rock the worst of all debts he seems kind of friendly oh god i punched him and immediately died i didn't mean to punch him i was just trying to rob his belly why are you kids waiting shouldn't we be running all right let's just wait together then i guess he's coming back yeah of course he is and there he goes with the camera recording the wall it is a nice wall to be fair i would like that in a movie where'd he go he's gone okay well he's disappeared that was unbelievable yeah i know right this island's incredible this way jack yeah i was already over here but you wouldn't follow me jimmy you're there we can go now he's not very upset about them dying is he put it in let's go wrong side okay let's go no all wrong side again let's go why is it not moving please thank you thank you our doors are hard guys it completely tore lumpy apart where's lumpy you had enough yet denim or do you want some more where's lumpy i want to see lumpy oh god i just hung there like something out of looney tunes don't wait for oh this game is so stupid i hope it just keeps giving me guns now because i'm kind of sick of playing with sticks i just realized i'm on my own there's no one to shout jack or over here or this island's incredible oh my god i spoke too soon wait that's not how you use the spear what was that you said some like pickaxe maneuver oh come on as if they could jump that the people who follow me can't even jump over a tiny ledge and they can do that is she is she gone okay good that's my responsibility gone wait what the hell was that it's peter jackson to the rescue oh my god that thing looks terrifying here comes peter here comes peter right down jackson lane i didn't even attempt to grab him i just continued on going i'm here for me not for her space to run against the wall oh my god no wonder he's such an acclaimed director he's a man of many talents he can do anything oh my god the camera controls what is going on stop kong what are you doing i'm just gonna nickname peter jackson kong because peter jackson takes a lot of effort to say good thing he waits for me all the time that's actually really kind of him and that he flies near all these scalable objects because if he flew in the open i'd be kind of screwed wouldn't i he's a nice guy really hey get her out of that rock all right i'm oh my god all right now i'm here let's fight oh god ah i thought i'd be doing better than this wait what i need to scroll the wheel down to get in the fury throwing a hissy fit will accomplish nothing okay man peter jackson must be hard to work with he gets moody no hold on it suddenly just changes camera angle and what was going forward is now go backwards it's really annoying and i love you come here i don't feel like they're trying as hard to catch her as they were when i was the human why is she waiting i don't understand any of this game yes i got her she just stopped running for some reason don't worry peter jackson friendly he not like other hollywood directors he nice man now kith kids imagine he just eats her that'd be amazing all right we've played as peter jackson i am one happy camper now uh i guess we'll leave it there for today i hope you enjoyed and i hope you're glad that i got it fixed because that was really annoying to fix but yeah thanks for watching as always and i'll see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 514,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, how to annoy, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, funny moments, king kong game, king kong xbox 360, peter jacksons king kong, king kong funny moments, king kong montage, king kong 2007, king kong 2006, old king kong game, the king kong game, king kong
Id: a9goYcOZhoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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