King Air B100 - IFR flight to La Guardia KLGA!

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we have received the 80 series information uniform of the ramp area their hand before we start the engines begin the ATC clearance power IFR flight from Demery to look like a bit crack in it somewhere up and do their off your right a little number eight four seven Delta information uniform to LaGuardia please November 8 four seven Delta cleared to LaGuardia Airport via direct Carmel Victor one two three direct on departure maintain 3000 expect five thousand five minutes after departure departure frequency one two zero point eight squawk four two three three thank you to the LaGuardia provider I come L Victor one two three direct initially three thousand irrespective I saw speed of light when it's frequency one two zero decimal 8 the code for two three tree people another a four seven del three bags correct okay I taken five big zero hotel golf contact departure one two zero point eight the killers was easy was asphalt and we start up the engine stop but two three okay the office Dodgers completed two flight controls turn around like what Bravo I'm gonna the primary and the secondary trip systems checked or the project leader walls position is set but April so not as ready protects out of executive to have the 80s after her I'll get to six if available Harry for seven Delta runway toothpicks Activia Charlie hold short runway want them are to six Vitaly holding a shot of her Watson on Charlie 8:07 up as this is a single pilot operation of a not program the ability for GPS while taxi we have to hold short of robberies 1:7 in any case so I will do this only while be holding short anything gets down sometimes some procedures are necessary in a single pilot operation but this should be really kept to a minimum to stay focused on the taxiway and all possible obstructions or anything you can hit stay on the center line of the text event of course obey any hold short instructions I'll bring the airplane here to stop the hold short of three five at searching of the transponder code is for two three three the route will be from Tampere to Carmel Charlie Mike kilo heads up there the victor 123 loading airway area for seven Delta crowd from one one seven on Charlie he acted wrongly to thick crossing once a lot charlie I'll shut up to six sight was held after four seven delta verify you have information uniformed we're getting all up we clear to cross the runway we are verifying visually switching on the lights the approach procedure damper is as follows we come wrongly heading to 1500 feet and then turn them to the Carmel V you are the tears of time to 3000 feet at CIA farm obstacle clearance departure to continue our programming the by putting the destination Airport to LaGuardia in the flight plan we preview this all make sense go to tower and or to zero decimal 8 also CC you cannot verify the checklist again period embrace now look up I'm out to the party grab it with the coordinate that I traffic inbound again very heavy we ought to start before taxi are completed that leaves us with the edge good pilot I'm sorry can we do a static take off here standard call-outs let me pour until the airplane finger down when is not lifted off we abort the takeoff we was able for me clean up maintain 111 then blue light speed of 125 a club to a safe altitude and depending on the nature of the emergency we also likely contain clear ordered every 15 or sells it for self notice very very part City six will stop other release Roger old your only point shot you I try now to prepare everything is going to be very busy flight into LaGuardia Airport to pre-select the ATS is 125 95 I familiarize myself with the airport diagram so I know where to go on the ground the taxing on the ground is usually one of the biggest challenges on these large airports Carly can be there now for dinner to circular to Colonel 3054 so Delta I'm completed the memory items for the plea before takeoff checklist but I want to verify this before we take off with the actual list initialize protection ESCO transponder is on ground for two three three checks beta wolves are open it leaves us with the propeller speed Havers every tower three thirty three to five seven zero ten to the southeast with uniform looking out for two hundred sixty four degrees correct robbery now a report midfield left downwind runway want them a bit feel about that one seven five seven here for takeoff checklist is completed everything is stable check off Pecha bars set airspeed is alive 80 knots cross-check 100 knots rotate positive rate gear up flying about 115 225 knots of the initial climb out what a treat lips are up the order for engaged we continue around the Attic to 1500 feet per slowly accelerate for seven Delta contact four two three four thank you four seven aircraft is close to maximum takeoff cross weight 11800 feet the tanks are pulled completely with that fabric temperature here the climate is relatively slow doing about 1,000 feet of it poaching 1500 treat pushing direct to Carmel going to el download some flight guidance continue the club of a call New York at 2003 they're relatively far away not able to receive properly below that altitude player good evening upper a47 delta 2004 3000 Carmel read for seven down in the air good evening ident that fateful Celica for $7 Witter contact 3 north-northeast of Carmel climb to 4,000 and fighting to 0-0 I think losers origami 4000 check safe for seven thousand four thousand feet the new altitude darling it from it and we continue at the present heading to zero zero and go back for flight car is it - heading louder stop was twenty four ninety seventy of departure radar contact climb and maintain Niner thousand 4,000 feet before I try to get hold of the 8's now the 1485 are often an equal yet to have information they create LaGuardia Airport information x-ray two to five one jewel Windland eight zero Edwin three visibility one zero two clouds at two thousand two fixed Rosen scattered temperature to fix the fourteen eighty five pounds from Quitman post one to four point seven hundred nine or nine or seven remarks a or two feet level pressure one four Niner ILS runway troop to approach and youth land runway two to depart Ron Wieland three New York's interest of year with rabbit breezes siren found out about three thousand your code is 1/6 fare now above 3000 cook for the ILS one six six eight zero Alice - to isn't use of loaded this 5725 by the 1966 the harness 2 to 10 5 to 3 2002 - localizer for LaGuardia towards our last two - localizer for level of yoyo CELTA except for Delta Julie's with a 6-cell t7 flotilla Julie adaptivity - 2 / 9 to triple 9 are very simple now - debobroto tower one one eight five seven retired of bro what money for 7,000 is information x-ray Livadia eight point seven dollar graduate contact one to seven point three what to seven Smith was heaven Delta hello the proportional are very for said about the four thousand uh just don't evil Eliza to to remove every person no $39.99 other why you directory actually a positive to triple on a Priscilla Delta thank you updated to triple minor difficulty did you really think you want to hear what I rather you localizer is captured in 52 traffic in o'clock 12-mile we are about 20 miles from touchdown because looking for traffic a 6260 Thank You maintain sevens over nineteen 7080 5762 justice 462 speech 180 then generate in 2000 after 2000 after rich 187 subsistence for 62 terminating one three-year those children watch razor away of the filth side of the toaster still chef with 1252 clear visual personal relationship and their visual pictures doublet office too so 62 concepts regarding sound 123 718 7,000 fits all Derrick approached Texas 16:31 zero cells with x-ray check 1613 year first we're at three Niner Niner three triple nine ejector 16 32 16 32 driver buddy direct to LaGuardia characters I'm setting this up as a backup on the right side approximately 70 miles from touchdown 4,000 feet speeches 200 knots we expectantly hand over to approach clearance first and I never hand over to LaGuardia Tower in 1873 Quincy's pre-selected and I missed approach climbing to 2,700 outlawed by the radial two to five LaGuardia the project to section all just overtook every four seven opieop i'm out for yelling for over three thousand robofoot i'll treat you to purchase go into the three salon office of the others to to approach karate at Costa 1062 219 four thousand when Abel bears out of Rage spatula befall Dodge okay two for the maintain four thousand one able all the Hudson AC 57:16 track 1632 speed circus tears calculated before letting a text it is sending to three thousand feet remember fish have no counter question - cow Loney I'm sorry tonic before tikal 18.7 avec 18 7 episode 45 contact near sports event 6:45 the three Quebec off LaGuardia Tower men departure frequency is going to be 1/2 0.813 line avoid traffic went easy to the 2014 my deployed on one three hello Tommy 4 7 l toilets to - I pour 7 Delta Liberty taro wind is 1 out of 0 1 2 from way to - Kerwin that's not to 8 what's up after we keep the speed up we are captured and dialing the instapure shell to church 3700 and we went across the final approach this record 1903 expecto for my once we click stick off when one is II wrote one one clear for takeoff free tobacco shubbu 1262 left and left scrum point seven minute that's the left white chocolate sauce his record 1900 spot on speeds flaps down roach three golf contact news Portugal a switch torch Wiki a while is okay read your speech cue down at the final checklist is completed so wonderful view over the city unfortunately not much time to enjoy that you have to stay on the glide path on the localizer 600 feet to minimums check three grades two are determined 100 tomans but so many bombs landing compass 58-51 Liguori time n departure frequency 1 to 0.8 runaway 1-3 line of always 1/3 line of point 1 to 0.8 58-51 for 7wx left on ground point that minute excellent points ever thought to be right down for a fourth of and open yeah right to the general aviation Airport Celotex their craft a stop claps identified up so it's m79 final the next live about ten o'clock
Channel: Guido Warnecke
Views: 461,882
Rating: 4.8872666 out of 5
Keywords: LaGuardia Airport (Airport), B100, KLGA, KDXR, IFR, ILS, Garrett, Gopro
Id: -_Swq9M4Hwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2013
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